University of South Florida One Page Transmittal Letter Paper Writing Assignment Help

University of South Florida One Page Transmittal Letter Paper Writing Assignment Help. University of South Florida One Page Transmittal Letter Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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“Letters of transmittal function like the cover letter you attach to a resume. Suppose you’re

submitting a grant proposal, a formal complaint or a report as to why sales dropped during the fourth

quarter. Rather than send the document cold, you attach a letter of transmittal. The letter puts the

document in context” (

Read the following informative article, which explains what a Letter of Transmittal is, and how to write one: (Links to an external site.)

Helpful checklist for the purposes and conventions of Letters of Transmittal

Purposes of Letters of Transmittal:

  1. To introduce the report and provide a context for understanding its issues:
  • Identifies the specific subject of the report.
  • Typically identifies the person or agency requesting the report.
  • Identifies the scope and limitations of the report
  • Identifies what the recipient is expected to do with the information. This may take the form of simply suggesting that the recipient contact the writer for more information if there are any questions.
  1. To provide a record of the report’s production and transmission.
  2. To alert the reader(s) to the following:
  • Issues or discrepancies that might exist between the proposal and the report
  • Decisions made about the project made after the initial proposal
  • Changes of format, changes of direction, research challenges, minor changes of research design, and so on.

Genre conventions of Letters of Transmittal:

  1. Not usually a lengthy document (1 page or so).
  2. May have a slightly less formal tone (uses “I”) than the report proper.
  3. Addresses issues surrounding the completion of the report: any unexpected difficulties or successes, for example, or possibly the need for further study.
  4. Acknowledges the assistance of those who have helped (interviewees, etc.).
  5. Concluding paragraph typically contains one or more of the following:
  • Thanks the person requesting the report for the opportunity to investigate the issue.
  • Suggests that the recipient contact the writer if there are any questions.
  • Provides contact information for follow-up information.

(Source: Washington State University; (Links to an external site.))

Microsoft Word offers templates for Letters of Transmittal. Feel free to use them, or other templates you find which include all of the necessary elements.

remember this is just the cover of a report

the assignment is to write a letter of transmittal for the issue below.

Selected Issue

At USF most of the engineering classes have been converted to online classes. This has caused many challenges for both students and professors. Some specifics include staying motivated, and lack of human interaction. Our group can help solve these issues because we have been forced to take online classes and have experienced these issues firsthand”

University of South Florida One Page Transmittal Letter Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MBA 5001 AU Wk 4 The Walmart Corporation Team Building & Leadership Training Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

week 4
Course Project: Team Building

The course project has major assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.

Continue to use the organization you selected for your final project in Week 1. This week, you are being placed on a ten-person virtual team. You decide that prior to the team getting started on the project, you want to do some research that will help you identify ways to make your virtual team most effective. You may need to create hypothetical details about the team and its purpose on the basis of what you know of the organization you selected for the final project.

On the basis of your research, write a paper addressing the following:

  • Assess the purpose of the team (i.e., what is the project it has been assigned?) and the contribution of key members to team purpose.
  • Analyze four to six potential problems that virtual teams typically face. Is the hypothetical team you described susceptible to these problems? What specific problems might it develop?
  • Justify four to six viable solutions to make your team effective, including why these solutions will work.

Week 5

Course Project: Leadership Training

It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete this major assignment. Plan time to start the research and other work for this assignment earlier than the week in which it is due.

The organization you selected in Week 1 is designing training for all the managers at all levels. It wants to base the training on one leadership theory.


Write a paper recommending a leadership theory. Address the following:

  • Summarize key details about the organization and two or three of the most important insights you have developed so far about the organization during your course project. This one paragraph summary should provide just enough information that someone who has not read any of your papers so far would have a brief background for understanding your project organization.
  • Why do you believe your chosen leadership theory is the best for your organization? What is your rationale? What research can you cite to support your choice? What are the factors in your organization that make your selected leadership theory the best choice?
  • How will using this theory positively impact the following variables?
    • Managers’ behavior toward subordinates and its effect on subordinates
    • Communication
    • Motivation of subordinates
    • Group and team behavior
    • Decision making
    • Culture

Be sure that you conduct the research necessary to support your conclusions and cite your sources appropriately.


HRM 650 Ashford University online Subsidiary Country India & Business Elements Essay Writing Assignment Help

As more organizations operate in various countries throughout the world, human resource professionals are becoming involved with the expansion of global corporations. All of these expansions have to be planned for, managed, and executed. In addition, corporate goals and objectives must be balanced with local customs and labor laws. A Global HR Acquisition Plan, your final assignment in Week 6, is needed to streamline these processes.

