University of New Brunswick Financial Planning Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. University of New Brunswick Financial Planning Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.
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- Mrs. D who 27 years old plans to retire at the age of 55. Mrs. D would like to be able to withdraw $132,000 per year from her retirement account for 45 years after retirement beginning the year after her retirement. She is also expecting an inheritance of $54,000 to be transferred to her on her 35th birthday.
- a How much does she need to have in her retirement account by retirement date if the interest rate is 6% per year during the post-retirement years?
- b Suppose she already has $12,000 in her retirement investment account that earns 9% per year. What will be the value of this amount by her retirement date?
- c Given her goal, her expected inheritance, and the investment she already has in 1b, how much does she need to invest per year from now till retirement (at 9% annual rate of return) in order to reach her retirement goal?
University of New Brunswick Financial Planning Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Grantham University Labor Relations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Think of a public organization with which you are familiar. Explain how it differs from a private company in terms of the following:
Nature of its service.
Relationship between its budget and collective bargaining processes .
Bargaining structure and decision-making processes.
Negotiable issues and bargaining tactics.
The right to strike
- The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
- Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style.
- Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
- Include cover page and reference page.
- At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
- Use an appropriate number of references to support your position, and defend your arguments. The following are examples of primary and secondary sources that may be used, and non-credible and opinion based sources that may not be used.
- a) Primary sources such as government websites (United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Census Bureau, The World Bank, etc.), peer reviewed and scholarly journals in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library) and Google Scholar.
- b) Secondary and credible sources such as, CNN Money, The Wall Street Journal, trade journals, and publications in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library).
- c) Non-credible and opinion based sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. should not be used.
- Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased statements, information, etc.) in the paper and list each source on a reference page using APA style.
Download an APA sample paper from the Purdue OWL here
Grading Criteria AssignmentsMaximum PointsMeets or exceeds established assignment criteria40Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts20Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts30Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling10Total100
Harvard University Chapter 9 Total Compensation Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Define total compensation and identify the components of a total compensation program. Discuss why it is important for HR professionals to understand legislation, unions, and inter-industry wage differentials when establishing total compensation programs.
Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Total Compensation, Conclusion. Remember to use you text book and at least one other source for this paper.
Chapter 9 & 10 Attached (Book Name: Martocchio, J. (2019). Human resource management-15th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson. Harvard Course Pack.)
Assignment should contain a minimum of 500 words. Your response should be formatted in APA style and reference the text book as well as one other authored source.
- References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and citations must match 100%.
- Always include a cover page and reference page with all submissions
- Your paper must have headings in it. For discussion posts Introduction, Prompt/Question, and Conclusion will suffice as headings.
- Provide the EXACT web link for all online sources – do not provide just the home page, but the EXACT LINK – I check all sources
- No abbreviations, no contractions – write formally
- Write in the third person formal voice (no first or second person pronouns)
- Write MORE than the minimum requirement of the word count assigned
- As always, the word count is ONLY for the BODY of the paper – the cover page, reference page, and / or Appendix (if included) do not count towards the word count for the paper
- Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces
- Refer to the example APA paper in the getting started folder under the content tab if you need an example. Also, a power is provided under the information tab that addresses APA format.
- Use double-spacing / zero point line spacing, a running header, page numbers, and left justify the margins.
Middle East College Contemporary Issues in Employee Development Paper Writing Assignment Help
i. Critically evaluate the role played by Government to promote above-mentioned Strategic
Direction. You may consider primary and secondary sources to augment your answer. (15
ii. Critically appraise the role played by TRC Oman in promoting research and enquiry culture
to build innovative and Knowledge Society.
Critically review the business environment in Oman with PESTEL model and answer the following:
i. Challenges faced by Oman Economy in attracting and retaining talent in Diversified
Economy. (15 Marks)
ii. What initiatives do you suggest for strengthening Supply side of Skilled and
Industry-Ready Human Resources for sustainable growth of economy?
