University of the Cumberlands Team Leadership and Ethics Questions Computer Science Assignment Help. University of the Cumberlands Team Leadership and Ethics Questions Computer Science Assignment Help.
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Assignment – Team Leadership and Ethics
- Read Chapter 13 – Leadership Ethics
- Read Chapter 14 – Team Leadership
• Complete the Ethical Leadership Style Questionnaire (Short Form), page 360 – Optional
Linking research to practice and knowledge, along with ethical decision-making, select one of the following Case Studies and respond to the corresponding case study questions. (Total response should be approximately 1 page.)
Case Study 13.1 Choosing a Research Assistant. Respond to the questions found on page 356 (also provided below):
- Of the four options available to Angi, which is the most ethical?
- Using the principles of distributive justice, who would Angi choose to become the research assistant?
- From Heifetz’s perspective, can Angi us this decision to help her department and faculty face a difficult situation? Should she?
- Do you agree with Burns’ perspective that it is Angi’s responsibility to help followers assess their own values and needs in order to raise them to a higher level that will stress values such as liberty, justice, and equality? If so, how can Angi do that through this situation?
Case Study 14.1 Can This Virtual Team Work? Respond to the questions on pages 392-393 (also provided below):
- Which of the eight characteristics (Table 14.1) of team excellence are lacking in this team?
- Based on this analysis of team effectiveness should Jim intervene at this time, or should he just keep monitoring the team? If you think he should take action, at what level should he intervene (internal or external)? If internal, should his action be task or relational? Why?
- What specific leadership functions should Jim implement to improve the team? Why?
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. Abraham Lincoln
University of the Cumberlands Team Leadership and Ethics Questions Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ana G Mendez University Medical Indication of Marihuana Medicinal Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
Project Description
The standard project is to use multiple regression analysis to analyze a data set that is of interest to you “MEDICAL INDICATION OF MARIGUANA MEDICINAL”. If you have a strong interest in analysis of variance (the topic we will cover after multiple regression), your project can consist of using analysis of variance to analyze a data set.
The final report for the project should be a 10 to 12-page paper that describes the questions of interest, “MEDICAL INDICATION OF MARIGUANA MEDICINAL”. how you used your data set to analyze these questions with details on the steps you used in your analysis, your findings about your question of interest and the limitations of your study. Specifically, your report should contain the following:
1. Abstract: A one paragraph summary of what you set out to learn, and what you ended up finding. It should summarize the entire report.
2- Introduction: A discussion of what questions you are interested in.
3- Data Set: Describe details about how the data set was collected and the variables in the data set.
4- Number or article reviewed.
5- Analysis: Describe how you used multiple regression to analyze the data set. Specifically, you should discuss how you carried out the steps in analysis discussed in class, i.e., exploration of data to find an initial reasonable model, checking the model and changes to the model based on your checking of the model.
6- Results: Provide inferences about the questions of interest and discussion.
7- Statistical parameters
8- Limitations of study and conclusion: Describe any limitations of your study and how they might be overcome in future research and provide brief conclusions about the results of your study.
Silicon Valley College Week 6 Problem Diagnosis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
I’m working on a
Select question multi-part question writing question discussion question practice test / quiz test / quiz prep exercise case study project report presentation spreadsheet discussion question
and need
Select guidance an explanation a reference a sample draft support an explanation
to help me learn. (please ignore these sentence)
(W6) Discussion
One of the benefits of employing a management consultant is the value they add to the client with their expertise as a diagnostician. The process utilized to complete an accurate diagnosis often strains the consultant-client relationship. Both parties might be fearful of uncovering difficult situations during the process. The successful completion of an effective problem diagnosis requires an examination of the external environment, the technology, the economics of the business, the behavior of all members of the organization and the corporate culture. The consultant is tasked with asking the tough questions to managers that can lead to the managers having to justify why they made certain choices or ignored certain factors that appeared to be important.
- Discuss how you would convince the client that this diagnosis process is necessary. Identify and support at least three reasons you would give to the client to make your case.
- How would you ensure that members of the client’s team are part of the diagnostic process? What tasks would you assign them and why?
- Explain how you would present to the client negative information you uncovered in the diagnostic process which should have been addressed previously.
AR 301 Temple University 20th Century American Art Analysis Essay Writing Assignment Help
When analyzing art, you should look for the various elements to help determine its structure, meaning and value. The traditional seven elements are as follows:
This resources give details about each one:
The John Paul Getty Museum –…
Without conducting ANY additional research this week, we are going to explore what you initially see and think when you look at a work of art. This activity is meant to help you understand:
Utilize the formal vocabulary in describing works of art
Analyze how the subject and context of work can help with interpretation
Select four (4) works of the first half of 20th century American art from the list below.
