University of The District of Columbia Stresses in Curved Beams Review Writing Assignment Help. University of The District of Columbia Stresses in Curved Beams Review Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a writing report and need an explanation to help me study.
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You can conduct research on one of the following topics and write a 4 ~ 6-page review paper. Based on the quality of your work,
Topics are:
1) Mohr’s circle for “strain” transformation
2) Stresses in curved beams
3) Designing beams for bending and shear.
4) Plastic deformation and stresses in shafts due to Torsion
Note 1: You can use any references (books, papers, websites. etc.), but you need to quote and cite them in your essay.
Note 2: Copied texts are strictly prohibited.
Note 4: No specific format is requested, and you will have freedom on this.
University of The District of Columbia Stresses in Curved Beams Review Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of South Florida Air Conditioning System Lab Report Engineering Assignment Help
Solve these two problems, which are in the Air conditioning system field. I attached the tables that you need to use to solve them.
Atmospheric air enters a cooling duct at 80°F and 80% relative
humidity, at a rate of 10,000 cubic feet per minute. The air exits at
60°F and is saturated. The barometric pressure at the duct inlet is 15.0
psia. Assume no pressure drop through the cooling duct.
Determine (a)the rate at which heat is removed through the cooling
coil [Btu/s], (b) the rate at which condensate forms [lbm/s]. Assume the
condensed water is cooled to the exit air temperature before it drains
from the system.
The air that exits the cooling duct enters a heating duct where it is
heated at a rate of 500 Btu per second. Assume a 1.0 psi pressure drop
through the heating duct.
At the heating duct exit, determine (a) the dry-bulb temperature
[°F], (b) the relative humidity [%], and (c) the dew-point temperature
San Jose City College The Pandemic Crisis Has Changed My Vision of The World Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing Admission Essay and need a sample draft to help me learn.
In this assignment,
1. you will discuss your academic plans and the impact of the pandemic on your life ( write a 500 to 700 word essay).
Here are some questions to help you formulate your essay
How is this crisis changed your vision of the world around you and how it has impacted your academic life?
Are you more interested in the news now than you did in the past?
Will it be a before and after the pandemic in your life?
What have you learnt or discovered about yourself during this period?
Will the crisis have a long time impact on your household economy? If yes would it mean that you will have to contribute more to the family’s income while in school?
Did pandemic change your relationship with your friends and family?
Dominican College of Blauvelt Behavior Modification Journal Entry Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology writing question and need support to help me learn.
Four-Week Journal of Behavioral Modification:
Start your chosen behavior change and monitor how it goes for a four week period. At the end of each week, write a half-page to one-page (100-250 words) journal entry (include the date for each entry) describing your progress thus far in specific, measurable terms including how frequently you engaged in the problem behavior and how frequently you successfully changed the behavior, as well as any challenges or obstacles that you experienced. Some people prefer to include a behavior tracking/monitoring sheet as well, which you can create on your own or find online. Your journal entry should also include discussion of revisions to your change plan that you made or plan to make for the next week, sources of support for making the change that you found helpful, and benefits of the change that you are noticing.
Example Journal Entry: “Oct 20th, 2017. Week One Journal: I began my plan to cut down and quit smoking this week. I smoked two cigarettes this week, one on Monday morning and one on Thursday night. This first week was harder than I expected when it came to not smoking during the stress of preparing for an exam on Monday and when I was out with friends on Thursday. On the other days, it seemed to help when I remembered to fill up my water bottle and when I could safety reach the gum in my bag while I was driving. I haven’t bought a pack of cigarettes in over two weeks, so that’s nice as well. When I fill up my car with gas, I plan to pay at the pump and not go inside the store to break that old stimulus cue of buying cigarettes when I get gas.”
During your journal weeks, refer back to your Part 2 submission to review your plan, anticipated behavior and thinking changes, and anticipated obstacles to reflect on how the lived experience of making this change compares to your expectations.
University of The People Types of Leadership Styles Used in Organization Reflection Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management question and need guidance to help me understand better.
This reflection activity is comprised of two sections indicating a word count for each prompt, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflections by responding to all prompts.
An organization’s business strategy includes leadership theories and practices, as well as organization structure. One of management’s responsibilities is to ensure their team’s work aligns to the organization’s business strategies.
Leadership Theories and Practices
- What leadership theories have you seen used in your own workplace?
- Which were most effective? Which were the least effective? Why?
- How did the execution of these theories align with your organization’s business strategies?
Organizational Structure
Think of a company or organization you’re familiar with, perhaps one you’ve worked for or even a place of worship or school.
- What kind of organizational structure does the organization use?
- What other structures discussed in the chapter might allow the organization to operate more effectively? For example, would the move to a product team structure lead to greater efficiency or effectiveness? Why or why not?
UOTC Utilization of Computer Applications in Project Management Activities Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
Need a three-paragraph answer. (one paragraph for each question).
1. Summarised ppt attached below. and discuss some important points from ppt.
2.Several years ago, the U.S. Congress canceled funding for the development of a battery-powered electric vehicle. Do you think that was a good decision? Can you imagine what the pros and cons were?
