University of New Haven 24 Hour Innovation Investigation Paper Engineering Assignment Help

University of New Haven 24 Hour Innovation Investigation Paper Engineering Assignment Help. University of New Haven 24 Hour Innovation Investigation Paper Engineering Assignment Help.

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24 Hour Innovation Investigation- Alternate Assignment Submission

Students who are not able to participate in the 24 Hour Innovation Investigation will work individually through various activities to have a similar experience on their own time. These experiences are used as the basis for the term project, and are essential for students to complete prior to the start of the term project.

As you work through the process, you should document your work on the pages that follow these instructions.

Task 1: Identifying and Verifying a Problem

Transportation is one of the critical infrastructures in the United States and the world. Highway systems are used to transport goods and products, local roads are traveled by pedestrians and bikes, and we have advanced our efficiency with air and sea travel. As technology begins to intersect transportation, there are multiple pain-points associated with it.

1.Individually, identify and create a list of at least 15 different pain point associated with transportation. These topics should be pain points that you personally are interested in trying to solve or reduce. They can be on any scale and related to any aspect of transportation, including services that use transportation or directly related to transportation itself.

Now, identify the top 2 pain points on your list that you are interested in. You should focus on challenges you believe are solvable with an engineering solution. While you think these are important to solve, there is no guarantee anyone else agrees and is willing to spend money on the solution. We must verify that other people agree these are worth solving.

2.For each of your top pain points, create a list of different types of stakeholders who would care about your problem or solution. You should identify a minimum of four different stakeholder groups, representing at least two different types of stakeholders (i.e. public, private, nonprofit, gov., agency, etc.)

3.Now, pick one of the stakeholder lists that you believe you can find people to interview from all of the different areas. This will be the project you pursue for the remainder of the assignment. You need to prepare to interview at least 10 people from at least 2 different types of stakeholders.

4.Create a list of at least 5 questions that you plan to ask each stakeholder group. Some questions may be asked to all stakeholders, while some may be unique to that category.

a.Your questions should be unbiased and aimed at gathering information on how they feel about the problem.

b.Do not ask them how they feel about specific solutions, but rather what characteristics they would require of a solution, or how much they would be willing to pay for a solution.

c.Now, go interview! Document your interviews and the answers from each group. You can use online survey tools, phone interview, video interviews, etc. to collect your data! This is about people though, it isn’t online research.

d.When interviewing, don’t be afraid to ask for more details! Those details may help you later on!

Task 2: Brainstorming Solutions

Summarize your interview data into customer musts and wants for a solution. Then, look over the feedback- what aspects of the problem are most concerning for the stakeholders? Do all stakeholder groups feel the same way about the problem? These questions should get your brain turning and ready to brainstorm potential solutions!

5.Brainstorm at least 10 different solutions ideas that might solve your problem, considering the stakeholder feedback. Use the mindmap described in Lesson 2 of the Innovative Client-Centered Solutions through Design Thinking to structure your idea.

6.When done, apply “Yes, and” technique (Lesson 2 from the EML Module: Innovation Client Solutions) to each idea. Reflect on at least two of your “bad” ideas and see if there any changes you can make to the idea to make it a better idea.

7.Reflect on all of your solutions and select the top 3 based on feasibility and impact potential. For each of these three, identify more details of what each solution would look like. Aim for an approximately 75-word description of each solution.

Task 3: Stakeholder Feedback on Solutions

As before, we often bring our own biases into the engineering design process. We are most comfortable with our own experiences, and have to push ourselves to think like someone else. Let’s once again verify our ideas are good by checking with our stakeholders.

8.Create a short list of 3-4 questions that you could use to assess if people not only like your idea, but would be willing to pay for it. Keep in mind that this may not mean they are directly buying it, but possibly are getting taxed or paying more to a company such that the solution is incorporated by someone else.

9.Go interview at least 6 people from at least 2 different stakeholder categories on all 3 of your top ideas. Document your results, and reflect.

Task 4: Flesh out your top idea

After reflecting on the customer interviews, did the stakeholders like your ideas? Which idea was the best? What would need to be changed or modified to meet their new needs? Most ideas start as basic “blobs” that have to be refined into a more detailed representation. You might need to describe what it looks like, a process chart showing various steps, or even develop a physical representation to explain how people would interact with the physical solution.

