University of The Cumberlands Operational Excellence Discussion Writing Assignment Help. University of The Cumberlands Operational Excellence Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Subject: Operational Excellence
Discussion 1: Resistance to change is a normal everyday aspect in the workplace. Note what happens to the organizational climate when this resistance occurs and any tactics to reduce negative connotations when dealing with change.
draft 300 words
Paper 1:
What are the five major components that make up an information system?
List the three examples of information system hardware?
Microsoft Windows is an example of which component of information systems?
What is application software?
What roles do people play in information systems?
Suppose that you had to explain to a friend the concept of an information system. How would you define it? Write a one-paragraph description in your own words that you feel would best describe an information system to your friends or family.
Of the five primary components of an information system (hardware, software, data, people, process), which do you think is the most important to the success of a business organization? Write a one-paragraph answer to this question that includes an example from your personal experience to support your answer.
Draft minimum 500 words (Try to keep side headings for each question)
Paper 2: Please read the uploaded material and explain 5 key lessons and note the importance of that key lessons, also note why it is important to understand these basic concepts.
Draft minimum 300 words
Need 3 APA References
University of The Cumberlands Operational Excellence Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Strayer University Quality of An Organization Business Continuity Plan Essay Writing Assignment Help
The quality of an organization’s business continuity plan (BCP) will directly influence how well it performs during a crisis. For example, the city of Springfield, Tennessee, suffered a ransomware attack in 2016. See the story, Springfield City Hall Recovers From Ransomware Attack.
It was good that the city was able to reinstall its data from backup instead of yielding to the hackers, but the network was still down for several days. A more effective BCP may have kept things up and running throughout the process of recovery.
Find two recent examples where an organization didn’t perform well through a crisis because of its BCP:
- Explain fully the incident that occurred.
- Describe how it affected the organization.
- Give your opinion and suggestions of how the organization could have adjusted its BCP to improve performance.
Remember to provide a reference
Capella University Analytic Techniques to Add Meaning to Data for BMW Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Download data on a company’s stock history. From this data, create scatterplots, histograms, and calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of some data points. Write a 3-5-page report including the graphs and descriptive statistics you have created.
Business analytics techniques are used to facilitate decision making by transforming large amounts of raw data into meaningful information. Many businesses rely on analysis of relevant historical data to make key strategic and operational decisions. Therefore, understanding how to use techniques such as graphical representation and descriptive statistics to translate raw data into useful information can be a valuable skill in an organization.
In this assessment and the next, you will have the opportunity to sharpen your analytics skills by locating and interpreting real-life stock data.
You have been learning about how to explore data. In this assessment, you will apply those skills by downloading a practical dataset and creating graphical representations of that data. The work you do in this assessment will lay the foundation for future assessments in which you analyze and interpret those graphical representations. Since the purpose of business analytics is to make sense of large quantities of raw data, this assessment helps you develop skills in applying analytics to business contexts by practicing the exploration and display of data.
In addition to graphical and tabular summary methods, numeric or quantitative variables and data can be summarized numerically using various techniques of description and display.
Descriptive methods, which describe existing data, are also methods for using a subset of the available data to estimate or test a theory about a measurement on a larger group. This larger group is called the population, and the measurement being studied is the parameter. The smaller group, or subset, of the population that is taken in order to make an inference (to make an estimate or test a theory) is referred to as the sample. The measurement taken on that sample is then referred to as the statistic, which is usually the best single-number estimate for the population parameter of interest. Most often, however, the estimate should not be restricted to a single number that would be exactly correct or incorrect. Instead, it is preferable to calculate some range of possible values between which there can be a certain percent confidence that the true population parameter falls. These are referred to as confidence intervals.
You are an analyst in a publicly traded company. Your supervisor has asked you to create graphical representations from raw stock data for a company-wide meeting at the end of the quarter.
Your Role
Your task is to analyze the stock history of the company and create a scatterplot and a histogram. Then you will calculate mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of the adjusted daily closing stock price and the stock volume.
It is your responsibility to turn that data into meaningful information using descriptive statistics.
- Select a business of which you are a part or in which you have interest and download the raw data on the company’s stock history. Any business that has practical meaning for you is appropriate for this assessment.
- Follow these steps to locate and download stock history from Yahoo! Finance:
- Go to Yahoo Finance.
