University of Phoenix Understanding Financial Health Reflective Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. University of Phoenix Understanding Financial Health Reflective Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Understanding the financial health of your business is critical to its success over the short and long term, as you have seen in your business start-up. Understanding the story that your numbers tell will be critical in both long- and short-range decision making— Using Profitability Analysis to Increase the Bottom Line. The ability to successfully complete a profitability analysis will depend on your understanding of the basic accounting reports and your knowledge of your own simulation company. This profitability analysis will be available to you when you log into the simulation in Answer the following questions:
- If you were charged with growing a profitable business, how do you use financial tools and profitability analysis to aid in your decision making? Provide specific examples of what went well and what you would change if given the opportunity. For example, would you increase the financial acumen of all members of your team? Why? What would you gain from a business and decision-making perspective?
- Conduct research using the Global Purdue Library, the web, or other sources that you uncover and post three additional individual resources on how to use these tools to increase the foundation of knowledge for all. These resources can be articles, videos, blogs, etc. Please also provide a small synopsis of each resource, the points you found particularly valuable, and how you would use each tool to increase the effectiveness of your business decision making.
- Identify a company that you are interested in learning more about. If applicable, you can use your current company. If this is not an option, you can choose any company for which you feel you can access financial data and investigate their best practices on achieving profitability. Tell your classmates and instructor what you have found out from your investigation.
- McGarvie, B. (2006). Creating financial acumen within your company [Video file]. Available from Skillsoft:…
- Warlow, R. (2013, May 12). Getting a business loan: Know your numbers and financial performance [Video file]. Retrieved from
University of Phoenix Understanding Financial Health Reflective Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne Lyft Value Chain Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
How does Lyft differentiate itself from its competitors? What would you argue on the value-chain is their most significant element?
Below are the primary thoughts:
The value chain is the strategic tool used to identify the value and benefits of the organization. The company that I’m familiar with is the Lyft transportation organization. Like other companies, it uses the primary and supportive value chain (Lyft Business. 2020). The primary activities include inbound logistics, outbound logistics, marketing, sales, and services. The inbound logistics of the Lyft company is that the management information system controls communication. The driver and the passenger using the information system and also the track of their movements are monitored easily by the company. Outbound logistics occurs when the management information system allows the payment after the destination got reached. On the marketing and sales, the Company offers the customers opportunity to rate their services (Schaller, 2018). Thus, by providing the best services, they are ding marketing of the company. The services that the company offers include the post-pay of services and immediate feedback to the customers.
The supportive value chain is the activities that aid the primary value activities. It comprises the infrastructure, technology, and procurement. The foundation of the company is the support systems put in place by the company. The technology development of the Lyft includes the way customers can quickly assess the services. The procurement of the company consists of the type of drivers of the company (Lyft Business. 2020). Therefore, it is clear that the processes of the company have a positive, promising effect on the future. It is because the company continues to embrace technology, which will lead to innovations. Innovations will thus improve transport services, and customers will become satisfied.
– 100 words
– APA format
– Citations needed
University of Toronto Ethical Issues in The Industry Analytical Review Business Finance Assignment Help
My part combined is no longer than 3-3.5 pages of 2 parts.
First part:
– Literature review of ethical issues in the industry (which should be 1-2 pages) and
Second part:
– Identify past ethical issues- major scandals (what has been done to repair those damages as well?)
Both of those parts are highlighted In red and bold in the attached document:) with more detail 🙂
The industry we are looking at and writing about will be the Artificial intelligence industry as a whole. Examples of external and internal ethical issues within different AL industries (example; google and amazon) need to be given and compared.
If you need the slides please let me know 🙂
University of San Diego Renegotiating For Rent In The Covid-19 Pandemic Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
*Read HBR Article: How Struggling Businesses Can Renegotiate Rent
Consider the following questions:
1. In last weeks discussion, we considered a bill to discharge commercial tenants completely from their contractual obligations for rent. In this weeks article we discuss and consider options to renegotiate rents, in hopes of a win- win for both landlords and tenants. Which of the options do you think are most actionable? Which seem the most fair for both parties?
2. There has been a great deal of push to delay rents or forgive rent all together for both residential and commercial tenants. Do you think its important to take a deeper look at the landlords position as this article points out? Is it important to consider the landlords “cash position, attitude towards risk, and ability to bear rent reductions, as well as their contractual obligations?”
3. Do you think that there should be different solutions for residential versus commercial leases?
4. Do you have any other thoughts or ideas on how these disputes and rental issues/negotiations should be handled?
These are the questions that must be answered in the response. I have the article attached. THIS IS DUE POSTED IN MY DISCUSSION AT 11:59 Today.
Boston University CH5 Information Security Policy Implementation Issues HW Writing Assignment Help
You receive a memo from Alice explaining that some of the senior PTs and managers have observed some employees using cell phones and other communication devices inappropriately at work. Senior management is adamant about this aspect of professionalism among staff. Alice asks you to create a company-supplied technology policy to distribute to all Prevail employees. Click on Alice’s email, listed as a resource below, to access her request.
Create a company policy for use of cell phones and other mobile and wireless communication devices. Submit the policy as a PDF infographic that can be distributed to employees. Include company logo and other visuals as needed.
