University of Nairobi Fat Shaming, Eating Disorders, and Trauma Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help. University of Nairobi Fat Shaming, Eating Disorders, and Trauma Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help.
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I will attach a file for a guide to do this
there are 4 links you should read and one pdf , take one point from each and keep it simple
list all the refrences down the paper and mention it up in the schedule when write about the speciefic point
This is a long and somewhat challenging article, plan to spend a fair amount of time on it. Also, the article discusses fat shaming, eating disorders, and trauma, so be prepared if those are difficult topics for you.
(This podcast has five acts, please listen to them all)
University of Nairobi Fat Shaming, Eating Disorders, and Trauma Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
TUWF Social Work Its Reigning Men Traditional Masculinity Video Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help
View the attached video entitled, “It’s Reigning Men: Gender Roles and How They Hurt You” with Lilia Fromm discussing traditional ideas about masculinity and femininity. Then, write a 5 to 7 sentence paragraph addressing how she illustrated gender and related concepts through her use of personal anecdotes. How do traditional concepts of gender impose stereotypical ideas of masculinity and femininity on men just as much as women? How are these stereotypes perpetuated in our modern 21st Century society? Also, how are these traditional norms and perceptions being challenged and broken down? (10 possible total points with up to 6 points for your initial post and up to 2 points each for responses to the posts of at least two classmates. All Discussion Posts must be professionally worded with proper spelling, syntax and grammar. Likewise, your responses to class peers must be professionally worded, uplifting in nature, and note commonalities or genuine appreciation of differing viewpoints).
CUD Organizational Behavior Google Company Workplace Diversity & Culture Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
This assignment belongs to Organizational Behavior’s subject, the requirements are listed below and I’ll attach the files related to it as a pdf to read the article and a word document as well.
The assignment is about google and there is an article (attached) with highlighted paragraphs to answer the 4 questions related to it.
1. How does this article and supporting materials (Google diversity report) affect your
perception of Google as an employer?
2.How would you describe Googles Workplace diversity Culture?
3.Critically review Googles diversity initiatives to support their diversity goals.
4.Provide 5 recommendations that can support Google’s diversity initiatives
Mama Mia Pizzeria Entity Relation Diagram and Relational Schema Report Computer Science Assignment Help
Deliverable: Draw an Entity-Relationship Diagram using ER-Assistant or equivalent software to capture data requirements for Mama Mia’s Pizzeria. The deliverable is a complete ER model, and a relational schema to document the data model for the following scenario.
The ER diagram must include the necessary entity classes and all attributes specified in the description.
Identifiers for all entity classes must be shown clearly.
Relationships must be named, with cardinalities clearly shown.
Write down your assumption clearly if necessary
Do your best, if you are having troubles, please write that out with the assumptions.
There are multiple right answers for this problem, so please don’t compare with others, as you can all read the definition differently.
PLEASE UPLOAD individually THE ER MODEL (As a JPG,PNG, or PDF) AND THE RELATIONAL SCHEMA (a separate word or text document)
Case Description
Mama Mia’s (MM) pizzeria offers pizzas, breadsticks, and Buffalo chicken wings for carry out customers only. Customers phone in the order and come by to pick up their order. When regular customers call MM over phone, they are asked for their phone number. New customers must provide this information before placing orders.
Once the order is taken, the tax, and order total is computed. The order is then printed and submitted to the kitchen where the order is prepared. A receipt is printed and given to the customer. Payment from the customer should be in check or cash only.
Customers may provide coupons. Coupon information (discount applicable and validity period) must be provided when placing the order and the coupon must be submitted when picking up the order.
MM has a set of suppliers who supply the ingredients for their products (pizza & breadsticks) such as flour for pizza crust, cheese, a variety of toppings, chicken wings, spices, as well as other ingredients for the pizza sauce.
MM would like to design a system that would serve the following purposes:
Facilitate order acceptance and tracking
Facilitate generation of daily, weekly, and monthly sales summaries
Facilitate generation of products sold on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Facilitate tracking promotional sales (the ones with coupons).
To maintain the inventory of ingredients so that they can identify which supplier to call if they need a particular ingredient and to keep track of the amount of each they have on hand and on order.
To know the customer preferences in terms of what the customer usually orders. For example when a customer calls in and gives his/her phone number and says “the usual”, MM knows exactly what to prepare! MM believes that this will save customers a lot of frustration.
University of Phoenix Kiddie Cove Daycare Company Management Team Overview Business Finance Assignment Help
Develop a 350-word management team overview.
Include the following:
Determine the number and expertise of your board of directors or board of managers.
Identify each member of the management team.
Determine what capital compliance documentation you will need.
Describe each person’s skills and experience.
Explain what each will be doing for the company.
Identify if they have experience starting or managing other small businesses.
Detail your management and succession plans.
Indiana Institute Disciplinary Policy for Acts of Non Compliance Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Imagine that you are the Health Information Management Director for XYZ Hospital. In this role you also serve as the Compliance Specialist for the department and are an active member of the Hospital’s Compliance Committee. Upon the recent review of the Compliance Plan, it was determined that there were not solid policies in place to outline the disciplinary process for non-compliance with the hospitals established policies and procedures. There was also an absence of evidence to support due process taking place in these situations. As the person designated to create a disciplinary policy that addressed acts of non-compliance, what elements would be important to include in the disciplinary policy and why? What things must be taken into consideration when drafting this policy to ensure that due process is carried out?
