University of Maryland – Eastern Shore Social Psychology Perspective on Beauty and Aggression Paper Humanities Assignment Help

University of Maryland – Eastern Shore Social Psychology Perspective on Beauty and Aggression Paper Humanities Assignment Help. University of Maryland – Eastern Shore Social Psychology Perspective on Beauty and Aggression Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Choose any 2 of the following three questions. For each, answer the questions completely and accurately IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Each answer should be written in paragraph formatting and using proper grammar, spelling, word choice, etc. Each answer should be approximately 3 paragraphs long.

Ch. 9: According to the research described in your text, what are the benefits and costs of beauty? What, in your opinion and based upon your experience, are the benefits and costs of attractiveness? Is there consistency or inconsistency between these two sets of evidence? Explain.

Ch. 10: Name and explain any 3 characteristics that, according to research, increase the likelihood that a person will be (as opposed to will not be) helped. This was discussed in our text under the subheading of “Whom do we help?” Do you agree that these are the most important characteristics that increase the probability that a person will be helped? Give examples to support your answer.

Ch. 11: Based upon your reading in chapter 11, does most of the research on aggression conclude that aggression is (a) innate or (b) learned? Based upon your experience and observations in your own life, do you agree with this conclusion? Give examples to support your point of view.

University of Maryland – Eastern Shore Social Psychology Perspective on Beauty and Aggression Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HRM 476 Grantham University National Labor Laws Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

There are three major national labor laws. Compare and contrast each one, in order to identify the major factors associated to each law. Are these laws necessary? Please explain.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 700 – 1,000 words using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.


DDHA 8600 Walden University How the Standards of Care Are Developed Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Healthcare policies and laws at the national level mandate how health services should be administered or delivered, however, each health services organization is subject to state, local, and corporate interests or needs that inform how health services are delivered for their patient population. As a current or future healthcare administration leader, your understanding of standards will drive many decisions and impact the strategic direction of your organization.

For this Assignment, research the standard of care that is determined for your state or country. Reflect on how this determination is made and consider whether setting the standard care in this method improves health outcomes for health services organizations. Think about how the development of a standard of care might contribute to the development of protocols, clinical practice guidelines, or policies and procedures in health services organizations.

In (3-4 pages)

  • Analyze and describe how the standard of care is determined in your state or country.
  • Explain how these standards contribute to efforts aimed at improving health outcomes in your organization through the development of protocols, clinical practice guidelines, policies and procedures.
  • Be sure to include support from the literature.


BUS 508 Strayer University Week 3 Product Development and Operations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 508 Explore Activity Discussion Week 3 Product Development and Operations

Hot Topic

PART 1: Find a recent article or video describing a new product in development. Post a link to the article or video in the discussion thread and describe the following:

  1. What need is the new product trying to fill? Do you think it will meet that need?
  2. What type of innovation does the new product represent?
  3. What kind of process do you think will be used to make the product? Would it be possible to produce a lot of the product in a short amount of time?

PART 2: Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.


CS 152 Park University Unit 6 Health No Head Standalone Python Code Project Programming Assignment Help


This assignment lets you practice with reading from a file and manipulating lists.


This assignment must be done in a standalone Python environment, not the textbook. See the Textbooks and Materials page for instructions on installing the compiler on your local computer or using Park’s virtual desktop.

  1. Download the following all to the same folder:
    1. The program
    2. The data files health-no-head-sample.csv and health-no-head.csv
      The big data file contains records of some infectious diseases from 1928 to 2011. The small one only includes data from 3 years from 5 states. Run the python program. It should print something like this

      ['MEASLES', '206.98', 'COLORADO', '2099', '1014000', '1928n']

      ['MEASLES', '634.95', 'CONNECTICUT', '10014', '1577000', '1928n']

      ['MEASLES', '256.02', 'DELAWARE', '597', '233000', '1928n']
  2. Make sure that you get output like this before starting the assignment or writing any additional code.


Modify the program in the following ways:

  1. Write each line as part of a table, include a header before the table, and a summary line at the end. Use a fixed width for each column (don’t try to find the largest width like you did in the previous unit). You should end up with something like
    State Disease Number Year

    COLORADO MEASLES 2,099 1928

    Total 52,307

    Not every field of the original line is used in the output. You will have to do some research about the .format() function to print the number of cases with a comma. If you can’t get the comma in the number column, move on and come back to that once you have more of the program written. The key is to have all the columns line up.