For each work of art:
1.List the artist, date and title.
2.Write a paragraph that discusses the visual elements in the art work (For example, are the shapes geometric, or organic. What colors are used, etc.?). Using the resources above, describe how the elements work together. Note: You do not have to use every element in your description, but rather the two or three that seem to be the most prominent in the work.
3.Write a second paragraph that describes the subject matter of the art work. What do you the artist might have been trying to say with this art work? Remember to consider the time frame in which the artwork was made. *Remember that you should not conduct research on this art work – the grade is based on your ability to support how the subject matter or time frame helped you interpret the meaning.
George Bellows, New York, 1911
Georgia O’Keeffe, The Shelton with Sunspots, N.Y., 1926
Charles Sheeler, American Landscape, 1930
Alexandre Hogue, Erosion No. 2: Earth Mother Laid Bare, 1936
Jacob Lawrence. Migration Series, No. 58. 1940?1941.
Willem de Kooning, Woman III, 1951?1953
Jackson Pollock, Convergence, 1952
University of Georgia Week 1 Three Tasks Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Task 1
Mandy Moore Dance Studio wishes to expand her dance studio and the bank has loaned her $100,000. The bank requires the business to maintain a current ratio of no less than 1.50. The expansion of the dance studio has been solid but not as well as expected. Due to the expansion, the current ratio is 1.40 as of December 15th. In reviewing the books, there is a contract for $10,000 which was signed on December 5th, but the dance studio will not earn the money until January. In order to raise the current ratio, Mary is thinking of recording this as revenue in December.
- By recording the revenue in December, determine the accounting principle that would dictate when the revenue should be recognized.
- Identify the standard the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) have issued and how it pertains to this situation.
Task 1: Create a new discussion topic on or before Friday at 11:55 p.m. by clicking the ‘**REPLY HERE**’ post. In your reply, you will post your answers to the Week 2 Critical Thinking Exercise questions. Your response to the exercise questions should be a minimum of 150 words.
Task 2
In the Week 1 Discussion (also known as a small business scenario), you developed a specific business good or service. You should use this specific good or service for all of the remaining weeks, please do not change your good or service.
Consider the market for your good or service
- List one characteristic (shift factor) of demand for your specific good or service.
- List one characteristic (shift factor) of supply for your specific good or service.
- Describe how the market achieves equilibrium.
Task 3
- Explain the rationale for closing temporary accounts
MSDF 632 University of the Cumberlands INFOSEC Leadership & Communication Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
- Background: Assume that there has been a data breach at your organization. The root cause was one of the following: Insufficient or weak user authentication, deliberate actions of a disgruntled employee, a server that was missing a critical security patch for 90 days, or a misconfigured SaaS program that was unknown to the IT department.Topic: Select one of the possible root causes listed above and write a recommendation to senior management for addressing the problem. Suggest an immediate action that would need to be taken, then attempt to persuade management to support a project to address the root cause. Address at least one regulatory reason for action, one ethical reason, and one reason based on industry standards. Knowing that this effort would be too early for accurate financial numbers for a project, include one paragraph that would address three key financial impacts a project would have on an already fully committed IT budget.
Mechanics: This portfolio assignment has a target word length of 2,000-2,500 words. It must be in APA format. Due to the length, an Abstract is not required. The word count excludes the Title Page, Reference Section, and any appendices you may desire to add. A minimum of 3 scholarly resources must be used. To qualify as a scholarly resource, the resource must be a peer-reviewed article published in a journal in the field related to Digital Forensics.
MSDF 632 University of the Cumberlands INFOSEC Leadership & Communication Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HSN 476 University of Phoenix Payment Mode Analysis Worksheet Writing Assignment Help
Complete the Payment Mode Analysis worksheet. The worksheet does not have to be double-spaced like an APA paper.
-In the summary, strengths, and weaknesses columns, I am looking for more than one sentence for each.
-Cite at least three scholarly sources in an APA formatted reference page.
At the bottom of the table are 4 scenarios asking you to choose a payment mode. There are no wrong answers in this section, but you must explain why you chose it. A reference page with at least 3 sources is required. You can just add a page to the worksheet rather than making another document.
California University Fullerton The School Days of an Indian Girl Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a african studies writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Please answer the following questions in no more than a page from the attached document.
In a page or less, discuss the methods/actions did the school take to “civilize” Zitkala Sa and the other children. What values were being prioritized as “American”? What emotions/reactions did Zitkala Sa express upon her initial arrival? How does she try to resist? How did her time in the boarding school shape her identity and connection to her family? What personal reactions or questions does this reading bring up for you?
Southern New Hampshire Software Security and Certificate Authorities Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science project and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Why would you want to use a CA for security?