Review and comment on the Government’s support mechanism and initiatives from Private sector to
promote local entrepreneurs for encouraging the National Talent to enhance the Human Capital.
Central Community College Role of Civic Engagement in a Republic Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Role of Civic Engagement in a Republic
Learning Objective: Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s “Three Great Untruths” are examined: 1) life is a battle between good people and evil people, 2) what doesn’t kill you makes you weaker, and 3) always trust your feelings. Civic engagement is the antidote to the divisiveness and self-centeredness that belief in these “untruths” fosters.
Option 1: Words & Music.
It’s been suggested that a photograph is worth a thousand words. So imagine what a video is worth! For your Primary assignment this week, post a music video that demonstrates your thoughts on the importance of civic engagement. In at least 600 words, analyze the song’s lyrics and images to help the reader make the connection between the song and the need for civic engagement. Use the assigned course reading materials to support your argument. You can choose your music video or select one of these. If you select a music video that is not on the provided list, you are responsible for it appropriateness. If in doubt, don’t. Be sure to link the video to your assignment.
Band/ Act | Song Title | Genre |
Black Eyed Peas w/ Justin Timberlake | Where is the Love? | Hip Hop/Rap |
Green Day | American Idiot | Punk |
Lady Gaga | Born This Way | Pop Vocal |
Billie Holiday | Strange Fruit | Jazz |
Dixie Chicks | Not Ready to Make Nice | Country |
The Who | Won’t Get Fooled Again | Classic Rock |
Bruce Springsteen | Born in the USA | FM Rock |
Option 2: Political Speech and Civic Engagement (a/k/a Deeply Flawed Article)
In June 2019, the Gallup polling organization reported that 23% of Americans viewed immigration as the most important political issue facing the United States. Although we frequently hear American society described as a nation of immigrants, concerns over immigration is not a new topic. In 1896 Senator Henry Cabot Lodge delivered a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, titled, The Restriction of Immigration. For this assignment, write a paper of no less than 600 words analyzing and critiquing three arguments presented by Senator Lodge. In your role as an engaged citizen, how would you respond to the views expressed by Lodge? Use specific ideas from the assigned readings in week’s one and two to support your argument.
- The Restriction Of Immigration by Henry Cabot Lodge – Speech in the Senate, March 16, 1896,
Specialty Packaging Corporation Clear and Black Plastic Demand Forecasting Report Business Finance Assignment Help
Specialty Packaging Corporation, Part A
Julie Williams had a lot on her mind when she left the conference room at Specialty Packaging Corporation (SPC). Her divisional manager had informed her that she would be assigned to a team consisting of SPC’s marketing vice president and several staff members from their key customers. The goal of this team was to improve supply chain performance, as SPC had been unable to meet all the demand of their customers over the past several years. This often left SPC’s customers scrambling to meet new client demands. Julie had little contact with SPC’s customers and wondered how she would add value to this process. She was told by her division manager that the team’s first task was to establish a collaborative forecast using data from both SPC and their customers. This forecast would serve as the basis for improving their performance as they could use this more accurate forecast for their production planning. With this in place, SPC would have a key tool to improve delivery performance.
SPC turns polystyrene resin into recyclable/disposable containers for the food industry. Polystyrene is purchased as a commodity in the form of resin pellets. The resin is unloaded from bulk rail containers or overland trailers into storage silos. Making the food containers is a two-step process. First, resin is conveyed to an extruder, which converts it into polystyrene sheet wound into rolls. The plastic comes in two forms: clear and black. The rolls are either used immediately to make containers or are put into storage. Second, the rolls are loaded onto thermo-forming presses, which form the sheet into containers and trim the containers from the sheet.
