University of Maryland University College Income Statement Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help

University of Maryland University College Income Statement Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help. University of Maryland University College Income Statement Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Your team has been hired to provide financial analysis for a start-up company, Bobble in Style, which produces customized bobble heads. The bobble heads are made out of less rigid materials and are more true to life than those of competitors. The company inventors, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, are going to pitch their idea to Shark Tank in a few months, but first they need to have a better understanding of the business financials. The Lee’s are already creating and selling their product from their home-based office and work area. They know what costs are involved with making the bobble heads on a small scale, but they don’t have an understanding of financial figures beyond basic costs. They need you to make sense of various financial figures for them. 

  1. Financial Statements: Develop an Income Statement for 20XX, Cash Flow Statement for 20XX, and Balance Sheet as of the end of 20XX based on the data provided below for year 20XX. All sales are collected when the sale is made and all expenses are paid when the expense is incurred. Explain the purpose of each financial statement.

    1. Income Statement Data for 20XX:

    • Units produced and sold = 420
    • Sales ($80 per unit selling price) = $33600
    • Cost of goods sold ($30 per unit, all variable costs) = $12600
    • Labor = $0 (Mr. and Mr. Lee were the only ones working and did not pay themselves)
    • Advertising fees =$2000
    • Bank fees = $150
    • Phone/internet = $1200
    • Shipping ($3 per unit) = $1260
    • Utilities = $900
    • Office supplies = $800
    • Interest expense on note payable = $350
    • Depreciation expense (straight line) = $800
    • Income tax rate = 26 %

  2. Other Financial Data for 20XX:

    • Proceeds from sale of equipment = $3000. The equipment originally cost $1000 and had accumulated depreciation of $200.
    • Purchase of equipment = $1600 (The machine is purchased on the last day of 20XX so no depreciation expense is recorded.)
    • Repayment of note payable = $5000
    • Consider any data relevant from the income statement.

  3. Balance Sheet Data for Beginning of 20XX:

    • Cash and cash equivalents = $10000
    • Accounts receivable = $0 (Cash is received at time of sale)
    • Raw materials inventory = $10500
    • Equipment = $5000 (This includes the $1000 cost of the equipment sold in 20XX).
    • Accumulated depreciation = $1,000 (This includes the accumulated depreciation of 200 for the equipment sold in 20XX.
    • Accounts payable = $0 (Cash is paid at the time of purchase.)
    • Note payable = $5000 (This is the note payable which is repaid in 20XX)
    • Common stock = $15000
    • Retained earnings = $4500

  4. Financial Ratios: Calculate the following financial ratios and explain the meaning of the results.

    1. Net Profit Margin
    2. Quick Ratio
    3. Debt-to-Equity Ratio

  5. Cost Classification: The Lee’s have provided you with the following costs and relevant information that are assumed for year 20XY. 

A. Classify each of the costs (a. through j.) below under C. as a variable cost or a fixed cost. 

B. Explain the importance of distinguishing between variable and fixed costs. 

C. Prepare a budgeted income statement, assuming 600 units to be produced and sold, a per unit selling price of $85, an income tax rate of 28% and the following information. 

  1. Cost of goods sold of $35 per unit
  2. Labor = $400/month

    • One part-time employee will be hired to take care of packaging and shipping. This employee will be paid $10 per hour. He or she is estimated to work 40 hours total per month.

  3. Advertising fees = $3,000
  4. Bank fees = $200
  5. Phone/internet = $150 per month
  6. Shipping = $3 per unit
  7. Utilities = $100 per month
  8. Office Supplies = $900
  9. Conference Exhibitor Fee = $3000
  10. Travel Expenses for Conference (e.g. airfare, meals, taxi) = $1200

University of Maryland University College Income Statement Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UNC Chapel Hill Communication Plays a Huge Role in Conflict Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

(social construction, CMM, perception, conflict management, nonverbal communication, or listening).

Application papers are designed to assess your understanding of a theory covered in class and your ability to apply the theory to your lived experiences. In other words, you will apply a theory you learned in class to your own experiences/observations. Ask yourself, how do you see theories operating in the real world? How can a specific theory help you make sense of an interaction, interpret the actions of others, and/or illuminate a social, interpersonal or organizational situation?

