University of Nevada Las Vegas Business Management and Marketing Class Journal Business Finance Assignment Help

University of Nevada Las Vegas Business Management and Marketing Class Journal Business Finance Assignment Help. University of Nevada Las Vegas Business Management and Marketing Class Journal Business Finance Assignment Help.

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It is just free writing, so do not worry it much. Can you write two? Because I need each from Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

Purpose of this Assignment:

Your assignment is to keep a journal, on a regular basis, related to this course.

Journal writing is a form of free-writing. It is also “low stakes” writing: it is mostly for yourself (see below), and therefore, it will not be edited necessarily for style or grammar.


Journal writing serves many purposes. In your journals you can:

  • Observe what you are reading, what goes on in class, and how it relates to current real-world marketing events
  • Define what you are doing in an assignment, in the course generally, in your major/minor
  • Express confusion about anything – where you are not understanding, or are frustrated – and perhaps become unconfused as your write or pose questions to me
  • Speculate about what you are studying
  • Give insights – your ideas, your conclusions, your putting things together
  • Connect readings to other readings, this course to other courses, what we are talking about to your life
  • Respond to readings (controversial ones, for example), whether negatively or positively
  • React candidly to what happens in class
  • Be self-aware about what you are studying and why you are studying it
  • Refine your thoughts as they progress throughout the term, whether on particular readings, particular topics, the course generally, or your assignments
  • Evaluate the course, including the task of keeping a journal.


  • AT LEAST one entry per chapter
  • AT LEAST ONE PAGE (double spaced, typed, 12-point font) per entry/chapter.
  • Each entry MUST CONTAIN specific references to thoughts, comments, examples, etc. FROM CLASS.
  • Express yourself freely
  • Take the assignment seriously…but have fun
  • Mark every journal entry with the date/time when you wrote it (you don’t have to write the entry all at once, just note the date/time you work on it)
  • Start each entry on a page
  • “Write in your natural voice with your most comfortable language…. Otherwise you may become distracted by form rather than content….”

While I am specifying much of what your assignment should contain, how you present that information is up to you. Your work will be graded in comparison to the assignments turned in by the other students in the class. Originality and professionalism will also be considered (in other words… entertain me, show me that you’ve learned something and can apply it to the “real world”, and you’ll do well).

Chapter 1 – What is marketing? like why marketing matters to you

Chapter 2 – Strategic planning ( We learned about

University of Nevada Las Vegas Business Management and Marketing Class Journal Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HPRS 1303 UNT What You Hope to Learn Pursuing Healthcare for Profession Essay Writing Assignment Help

This essay is for class HPRS-1303.500: End of Life Issues

In a two page double-spaced essay (in addition to a cover page), please describe the following:

– What inspired you to want to go the healthcare route for your hopeful future profession? Have the recent events surrounding COVID-19 made you change your mind about getting into healthcare?

– What are some things you are apprehensive about when it comes to the topic of Death and Dying?

– What do you hope to learn from this course?

– This could include: becoming more comfortable about the topic of death/dying, learning about ethical/legal topics surrounding death/dying, learning proper APA formatting, etc

– Do NOT say, “I don’t know” – with each of your college courses, you should set a goal to learn X, Y, & Z within each particular course you take. Going into a course knowing what you want to get out of that course encourages a better learning environment.

Since this essay will be about you and your opinions, I do not expect any references/sources unless you choose to include them. You are permitted to use personal pronouns within this essay due to it being about you and your opinions. Otherwise, please adhere to APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines.

Please remember to abide by the accepted file types that can be submitted, this information can be found in your syllabus (attached through file)


University of South Florida Example of A Paradigm Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Project: An example of a paradigm

We talked about “paradigms” in class. This model of scientific progress was developed by Thomas Kuhn (an American philosopher of science) back in the 1960’s. For some general background on “paradigms”, see:

You project is to identify an example of a paradigm (it can be in any scientific or nonscientific field). You need to address the following in your discussion:

1) A clear description of the paradigm (for example, was is/was the theory?)

2) Why it was a paradigm?

3) Is your paradigm theory “current”? If so, how long has it been around? If it was historical, how long was it around and what was it replaced by?