10. Pick the top solution from customer feedback. Try to answer any of the questions that arose from your stakeholder feedback. Revise your solution description to incorporate these changes.

11. Create an “artifact” that represents your solution. This could be a sketch, a flow-chart, a physical prototype made from play-doh or things on your desk, etc. The goal is not to have it look good, but to make explaining your idea easier to the audience.

Task 5: Prepare your Pitch

An important part of the design process is your ability to convey your ideas clearly and “sell” them to someone. You already practiced this by sharing your ideas with stakeholders. However, most ideas have to be pitched to funders, either internal within a company with a project manager who approves new projects, or possibly to a group of angel investors if you are trying to turn your idea into a startup.

12. Video record yourself giving a 2 minute pitch. You don’t need to prepare slides unless you want to, but you should show your artifact during the presentation. In general, use the following format:

a.What is the problem?

b.Why is it a problem- who does it affect?

c.What is your proposed solution? Provide details

d.The “Sell”- finish with a closing statement that explain why your solution is the best one to solve the problem over other ideas.

Student Documentation of Makeup Assignment

1. Identify at least 15 pain points related to transportation
















2. Identify the top two painpoints and create the stakeholder lists.

Top Painpoint #1:

Stakeholder List #1:

Top Painpoint #2:

Stakeholder List #2:

3. My selected pain-point for interviewing is: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. My interview questions are (minimum of 5, may be more if unique to stakeholder groups):








Summary of results from interview:

Person 1 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 2 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 3 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 4 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 5 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 6 Name/Stakeholder Category:

Person 7 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 8 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 9 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 10 Name/Stakeholder Category: _______________________________________

Notes/Summary of interviews:

5. Brainstorm at least 10 ideas via the mind-map technique:

6. Use “Yes, And” to improve at least two bad ideas:

Bad Idea #1: __________________________________________________________

Could be improved by: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bad Idea #2: __________________________________________________________

Could be improved by: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Identify your top 3 ideas and prepare a ~75-word description of each with more details

Idea #1: _________________________________________


Idea #2: ______________________________________________


Idea #3: ____________________________________________________


8. Create a list of assessment questions to ask your stakeholders to determine if they like the ideas.

Question #1:

Question #2:

Question #3:

Question #4:

9. Now, go interview at least 6 stakeholders

Person 1 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 2 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 3 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 4 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 5 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Person 6 Name/Stakeholder Category: ________________________________________

Summary of solution feedback from stakeholders:

10. Based on stakeholder feedback, what was your top solution? Revise that description of your idea based on any details stakeholders requested or asked about:

Top Idea: ____________________________________________________

Revised Description:

11. Create an artifact that represents your ideas. Include here as a picture:

12. Record your pitch. Upload to Youtube as an “unlisted” video and provide the URL for faculty review:

URL of pitch: ___________________________________________________________

University of New Haven 24 Hour Innovation Investigation Paper Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CCC Why Your Doctor Should Care About Social Justice RDN & DTR Discussion Science Assignment Help

Why your doctor should care about social justice

Here is a link to the video. Post a 3 sentence summary along with a paragraph of your thoughts on the topic.


Discussion 6

Please look at the rubric!! Grading rubric 202.docx

Compare the educational and professional requirements for an RDN and DTR. Which career path would you prefer and why?

Here are some helpful links:

RDN Link (Links to an external site.)

DTR Link


NURS 6521 UMES Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Assignment: Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders

    Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

    Gastrointestinal (GI) and hepatobiliary disorders affect the structure and function of the GI tract. Many of these disorders often have similar symptoms, such as abdominal pain, cramping, constipation, nausea, bloating, and fatigue. Since multiple disorders can be tied to the same symptoms, it is important for advanced practice nurses to carefully evaluate patients and prescribe a treatment that targets the cause rather than the symptom.

Once the underlying cause is identified, an appropriate drug therapy plan can be recommended based on medical history and individual patient factors. In this Assignment, you examine a case study of a patient who presents with symptoms of a possible GI/hepatobiliary disorder, and you design an appropriate drug therapy plan.