Instructions: Choose a theory and choose an observation or experience (just one observation or experience, to allow you to analyze it in sufficient depth). Then apply the theory to the chosen experience by explaining how the theory can help us understand the experience.

Grading Rubric: The paper will be graded holistically, using the following criteria:


____ 4-5 pages, Times New Roman, 12-pt. font, double spaced, 1-inch margins

____ Careful editing to avoid errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and citation

____ Voice of paper sounds cohesive


____ Paper uses specific quotes from and references to the reading(s) (source citations). No need to incorporate outside sources beyond class reading(s), but you may do so if you wish.

____ All direct quotes include page #

____ All source citations correctly cited in-text and on reference page, using APA style

Theory and Application

____ Theory clearly explained: (1) overview of theory presented, and (2) explanation of core theoretical concepts

____ Experience or observation is explained well enough that context is clear to reader

____ Theory concepts and terminology accurately applied to experience or observation

____ Theory concepts adequately applied to experience –meaning, theory is used substantially to discuss the experience, rather than just briefly mentioned

____ Theory used to explain or offer some insight into experience or observation

____ Paper demonstrates critical thinking

____ Application appears logical


____ Paper organized in a logical manner, with an intro, body, and conclusion that advance some argument or point

____ Paper has central thesis which is defended with examples and interpretation

____ Introduction captures audience attention

____ Introduction contains clear thesis statement stating central claim made in paper

____ Introduction contains clear preview of what you will discuss in paper

____ Transitions made between ideas

____ Each paragraph contains 1 main idea

____ Conclusion contains clear summary of paper’s argument

____ Conclusion contains culminating statement or overall insight into paper’s analysis


Use of Bandwidth Tax to Scarcity of Resources Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Please answer the following questions:

1. What is the bandwidth tax? Please limit your answer to a few sentences.

2. Please briefly summarize a study described in your reading that demonstrates the effect of scarcity on cognitive capacity and/or executive control. Be clear about the methods and results, as well as how cognitive capacity and/or executive control was measured in the study.

3. How might understanding the psychological effects of scarcity be relevant for marketers? It may be helpful to consider specific consumer groups or consumer situations that are characterized by scarcity.

Additional Instructions:

Do not exceed 1 page (12-point uncondensed Times New Roman font, double-spaced with one inch margins on all sides).


Cuyamaca College Mexican Independence Question and Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Please write 1,000-1,500 words in paragraph format answering the following questions on Mexican independence:

A-Describe three factors that led to Mexican independence.

B-Describe the two phases of Mexican independence.

C-In the end, what three groups benefited the most from Mexican independence and why?

D-Give two examples of how Mexican independence helped set the stage for the Mexican American War/ the U.S. takeover of Northern Mexico.

E-In your (informed) opinion, why is the history of Mexican independence, the history of the takeover of Texas, and the history of the Mexican American war relevant today? (mention one reason for each of the three)


Write the question and then answer it in paragraph format.

Do not plagiarize. Do not cheat. Do not copy and paste from anywhere else. Do not turn in material you have turned in for another class. Do not turn in material that you did not write yourself. If two students turn in identical material neither will receive credit. If you do any of these things you will receive a zero on the midterm and in the class. Please remember that you promised to be ethical.

Your answers will be based on the class lectures, guest speaker, and the textbook. You do NOT need to do any additional research. You do NOT need to cite anything besides the textbook and the guest speaker. You can just say “in the book, …” or “Prof. Guardino…” If it is something I (the professor) said, you do not need to say in your essay that I said it.

You can always write more than 1,500 words, but that doesn’t mean you will get a higher grade.

Please stick to words you know and stick to answering the questions. This is your opportunity to show that you know the material that we covered in class.


BUS 128 Cuymaca Recommendation on Using Whiteboards for Business Meetings Memo Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment #2 – Visit the Steelcase website at: (Links to an external site.)