MTE Corporation, a division of SL Industries, and a world leader in the design, manufacture, and distribution of high-efficiency electrical power quality solutions, has announced significant expansion plans for the Asia Pacific regions (MTE Corporation, July 2015). MTE Corp is based out of the United States. Their strategy is to identify and acquire formerly strong but now faltering domestic companies with solid brand value in their countries. If successful, MTE will become the largest foreign-owned entity in the Asia Pacific region in the electrical power solutions industry. The newly acquired units will be combined to form a new “third company.” Due diligence has been performed, and India has been selected for the acquisition.

For this assignment, you will

  • Summarize the social and business elements of India, including items such as the demographics of the people and society, the government, the economy, communications, and education.
    • Analyze how ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, and disability impact those social and business elements.
  • Evaluate the competencies necessary to work and manage effectively in this environment.

The Subsidiary Country—India paper

  • Must be a minimum of three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least four scholarly, peer reviewed, and/or credible sources, which includes the course text.


ACP Personal Experience an Officer Conflict Communication Skills Discussion Law Assignment Help

For the Module 3 Written Assignment,
you will watch a video scenario starring yours truly depicting an
unwanted party in a bar. You will then create a report about the
interaction, written in first person, past tense, and chronological
order. The writing format is how police report narratives are written.
First person would be depicted with what ?I? did (which represents you).
Past tense refers to events that have happened and are not happening
now. An acceptable past tense sentence would be, ?Then Mike went to the
bar and ordered a drink.? Within the report, you will also explain what
communications skills you used. For example, you might say, ?I then gave
Mike two options, he could leave the bar and be on his way or I would
have to arrest him for disorderly conduct. Mike agreed to leave the
bar.? I look forward to reading your work.

n this assignment, you are a law enforcement officer for your local

community. You have been dispatched to an unwanted party at a local bar.

Upon arrival, the bartender points out the intoxicated subject causing

the disturbance by the foosball table. The bartender requests that the

subject leave the bar.

Watch this video that depicts the subject’s initial interaction with you as a law enforcement office.


Develop a minimum one-page report, written in first-person, past tense, chronological order that includes the following:

  • Date, time, and location of the incident (use your creativity).
  • The nature of the call (e.g., unwanted subject) and the subject’s demeanor.
  • Description of the interaction with the subject by addressing the following questions:
    • How did you introduce yourself to this subject?
    • How did you ask for identification?
    • What two options did you provide to get the subject to leave?
    • What did you say to convince the subject to leave and avoid arrest?
  • Explanation of the conflict resolution skills you used that resulted in compliance.
    • Concludes with the subject willingly leaving the bar.
  • Use professional language with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


West Coast University Nursing Knowledge Prevention of HAIs Strategy Response Health Medical Assignment Help

A patient is ready for discharge when she spikes a fever of 101.3°F. A call to the physician results in an order for IV antibiotics to be administered every 12 hours for 48 hours. The patient’s family arrives to take her home, and they discover that she now has an IV and will not be discharged for 2 days. They ask, “What happened? Did our mother catch something in the hospital? We thought this is a place of healing.” How will you respond? Your response may have legal implications.

In one well-developed paragraphs (12-point font):

  • Describe one strategy you will incorporate in your practice to ensure that you are providing evidence-based care in the prevention of HAIs.
  • Cite your references in proper APA Style.
  • Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.
  • Submit as an attachment in the assignment area.



Liberty University Person Focused Pay Programs Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Person-focused pay programs are not really new. Various early forms of these programs appeared in the 1980s. Organizational adoption was slow partly because they can very quickly drive labor costs up. Why is this changing? Explain the reasons for this change. Consider Susan Jackson’s situation. Susan is a young professional in her 8th year of her technological manufacturing career since graduating from college. She is frustrated by the lack of opportunity to showcase her talent and skillset. Susan feels like she has so much more to offer than is asked of her. Consequently, she is once again on the job market. If she succeeds in her search Susan will join her third organization in 8 years. Explain why a job with a person-focused pay program might help alleviate her frustration. Finally, what are the potential advantages and disadvantages of these programs for the organization? For the employee?


Respond to the discussion questions provided in an essay format. The assignment requires 3–4 full pages and at least 5 scholarly resources to substantiate your position in your answer. You must carefully read the requirements below noting the expectations beforehand. These exercises are meant to foster your comprehensive research and writing skills.

The specific requirements are as follows:

• As a graduate student, the expectation is quite high for your required quality and effort. Your work must be written near the standard and quality of journals and other published materials.

  • Cover page, abstract, reference page, and appendices do not count toward the minimum page length requirement.
  • At least 5 scholarly sources are required.
  • Use the current APA manual to ensure that you correctly cite your sources and
  • quotations.

  • The use of sources such as Wikipedia, Investopedia, blogs, personal, consulting or
  • corporate websites are discouraged and will not count toward the required 5 references.