To Prepare
  • Review the case study assigned by your Instructor for this Assignment
  • Reflect on the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and drugs currently prescribed.
  • Think about a possible diagnosis for the patient. Consider whether the patient has a disorder related to the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary system or whether the symptoms are the result of a disorder from another system or other factors, such as pregnancy, drugs, or a psychological disorder.
  • Consider an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.
By Day 7 of Week 4

Write a 1-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Explain your diagnosis for the patient, including your rationale for the diagnosis.
  • Describe an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.
  • Justify why you would recommend this drug therapy plan for this patient. Be specific and provide examples.

Week 4 Assignment Scenario

Posted on: Monday, September 21, 2020 9:08:32 AM EDT


Please find below the scenario for this week’s assignment:

Patient HL comes into the clinic with the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and

diarrhea. The patient has a history of drug abuse and possible Hepatitis C. HL is

currently taking the following prescription drugs:

  • Synthroid 100 mcg daily
  • Nifedipine 30 mg daily
  • Prednisone 10 mg daily


FIU Wk 4 Gathering Evidence for Public Health Practice Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Describing Health Conditions: Understanding and Using Rates
Gathering Evidence for Public Health Practice
Read chapters 7 and 8 of the class textbooks and review the PowerPoint presentations located in the PowerPoint folder. Once done answer the following questions.
1. Describe an understanding of the following.
The primary method used to measure the state of health a population is experiencing, including the rules and formula used for calculations
The difference between crude and adjusted rates as well as incidence and prevalence rates
The difference between incidence density, incidence rates, and relative risk ratio.
2. Using examples, interpret the relevance of the use of rates in nursing practice.
3. Mention and discuss the differences between descriptive and analytical research.
As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, APA required font attach to the forum in the discussion tab/folder of the blackboard ultra and in the A minimum of 3 evidence-based references no older than 5 years must be used. You must post two replies on different dates to any of your peers sustained with the proper references no older than 5 years as well and make sure the references are properly quoted in your assignment. The replies cannot be posted on the same day, I must see different dates in the replies. A minimum of 800 words not to exceed 1,000 are required without counting the first and last page


Strayer University Internal Controls Errors in Accounting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

According to a recent article from Forbes, retail operations in the United States are experiencing over $60 billion a year in losses primarily due to employee theft. Imagine you have been hired as a loss prevention specialist for a large retail chain and your first assignment is to identify and address the current problems with inventory shrinkage. Select and discuss one of the following internal controls below you would implement to help prevent future employee fraud/theft? Be sure to provide your rationale.

  • Option A: More stringent background screenings for new hires (i.e. reference checks, criminal record checks, credit record checks)
  • Option B: Tighter security controls (i.e. video surveillance, random inventory/cash audits, computer system audits, segregation of duties)



CNCC Vinay Dommeti Motivational Tools Areas & Compensation Packages Response Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

1)vinay dommeti

Everyone expects a top-performing CEO to have perks to reward himself, as that is the luxury of being a CEO. But when those luxuries are on the expenses of employees, stockholders and the organization is bearing a monetary crisis; then the authorities need to reconsider the CEO’s payment packages.

The CEO of Boston Scientific was recently awarded the cost of living allowance and relocation in the amount of about $1.5M. This amount was other than the amount he is taking as his annual salary. The most outrageous CEO perk and best relocation expense go to the CEO of Shaw Group, James Bernhard. The company pays him not to divulge or compete with the secrets of the companies. He would be paid even after he is dead. His heir would receive the $15 M and additional rewards just not to compete after the death of James Bernhard (Katz, 2018).

This was just to maximize the profits of the CEO without taking the other beneficiary aspects of stockholders or the whole organization.

Motivational Tools areas:

Reasonable Compensation Packages: It means everyone working in the company would be paid a defined salary as per the rank or status of every employee, and no exceptional favor would be given to anyone.

Direct The intervention of Shareholders: Shareholders should be allowed to see, how the organization is working and the structure which is being followed.

These strategies can be considered to be one of the best and easy way to stop the conflict between the managers and stockholders. The main issues are the extra compensation being given to the managers. If there is a specified salary package, then it should be followed. Otherwise, one should be created and followed to solve the conflicts. Implementation of this strategy can be made assure by the direct involvement of the shareholders. So, they can see if everything is going accordingly (Shore, 2018).