Indiana Institute Disciplinary Policy for Acts of Non Compliance Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
IDST 473 Bethel Craft of Research Provides Helpful Insight Liberal Research Writing Assignment Help
Please provide 100 or more for this discussion
Give here your rolling analysis of Chapter 6, on “Engaging Sources” of The Craft of Research. Researchers sometimes refer to practices described here as “interrogating your sources,” going well beyond a surface reading of sources, and asking critical, analytical questions of them. Some researchers also talk of “putting sources into [metaphorical] ‘conversation’ with each other”–of testing sources against each other. In this chapter, are some of the ways of “reading” sources that the authors recommend? How might you apply these principles and practices in your own research in this course, or how–perhaps, even without realizing it–have you done so already?
SCU Economic Review of UK Hotel Industry & Price Fixing Inquiry Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a Business report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Hotels are accused of secretly ordering travel agents not to offer discounted rooms, according to leaked documents. Those cutting the price of hotels beneath the secretly fixed prices are banned from selling rooms in future. The scandal has allegedly stopped some agents reducing the price of hotel rooms by up to 25 per cent. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) started an investigation into cartel pricefixing by hotels and travel agents which could be inflating the cost of family holidays by hundreds of pounds. If they are found to have fixed prices, the hotel chains could be fined up to ten per cent of their turnover, which could run into tens of millions of pounds each. The disclosure follows similar scandals that have embroiled the airline industry which has recently paid multi-million pound fines after admitting price fixing. Hotels and online travel agents – which now account for the majority of sales – are suspected of secretly agreeing a system called “rate parity”. This means rooms are sold for identical prices by different agents and the hotels. The system is allegedly policed by travel agents and the hotels themselves, who report any competitors selling rooms at below the “parity” price. The discounters are allegedly then threatened with sanctions. Ordering distributors to sell rooms at a minimum price could be a breach of legislation under European Union and UK competition law. “Price-fixing covers any agreement or conduct where competitors settle on fixed prices or minimum prices. They don’t need to do this explicitly or directly,” said Jason Logendra, a competition law expert at the international law firm Watson, Farley and Williams. The recession following the financial crisis, which began in 2008, impacted on sales as families tried to economise on non-essential expenditures. Slow economic growth following the recession has also impacted on hotels. More recently the UK hotel industry has been affected by the depreciation in the pound sterling against currencies, including the US dollar and the euro, since the UK’s vote to leave the EU on 23 June 2016. The vote to leave the EU at a future date has lead to lower consumer and business confidence which is predicted to lead to lower UK growth over the next few year, or even a recession. Adapted (2017) from an article in The Daily Telegraph, April 2011 4
Questions Answer ALL questions below. (The mark awarded indicates how much work you must do for a specific question). 1. Referring to the article above: a) What is a cartel? (5 marks) b) Using economic theory (a diagram), explain how a cartel sets profit maximising price and output. (15 marks) c) Relating to your answer in part (b): i) What is meant by competition policy and why is it necessary in a market economy? What was the outcome of the Competition and Markets Authority’s investigation into price fixing by hotels? (10 marks) ii) Explain why cartels have a tendency to break down. Suggest one significant characteristic of the demand for hotel rooms that makes this more likely in this case. (15 marks) 2. a) On a chart, show what has happened to the UK pound (sterling) against the US dollar between May 2016 and July 2017. (5 marks) b) Using economic theory (diagrams), explain this change in the sterling exchange rate. (15 marks) c) Use a simple numerical example to explain why a depreciation of the pound is of benefit to the UK hotel industry. (5 marks) 3. a) Explain what is meant by a recession, and using economic theory (diagrams), explain and illustrate how the UK’s vote to leave the EU in 2016 may lead to a UK recession in future. (20 marks) b) Use economic analysis to explain why the hotel industry would be particularly badly affected by a recession, for example in comparison with the food industry. (10 marks)
Santa Clara University High Incarceration Rate in USA Prisons & How to Fix the Problem Paper Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a Law exercise and need an explanation to help me study.
Write 8 Full pages and include the references as well.
topic is “high incarceration rate in USA and how to reform the problem” make sure you use at least 3 different sources on that topic; – in Intro you should give the paper research statement (what is this about, what the problem is, literature, who said what and what they suggest and what you think is the way to reform/deal with the problem). – Second part-text body: where you in depth examine the problem, literature you’ve read, what data is available and what it tells you or how you will explain it. -Conclusion: conclude with a brief statement on what you have examined and found (one-two paragraphs).