  2. Use some if statements to add three filters to your program that let the user select exactly one state, disease and year to include in the report. Prompt the user to enter these values.
    Enter state: Colorado
    Enter disease: smallpox
    Enter year: 1928
    State Disease Number Year

    Total 340

    Unfortunately, this isn’t very flexible.

  3. Change your program so that if the user just hits return for a prompt, the program includes all the data for that field. For example:
    Enter state (Empty means all): Colorado
    Enter disease (Empty means all):
    Enter year (Empty means all): 1928
    State Disease Number Year

    COLORADO MEASLES 2,099 1928
    COLORADO POLIO 71 1928
    Total 2,510

    Your program should run as expected using this small data set

  4. Change the open statement in the program to use the full data set, health-no-head.csv.
  5. Write down the answers to the following queries:
    1. How many cases of Hepatitis A were reported in Utah in 2001?
    2. How many cases of polio have been reported in California?
    3. How many cases of all diseases were reported in 1956?
  6. Add another feature to your program.
    This could be something like printing the highest and lowest numbers for each query, or allowing the user to just type the first part of value, so that entering 20 for the year generates a table for years 2000, 2001, 2002, … 2011, or entering D for a state gives information on Delaware and the District of Columbia. Or maybe leverage your previous assignment and make the column only as wide as they need to be for the data. Try to make it something useful.
  7. Comment your code.
    Be sure to add a header comment to your program and any functions, and appropriate comments before other blocks of code.


  1. Submit the file with .py extension.
  2. Write a reflection in the comment box answering the following questions:
    1. Show the answers from Step 5.
    2. Describe your added feature from Step 6. Show the code that accomplishes this.
    3. In a sentence or two, what did you learn?
    4. In a sentence or two, what did you like about this project?
    5. In a sentence or two, what did you find confusing or would like to see done differently regarding this project?
    6. In a sentence or two, if you had another hour or two, what would you like to add to the project or how would you do things differently?


Unit 6: Assignment 2 Rubric

Unit 6: Assignment 2 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommenting

3.0 pts

Full Credit

All required comments are present

2.0 pts

Partial Credit

Most, but not all comments are present

0.0 pts

No Credit

Few or no additional comments

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrints table header and summary

4.0 pts

Full Credit

Prints table header and summary in neat columns

2.0 pts

Partial Credit

Prints header or summary neatly

0.0 pts

No Credit

Omits header and summary data

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrints data in neat columns, with comma formatting for number column

4.0 pts

Full Credit

Prints data in neat columns, with comma formatting for number column

2.0 pts

Partial Credit

Prints data in neat columns, but without comma formatting

0.0 pts

No Credit

Does not print data in neat columns

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInput filters

3.0 pts

Full Credit

Prompts for state, disease and year and uses as a filter

1.0 pts

Partial Credit

Prompts for state, disease or year and uses as a filter

0.0 pts

No Credit

Doesn’t prompt or filter

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEmpty input filter

3.0 pts

Full Credit

Allows empty input to be a wildcard match.

0.0 pts

No Credit

Wildcard match doesn’t work

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNew functionality

3.0 pts

Full Credit

Adds relevant new feature to program

1.0 pts

Partial Credit

Adds trivial new feature to program

0.0 pts

No Credit

No new feature

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection questions

5.0 pts

Full Credit

Answers all reflection questions

3.0 pts

Partial Credit

Answers 2-5 reflection questions

0.0 pts

No Credit

Answers less than two reflection questions

5.0 pts

Total Points: 25.0



The University of West Florida Alan Gewirth Utilitarianism Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I give students the opportunity to choose and write on a topic that is of interest to them. However, a chosen topic has also to relate to the course content. If you haven’t already decided on your topic, I suggest you look at the syllabus or topics in the textbook for a subject you would want to explore much more in-depth. Here are examples of topics you can pick for the paper:

  • Utilitarianism
  • Moral Values
  • Deontological (or duty) Ethics
  • Moral Objectivism
  • Evolutionary Ethics
  • Moral Realism
  • Religion and Ethics

You could also choose to compare and contrast two or three philosophers in the textbook on a particular ethical subject. Alternatively, a thorough research on one moral philosopher in the textbook would be a satisfactory research topic. As you choose your topic, think also of how you will relate it to contemporary moral issues. Real life examples are good tools in explaining and analyzing ethical principles.