  • Do not write in question/answer format (e.g., Using each question as a heading or sub-heading in your paper); you will receive an automatic 30% deduction if you do. Instead, use the questions to guide and form your paper.
  • Note: Meeting the minimum specifications will result in the minimum passing grade. You are expected to provide an in-depth, analytical review of the topic. Assignments that do not meet the minimum criteria will not receive a passing grade.

    Each Written Assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (

    Liberty University Person Focused Pay Programs Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Future University in Egypt American government on society well fare Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    This “quiz” is a set of questions aimed at assessing your learning of important skills and knowledge this semester. There are no right and wrong answers here; you will receive full credit for answering each question. You do not need to do anything to prepare for this assignment.

    You may choose to base your responses to these questions on the current events paper that you wrote this semester, but you are also free to base them on a different topic if you so choose.

    1 / Identify and briefly explain a policy or political issue that is currently being debated in the United States.

    2 / Construct one argument in support of the policy or political issue you identified above.

    3 / Construct one argument in opposition to the policy or political issue you identified above.

    4 / Identify your own position on the issue you identified above and construct one argument in support of your position.


    FIN 423 SDSU Dozier Industries Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a accounting case study and need an explanation to help me study.

    Hi, I am taking Fin-423, the case has two parts Dozier Industries (A) and (B). I am doing a case analysis for Dozier Industries part (B). There are 4 people in my group that will present the case. I am going to do part (B) questions #3 and #4. The professor is very strict about where each number comes from, so please explain where each number and formula come from, from what section in the book, and what paragraph. Both Dozier Industries (A) and (B) are related so please read both. The case and the presentation are going to rely on an Excel sheet and calculation, but also PowerPoint. My English is a second language so please use simple words for me. Please send me a draft when you do it so I can show it to my group to make sure I am on the right track.

    I have attached the case book below. The case will start on page 177.

    Thank you so much!

    Dozier Industries (A)

    1. Exactly what is Mr. Rothschild’s exposure? If the price of the pound falls from its current price of $1.4480, will Rothschild win or lose?

    2. According to Exhibit 5, has Rothschild’s profit or loss changed over the last day?

    3. Based on the most recent information you can find, what is the expected future spot rate for April 14, 1986?

    4. Of the two hedging techniques, the forward and the spot hedges, which is more profitable? Do they have equivalent risk?

    5. What should Richard Rothschild do?

    Dozier Industries (B)

    1. If Mr. Rothschild elects to use an option hedge, exactly how should he do it? Should he buy a call, buy a put, sell a call or sell a put?

    2. Which option or options from Exhibit 2 would you use? Why?

    3. How is the option hedge better or worse using a forward contract? Which hedging technique should Mr. Rothschild use?

    4. Looking back on his situation on December 3, 1985, should Mr. Rothschild have used a forward hedge at that time? An option hedge?


    AIU Graphical User Interface Local Databases & Synchronizing Data Programming Project Computer Science Assignment Help

    Assignment OverviewUnit 3 – Individual Project


    Zipped project files, screenshots, and work description

    In the prior phase, you started work on some of the application’s graphical user interface (GUI). In this assignment, you will add a data entry form to the GUI and create a local database that will synchronize data to the isolated storage container of the mobile device.

    The following are the steps that you need to accomplish:

    1. Create a second page with a data entry form and the following fields: recipename, category, ingredients, and instructions.
    2. Make the Category field a dropdown box that contains the recipe categories listed in the Individual Project for Unit 2.
    3. Create Add and Delete buttons.
    4. Create the database necessary to store the information associated with the data entry form.
    5. Modify the application code to support addition and deletion of data in the database.
    6. Test the application in the Android Phone Emulator.
    7. Create screenshots of all of the relevant screens of your running application, and save them in a Word document named “yourname_ITSD427_IP3.docx.” You should also use this document to describe the work you performed for this assignment, with specific details regarding the locations and changes of the code you created and modified.
    8. Save and close the project. Zip the entire project, including your screenshots and work description, to a file named “,” and submit the zip file to the dropbox.


    Indiana Wesleyan University Medical Marijuana and Recreation Marijuana Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Topic: Should Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana be Legalized Nationwide?

    Essay must be in APA format and approximately 1200-1500 words.

    must clearly state their position in the introduction, state the Thesis
    statement, cite at least 4 Academic Sources, that is, articles from
    reputable journals (2 sources for why College Education worth it and 2
    against why is College Education worth it?) their position.


    first 4 body paragraphs Must be arguments from the articles opposing the

    position of the student. Student must quote from the articles and

    identify the kind of arguments used by the authors to buttress or

    support their arguments. That is, TWO paragraphs per article, making

    FOUR paragraphs MUST be from the articles that support the student’s

    position. The next FOUR paragraphs MUST be from the articles that

    support the student’s position. Again, TWO paragraphs per article.

    Students MUST quote from the articles and identify the kinds of

    arguments used by the authors to support their viewpoints. Of course

    students MUST do in-text citations and References correctly according to

    the APA format.