What are the advantages of using a CA?
Ideally, you would have a third-party vendor CA generate certificates for you, which requires costs for the domain. In this case, the cost of having a third-party vendor CA generate certificates may not be affordable or necessary. In this assignment, you will generate self-signed certificates, which makes you the CA. Acting as the CA and generating certificates using free tools is common practice when you are developing.
Certificate Generation: Use the Java KeyTool to generate a self-signed certificate. There is no additional installation needed if you have Java installed on your computer or through Eclipse, but you need to locate your Java home location to find the keytool.exe. Please note: You will generate certificates in Project Two and use the Java KeyTool through Eclipse.
Begin by accessing the keystore by copying the command below. You must copy this text exactly and paste it into the Command Line. Be sure to revise the text where the word password appears with a unique and secure password. This will be your password for the entire exercise. You may refer to the Oracle Guidelines on the Key and Certificate Management Tool for additional guidance.
keytool.exe -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keypass password -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048
A command line screen with the following command entered: keytool.exe -genkey – keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keypass changeme -keystore keystore.jks – storepass changeme -validity 360 -keysize 2048.
A series of questions with responses which are used to generate a 2,048-bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate follow.
Enter a secure password for the keystore (shown as password). You must copy this text exactly and paste it into the Command Line. Be sure to revise the text where the word password appears with a unique and secure password. This password will be used again shortly.
keytool.exe -export -alias selfsigned -storepass password -file server.cer -keystore keystore.jks
A command line screen with the following command entered: keytool.exe -export -alias selfsigned -storepass changeme -file server.cer -keystore keystore.jks The returned line states, ‘Certificate stored in file <server.cer data-verified='”>
Use a command to print out the CER file using Command Line.
keytool.exe -printcert -file server.cer
To demonstrate that the certificate was effectively generated, submit a screenshot of the print out of the certificate information found in the server.cer file created in the previous step. An example is shown below:
A command line screen with the following command entered: keytool.exe -printcert -file server.cer
This command prints the server.cer file. The details of the CER file which was printed include Owner, Issuer, Serial number, Dates valid, Certificate fingerprints, Signature algorithm name, Subject public key algorithm, Version number, and Extensions.
Answer a series of questions with unique answers. You may use fictional information to fill in answers to the questions. You should submit a screenshot with the questions and answers to show that you have entered all the necessary field information as shown above.
Lastly, you will be prompted to enter the same password as before for the accessing keystore to export the certificate to a CER file.
keytool.exe -export -alias selfsigned -storepass changeme -file server.cer -keystore keystore.jks
BUS 4993 Capella University Unit 3 Environmental Scan & SWOT Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Conduct an environmental scan and write an assessment in which you focus on both the internal and external factors that could affect your success within your chosen industry.
An environmental scan allows you to identify the trends (technical, social, political, economic, and so on), issues, and other factors that are most likely to affect a given industry, thereby helping you determine a strategy for dealing with potential changes.
After an organization has completed a SWOT analysis, it will carefully monitor both the internal and external environments to detect signs of opportunities and threats that could affect current and future plans. This environmental scanning can help an organization identify trends that are most likely to affect the industry, thereby allowing the development of a strategy for change. The right information, at the right time, can determine the future of an organization.
Note: Developing a strategic plan requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in order and should be completed in sequence.
Conduct an environmental scan in which you focus on both the internal and external factors that could affect your success within your chosen industry. Include in your scan responses to the following. Be sure to use the information from your SWOT analysis to explain how you will address both the internal and external issues.
- Internal Factors: What specific things do you need to do in order to achieve the position you would like to have? In other words, what do you need to do to climb the corporate ladder in your industry?
- External Factors: Examine the state of the current market or industry. What issues currently exist? How might these issues influence the future state of the industry? How will these issues affect your long-term and short-term goals?
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
- Competency 3: Communicate effectively.
- Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
- Competency 4: Plan strategically.
- Describe strategies to use SWOT analysis to improve competitive advantage.
- Competency 5: Employ high-performance business management techniques.
- Analyze strengths to determine competitive advantages.
- Analyze opportunities that may be leveraged for competitive advantage.
- Analyze threats to competitive advantage.
- Competency 6: Solve problems within professional standards.
- Analyze weaknesses to determine areas for improvement.
[supanova_question] worksheet. The worksheet does not have to be double-spaced like an APA paper.
-In the summary, strengths, and weaknesses columns, I am looking for more than one sentence for each.
-Cite at least three scholarly sources in an APA formatted reference page.
At the bottom of the table are 4 scenarios asking you to choose a payment mode. There are no wrong answers in this section, but you must explain why you chose it. A reference page with at least 3 sources is required. You can just add a page to the worksheet rather than making another document.