University of Washington Nervous Conditions and Gender Disparity Essay Humanities Assignment Help. University of Washington Nervous Conditions and Gender Disparity Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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University of Washington Nervous Conditions and Gender Disparity Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
TU Biological Pillar Neuroscience Sensation & Consciousness Evidence Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help
Please complete this assignment in Canvas, and submit your responses by the deadline. Here’s a word doc version you may work from: Evidence Worksheet 1.docx
Assignment: Evaluating the Evidence Worksheet 1 (10 points)
We are consistently presented with claims about human behavior and mental processes on a near daily basis. It is important that we begin to develop skills required to critically evaluate these claims. These critical thinking skills will help us understand what we are being asked to believe, evaluate the evidence supporting claims, and assist us in deciding whether we want to base our own judgements on these claims. Below you will find two claims related to Module 2. Select one and proceed with completing the evidence worksheet.
Claim 1: Most people use 10% of their brain power.
Claim 2: Brain training will make you smarter.
Collect and read at least two sources of evidence related to your claim (in any direction). WHERE did you find evidence? Provide the website/author’s name and links for the material you considered from Evidence Worksheet 1: Reference Examples for Claims 1 & 2 Please note, you are not limited to these materials; you may also include other evidence, and provide those references (article/author name, link) here.
WHAT did the evidence say?
What TYPE of evidence was it? Place an “X” before the types of evidence you considered.
Something that I or someone else heard (hearsay)
My own or another person’s story (anecdote, blog/web posts)
Case study
Correlational study
Quasi-experimental study
Longitudinal study
Controlled Experimental study
Review or summary of many studies
Other (specify):
RATE the strength of the evidence on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the strongest), and EXPLAIN why you gave that rating.
St Thomas University Week 7 Disparities in health on the LGBTQ Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Health Care Disparities in LGBTQ
Discuss how to close the health care disparities gap in the LGBTQ community?
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University New Balance Website Analytical Review Business Finance Assignment Help
Answer the following questions in an essay format below.
From your assessment of New Balance, identify and describe in detail at least one of Porter’s generic competitive strategies New Balance has been using. From your evaluation, what are some of your recommendations for New Balance to be more competitive in a global market?
Assess New Balance’s opportunities and threats; provide a plan for implementing at least two opportunity strategies and addressing two current threats you’ve identified. Explain how those opportunities and threat strategies will positively affect New Balance’s business operations.
Your essay should be double-spaced, at least 250 words, and adhere to APA guidelines. Ensure you have a cover page, introduction, body, and conclusion for your essay.
Grand Canyon University Ethical Violations in Criminal Justice Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
As an employee in any field you will learn about ethical guidelines related to jobs and organizations within that industry. Criminal justice is broad as it spans across federal, state, and local levels as well as in different disciplines. For this assignment, you will find an ethical violation and explain the details related to it.
Locate a news story or press release about an ethical violation resulting from actions of employees in the criminal justice system.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following:
In what division of the criminal justice system does the criminal justice agency or individuals in question belong?
What is the reasoning for the criminal justice agency’s involvement and the timing of the news story or press release?
What are the primary ethical styles or perspectives of the involved agency, along with the reported concerns or ethical violations identified in the report or release?
What are the key interest groups in relation to the ethical violation?
Discuss if there are obvious ways the ethical violation(s) could have been avoided.
Include at least 2 sources.
CRJ 306 AU Reasonable Suspicion & Probable Cause as A Judicial Construct Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Knowing the distinctions between reasonable suspicion and probable cause are essential, foundational aspects of criminal justice, just as mens rea and actus reus were in your studies last week. Reasonable suspicion is an objective belief by an officer that an investigation needs to be conducted into a potential crime. Probable cause is the standard required for arrest. Keep these distinctions clear in this week’s presentations and in your criminal justice career. Support your responses with credible sourcing, either from the required readings this week, or from independent research that you conduct in the Ashford University Library or online, and properly cite any references.
Two commonly confused concepts in criminal law are reasonable suspicion and probable cause. In your initial post of 300 words:
Define and evaluate both of these significant legal terms, and utilize pertinent U.S. Supreme Court opinions to justify your answers.
Address what happens in court to a criminal case when an officer does not possess reasonable suspicion or probable cause.
CRJ 306 AU Reasonable Suspicion & Probable Cause as A Judicial Construct Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
California University of Management and Sciences R Programming Question Programming Assignment Help
Must know R programming and Visualizations: Should be able to do it in 3 days.
Find a graph of covid 19 disease or economic data in a newspaper, journal, or website and recreate it.
