University of Toronto BPS Plus Model Contemporary Piece of Media Application Paper Humanities Assignment Help

University of Toronto BPS Plus Model Contemporary Piece of Media Application Paper Humanities Assignment Help. University of Toronto BPS Plus Model Contemporary Piece of Media Application Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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The main purpose of the assignment is to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the bio-psycho-social plus (BPS+) model by applying it to a piece of contemporary media. The focus of this assignment is addiction to alcohol and/or tobacco. You will have a chance to explore issues related to illicit drugs and behavioural addictions in the second assignment. Your assignment needs to address the biological/ physiological, social, psychological, cultural and/or historical aspects of addiction as they appear in the subject material you have chosen. Focus your analysis on the BPS+ model!


• From the list below, select your media peice (film, book, television show or series). If you have an idea other than on the list, please email me well in advance for approval.

  • Provide a brief and concise summary of the film/show/series (3 marks)
  • Clearly define and explain the BPS+ model of addiction (15 marks)
  • Analyze the media piece you are using through each aspect of the BPS+ model and by drawing on all of the reading materials from the course (15 marks)
  • • Conclude your report with a statement of your take away learning (2 marks)

    Prepare a 6 page report (not including title page or references) for submission

  • Do not spend all your effort on a mere summary of the book/film/music you are exploring. Do that briefly – no more than ½ of a page. Reserve most of the space for demonstrating your understanding of the BPS+ model through your analysis.
  • Options for media selection:

    A Star is Born

    Leaving Las Vegas


    28 Days

    Walk the Line

    The Spectacular Now

    When a Man Loves a Woman


    The Glass Castle


    Mad Men

    This is Us Grey’s Anatomy

    The Details:

    . o Pages should be numbered.

    o Use double-spacing between lines.

    o Use one-inch page margins

    o Use 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font.

    o References should be in APA style.

    o There should be a title page with:

    ▪ Your name

    ▪ Student number

    ▪ Date of submission,

    ▪ Instructor’s name

    ▪ Course name and number

    Since this is an academic assignment, and not just an ‘opinion piece, ‘it is essential to cite your sources in the body of the paper in APA format; also, be sure to provide a bibliography or list of references at the end of the report. Remember if you are using the work and/or ideas of others, it is crucial to cite your sources! A good tip is to ask yourself ‘how do I know this to be true?’ and then cite your source.


    The BPS+ model is attached below. Please make sure to apply ALL 5 dimensions to the film LEAVING LAS VEGAS, and use the additional links and references to help. This is important, the professor wants us to use as many references from the course as we can. Please include 3-4. I have attached two book which must be used. Please make sure it is correctly cited. I will send the chapters once assigned a tutor because I was not able to attach it here.

    These are the names of the books:

    Crozier, Lorna & Patrick Lane (Editors). (2016). Addicted: Notes from the belly of the beast. 3rd Edition. Vancouver: Greystone Books.

    Mate, Gabor (2008). In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close encounters with addiction. Toronto: Knopf Canada

    Additional Links:……


    University of Toronto BPS Plus Model Contemporary Piece of Media Application Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    MGT 325 Saudi Electronic University Innovation in India The Chotukool Project Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help


    • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
    • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
    • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
    • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
    • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


    WU Wk 6 Academic Success & Professional Development Finalizing the Plan Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

    I’m working on a nursing writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

    Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 6: Finalizing the Plan

    At some point in every construction project, efforts turn from design and the focus moves to actual construction. With the vision in place and the tools secured, the blueprint can be finalized and approved. Then it is time to put on hardhats and begin work.

    Throughout the course you have developed aspects of your Academic and Professional Development Plan. You have put a great deal of thought into your vision and goals, your academic and professional network of support, research strategies and other tools you will need, the integrity of your work, and the value of consulting the work of others. With your portfolio in place, it is now time to finalize your blueprint for success.

    Much as builders remain cognizant of the building standards as they plan and begin construction, nurses must remain mindful of the formal standards of practice that govern their specialty. A good understanding of these standards can help ensure that your success plan includes any steps necessary to excel within your chosen specialty.

    In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by developing the final component: a review of your specialty standards of practice. You will also submit your final version of the document, including Parts 1–5.

    To Prepare:

    • Review the scope and standards of practice or competencies related to your chosen specialty.
    • Download the Nursing Specialty Comparison Matrix.
    • Examine professional organizations related to the specialization you have chosen and identify at least one to focus on for this assignment.
    • Reflect on the thoughts you shared in the Discussion forum regarding your choice of a specialty, any challenges you have encountered in making this choice, and any feedback you have received from colleagues in the Discussion.

