University of The District of Columbia Madewell vs. J.Crew Stores Research Writing Assignment Help

University of The District of Columbia Madewell vs. J.Crew Stores Research Writing Assignment Help. University of The District of Columbia Madewell vs. J.Crew Stores Research Writing Assignment Help.

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Madewell vs J.Crew

II. “Field” Research

Since it’s Covid-time, use your knowledge of the stores (do not visit!), web research, and careful usage and dissection of the firm’s website to do your core analysis. You should mimic the experience of visiting the stores in person so that you can talk through branding, product, initial strategy hypotheses, etc.

Observe and measure characteristics of the companies that you think could illuminate the firm’s strategy within the big-box retail space. Measure the same characteristic at its competitor’s store and compare the two. Pick at least 10 metrics (but fewer than 20) that you find relevant.


The goal of the field-research and measurements is to see how the physical, product, and brand decisions contribute to the firm’s overall strategy.

*While you are welcome to pick your metrics (as defined in the metrics section below), I encourage you to consider unique metrics that reflect the overall shopping experience such as specifics of website utility, shopping experience, degree of marketing, elements of branding, how the products are portrayed, and your own creative, unique observations.*

A metric is anything that can be objectively measured and verified. For example, in the past students have used tape measures or laser measures to measure seat width at 5 Guys. Let’s imagine you were doing an alternative case on Target vs. Walmart–not an option for this project–you could have metrics for:

  • Cleanliness of the bathrooms
  • Friendliness of staff (were you greeted with a positive attitude?)
  • Size of shopping carts (Bring a measuring tape!)
  • Width of the aisles
  • Wait time in checkout aisles

Do not only use my suggestions. Be creative!


(Up to 2-pages writing and 1-2 page table-format appendix) Single spacing is okay here if needed in order to fit within the table format. As noted in the metrics section above, it is necessary for your team to do field research where you actively use the products & services of the companies you are examining. Before you do your field research, define what measurements might be useful for understanding the business in question. You can be flexible and add measurements after you get to your store/restaurant. Your job is to create and measure 10 – 20 metrics. Please be creative. I recommend using a table format as in the metrics appendix below.

University of The District of Columbia Madewell vs. J.Crew Stores Research Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Wallace Community College Market of Demand and Supply Model Microeconomics Economics Assignment Help

1. The president of a small company that provides vending machines services asks you, as the company economist, to forecast changes in consumer snack purchases associated with a proposed price change. You conduct a survey and find that if the price of a snack increases from $1.00 to $1.75, the quantity demanded will decrease by 10%.

a.Calculate the price elasticity of demand (please show all your calculations and formula you used)

b.Should the vending machine company raise its price? Explain the economic basis for this recommendation to the president.

c.By how much the quantity demanded has to decrease in order for your recommendation in part (b) to change. Explain.

2. In the labor market, the demand and supply model predicts that new technologies could raise the pay of high-skill labor but reduce the pay of low-skill labor. Explain why wages will increase for skilled labor while real wages of low skill labor will decline? Draw a supply and demand for skill labor and low skilled labor showing how real wages will be impacted due to technological changes?


Santa Monica College Western Philosophy how How Can We Become Better as Individuals Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

Philosophy 1 – Course Description

To know thyself is to love thyself, and to love thyself is to love thy neighbor. This course will examine what it means to love and know thyself through the lens of Western philosophy. We shall consider Western philosophy as the foundation of our current moment with all of its challenges and joys. Each week students will read selections from the history of Western philosophy and apply the philosophical ideas to a contemporary film to self reflect, to analyze self and world with philosophical concepts. We will ask questions such as how did we get here and how can we become better as individuals and humanity as a whole. This course requires students to think independently as well as understand the readings, and to develop critical analysis skills to respectfully engage in online discussions about high-stakes issues.