Time value of money is important in managerial decisions .it is considered that the present value of money is more as compared to that it would be I future as It can be invested to make more. e.g., $30k of profit per year is much better as compared to the profit of $35k after five years. As the $30K can be invested again and much more profit could be earned. The investment of the yearly payment would lead towards the compound interest (Faseruk, 2018).


Katz, A. (2018). Addressing the Harm to Common Stockholders in Trados and Nine Systems. Columbia Law Review, 119.

Reder, R. S., & Shore, E. F. (2018). Chancery Court Applies M&F Framework to Transactions in Which Controlling Stockholders Allegedly Received Unique Benefits. Vand. L. Rev. En Banc, 72, 221.

Willcott, N., & Faseruk, A. (2018). Making Sense of Time Value of Money and Agency Considerations in Structuring Legal Settlements in Canada. American Journal of Management, 18(3).

2)Shiva that

Conflicts between a company’s management and shareholders are situations seen multiple numbers of times. In the medical device industry, the goal for the managers is to focus on the quality of the product whereas the shareholders focus on profit maximization and work towards strategies to increase the profits. For a new launch project to release implants in the market considering the timelines and profits, shareholders wanted to release products with the packaging of compromised nature. However, as these implants can cause infection it was very important to be cautious about the product reaching the patient (Reddy, 2020). Showing previous historical data of complaints in regards to a similar product and emphasizing the importance of the quality product in alignment with to company’s goal manager convinced the shareholders and was able to change the path forward in the right direction. Motivational tools utilized were the company’s goal statement to focus on the quality of product and patient safety. In addition, the historical data showing the complaints helped to convince the stakeholders. More importantly, showed that a product is released in the market could have potential complaints and can hit the product brand name and can cause down falling reputation, which can affect future sales. It could even lead to the recall of the product from the market and cause some potential loss. More importantly shared realistic timelines and priority of the project on our team schedule, which convinced the shareholders and helped to change their decision (Nouri, 2018).

The time value money (TMV) is a very interesting concept to stakeholders as the money in hand is of high interest than the money invested or promised for the future. The amount currently possessed is high value in case there is an inflation of prices for similar operational activities. Consider an investment of $100 in stock for a period of five years for 5%. Assume the same share value for $125 after five years. If invested currently and compounding the interest to five years will be $127.6. This could benefit a profit of $2.6 however, if the value of share reduced in the future it could be a loss. There in these situations, a careful analysis is required to make a proper decision (Walsh, 2020).


Baker, T. L., Chari, S., Daryanto, A., Dzenkovska, J., Ifie, K., Lukas, B. A., & Walsh, G. (2020). Discount venture brands: Self-congruity and perceived value-for-money?. Journal of Business Research, 116, 412-419.

Nouri, B. A. (2018). Effect of stockholder relationship management on market value of firms (case study: banking and financial services industry in the Tehran Stock Exchange). International Journal of Electronic Finance, 9(2), 73-94.

Reddy, B. (2020). More than Meets the Eye: Reassessing the Empirical Evidence on US Dual-Class Stock. University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper, (20).

3)swath siga

Part 1

These days, the business has turned into an aggressive action to wander. The aggressiveness in the business has pushed the organizations to set up a goal to accomplish to keep keeping up its importance in the market. The organizations have selected an investor riches to boost to be their essential and a long-haul objective. The investor riches amplification as a long-lasting objective empowers the business association in producing their long-haul incomes, which will help in achieving different objectives. As indicated by Baker and Powell, the absence of appropriate investor riches expansion in the business renders the business inept and insufficient in their endeavors.

As of now, basic leadership in business associations has been abused. Presently, the business associations, through their supervisors, have turned out to be one-sided in the manner choices are made and actualized. The choices are being made to support not every one of the people but rather just a couple of individuals in the association. A case of one-sided basic leadership is found in the U.S. automobile industry. In the U.S. automobile industry, the administration choices of benefit making are short-named, implying that a few administrators goal to profit by the choices at the time they are at the administration (Barocas, 2018).