Format requirements:

Two pages maximum

Name at top of all pages

Number pages (if more than one)

Diagrams/figures are okay

Cite your references



Florida State University Mental Health Problem Analysis Community Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Health Problem Assignment Directions

Review secondary sources of data (Chapter 17) and health determinants (Chapter 31). Choose one health problem that is prevalent (refer to HP 2020) in the community. Analyze the health problem using secondary sources of data including individual determinants of health (health behaviors) and social/population determinants of health. You need to cite your sources. Sources must be credible websites or journal articles that are less than 5 years old. Sources need to be cited in APA format.

Please use the template (second page of this document) provided or you will receive a 0.

The assignment is worth 35 points


Grand Canyon US Diversity Law & Organizational Compliance Report Business Finance Assignment Help

Option #1: U.S. Diversity Law and Organizational Compliance

In the United States, companies of all sizes, especially those with more than 15 employees, must adhere to nondiscrimination practices. Even if the company is so small that some of Title VII doesn’t apply, it is incumbent upon the leader to be familiar with federal anti-discrimination laws, including those relevant to gender, race and ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, and disabilities.


Choose one of these discrimination cases to research and evaluate:

Calibuso et al. v. Bank of America Corp. et al (Links to an external site.). (2013)

EEOC v. Alliant Techsystems (Links to an external site.) (1998)

In a well-written paper, address the following topics/questions about the case you chose:

Describe the nature of the case, including the parties involved, and provide a summary of the facts in the case.

Identify which anti-discrimination laws were violated in the case, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, ADEA, EPA, IRCA, ADA, or GINA.

Evaluate the seriousness and scope of the discrimination.

What could have been done to prevent the discriminatory practices in the first place? Provide specific action steps you would recommend.

Explain the relevant laws in light of their historical context and why they were enacted. How do these laws protect the offended workers in this case?

Paper Requirements:

Your paper should include an introduction and a conclusion, and should be 3-4 pages long, not including the required title and references pages.

Incorporate two scholarly references that are not required readings for this module. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these sources.

Review the grading rubric for this assignment, to understand exactly how you will be graded. Contact your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.



UMGC How Women of Color Had Gathered to Strategize for Joe Biden Presidency Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Task: Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that relates to your field of study. Follow the instructions below to explain the issue, provide an additional example of the issue, connect the issue to your field of study, and pose questions about the issue. See the Assignment 1 Model in Week 2 Content for an example.

Source: One news article, available through the UMGC Library, published within the past 12 months.

Length: Responses to individual questions should follow the guidelines below, and the entire completed assignment should be at least 700 words.

Due date and grading: This assignment is due by the end of Week 2. It will be graded with a rubric and will count for 10% of your course grade. To view the grading rubric, please access the assignment through the Assignments area of the classroom.

Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment

As you complete the tasks required for this assignment, you will be working toward several of the course outcomes:

  • Begin the writing process by exploring a topic (Relates to course outcome 1)
  • Compose paragraphs that explain an event or issue (Relates to course outcome 2)
  • Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Relates to course outcome 3)
  • Identify a recent and reliable news source and provide APA documentation (Relates to course outcome 4)

Formatting your assignment

Incorporate these elements of APA style:

  • Use one-inch margins.
  • Double space.
  • Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.

Note: Title page is not required, but make sure you include your name and a title that reflects your topic at the top of the first page.

Number your answers and/or include the assignment questions so your instructor can see that you addressed each part of the assignment.

Respond to each of the following.

1. Provide an APA-style reference for the news article you selected. The format for the reference is as follows:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article in sentence case. Title of Newspaper in Title Case and Italics.

Although the news article should be available through the UMGC Library, provide the URL directly to the newspaper that published the article. An APA reference entry does notlink to a library database record. It does include the URL of the newspaper homepage, such as

2. For your instructor’s reference, provide the URL to the article in the UMGC Library. This will be listed as “Document URL” in the library record:

In the library record, click the Details tab.

From the details tab, copy the Document URL.

3. Summarize the article. Explain the event or issue covered in the article, assuming your reader has little or no prior knowledge of it. Answer in 1-2 paragraphs.

4. Describe a specific real-life situation (other than one discussed in your news article) where the issue at hand has been observed. This could be something that happened to you or someone you know, or it could be a related event in the news. Explain the connection to the event or issue in your news article. Answer in 1-2 paragraphs.