    The Assignment:
    Complete the following items and incorporate them into the final version of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.

    • Write a paragraph that provides a detailed comparison at least two nursing specialties, including your selected specialization and second-preferred specialization.
    • Write a clear and accurate 2- to 3-paragraph justification statement identifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Provide sufficient evidence of incorporating feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum.
    • Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail the professional organization related to the specialization you have chosen to focus on for this assignment and explain how you can become an active member of this organization.


    MN 566 Purdue University Global Differential Diagnosis Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    Topic: Differential Diagnosis

    A 29-year-old single, sexually active woman reporting that she is in a monogamous relationship, has experienced five attacks of acute cystitis in the past year, all characterized by dysuria, increased frequency, and urgency. Each case was diagnosed on the basis of the clinical picture and a laboratory finding of bacteriuria. The urine bacterial counts in these cases ranged from 104 to 106 organisms/ml. Lab tests indicated that the third and fourth infections were caused by Escherichia coli, while the fifth infection was caused by an enterococcus and the second infection was caused by Proteus mirabilis. Each infection responded to short-term treatment with trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole. The recurrences occurred at intervals of 3 weeks to 3 months following completion of antibiotic therapy. For the past two days, the woman has once again been experiencing dysuria, increased frequency, and urgency, so she goes to see her nurse practitioner provider. Her vital signs are T = 37.6°C, P = 100, R = 18, and BP = 110/75 mm Hg. Physical examination reveals a mild tenderness to palpation in the suprapubic area, but no other abnormalities. A bimanual pelvic examination reveals a normal-sized uterus and adnexae with no apparent adnexal tenderness. No vaginal discharge is noted. The cervix appears normal.


    1. What is the differential diagnosis for this set of symptoms? What is your preliminary diagnosis?
    2. What tests should you order to confirm your preliminary diagnosis?
    3. What are the possible causes of recurrent lower UTIs? Which of these is most likely in this case?
    4. When would you collaborate with other professionals and refer your patient to a specialist and why?
    5. Please support with up-to-date evidence-based standard of care guidelines.


    MM 207 Purdue University Global Unit 7 Probability Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

    Discussion Overview

    Review the discussion requirements.

    There are three types of probabilities discussed in your readings. They are classical probability, empirical probability, and subjective probability. Classical Probability, Empirical Probability, and Subjective Probability.

    Post 1: Initial Response

    From your own experience either personally or professionally, provide an example of when you have encountered or used each of the three types of probability: classical, empirical, and subjective. Start with a description of the type of probability, then be sure to include your example for each type.

    Post 2: Reply to a Classmate

    One of the key differences between empirical probability and subjective probability is that empirical probability requires the collection of a data sample and subjective probability is based on personal experience. In response to one of your classmate’s posts, determine if they explained and correctly identified this difference. If incorrect, offer them a correct example. If correct, share what method you think they used to collect data for the empirical probability example.

    Post 3: Reply to Another Classmate:

    Review the explanations and examples for each of the three types of probability given by one of your classmates. Are their examples valid? Explain why or why not. Next, share a real-life example for one of the following situations:

    • Describe a situation where two or more events would be mutually exclusive. Explain why you think these events are mutually exclusive.
    • Describe a situation where two or more events would be dependent. Explain why you think these events would be dependent.



    Accounting Priniciples Accounting Non Value Added Activities Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    125 words with 1reference

    One:The value chain is characterized as the collection of activities and resources necessary for the product or service valued by clients to be produced and delivered (Williams, Haka, & Bettner, 2021). All organizations, even publicly traded ones are constantly searching for ways to develop services and goods that cater to their customer base. Further, organizations have one common goal, to increase profits while reducing overhead costs. This week we learned that, “Value-added activities add to the product’s or service’s desirability in the eyes of the consumer” while, “Non-value-added activities do not add to the product’s desirability” (Williams, Haka, & Bettner, 2021). Appealing to the customer base of the business is a vital factor of ensuring that one’s goods are marketable and can contribute value while improving sales. In cases where companies have to replace products or reproduce due to defects, can be costly and contributes to overhead costs; this is an example of non-value added activities.

