University of Phoenix Week 3 Nurse Sensitive Indicators Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

University of Phoenix Week 3 Nurse Sensitive Indicators Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. University of Phoenix Week 3 Nurse Sensitive Indicators Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Assignment Content

  1. This assignment is designed to illustrate the importance of nurse-sensitive indicators in relationship to patient outcomes. Refer to the following link for a good starting point for this assignment.Nurse Sensitive Indicators
    Think about the general concept of nurse-sensitive indicators (structure, process and outcomes). Then apply your patient’s condition or disease to this and consider which type of indicators are specific to it. Be sure you have covered all 3 types of indicators.
    Select a condition or a disease.
    Identify the nurse-sensitive indicators that relate to your selection and indicate if they are structural, process, or outcome in nature.
    Create a plan of care showing how you would employ the indicators to improve the outcome.
    Cite at least two sources in an APA-formatted reference page.
    Format your plan of care and summary of the disease and nurse-sensitive indicator outcomes as one of the following:

    • 18- to 20-slide powerpoint presentation with detailed speaker notes that show what’d you being saying if you were actually presenting this information
    • 875-word paper
    • Another format approved by your instructor

University of Phoenix Week 3 Nurse Sensitive Indicators Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

NUR 3165 West Coast University Total Hip Replacement PICOT Model Paper Writing Assignment Help

Week 2: The Clinical Issue and Research Questions Developed Using PICOT

PICOT is an acronym used to help develop clinical research questions and guide you in your search for evidence:

P = Patient population

I = Intervention or issue of interest

C = Comparison of interventions or comparison of interests

O = Outcome

T = Time frame

For example, you may wish to research the effects of interrupted sleep on cognition of ICU patients 65 or older.

Using this PICOT model,

In _________(P), how does __________ (I) compared to _________ (C) influence _________ (O) over ________ (T)?

In ICU patients who are 65 or older, how does interrupted sleep (awakened one time or more in four hours) as compared to uninterrupted sleep influence the patient’s cognitive ability over 5 days?

Assignment Directions

Begin by selecting a topic in nursing or medicine that is of interest to you. Next, use PICOT to format possible research questions about that topic. Provide 3 possible PICOT research questions.

Include the following:

  • Title page
  • Provide a brief description of the topic and background information.
  • Explain the significance of the topic to nursing practice.
  • Provide 3 clearly stated PICOT questions.


LIT 2000 FSW For Sale Baby Shoes Never Worn Friction Story Writing Assignment Help

This assignment is aligned with the following learning outcomes:

MO 1.1 Demonstrate fluency with literary terminology and be able to apply these terms to works read in the course.

MO 1.2 Demonstrate their understanding of the characteristics and techniques of the major literary genres.

MO 1.3 Communicate clearly in a variety of modes and media.

MO 1.4 Demonstrate the ability to compose arguments on a variety of literary topics within genres of short fiction, poetry, and drama.

MO 1.5 Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively.

MO 1.6 Demonstrate the ability to analyze communication critically.


Regardless of its origin, this is an excellent example of flash or sudden fiction. Your assignment is to think about this six word story and write a mini-essay which answers the following questions:

  • What does a story need in order to be a story?
  • What questions does this story leave you with?
  • What do you think is happening beneath the surface of these six words?
  • Is the amount of what’s left unsaid unsettling? Interesting? Annoying?
  • Do you think it’s harder to write a short short story like this one or a longer work, like a novel? Why?


  • This mini-essay should be a minimum of 300 words. Try not to go over 500 words. You should set this up as a formal essay following MLA guidelines for formatting the paper. Click here for information on formatting the essay. (Links to an external site.)
  • Although this is a rather short assignment, you still need to set up the paper as a formal essay including the following:
    1. Introduction–You do not want to jump in and start answering the guided writing questions. All essays should have some kind of a “hook” to catch the reader’s attention. Click here to learn more about writing an effective introduction. (Links to an external site.)
    2. Thesis Statement–The thesis statement should come at the end of the introduction. Highlight or underline your thesis. A thesis statement must express some kind of opinion or attitude towards the topic. For more information on writing an effective thesis statement, click here. (Links to an external site.)
    3. Body Paragraphs-The body paragraphs develop the ideas expressed in the thesis. You need to make sure your body paragraphs address all of the questions in the prompt. Each question does not necessarily need to be one paragraph. You decide how you want to organize these ideas. Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence leading the reader into that section of the essay.
    4. Support--You need to support your opinions. Feel free to use the information in this module on the elements of a short story. Do a bit of research on short (micro, flash, etc) fiction. Tell why you feel a certain way. Use examples as well to develop your ideas.
    5. Conclusion–The conclusion should sum up the ideas presented and should leave the reader with something to think about. Click here for more information on how to write a great conclusion. (Links to an external site.)
    6. Edit and Revise–Make sure you take time to edit your paper. Look for grammatical errors. Check your thesis. Make sure all body paragraphs support the thesis.Click here for more information on revision. (Links to an external site.)
    7. Reference Sources--You do not need a formal works cited page for this assignment. You do not need to include any in-text citations or quotes. However, if you reference any material in the essay, make sure you list the references at the end of the paper.
    8. Look Over the Rubric–The rubric shows how you will be accessed for this assignment. Study it before and after you write the paper so you know what you need to include to get a good grade.