And read about electronic whiteboards. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in using a whiteboard during a meeting? Would you recommend purchasing this product? Explain why or why not. Draft a memo to your boss outlining your recommendations and a plan for action (tips are listed below).



When preparing a memo, you

May use a lower-grade paper than you use for letters

May be asked to use a special memo form

Include the title “Memo” (or similar) at the top of the page either centered or flush left

At the top of a memo (arranged in almost any order), place introductory information such as





If a memo has wide distribution, type “See distribution list” after “To:” and place recipient names at the bottom of the page (usually in alphabetical order).

The subject line (or lines) should be short but informative.

For the body of the memo:

Start on the fourth line below heading.

Use single-spacing, with double spacing between paragraphs (unless the memo is very short).

Either indent paragraphs or make them flush left.

Head the second page just as you would head the second page of letter.

Although no complimentary close or signature block is required in a memo, the sender may initial the memo beside his or her name or at the bottom of the memo.

Handle reference initials, enclosure notations, and copy notations just as you would in a letter.

Memos may be delivered by hand, interoffice mail, or post office.

MEMO SAMPLE (please try one of these two links):

MEMO Sample .pdf

MEMO Sample (7) (2)-1.pdf



ENG 120 PLNU The American Dream Achieving Success & Owning a House Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english project and need support to help me learn.

I’m working on a English Essay project and need support to help me learn.

I have to write an essay about

American Dream Prompt

This essay is a definition essay revolving around the topic of the American Dream. The first priority is defining what the American dream means. The American dream is a subjective idea, and you will want to narrow down your definition to one specific idea. For example, your definition of this dream might be owning a house, finding a lucrative job, or being debt free. Please avoid topics on gun rights, education, or immigration as these topics are covered in other essays for our class.

This essay will be arranged in the following structure. You will begin with an introduction. The second paragraph will provide your definition of the American dream. The next two body paragraphs must address whether not your definition of the American dream is still possible. Lastly, you will need a conclusion. Essentially, you will need a total of five body paragraphs. I will grade your essay on the key elements of academic writing: a strong thesis (three-point preferred), topic sentences, transitions, etc.

Furthermore, the essay will need to reach at least three pages total. will also need a total of four sources minimum, and each all three body paragraphs should have at least one source. Also, will need to make sure that the paper adheres to MLA and standards and that you provide citations.

Lastly, please avoid first person in this essay.

American Dream Sample Thesis and Second Paragraph

Below I have provided a sample of an American Dream thesis and second paragraph. ; however, you can look at how the thesis structure and how the second paragraph incorporates early and modern history with this paragraph.

It’s very important to show American history in terms of defining the American dream as this will provide evidence that this has been an American dream for a long time. Also, you do not need to write as much information as the second paragraph you see here (it’s over kill); however, you can use it as an example.

The American dream is historically defined as attaining massive amounts of wealth; however, this dream has become more difficult to fulfill with income taxes and vast amounts of credit card debt.