    [supanova_question] that depicts the subject’s initial interaction with you as a law enforcement office.


    Develop a minimum one-page report, written in first-person, past tense, chronological order that includes the following:

    • Date, time, and location of the incident (use your creativity).
    • The nature of the call (e.g., unwanted subject) and the subject’s demeanor.
    • Description of the interaction with the subject by addressing the following questions:
      • How did you introduce yourself to this subject?
      • How did you ask for identification?
      • What two options did you provide to get the subject to leave?
      • What did you say to convince the subject to leave and avoid arrest?
    • Explanation of the conflict resolution skills you used that resulted in compliance.
      • Concludes with the subject willingly leaving the bar.
    • Use professional language with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


    West Coast University Nursing Knowledge Prevention of HAIs Strategy Response Health Medical Assignment Help

    A patient is ready for discharge when she spikes a fever of 101.3°F. A call to the physician results in an order for IV antibiotics to be administered every 12 hours for 48 hours. The patient’s family arrives to take her home, and they discover that she now has an IV and will not be discharged for 2 days. They ask, “What happened? Did our mother catch something in the hospital? We thought this is a place of healing.” How will you respond? Your response may have legal implications.

    In one well-developed paragraphs (12-point font):

    • Describe one strategy you will incorporate in your practice to ensure that you are providing evidence-based care in the prevention of HAIs.
    • Cite your references in proper APA Style.
    • Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.
    • Submit as an attachment in the assignment area.



    Liberty University Person Focused Pay Programs Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    Person-focused pay programs are not really new. Various early forms of these programs appeared in the 1980s. Organizational adoption was slow partly because they can very quickly drive labor costs up. Why is this changing? Explain the reasons for this change. Consider Susan Jackson’s situation. Susan is a young professional in her 8th year of her technological manufacturing career since graduating from college. She is frustrated by the lack of opportunity to showcase her talent and skillset. Susan feels like she has so much more to offer than is asked of her. Consequently, she is once again on the job market. If she succeeds in her search Susan will join her third organization in 8 years. Explain why a job with a person-focused pay program might help alleviate her frustration. Finally, what are the potential advantages and disadvantages of these programs for the organization? For the employee?


    Respond to the discussion questions provided in an essay format. The assignment requires 3–4 full pages and at least 5 scholarly resources to substantiate your position in your answer. You must carefully read the requirements below noting the expectations beforehand. These exercises are meant to foster your comprehensive research and writing skills.

    The specific requirements are as follows:

    • As a graduate student, the expectation is quite high for your required quality and effort. Your work must be written near the standard and quality of journals and other published materials.

  • Cover page, abstract, reference page, and appendices do not count toward the minimum page length requirement.
  • At least 5 scholarly sources are required.
  • Use the current APA manual to ensure that you correctly cite your sources and
  • quotations.

  • The use of sources such as Wikipedia, Investopedia, blogs, personal, consulting or
  • corporate websites are discouraged and will not count toward the required 5 references.

  • Do not write in question/answer format (e.g., Using each question as a heading or sub-heading in your paper); you will receive an automatic 30% deduction if you do. Instead, use the questions to guide and form your paper.
  • Note: Meeting the minimum specifications will result in the minimum passing grade. You are expected to provide an in-depth, analytical review of the topic. Assignments that do not meet the minimum criteria will not receive a passing grade.

    Each Written Assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (

    Liberty University Person Focused Pay Programs Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Future University in Egypt American government on society well fare Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    This “quiz” is a set of questions aimed at assessing your learning of important skills and knowledge this semester. There are no right and wrong answers here; you will receive full credit for answering each question. You do not need to do anything to prepare for this assignment.

    You may choose to base your responses to these questions on the current events paper that you wrote this semester, but you are also free to base them on a different topic if you so choose.

    1 / Identify and briefly explain a policy or political issue that is currently being debated in the United States.

    2 / Construct one argument in support of the policy or political issue you identified above.

    3 / Construct one argument in opposition to the policy or political issue you identified above.

    4 / Identify your own position on the issue you identified above and construct one argument in support of your position.


    FIN 423 SDSU Dozier Industries Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a accounting case study and need an explanation to help me study.

    Hi, I am taking Fin-423, the case has two parts Dozier Industries (A) and (B). I am doing a case analysis for Dozier Industries part (B). There are 4 people in my group that will present the case. I am going to do part (B) questions #3 and #4. The professor is very strict about where each number comes from, so please explain where each number and formula come from, from what section in the book, and what paragraph. Both Dozier Industries (A) and (B) are related so please read both. The case and the presentation are going to rely on an Excel sheet and calculation, but also PowerPoint. My English is a second language so please use simple words for me. Please send me a draft when you do it so I can show it to my group to make sure I am on the right track.