Find a map of covid 19 disease or economic data in a newspaper, journal, or website and recreate it.
On Thursday by midnight submit the two visualizations you will be copying. Provide the URL. They should be unique submit a Word document with screenshots of the visualizations you created and also the RMD file for the code you used. Explain your visualizations.
Purdue Patient Acquisition & Retention in Healthcare Organization Executive Summary Health Medical Assignment Help
follow the topic in the attached summary – “Patient Acquisition and Retention in a Healthcare Organization”
Describe the real-world healthcare challenge or need.
Describe an innovative solution that addresses the challenge or need.
Explain how the solution addresses the challenge or need.
Create a prospectus for a proposed solution to a real-world healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
A. Write an executive summary of your prospectus, including the following elements:
the healthcare challenge or area of need
your proposed solution
the feasibility of your solution
B. Analyze the healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
1. Discuss why the healthcare challenge or area of need exists.
2. Discuss factors that may contribute to the existence of the healthcare challenge or area of need.
3. Discuss the potential risks in not addressing this healthcare challenge or area of need.
4. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need impacts health outcomes.
5. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need impacts healthcare costs.
6. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need may impact the delivery of healthcare.
7. Identify three internal and three external stakeholders who are most impacted by this challenge or need.
C. Propose an innovative solution that addresses the identified healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
1. Explain the type of solution (e.g., technology, process, policy, system).
2. Evaluate how your innovative solution addresses one of the following domains:
adoption of innovative technology
care delivery system integration
operational process efficiency
quality and performance improvement
risk prevention and reduction
a strategic business model
3. Discuss why your solution is either a disruptive or sustaining innovation.
4. Describe how your solution addresses the healthcare challenge or area of need.
5. Describe how your solution optimizes patient-centered care, including the following points:
measurable improvement in patient health and well-being
perceptions of care
operational efficiency
patient engagement
6. Describe how your solution optimizes value-based care.
D. Provide an initial feasibility assessment by doing the following:
1. Complete a strategic feasibility assessment of the proposed solution, using either a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis or an Impact Assessment Framework (IAF) that addresses the following points:
2. Provide an initial financial review for implementing the proposed solution that addresses the following points:
resource needs (e.g., human, operations)
technology and equipment needs
possible sources of financial support
3. Summarize three key challenges and three opportunities of the proposed solution.
E. Create an initial project plan for your proposed solution by doing the following:
1. Provide three key deliverables anticipated to result from your proposed solution.
2. Describe your plan for achieving your goal, including a timeline for achieving the goal.
3. Identify three benchmarks or milestones in the development of your proposed solution.
Requirements: write minimum 2500 words
TU The Modification of Behaviors Improving Personal Sleep Habits Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Choose a Behavior to Modify
Identify one behavior you would like to change this semester. Make it a S.M.A.R.T. behavior change goal: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant to you, and Time-Limited. In other words, a good behavior to choose is an observable behavior, habit, or routine that you can reasonably try to change this semester and that is important to you personally.
Here are some examples of common behaviors that students have chosen in recent semesters:
-Reducing or cutting out soda and/or coffee consumption
-Improving sleep habits
-Increasing study time
-Quitting nail biting, lip-biting, hair-pulling (any nervous, mindless, or distracted habit)
-Cutting out chips or other snacking; increasing healthy eating
-Increasing exercise
-Saving money
2. Submit a paragraph (100-200 words) describing:
The specific behavior you would like to change
How you would it to change in a specific and measurable (observable, quantifiable) way this semester
A few reasons why this change is important to you
Example paragraph: “I’d like to reduce my caffeine use. Right now, I drink about three caffeinated beverages per day, sometimes more, and I’d like to reduce that to no more than a coffee in the morning. Right now, I feel like I need caffeine in the afternoon to stay alert, and I don’t like feeling like I’m dependent on it. I also spend too much money on it. Finally, I hear reducing caffeine use can decrease anxiety. I’m already stressed this semester, so I think this is one behavior I can change to better manage stress. This is important to me because I value being a relaxed and focused person. I think it will help me achieve my goals and save money too.”
Paragraphs will be graded for writing quality (complete sentences, spelling, grammar, and clarity), and I will also give feedback that might help you clarify your S.M.A.R.T. behavior modification project goal.
Phoenix University Criminal Justice Policy Making Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, describing your personal perception of policymaking in criminal justice. Identify any assumptions on which your perceptions are based. Be sure to answer the following questions:
How would you describe policy-making?
How would you describe policy analysis?