– Bibliography: list all sources you used for the paper. At least 3 (three) journal articles MUST BE used for the paper, scolarly articles are waht is best to use
IDST 473 Bethel University Does Society Support Art Liberal Research Writing Assignment Help
How “far” can and will you go in your research to discover relevant facts? Consistent with ethics (including the “golden rule, ” as we have already discussed) my general counsel is that you should think big, “and maybe a little “crazy,” about how to reach sources. In my own experience, for example, doing historical research, I have done such “off the wall” things as calling a surviving member of the team that prosecuted the Nazis at Nuremberg to ask a question, not covered in other sources, about how the prosecutors in that trial used “natural law” theory to indict defendants. I’ve also contacted authors of academic books directly, to question–and sometimes have inadvertently disproven–them about evidence that they have used. Recently as part of a book I’m working on for University of Virginia Press, I traced a putative, surviving lock of George Washington’s hair (really) across the centuries from his own time to a family in Michigan that was astonished (but happy) to be hunted down–and, yes, they still have the hair as an heirloom in their family, they just didn’t know (but were thrilled to find out) all of the historical evidence that links their heirloom to a fascinating backstory from early American history.
What would it look like in your own research if–consistent with ethics–you were to think, way “outside the box” about how to find and weigh evidence? What kinds of “crazy,” long-shot, unconventional (but, again, ethical, and considerate) things might you do to find apropos evidence? Share some of your best ideas here, whether or not you ever act upon them.
CUD Organizational Behavior Google Company Workplace Diversity & Culture Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
This assignment belongs to Organizational Behavior’s subject, the requirements are listed below and I’ll attach the files related to it as a pdf to read the article and a word document as well.
The assignment is about google and there is an article (attached) with highlighted paragraphs to answer the 4 questions related to it.
1. How does this article and supporting materials (Google diversity report) affect your
perception of Google as an employer?
2.How would you describe Googles Workplace diversity Culture?
3.Critically review Googles diversity initiatives to support their diversity goals.
4.Provide 5 recommendations that can support Google’s diversity initiatives
Mama Mia Pizzeria Entity Relation Diagram and Relational Schema Report Computer Science Assignment Help
Deliverable: Draw an Entity-Relationship Diagram using ER-Assistant or equivalent software to capture data requirements for Mama Mia’s Pizzeria. The deliverable is a complete ER model, and a relational schema to document the data model for the following scenario.
The ER diagram must include the necessary entity classes and all attributes specified in the description.
Identifiers for all entity classes must be shown clearly.
Relationships must be named, with cardinalities clearly shown.
Write down your assumption clearly if necessary
Do your best, if you are having troubles, please write that out with the assumptions.
There are multiple right answers for this problem, so please don’t compare with others, as you can all read the definition differently.
PLEASE UPLOAD individually THE ER MODEL (As a JPG,PNG, or PDF) AND THE RELATIONAL SCHEMA (a separate word or text document)
Case Description
Mama Mia’s (MM) pizzeria offers pizzas, breadsticks, and Buffalo chicken wings for carry out customers only. Customers phone in the order and come by to pick up their order. When regular customers call MM over phone, they are asked for their phone number. New customers must provide this information before placing orders.
Once the order is taken, the tax, and order total is computed. The order is then printed and submitted to the kitchen where the order is prepared. A receipt is printed and given to the customer. Payment from the customer should be in check or cash only.
Customers may provide coupons. Coupon information (discount applicable and validity period) must be provided when placing the order and the coupon must be submitted when picking up the order.
MM has a set of suppliers who supply the ingredients for their products (pizza & breadsticks) such as flour for pizza crust, cheese, a variety of toppings, chicken wings, spices, as well as other ingredients for the pizza sauce.
MM would like to design a system that would serve the following purposes:
Facilitate order acceptance and tracking
Facilitate generation of daily, weekly, and monthly sales summaries
Facilitate generation of products sold on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Facilitate tracking promotional sales (the ones with coupons).
To maintain the inventory of ingredients so that they can identify which supplier to call if they need a particular ingredient and to keep track of the amount of each they have on hand and on order.
To know the customer preferences in terms of what the customer usually orders. For example when a customer calls in and gives his/her phone number and says “the usual”, MM knows exactly what to prepare! MM believes that this will save customers a lot of frustration.
University of Phoenix Kiddie Cove Daycare Company Management Team Overview Business Finance Assignment Help
Develop a 350-word management team overview.
Include the following:
Determine the number and expertise of your board of directors or board of managers.
Identify each member of the management team.
Determine what capital compliance documentation you will need.
Describe each person’s skills and experience.
Explain what each will be doing for the company.
Identify if they have experience starting or managing other small businesses.
Detail your management and succession plans.
Indiana Institute Disciplinary Policy for Acts of Non Compliance Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Imagine that you are the Health Information Management Director for XYZ Hospital. In this role you also serve as the Compliance Specialist for the department and are an active member of the Hospital’s Compliance Committee. Upon the recent review of the Compliance Plan, it was determined that there were not solid policies in place to outline the disciplinary process for non-compliance with the hospitals established policies and procedures. There was also an absence of evidence to support due process taking place in these situations. As the person designated to create a disciplinary policy that addressed acts of non-compliance, what elements would be important to include in the disciplinary policy and why? What things must be taken into consideration when drafting this policy to ensure that due process is carried out?