Over the past five years, the plastic packaging business has grown steadily. Demand for containers made from clear plastic comes from grocery stores, bakeries, and restaurants. Demand for black plastic trays comes from caterers and grocery stores, who use them as packaging and serving trays. Demand for clear plastic containers peaks in the summer months, whereas demand for black plastic containers peaks in the fall. Capacity on the extruders is not sufficient to cover demand for sheets during the peak seasons. As a result, the plant is forced to build inventory of each type of sheet in anticipation of future demand. Table 1 display historical quarterly demand for each of the two types (clear and black) of containers. This demand data was modified from SPC’s sales data by the team to take into account the lost sales when SPC was out of stock. Without the customers involved in this team, SPC would never have known this information as they did not keep track of lost orders.
As a first step in the team’s decision making, they want to forecast quarterly demand for each of the two types of the containers for the years 2003 to 2005. Based on historical trends, demand is expected to grow until 2005, after which it is expected to plateau. Julie must select the appropriate forecasting method and estimate the likely forecast error. Which method should she use and justify your selection?
Specialty Packaging Corporation Clear and Black Plastic Demand Forecasting Report Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Campbellsville University Simulated Dendrochronology Discussion Writing Assignment Help
1. Discussion Question: with 3 references
The chart you select to represent your data will be influenced by many factors. Kirk (2016) has put each chart into the five main families below:
• Categorical: Comparing categories and distributions of quantities values
• Hierarchical: Charting part-to-whole relationships and hierarchies
• Relational: Graphing relationships to explore correlations and connections
• Temporal: Showing trends and activities over time
• Spatial: Mapping spatial patterns through overlays and distortions
Select a chart type from the text and discuss what the chart is used for and why you selected it. (The author has included a lot of different chart types in our course book)
2. Need 4 pages assignment question below
Project assignment is to have you do more research on the topic of Data Analytics and Visualization. In this project you will need to do some research. Select any software that can help you with data analytics, it can be R programming, it can be Tableau, anything. Research the software and write a paper on its capabilities with examples.
Here is what needs to be done:
1. Submit 4 pages double spaced, APA style MS Word document.
2. Only 2 graphics or figures allowed.
3. Reference all sources used. Use APA style references.
EN1020 Columbia Southern Sexual Assault in Military Literature Review & Introduction Writing Assignment Help
Revision of Literature Review and Introduction
Follow the directions below for the completion of the introduction and literature review revision assignment for Unit V. If you have questions, please email your professor for assistance.
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to revise the introduction and literature review of your academic argumentative research paper, which you created a draft of in Unit IV.
Description: In this assignment, you will revise the introduction and literature review that you wrote for the Unit IV assignment. Revisions must be substantive and should be made in accordance with the professor’s instructions. The following parts of the assignment must be revised:
- Introduction (9-12 well-developed sentences/approximately 350 words): For more details about what is expected for each of the following sentences, please see “Lesson 4: The Introduction.” You may also want to review the “Example Introduction and Literature Review (with comments).” The following components must be included in the introduction (in the following order).
- Sentence 1: Introduce the general topic
- Sentence 2: Pro side (general)
- Sentence 3: Con side (general)
- Sentence 4: Narrow the scope (1)
- Sentence 5: Examples of the narrowed topic
- Sentence 6: Narrow the scope (2)
- Sentence 7: Specific controversy
- Sentence 8: Pro side (specific)
- Sentence 9: Con side (specific)
- Sentence 10: The thesis
- Literature Review (800-900 words): For details about the structure of the literature review, you will want to review “Lesson 3: The Literature Review: The Process.” You may also want to review the “Example Introduction and Literature Review (with comments).” The link is below.
- Literature review preface: This paragraph acts as a guide to what the reader can expect in the literature review.
- Literature review body: This section includes three to four body paragraphs that discuss the history, terminology, and both sides of the controversy (pro and con).
- Literature review conclusion: The conclusion signals that the literature review is ending, but it also acts as a kind of preface for the body of the paper by restating the thesis statement and establishing your argument once again.
- Demonstrate the avoidance of plagiarism through proper use of APA citations and references for all paraphrased and quoted material.
- Implement techniques of editing and revising.
Cardinal Stritch University Scholarship in A Particular Area of Bioethics HW Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Objectives:
to become familiar with scholarship in a particular area of bioethics.
to demonstrate an ability to summarize another thinker’s argument or point of view.
to demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively.