Cuyamaca College World War Ii and Cold War History Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Using chapters 24 & 26 from the American Yawp Reader (Links to an external site.) (Primary Source Reader), select one primary source to analyze. You will write a 2-3 paragraph analysis of the primary source answering the following questions:

  • Content: What is the document about?
  • Citation: When was this document created and by who?
  • Context: What was going on in the world and/or the region when this document was written? What major economic, social, political trends might this document be directly or indirectly responding to?
  • Connections: Does this document reflect, support, and/or challenge what we are learning in class?
  • Communication: Does this document have an identifiable point of view or bias? Is this document reliable?
  • Conclusions: How does this source contribute to our understanding of history? What is the main idea and what does it tell us about the moment in time in which it was written?

*Note: the “Citation” question above is asking you to treat the primary source as a stand alone document. In other words, your response should not say that the document was created by the authors of the American Yawp textbook. Instead, your response should highlight who is the historical author of the primary source.


ABS 300 Ashford University Review of WAIS IV & WIAT III Presentation Writing Assignment Help

TURNITIN SCORE MUST BE AT OR BELOW 20%…as I will be checking

APA FORMAT PLEASE with use of Quotations…citeing accordingly

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the required textbook chapters and articles for this week. Select two tests about which to write your review. The first test must be selected from List A and the second test must be selected from List B. Your choice of tests include the following:

List A (Select one test from this list.)

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS–IV)
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence- Fourth Edition (WPPSI – IV)

List B (Select one test from this list.)

  • Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III)
  • Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC-II)
  • Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA-3)
  • Sequential Tests of Educational Progress (STEP)
  • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5)
  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Third Edition (WIAT- III)
  • Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV) Tests of Achievement
  • Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV) Tests of Cognitive Abilities

Create a PowerPoint presentation with 10-12 slides (not including the title and reference slides) entitled Review of [Insert the name of the tests reviewed]. Your presentation must provide at least one slide for each of the required topics and include appropriate citations of your referenced sources. Separate reference slides, which follow APA formatting guidelines for a References page, must be included at the end of the presentation. You must create your own template and organize your presentation in the sequence provided. Do not use a font smaller than 18 pt. You are encouraged to insert relevant figures and graphics. Make sure to appropriately cite any images, tables, figures, or information from the test publisher’s website used. The notes section of each slide must include the text for oral comments you would make while presenting the materials to a live audience.

References must be cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.) For assistance with creating a visually engaging and readable presentation, you may review Garr Reynolds’s tips for creating presentations. (Links to an external site.)

The presentation must cover each of the following topics in the order presented below. Two tests may be discussed on the same slide using the side-by-side comparison format.
Required topics to be addressed for each test:

  • Name of the test, author or authors, publisher and publication date
  • Qualifications of the test user
  • Common professional uses of the test
  • Explain what the test is purported to measure along with any reliability and validity evidence that supports the author’s or publisher’s claims.
  • Describe the appropriate applications of the test in terms of the population(s) on which the test is validated (including age ranges) and any information regarding populations for which the test’s use is not recommended.
  • Subtest names and brief descriptions
  • Administration and scoring procedures
  • Cost and administration time
  • Your critique of the instrument, including an evaluation of the test’s strengths and weaknesses as a measure of the theoretical constructs of intelligence and/or achievement
  • Evaluate reviewers’ comments from at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article published in the last 10 years that provides an appraisal of basic measurement issues related to the tests you selected.

The presentation

  • Must consist of 10 to 12 slides (not including title and reference slides) that are formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)
  • Must include a separate title slide with the following:
    • Title of presentation
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use the assigned chapters in the course text and a minimum of 1 peer-reviewed journal article published within the last 10 years.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include separate reference slides formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Donoso, O.A., Bernandez, B., & Horin, E.V (2010). Use of psychological tests within vocational rehabilitation. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.32, 191-200. Retrieved from…

  • The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. The authors present findings from a study in which they examined the testing practices of professionals who conduct psychological assessments for the vocational rehabilitation system.