Each presentation in business or any factor requires inspiration. The representatives ought to be inspired for them to perform well in the association. Inspiration likewise assumes an essential job in adjusting the investor and the board premium. The two fundamental inspirational instruments are offering remuneration bundles that are sensible and giving the partners the opportunity to mediate straightforwardly on the association’s exercises.

At the point when the business offers sensible bundles in pay, each in the association feels that he/she is a vital part of the organization. Along these lines, it turns into a critical apparatus in rousing every one of the partners. The remuneration bundle ought to be offered similarly to every one of the individuals such the up and coming directors get guaranteed of authority progression. The bundle should allow those administrators with a decent reputation in execution.

At the point when every one of the partners is permitted to freshen up their conclusions openly, thusly, the partners will feel a feeling of proprietorship and along these lines turning into a wellspring of inspiration

The primary persuasive device and offering pay bundles to the workers in the association is essential to the business. The instrument will encourage fathoming clashes in the association since the two investors and directors will have a rule on how pay is finished. They will realize that the remuneration is on the legitimacy and that amazing exhibition will be redressed. The choice will leave the partners with no choice however to perform better emphatically affecting the business.

Then again, when the investors are allowed to mediate straightforwardly. The recommendations they will propose will be of extraordinary assistance to the business. They will likewise have the option to settle on choices that will improve the association. With the assistance of direct mediation, directors and investors settle on the choices to serve the general association. Therefore, it upgrades the fulfillment of the investors and resolves the contentions among administrators and investors in a successful way (Reder, 2018).

Part 2

Time estimation of cash is a budgetary recommendation that a specific measure of cash at the present worth is far much worth than a similar measure of cash later on. A genuine model is a point at which you are given $ 50,000 with two choices; to take at the time or sit tight for different years. The best thing will be to take the cash around then. Despite the fact that the sum is equivalent, on the off chance that one takes the cash at present, he/she can contribute and win more premium. The time estimation of cash is pivotal in business basic leadership. Time estimation of cash encourages the business chiefs to anticipate the future monetary position of the business. The directors may take part in a particular venture knowing great that they will in the long run make a benefit or not (Leibovici, 2020).


Barocas, B. J. (2018). The Corporate Practice of Gerrymandering the Voting Rights of Common Stockholders and the Case for Measured Reform. U. Pa. L. Rev., 167, 497.

Paul, M., Harbarth, S., Huttner, A., Thwaites, G. E., Theuretzbacher, U., Bonten, M. J., & Leibovici, L. (2020). Investigator-initiated randomized controlled trials in infectious diseases: better value for money for registration trials of new antimicrobials. Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Reder, R. S. (2018). DELAWARE CORPORATE LAW BULLETIN Chancery Court Applies M&F Framework to Transactions in Which Controlling Stockholders Allegedly (Doctoral dissertation, Vanderbilt University).

CNCC Vinay Dommeti Motivational Tools Areas & Compensation Packages Response Discussion Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PHIL 222 Bryant And Stratton Ethical Theories in Medical Practice Case Study Humanities Assignment Help



Please submit your Portfolio Project topic.

Your first job is to choose a Medical Case Study that presents an ethical dilemma. You must choose a Case Study from the following website:Center for Practical Bioesthetics.

Then, you will be taking a position on that topic. For instance, if I picked euthanasia as my topic, I would either support euthanasia OR, I would be against it.

Finally, you must present the ethical theory that will best support your stance. Will you use the principles of Utility or Deontology to support your position?

Your Paper Topic should include the following three items:

  1. Summarize the issue presented in your case study
  2. Define your stance on this issue.
  3. Define the ethical model (Utilitarianism or Deontology) that you will use to prove your position/stance on the topic.

IMPORTANT: Your topic must be approved before you write your project. If your topic requires revision, please follow up with your instructor for assistance and new topic ideas.

To be clear, your Portfolio Paper is not a reportabout an ethical issue. This assignment is not asking you to report all about how abortion works, or the history of euthanasia. The Portfolio Project is an argumentative paper which means that you must make claims supporting your position on your ethical topic. Some background about your topic is okay, but it should be limited to no more than a few lines that define your topic for the average reader in your opening. The main purpose of the paper is to show your ability to craft an argument and find support for that ethical position.