Works Cited:

“Type Writer” (Links to an external site.) by John Douglas is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (Links to an external site.)


Micro-Fiction Essay

Micro-Fiction Essay

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatDocument uses MLA formatting: double spacing, title, heading and documentation

5.0 pts


3.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntro and ThesisIntroduction catches the readers’ attention and presents an effective thesis.

10.0 pts


8.0 pts


4.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic SentencesBody paragraphs have topic sentences which relate directly to the thesis.

10.0 pts


8.0 pts


4.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupportBody of the essay is well supported using textual references and quotes to back up opinions.

10.0 pts


8.0 pts


4.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammarEssay has few, if any, grammatical errors.

10.0 pts


8.0 pts


4.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionConclusion effectively sums up the main points of the essay and leaves the reader with something to think about.

5.0 pts


3.0 pts


2.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Total Points: 50.0


California National University Physical Activity for Arthritis Patients Plan PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

Physical Activity Plan Presentation (CLO #6)

Develop a presentation outlining a physical activity plan for populations with a medical/physical limitation, or populations in a specific setting (e.g. public school system). Background information regarding the population and how you will assess the group will be presented. One activity plan specific to the population chosen will be presented. Health benefits of the exercise plan for the population will be reviewed.

Charts and handouts to share with the class are encouraged. Presentations should be 7-10 minutes in length. Online students will submit recorded presentations. Onsite students will present in-class.

– This is an example and not a “perfect” presentation.


Rasmussen College Identifying Primary Aggressors and Implicit Bias Discussion Law Assignment Help

Mod 03 Discussion – Identifying the Primary Aggressor


As noted in the reading for this module, some states have implemented mandatory arrest policies for domestic violence. Since the implementation of these policies there has been an increase in dual arrest. This has created additional challenges.

Please read the article “She Hit Me, Too. Identifying the Primary Aggressor: A Prosecutor’s Perspective” by Gael Strack. Rasmussen College gratefully acknowledges the National Family Justice Center Alliance and Gael Strack for allowing us to reproduce this article.

Then consider this scenario:

Bob and Sue have been married for 10 years and had 3 children together: ages 7, 5, and 2. Bob struggles to maintain employment due to his alcohol addiction. Sue is a paraprofessional at her two children’s elementary school. Bob has been arrested three times for domestic violence. Last night their 7-year-old daughter called 9-1-1 and reported that her mom and dad were fighting. When the police arrived, Bob admitted to putting his hands around Sue’s neck. Sue was very angry when the police arrived and said that she punched Bob in the throat.

Your initial post should discuss what factors (outlined in the article) are most important to consider in this scenario. Include why you chose these factors. Then, put yourself in the role of the police officer. The post should also include three questions you believe should be asked of each party and what information you are hoping to gain from these questions. Finally, as the police officer, what will you do in in this case?

Your response post should be to a person who asked different questions than you or had a different response as the police officer. Compare and contrast your responses.

Module 03 Discussion – Implicit Bias ONLY 2 PARAGRAPHS

Because law enforcement officers, like others, are not immune to stereotyping, and because they are vested with considerable power and discretion, it is important to understand the content of these stereotypes and their potential effects on police discretion. In the article, Implicit Bias and Policing, the authors describe three implicit biases directly related to law enforcement practices general trait and behavioral stereotypes, race–crime stereotypes, and race–weapon association.

Initial Post

In your initial post, describe the three implicit biases and describe a strategy you can use to mitigate each one. Incorporate how the mitigation strategy may or may not impact your use of discretion.