    I have attached the case book below. The case will start on page 177.

    Thank you so much!

    Dozier Industries (A)

    1. Exactly what is Mr. Rothschild’s exposure? If the price of the pound falls from its current price of $1.4480, will Rothschild win or lose?

    2. According to Exhibit 5, has Rothschild’s profit or loss changed over the last day?

    3. Based on the most recent information you can find, what is the expected future spot rate for April 14, 1986?

    4. Of the two hedging techniques, the forward and the spot hedges, which is more profitable? Do they have equivalent risk?

    5. What should Richard Rothschild do?

    Dozier Industries (B)

    1. If Mr. Rothschild elects to use an option hedge, exactly how should he do it? Should he buy a call, buy a put, sell a call or sell a put?

    2. Which option or options from Exhibit 2 would you use? Why?

    3. How is the option hedge better or worse using a forward contract? Which hedging technique should Mr. Rothschild use?

    4. Looking back on his situation on December 3, 1985, should Mr. Rothschild have used a forward hedge at that time? An option hedge?


    AIU Graphical User Interface Local Databases & Synchronizing Data Programming Project Computer Science Assignment Help

    Assignment OverviewUnit 3 – Individual Project


    Zipped project files, screenshots, and work description

    In the prior phase, you started work on some of the application’s graphical user interface (GUI). In this assignment, you will add a data entry form to the GUI and create a local database that will synchronize data to the isolated storage container of the mobile device.

    The following are the steps that you need to accomplish:

    1. Create a second page with a data entry form and the following fields: recipename, category, ingredients, and instructions.
    2. Make the Category field a dropdown box that contains the recipe categories listed in the Individual Project for Unit 2.
    3. Create Add and Delete buttons.
    4. Create the database necessary to store the information associated with the data entry form.
    5. Modify the application code to support addition and deletion of data in the database.
    6. Test the application in the Android Phone Emulator.
    7. Create screenshots of all of the relevant screens of your running application, and save them in a Word document named “yourname_ITSD427_IP3.docx.” You should also use this document to describe the work you performed for this assignment, with specific details regarding the locations and changes of the code you created and modified.
    8. Save and close the project. Zip the entire project, including your screenshots and work description, to a file named “,” and submit the zip file to the dropbox.


    Indiana Wesleyan University Medical Marijuana and Recreation Marijuana Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Topic: Should Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana be Legalized Nationwide?

    Essay must be in APA format and approximately 1200-1500 words.

    must clearly state their position in the introduction, state the Thesis
    statement, cite at least 4 Academic Sources, that is, articles from
    reputable journals (2 sources for why College Education worth it and 2
    against why is College Education worth it?) their position.


    first 4 body paragraphs Must be arguments from the articles opposing the

    position of the student. Student must quote from the articles and

    identify the kind of arguments used by the authors to buttress or

    support their arguments. That is, TWO paragraphs per article, making

    FOUR paragraphs MUST be from the articles that support the student’s

    position. The next FOUR paragraphs MUST be from the articles that

    support the student’s position. Again, TWO paragraphs per article.

    Students MUST quote from the articles and identify the kinds of

    arguments used by the authors to support their viewpoints. Of course

    students MUST do in-text citations and References correctly according to

    the APA format.

    [supanova_question] that depicts the subject’s initial interaction with you as a law enforcement office.


    Develop a minimum one-page report, written in first-person, past tense, chronological order that includes the following:

    • Date, time, and location of the incident (use your creativity).
    • The nature of the call (e.g., unwanted subject) and the subject’s demeanor.
    • Description of the interaction with the subject by addressing the following questions:
      • How did you introduce yourself to this subject?
      • How did you ask for identification?
      • What two options did you provide to get the subject to leave?
      • What did you say to convince the subject to leave and avoid arrest?
    • Explanation of the conflict resolution skills you used that resulted in compliance.
      • Concludes with the subject willingly leaving the bar.
    • Use professional language with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


    West Coast University Nursing Knowledge Prevention of HAIs Strategy Response Health Medical Assignment Help

    A patient is ready for discharge when she spikes a fever of 101.3°F. A call to the physician results in an order for IV antibiotics to be administered every 12 hours for 48 hours. The patient’s family arrives to take her home, and they discover that she now has an IV and will not be discharged for 2 days. They ask, “What happened? Did our mother catch something in the hospital? We thought this is a place of healing.” How will you respond? Your response may have legal implications.

    In one well-developed paragraphs (12-point font):

    • Describe one strategy you will incorporate in your practice to ensure that you are providing evidence-based care in the prevention of HAIs.
    • Cite your references in proper APA Style.
    • Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.
    • Submit as an attachment in the assignment area.