What role does research play in criminal justice policy making?
How do your perceptions of criminal justice policy making and policy analysis compare to the definitions in the readings?
What are 2 to 3 examples of criminal justice policies?
Knowing the distinctions between reasonable suspicion and probable cause are essential, foundational aspects of criminal justice, just as mens rea and actus reus were in your studies last week. Reasonable suspicion is an objective belief by an officer that an investigation needs to be conducted into a potential crime. Probable cause is the standard required for arrest. Keep these distinctions clear in this week’s presentations and in your criminal justice career. Support your responses with credible sourcing, either from the required readings this week, or from independent research that you conduct in the Ashford University Library or online, and properly cite any references.
Two commonly confused concepts in criminal law are reasonable suspicion and probable cause. In your initial post of 300 words:
Define and evaluate both of these significant legal terms, and utilize pertinent U.S. Supreme Court opinions to justify your answers.
Address what happens in court to a criminal case when an officer does not possess reasonable suspicion or probable cause.
CRJ 306 AU Reasonable Suspicion & Probable Cause as A Judicial Construct Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
California University of Management and Sciences R Programming Question Programming Assignment Help
Must know R programming and Visualizations: Should be able to do it in 3 days.
Find a graph of covid 19 disease or economic data in a newspaper, journal, or website and recreate it.
Find a map of covid 19 disease or economic data in a newspaper, journal, or website and recreate it.
On Thursday by midnight submit the two visualizations you will be copying. Provide the URL. They should be unique submit a Word document with screenshots of the visualizations you created and also the RMD file for the code you used. Explain your visualizations.
Purdue Patient Acquisition & Retention in Healthcare Organization Executive Summary Health Medical Assignment Help
follow the topic in the attached summary – “Patient Acquisition and Retention in a Healthcare Organization”
Describe the real-world healthcare challenge or need.
Describe an innovative solution that addresses the challenge or need.
Explain how the solution addresses the challenge or need.
Create a prospectus for a proposed solution to a real-world healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
A. Write an executive summary of your prospectus, including the following elements:
the healthcare challenge or area of need
your proposed solution
the feasibility of your solution
B. Analyze the healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
1. Discuss why the healthcare challenge or area of need exists.
2. Discuss factors that may contribute to the existence of the healthcare challenge or area of need.
3. Discuss the potential risks in not addressing this healthcare challenge or area of need.
4. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need impacts health outcomes.
5. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need impacts healthcare costs.
6. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need may impact the delivery of healthcare.
7. Identify three internal and three external stakeholders who are most impacted by this challenge or need.
C. Propose an innovative solution that addresses the identified healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
1. Explain the type of solution (e.g., technology, process, policy, system).
2. Evaluate how your innovative solution addresses one of the following domains:
adoption of innovative technology
care delivery system integration
operational process efficiency
quality and performance improvement
risk prevention and reduction
a strategic business model
3. Discuss why your solution is either a disruptive or sustaining innovation.
4. Describe how your solution addresses the healthcare challenge or area of need.
5. Describe how your solution optimizes patient-centered care, including the following points:
measurable improvement in patient health and well-being
perceptions of care
operational efficiency
patient engagement
6. Describe how your solution optimizes value-based care.
D. Provide an initial feasibility assessment by doing the following:
1. Complete a strategic feasibility assessment of the proposed solution, using either a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis or an Impact Assessment Framework (IAF) that addresses the following points:
2. Provide an initial financial review for implementing the proposed solution that addresses the following points:
resource needs (e.g., human, operations)
technology and equipment needs
possible sources of financial support
3. Summarize three key challenges and three opportunities of the proposed solution.
E. Create an initial project plan for your proposed solution by doing the following:
1. Provide three key deliverables anticipated to result from your proposed solution.
2. Describe your plan for achieving your goal, including a timeline for achieving the goal.
3. Identify three benchmarks or milestones in the development of your proposed solution.
Requirements: write minimum 2500 words
TU The Modification of Behaviors Improving Personal Sleep Habits Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Choose a Behavior to Modify
Identify one behavior you would like to change this semester. Make it a S.M.A.R.T. behavior change goal: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant to you, and Time-Limited. In other words, a good behavior to choose is an observable behavior, habit, or routine that you can reasonably try to change this semester and that is important to you personally.