    Organizations like Proctor & Gamble are searching for opportunities to sell their goods to customers who continue to bring value to the organization. Proctor & Gamble is the parent company to many well-known brands ranging from diapers (Luv’s, Pampers), to laundry detergent (Bounce, Tide, Gain), to feminine products (Always, Tampax) (Proctor & Gamble, 2020). Due to rival companies offering like products to consumers at comparable prices, non-value added practices pose a significant danger to businesses like Proctor & Gamble. Non-value added activities that Proctor & Gamble are currently facing is the storage of raw materials, and postponed production. Both activities pose a threat to the organizations revenues. The company has attempted to change their operating procedures in regards to the storing of raw materials and their production schedules. Additionally, Proctor & Gamble have since incorporated new procedures to manage & monitor their inventory. The Interfaces P&G inventory optimization report states, “inventory management in a company of P&G’s size, scale, and complexity requires leveraging the right people, organization, and tools” (Farasyn et al., 2011). Introducing inventory management systems enables P&G to track inventory levels that can take non-value added activities and turn them into revenue, i.e. marketing the inventory. It is noted that the utilization of inventory management systems, was able to provide Proctor & Gamble “1.5 billion in cash savings” (Farasyn et al., 2011).

    The next company I chose is CVS Pharmacies, they are on almost every corner in my city, and are also in Target stores across the country. CVS Pharmacies have been known to develop innovative approaches, in which their clients can pick up medications, get a flu shot, and purchase other household goods all in one visit. Many organizations such as CVS, can implement activity-based management to increase the overall value of the company. “Activity-based management involves redesigning equipment layout, acquiring higher quality materials as inputs, buying new equipment, and outsourcing repair work” (Williams, Haka, & Bettner, 2021). Non-value added activities faced by CVS Pharmacies are overstocked inventories, long wait times, and surplus of employees. By delivering health suite services while also catering to customer demands, CVS has expanded its retail processes, thus further adding value to its brand. The pharmacy provides online options and auto-renewals, which can raise a challenge for drugs or products that are overstocked; thus risking waste. CVS could increase its value while reducing non-value added activities such as waste, by utilizing a similar inventory management system as Proctor & Gamble (CVS, 2020).


    CVS Health Corporation. (2020). CVS Health and Health Suites. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from…

    Farasyn, I., Humair, S., Kahn, J. I., Neale, J. J., Rosen, O., Ruark, J., . . . Willems, S. P. (2011). Inventory optimization At Procter & GAMBLE: Achieving real benefits through user adoption of Inventory Tools. Interfaces, 41(1), 66-78. doi:10.1287/inte.1100.0546

    Newton, V. (2019, March 29). CVS value chain analysis & VRIO/VRIN analysis (RESOURCE-BASED VIEW). Retrieved February 15, 2021, from…

    Procter & Gamble. (2020, March 23). Brands. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from

    Ung, A. (2013, March 21). Eliminate non-value added activities in your organization. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from…

    Williams, J. R., Haka, S. F., & Bettner, M. S. (2021). Financial and managerial accounting: The basis for business decisions(18th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

    Wilson, M. (2021, January 14). Procter & Gamble wants to reinvent how you clean your home. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from…

    Two: Non-value-added activities do not add to the product’s desirability,” (Williams, Haka, Bettner, & Carcello, 2018). This means, even if these added product elements or activities were removed, customers would still want to buy the product. My employer, Anthem, Inc., is a publicly-traded company registered as ANTM on the NYSE. An opportunity to reduce non-value-added activities would be the redundancy within our current IVR phone system. When members call one of our subsidiaries with a question regarding pharmacy, they are not able to call our pharmacy department directly. Instead, customers are required to speak to a general customer service representative and are then routed to the correct pharmacy member service representative. If the IVR system was improved to allow members to select a pharmacy assistance option during the initial greeting, members could avoid the additional transfers and lower the potential for grievances against the plan.

    The second company with a non-value-added activity example is Domino’s Pizza, Inc., registered on the NYSE as DPZ. Domino’s allows customers to pre-order pizzas to pick-up or be delivered at a later date or time. This practice does not make the pizza more desirable; the customer would still want to order the pizza but would be limited to ordering it when needed. Domino’s would be able to eliminate this practice and would still have pizza orders.

    Finally, ContextLogic, Inc. is the parent company of Wish, an online e-commerce company, and is registered on the NASDAQ as WISH. Wish has an online reputation for being inexpensive and diverse, but with slow delivery to customers, especially when compared to Amazon. The non-added-value activity example is the supplier deliveries that are poor quality. Customer reviews found on demonstrate customer dissatisfaction and disappointment in product quality received, with many customers suggesting the products are made in China. Customers that don’t feel the received product aligns with the ordered product will not find the product more desirable.


    Williams, J. R., Haka, S. F., Bettner, M. S., & Carcello, J. V. (2018). Financial & Managerial Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions(18th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.