    Liberty University Person Focused Pay Programs Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    Person-focused pay programs are not really new. Various early forms of these programs appeared in the 1980s. Organizational adoption was slow partly because they can very quickly drive labor costs up. Why is this changing? Explain the reasons for this change. Consider Susan Jackson’s situation. Susan is a young professional in her 8th year of her technological manufacturing career since graduating from college. She is frustrated by the lack of opportunity to showcase her talent and skillset. Susan feels like she has so much more to offer than is asked of her. Consequently, she is once again on the job market. If she succeeds in her search Susan will join her third organization in 8 years. Explain why a job with a person-focused pay program might help alleviate her frustration. Finally, what are the potential advantages and disadvantages of these programs for the organization? For the employee?


    Respond to the discussion questions provided in an essay format. The assignment requires 3–4 full pages and at least 5 scholarly resources to substantiate your position in your answer. You must carefully read the requirements below noting the expectations beforehand. These exercises are meant to foster your comprehensive research and writing skills.

    The specific requirements are as follows:

    • As a graduate student, the expectation is quite high for your required quality and effort. Your work must be written near the standard and quality of journals and other published materials.

  • Cover page, abstract, reference page, and appendices do not count toward the minimum page length requirement.
  • At least 5 scholarly sources are required.
  • Use the current APA manual to ensure that you correctly cite your sources and
  • quotations.

  • The use of sources such as Wikipedia, Investopedia, blogs, personal, consulting or
  • corporate websites are discouraged and will not count toward the required 5 references.

  • Do not write in question/answer format (e.g., Using each question as a heading or sub-heading in your paper); you will receive an automatic 30% deduction if you do. Instead, use the questions to guide and form your paper.
  • Note: Meeting the minimum specifications will result in the minimum passing grade. You are expected to provide an in-depth, analytical review of the topic. Assignments that do not meet the minimum criteria will not receive a passing grade.

    Each Written Assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (

    Liberty University Person Focused Pay Programs Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Future University in Egypt American government on society well fare Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    This “quiz” is a set of questions aimed at assessing your learning of important skills and knowledge this semester. There are no right and wrong answers here; you will receive full credit for answering each question. You do not need to do anything to prepare for this assignment.

    You may choose to base your responses to these questions on the current events paper that you wrote this semester, but you are also free to base them on a different topic if you so choose.

    1 / Identify and briefly explain a policy or political issue that is currently being debated in the United States.

    2 / Construct one argument in support of the policy or political issue you identified above.

    3 / Construct one argument in opposition to the policy or political issue you identified above.

    4 / Identify your own position on the issue you identified above and construct one argument in support of your position.


    FIN 423 SDSU Dozier Industries Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a accounting case study and need an explanation to help me study.

    Hi, I am taking Fin-423, the case has two parts Dozier Industries (A) and (B). I am doing a case analysis for Dozier Industries part (B). There are 4 people in my group that will present the case. I am going to do part (B) questions #3 and #4. The professor is very strict about where each number comes from, so please explain where each number and formula come from, from what section in the book, and what paragraph. Both Dozier Industries (A) and (B) are related so please read both. The case and the presentation are going to rely on an Excel sheet and calculation, but also PowerPoint. My English is a second language so please use simple words for me. Please send me a draft when you do it so I can show it to my group to make sure I am on the right track.

    I have attached the case book below. The case will start on page 177.

    Thank you so much!

    Dozier Industries (A)

    1. Exactly what is Mr. Rothschild’s exposure? If the price of the pound falls from its current price of $1.4480, will Rothschild win or lose?

    2. According to Exhibit 5, has Rothschild’s profit or loss changed over the last day?

    3. Based on the most recent information you can find, what is the expected future spot rate for April 14, 1986?

    4. Of the two hedging techniques, the forward and the spot hedges, which is more profitable? Do they have equivalent risk?

    5. What should Richard Rothschild do?

    Dozier Industries (B)

    1. If Mr. Rothschild elects to use an option hedge, exactly how should he do it? Should he buy a call, buy a put, sell a call or sell a put?

    2. Which option or options from Exhibit 2 would you use? Why?

    3. How is the option hedge better or worse using a forward contract? Which hedging technique should Mr. Rothschild use?

    4. Looking back on his situation on December 3, 1985, should Mr. Rothschild have used a forward hedge at that time? An option hedge?


    AIU Graphical User Interface Local Databases & Synchronizing Data Programming Project Computer Science Assignment Help

    Assignment OverviewUnit 3 – Individual Project


    Zipped project files, screenshots, and work description

    In the prior phase, you started work on some of the application’s graphical user interface (GUI). In this assignment, you will add a data entry form to the GUI and create a local database that will synchronize data to the isolated storage container of the mobile device.