- Search for and find the stock of the company you have chosen.
- Click on the “Historical Data” tab. Then select the following settings above the table:
- Select Time Period of one year.
- Select “Historical Prices.”
- Select Frequency as “Daily.”
- Click Apply.
- Click on “Download Data.” Go to the bottom of your screen or your Downloads folder to open the Excel file you just downloaded. Open the Excel file. Check to be sure that you have enough lines to show the whole year. If not, reset the settings at the top of the Historical Data chart and try again.
- Once you are sure that you have a year’s worth of data, save the Excel file.
- Using the Excel file with the year’s stock data, conduct descriptive analysis as follows:
- Create a scatterplot of the highest stock price (in the column labeled “High”) against time. Write a sentence explaining the process by which you created this graph.
- Create a scatterplot of the lowest stock price (in the column labeled “Low”) against time. Write a sentence explaining the process by which you created this graph.
- Create a histogram of the adjusted daily closing stock price (in the column labeled “Adj Close”). Make sure the histogram is meaningful by adjusting the bin size so you can see the shape of the histogram. Write a sentence explaining the process by which you created this graph.
- Create a histogram of the stock trading volume (in the column labeled “Volume”). Make sure the histogram is meaningful by adjusting the bin size so you can see the shape of the histogram. Write a sentence explaining the process by which you created this graph.
- Calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of the adjusted daily closing stock price. Write a sentence explaining the process by which you calculated these statistics.
- Calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of the stock volume. Write a sentence explaining the process by which you calculated these statistics.
- Prepare a report that you would present to your supervisor, including the following:
- An APA-formatted title page.
- A one-page introduction of your chosen company, including the company background and practical business context.
- A section headed Graphical Representations of Data, in which you include the four graphs you created above and a summary of the processes by which you created each graph.
- A section headed Descriptive Statistics, in which you include the statistics you calculated above and and a summary of the procedures you followed to calculate the statistics.
- APA-formatted in-text citations and a corresponding references page. Remember to cite the source of your financial data.
Walkthrough: You may view the following media piece to help you understand concepts addressed in this assessment:
Additional Requirements
- Length: 3–5 pages, double-spaced. Include a title page and the graphical representations of the data selected.
- Written communication: free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Capella University BMW Performance Analytical Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
In the last assessment, you were asked to prepare the first part of your analytics report by creating graphs and calculating some descriptive statistics. In this assessment, you will write your 6-8 page analytics report by interpreting those graphs and statistics, and explicitly connecting those interpretations to implications in the practical business context.
The first step in creating meaningful information from raw data is to represent the data effectively in graphical format and to calculate any required statistics. The second step is interpreting and explaining those graphs and statistics in order to apply them in the business context.
In the previous assessment, you were asked to create the first part of your analytics report by preparing graphs and calculating some descriptive statistics. In this assessment, you will complete your analytics report by interpreting those graphs and statistics, and connecting those interpretations explicitly to implications in the business context.
In business and applied analytics, oftentimes you are interested in drawing conclusions about a population of interest. However, it may not be feasible or practical to gather data on the entire population. In those cases, data is gathered from a sample or subset of the population. Analyses done on the sample are then used to draw inferences regarding the overall population; this mathematic process is referred to as inferential statistics. In this assessment, we begin discussing the topics of sampling and drawing inferences.
All the inferential statistical techniques and methods covered in this course are considered parametric techniques and require certain assumptions to be used and for the results to be reliable, many of which are assumptions about an underlying distribution. Nonparametric techniques require no assumption about underlying distributions and are often used when the assumptions of parametric techniques are not met. Although these are beyond the scope of this introductory course, they are a great option for additional reading and research.
Analytics projects often result in two distinct types of reports or summaries: one tailored to the executive level, which takes the form of a presentation, and the other, a detailed analytics report, which documents an analysis so thoroughly that another analyst can reproduce the analysis exactly. Many times, the latter type is referred to by other departments or analysts wishing to conduct a similar analysis on similar data or by the same analyst who wants to repeat the analysis on a new or revised set of data. In this assessment, you will learn the essential elements that should be included in a report at this level of detail and you will create your own analytics report addressing the business problem you have been working on.
Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a report for the quarterly company meeting. The first part of the task was to download the data and create scatterplots and histograms, and to calculate mean, median, and mode of the stock prices that you presented graphically in your report for the last assessment. This time your task is to analyze and interpret those graphical representations of the company stocks and to write a report about your findings for your supervisor.
Your Role
You are an analyst in the same business that you used for the last assessment. Your role is to turn data into meaningful information through the use of descriptive statistics and analysis.
After reviewing and integrating your instructor’s feedback on your previous assessment, complete the report as follows:
- For each graph you created, write at least one paragraph interpreting the graph.
- What does that graph represent?
- What does the shape of the graph tell you about how the data have changed over time?
- For each statistic you calculated, spend at least one sentence explaining what the statistic represents.
- What does the mean tell you?
- What does it imply if the median is different from the mean?
- What does the standard deviation tell you about the volatility of the data?
- Write a new conclusions section in which you explain how these interpretations can be used in the company:
- What are some trends about which company leaders should be aware?
- How might the information you have provided be used to inform business decisions?
- How will you connect those interpretations explicitly to implications for the practical business context?
- Create a 6–8 page report containing:
- An APA-formatted title page.
- A one-page introduction of your chosen company that you created in your previous assessment.
- A section labeled “Graphical Representations of Data” that includes the four graphs you created as well as your interpretations of each graph.
- A section labeled “Descriptive Statistics” with the statistics you calculated as well as your interpretations of the statistics.
- A one-page conclusion in which you describe the potential business applications of the data and your interpretations.
- An APA-formatted references page. Remember to cite the source of your financial data.
Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:
Additional Requirements
- Include APA-formatted in-text citations where appropriate.
- Follow the typical double-spaced analytics report format.
- Make sure your written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
MATH 265 DeVry Second Order Differential Equation Using MATLAB Mathematics Assignment Help
MATLAB is a powerful programming platform designed specifically for engineers and scientists. Among many other applications, MATLAB can solve differential equations and create graphs. Download a copy of the MATLAB Users Guide (Links to an external site.) (also located in Course Files). A video demonstration of MATLAB in use can be seen below. More information about using MATLAB can be found online at (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.).
MATLAB can be accessed through the Modules directory, under Course Resources through the Lab Resources button. You can also logon directly at (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.). After logging on and installing the Citrix receiver if necessary, click the APPS button at the top of the screen and find MATLAB 2019
BUS 499 Strayer University Week 8 Google Business & Corporate Level Strategy Paper Writing Assignment Help
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies
In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected and focused on for Assignment 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness and Assignment 2: External and Internal Environments.
Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database, the University’s online databases, the Nexis Uni database, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Write a six- to eight-page paper in which you do the following:
Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice.
Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets.
Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
Use the Assignment 3 Template [DOC] to ensure that your assignment meets the above requirements.
BUS 499 Strayer University Week 8 Google Business & Corporate Level Strategy Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UNAHVS Fiscal and Monetary Policies Made to Address the 2008 Recession Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment 2: Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008
Macroeconomic analysis deals with the crucial issue of government involvement in the operation of “free market economy.” The Keynesian model suggests that it is the responsibility of the government to help to stabilize the economy. Stabilization policies (demand-side and supply-side policies) are undertaken by the federal government to counteract business cycle fluctuations and prevent high rates of unemployment and inflation. Demand side policies are government attempts to alter aggregate demand (AD) through using fiscal (cutting taxes and increasing government spending) or monetary policy (reducing interest rates). To shift the AD to the right, the government has to increase the government spending (the G-component of AD) causing consumer expenditures (the C-component of AD) to increase. Alternatively the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates reducing the cost of borrowing thereby encouraging consumer spending and investment borrowing. Both policies will lead to an increase in AD.
Develop an essay discussing the fiscal and the monetary policies adopted and implemented by the federal during the Great Recession and their impacts on the U.S. economy.Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, and in APA format. Note your submission will automatically be submitted through “TurnItIn” for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 700 words for your essay is required.
Your paper should be structured as follows
1. Cover page with a running head
2. Introduction: What is the economic meaning of a recession?
· A brief discussion of fiscal policies
· A brief discussion of monetary policies
3. Conclusions: Discuss the extent to which the use of demand side policies (fiscal policy and monetary policy) during the Great Recession of 2008 has been successful in restoring economic growth and reducing unemployment
4. References
This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.
