University of New Haven Culture Innovation & Communication Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

University of New Haven Culture Innovation & Communication Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help. University of New Haven Culture Innovation & Communication Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Chapter 4 – Review the section on Linear Development in Learning Approaches. Discuss how learning changes over time impact organizational culture. What is the impact of this cultural change on the success of IT projects?

Chapter 5 – Review the Roles of Line Management and Social Network and Information Technology sections. Note the various roles in the organization and note the similarities and differences within each role. Also, note how innovation technology management shapes how we communicate amongst coworkers within an organization. (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be two -pages in length (one page for each chapter) and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length**

University of New Haven Culture Innovation & Communication Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of California Berkeley Open City Novel Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Write a post about the way Open City resonates with and/or challenges Michel de Certeau’s theory of ‘practicing’ the city. Write a 600 word post and be as specific as possible about the way you see the text/material conversing with de Certeau’s theory. Be sure to cite one quote or reference a particular example in your post. What questions or problems emerge when we put Cole’s novel in conversation with de Certeau’s ideas about the city and the everyday people who move in and through urban spaces?

The attachments are readings you need to look through

Once you’ve made your post, read over your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least one.

Classmate’s posts (choose one to respond):

post 1

New York City is a place where individuals from all over the world see America through their own lens. For these individuals, the American Dream represents a pursuit of meaning, usually by the means of financial stability. Teju Cole’s Open City and Ralph Ellison’s Harlem Is Nowhere paint a picture of the American dream through the perspective of the less fortunate, the detached, and the obscure. While Open City provides the reader with economic and societal context throughout NYC, Harlem Is Nowhere focuses on the struggle and detachment of one neighborhood. While Cole emphasizes perspective as a framework for meaningful pursuit, Ellison suggests that meaning brews from the “inner struggle” of those who seek it.

Cole’s Open City portrays NYC as a melting pot of different cultures, all contributing their unique perspectives in resembling the American dream. By compelling the reader to look through the lens of Julius, a Nigerian immigrant, Cole integrates perspective as the text’s dominant force. Julius described each neighborhood of NYC as being “made of a different substance, each seemed to have a different air pressure, a different psychic weight: the bright lights and shuttered shops, the housing projects and luxury hotels, the fire escapes and city parks” (Cole). Each neighborhood has its own foreign culture and collectively serves as an integral piece of the American dream. By specifically referring to “the housing projects and luxury hotels” as being “made of a different substance”, Cole highlights the economic disparities between neighborhoods and the cultures, mindsets, and attitudes that shape such disparities.

In Harlem Is Nowhere, “to live in Harlem is to dwell in the very bowels of the city; it is to pass a labyrinthine existence among streets that explode monotonously skyward with the spires and crosses of churches and clutter underfoot with garbage and decay” (Ellison). Being forced “to pass through a labyrinthine existence”, Black individuals in Harlem were shoved into a bewildering maze that hindered prosperity and meaning, where economic and social discrimination stood as blockades. Ellison metaphorically implies that meaning is a pursuit by which individuals internally overcome the struggles placed before them. Black individuals needed to overcome the struggles of discrimination in finding their life’s meaning. Although both texts signify the pursuit of meaning in life, perspective is a key element in Cole’s text, while struggle plays an integral role in Ellison’s.

Open City and Harlem Is Nowhere portray the struggles of those in search of meaning, in a place that limits clarity to some. Those who can’t see past the bewildering stupor are unlikely to escape the detached culture they live in. Both texts highlight the detachment of certain people and neighborhoods from the American dream, as well as balance the conversation between perspective and struggle in finding one’s meaning.

post 2

“Many Americans assume that European Muslims are covered from head to toe if they are women, or that they were a full beard if they are men, and that they are only interested in protesting perceived insults to Islam. The man on the street – do you understand this expression? – the ordinary American probable does not imagine that Muslims in Europe sit in cafes drinking beer, smoking, and discussing political philosophy. In the same way, American blacks are like any other Americans; they are like any other people.” (Cole 119).