Here are some examples of common behaviors that students have chosen in recent semesters:
-Reducing or cutting out soda and/or coffee consumption
-Improving sleep habits
-Increasing study time
-Quitting nail biting, lip-biting, hair-pulling (any nervous, mindless, or distracted habit)
-Cutting out chips or other snacking; increasing healthy eating
-Increasing exercise
-Saving money
2. Submit a paragraph (100-200 words) describing:
The specific behavior you would like to change
How you would it to change in a specific and measurable (observable, quantifiable) way this semester
A few reasons why this change is important to you
Example paragraph: “I’d like to reduce my caffeine use. Right now, I drink about three caffeinated beverages per day, sometimes more, and I’d like to reduce that to no more than a coffee in the morning. Right now, I feel like I need caffeine in the afternoon to stay alert, and I don’t like feeling like I’m dependent on it. I also spend too much money on it. Finally, I hear reducing caffeine use can decrease anxiety. I’m already stressed this semester, so I think this is one behavior I can change to better manage stress. This is important to me because I value being a relaxed and focused person. I think it will help me achieve my goals and save money too.”
Paragraphs will be graded for writing quality (complete sentences, spelling, grammar, and clarity), and I will also give feedback that might help you clarify your S.M.A.R.T. behavior modification project goal.
Phoenix University Criminal Justice Policy Making Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, describing your personal perception of policymaking in criminal justice. Identify any assumptions on which your perceptions are based. Be sure to answer the following questions:
How would you describe policy-making?
How would you describe policy analysis?
What role does research play in criminal justice policy making?
How do your perceptions of criminal justice policy making and policy analysis compare to the definitions in the readings?
What are 2 to 3 examples of criminal justice policies?
Knowing the distinctions between reasonable suspicion and probable cause are essential, foundational aspects of criminal justice, just as mens rea and actus reus were in your studies last week. Reasonable suspicion is an objective belief by an officer that an investigation needs to be conducted into a potential crime. Probable cause is the standard required for arrest. Keep these distinctions clear in this week’s presentations and in your criminal justice career. Support your responses with credible sourcing, either from the required readings this week, or from independent research that you conduct in the Ashford University Library or online, and properly cite any references.
Two commonly confused concepts in criminal law are reasonable suspicion and probable cause. In your initial post of 300 words:
Define and evaluate both of these significant legal terms, and utilize pertinent U.S. Supreme Court opinions to justify your answers.
Address what happens in court to a criminal case when an officer does not possess reasonable suspicion or probable cause.
CRJ 306 AU Reasonable Suspicion & Probable Cause as A Judicial Construct Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
California University of Management and Sciences R Programming Question Programming Assignment Help
Must know R programming and Visualizations: Should be able to do it in 3 days.
Find a graph of covid 19 disease or economic data in a newspaper, journal, or website and recreate it.
Find a map of covid 19 disease or economic data in a newspaper, journal, or website and recreate it.
On Thursday by midnight submit the two visualizations you will be copying. Provide the URL. They should be unique submit a Word document with screenshots of the visualizations you created and also the RMD file for the code you used. Explain your visualizations.
Purdue Patient Acquisition & Retention in Healthcare Organization Executive Summary Health Medical Assignment Help
follow the topic in the attached summary – “Patient Acquisition and Retention in a Healthcare Organization”
Describe the real-world healthcare challenge or need.
Describe an innovative solution that addresses the challenge or need.
Explain how the solution addresses the challenge or need.
Create a prospectus for a proposed solution to a real-world healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
A. Write an executive summary of your prospectus, including the following elements:
the healthcare challenge or area of need
your proposed solution
the feasibility of your solution
B. Analyze the healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
1. Discuss why the healthcare challenge or area of need exists.
2. Discuss factors that may contribute to the existence of the healthcare challenge or area of need.
3. Discuss the potential risks in not addressing this healthcare challenge or area of need.
4. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need impacts health outcomes.
5. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need impacts healthcare costs.
6. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need may impact the delivery of healthcare.
7. Identify three internal and three external stakeholders who are most impacted by this challenge or need.
C. Propose an innovative solution that addresses the identified healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