HUMA 1315 Central Texas College Visual Arts Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Essay – ACTS- Stage ‘C”
Write Essay:
Using your academic source/s you will write and submit your essay to the Writing Lab.
Here are the specifics for your essay.
- Introduction Paragraph with Thesis Statement as the last sentence in this paragraph
- Essay Body: Supporting Arguments to prove your thesis statement
- 3+ paragraphs with 500-900 word count
- use at least 2 in-text citations (ideally 3) with supporting evidence from your stage ‘B’ approved academic/scholarly(textbook or library journal article source/s and properly document with any necessary quotation marks (these 2 may not be used for definitions, dates, nor artwork reference only)) Supporting information= some part of your connection and/or contribution (for example evidence supporting why a societal contribution in this area is needed, some visual art which would meet this need in some way, evidence to support the connection itself, etc.
- include visual artist born after 1900.
- Add an Artwork Title in correct MLA for extra credit (do not attach or include the actual images of the artwork!)
- Conclusion (3+ sentences) Take a summary sentence from each of the body paragraph as it directly relates to your thesis
- Works Cited – MLA formatted list of sources used within essay
a. Grammar and Spelling Count. 1″ Margins, Double Spaced, Times Roman 12pt, correct document type of rtf or doc only
MLA Formatting of In-Text Citations –a grade may not be earned without proper in-text citations and documentation
MLA Formatting for all sources used on the Works Cited page -a grade will not be earned without a proper Works Cited page
- Use MLA 2016 8th edition with both URL and Accessed date for Library database or any instructor approved website. {see example essay}
Note: Complete your assignment using word-processing software such as MS Word 365 (download free software at, LibreOffice (download free software at, or other per course requirements. Save your file as a .rtf file or .doc —Only -to ensure that it can be opened at any computer. Other document types will not be accepted, and could result in earning 0 points.
The visual arts are closely related to the professional field of general studies. Teaching the visual arts can help develop skills, creativity, and the ability to persist in criticism. General education students can come together and bring different aspects of life to the world by revealing the experiences that shaped and shaped them. To some extent, it is not classified as a preference.
Efland, Arthur. Art and Cognition : Integrating the Visual Arts in the Curriculum. Teachers College Press, 2002. INSERT-MISSING-DATABASE-NAME, INSERT-MISSING-URL. Accessed 24 Aug. 2020.
University of California Davis Biology the Scientific Method Exam Practice Science Assignment Help
- Which of the questions below can be answered scientifically? (Check box next to all correct answers.)
- How far can a kangaroo rat jump?
- Do skunks dislike squirrels?
- How much water is necessary to keep grass green?
- Are people who don’t like spicy food physically weak or just weak in character?
3. A
- Testable elements
- Data analysis
- Explanation
- Calculation
good hypothesis includes which of the following? (Check box next to all correct answers.)
- Which variable is the one that is adjusted by the experimenter? (Check box next to all correct answers.)
- Dependent variable
- Independent variable
- Constant variable
- Of the following, which are required for personal safety in lab? (Check box next to all correct answers.)
- Long pants or a long skirt that covers the ankles
- Goggles
- Hat or hood
- Closed-toed shoes
- Snake gaiters
- Waterproof boots
- Lab coat
1 0
- What do you do if the fire alarm goes off but you don’t smell smoke? (Check box next to all correct answers.)
- Stay where you are. Some chuckle-head probably pulled the alarm to avoid a quiz.
- Get out of the building and move to the designated rendezvous location.
- Wait for directions from your lab instructor or other faculty or staff.
- Go home immediately.
- True or False? Because students will often work in teams during lab, it is appropriate for a student to copy homework answers from their team members.
- The morning before a Biology 1 midterm, half of the students in a class were given plain water for breakfast while the other half were given an energy drink. The average exam scores of the two groups were compared to see if the type of drink has an effect on the students’ grades.
- What is the dependent variable in this study?
- What is the independent variable in this study?
GCU Resources for the Implementation Using Process Evaluation Technique Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan |
Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal, the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources. Develop a process to evaluate the intervention if it were implemented. Write a 150-250 word summary of the evaluation plan that will be used to evaluate your intervention.
The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal, the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources. Develop a process to evaluate the intervention if it were implemented. Write a 150-250 word summary of the evaluation plan that will be used to evaluate your intervention.
The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.