I chose to discuss this quote because it brings to light the main themes in Open City and does a good job in portraying the way this novel explores the concepts of race in society. In this book, Julius often embarks on long walks through the city, as we all know, and when he does this, he finds tons of joy. This is because he is effectively exiting reality and walking into the unknown when he goes on his walks – he does not know what he may find or who he may meet, but he just knows that from observing, he will learn a lot. All he has with him is his point of view, and the hope that some ideas he encounters, whether from other people or from society itself, may challenge this point of view or reiterate it in some way. One of these examples if from above, where Julius shares his beliefs on race in his city of New York, and learns about the way others view race in their European city of Brussels, from a different perspective (the perspective of those marginalized). This leads me, as the reader, to the belief that any idea is challengeable and malleable and can always become a better form of itself, visible through the quote, in which Julius demonstrates to his Moroccan-Belgian friends the concept of marginalization and improper perceptions of race.

On the other hand, Nella Larsen’s Passing didn’t seem to give off the same message. There, instead, it seemed that challenging a concept and using it for growth played second fiddle to this idea of comfort: the idea that situations should just be viewed in a manner that is the most convenient and comfortable for those involved. This is evident in Clare’s marriage, where she accepts her husband’s outrageous racism and chooses to marry him, instead of marrying someone who will accept all races or have an advanced view on society. Similarly, when Irene believes Bryan to be cheating on her with Clare, she chooses not to challenge the concept, in her own head or with her spouse, and simply chooses to erase it from her brain for the purpose of simplicity and convenience. Thus, these two stories seem to give us conflicting views on society and the ways in which society can progress and be accepting of others.

The main problem emerging from putting these two texts in the same conversation arises from time frame. passing takes place almost 100 years earlier, and thus society was very different at that time, leading rise to the differences in the two novels. However, the main themes remain regardless, and these differences in a way, go to show how society and these northern cities may have changed over the course of those 90 ish years.


University of Phoenix Starbucks Financial Statement Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is for students to utilize critical thinking skills to understand the information contained within a company’s financial statements and how they articulate with each other.

Assignment Steps:

Develop a 700-word evaluation (keep it right around 700 words) on the Overview of Financial Statements using the following as guides:

  • Locate a financial statement (income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flow) for a public company. If possible, choose a company similar to one you wish to create or work for one day. You will find the information needed on their annual report. Use numbers from the most recent annual report, not a quarterly report, but the annual report.
  • What do the financial statements say about this company in general?
  • Identify the salient information contained in the financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flow).
  • Identify the company’s net income (income statement), total assets (balance sheet), and total net cash flow (statement of cash flow). I’m looking for numbers here.
  • Explain how financial statements (income, balance, statement of cash flow) are connected to each other.
  • Examine the importance and the relevance of financial statements for the entrepreneur.

Cite a minimum of one peer reviewed reference from the University Library.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.


Western Governors University Discovery Game Epidemiological Investigation Review Health Medical Assignment Help

  • Go to the website using this link: Outbreak at Watersedge
  • Click the Play button to start the game.
  • Follow the instructions. They will lead you on a search for an infected organism.
  • Once you have found the infected organism, write a three- to four-page review of the process you went through and the results you obtained. You must identify the disease found and define the epidemiological process you used. Make sure to describe how you used it. This paper must be written in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins. Use at least two references that support your findings.

Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)

Points Possible: 75

This game was developed by the Midwest Center for Life-Long-Learning in Public Health (MCLPH) funded in part by a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration, DHHS, Public Health Training Center Program. MCLPH is part of the Centers for Public Health Education and Outreach at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health


ECN 115B UCDavis Economics Utility Malthusian Trap & Human Capital Questions Economics Assignment Help


  1. Using the utility maximization diagram in chapter 6, graphically illustrate the effects of higher income on the number of children that a family will choose to have. Assume that children are inferior goods.
  2. What is the Malthusian population trap? In the context of the Malthusian population trap, explain the role of OECD countries in helping a country out of a population trap.
  3. Investment in human capital is very similar to investing in physical capital. True or false? Explain your answer.
  4. What is the Great Gatsby Curve? As an economic policy maker, how would you change the education policy in order to reverse the Great Gatsby curve?
  5. According to Sachs, what is the demographic trap? Why will a demographic trap prevent a country from reaching a higher level of development?
  6. What is the Millennium Villages Project? According to Sachs, how large of a development assistance was needed in order to get the project going?



