University of Maryland Global Week 4 Group Policy Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help

University of Maryland Global Week 4 Group Policy Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help. University of Maryland Global Week 4 Group Policy Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help.

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A minimum of 200 words is required for each discussion question, and they must be your own words. Including figures and quotes is value-added, but they will not count toward your 200 word requirement. Be sure to examine the discussion grading rubric.

Discussion Question 1:

Describe Group Policy object and why an organization would choose to deploy Group Policy. Explain some of the settings within Group Policy that organizations might choose to keep their desktops and servers secure.

Discussion Question 2:

You are an administrator for a large organization with a group of web developers that works on UNIX machines. You need to come with a solution that enables the web developers to save their files on the Windows system so that those files can be backed up with all of your other data. Because the web servers are critical to the company, you must ensure that the data is available and backed up regularly. Describe your proposed solution.

University of Maryland Global Week 4 Group Policy Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Maryland WK5 WSUS and Windows Defender Role Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

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A minimum of 200 words is required for each discussion question, and they must be your own words. Including figures and quotes is value-added, but they will not count toward your 200 word requirement. Be sure to examine the discussion grading rubric.

Discussion Question 1:

Describe a role that WSUS and Windows Defender play in securing a Windows Network Infrastructure. What should the policy be to keep the nodes on your network updated with the latest security updates?

Discussion Question 2:

Describe in detail some of the aspects of DHCP related to Windows Server 2016 including leases, scopes, and commands, etc. Explain how DHCP is installed and configured on Windows Server 2016.


Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Deloitte Report Critical Analysis Paper Programming Assignment Help

I need a 500-word report which summarizes parts of the Deloitte article, as well as providing a critique of the recommendations, visualizations and statistics used.

Part A: Analyse the findings on page 4-7 of the report and summaries the content in own words in dot points (100 words)

Part B: Take Westfield as selected company and describe in your own words the case for digital (business problem), learnings & future plans of that company (100 words)

Part C: Read the summary of how organisations can prepare for action, i.e. recommendations on pages 26-27. Provide a critique of this section, i.e. how useful/accurate do you think these recommendations and insights are? Could companies act on this advice?(100 words)

Part D: Analyse ways in which the visualisations and summary statistics in the tables could be improved (200 words)

i dont bother if you can or cannot provide references. But i will be expecting some statistics cahrts if possible


BOS 3640 Columbia Southern Interactions of Hazardous Materials Questions & PPT Science Assignment Help

Question 1

When certain hazardous chemicals are stored or mixed together, violent reactions can occur. Section 7 of the new GHS Safety Data Sheet includes a section describing any chemical incompatibilities. Reflect on the importance of this section and a general understanding of chemical incompatibility in the workplace. What tool do you currently use and intend to use to evaluate chemical reactivity and incompatibility in your workplace?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Question 2

For this assignment, you will compose an essay about the concept of chemical incompatibility including practical information involving two common chemical products.

  • Choose bleach (a base) and another household chemical product that is an acid and review the product labels. You can access product labels and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information on the Internet.
  • Record each product’s chemical formulation.
  • Review Section 7 of the product SDS and summarize that information as it relates to the chemical incompatibility and storage of the bleach and the other product that you chose.
  • Next, you will use the U.S. EPA Chemical Mixing Compatibility Chart and comment on any chemical incompatibilities associated with the product/chemical(s) that you selected. Include such information as the chemical reactions that could occur if the two products somehow became mixed with one another during an emergency response incident. Also, identify how the chemical properties, uses, and other unique hazards of these two products can affect the tasks and safety of first responders (environmental health and safety/fire service professionals) to an emergency response incident. The chart can be found by clicking here and scrolling down to page 18. There, you will find a description of the chart and the chart itself on pp. 20-21. You are not required to read the rest of the document.
  • Summarize and compare the usefulness of the SDS information and the compatibility chart. Were the two references in agreement, or did you find that the information was contradictory? Include a discussion on how you intend to use chemical incompatibility information to keep your workplace or home safe.