Salthouse, T.A. (2014). Evaluating the correspondence of different cognitive batteries. Assessment, 21(2), 131-42. Retrieved from

  • The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the Sage database in the Ashford University Library. The author analyzed data from two cognitive batteries including the WASI-IV to determine the correspondence of ability factors between the two batteries.

TEDx Talks (2014, June 26). Do standardized tests matter? Nathan Kuncel TEDxUMN (Links to an external site.). [Video file]. Retrieved from

  • Nathan Kuncel discusses the importance of standardized test scores. The presentation includes a discussion of the relationship between scores and both academic and career achievement.

TEDx Talks (2012, December 3). None of the above – Why standardized testing fails: Bob Sternberg at TEDxOStateU (Links to an external site.). [Video file]. Retrieved from

  • Former American Psychological Association President, Bob Sternberg, discusses the faults in standardized testing and provides recommendations for assessment practices to meet contemporary societal needs.

Blickle, G., Kramer, J., & Mierke, J. (2010). Telephone-administered intelligence testing for research in work and organizational psychology: A comparative assessment study. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 26(3), 154-161. Retrieved from

  • The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. The authors used the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT) to assess the quality of intelligence testing by telephone with a sample of working adults and compared the results with intelligence testing by face-to-face test administration.

Reynolds, G. (2014). Top ten slide tips (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

  • The author of this web-based article provides important tips on how to design an engaging slide presentation.

Sternberg, R. J., Bimey, D. P., Stemler, S.E, Otterbach, R., Randi, J., Jarvin, L., Naples, A., Newman, T., Parish, C., & Grigorenko, E.L. (2014). Testing the Theory of Successful Intelligence in teaching grade 4 Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106(3), 881-899. Retrieved from

  • The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. The authors presented findings from a study in which they investigated whether prior successes with educational interventions grounded in the theory of successful intelligence could be used as the primary basis for instruction in language arts, mathematics, and science.



Blue Mountain College Dying Experiences of Older People in Nursing Homes Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Dying Experiences of Older People in Nursing Homes

The focus is to give a holistic view or deeper understanding of older persons experiences of dying in a nursing home. The paper will discuss cognitive issues and the interaction that occurs with provider/patient/family/HCP as all these greatly influences the experience.

The paper needs to include the following:

  • An in-depth explanation of the topic
  • Why is the topic important and/or significant?
  • Current theories/knowledge in the literature about this topic
  • Current policy (at least one) that affects or relates to the topic
  • Discussion of the intersection of at least 1 core social work principle/value to the topic

The paper is expected to be 8-10 pages in addition to cover and reference pages (double-spaced, one-inch margins, Times-Roman 12-point font, APA style).

It should have at least 6 scholarly citations.

Blue Mountain College Dying Experiences of Older People in Nursing Homes Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Monroe College Challenges for An Always-Connected but Highly Personalized Device Business Finance Assignment Help

part 1) 500 words

Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

The protections from the security software must continue when the device is taken off the network, such as when it is off-grid, or in airplane mode and similar. Still, muchof the time, software writers can expect the device to be online and connected, notonly to a local network but to the World Wide Web, as well. Web traffic, as we have seen,has its own peculiar set of security challenges. What are the challenges for an always connected, but highly personalized device?

part 2) 700 words

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

One of the big challenges with cloud-based reputation checks is performance. Users do not typically want to wait a few seconds while the reputation of potential URLs ischecked. Most of us have come to expect that websites are at the immediate tips of ourfingers and that access and loading of the content should take place rapidly and immediately. This presents a tricky security problem.Since the reputation service exists in the cloud, the challenge can be summed up as, “How can a reputation be securely retrieved without slowing Web access down so much as to create a poor user experience?”

apa format

plagrism report too with less than 10%

2 refremces each part with in text cittaions


Santa Monica College All the Changes of Western Philosophy and The Foundation Exam Writing Assignment Help

Philosophy 1 – Course Description

To know thyself is to love thyself, and to love thyself is to love thy neighbor. This course will examine what it means to love and know thyself through the lens of Western philosophy. We shall consider Western philosophy as the foundation of our current moment with all of its challenges and joys. Each week students will read selections from the history of Western philosophy and apply the philosophical ideas to a contemporary film to self reflect, to analyze self and world with philosophical concepts. We will ask questions such as how did we get here and how can we become better as individuals and humanity as a whole. This course requires students to think independently as well as understand the readings, and to develop critical analysis skills to respectfully engage in online discussions about high-stakes issues.