University of Cumberlands Questions About Collaborative Tools Computer Science Assignment Help

In 500-600 words, and using the Jamsa (2013) textbook as your ONLY source:

List FOUR (4) questions to ask about Collaborative Tools as stated by Jamsa (2013). Then, in YOUR OWN words, and in response to the four questions, and from a business owner’s perspective, explain possible issues that could arise in the business if the questions are NOT answered.

Questions to Ask About Collaborative Tools

Regardless of the collaborative technology you are considering, there is a common set of questions you should consider:

Can the solution scale to meet the organization’s future needs?

• Is the solution secure?

• What are the solution’s start-up and operational costs?

• How will the solution impact the company’s IT staffing and resource requirements?

• What are the solution’s learning curve and training requirements?

University of Cumberlands Questions About Collaborative Tools Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

INR 2002 University of South Florida World System Theory Essay Writing Assignment Help

Your introductory paragraph should be in at least 250 words, including also a specific thesis statement.Your outline should be detailed, not simply heading and subheading topics.For each main body part of the paper, you should include a sub-thesis statement and supporting details. An outline is the structure of a paper/essay that you usually write after brainstorming. It should take you a few minutes or hours to write it. The outline should be in the 6th edition of the APA writing format. Your annotated bibliography should include at least five peer-reviewed academic sources. An annotated bibliography is comprised of references plus the annotation for each reference. Each annotation should explain what the article is about and how it will be used in the research paper, and it should be in at least 70 words. A peer-reviewed academic source is different from a popular source in that the former is written by a scholar (or scholars) and reviewed by other scholars who authorize the publication of the article in an academic journal.


University of California Berkeley Open City Novel Passage Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Highlight the words or sentences you want to comment on, and closely analyze their roles or meaning in the context. At least 3 comments.

Passage from Teju Cole’s Open City (2011; pages 58-59)

The overpass was full of people. In its rafters were brightly colored advertisements for various tourist sites in lower Manhattan. SHOW YOUR KIDS WHERE THE ALIENS LANDED, the one for Ellis Island read. The Museum of American Finance was promoted with the words RELIVE THE DAY AMERICA’S TICKER STOPPED. The Police Museum, also entering the spirit of distasteful puns, invited people to visit New York’s first cell provider. The commuters with me marched along, shoulders up, heads low, all in black and gray. I felt conspicuous, the only person among the crowd who stopped to look out from the overpass at the site. Everyone else went straight ahead, and nothing separated them, nothing separated us, from the people who had worked directly across the street on the day of disaster. When we descended the stairs into Vesey Street, we were hemmed in on both sides by a chain-link fence, penned in, “like animals” stumbling to the slaughter. [. . .]

[. . .] I moved on with the commuters through the pen.

This was not the first erasure on the site. Before the towers had gone up, there had been a bustling network of little streets traversing this part of town. Robinson Street, Laurens Street, College Place: all of them had been obliterated in the 1960s to make way for the World Trade Center buildings, and all were forgotten now. Gone, too, was the old Washington Market, the active piers, the fishwives, the Christian Syrian enclave that was established here in the late 1800s. The Syrians, the Lebanese, and other people from the Levant had been pushed across the river to Brooklyn, where they’d set down roots on Atlantic Avenue and in Brooklyn Heights. And, before that? What Lenape paths lay buried beneath the rubble? The site was a palimpsest, as was all the city, written, erased, rewritten. There had been communities here before Columbus ever set sail, before Verrazano anchored his ships in the narrows, or the black Portuguese slave trader Esteban Gómez sailed up the Hudson; human beings had lived here, built homes, and quarreled with their neighbors long before the Dutch ever saw a business opportunity in the rich furs and timber of the island and its calm bay. Generations rushed through the eye of the needle, and I, one of the still legible crowd, entered the subway. I wanted to find the line that connected me to my own part in these stories.