Indiana Institute Disciplinary Policy for Acts of Non Compliance Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
IDST 473 Bethel Craft of Research Provides Helpful Insight Liberal Research Writing Assignment Help
Please provide 100 or more for this discussion
Give here your rolling analysis of Chapter 6, on “Engaging Sources” of The Craft of Research. Researchers sometimes refer to practices described here as “interrogating your sources,” going well beyond a surface reading of sources, and asking critical, analytical questions of them. Some researchers also talk of “putting sources into [metaphorical] ‘conversation’ with each other”–of testing sources against each other. In this chapter, are some of the ways of “reading” sources that the authors recommend? How might you apply these principles and practices in your own research in this course, or how–perhaps, even without realizing it–have you done so already?
SCU Economic Review of UK Hotel Industry & Price Fixing Inquiry Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a Business report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Hotels are accused of secretly ordering travel agents not to offer discounted rooms, according to leaked documents. Those cutting the price of hotels beneath the secretly fixed prices are banned from selling rooms in future. The scandal has allegedly stopped some agents reducing the price of hotel rooms by up to 25 per cent. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) started an investigation into cartel pricefixing by hotels and travel agents which could be inflating the cost of family holidays by hundreds of pounds. If they are found to have fixed prices, the hotel chains could be fined up to ten per cent of their turnover, which could run into tens of millions of pounds each. The disclosure follows similar scandals that have embroiled the airline industry which has recently paid multi-million pound fines after admitting price fixing. Hotels and online travel agents – which now account for the majority of sales – are suspected of secretly agreeing a system called “rate parity”. This means rooms are sold for identical prices by different agents and the hotels. The system is allegedly policed by travel agents and the hotels themselves, who report any competitors selling rooms at below the “parity” price. The discounters are allegedly then threatened with sanctions. Ordering distributors to sell rooms at a minimum price could be a breach of legislation under European Union and UK competition law. “Price-fixing covers any agreement or conduct where competitors settle on fixed prices or minimum prices. They don’t need to do this explicitly or directly,” said Jason Logendra, a competition law expert at the international law firm Watson, Farley and Williams. The recession following the financial crisis, which began in 2008, impacted on sales as families tried to economise on non-essential expenditures. Slow economic growth following the recession has also impacted on hotels. More recently the UK hotel industry has been affected by the depreciation in the pound sterling against currencies, including the US dollar and the euro, since the UK’s vote to leave the EU on 23 June 2016. The vote to leave the EU at a future date has lead to lower consumer and business confidence which is predicted to lead to lower UK growth over the next few year, or even a recession. Adapted (2017) from an article in The Daily Telegraph, April 2011 4
Questions Answer ALL questions below. (The mark awarded indicates how much work you must do for a specific question). 1. Referring to the article above: a) What is a cartel? (5 marks) b) Using economic theory (a diagram), explain how a cartel sets profit maximising price and output. (15 marks) c) Relating to your answer in part (b): i) What is meant by competition policy and why is it necessary in a market economy? What was the outcome of the Competition and Markets Authority’s investigation into price fixing by hotels? (10 marks) ii) Explain why cartels have a tendency to break down. Suggest one significant characteristic of the demand for hotel rooms that makes this more likely in this case. (15 marks) 2. a) On a chart, show what has happened to the UK pound (sterling) against the US dollar between May 2016 and July 2017. (5 marks) b) Using economic theory (diagrams), explain this change in the sterling exchange rate. (15 marks) c) Use a simple numerical example to explain why a depreciation of the pound is of benefit to the UK hotel industry. (5 marks) 3. a) Explain what is meant by a recession, and using economic theory (diagrams), explain and illustrate how the UK’s vote to leave the EU in 2016 may lead to a UK recession in future. (20 marks) b) Use economic analysis to explain why the hotel industry would be particularly badly affected by a recession, for example in comparison with the food industry. (10 marks)
Santa Clara University High Incarceration Rate in USA Prisons & How to Fix the Problem Paper Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a Law exercise and need an explanation to help me study.
Write 8 Full pages and include the references as well.
topic is “high incarceration rate in USA and how to reform the problem” make sure you use at least 3 different sources on that topic; – in Intro you should give the paper research statement (what is this about, what the problem is, literature, who said what and what they suggest and what you think is the way to reform/deal with the problem). – Second part-text body: where you in depth examine the problem, literature you’ve read, what data is available and what it tells you or how you will explain it. -Conclusion: conclude with a brief statement on what you have examined and found (one-two paragraphs).
– Bibliography: list all sources you used for the paper. At least 3 (three) journal articles MUST BE used for the paper, scolarly articles are waht is best to use
IDST 473 Bethel University Does Society Support Art Liberal Research Writing Assignment Help
How “far” can and will you go in your research to discover relevant facts? Consistent with ethics (including the “golden rule, ” as we have already discussed) my general counsel is that you should think big, “and maybe a little “crazy,” about how to reach sources. In my own experience, for example, doing historical research, I have done such “off the wall” things as calling a surviving member of the team that prosecuted the Nazis at Nuremberg to ask a question, not covered in other sources, about how the prosecutors in that trial used “natural law” theory to indict defendants. I’ve also contacted authors of academic books directly, to question–and sometimes have inadvertently disproven–them about evidence that they have used. Recently as part of a book I’m working on for University of Virginia Press, I traced a putative, surviving lock of George Washington’s hair (really) across the centuries from his own time to a family in Michigan that was astonished (but happy) to be hunted down–and, yes, they still have the hair as an heirloom in their family, they just didn’t know (but were thrilled to find out) all of the historical evidence that links their heirloom to a fascinating backstory from early American history.