Your response must be at least one page in length. You are required to cite the SDS and the U.S. EPA Chemical Mixing Compatibility Chart in your response. All other sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying citations in APA format. You must cite at least three sources in your response.

Question 3

Recall and reflect on a hazmat incident that has occurred in your lifetime. Describe that incident and detail the tools or resources that you would use as a first responder to evaluate the chemicals that were involved in the incident.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Question 4

For this assignment, you have been tasked with presenting information to your company’s board regarding a hazardous materials incident involving the transport of toxic substances that falls under the hazard classifications that we have studied so far (water/air reactive, corrosive, or toxic) identified on the following Web page(s):

Your presentation must include the following information:

  • summary of the incident;
  • identification of the information (hazard class, description, labels, markings, and placards) that the DOT requires when transporting toxic substances and information about workplace exposure concentrations of the substance involved in the incident;
  • description of the elements of the emergency response to the incident including a discussion on its environmental and human health impacts (be sure to address how the toxic substance’s chemical properties, uses, and ill effects may affect the tasks and safety of an EHS and FS professional working the incident);
  • Discussion of your opinion on the response to the incident

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of at least 5 slides (not including your title slide and reference slide) containing the information described above. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. You must include at least two sources. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying citations in APA format.


BOS 3125 Columbia Southern University Hazardous Material management Questions Science Assignment Help

Question 1

A research lab uses acetone (CAS registry # 67-64-1) as a solvent for cleaning glassware. The spent solvent is consolidated into containers for disposal. Use a decision chart to determine if this disposal is subject to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle C regulations. Explain how you reached your decision. You may assume that acetone has not been delisted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Question 2

The Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) category has been renamed to Very Small Quantity Generator, (VSQG). Explain the major differences between a VSQG and a Small Quantity Generator. What are some of the possible problems when classifying your organization as a VSQG?

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Question 3

Explain the relationships between the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Why do you think there are so many different laws governing hazardous materials and hazardous waste?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.



University of Maryland Global Week 6 DNS Records Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

Must post first.

Discussion Question 1:

Describe how to deploy a website and make it as secure as possible while reducing its resources used.

Discussion Question 2:

You are the administrator for the site. Recently, the server hosting the corporate websites had a failure that caused the server to go down for a short period of time while the server was being fixed. In the future, you need to take steps to avoid any hardware failure that would cause the websites to go down. Describe your recommended course of action. Would clustering be an option here? Why or why not?

University of Maryland Global Week 6 DNS Records Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Columbia Southern University Cyberattack on JPMorgan Chase Case Study Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Go to Chapter 1 of your textbook, and read the JP Morgan Case Study on page 18. Once you are finished reading it, use the CSU library’s resources to find a different case study where a business or industry was subject to a cyber attack. Ensure that you search for scholarly articles. Then, write a three-page paper using APA style with at least two references. Be sure to include a title page and reference page. These do not count in total page count.

Your paper must accomplish the items below:

Explain cybersecurity, and relate it to the case study you found.
Explain cyberterrorism, and relate it to the case study you found.
Explain cybercrime, and relate it to the case study you found.
Analyze the overall result and impact that the attack had on customers or stakeholders. If the case study does not specify this, then offer your own analyses on how you assume the customers or stakeholders were affected by the attack.

Interpret how the business or industry recovered from the attack. If this is not specified, elaborate on how you believe the business or industry would recover from the attack.
Explain the long-term consequences that the business or industry suffered. If this is not specified, speculate on what you believe the long-term consequences would be.


PSYC2301 Coastal Bend College Scientific Method Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Please make sure you save your work on a MS Word document and upload all parts together. No late submissions will be accepted!

1st Step: List and explain the Steps of the Scientific Method, then define the (10) scientific terms with an example (refer to attachment)

2nd Step: Develop an Experimental Research Study using the scientific principles listed in step 1. Use any topic of interest (e.g., extracurricular activity, hobby or career interest). Make it simple! (Refer to Scientific Method attachments and the PPT slide 16-23 only).