Part 2

Attach to assignment

PHIL222- Ethics in Health & Human Services

Week 4 Midterm Exam Essay Questions


UCI Global Trafficking Universalism & Relativism & Child Sex Trafficking Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Instructions for Assigned Discussion Posts

  • Counts for 10% of your grade.
  • Purpose: To assess your participation in the class and engagement with the course content.
  • Each student has been assigned to post on the discussion board once in the quarter.
  • Length: One short paragraph, 5-8 sentences (maximum).
    • Do not exceed this length.

What to post about:

  • You will mainly be expected to respond to what was covered in lecture.
    • Respond to either or both lectures of the week.
  • I will provide discussion prompts/ questions for each week, but you don’t have to restrict yourself to them. You can also post other (related) thoughts or questions, post links to related videos, podcasts, articles etc. you might have come across.
  • Do not “summarize” the lectures. Discuss what you found interesting, what you learned that was unexpected, what you might disagree with in the material, what you want to understand better, etc.
    • If you are asking a question: Explain specifically and in some detail what you didn’t understand or were confused by.
  • You will not be required to reference all of the reading for that week, but make sure to reference at least one.
  • I need to see that you have at least grasped how that reading was explained in lecture.
  • If it’s a week when a film was assigned, you still need to reference at least one of the assigned readings. i.e. You cannot substitute the film for a reading.
  • I strongly encourage you to also respond to other group members’ posts, though you are not required to do so.

Guidelines for Discussion Board: Please be respectful, polite, sensitive, and calm in your posts. Our class includes sensitive topics such as race, class, gender, sexuality, immigration, and politics. To understand these pressing issues and how they shape trafficking and anti-trafficking, it is essential that everyone feel welcome to participate. We will not target or stereotype people, which means we trust each other not to make racist, sexist, classist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, or hateful comments of any kind.


  • You will be graded on the quality of your response. Merely doing the submission will not guarantee a good grade.
  • Assigned Discussion Posts will be graded out of 10 points and will count for 10% of your assessment in this class.
  • See grade scale and rubric on the next page.

Grade Scale

grading scale

Grading Rubric

A+ Outstanding: Student has reviewed lectures, dipped into the reading, makes insightful comments/ asks engaged questions, draws interesting connections to other issues/ current topics, followed instructions for the assignment.

A Excellent: Student has reviewed lectures and at least references one reading from the week as covered in lectures, makes insightful comments/ asks engaged questions, perhaps draws interesting connections to other issues/ current topics, followed instructions for the assignment.

A- Good: Makes a couple of good points, but lacks clarity/focus, some error in following instructions.

B+ Average: Weaker version of A-.

B Okay: General response, vague or minimal engagement to the class, considerable error in following instructions, or substantial lack of clarity in writing.

B- Lacking: Weaker version of B

C Weak: General response with no connection to the class, demonstrates the student has barely skimmed the lecture (just wrote something for the sake of it), substantial lack of clarity in writing, barely followed the instructions, etc.

D Poor: Plagiarized, unconnected to the topic, complete lack of clarity in writing, did not follow the instructions at all, etc.

F Failed: No submission.

I will also upload materials provided,

and two videos:



Thank you!!


UOP Learning Environment for Grade One Pupil & Classroom Activities Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Content

  1. Schedules, transitions, and routines will vary in learning environments based on age and developmental level. Schedules should be used as guides rather than requirements to allow for unexpected learning opportunities. In early childhood settings, transitions occur frequently and sometimes account for 25% of the child’s day. Routines are also important for early learners, because they provide predictability, stability, and security for children.Choose an early education age/grade level (preschool–Grade 3) and create a schedule that:

    • Includes times, activities, transitions, and routines
    • Factors in your classroom-management philosophy

    Review Ch. 3, “Sample Daily Schedules,” of Creating Environments for Learning: Birth to Age Eight located in this week’s Learning Activities folder for ideas or guidance. Please note: You may not copy these schedules for this assignment.
    Write a minimum 350-word analysis that addresses the following questions:

    • Why are schedules, transitions, and routines critical to your success in the classroom?
    • How will these activities, transitions, and routines promote student engagement?
    • Why is it important to have schedules and routines in place at the beginning of the school year?
    • How might you adapt the schedule you created to accommodate children with diverse needs (i.e., learners who are gifted, learners who have special needs, English language learners, etc.)?
    • What impact does preparation and instructional planning have on whether or not students follow these routines and procedures?
    • Using “Figure 3.3: Environmental Assessment: Schedules, Transitions, and Routines” of Creating Environments for Learning: Birth to Age Eight to assess your schedule, which items have you accomplished in your schedule?