What would it look like in your own research if–consistent with ethics–you were to think, way “outside the box” about how to find and weigh evidence? What kinds of “crazy,” long-shot, unconventional (but, again, ethical, and considerate) things might you do to find apropos evidence? Share some of your best ideas here, whether or not you ever act upon them.
CUD Organizational Behavior Google Company Workplace Diversity & Culture Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
This assignment belongs to Organizational Behavior’s subject, the requirements are listed below and I’ll attach the files related to it as a pdf to read the article and a word document as well.
The assignment is about google and there is an article (attached) with highlighted paragraphs to answer the 4 questions related to it.
1. How does this article and supporting materials (Google diversity report) affect your
perception of Google as an employer?
2.How would you describe Googles Workplace diversity Culture?
3.Critically review Googles diversity initiatives to support their diversity goals.
4.Provide 5 recommendations that can support Google’s diversity initiatives
Mama Mia Pizzeria Entity Relation Diagram and Relational Schema Report Computer Science Assignment Help
Deliverable: Draw an Entity-Relationship Diagram using ER-Assistant or equivalent software to capture data requirements for Mama Mia’s Pizzeria. The deliverable is a complete ER model, and a relational schema to document the data model for the following scenario.
The ER diagram must include the necessary entity classes and all attributes specified in the description.
Identifiers for all entity classes must be shown clearly.
Relationships must be named, with cardinalities clearly shown.
Write down your assumption clearly if necessary
Do your best, if you are having troubles, please write that out with the assumptions.
There are multiple right answers for this problem, so please don’t compare with others, as you can all read the definition differently.
PLEASE UPLOAD individually THE ER MODEL (As a JPG,PNG, or PDF) AND THE RELATIONAL SCHEMA (a separate word or text document)
Case Description
Mama Mia’s (MM) pizzeria offers pizzas, breadsticks, and Buffalo chicken wings for carry out customers only. Customers phone in the order and come by to pick up their order. When regular customers call MM over phone, they are asked for their phone number. New customers must provide this information before placing orders.
Once the order is taken, the tax, and order total is computed. The order is then printed and submitted to the kitchen where the order is prepared. A receipt is printed and given to the customer. Payment from the customer should be in check or cash only.
Customers may provide coupons. Coupon information (discount applicable and validity period) must be provided when placing the order and the coupon must be submitted when picking up the order.
MM has a set of suppliers who supply the ingredients for their products (pizza & breadsticks) such as flour for pizza crust, cheese, a variety of toppings, chicken wings, spices, as well as other ingredients for the pizza sauce.
MM would like to design a system that would serve the following purposes:
Facilitate order acceptance and tracking
Facilitate generation of daily, weekly, and monthly sales summaries
Facilitate generation of products sold on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Facilitate tracking promotional sales (the ones with coupons).
To maintain the inventory of ingredients so that they can identify which supplier to call if they need a particular ingredient and to keep track of the amount of each they have on hand and on order.
To know the customer preferences in terms of what the customer usually orders. For example when a customer calls in and gives his/her phone number and says “the usual”, MM knows exactly what to prepare! MM believes that this will save customers a lot of frustration.
University of Phoenix Kiddie Cove Daycare Company Management Team Overview Business Finance Assignment Help
Develop a 350-word management team overview.
Include the following:
Determine the number and expertise of your board of directors or board of managers.
Identify each member of the management team.
Determine what capital compliance documentation you will need.
Describe each person’s skills and experience.
Explain what each will be doing for the company.
Identify if they have experience starting or managing other small businesses.
Detail your management and succession plans.
Indiana Institute Disciplinary Policy for Acts of Non Compliance Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Imagine that you are the Health Information Management Director for XYZ Hospital. In this role you also serve as the Compliance Specialist for the department and are an active member of the Hospital’s Compliance Committee. Upon the recent review of the Compliance Plan, it was determined that there were not solid policies in place to outline the disciplinary process for non-compliance with the hospitals established policies and procedures. There was also an absence of evidence to support due process taking place in these situations. As the person designated to create a disciplinary policy that addressed acts of non-compliance, what elements would be important to include in the disciplinary policy and why? What things must be taken into consideration when drafting this policy to ensure that due process is carried out?
Indiana Institute Disciplinary Policy for Acts of Non Compliance Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
IDST 473 Bethel Craft of Research Provides Helpful Insight Liberal Research Writing Assignment Help
Please provide 100 or more for this discussion
Give here your rolling analysis of Chapter 6, on “Engaging Sources” of The Craft of Research. Researchers sometimes refer to practices described here as “interrogating your sources,” going well beyond a surface reading of sources, and asking critical, analytical questions of them. Some researchers also talk of “putting sources into [metaphorical] ‘conversation’ with each other”–of testing sources against each other. In this chapter, are some of the ways of “reading” sources that the authors recommend? How might you apply these principles and practices in your own research in this course, or how–perhaps, even without realizing it–have you done so already?