The American dream has historically centered on the idea of attaining as much wealth as possible. Christopher Columbus sailed to American shores dreaming of filling the Nina, the Pinta, and Santa Maria with endless amounts of gold. This dream did not end with Columbus. On our own gold coast of California, forty-niners sacrificed everything they owned to mine million dollar dreams, and most came up short. In fact, “Historically, all of the gold found in the world to this day would only fill up two and a half olympic-sized swimming pools,” (Fontevecchia). Gold, the allusive dream, has left land ruined, people murdered, and miners out of luck. However, the American dream, in the 19th century, changed from plundering land and people, to obtaining immense cash, property, and industry through moral means. This dream was based on the concept of being a good person, working hard, and having luck. Perhaps it was Andrew Carnegie who instilled the “Can-Do” mentality that fed writers like Horatio Alger and Charles Dickens. Carnegie, born a poor orphan, later became one of the wealthiest people in the world with a system built on the merit that hard work pays off, and with this mentality, instead of digging for gold, he built empires of steel. “America was built on the backs of the steel laborer, especially during a time when railroads and trains ran from the Atlantic to the Pacific” (Andrews). Although the quest differed from gold to steel, the fundamental dream remained–gain as much wealth as humanly possible. The dreams fathomed from Carnegie and Melon drifted into the 20th century and remained flowing before and after the Great Depression, where steel railroads were slowly replaced with asphalt highways and Henry Ford’s American automobile. Wealth at this time did not stem from gold or steel–it amounted to stacks of cash. Paper money became a major innovation during this time whereas previously metal coin controlled the business world for centuries. During WWI and WWII, the metal for coin was needed for war machines; in this era the United States even made pennies out of nickel as copper became a scarce commodity (Hughes). In essence, cash became king. However, where our nation went astray from this dream occurred in the 1970s, when Richard Nixon took the dollar off of the gold standard–the green was no longer backed by that historical gold. With this move, we saw the inflation and the depreciation of the American dollar that haunted many administrations from Jimmy Carter, to Reagan, to George W. Bush, and Obama–the dollar no longer had the same value as it did in our father’s time. Furthermore, the American dream wealth, which transcended from gold, to steel, to cash, now became accessible via plastic. “Credit card debt first became a mainstay in America in the 1980s (“Credit History”). While today plastic might discourage us from fulfilling our dreams, we live in a world where immense wealth is less possible even though Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Warren Buffet are concessions to this. Americans, living in the shadows of billionaires, still believe they too can become rich. According to Allen Jones, “60 percent of Americans today believe they will die wealthy.” Many Americans are waking up today thinking about how they can have a higher income, and this dream is alive more than ever. However, what hinders this dream is taxes.

Here is a video that goes over how to write the thesis and 2nd paragraph:

post your American Dream thesis and second paragraph for your essay. In our modules, I’ve provided samples and videos on how to do this.

Your thesis must be one sentence long, and in it you must address what makes this dream possible or not. For example, you might use this template:

The American Dream is defined as ___________, and it is possible due to __________ and ___________.

Remember to narrow down your topics to something finite. Also, must provide two reasons for why this dream is possible or two reasons why it’s more difficult. Please do not say why it is possible and why it is not possible–take a strong stand on this.

Lastly, here is a video that goes over how to write the thesis and second paragraph

Para 1-Introduction-hook, overview, thesis

The American has been defined as _______and it’s (im)possible due to ______and _______.

Para 2-Show history of this specific dream.

Para 3-what makes this dream possible or not

Para 4-what makes this dream possible or not

Para 5-conclusion-restate the thesis-closing statement-why does your essay matter-why do you care and why should the reader care.

Four sources Three pages not including the works cited •

ENG 120 PLNU The American Dream Achieving Success & Owning a House Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 210 SNHU Key Ideologies and Purposes of Punishment Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

First, identify at least three key ideologies or purposes of punishment. Select the ideologies or purposes you would like to explore a bit more and enter one in each open text box in the “Ideology/Purpose” column in the provided Module Two Assignment Template.

Ideology/Purpose – deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation, retribution, and restitution

Then, choose at least three sentencing structures to enter into each open text box in the “Sentencing Structure” column. You may enter them in any order you wish in order to explore the effects of the structure on the ideology or purpose of your choice. For example, you may wish to explore the effects of mandatory minimum sentences on retribution or rehabilitation. Select the three pairs that interest you the most.

Sentencing structures – Determinate and indeterminate, Felonies vs. misdemeanors, Mandatory minimums

Finally, in 100 to 150 words for each of the three effects you will explore, describe how each ideology or purpose and the sentencing structure you selected in that row affects sentencing. What is the impact of each sentencing structure when you are trying to achieve the ideology or purpose you have identified? Consider the following in your response:

  • Does it help achieve the goals of that ideology or purpose? Does it hinder them?
  • Does it create potential new pathways of punishment or, at the very least, new approaches to punishment?
  • What happens to the system when you combine these different ideas?