    Accounting Priniciples Accounting Non Value Added Activities Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    UArizona Global Campus Polypharmacy Evaluating Risks and Deprescribing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

    Polypharmacy is defined as being on 5 or more medicines, and is a major concern for providers as the use of multiple medicines is common in the older population with multimorbidity, and as one or more medicines may be used to treat each condition.

    • Discuss two (2) common risk factors for polypharmacy. Give rationale for each identified risk factor.
    • Discuss two interventions you can take as a Nurse Practitioner in your clinical practice to prevent polypharmacy and its complications.

    3 posts are required (1 initial and 2 replies to two different students) using at least 2 evidenced-based, peer-reviewed references no older than 5 years.


    Java Log in Add Customer & Place Order GUI Program Programming Assignment Help

    Assignment Instructions



    In this assignment, you will create the three CapestraApp Action screens. Using the CapestraApp template application from the file linked in Resources, create the layouts, labels, input fields, and buttons for each of the screens. Refer to Loading the Project, linked in Resources, to see how the template file is set up.

    Follow the SRS document and your designs to prepare the application for its first release. Only the form GUI elements should be implemented for this assignment. The functional components should not be implemented because they will be created later. This means that the screens should appear in their final form, but they will not do anything. Use a simple layout scheme for your application. This means that if your designs are too complex for you to implement at this point, simplify them so that you can successfully build or update the new screens. It is strongly recommended that you use VBox and HBox for your layout managers, avoiding the more complex layout managers like GridPane, BorderPane, and so on.

    Assignment Instructions

    Complete the following steps for this assignment:

    1. Extract the CapestraApp project from the file.
    2. Move the project to a folder named NetBeansProjects.
    3. In NetBeans, go to Open File, Open Project, and locate the Capestra app project within the NetBeansProjects folder.
    4. Click Open Project. All of the files associated with the application will be available.
    5. As you add your code, include inline comments and block comments to explain what the code is doing.
    6. Ensure that the CapestraApp title is correct.
    7. Ensure that the Menu names are correct, and each Menu Item is correct.
    8. Following the requirements given in the SRS and your designs, create the following screens with their labels and input fields:
    • Log-in screen.
    • Add Customer screen.
    • Place Order screen

    9. While your application is running, take screen shots of each screen.

    • Do not capture your entire desktop—just capture the individual screens.
    • Paste all three screen shots into a single MS Word document.
    • Your name should appear at the top of the MS Word document.
    • Name your document, following this pattern: LastName_Week3.docx.

    10. Create a .zip file containing your CapestraApp project.

    • Before zipping your project, you need to right-click the project and “clean” it. This greatly reduces the file size and speeds up the program’s performance.
    • Then close NetBeans.

    11. Add the MS Word document with your screenshots to your .zip file.

    12. Submit your cleaned CapestraApp project in an appropriately constructed and correctly named .zip file.

    13. Rename your .zip file, following this pattern:


    LU Cognitive Behavioral Theory & Feminist Therapy in Practice Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    The student must then post 2 replies of at least 150-200 words. Each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly citation in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the textbook, other books, the Bible, and journal articles.

    Choose to two classmates that chose different theories than you for your peer responses. Engage the peers in a conversation comparing and contrasting the most important contributions of the theories to practice and which you would prefer as a theoretical orientation out the comparison?

    The theory I chose was Cognitive Behavioral Theory.

    Please reply to the following posts individually.

    1. Posted by A F

    Feminist Theory

    Feminist theory has led to significant change within the counseling profession. Most importantly, it has brought to the forefront the necessity of being gender and culturally sensitive with one’s clients which makes the counselor more conscientious of their power (Corey, 2017). In addition, feminist theory promotes counselors working towards social change (Corey, 2017). Counselors practicing feminist therapy tend to work with marginalized groups of people, so working towards getting the proper legislation and social changes for the clients is key for feminist counselors.

    Feminist theory has several key concepts, such as egalitarianism and the role on personality development (Corey, 2017). Corey (2017) states that feminist therapy views the therapeutic relationship as egalitarian; meaning that by practicing mutual respect and openness, the relationship has a sense of equality to it. Due to societal pressures, there is a stigma revolving around what it means to be a male or a female based on one’s personality and emotions. Feminist therapists work with clients who want to be “open to their vulnerability as human beings” (Corey, 2017, 12-2b).

    Feminist theory promotes the importance of marginalized groups, such as females and people of different racial identities, having voices in social change which is instrumental to multicultural counseling. A limitation is that it lacks unified training which makes it difficult to practice properly as a theoretical orientation (Corey, 2017).