SCU Economic Review of UK Hotel Industry & Price Fixing Inquiry Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a Business report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Hotels are accused of secretly ordering travel agents not to offer discounted rooms, according to leaked documents. Those cutting the price of hotels beneath the secretly fixed prices are banned from selling rooms in future. The scandal has allegedly stopped some agents reducing the price of hotel rooms by up to 25 per cent. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) started an investigation into cartel pricefixing by hotels and travel agents which could be inflating the cost of family holidays by hundreds of pounds. If they are found to have fixed prices, the hotel chains could be fined up to ten per cent of their turnover, which could run into tens of millions of pounds each. The disclosure follows similar scandals that have embroiled the airline industry which has recently paid multi-million pound fines after admitting price fixing. Hotels and online travel agents – which now account for the majority of sales – are suspected of secretly agreeing a system called “rate parity”. This means rooms are sold for identical prices by different agents and the hotels. The system is allegedly policed by travel agents and the hotels themselves, who report any competitors selling rooms at below the “parity” price. The discounters are allegedly then threatened with sanctions. Ordering distributors to sell rooms at a minimum price could be a breach of legislation under European Union and UK competition law. “Price-fixing covers any agreement or conduct where competitors settle on fixed prices or minimum prices. They don’t need to do this explicitly or directly,” said Jason Logendra, a competition law expert at the international law firm Watson, Farley and Williams. The recession following the financial crisis, which began in 2008, impacted on sales as families tried to economise on non-essential expenditures. Slow economic growth following the recession has also impacted on hotels. More recently the UK hotel industry has been affected by the depreciation in the pound sterling against currencies, including the US dollar and the euro, since the UK’s vote to leave the EU on 23 June 2016. The vote to leave the EU at a future date has lead to lower consumer and business confidence which is predicted to lead to lower UK growth over the next few year, or even a recession. Adapted (2017) from an article in The Daily Telegraph, April 2011 4
Questions Answer ALL questions below. (The mark awarded indicates how much work you must do for a specific question). 1. Referring to the article above: a) What is a cartel? (5 marks) b) Using economic theory (a diagram), explain how a cartel sets profit maximising price and output. (15 marks) c) Relating to your answer in part (b): i) What is meant by competition policy and why is it necessary in a market economy? What was the outcome of the Competition and Markets Authority’s investigation into price fixing by hotels? (10 marks) ii) Explain why cartels have a tendency to break down. Suggest one significant characteristic of the demand for hotel rooms that makes this more likely in this case. (15 marks) 2. a) On a chart, show what has happened to the UK pound (sterling) against the US dollar between May 2016 and July 2017. (5 marks) b) Using economic theory (diagrams), explain this change in the sterling exchange rate. (15 marks) c) Use a simple numerical example to explain why a depreciation of the pound is of benefit to the UK hotel industry. (5 marks) 3. a) Explain what is meant by a recession, and using economic theory (diagrams), explain and illustrate how the UK’s vote to leave the EU in 2016 may lead to a UK recession in future. (20 marks) b) Use economic analysis to explain why the hotel industry would be particularly badly affected by a recession, for example in comparison with the food industry. (10 marks)
Santa Clara University High Incarceration Rate in USA Prisons & How to Fix the Problem Paper Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a Law exercise and need an explanation to help me study.
Write 8 Full pages and include the references as well.
topic is “high incarceration rate in USA and how to reform the problem” make sure you use at least 3 different sources on that topic; – in Intro you should give the paper research statement (what is this about, what the problem is, literature, who said what and what they suggest and what you think is the way to reform/deal with the problem). – Second part-text body: where you in depth examine the problem, literature you’ve read, what data is available and what it tells you or how you will explain it. -Conclusion: conclude with a brief statement on what you have examined and found (one-two paragraphs).
– Bibliography: list all sources you used for the paper. At least 3 (three) journal articles MUST BE used for the paper, scolarly articles are waht is best to use
IDST 473 Bethel University Does Society Support Art Liberal Research Writing Assignment Help
How “far” can and will you go in your research to discover relevant facts? Consistent with ethics (including the “golden rule, ” as we have already discussed) my general counsel is that you should think big, “and maybe a little “crazy,” about how to reach sources. In my own experience, for example, doing historical research, I have done such “off the wall” things as calling a surviving member of the team that prosecuted the Nazis at Nuremberg to ask a question, not covered in other sources, about how the prosecutors in that trial used “natural law” theory to indict defendants. I’ve also contacted authors of academic books directly, to question–and sometimes have inadvertently disproven–them about evidence that they have used. Recently as part of a book I’m working on for University of Virginia Press, I traced a putative, surviving lock of George Washington’s hair (really) across the centuries from his own time to a family in Michigan that was astonished (but happy) to be hunted down–and, yes, they still have the hair as an heirloom in their family, they just didn’t know (but were thrilled to find out) all of the historical evidence that links their heirloom to a fascinating backstory from early American history.