ECN 115B Effects of Higher Income Maximization Diagram Business Finance Assignment Help


  1. Using the utility maximization diagram in chapter 6, graphically illustrate the effects of higher income on the number of children that a family will choose to have. Assume that children are inferior goods.
  2. What is the Malthusian population trap? In the context of the Malthusian population trap, explain the role of OECD countries in helping a country out of a population trap.
  3. Investment in human capital is very similar to investing in physical capital. True or false? Explain your answer.
  4. What is the Great Gatsby Curve? As an economic policy maker, how would you change the education policy in order to reverse the Great Gatsby curve?
  5. According to Sachs, what is the demographic trap? Why will a demographic trap prevent a country from reaching a higher level of development?
  6. What is the Millennium Villages Project? According to Sachs, how large of a development assistance was needed in order to get the project going?


Herzing University Literature Summary Evaluation Table Health Medical Assignment Help

There are four parts to this phase:

  1. Literature search for relevant research articles
  2. Selection of articles for review
  3. Review of the articles and completion of the pertinent Evidence Review Form
  4. Development of a Review of Literature Table based on the articles reviewed and the template provided

A review of literature for research-based evidence is to be completed for the selected issue. This review of the literature involves:

  1. Search the literature for current research/non-research articles using the key words you have identified. (The reference librarian at Herzing University is a helpful resource or course faculty).
  2. Select articles based on the research hierarchy; there should be no expert opinion articles.
  3. Obtain full-text or pdf copies of the articles that are selected for review. Abstracts are not appropriate for use in this assignment. You will need a hard copy for submission.
  4. At least one article per team must address the economic implications.
  5. A review of a minimum of 8 evidence-based citations from recent (within the last 5 years is preferable) nursing and health care literature.
  6. Each team member must complete one full evidence review (using Evidence Review Form), and one abbreviated reviews. These are due in Unit 5: **** Bring a hard copy of the articles to class for the faculty. Articles are to be reviewed according to research/evidence evaluation guidelines provided.

STEP II-B As a group, complete the Review of Literature Summary Table, citing:

  1. Author(s) of each article in APA format. [Ex: Hunter & Roberts, 2011]
  2. Evidence/Hierarchy – clearly indicate what type of evidence the article represents, the level of evidence, and the quality rating
  • Sample size and characteristics if applicable.
  1. Succinctly state the evidence in the article relating to the outcomes you chose for your PICO topic. State the evidence from the article in your own words, i.e., paraphrase. DO NOT USE QUOTATIONS.
  2. It is permissible to use abbreviations in the Summary Table without spelling out the words first [this saves space]. If there are abbreviations used, include a key to the abbreviations at the bottom of the table. (see example below)

Template: Review of Literature Summary


Use APA format for in-text citation (e.g. author(s), year)

Evidence Hierarchy


[Type of Evidence]



Sample Size and Characteristics

[if appropriate)]

Outcome 1

[List the outcome here]

Outcome 2

[List the outcome here]




[if appropriate]

EXAMPLE: of a summary table of articles and the outcomes chosen that represent best practice that would be included on a poster.

Example: Review of Literature Summary

Author & Date

Evidence Hierarchy


Sample Size and Characteristics

Outcome 1

Outcome 2

Other Outcomes/Findings




Strength: III

Quality: Good

50 adult patients during CABG surgery

25% decrease in infection rates

Jones, 2007


Strength: I

Quality: Good

5 studies of CABG patients

Shortened length of stay

Average cost reduction was $…

CABG – Coronary Artery Bypass Graft


University of New Haven Culture Innovation & Communication Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

University of New Haven Culture Innovation & Communication Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

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