5. What is your field of study and how do you see it relating to the event or issue in your news article? Answer in one paragraph.

6. What do you want to know about the issue or event in your news article? List two or more questions that you could pursue as part of your research. Though you are listing two or more questions here, your research should ultimately be focused on a single guiding question.

UMGC How Women of Color Had Gathered to Strategize for Joe Biden Presidency Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Fontbonne University Ethical Issues in Healthcare Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Read the case study provided and answer the three part discussion. Each section sould be 250-300 words. APA citaions.

Step 1: Analyze the Ethical Dimensions of the Public Health Issue and Context

There are two public health professionals involved in decision-making in this scenario. Dr. Albert is a social scientist with strong training in conducting research. Dr. Baines is a community worker who focuses on interventions with the community.

Dr. A wants to use this opportunity as a research study that could generate new information that could be generalized to other communities.

Dr. B wants to focus their efforts on intervening in their own community rather than spending time on conduction research.

This intervention would focus on a small subset of their community population, black men who have sex with men. Conducting research would allow them to generalize their findings to a broader population, but would also mean that the subjects in the control group don’t get the intervention. Conducting this education as an intervention would mean focusing on all black men who have sex with men within their community, but the outcomes could not be published as a research study that could benefit other communities and populations.

Respond to these questions on your discussion board:

As public health professionals, do Dr. Albert and Dr. Baines have ethical obligations to other populations within their community? How about outside the community? Which obligation should be their highest priority, the subset of men who have sex with men, their whole community, or populations outside their community?

On what basis is the public health agency justified in advancing interventions that target only a subgroup of the community?

Step 2: Formulate Alternative Courses of Action and Evaluate their Ethical Dimensions

What is the appropriate public health goal in this situation? Providing an intervention that will improve the health of the members of their community, or doing research to create new knowledge that could impact many communities?

If the educational program is used as a research study, what are the possible benefits and risks to the experimental participants? What are the possible risks and benefits to the control group?

Based on your answer to the first question, is approval from an IRB necessary?

Step 3: Provide Justification for a Particular Public Health Decision

Should this project go forward as a research study or as an intervention?

What is the justification for your decision? (Which ethical principles take priority and why?)

Case Study :

9.9 Case 4: Internet-Based HIV/AIDS Education
and Prevention Programs in Vulnerable Populations:
Black Men Who Have Sex with Men
Amar Kanekar
Department of Health, Human Performance and Sport Management
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Little Rock , AR , USA
This case is presented for instructional purposes only. The ideas and opinions
expressed are the author ’ s own. The case is not meant to refl ect the offi cial position ,
views , or policies of the editors , the editors ’ host institutions , or the author ’ s host
institution .