What would it look like in your own research if–consistent with ethics–you were to think, way “outside the box” about how to find and weigh evidence? What kinds of “crazy,” long-shot, unconventional (but, again, ethical, and considerate) things might you do to find apropos evidence? Share some of your best ideas here, whether or not you ever act upon them.
CUD Organizational Behavior Google Company Workplace Diversity & Culture Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
This assignment belongs to Organizational Behavior’s subject, the requirements are listed below and I’ll attach the files related to it as a pdf to read the article and a word document as well.
The assignment is about google and there is an article (attached) with highlighted paragraphs to answer the 4 questions related to it.
1. How does this article and supporting materials (Google diversity report) affect your
perception of Google as an employer?
2.How would you describe Googles Workplace diversity Culture?
3.Critically review Googles diversity initiatives to support their diversity goals.
4.Provide 5 recommendations that can support Google’s diversity initiatives
Mama Mia Pizzeria Entity Relation Diagram and Relational Schema Report Computer Science Assignment Help
Deliverable: Draw an Entity-Relationship Diagram using ER-Assistant or equivalent software to capture data requirements for Mama Mia’s Pizzeria. The deliverable is a complete ER model, and a relational schema to document the data model for the following scenario.
The ER diagram must include the necessary entity classes and all attributes specified in the description.
Identifiers for all entity classes must be shown clearly.
Relationships must be named, with cardinalities clearly shown.
Write down your assumption clearly if necessary
Do your best, if you are having troubles, please write that out with the assumptions.
There are multiple right answers for this problem, so please don’t compare with others, as you can all read the definition differently.
PLEASE UPLOAD individually THE ER MODEL (As a JPG,PNG, or PDF) AND THE RELATIONAL SCHEMA (a separate word or text document)
Case Description
Mama Mia’s (MM) pizzeria offers pizzas, breadsticks, and Buffalo chicken wings for carry out customers only. Customers phone in the order and come by to pick up their order. When regular customers call MM over phone, they are asked for their phone number. New customers must provide this information before placing orders.
Once the order is taken, the tax, and order total is computed. The order is then printed and submitted to the kitchen where the order is prepared. A receipt is printed and given to the customer. Payment from the customer should be in check or cash only.
Customers may provide coupons. Coupon information (discount applicable and validity period) must be provided when placing the order and the coupon must be submitted when picking up the order.
MM has a set of suppliers who supply the ingredients for their products (pizza & breadsticks) such as flour for pizza crust, cheese, a variety of toppings, chicken wings, spices, as well as other ingredients for the pizza sauce.
MM would like to design a system that would serve the following purposes:
Facilitate order acceptance and tracking
Facilitate generation of daily, weekly, and monthly sales summaries
Facilitate generation of products sold on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Facilitate tracking promotional sales (the ones with coupons).
To maintain the inventory of ingredients so that they can identify which supplier to call if they need a particular ingredient and to keep track of the amount of each they have on hand and on order.
To know the customer preferences in terms of what the customer usually orders. For example when a customer calls in and gives his/her phone number and says “the usual”, MM knows exactly what to prepare! MM believes that this will save customers a lot of frustration.
University of Phoenix Kiddie Cove Daycare Company Management Team Overview Business Finance Assignment Help
Develop a 350-word management team overview.
Include the following:
Determine the number and expertise of your board of directors or board of managers.
Identify each member of the management team.
Determine what capital compliance documentation you will need.
Describe each person’s skills and experience.
Explain what each will be doing for the company.
Identify if they have experience starting or managing other small businesses.
Detail your management and succession plans.
Indiana Institute Disciplinary Policy for Acts of Non Compliance Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Imagine that you are the Health Information Management Director for XYZ Hospital. In this role you also serve as the Compliance Specialist for the department and are an active member of the Hospital’s Compliance Committee. Upon the recent review of the Compliance Plan, it was determined that there were not solid policies in place to outline the disciplinary process for non-compliance with the hospitals established policies and procedures. There was also an absence of evidence to support due process taking place in these situations. As the person designated to create a disciplinary policy that addressed acts of non-compliance, what elements would be important to include in the disciplinary policy and why? What things must be taken into consideration when drafting this policy to ensure that due process is carried out?
Indiana Institute Disciplinary Policy for Acts of Non Compliance Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
IDST 473 Bethel Craft of Research Provides Helpful Insight Liberal Research Writing Assignment Help
Please provide 100 or more for this discussion
Give here your rolling analysis of Chapter 6, on “Engaging Sources” of The Craft of Research. Researchers sometimes refer to practices described here as “interrogating your sources,” going well beyond a surface reading of sources, and asking critical, analytical questions of them. Some researchers also talk of “putting sources into [metaphorical] ‘conversation’ with each other”–of testing sources against each other. In this chapter, are some of the ways of “reading” sources that the authors recommend? How might you apply these principles and practices in your own research in this course, or how–perhaps, even without realizing it–have you done so already?