    Cite references to support your assignment.Format your citations and analysis according to APA guidelines.Submit your schedule and analysis.Resources


St Petersburg College Business and Political Environment in Venezuela Essay Writing Assignment Help

SCOPE: Research the business and political environment in Venezuela today.

Particularly look for conflicts that have occurred between the socialist Venezuelan government (under presidents Chavez and now Maduro) and private businesses (manufacturing, oil, telecommunications, media, etc.).

– Provide a briefing of the current economic and business climates in Venezuela.

– Examine and explain why (and if) you believe whether the government’s actions regarding currency and its attempts to micro-manage the output of private companies are causing economic chaos and chronic shortages of goods.

– Draw some conclusions as to whether a foreign business (any type you wish) should look to expand in this country. Why? or Why not?


  • Title & reference page
  • 750-1000 words excluding title & reference page (be sure to stay within this range)
  • Minimum 3 academic references
  • APA format

Starter articles (Note: If links are inoperative, simple Google the titles to access or locate other articles. There are many on this topic.):



St Petersburg College Business and Political Environment in Venezuela Essay Writing Assignment Help

SCOPE: Research the business and political environment in Venezuela today.

Particularly look for conflicts that have occurred between the socialist Venezuelan government (under presidents Chavez and now Maduro) and private businesses (manufacturing, oil, telecommunications, media, etc.).

– Provide a briefing of the current economic and business climates in Venezuela.

– Examine and explain why (and if) you believe whether the government’s actions regarding currency and its attempts to micro-manage the output of private companies are causing economic chaos and chronic shortages of goods.

– Draw some conclusions as to whether a foreign business (any type you wish) should look to expand in this country. Why? or Why not?


  • Title & reference page
  • 750-1000 words excluding title & reference page (be sure to stay within this range)
  • Minimum 3 academic references
  • APA format

Starter articles (Note: If links are inoperative, simple Google the titles to access or locate other articles. There are many on this topic.):



St Petersburg College Business and Political Environment in Venezuela Essay Writing Assignment Help

SCOPE: Research the business and political environment in Venezuela today.

Particularly look for conflicts that have occurred between the socialist Venezuelan government (under presidents Chavez and now Maduro) and private businesses (manufacturing, oil, telecommunications, media, etc.).

– Provide a briefing of the current economic and business climates in Venezuela.

– Examine and explain why (and if) you believe whether the government’s actions regarding currency and its attempts to micro-manage the output of private companies are causing economic chaos and chronic shortages of goods.

– Draw some conclusions as to whether a foreign business (any type you wish) should look to expand in this country. Why? or Why not?


  • Title & reference page
  • 750-1000 words excluding title & reference page (be sure to stay within this range)
  • Minimum 3 academic references
  • APA format

Starter articles (Note: If links are inoperative, simple Google the titles to access or locate other articles. There are many on this topic.):



St Petersburg College Business and Political Environment in Venezuela Essay Writing Assignment Help

SCOPE: Research the business and political environment in Venezuela today.

Particularly look for conflicts that have occurred between the socialist Venezuelan government (under presidents Chavez and now Maduro) and private businesses (manufacturing, oil, telecommunications, media, etc.).

– Provide a briefing of the current economic and business climates in Venezuela.

– Examine and explain why (and if) you believe whether the government’s actions regarding currency and its attempts to micro-manage the output of private companies are causing economic chaos and chronic shortages of goods.

– Draw some conclusions as to whether a foreign business (any type you wish) should look to expand in this country. Why? or Why not?


  • Title & reference page
  • 750-1000 words excluding title & reference page (be sure to stay within this range)
  • Minimum 3 academic references
  • APA format

Starter articles (Note: If links are inoperative, simple Google the titles to access or locate other articles. There are many on this topic.):


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