9.9.1 Background

Since surfacing more than 30 years ago, the HIV/AIDS pandemic has devastated
populations worldwide. Various factors have contributed to this epidemic, such as
lack of awareness of HIV status, stigma, homophobia, negative perceptions about
HIV testing , socioeconomic factors, behavioral risk factors, and high prevalence of
sexually transmitted diseases ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015 ). In
the United States, one goal of the national HIV/AIDS strategy is to re duce HIVrelated hea lth disparities. Any reduction in the collective risk of acquiring HIV will
require behavior change interventions in communities with the highest HIV prevalence. However, extending the reach of HIV/ AIDS preventive interventions in
remote areas with limited access to HIV testing and prev ention services has proved
diffi cult (Offi ce of National AIDS Policy 2012 ).
The challenge of reaching some populations has led many practitioners to consider innovative intervention methods that rely on technologies such as the Internet
and mobile telephones. Public health profession als are using these technologies to
deliver health education to vulnerable populations in big cities, small towns, and
D.H. Barrett et al.
hard-to-reach rural areas. In particular, the past decade has seen more health communication efforts using the Internet to prevent HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (Bull et al. 2007 , 2009 ; Rietmeijer and McFarlane 2009 ). Studies of
interventions that use Internet chat rooms, online modules, and health intervention
websites show promising results that bode well for the future of these technolo gies
(Chiasson et al. 2009 ; Moskowitz et al. 2009 ).
Studies conducted with marginalized and vulnerable populations such as black
men who have sex with men (MSM) can pose diffi culties. On the technology front,
many diffi culties refl ect the Internet’s relative novelty for conducting studies and
the consequent lack of clarity in dealing with the rules, language, and norms of a
virtual community culture compared with a traditional community culture (Loue
and Pike 2010 ). On the allocation front, having limited resources usually implies
that tailoring interventions to a specifi c group will mean forgoing benefi ts to another
group. Still, in promoting the health of populations, public health professionals
must strive to distribute resources fairly while responding to the specifi c needs of
racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. These concurrent goals require maintaining a
delicate balance between targeted and population interventions. On the ethics front,
because some projects straddle the line between research and practice, public health
profession als can become unsure about whether the ethical guideline s of research or
of community work should govern their actions. They must bear in mind that trust ,
which is essential for conducting community-based participatory research , becomes
more crucial when working with vulnerable populations, which tend to show a high
degree of mistrust (Loue and Pike 2010 ). Those who study vulnerable populations
need to negotiate community entry either by developing trust or by working closely
with local practitioners and building upon established trust.
In the United States , the HIV/ AIDS epidemic has hit the African-American population hardest, with black men accounting for 70 % of new HIV infections .
Between 2006 and 2009, new HIV infections increased 48 % among black 13- to
24-year-old MSM (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015 ); by 2009,
37 % of new HIV cases among black men were from black MSM. Given this high
prevalence, before the end of 2015, the U.S. national HIV/AIDS strategy calls for a
20 % increase in the proportion of African Americans diagnosed with HIV who
have an undetectable viral load (Offi ce of National AIDS Policy 2012 ). Already,
information about HIV issues affecting young MSM (Mustanski et al. 2011 ) is
widely available on the Internet, including messages about how to reduce risk
(Hightow-Weidman et al. 2011 ) and interventions to prevent HIV risk behaviors
among MSM (Rhodes et al. 2010 ) and blacks who inject drugs (Washington and
Thomas 2010 ). Studies show that online delivery of HIV counseling and behavioral
interventions for MSM at high risk for HIV are successful, suggesting that the
future holds great promise for Internet-delivered interventions for this vulnerable
population (Chiasson et al. 2009 ; Moskowitz et al. 2009 ).