    The following are the steps that you need to accomplish:

    1. Create a second page with a data entry form and the following fields: recipename, category, ingredients, and instructions.
    2. Make the Category field a dropdown box that contains the recipe categories listed in the Individual Project for Unit 2.
    3. Create Add and Delete buttons.
    4. Create the database necessary to store the information associated with the data entry form.
    5. Modify the application code to support addition and deletion of data in the database.
    6. Test the application in the Android Phone Emulator.
    7. Create screenshots of all of the relevant screens of your running application, and save them in a Word document named “yourname_ITSD427_IP3.docx.” You should also use this document to describe the work you performed for this assignment, with specific details regarding the locations and changes of the code you created and modified.
    8. Save and close the project. Zip the entire project, including your screenshots and work description, to a file named “,” and submit the zip file to the dropbox.


    Indiana Wesleyan University Medical Marijuana and Recreation Marijuana Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Topic: Should Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana be Legalized Nationwide?

    Essay must be in APA format and approximately 1200-1500 words.

    must clearly state their position in the introduction, state the Thesis
    statement, cite at least 4 Academic Sources, that is, articles from
    reputable journals (2 sources for why College Education worth it and 2
    against why is College Education worth it?) their position.


    first 4 body paragraphs Must be arguments from the articles opposing the

    position of the student. Student must quote from the articles and

    identify the kind of arguments used by the authors to buttress or

    support their arguments. That is, TWO paragraphs per article, making

    FOUR paragraphs MUST be from the articles that support the student’s

    position. The next FOUR paragraphs MUST be from the articles that

    support the student’s position. Again, TWO paragraphs per article.

    Students MUST quote from the articles and identify the kinds of

    arguments used by the authors to support their viewpoints. Of course

    students MUST do in-text citations and References correctly according to

    the APA format.

    [supanova_question] that depicts the subject’s initial interaction with you as a law enforcement office.


    Develop a minimum one-page report, written in first-person, past tense, chronological order that includes the following:

    • Date, time, and location of the incident (use your creativity).
    • The nature of the call (e.g., unwanted subject) and the subject’s demeanor.
    • Description of the interaction with the subject by addressing the following questions:
      • How did you introduce yourself to this subject?
      • How did you ask for identification?
      • What two options did you provide to get the subject to leave?
      • What did you say to convince the subject to leave and avoid arrest?
    • Explanation of the conflict resolution skills you used that resulted in compliance.
      • Concludes with the subject willingly leaving the bar.
    • Use professional language with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


    West Coast University Nursing Knowledge Prevention of HAIs Strategy Response Health Medical Assignment Help

    A patient is ready for discharge when she spikes a fever of 101.3°F. A call to the physician results in an order for IV antibiotics to be administered every 12 hours for 48 hours. The patient’s family arrives to take her home, and they discover that she now has an IV and will not be discharged for 2 days. They ask, “What happened? Did our mother catch something in the hospital? We thought this is a place of healing.” How will you respond? Your response may have legal implications.

    In one well-developed paragraphs (12-point font):

    • Describe one strategy you will incorporate in your practice to ensure that you are providing evidence-based care in the prevention of HAIs.
    • Cite your references in proper APA Style.
    • Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.
    • Submit as an attachment in the assignment area.



    Liberty University Person Focused Pay Programs Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    Person-focused pay programs are not really new. Various early forms of these programs appeared in the 1980s. Organizational adoption was slow partly because they can very quickly drive labor costs up. Why is this changing? Explain the reasons for this change. Consider Susan Jackson’s situation. Susan is a young professional in her 8th year of her technological manufacturing career since graduating from college. She is frustrated by the lack of opportunity to showcase her talent and skillset. Susan feels like she has so much more to offer than is asked of her. Consequently, she is once again on the job market. If she succeeds in her search Susan will join her third organization in 8 years. Explain why a job with a person-focused pay program might help alleviate her frustration. Finally, what are the potential advantages and disadvantages of these programs for the organization? For the employee?


    Respond to the discussion questions provided in an essay format. The assignment requires 3–4 full pages and at least 5 scholarly resources to substantiate your position in your answer. You must carefully read the requirements below noting the expectations beforehand. These exercises are meant to foster your comprehensive research and writing skills.

    The specific requirements are as follows:

    • As a graduate student, the expectation is quite high for your required quality and effort. Your work must be written near the standard and quality of journals and other published materials.

  • Cover page, abstract, reference page, and appendices do not count toward the minimum page length requirement.
  • At least 5 scholarly sources are required.
  • Use the current APA manual to ensure that you correctly cite your sources and
  • quotations.

  • The use of sources such as Wikipedia, Investopedia, blogs, personal, consulting or
  • corporate websites are discouraged and will not count toward the required 5 references.

  • Do not write in question/answer format (e.g., Using each question as a heading or sub-heading in your paper); you will receive an automatic 30% deduction if you do. Instead, use the questions to guide and form your paper.
  • Note: Meeting the minimum specifications will result in the minimum passing grade. You are expected to provide an in-depth, analytical review of the topic. Assignments that do not meet the minimum criteria will not receive a passing grade.