3.Assume that you are working for a computer manufacturer as a software engineer and that you are told abruptly that your project will be canceled within 4 weeks. List the questions that you would have for management. After absorbing the shock, what would you do?
Need APA Formate. No plagarisam.
Add References, please.
Need 600 words or 2pages (excepting reference and cover page)
UOTC Utilization of Computer Applications in Project Management Activities Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Northcentral University Quasi and Experimental Methods Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Based on this week’s resources and additional research, create two Word Clouds. The first should be based on quasi-experimental methods, and the second one should be based on experimental research methods. Reflect on your readings and additional research conducted this week. What key terms or themes surround each of these research methods? This reflection exercise will assist in creating your Word Clouds.
Next, prepare a critical analysis of the differences between a quasi-experimental and an experimental research method. For your selected research topic of interest, determine the types of variables or measures might you want to examine that you don’t have any control over (e.g., age, gender, IQ, or other factors that could impact the outcome dependent measures). With these variables in mind, provide an example of a quasi-experimental research study where you intentionally look at these variables as your ‘quasi’ independent variable; explain why your study would be considered ‘quasi’.
How might you be able to revise this to a true experiment – even just hypothetically speaking?
Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages. Be sure to include your Word Clouds with your submission.
PSY 5503 Northcentral Week 8 Special Population Forensic Psychologist Research Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will examine a particular case within a special population, and then develop a broad understanding of the role of the forensic psychologist in a correctional setting.
First, you must choose a unique case study or special population as a whole. Some examples are listed below:
- Selecting a case from the headlines such as a recent high profile criminal case that has a clear intersection with mental health.
- Making up a case example based on your interests, prior case examples you have read, or a mixture of all of the above.
- Selecting a population as a whole that we may or may not have touched on in class including, but not limited to:
- sex offenders
- violent offenders
- military offenders
- women offenders
- juvenile offenders
- offenders with substance use issues
- offenders with life sentences
- high profile offenders
- prior law enforcement who are incarcerated
After you have selected a case study, describe the particular characteristics of the individual’s population and what particular issues they may deal with in a correctional setting. Be sure to address the following:
- Relationships with other offenders and staff
- Possible issues with authority
- Treatment-related concerns
- Relevant research on this population and its interaction with the correctional system
Next, you will discuss different aspects of correctional settings and how you could influence this individual or population as a forensic psychologist. Be sure to include the following:
- Treatment options available for your particular individual or group’s needs.
- Include treatment options while in jail, prison, or community corrections.
- Discuss the availability and flow of treatment as the individual or population moves from the correctional environment to the community.
- Be sure to discuss the efficacy of treatment options available.
- Other ways you may affect this individual as a mental health practitioner, administrator, or forensic psychology researcher.
- This may include ideas for new initiatives, research, or systematic change
- In discussing this you should identify areas where change is needed, what the issues are, and potential steps for the future
Additionally, discuss your overall impression of the mental health services available in different correctional settings, and then evaluate the degree to which your population’s needs are met.
Finally, be sure to include how the treatment program relates to overall rehabilitation and recidivism in the community once released.
Support your Signature Assignment with 10 resources, including those you located as part of your annotated bibliography in Week 3.
Length: 12-15 pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
University of Maryland MS SQL Advanced Queries Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Create the following queries on the ITCO630_A database used in Unit 3 and save them all in a file called ITCO630_P5.SQL. Please note that you can execute individual queries in a query file by highlighting the lines that you want to execute before running the script. Remember to define what database to use with a USE statement. Complete the following:
- Using a join, get the full details of all the students who work on the mid-term exam assignment.
- Get the assignment names (duplicates eliminated) being worked on by students at Central University.
- Get the last names of all the students who are working on assignment A1.
- Get the student numbers and start dates of all the students with start dates equal to the earliest date.
- Insert yourself into the student table using the last five digits of your phone number as the student number and show yourself as attending Central University. Then show all the records in the student table.
- Delete yourself from the student table by matching your student number, and then show all the records in the student table.
You should create a zip file called ITCO630_P5.ZIP with your query file (ITCO630_P5.SQL) included.
In a separate word document in 3-4 paragraphs discuss the following:
- Think of a purpose for creating a database and describe the database. Explain why you would want to use a database for this purpose.
- What example could you offer that would demonstrate using a subquery?
- What example could you offer that would demonstrate using a join?
- In your view, would you prefer using subqueries, or joins, and why?
- What are some performance considerations when determining whether to use subqueries or joins?
MKT 100 Suffolk University NFL Awareness Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
In our last class, we listened to NFL Chief Revenue Officer Renie Anderson talk about how the league is working with its partners to create “intimate” experiences for fans. Please review this Sports Business Journal research report on the awareness level of official NFL sponsors.
For your second discussion board:
- Research and detail how one of the NFL’s official partners (designated with a *) is creating an “intimate” experience for the NFL’s “allegiant” fans during this COVID-19 season.
- When formulating your answer, remember that the partner’s objective is to drive consumer engagement with their brand not the NFL.
- Consider the marketing mix when answering the question.
- Be concise with your answer (2 to 3 paragraphs).