9 Public Health Research

9.9.2 Case Description

Dr. Albert, a social scientist, and Dr. Baines, a community worker, are employed by
a public health agency in a medium-size U.S. town. The agency has asked them to
determine whether a skill-based, Internet-delivered intervention to promote safer
sex among young Black MSM will increase HIV knowledge and increase the frequency of using safer-sex practices.
Project participants will be recruited via the Internet in gay chat rooms and be
verifi ed electronically by using Internet Protocol and Microsoft Access usernames
and passwords (Bull 2011 ). Participants will be surveyed before they begin the
training modules and again at 1- and 6-week intervals after completing the modules.
Participants will be randomly assigned to control and experimental arms. Those in
the control arm will receive 6 h of online training about health and well-being (e.g.,
nutrition, physical activity, stress reduction). The experimental arm will receive a
6-h online program including two 1-h modules on each of the following topics: (a)
HIV/AIDS-related knowledge; (b) development and improvement of safe sex skills,
such as partner communication and monogamous sexual relationships; and (c) selfeffi cacy in using condoms. The modules will include automated reminders for HIV
testing . The study will measure improved knowledge on HIV/AIDS , partner communication about safer sex, and condom usage self-effi cacy. Data will be analyzed
using statistical software.
Dr. Albert thinks the results could be generalized not only to black MSM in the
community but also to black MSM overall. He plans to write an article describing
the results for publication in a scientifi c journal. Although Dr. Baines knows the
impact of education on health, especially in underprivileged communities, she
wants to educate only a subset of the community they will reach. Besides, since
their work is for a public health agency, she believes the intervention ought to reach
as many community members possible. She claims the project’s goal is to provide a
vulnerable and disadvantaged population with much needed education on health
matters and health-promoting behavior and doubts their project constitutes research.
Dr. Albert worries that, because his colleague lacks academic rigor and underappreciates the role of evidence, she fails to appreciate the project’s rationale and
design and, as a result, is indifferent to the challenges the Internet poses (e.g.,
technology- induced bias, protection of confi dentiality). Conversely, Dr. Baines
believes Dr. Albert has missed the boat and is wasting resources, spuriously introducing statistical analysis of experimental and control arms into what the agency
clearly had intended as an education intervention.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial 2.5 License ( which permits any
noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s)
and source are credited.
The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the work’s Creative
Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if such material is not included
in the work’s Creative Commons license and the respective action is not permitted by statutory
regulation, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to duplicate, adapt or
reproduce the material.
Bull, S. 2011. Technology-based health promotion . Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Bull, S.S., S. Phibbs, S. Watson, and M. McFarlane. 2007. What do young adults expect when they
go online? Lessons for development of an STD/HIV and pregnancy prevention website.
Journal of Medical Systems 31(2): 149–158.
Bull, S., K. Pratte, N. Whitesell, C. Rietmeijer, and M. McFarlane. 2009. Effects of an Internet
based intervention for HIV prevention: The Youthnet trials. AIDS and Behavior 13(3): 474–
487. doi:10.1007/s10461-008-9487-9.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2015. HIV Among African Americans. http://www. Accessed 2 June 2015.
Chiasson, M.A., F.S. Shaw, M. Humberstone, S. Hirshfi eld, and D. Hartel. 2009. Increased HIV
disclosure three months after an online video intervention for men who have sex with men
(MSM). AIDS Care 21(9): 1081–1089. doi:10.1080/09540120902730013.
Hightow-Weidman, L.B., B. Fowler, J. Kibe, et al. 2011. Development of
a theory-based HIV/STI website for young black MSM. AIDS Education and Prevention 23(1):
1–12. doi:10.1521/aeap.2011.23.1.1.
Loue, S., and E.C. Pike. 2010. Case studies in ethics and HIV research . New York: Springer.
9 Public Health Research
Moskowitz, D.A., D. Melton, and J. Owczarzak. 2009. PowerON: The use of instant message
counseling and the Internet to facilitate HIV/STD education and prevention. Patient Education
and Counseling 77(1): 20–26. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2009.01.002.
Mustanski, B., T. Lyons, and S.C. Garcia. 2011. Internet use and sexual health of young men who
have sex with men: A mixed-methods study. Archives of Sexual Behavior 40(2): 289–300.
Offi ce of National AIDS Policy. 2012. National HIV/AIDS strategy: Update of 2011–2012 federal
efforts to implement the national HIV/AIDS strategy .
national-hiv-aids-strategy/implementation-update-2012.pdf. Accessed 2 June 2015.
Rhodes, S.D., K.C. Hergenrather, J. Duncan, et al. 2010. A pilot intervention utilizing Internet chat
rooms to prevent HIV risk behaviors among men who have sex with men. Public Health
Reports 125(suppl 1): 29–37.
Rietmeijer, C.A., and M. McFarlane. 2009. Web 2.0 and beyond: Risks for sexually transmitted
infections and opportunities for prevention. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 22(1):
67–71. doi:10.1097/QCO.0b013e328320a871.
Washington, T.A., and C. Thomas. 2010. Exploring the use of Web-based HIV prevention for injection-drug-using black men who have sex with both men and women: A feasibility study. Journal
of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 22(4): 432–445. doi:10.1080/10538720.2010.491747.


CUNY York College Cancer Is in Essence a Genetic Disease Discussion Science Assignment Help

Exercise – Note-taking and Study Skills – Cancer Seminar Assignment

2003 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Holiday Series

Cancer Lecture by Dr. Bert Vogelstein

This assignment emphasizes both learning biological content and study skills.

You may have to screen the assigned lecture twice: the first time to get the broad outline, shape, structure – the topic, speaker, audience, context, and breakdown of how the subject is treated; the second time, to write detailed lecture notes, perhaps in the form of questions and answers. This is equivalent to attending a course lecture, then later reviewing the PowerPoint presentation or replaying the recording of the lecture.

To help apply these study skills and perform a medium stakes assignment, read the following questions written by the instructor in chronological order during a second viewing of the video. Then screen the video yourself and write careful lecture notes in whatever format you prefer.