HCCC Input & Output Devices RAM Hard Drive & Internal Computer Memory Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

The question on the drop files

  • 1-Give five examples of input devices and five examples of output devices?
  • 2-Compare between RAM and Hard Drive in terms of capacity, speed, cost, volatility and portability?
  • 3-Are all types of internal computer memory included in A or B? Explain.
  • 4-Are these two diagrams representing two completely different things? Explain thoroughly
  • 5-Explain what happens in diagram B once a computer user clicks on a link in Facebook?
  • 6-You are an IT consultant for a financial firm. Using most terms in diagram A and B, what specifications would you recommend to purchase a new computer that can process a large number of transactions in the shortest time possible?

Question 2

  • A-Create a brief personal HTML webpage that summarizes your resume for potential job applications using OINLY HTML and CSS code and NOT any code generator. Your personal webpage MUSTcontain font sizes, colors, text positioning and an image.

Answer the following:

  • 1-What is the very first step of creating a website?
  • 2-What is the most important file to start a Website?
  • 3-What do we call the process of uploading your Website online for the world to see it live? (5 points)
  • 4-Create a individually-created working HTML & CSS codeto achieve what is required above? You’re your below.
  • 5-Describe each line of your code you have submitted above in terms of what it does tocreate the desired results?

Question 3:

  • What is the correct term to fill in the space for the each of the following: (8 x 3= 24)
  • Short Answer
  1. [ ] is the official name of each ORDER the CPU understands before it starts processing anything such as when you enter a website name. For instance when you enter www.njit.eduin your browser to go NJIT website.
  1. [ ] is the part of the CPU responsible for addition, subtraction, logical operations and the like.
  1. [ ] is the very low level language that computers understand based on turning transistors on and off.
  1. In Scrum, we break the project into small phases that are time-boxed and we call each one of them [ ].
  1. [ ] is used to graphically visualize the timeline in software projects so we can manage time effectively.
  1. [ ] is a software utility used in Web development to upload your entire website to the server.
  1. [ ] is a software utility that allows us to convert HTML into a cross-platform smart phone App.
  1. [ ] is the fastest type of memory in a computer, but not realized by most people.

1) RAM is short for ________.

2) A network of networks is a good description of the ________.

3) A ________ is a computer that provides services to another computer.

4) The ________ of a search engine visits Web sites in order to index their contents.

5) Every peripheral communicates with the computer through a(n) ________.

6) A(n) ________ starts the computer, manages memory, and controls the peripherals.

7) C, C++ and Java are all examples of a(n) ________ programming language.

8) The ________ Cycle consists of getting the instruction, figuring out what to do, gathering the data needed to do it, doing it, saving the result, and repeating.

Question 4:

You were assigned a project to write an HTML code to create a table to show the values in a tabular form with headings as Student Number, Student name, Course Name along with three raws of data entries such as 122345, John Smith, introduction to computer science.

A- Write the code for the above table.

B- What is a project management strategy suggested in-class that would allow iterative development of the software sprint-by-sprint?

c- What are the five phases of the software development life cycle in our MDDDE approach?

D- Name one time-management tool suggested in class?

E- What are five examples of potential risks in any software project?


HRM 640 AU Restautant Employees Turnover and Motivations Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Benchmarking is a method of comparing human resource data with that of other organizations. Through comparisons, the human resource manager can evaluate competitiveness within the industry. The data can be used to determine areas in which changes should be made. Using your current or past job for comparison, go to the Occupational Outlook Handbook and additional sources to locate and compare the data. Examine factors such as salaries, benefits, and turnover rates. Analyze how your job compares to the industry averages. Compare and contrast the differences between the benchmark and your job. Explain how benchmarking effects HR decision making.

Your responses should be a minimum of 300 words.


COUC 501 Liberty University Informed Consent Document Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Your initial video post will be to the prompt for each forum. The initial video must be minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes long and must contain at least 1 scholarly source. This source must be verbally referred to in the video (you can state you are getting the information from: author and year).You will then comment on your video, once posted, with a written APA reference for the source you cited. For full points the source needs to be outside your Reading & Study materials.

Note: Acceptable scholarly sources include Reading & Study materials or professional journal articles (no websites).