    Feminist theory focuses on the importance of people of all walks of life feeling heard and having the opportunity to share their perspective on life. Acts 10:34 states, “So Peter opened his mouth and said: ‘Truly I understand that God shows no partiality’” (ESV). The new testament shares that everyone is equal in God’s eyes and He loves all humans. However, there are Christian concepts that argue that the egalitarian nature of feminist theory is not biblical. Timothy 2:12 states, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet” (ESV).This suggests that Christianity does not believe that men and women are equal as feminist theory does.

    Word Count: 342


    Posted by T N

    Choice/Reality Therapy

    There are many contributions of this theory in regards to individual therapy. The most important would be that it is short term and also focuses on behavior problems. (Corey, 2021). This theory makes the client become more responsible for their actions which gives the client more faith in themselves. With this theory being based off of existential and humanistic roots it gives clients the freedom to make their own life choices. (Tan, 2011).

    The Choice/Reality theory consists of many theories and techniques. Webber described eight steps in order to achieve this theory which circled around the basic needs of humans, but more interventions have also been used. One technique is the WDEP system which deals with the steps in order for change to occur. Each of the letters mean something different. W stands for wants and needs, this is where the therapist identifies the client’s wants and needs. D stands for direction and doing where the focus is on the present and the doings of the client. E stands for self-evaluation which is described in itself with the therapist helping the client evaluate themselves. P stands for planning where the therapist is helping the client plan a course of action in which they can meet the wants and needs of the client. (Tan, 2011). Another technique is Confrontation. This technique is used in order to make the client accept responsibility for their actions. This is due to the fact that in this theory there are no excuses allowed from the client. The therapist use this as questioning the client in a empathic way to make the client acknowledge their actions. (Tan, 2011).

    Choice/Reality therapy has strength and weaknesses just like any other therapy. “A key strength of reality therapy is that it provides clients with tools to make the changes they desire” (Corey, 2021, p. 11-5a). Another strength is the fact that it gives respect to the clients especially in regards to diversity. This theory does not force one to express themselves which make the client more comfortable. It also gives respect in the way that the client is not forcing the client to make the changes but rather giving them the tools to change on their own. Some limitations of this therapy are some therapist may reduce or not see the effects the environmental factors can have on the client’s change and clients may not want to express out loud what they need or want. (Corey, 2021).

    This theory is compatible with the Christian concept with the concept of focusing on the present time and not the past. The bible puts emphases on the principle of living in the now with belief of eternal life in heaven. Another way it is compatible is the principle of focusing on self-needs. “Such agape love is the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22–23), who empowers Christians to love; it is not the result of self-effort” (Tan, 2011, p. 106). It is incompatible with Christian concepts in regards to authoritarian therapist because they can take advantage of the client and push their beliefs on to them.

    Corey, G. (2021). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Cengage.

    Tan, S. (2011). Counseling and psychotherapy: A Christian perspective. Baker Academic.

    Corey, G. (2017). Student manual for theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Cengage Learning. 978-1-305-26372-7

    English Standard Version Bible. (2001). ESV Online.


    San Diego State University 7 Eleven Inc Franchising Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Discussion posts should answer all of the questions and should be written in paragraph form. Discussion posts should be organized and should include an introduction and conclusion. You should conduct research to answer the questions and cite references in the text and also provide links to references at the end of your post.


    Go to the Entrepreneur franchise zone web page at (Links to an external site.) and view the top 500 franchises for the past year. Look through the list and select a retailer that you would like to analyze more closely. For the retailer selected, answer the following questions. You should reference information from the Entrepreneur page for the chosen retailer and what you learned in your responses, in addition to including references for other sources used for the post.

    1. Name the retailer and explain why you selected this retailer.
    2. Provide a detailed overview of this retailer using information from the Entrepreneur website and the retailer’s website.
    3. What type of retailer is the retailer you selected?
    4. What are the main challenges being faced by this type of retailer?
    5. Describe the variety and assortment that this retailer offers.
    6. Does the retailer offer products, services, or both?
    7. How does this retailer add value for customers?
    8. Why does this retailer choose to operate as a franchise (what are the benefits of operating as a franchise)?
    9. What are the benefits for a franchise operator of buying into this franchise?
    10. Using the information provided on the Entrepreneur website, what are the requirements for franchising this retailer?


    University of Toronto BPS Plus Model Contemporary Piece of Media Application Paper Humanities Assignment Help

    University of Toronto BPS Plus Model Contemporary Piece of Media Application Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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