The assignment, worth 5 points, is to answer any five of the below 21 questions, write and answer your own five questions, or a combination of the above. When answering, put down the time in the video (min;sec) when Dr. Vogelstein addressed the topic.

1.Where and when was the seminar presented? By whom? Who introduced the speaker, Who was in the audience?

2.Define ‘Translational Research’.

3.Explain ‘Cancer is in essence a genetic disease’.

4.Why was it hard to effectively treat Melissa, Dr. Vogelstein’s first pediatric cancer patient?

5.What makes a malignant tumor different from a benign tumor?

6.How would a colon cancer metastasize to the liver?

7.Why should women have regular mammograms?

8.What do all cancer cells have in common?

9.How is ‘compound interest’ a useful model for cancer?

10.Are cancers that metastasize from one tissue type specific to the next type of tissue invaded?

11.Why is chemotherapy toxic to normal cells?

12.What type of genetic change most often causes cancer?

13.Describe ‘waves of clonal expansion’.

14.What is the difference between germ cell and somatic cell mutations?

15.What are the three kinds of gene mutations that contribute to cancer (the ‘accelerator’, the ‘brake’ and the ‘auto mechanic’).

16.Define familial cancers and give their approximate percentage.

17.List and describe a series of mutations that lead to colon cancer.

18.Are p53 mutations rare or common in cancer cells?

19.Do specific p53 mutations correlate with particular cancers?

20.What are the downstream genes regulated by p53 and what do their gene products do?

21.What cancer arises from the 9/22 chromosomal translocation?


SEU Information in The Abstract Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

Write a paper that explain each of the following:

  • What information is in the abstract?
  • What is the purpose of the theoretical background?
  • What is the motivation and scope of the study?
  • Explain the research methods used.
  • What gaps and implications did the researchers identify?
  • What do the researchers include in the conclusions?
  • How do the researchers indicate they have acted appropriately while conducting the study?
  • Explain the research process and its importance to furthering knowledge in the field of healthcare.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be three to four pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
  • Each question or reflection should be answered with at least one paragraph of text discussion your finding.
  • Be formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA writing guidelines.
  • avoid plagiarism
  • Those 8 points present them on paper as highlights

Follow APA writing standards 7th edition


Colorado College Education Videos Questions Discussions Writing Assignment Help

Part 1

  • Several contemporary issues will be covered in this course, but as you work through the readings for this week that look back on the history of education in the United States, including the importance of it and the difference in the way the U.S. educational system functions when compared to Europe, consider what might be the most pressing issue facing education in the United States. What will have to be addressed in the next five years?
  • Identify the issue you believe to be the most pressing and explain why you believe it to be the most pressing. Be sure to provide a rationale and support for your explanation with academic sources. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Do you agree that the pressing educational issue identified is an important and urgent one? Why or why not?

Part 2

  • Watch the video, Condition of Education (COE) 2019 Highlights.
  • Looking back at the last week’s discussion, in which you identified the most pressing issue facing U.S. education, has this issue been highlighted in the annual report? Do you see evidence of its importance? Consider whether this issue has an impact on your current or desired role in education. If it does not have an impact on your role, explain your current or desired role and why it is not affected by this issue. If it does impact your role, explain how it affects you specifically.
  • Do you think this issue exists in other countries, particularly developing countries? Why or why not? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the relevance of the selected educational issue here in the United States. and its relevance in developing countries.

Part 3

  • Select a non-Western country to research. look for content from the last three years that addresses contemporary education in your selected country. Identify both your chosen country and the issue, then explain the issue. Be sure to support your explanation with the sources you identified. Consider whether this is an issue in U.S. education as well. Why or why not? Could it be an issue in the future? Has it been an issue in the past?
  • What major differences in the two countries might account for differences you observe in the issues that you identify when compared to what is seen in the United States? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the differences seen in the United States versus what is seen in other countries with regard to the selected issue.

Part 4

  • there are gaps in education—not only in the United States but in other countries as well. There are also several contributors to these education gaps. Identify from the readings or from additional research using the one of the contributors to the education gap in the United States. Explain how it came about and how it contributes to the education gap.
  • Offer at least two potential ways to decrease the effects of this contributor to the education gap. Be sure to support your response with academic resources. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the gaps identified and offer one additional strategy for decreasing or closing the gaps.