If you have doubts on your research paper topic, let us discuss your options through email.

W. Maina


The University of West Florida Alan Gewirth Utilitarianism Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Idaho Myth Ritual & Mysticism Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Question 1: How does the nature of the gods, how they are conceived of in a particular society, influence the nature of the rituals that are conducted?

Question 2: How do we know when someone is dead? What do you think of brain death as the criteria? Would you personally be willing to be an organ donor? Why or why not?

Question 3: Why do you think a belief in a soul is universal?

Question 4: What are mainstream American funerals like today? How much emotional expression is allowed at the funeral? How long are you supposed to grieve afterwards?

Question 5: How do Hollywood depictions of ghosts, vampires and zombies differ from the descriptions of these entities as they appear in actual cultural systems? Why do you think stories and movies about vampires and zombies are so popular?

Question 6: What customs are associated with the current festival of Halloween? Are there any religious elements in the modern holiday?

Question 7: Why do you think cremation is becoming a more popular option in the United States?


Harold Washington College the Milky Way and The Sun Response Science Assignment Help

Respond to the following prompt. Must be 350 words. please cite all work.

Often in science it is helpful to talk about a representative example of the objects or phenomena being studied. However, you must always keep in mind that the average case is not always representative. For example, our Sun is often described as an “average” star in the Milky Way. In what sense is this statement true? In what sense is this statement seriously misleading? Do you think it is useful to characterize the stars in the Milky Way by simply citing our “average” Sun?


Northeastern Illinois University Commedia del Arte Discussion Questions Humanities Assignment Help

1. Please watch this video and share your thoughts! The Cirque is one of my theatre obsessions. it pulls from the history of Commedia del Arte, which also ties in the art of clowning, acrobating, performance art, dancing, singing. It is often sung in multi languages and sometimes gibberish to give a sense of universality. The cirque employs performers from every country in the world. I hope you enjoy their wild and wondrous ways of bringing people together to celebrate our global diversity.

2. Read this letter.

In such a timely way, we are quoted this beautiful lasting wisdom from Brecht. If we think of Anna Deavor Smith’s, Notes From the Field, she seems to do both: precisely imitating the people she interviewed and featured in her final production, but with an intention to also shape the overall narrative and conversation around f race and racism in America. Our country is deeply wounded and hopefully, deeply healing right now. We are confronting the Shadow, the unconscious biases, the complacency with a system that doesn’t work for all people equally. and the people are calling for change. Theatre is ground zero for these discussions. Take a look at this short documentary about the Theatre of the Absurd and the work of Augusto Boal. Here the focus is on bringing awareness to the conversation around LdGBTQ+ rights.

For this week, discuss what your hammer to reality is and how you wish to shape it.

3. Please watch this thoughtful interview with one of the finest actresses of all time, Meryl Streep.

What is particularly interesting is the conversation around music in acting. Discuss your relationship to music in your life.


CCN Chapter 6 Role of Media in Influencing the Government Powerpoint Health Medical Assignment Help

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Extra resources:

You are attending an international journalist event and have been chosen to give a presentation of the roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens. Identify and describe the possible roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens using specific descriptive examples. Please create a PowerPoint presentation to assist you in your presentation.

As you complete your presentation, be sure to:

  • Use speaker’s notes to expand upon the bullet point main ideas on your slides, making references to research and theory with citation.
  • Proof your work
  • Use visuals (pictures, video, narration, graphs, etc.) to compliment the text in your presentation and to reinforce your content.
  • Do not just write a paper and copy chunks of it into each slide. Treat this as if you were going to give this presentation live.

Presentation Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 8-10 substantive slides (excluding cover and references slides)  
  • Font should not be smaller than size 16-point  
  • Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style  
  • References slide (a minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome) 
  • Title and introduction slide required


University of Maryland – Eastern Shore Social Psychology Perspective on Beauty and Aggression Paper Humanities Assignment Help

University of Maryland – Eastern Shore Social Psychology Perspective on Beauty and Aggression Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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