Exam Essay

Description: This is a reflection paper on Rene Descartes’s Method Book 1 & 2 and Meditations 1 & 2, and Anne Conway’s Vitalistic Monism, selections from The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, and Enlightenment Philosophers: Hume, Kant, and Emerson.

Goal: Come to know yourself through the writings of Descartes, Conway, Hume, Kant, or Emerson. Following are some questions to stir your thinking and self reflection: What resonated with you? Why? What irked you? Why? What validated what you already believed, held dear, thought, felt, etc? Why? What made you smile? Why? What brought tears? Why? These are merely some of the questions you might ask yourself as you develop your paper on knowing yourself through the lenses of Descartes, Conway, Hume, Kant, or Emerson.

Line of Reasoning: In your paper, you will take a position on at least four of the different philosophies and how they have contributed to you coming to know yourself. It could be because you agree, disagree, have already been thinking this way and the philosopher put it to words for you, or some other reason. Next, provide a rational defense of your position. Keep in mind that it is not merely a matter of taste (Hume) but rather it must be a position you can defend with textual evidence and life experience, including quotes from the text.

How to Prepare: Review the readings and use the questions below to excite your thinking.

Quotes: Include at least six (6) quotes from the readings.

Questions to inspire your paper development…

I. Descartes (Dualism) & Conway (Monism): Are you using good sense (reason) or common sense to think and express yourself. Are you describing your feelings or your thoughts? What is certain according to Descartes? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Are you dreaming or awake right now? How might the scientific method help you to make better decisions in life? Are you a thinking thing? What occult terms do you use? Why might it be useful to be candid with yourself about what is less understood than is typically admitted? How does Descartes’s discussion of wax elucidate that to have knowledge is to have knowledge of the contents of one’s own mind? What is dualism? How are the mind and body connected? Which part of Descartes’s writings most inspired or perplexed you? Why? Are you more inclined to follow monism? Do you believe in the vitalistic spirit? Does Kabbalistic mysticism help one to deal with life’s unknowns? Does the phrase Pathei Mathos speak to you? Why?

II. Enlightenment Philosophers: Hume, Kant, & Emerson: How might a return to moral sentiments, moral feelings return you to think from a place of love, a subject self that does not divide the world as the powers in leadership roles have manipulated us into believing we ought – think Conservative-Liberal, Catholic-Protestant (Hume). Will you take Kant’s challenge, Dare to be wise, to think without the direction of another? (Kant) Will you come to rely on yourself, to listen to the music of your soul? (Emerson). These are merely examples. You are welcome to take the paper in the direction that suits you.

Tip: Be sure you are not conflating contemporary understandings of the ideas discussed by the philosophers. For example, moral feelings are moral sentiments according to Hume. Psychological egoists would disagree. It is fine for you to discuss both but make it clear in your paper that you understand the differences. Also, if you do bring in work that is not assigned, be sure to cite it.

Note: Questions are merely listed as inspiration. You might take your paper in a direction not considered in the questions above.

Extra Credit: Explain thoroughly one quote from one of the following: Descartes, Conway, Hume, Kant, or Emerson. Describe why it is valuable in a practical and/or pragmatic way. (2 points)

Grading : General Criteria 1,500 words or more (6-7 pages) Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font Double Spaced 1” Margins You do NOT need to use any particular style (e.g., APA or MLA) You may use first person “I”. You may also use :second person “you”. Or, you may use third person“one”. Pick one and be consistent Total Paper Points: 20 points possible Extra credit (2 points possible): Explain thoroughly one quote from either Aurelius or Descartes. Describe why it is valuable in a practical and/or pragmatic way.