Part 5

  • Identify a piece of education legislation that was recently passed at the local, state, or federal level (within the last two years). Review the details of the legislation. Determine how your legislator or representative voted on the issue. Write a letter to the legislator, thanking him or her for voting as he or she did, and explaining why you agree with his or her position or voicing your displeasure with how he or she voted. Explain your reason or reasons for disagreeing and outline your position in the letter. Be sure to provide a rationale to back up your position.
  • Post the letter to the discussion forum. Comment on the letter. Do you have similar legislation in your state or region or school district? What is your position on this legislation? Do you support it? Why or why not? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Part 6

After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

Part 7

Karen Kane: Managing Difficult People Effectively – Connection 2014, type in google and the video will pull up

After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

Part 8

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary, type in google and the video will pull up

After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

Part 9

Financial Planning: A Guide to Personal Finance, type in google and the video will pull up

After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

Part 10

Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

After you watch this video, use yourcritical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)


  • Looking back at the last week’s discussion, in which you identified the most pressing issue facing U.S. education, has this issue been highlighted in the annual report? Do you see evidence of its importance? Consider whether this issue has an impact on your current or desired role in education. If it does not have an impact on your role, explain your current or desired role and why it is not affected by this issue. If it does impact your role, explain how it affects you specifically.
  • Do you think this issue exists in other countries, particularly developing countries? Why or why not? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the relevance of the selected educational issue here in the United States. and its relevance in developing countries.
  • Part 3

    • Select a non-Western country to research. look for content from the last three years that addresses contemporary education in your selected country. Identify both your chosen country and the issue, then explain the issue. Be sure to support your explanation with the sources you identified. Consider whether this is an issue in U.S. education as well. Why or why not? Could it be an issue in the future? Has it been an issue in the past?
    • What major differences in the two countries might account for differences you observe in the issues that you identify when compared to what is seen in the United States? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the differences seen in the United States versus what is seen in other countries with regard to the selected issue.

    Part 4

    • there are gaps in education—not only in the United States but in other countries as well. There are also several contributors to these education gaps. Identify from the readings or from additional research using the one of the contributors to the education gap in the United States. Explain how it came about and how it contributes to the education gap.
    • Offer at least two potential ways to decrease the effects of this contributor to the education gap. Be sure to support your response with academic resources. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the gaps identified and offer one additional strategy for decreasing or closing the gaps.

    Part 5

    • Identify a piece of education legislation that was recently passed at the local, state, or federal level (within the last two years). Review the details of the legislation. Determine how your legislator or representative voted on the issue. Write a letter to the legislator, thanking him or her for voting as he or she did, and explaining why you agree with his or her position or voicing your displeasure with how he or she voted. Explain your reason or reasons for disagreeing and outline your position in the letter. Be sure to provide a rationale to back up your position.
    • Post the letter to the discussion forum. Comment on the letter. Do you have similar legislation in your state or region or school district? What is your position on this legislation? Do you support it? Why or why not? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

    Part 6

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 7

    Karen Kane: Managing Difficult People Effectively – Connection 2014, type in google and the video will pull up

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 8

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary, type in google and the video will pull up

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 9

    Financial Planning: A Guide to Personal Finance, type in google and the video will pull up

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 10

    Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

    After you watch this video, use yourcritical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)


  • Looking back at the last week’s discussion, in which you identified the most pressing issue facing U.S. education, has this issue been highlighted in the annual report? Do you see evidence of its importance? Consider whether this issue has an impact on your current or desired role in education. If it does not have an impact on your role, explain your current or desired role and why it is not affected by this issue. If it does impact your role, explain how it affects you specifically.
  • Do you think this issue exists in other countries, particularly developing countries? Why or why not? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the relevance of the selected educational issue here in the United States. and its relevance in developing countries.
  • Part 3

    • Select a non-Western country to research. look for content from the last three years that addresses contemporary education in your selected country. Identify both your chosen country and the issue, then explain the issue. Be sure to support your explanation with the sources you identified. Consider whether this is an issue in U.S. education as well. Why or why not? Could it be an issue in the future? Has it been an issue in the past?
    • What major differences in the two countries might account for differences you observe in the issues that you identify when compared to what is seen in the United States? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the differences seen in the United States versus what is seen in other countries with regard to the selected issue.