- Assignment Description:
- The oral report is an article review. Students choose a current scholarly article written on a topic in bioethics to summarize and analyze. They present their summary and analysis in a 2-3 page essay and as an oral report via power point, Prezi, or some other presentation tool. Students use Stritch library data bases or bioethics anthologies of articles on reserve for this class to choose and then summarize a scholarly, academic articlethat entertains a topic in bioethics. Students then present their summary of the chosen article to the class along with an analysis of the article. A power point or prezi or handout is required. The report should include:
- The article title and bibliographical information – author, where and when it was published. (A copy or link to the article should be submitted on Canvas.)
A brief statement of the author’s credentials/affiliation, if accessible.
A correct and detailed summary of the article’s argument, position, content.
An analysis which may include: a consideration of the truth or falsity of one or more statements made in the article; a consideration of weak or strong portions of the article; if an analogy is introduced, a consideration of whether the analogy ‘works’; an identification of any logical fallacies (Links to an external site.) that may be present; a statement about which theoretical perspective (if discernible) informs the author’s view.
Grading will be based upon the quality of both written and oral presentations of the material.
Oral Report Rubric (1) (1) (1) (1)
Oral Report Rubric (1) (1) (1) (1)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Depth and Accuracy
45.0 pts
The article was summarized in detail and with care. There were no inaccurate statements.
35.0 pts
- The article was summarized adequately. There were no inaccurate statements.
- 30.0 pts
- The article was summarized in a basic way. There were some inaccurate statements.
- 20.0 pts
The article was summarized poorly. There were many inaccurate statements. It was incomplete.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis
15.0 pts
The analysis was advanced, thoughtful, careful. Student demonstrates advanced analytical ability.
10.0 pts
The analysis was basic. It showed effort and attention.
5.0 pts
The analysis was poor – disorganized, careless, or very brief.
0.0 pts
There was no analysis or the analysis was incomprehensible.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Communication Aids
15.0 pts
The visual presentation was helpful to the audience and either very attractive or very creative. There were no grammatical errors.
10.0 pts
The visual presentation was helpful to the audience in understanding the article and the issues at stake. There were a minimal number of grammatical errors.
5.0 pts
Visual presentation was very short, lacking creativity or carelessly written
0.0 pts
Visual aids were non-existent. OR Writing was difficult to read because there were so many mistakes.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOral Performance
10.0 pts
The student seemed very comfortable with the material and did little reading – and supplemented reading with explanations that are not read.
7.0 pts
The student sometimes floundered, but attempted to speak independently from notes.
3.0 pts
The student read most of his/her presentation.
0.0 pts
The student read the entire presentation.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDocumentation
15.0 pts
Citation style is followed carefully. Student cites the source article within the text of the summary essay, on the “References” page and within the powerpoint.
10.0 pts
Minor citation mistakes are noted. Citation may be missing from the text of the summary essay or in the powerpoint.
5.0 pts
Citation is somewhat haphazard or careless, but is present in one part of the project.
0.0 pts
No Marks
Student payed little attention to citation style and guidelines or student does not indicate authorship at all.
Total Points: 100.0
Lonstar college Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides (slide count does not include title and references slide) describing the chosen community interest.
Include the following in your presentation:
- Description of community and community boundaries: the people and the geographic, geopolitical, financial, educational level; ethnic and phenomenological features of the community, as well as types of social interactions; common goals and interests; and barriers, and challenges, including any identified social determinates of health.
- Summary of community assessment: (a) funding sources and (b) partnerships.
- Summary of interview with community health/public health provider.
- Identification of an issue that is lacking or an opportunity for health promotion.
- A conclusion summarizing your key findings and a discussion of your impressions of the general health of the community.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA format ting guidelines.
You can chose any city in Texas. Thanks
University of New Brunswick Financial Planning Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
University of New Brunswick Financial Planning Questions Business Finance Assignment Help