Writing a Philosophy Paper Guidelines Grammar matters. Please use complete sentences. Reasoning matters. Please be sure that sentences relate to each other. For example, sentence two follows from sentence one, and so on. Use new paragraphs to indicate a new idea. Consider using sub-headings to organize your thoughts and convey them in an organized fashion. Be sure to introduce a quote and follow it with a sentence explaining why it is important to the point you are defending. The goal is, in short, to understand the material, convey an understanding of the material, take a position on the material, and defend the position with reasoning, and quotes from the text as evidence. While word count and page number matters, conveying your point and defending your position matters as well.

From last Essay exam score teacher suggest :

It is important not to conflate ancient Greek philosophy with Stoicism.

What is love, ultimately, according to Socrates? Love or wisdom, philosophy?

Your paper touches on many of the ideas we covered in class but it does not defend any one of them with evidence and a line of reasoning. You seem to be jumping around without expressing any one idea with depth and understanding. How does one come to know oneself according to Socrates? What is love ultimately, according to Socrates? How does the Lover/Beloved relationship play out in Heloise’s letter, following the philosophy of Stoicism?

For this paper, pick two ideas, take a position, and defend them with the assigned readings.


Broward College Health Care Organization & Healthy Work Environment Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

Content (Section 2)

Use (1) PowerPoint slide per area

o Example: American Association of Critical Care Nurses’ (AACN) Healthy Work Environment (1 slide per recommendation)

o Skilled Communication

o True Collaboration

o Effective Decision-Making

o Appropriate Staffing

o Authentic Leadership

Discuss the recommendations or changes your organization is arguing in favor of (Section 3)

Using 2 slides minimum,

o On 1 slide – Discuss how the recommendations affect nursing

o On another slide – Discuss how the recommendations affect healthcare delivery and patient care

State why you would support the recommendations and why you would oppose them (Section 4)

Argue both sides of the issue. Use the research articles to support your argument for and against.

Using 2 slides (minimum)

o State why you support and do not support the recommendations or policies your assigned organizationis advocating forand why you agree or disagree with the organization’s findings

Evidence-Based Findings (Section 5)

Student summarized all the topics from their assigned organization’s website

Articles must meet each of the following criteria to receive full credit:

o Student used a minimum of 3 articles

o Articles must have been published between 2012 and 2019

o The articles used for this assignment were obtained from reliable sources (see assignment guidelines):

o Professional Nursing Journals

o Reputable Newspaper Outlets (Boston Globe, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, etc.)

o Reputable News Media Outlets (ABC, CBS, Fox, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, etc.)

o Student submitted a copy of each article to Professor Diaz-Cruz via Canvas Drop Box by assignment deadline: (

PDF version of each article

Scan copy of each article

Student must cite (6th edition – APA style) each PowerPoint slidewith source used for information on that slide.

Student must find at least (3) journal articlespublished between (218 to 2020) that support or oppose the use of the organization recommendations

o Points will be deducted if student uses journals that are older than 2018

o Points will also be deducted if student does not use three articles that relate to the specific topic addressed by the organization

o Cannot use an article from your assigned organization to support or oppose recommendations

o Articles must be obtained from other reliable sources such as:

o Professional Nursing Organizations (AACN, NLN, FNA, etc.)

o Reputable newspapers (New York Times, Washington Post, Miami Herald, etc.)

o Media Outlets (CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox News, CNN, etc.)

o Student must submit a paper copy of each article. Approved formats are the following:

o PDF version

o Scanned copies of each article

o Citation of Sources (6th edition – APA style)

o Student must credit information gathered on each PowerPoint slide to an organization, person(s) or other entity (newspaper, media outlet, etc.)

o Failure to cite sources in each slide will result in points being deducted

References (Section 6)

Using 1 slide (minimum)

o Cite your source in APA style format 6thedition

o Please refer to the APA stylebook

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

Essentials of a Baccalaureate Education…

o Review and include all of the following topics in your presentation:

o Essential #3 – Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

o Essential #4 – Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology

o Essential # 5- Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments

o Essential # 6 – Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes

o Essential # 7 – Professionalism and Professional Values


MKT 438 University of Phoenix W2 Compare Internal Public Relations and Employee Relations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Compare internal public relations and employee relations. What are two ways in which they are similar? How are they different?