    Each Written Assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (

    Liberty University Person Focused Pay Programs Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Future University in Egypt American government on society well fare Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    This “quiz” is a set of questions aimed at assessing your learning of important skills and knowledge this semester. There are no right and wrong answers here; you will receive full credit for answering each question. You do not need to do anything to prepare for this assignment.

    You may choose to base your responses to these questions on the current events paper that you wrote this semester, but you are also free to base them on a different topic if you so choose.

    1 / Identify and briefly explain a policy or political issue that is currently being debated in the United States.

    2 / Construct one argument in support of the policy or political issue you identified above.

    3 / Construct one argument in opposition to the policy or political issue you identified above.

    4 / Identify your own position on the issue you identified above and construct one argument in support of your position.


    FIN 423 SDSU Dozier Industries Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a accounting case study and need an explanation to help me study.

    Hi, I am taking Fin-423, the case has two parts Dozier Industries (A) and (B). I am doing a case analysis for Dozier Industries part (B). There are 4 people in my group that will present the case. I am going to do part (B) questions #3 and #4. The professor is very strict about where each number comes from, so please explain where each number and formula come from, from what section in the book, and what paragraph. Both Dozier Industries (A) and (B) are related so please read both. The case and the presentation are going to rely on an Excel sheet and calculation, but also PowerPoint. My English is a second language so please use simple words for me. Please send me a draft when you do it so I can show it to my group to make sure I am on the right track.

    I have attached the case book below. The case will start on page 177.

    Thank you so much!

    Dozier Industries (A)

    1. Exactly what is Mr. Rothschild’s exposure? If the price of the pound falls from its current price of $1.4480, will Rothschild win or lose?

    2. According to Exhibit 5, has Rothschild’s profit or loss changed over the last day?

    3. Based on the most recent information you can find, what is the expected future spot rate for April 14, 1986?

    4. Of the two hedging techniques, the forward and the spot hedges, which is more profitable? Do they have equivalent risk?

    5. What should Richard Rothschild do?

    Dozier Industries (B)

    1. If Mr. Rothschild elects to use an option hedge, exactly how should he do it? Should he buy a call, buy a put, sell a call or sell a put?

    2. Which option or options from Exhibit 2 would you use? Why?

    3. How is the option hedge better or worse using a forward contract? Which hedging technique should Mr. Rothschild use?

    4. Looking back on his situation on December 3, 1985, should Mr. Rothschild have used a forward hedge at that time? An option hedge?


    AIU Graphical User Interface Local Databases & Synchronizing Data Programming Project Computer Science Assignment Help

    Assignment OverviewUnit 3 – Individual Project


    Zipped project files, screenshots, and work description

    In the prior phase, you started work on some of the application’s graphical user interface (GUI). In this assignment, you will add a data entry form to the GUI and create a local database that will synchronize data to the isolated storage container of the mobile device.

    The following are the steps that you need to accomplish:

    1. Create a second page with a data entry form and the following fields: recipename, category, ingredients, and instructions.
    2. Make the Category field a dropdown box that contains the recipe categories listed in the Individual Project for Unit 2.
    3. Create Add and Delete buttons.
    4. Create the database necessary to store the information associated with the data entry form.
    5. Modify the application code to support addition and deletion of data in the database.
    6. Test the application in the Android Phone Emulator.
    7. Create screenshots of all of the relevant screens of your running application, and save them in a Word document named “yourname_ITSD427_IP3.docx.” You should also use this document to describe the work you performed for this assignment, with specific details regarding the locations and changes of the code you created and modified.
    8. Save and close the project. Zip the entire project, including your screenshots and work description, to a file named “,” and submit the zip file to the dropbox.


    Indiana Wesleyan University Medical Marijuana and Recreation Marijuana Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Topic: Should Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana be Legalized Nationwide?

    Essay must be in APA format and approximately 1200-1500 words.

    must clearly state their position in the introduction, state the Thesis
    statement, cite at least 4 Academic Sources, that is, articles from
    reputable journals (2 sources for why College Education worth it and 2
    against why is College Education worth it?) their position.


    first 4 body paragraphs Must be arguments from the articles opposing the

    position of the student. Student must quote from the articles and

    identify the kind of arguments used by the authors to buttress or

    support their arguments. That is, TWO paragraphs per article, making

    FOUR paragraphs MUST be from the articles that support the student’s

    position. The next FOUR paragraphs MUST be from the articles that

    support the student’s position. Again, TWO paragraphs per article.

    Students MUST quote from the articles and identify the kinds of

    arguments used by the authors to support their viewpoints. Of course

    students MUST do in-text citations and References correctly according to

    the APA format.


    University of South Florida One Page Transmittal Letter Paper Writing Assignment Help

    University of South Florida One Page Transmittal Letter Paper Writing Assignment Help

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