Response Post

For your response post, suggest an additional strategy and consequence of not mitigating the bias. Describe why tactics at both the individual and agency level are needed to combat bias. Would limiting officer discretion prevent officer bias? Why or why not?



Chamberlain College of Nursing Professional Nursing Organizations Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing question and need a reference to help me understand better.

Improving patient care and outcomes is paramount to the practice of nursing. As we conclude our learning journey through our world of research and evidence-based practice, it is important to reflect upon your time spent in the course:

  • Think about nursing practice and describe one barrier that you feel prohibits nurses from engaging in EBP; share one strategy you could use to facilitate the use of evidence to help improve nursing care for patients.
  • Reflect back over your time in the course and describe how your thinking has changed about nursing research and evidence-based practice; describe one new learning during this course that you believe was the most helpful.
  • In what professional nursing organizations do you currently participate?
  • What organizations might you think about participating in for the future?
  • What nursing certifications are you considering?
  • How might consideration of continuing your education to pursue a graduate degree fit into your future plans?

Chamberlain College of Nursing Professional Nursing Organizations Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MEC 861 Jaipur National University Atrial Fibrillation MATLAB Software Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Please do report 10 pages word doc and PPT above 7 pages

Course : Machine learning techniques for the detection of Atrial Fibrillation using MATLAB Software

I am attaching the report guidance for your reference PDF.

  • There is 10 pages limit for report pages word Document which u can refer the report proposal guidelines and for presentation(PPT) u should do atleast 7 pages

Overall format and respect of guidelines

The report should be single spaced and not exceed 10 pages in total.

Description (2-3 pages)

Description: background, literature and hypotheses

Demonstrate that you understand the context of your research project and that you are aware of the key literature in the field.

Description: research objectives

List your objectives for this module and also your overall aims for the remaining modules.

Research progress (~1 page)

Outline the main tasks completed to date summarising your research project. This may include literature review, training, testing and data analysis. What methods will you use to complete the project?

Track record (1/2-1 page)

Which parts of your background knowledge will be particularly useful to this project? What skills do you lack and have you considered any training or assistance that you will require?

Impact (1/2-1 page)

Address the potential impact with particular emphasis on the identification of the beneficiaries and areas of impact (e.g. society, economic etc.)

Resources required (1/2-1 page)

What equipment and materials do you require in order to complete the project?

Work plan (~1 page + chart)

Describe your plan for semester 2 (Research Project) and the dissertation. What methods will you use? A suitable chart such as a gantt chart covering the entire project should be included.


MSUM Ethnic in Your Life The Kantian Approach Towards Sexual Ethics Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy project and need support to help me learn.

say 2: Ethics in Your Life

1500-1800 words

Of all the things you have learned in this course, what idea or theory


the course

has been the most useful to you in understanding ethics and in

striving to be a good person?

Being as specific as you can, identify and discuss some area of philosophical

reflection that caused you to make a substantial revision to the way you had

thought about some ethical issue, or where it clarified and sharpened

thinking that was previously vague and unclear. Some possibilities (just to

list a few!):

Kantian approaches to sexual ethics

Utilitarian or virtue ethical thought about our treatment of non-human


Some practical implications of the Kantian requirement to respect

persons (e.g. how it is still possible to wrong a person even when you

are doing something for their benefit)

The idea that intercultural understanding doesn’t require accepting

moral relativism

The challenges involved in being a good, open-minded person who

recognizes that mistaken moral thinking is always a possibilit


MUS 101 Queensborough Community College Emilly Crawford Opera Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a music writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

MUS 101 – Prof. Lekic

DIY Opera Assignment

In this assignment you are asked to imagine and write about an opera that you would create. To complete the assignment please answer the questions below and be prepared to talk about your creation during our synchronous meeting.

Part I: Plot and Characters


Name and describe 3 characters in your opera.

Who are they?

What is their relationship to each other?

What do they do?

What do they care about?

What is their personality?

Which voice type will you assign to each character (lyric soprano, dramatic mezzo……)?


Where does your opera take place?

What happens in your opera?

What’s the drama?

Part II: Visual features (costumes, scenery, props)

What kinds of things will the audience see on stage?

Part III: Music

Describe ONE aria that a character will sing?

What will the character be saying?

How will the orchestra accompany this aria? When will each instrumental group will play and how will they interact with each other?

How will the instruments interact with the singer’s melody?

Is this aria based on a major or minor scale (or something else)?

Describe other musical characteristics (tempo, dynamics, phrase shape, rhythmic patterns, etc.)

Describe the overall musical effect of the aria.