Respond to the next two statements with a couple sentences.

1. Public Relations and employee relations work together in a few different ways and you need both to get a good view from the public. For the most part the overall image is what customers will first see before interacting or doing business with the company.

Public relations can make a business look good and have future employees want to work there and can see themselves happy. If an potential employee is happy with where they work then they might help promote the business.

Both PR and Employee relations are different since the PR side of things is mainly about the overall business. The employee relations side of things is more controlled by the Human Resources department and its more focused on how employees feel and if they are happy or need anything to be content with their job and place.

Its important for employee relations to allow its employees grow within the company so that with happy employees they can help the PR department improve the business image and have a better outlook from the public. Even though employee relations isn’t something easy to achieve, as long as the company puts some effort into what its trying to do for its employees then you can build a good employee relationship.

2. Hello Professor and Class,

Public relations deals with the release and spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public. Internal public relations deals with what is occurring within the organization or company. This can be with supervisors, employees, or the employees family members. Internal public relations deals with information about major changes within the company, administrative reminders, staffing, hours and more.

Employee relations is also about communication within the organization or company. Employee relations deals with managing relationships between employers and their employees. Most organizations and companies have a Human Resource department. HR helps prevent and resolves any issues that an employee or management may have with each other.

Two ways that Internal Public Relations (IPR) and Employee Relations (ER) are similar is because they are put in place to help the employer and employee build and maintain internal relationships within the company, they set rules and guidelines for both parties. They are different because IPR usually relays messages through email or employee meetings. ER usually is just between the employee and HR or both and the other party involved.


o Review and include all of the following topics in your presentation:

o Essential #3 – Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

o Essential #4 – Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology

o Essential # 5- Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments

o Essential # 6 – Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes

o Essential # 7 – Professionalism and Professional Values


MKT 438 University of Phoenix W2 Compare Internal Public Relations and Employee Relations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Compare internal public relations and employee relations. What are two ways in which they are similar? How are they different?


Respond to the next two statements with a couple sentences.

1. Public Relations and employee relations work together in a few different ways and you need both to get a good view from the public. For the most part the overall image is what customers will first see before interacting or doing business with the company.

Public relations can make a business look good and have future employees want to work there and can see themselves happy. If an potential employee is happy with where they work then they might help promote the business.

Both PR and Employee relations are different since the PR side of things is mainly about the overall business. The employee relations side of things is more controlled by the Human Resources department and its more focused on how employees feel and if they are happy or need anything to be content with their job and place.

Its important for employee relations to allow its employees grow within the company so that with happy employees they can help the PR department improve the business image and have a better outlook from the public. Even though employee relations isn’t something easy to achieve, as long as the company puts some effort into what its trying to do for its employees then you can build a good employee relationship.

2. Hello Professor and Class,

Public relations deals with the release and spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public. Internal public relations deals with what is occurring within the organization or company. This can be with supervisors, employees, or the employees family members. Internal public relations deals with information about major changes within the company, administrative reminders, staffing, hours and more.

Employee relations is also about communication within the organization or company. Employee relations deals with managing relationships between employers and their employees. Most organizations and companies have a Human Resource department. HR helps prevent and resolves any issues that an employee or management may have with each other.