    Part 4

    • there are gaps in education—not only in the United States but in other countries as well. There are also several contributors to these education gaps. Identify from the readings or from additional research using the one of the contributors to the education gap in the United States. Explain how it came about and how it contributes to the education gap.
    • Offer at least two potential ways to decrease the effects of this contributor to the education gap. Be sure to support your response with academic resources. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the gaps identified and offer one additional strategy for decreasing or closing the gaps.

    Part 5

    • Identify a piece of education legislation that was recently passed at the local, state, or federal level (within the last two years). Review the details of the legislation. Determine how your legislator or representative voted on the issue. Write a letter to the legislator, thanking him or her for voting as he or she did, and explaining why you agree with his or her position or voicing your displeasure with how he or she voted. Explain your reason or reasons for disagreeing and outline your position in the letter. Be sure to provide a rationale to back up your position.
    • Post the letter to the discussion forum. Comment on the letter. Do you have similar legislation in your state or region or school district? What is your position on this legislation? Do you support it? Why or why not? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

    Part 6

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 7

    Karen Kane: Managing Difficult People Effectively – Connection 2014, type in google and the video will pull up

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 8

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary, type in google and the video will pull up

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 9

    Financial Planning: A Guide to Personal Finance, type in google and the video will pull up

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 10

    Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

    After you watch this video, use yourcritical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)


  • Looking back at the last week’s discussion, in which you identified the most pressing issue facing U.S. education, has this issue been highlighted in the annual report? Do you see evidence of its importance? Consider whether this issue has an impact on your current or desired role in education. If it does not have an impact on your role, explain your current or desired role and why it is not affected by this issue. If it does impact your role, explain how it affects you specifically.
  • Do you think this issue exists in other countries, particularly developing countries? Why or why not? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the relevance of the selected educational issue here in the United States. and its relevance in developing countries.
  • Part 3

    • Select a non-Western country to research. look for content from the last three years that addresses contemporary education in your selected country. Identify both your chosen country and the issue, then explain the issue. Be sure to support your explanation with the sources you identified. Consider whether this is an issue in U.S. education as well. Why or why not? Could it be an issue in the future? Has it been an issue in the past?
    • What major differences in the two countries might account for differences you observe in the issues that you identify when compared to what is seen in the United States? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the differences seen in the United States versus what is seen in other countries with regard to the selected issue.

    Part 4

    • there are gaps in education—not only in the United States but in other countries as well. There are also several contributors to these education gaps. Identify from the readings or from additional research using the one of the contributors to the education gap in the United States. Explain how it came about and how it contributes to the education gap.
    • Offer at least two potential ways to decrease the effects of this contributor to the education gap. Be sure to support your response with academic resources. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Comment on the gaps identified and offer one additional strategy for decreasing or closing the gaps.

    Part 5

    • Identify a piece of education legislation that was recently passed at the local, state, or federal level (within the last two years). Review the details of the legislation. Determine how your legislator or representative voted on the issue. Write a letter to the legislator, thanking him or her for voting as he or she did, and explaining why you agree with his or her position or voicing your displeasure with how he or she voted. Explain your reason or reasons for disagreeing and outline your position in the letter. Be sure to provide a rationale to back up your position.
    • Post the letter to the discussion forum. Comment on the letter. Do you have similar legislation in your state or region or school district? What is your position on this legislation? Do you support it? Why or why not? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

    Part 6

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 7

    Karen Kane: Managing Difficult People Effectively – Connection 2014, type in google and the video will pull up

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 8

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary, type in google and the video will pull up

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 9

    Financial Planning: A Guide to Personal Finance, type in google and the video will pull up

    After you watch this video use critical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)

    Part 10

    Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

    After you watch this video, use yourcritical thinking skills by applying the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) and briefly summarize what you learned, and tell me more specifically two things you found interesting. Send me your paragraph (8 to 12 sentences)


    University of Nevada Las Vegas Business Management and Marketing Class Journal Business Finance Assignment Help

    University of Nevada Las Vegas Business Management and Marketing Class Journal Business Finance Assignment Help

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