Describe the music of this aria’s most dramatic/touching/climactic moment.


Trident University International Cybersecurity Excel and Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a cyber security question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Refer to NIST SP 800-53 (Rev. 5) for the candidate security control families and associated security controls.

Security Assessment must be incorporated into the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in order to be a secure, integrated process. Testing of selected security controls ensures that applications meet business requirements, function as planned, and protect associated data securely from attack. A security assessment of the targeted environment identifies vulnerabilities that may cause a security breach and specifies the security controls that mitigate the vulnerabilities.

For this assignment, use the organization you chose in Week 1.


Part I: Mapping Vulnerabilities to Security Controls

Choose 5 distinct security control families as specified in NIST SP 800-53 (Rev. 5) that are most applicable to your organization’s (PLEASE USE APPLE AS THRE ORGANIZATION) known vulnerabilities, as defined in your Week 3 assignment.

Create a 1-page spreadsheet in Microsoft® Excel® that identifies the following criteria for each family:

  • Control ID
  • Control Name
  • Vulnerabilities
  • Recommended mitigation (refer to your Week 3 assignment; refine them for this mitigation)
Part II: Security Controls Testing

Provide a 2- to 3-page table in Microsoft Word including each family, and describe the testing procedure that will mitigate the vulnerability. Annotate whether the testing procedure is an interview, observation, technical test, or a combination.

[The example below does not show a current Family. The university based it on the older version of SP800-53. Use current family names and controls from the new families at the document link above.]

Example of Security Controls Testing Table:

Part III: Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning

Provide a 1-page description of penetration testing and vulnerability scanning processes.

Describe how they are used as part of the organization’s testing and assessment strategy.

Research Material

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.




  • Create a 1-page spreadsheet in Microsoft® Excel® that identifies the following criteria for each family: – Control ID – Control Name – Vulnerabilities – Recommended mitigation (refer to your Week 3 assignment; refine them for this mitigation)

    40% of total grade

  • Provide a 2- to 3-page table in Microsoft Word including each family, and describe the testing procedure that will mitigate the vulnerability. Annotate whether the testing procedure is an interview, observation, technical test, or a combination.

    40% of total grade

  • Provide a 1-page description of penetration testing and vulnerability scanning processes.

    15% of total grade

  • Use appropriate APA format in your paper. Use at least two references to support your assertions.

    5% of total grade




  • Create a 1-page spreadsheet in Microsoft® Excel® that identifies the following criteria for each family: – Control ID – Control Name – Vulnerabilities – Recommended mitigation (refer to your Week 3 assignment; refine them for this mitigation)

    40% of total grade

  • Provide a 2- to 3-page table in Microsoft Word including each family, and describe the testing procedure that will mitigate the vulnerability. Annotate whether the testing procedure is an interview, observation, technical test, or a combination.

    40% of total grade

  • Provide a 1-page description of penetration testing and vulnerability scanning processes.

    15% of total grade

  • Use appropriate APA format in your paper. Use at least two references to support your assertions.

    5% of total grade




  • Create a 1-page spreadsheet in Microsoft® Excel® that identifies the following criteria for each family: – Control ID – Control Name – Vulnerabilities – Recommended mitigation (refer to your Week 3 assignment; refine them for this mitigation)

    40% of total grade

  • Provide a 2- to 3-page table in Microsoft Word including each family, and describe the testing procedure that will mitigate the vulnerability. Annotate whether the testing procedure is an interview, observation, technical test, or a combination.

    40% of total grade

  • Provide a 1-page description of penetration testing and vulnerability scanning processes.

    15% of total grade

  • Use appropriate APA format in your paper. Use at least two references to support your assertions.

    5% of total grade




  • Create a 1-page spreadsheet in Microsoft® Excel® that identifies the following criteria for each family: – Control ID – Control Name – Vulnerabilities – Recommended mitigation (refer to your Week 3 assignment; refine them for this mitigation)

    40% of total grade

  • Provide a 2- to 3-page table in Microsoft Word including each family, and describe the testing procedure that will mitigate the vulnerability. Annotate whether the testing procedure is an interview, observation, technical test, or a combination.

    40% of total grade

  • Provide a 1-page description of penetration testing and vulnerability scanning processes.

    15% of total grade

  • Use appropriate APA format in your paper. Use at least two references to support your assertions.

    5% of total grade


University of Phoenix Week 3 Nurse Sensitive Indicators Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

University of Phoenix Week 3 Nurse Sensitive Indicators Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

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