SCU Economic Review of UK Hotel Industry & Price Fixing Inquiry Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a Business report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Hotels are accused of secretly ordering travel agents not to offer discounted rooms, according to leaked documents. Those cutting the price of hotels beneath the secretly fixed prices are banned from selling rooms in future. The scandal has allegedly stopped some agents reducing the price of hotel rooms by up to 25 per cent. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) started an investigation into cartel pricefixing by hotels and travel agents which could be inflating the cost of family holidays by hundreds of pounds. If they are found to have fixed prices, the hotel chains could be fined up to ten per cent of their turnover, which could run into tens of millions of pounds each. The disclosure follows similar scandals that have embroiled the airline industry which has recently paid multi-million pound fines after admitting price fixing. Hotels and online travel agents – which now account for the majority of sales – are suspected of secretly agreeing a system called “rate parity”. This means rooms are sold for identical prices by different agents and the hotels. The system is allegedly policed by travel agents and the hotels themselves, who report any competitors selling rooms at below the “parity” price. The discounters are allegedly then threatened with sanctions. Ordering distributors to sell rooms at a minimum price could be a breach of legislation under European Union and UK competition law. “Price-fixing covers any agreement or conduct where competitors settle on fixed prices or minimum prices. They don’t need to do this explicitly or directly,” said Jason Logendra, a competition law expert at the international law firm Watson, Farley and Williams. The recession following the financial crisis, which began in 2008, impacted on sales as families tried to economise on non-essential expenditures. Slow economic growth following the recession has also impacted on hotels. More recently the UK hotel industry has been affected by the depreciation in the pound sterling against currencies, including the US dollar and the euro, since the UK’s vote to leave the EU on 23 June 2016. The vote to leave the EU at a future date has lead to lower consumer and business confidence which is predicted to lead to lower UK growth over the next few year, or even a recession. Adapted (2017) from an article in The Daily Telegraph, April 2011 4
Questions Answer ALL questions below. (The mark awarded indicates how much work you must do for a specific question). 1. Referring to the article above: a) What is a cartel? (5 marks) b) Using economic theory (a diagram), explain how a cartel sets profit maximising price and output. (15 marks) c) Relating to your answer in part (b): i) What is meant by competition policy and why is it necessary in a market economy? What was the outcome of the Competition and Markets Authority’s investigation into price fixing by hotels? (10 marks) ii) Explain why cartels have a tendency to break down. Suggest one significant characteristic of the demand for hotel rooms that makes this more likely in this case. (15 marks) 2. a) On a chart, show what has happened to the UK pound (sterling) against the US dollar between May 2016 and July 2017. (5 marks) b) Using economic theory (diagrams), explain this change in the sterling exchange rate. (15 marks) c) Use a simple numerical example to explain why a depreciation of the pound is of benefit to the UK hotel industry. (5 marks) 3. a) Explain what is meant by a recession, and using economic theory (diagrams), explain and illustrate how the UK’s vote to leave the EU in 2016 may lead to a UK recession in future. (20 marks) b) Use economic analysis to explain why the hotel industry would be particularly badly affected by a recession, for example in comparison with the food industry. (10 marks)
Santa Clara University High Incarceration Rate in USA Prisons & How to Fix the Problem Paper Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a Law exercise and need an explanation to help me study.
Write 8 Full pages and include the references as well.
topic is “high incarceration rate in USA and how to reform the problem” make sure you use at least 3 different sources on that topic; – in Intro you should give the paper research statement (what is this about, what the problem is, literature, who said what and what they suggest and what you think is the way to reform/deal with the problem). – Second part-text body: where you in depth examine the problem, literature you’ve read, what data is available and what it tells you or how you will explain it. -Conclusion: conclude with a brief statement on what you have examined and found (one-two paragraphs).
– Bibliography: list all sources you used for the paper. At least 3 (three) journal articles MUST BE used for the paper, scolarly articles are waht is best to use
IDST 473 Bethel University Does Society Support Art Liberal Research Writing Assignment Help
How “far” can and will you go in your research to discover relevant facts? Consistent with ethics (including the “golden rule, ” as we have already discussed) my general counsel is that you should think big, “and maybe a little “crazy,” about how to reach sources. In my own experience, for example, doing historical research, I have done such “off the wall” things as calling a surviving member of the team that prosecuted the Nazis at Nuremberg to ask a question, not covered in other sources, about how the prosecutors in that trial used “natural law” theory to indict defendants. I’ve also contacted authors of academic books directly, to question–and sometimes have inadvertently disproven–them about evidence that they have used. Recently as part of a book I’m working on for University of Virginia Press, I traced a putative, surviving lock of George Washington’s hair (really) across the centuries from his own time to a family in Michigan that was astonished (but happy) to be hunted down–and, yes, they still have the hair as an heirloom in their family, they just didn’t know (but were thrilled to find out) all of the historical evidence that links their heirloom to a fascinating backstory from early American history.
What would it look like in your own research if–consistent with ethics–you were to think, way “outside the box” about how to find and weigh evidence? What kinds of “crazy,” long-shot, unconventional (but, again, ethical, and considerate) things might you do to find apropos evidence? Share some of your best ideas here, whether or not you ever act upon them.