COUN 5279 Capella University Career Counseling Theory Theoretical Perspectives HW Humanities Assignment Help
Learners taking this course come from different counseling specializations. Please apply your readings and understandings about career theories and consultation in your specialization to the following case scenario. You may also want to apply the research findings from the article you found in this unit, if applicable. Be sure to clearly identify your specialization in your post.
Read the scenario below and apply a theoretical framework from either Holland or Krumboltz. In your discussion, state the theory you are applying along with the key principles, and explain how this theory could be used to assist the client. The case scenario is brief, but you may embellish as needed to completely address this discussion.
Jose is a 20-year-old male and just earned his high-school diploma. Jose completed a fifth year of high school to earn the needed credits for his diploma. Jose has lived with his maternal grandparents since he was five years old due to his mother’s involvement with illegal drugs.
Jose came to the counseling center today because he does not know where to look for work now that he has completed high school. Jose’s friend, Tara, told him that you could help him find a job. He worked at a fast-food restaurant for a couple of summers, but he does not want to do that type of work again. Jose is the first to finish high school in his family and his grandmother told him it is time for him to go to work, so he can help with the family expenses. Jose describes a very close relationship with his grandmother, who gave up a lot to care for him. She is now 70 and in poor health. She had to quit her part-time job a few months ago due to illness.
As you talk with Jose, you learn that he failed most of his classes the first two years of high school, but the last three years he has done very well. Jose proudly tells you that he graduated with a 2.9 GPA. Jose does not see himself attending college, because he needs to go to work to help his grandmother. Jose is soft-spoken, with limited eye contact, but is very polite in his responses.
Response Guidelines
Review and respond to the posts of two of your peers with at least one post discussing a theory different from the one you selected. Critically analyze your understanding of career counseling and consultation as compared to your colleagues’ posts. Detail what you think may be effective about using career counseling with clients.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
- Identify the career counseling theories.
- Apply a theoretical framework from either Holland or Krumboltz to a scenario.
- Explain how a chosen theory could be used to assist a client.
- Describe the details as to what may be effective about using career counseling with clients.
- Apply the research findings from a selected article pertaining to a case scenario and consistent with one’s area of specialization.
COUN 5279 Capella University Career Counseling Theory Theoretical Perspectives HW Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University Enrollment Admission Essay Writing Assignment Help
I came From a Christian background, my mother is christian and my dad is muslim. I have been raised to follow both religions. When I was Dubai , I couldn’t go to church but when I moved to US I used to go to church. Since Loma Linda is a catholic school it will. a good option for me to practice my believes.
Here is there website for an additional information.
Please mention there their statistics as well.
Santa Monica College Photography Within Social Reform Movements Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
1. Forge some contemporary connections between the Progressive Era and today, as well as past/present uses of photography within social reform movements.
- Think about ways in which the issues and efforts of the Progressive Era might echo our current cultural moment.
- Think about contemporary examples of photographers or images circulated through popular visual culture that compare or contrast to the work of Lewis Hine.
2. Explain the main tenants and objectives of Pictorialism, and discuss how this movement arose as a response to the popularization of photography among “the masses.”
3. Discuss the role women played in the Pictorialist Movement. How would have Julia Margaret Cameron’s photographs and methods been received within the Pictorialist Movement?
links to assist in responses:
in text citations and work cited page should be in MLA when applicable
answers to each question (3) must be 2-3 paragraphs long, each answer should include at least 1-2 examples from links provided
proofread work for grammar errors
outside sources are ok to use as long as you cite them correctly
question #1 should have specific examples of policies/ideologies from the progressive era compared to today. This answer also has to include how photography’s uses for social reform have echoed hines work. How are we seeing this now in 2020?
example could be black lives movement,DACA, immigration policies such as the wall Trump is so eager to build and ICE policy towards international students. (current dilemmas)
Grossmont College Fed and Government Discussion Economics Assignment Help
- What is the mission, or goals, of the Fed?
- Explain the structure of the Fed and the hierarchy of governance.
- Is the Fed a public or private entity? Who owns the Fed?
- If issuing Federal Reserve Notes stimulates the economy, why not print money indefinitely?
- Under what conditions would the Fed purchase securities like U.S. treasuries?
- How does the Fed regulate and supervise banks and why is this important?
- What services does the Fed provide to our country’s financial system and how did it come to be known as the “Bankers Bank”?
- Visit the debt clock website at (Links to an external site.) and locate the category M2. This is the present money supply in the hands of the public. Using a timer determine how much the money changes in 1 minute. Is it increasing or decreasing? What do you think this means for the overall economy?
CU Developmental and Person in Environment Theories Theoretical Framework Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Developmental and Person-in-Environment Theories
Using the same case scenario provided in the first discussion in this unit, apply a theoretical framework from Super. State key principles from this theory, and review how this theory could be used to assist the client.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the posts of at least two of your peers, choosing at least one post representing a specialization different from yours. For example, if you are studying school counseling, respond to a post that deals with mental health. Offer your peer constructive criticism of his or her understanding of the theory and how it applies to career counseling and consultation.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
- Apply a theoretical framework from Super to a scenario.
- Offer peer-constructive criticism regarding an understanding of theory and how it applies to career counseling and consultation.