Write down your thoughts to help you create a smooth presentation;

Providing your client with an informed consent document at the first session is mandated by all state counseling boards. To complete this thread, search for “professional counseling informed consent form.” Download and read 1 sample of a counselor’s informed consent form from any of the agencies listed from your search. Compare and contrast the content of the informed consent to:

  1. The recommendations of the ACA Code of Ethics and
  2. Your state board rules/regulations. (Florida)

Also, include your reaction to the informed consent form that you found on the Internet.

[supanova_question] and additional sources to locate and compare the data. Examine factors such as salaries, benefits, and turnover rates. Analyze how your job compares to the industry averages. Compare and contrast the differences between the benchmark and your job. Explain how benchmarking effects HR decision making.

Your responses should be a minimum of 300 words.


COUC 501 Liberty University Informed Consent Document Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Your initial video post will be to the prompt for each forum. The initial video must be minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes long and must contain at least 1 scholarly source. This source must be verbally referred to in the video (you can state you are getting the information from: author and year).You will then comment on your video, once posted, with a written APA reference for the source you cited. For full points the source needs to be outside your Reading & Study materials.

Note: Acceptable scholarly sources include Reading & Study materials or professional journal articles (no websites).

Write down your thoughts to help you create a smooth presentation;

Providing your client with an informed consent document at the first session is mandated by all state counseling boards. To complete this thread, search for “professional counseling informed consent form.” Download and read 1 sample of a counselor’s informed consent form from any of the agencies listed from your search. Compare and contrast the content of the informed consent to:

  1. The recommendations of the ACA Code of Ethics and
  2. Your state board rules/regulations. (Florida)

Also, include your reaction to the informed consent form that you found on the Internet.

[supanova_question] and additional sources to locate and compare the data. Examine factors such as salaries, benefits, and turnover rates. Analyze how your job compares to the industry averages. Compare and contrast the differences between the benchmark and your job. Explain how benchmarking effects HR decision making.

Your responses should be a minimum of 300 words.


COUC 501 Liberty University Informed Consent Document Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Your initial video post will be to the prompt for each forum. The initial video must be minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes long and must contain at least 1 scholarly source. This source must be verbally referred to in the video (you can state you are getting the information from: author and year).You will then comment on your video, once posted, with a written APA reference for the source you cited. For full points the source needs to be outside your Reading & Study materials.

Note: Acceptable scholarly sources include Reading & Study materials or professional journal articles (no websites).

Write down your thoughts to help you create a smooth presentation;

Providing your client with an informed consent document at the first session is mandated by all state counseling boards. To complete this thread, search for “professional counseling informed consent form.” Download and read 1 sample of a counselor’s informed consent form from any of the agencies listed from your search. Compare and contrast the content of the informed consent to:

  1. The recommendations of the ACA Code of Ethics and
  2. Your state board rules/regulations. (Florida)

Also, include your reaction to the informed consent form that you found on the Internet.

[supanova_question] and additional sources to locate and compare the data. Examine factors such as salaries, benefits, and turnover rates. Analyze how your job compares to the industry averages. Compare and contrast the differences between the benchmark and your job. Explain how benchmarking effects HR decision making.

Your responses should be a minimum of 300 words.


COUC 501 Liberty University Informed Consent Document Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Your initial video post will be to the prompt for each forum. The initial video must be minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes long and must contain at least 1 scholarly source. This source must be verbally referred to in the video (you can state you are getting the information from: author and year).You will then comment on your video, once posted, with a written APA reference for the source you cited. For full points the source needs to be outside your Reading & Study materials.

Note: Acceptable scholarly sources include Reading & Study materials or professional journal articles (no websites).

Write down your thoughts to help you create a smooth presentation;

Providing your client with an informed consent document at the first session is mandated by all state counseling boards. To complete this thread, search for “professional counseling informed consent form.” Download and read 1 sample of a counselor’s informed consent form from any of the agencies listed from your search. Compare and contrast the content of the informed consent to:

  1. The recommendations of the ACA Code of Ethics and
  2. Your state board rules/regulations. (Florida)

Also, include your reaction to the informed consent form that you found on the Internet.


University of Maryland University College Income Statement Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help

University of Maryland University College Income Statement Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help

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