3rd Step: Describe the Descriptive Research Study on the Milgram Experiment in a 1 page essay format: (Refer to link below)

4th Step: Complete the Extra Credit (Refer to attachment)


DSS400 Research Paper on Life (2017) Movie Humanities Assignment Help

DSS 400 Research Paper The Film Life(2017) And I attached the annotated bibliography

  • Write a 12 page (plus References page) research paper.
  • Submit a formal outline.
  • This is a critical analysis of one of the films from the list. Do NOT include a summary of the film.
  • Introduction includes a specific thesis statement, title in italics of film, director, and release year.
  • Body includes examples from film.
  • Include quotes from the film as evidence.
  • Conclusion includes restated thesis, summary, ending, impact, and reflection.
  • You must include at least 10-12 researched sources. You must then incorporate this material into the paper and cite the sources correctly in the paper.
  • The sources should then be listed correctly using the APA or MLA format as a References/Works Cited page.
  • Two of the sources must be from the college library database.
  • No first person “I” point of view.
  • Decide on a specific thesis (approved by Professor) and persuade the reader. You MUST also write about two techniques of the film.
  • Think about:
    • How are the aliens represented? How do the humans react?
    • Key terms and ideas in class.
    • What is the film’s message? Any underlying theme?
    • How does it affect society?


Baylor University Ethical Dilemma Appropriate Use of Force Analysis Essay Law Assignment Help

Select the following ethical dilemma topics for your analysis:

  • Appropriate use of force

Create a hypothetical situation that exhibits the ethical dilemma topic that you chose, and choose a pro or con position for that hypothetical situation.

Write a 275- to 350-word analysis of the ethical dilemma situation to include the following:

  • Differentiate between the individual’s ethical and professional responsibilities.
  • PRO: Analyze the reasons the situation occurred.
  • CON: Share an alternative approach that might be more appropriate.
  • Determine the ethical management practices most appropriate for the situation.

include a title page, proper grammar, in text citations, page headers and numbers, reference page


4th Step: Complete the Extra Credit (Refer to attachment)


DSS400 Research Paper on Life (2017) Movie Humanities Assignment Help

DSS 400 Research Paper The Film Life(2017) And I attached the annotated bibliography

  • Write a 12 page (plus References page) research paper.
  • Submit a formal outline.
  • This is a critical analysis of one of the films from the list. Do NOT include a summary of the film.
  • Introduction includes a specific thesis statement, title in italics of film, director, and release year.
  • Body includes examples from film.
  • Include quotes from the film as evidence.
  • Conclusion includes restated thesis, summary, ending, impact, and reflection.
  • You must include at least 10-12 researched sources. You must then incorporate this material into the paper and cite the sources correctly in the paper.
  • The sources should then be listed correctly using the APA or MLA format as a References/Works Cited page.
  • Two of the sources must be from the college library database.
  • No first person “I” point of view.
  • Decide on a specific thesis (approved by Professor) and persuade the reader. You MUST also write about two techniques of the film.
  • Think about:
    • How are the aliens represented? How do the humans react?
    • Key terms and ideas in class.
    • What is the film’s message? Any underlying theme?
    • How does it affect society?


Baylor University Ethical Dilemma Appropriate Use of Force Analysis Essay Law Assignment Help

Select the following ethical dilemma topics for your analysis:

  • Appropriate use of force

Create a hypothetical situation that exhibits the ethical dilemma topic that you chose, and choose a pro or con position for that hypothetical situation.