Two ways that Internal Public Relations (IPR) and Employee Relations (ER) are similar is because they are put in place to help the employer and employee build and maintain internal relationships within the company, they set rules and guidelines for both parties. They are different because IPR usually relays messages through email or employee meetings. ER usually is just between the employee and HR or both and the other party involved.


o Review and include all of the following topics in your presentation:

o Essential #3 – Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

o Essential #4 – Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology

o Essential # 5- Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments

o Essential # 6 – Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes

o Essential # 7 – Professionalism and Professional Values


MKT 438 University of Phoenix W2 Compare Internal Public Relations and Employee Relations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Compare internal public relations and employee relations. What are two ways in which they are similar? How are they different?


Respond to the next two statements with a couple sentences.

1. Public Relations and employee relations work together in a few different ways and you need both to get a good view from the public. For the most part the overall image is what customers will first see before interacting or doing business with the company.

Public relations can make a business look good and have future employees want to work there and can see themselves happy. If an potential employee is happy with where they work then they might help promote the business.

Both PR and Employee relations are different since the PR side of things is mainly about the overall business. The employee relations side of things is more controlled by the Human Resources department and its more focused on how employees feel and if they are happy or need anything to be content with their job and place.

Its important for employee relations to allow its employees grow within the company so that with happy employees they can help the PR department improve the business image and have a better outlook from the public. Even though employee relations isn’t something easy to achieve, as long as the company puts some effort into what its trying to do for its employees then you can build a good employee relationship.

2. Hello Professor and Class,

Public relations deals with the release and spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public. Internal public relations deals with what is occurring within the organization or company. This can be with supervisors, employees, or the employees family members. Internal public relations deals with information about major changes within the company, administrative reminders, staffing, hours and more.

Employee relations is also about communication within the organization or company. Employee relations deals with managing relationships between employers and their employees. Most organizations and companies have a Human Resource department. HR helps prevent and resolves any issues that an employee or management may have with each other.

Two ways that Internal Public Relations (IPR) and Employee Relations (ER) are similar is because they are put in place to help the employer and employee build and maintain internal relationships within the company, they set rules and guidelines for both parties. They are different because IPR usually relays messages through email or employee meetings. ER usually is just between the employee and HR or both and the other party involved.


o Review and include all of the following topics in your presentation:

o Essential #3 – Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

o Essential #4 – Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology

o Essential # 5- Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments

o Essential # 6 – Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes

o Essential # 7 – Professionalism and Professional Values


MKT 438 University of Phoenix W2 Compare Internal Public Relations and Employee Relations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Compare internal public relations and employee relations. What are two ways in which they are similar? How are they different?


Respond to the next two statements with a couple sentences.

1. Public Relations and employee relations work together in a few different ways and you need both to get a good view from the public. For the most part the overall image is what customers will first see before interacting or doing business with the company.

Public relations can make a business look good and have future employees want to work there and can see themselves happy. If an potential employee is happy with where they work then they might help promote the business.

Both PR and Employee relations are different since the PR side of things is mainly about the overall business. The employee relations side of things is more controlled by the Human Resources department and its more focused on how employees feel and if they are happy or need anything to be content with their job and place.

Its important for employee relations to allow its employees grow within the company so that with happy employees they can help the PR department improve the business image and have a better outlook from the public. Even though employee relations isn’t something easy to achieve, as long as the company puts some effort into what its trying to do for its employees then you can build a good employee relationship.

2. Hello Professor and Class,

Public relations deals with the release and spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public. Internal public relations deals with what is occurring within the organization or company. This can be with supervisors, employees, or the employees family members. Internal public relations deals with information about major changes within the company, administrative reminders, staffing, hours and more.

Employee relations is also about communication within the organization or company. Employee relations deals with managing relationships between employers and their employees. Most organizations and companies have a Human Resource department. HR helps prevent and resolves any issues that an employee or management may have with each other.

Two ways that Internal Public Relations (IPR) and Employee Relations (ER) are similar is because they are put in place to help the employer and employee build and maintain internal relationships within the company, they set rules and guidelines for both parties. They are different because IPR usually relays messages through email or employee meetings. ER usually is just between the employee and HR or both and the other party involved.


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