Write a 275- to 350-word analysis of the ethical dilemma situation to include the following:

  • Differentiate between the individual’s ethical and professional responsibilities.
  • PRO: Analyze the reasons the situation occurred.
  • CON: Share an alternative approach that might be more appropriate.
  • Determine the ethical management practices most appropriate for the situation.

include a title page, proper grammar, in text citations, page headers and numbers, reference page


4th Step: Complete the Extra Credit (Refer to attachment)


DSS400 Research Paper on Life (2017) Movie Humanities Assignment Help

DSS 400 Research Paper The Film Life(2017) And I attached the annotated bibliography

  • Write a 12 page (plus References page) research paper.
  • Submit a formal outline.
  • This is a critical analysis of one of the films from the list. Do NOT include a summary of the film.
  • Introduction includes a specific thesis statement, title in italics of film, director, and release year.
  • Body includes examples from film.
  • Include quotes from the film as evidence.
  • Conclusion includes restated thesis, summary, ending, impact, and reflection.
  • You must include at least 10-12 researched sources. You must then incorporate this material into the paper and cite the sources correctly in the paper.
  • The sources should then be listed correctly using the APA or MLA format as a References/Works Cited page.
  • Two of the sources must be from the college library database.
  • No first person “I” point of view.
  • Decide on a specific thesis (approved by Professor) and persuade the reader. You MUST also write about two techniques of the film.
  • Think about:
    • How are the aliens represented? How do the humans react?
    • Key terms and ideas in class.
    • What is the film’s message? Any underlying theme?
    • How does it affect society?


Baylor University Ethical Dilemma Appropriate Use of Force Analysis Essay Law Assignment Help

Select the following ethical dilemma topics for your analysis:

  • Appropriate use of force

Create a hypothetical situation that exhibits the ethical dilemma topic that you chose, and choose a pro or con position for that hypothetical situation.

Write a 275- to 350-word analysis of the ethical dilemma situation to include the following:

  • Differentiate between the individual’s ethical and professional responsibilities.
  • PRO: Analyze the reasons the situation occurred.
  • CON: Share an alternative approach that might be more appropriate.
  • Determine the ethical management practices most appropriate for the situation.

include a title page, proper grammar, in text citations, page headers and numbers, reference page


4th Step: Complete the Extra Credit (Refer to attachment)


DSS400 Research Paper on Life (2017) Movie Humanities Assignment Help

DSS 400 Research Paper The Film Life(2017) And I attached the annotated bibliography

  • Write a 12 page (plus References page) research paper.
  • Submit a formal outline.
  • This is a critical analysis of one of the films from the list. Do NOT include a summary of the film.
  • Introduction includes a specific thesis statement, title in italics of film, director, and release year.
  • Body includes examples from film.
  • Include quotes from the film as evidence.
  • Conclusion includes restated thesis, summary, ending, impact, and reflection.
  • You must include at least 10-12 researched sources. You must then incorporate this material into the paper and cite the sources correctly in the paper.
  • The sources should then be listed correctly using the APA or MLA format as a References/Works Cited page.
  • Two of the sources must be from the college library database.
  • No first person “I” point of view.
  • Decide on a specific thesis (approved by Professor) and persuade the reader. You MUST also write about two techniques of the film.
  • Think about:
    • How are the aliens represented? How do the humans react?
    • Key terms and ideas in class.
    • What is the film’s message? Any underlying theme?
    • How does it affect society?


Baylor University Ethical Dilemma Appropriate Use of Force Analysis Essay Law Assignment Help

Select the following ethical dilemma topics for your analysis:

  • Appropriate use of force

Create a hypothetical situation that exhibits the ethical dilemma topic that you chose, and choose a pro or con position for that hypothetical situation.

Write a 275- to 350-word analysis of the ethical dilemma situation to include the following:

  • Differentiate between the individual’s ethical and professional responsibilities.
  • PRO: Analyze the reasons the situation occurred.
  • CON: Share an alternative approach that might be more appropriate.
  • Determine the ethical management practices most appropriate for the situation.

include a title page, proper grammar, in text citations, page headers and numbers, reference page


University of Maryland Global Week 4 Group Policy Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help

University of Maryland Global Week 4 Group Policy Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help

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