1. Explain the type of solution (e.g., technology, process, policy, system).
2. Evaluate how your innovative solution addresses one of the following domains:
adoption of innovative technology
care delivery system integration
operational process efficiency
quality and performance improvement
risk prevention and reduction
a strategic business model
3. Discuss why your solution is either a disruptive or sustaining innovation.
4. Describe how your solution addresses the healthcare challenge or area of need.
5. Describe how your solution optimizes patient-centered care, including the following points:
measurable improvement in patient health and well-being
perceptions of care
operational efficiency
patient engagement
6. Describe how your solution optimizes value-based care.
D. Provide an initial feasibility assessment by doing the following:
1. Complete a strategic feasibility assessment of the proposed solution, using either a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis or an Impact Assessment Framework (IAF) that addresses the following points:
2. Provide an initial financial review for implementing the proposed solution that addresses the following points:
resource needs (e.g., human, operations)
technology and equipment needs
possible sources of financial support
3. Summarize three key challenges and three opportunities of the proposed solution.
E. Create an initial project plan for your proposed solution by doing the following:
1. Provide three key deliverables anticipated to result from your proposed solution.
2. Describe your plan for achieving your goal, including a timeline for achieving the goal.
3. Identify three benchmarks or milestones in the development of your proposed solution.
Requirements: write minimum 2500 words
TU The Modification of Behaviors Improving Personal Sleep Habits Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Choose a Behavior to Modify
Identify one behavior you would like to change this semester. Make it a S.M.A.R.T. behavior change goal: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant to you, and Time-Limited. In other words, a good behavior to choose is an observable behavior, habit, or routine that you can reasonably try to change this semester and that is important to you personally.
Here are some examples of common behaviors that students have chosen in recent semesters:
-Reducing or cutting out soda and/or coffee consumption
-Improving sleep habits
-Increasing study time
-Quitting nail biting, lip-biting, hair-pulling (any nervous, mindless, or distracted habit)
-Cutting out chips or other snacking; increasing healthy eating
-Increasing exercise
-Saving money
2. Submit a paragraph (100-200 words) describing:
The specific behavior you would like to change
How you would it to change in a specific and measurable (observable, quantifiable) way this semester
A few reasons why this change is important to you
Example paragraph: “I’d like to reduce my caffeine use. Right now, I drink about three caffeinated beverages per day, sometimes more, and I’d like to reduce that to no more than a coffee in the morning. Right now, I feel like I need caffeine in the afternoon to stay alert, and I don’t like feeling like I’m dependent on it. I also spend too much money on it. Finally, I hear reducing caffeine use can decrease anxiety. I’m already stressed this semester, so I think this is one behavior I can change to better manage stress. This is important to me because I value being a relaxed and focused person. I think it will help me achieve my goals and save money too.”
Paragraphs will be graded for writing quality (complete sentences, spelling, grammar, and clarity), and I will also give feedback that might help you clarify your S.M.A.R.T. behavior modification project goal.
Phoenix University Criminal Justice Policy Making Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, describing your personal perception of policymaking in criminal justice. Identify any assumptions on which your perceptions are based. Be sure to answer the following questions:
How would you describe policy-making?
How would you describe policy analysis?
What role does research play in criminal justice policy making?
How do your perceptions of criminal justice policy making and policy analysis compare to the definitions in the readings?
What are 2 to 3 examples of criminal justice policies?
Knowing the distinctions between reasonable suspicion and probable cause are essential, foundational aspects of criminal justice, just as mens rea and actus reus were in your studies last week. Reasonable suspicion is an objective belief by an officer that an investigation needs to be conducted into a potential crime. Probable cause is the standard required for arrest. Keep these distinctions clear in this week’s presentations and in your criminal justice career. Support your responses with credible sourcing, either from the required readings this week, or from independent research that you conduct in the Ashford University Library or online, and properly cite any references.
Two commonly confused concepts in criminal law are reasonable suspicion and probable cause. In your initial post of 300 words:
Define and evaluate both of these significant legal terms, and utilize pertinent U.S. Supreme Court opinions to justify your answers.
Address what happens in court to a criminal case when an officer does not possess reasonable suspicion or probable cause.
CRJ 306 AU Reasonable Suspicion & Probable Cause as A Judicial Construct Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
California University of Management and Sciences R Programming Question Programming Assignment Help
Must know R programming and Visualizations: Should be able to do it in 3 days.
Find a graph of covid 19 disease or economic data in a newspaper, journal, or website and recreate it.
Find a map of covid 19 disease or economic data in a newspaper, journal, or website and recreate it.
On Thursday by midnight submit the two visualizations you will be copying. Provide the URL. They should be unique submit a Word document with screenshots of the visualizations you created and also the RMD file for the code you used. Explain your visualizations.
Purdue Patient Acquisition & Retention in Healthcare Organization Executive Summary Health Medical Assignment Help
follow the topic in the attached summary – “Patient Acquisition and Retention in a Healthcare Organization”
Describe the real-world healthcare challenge or need.
Describe an innovative solution that addresses the challenge or need.
Explain how the solution addresses the challenge or need.
Create a prospectus for a proposed solution to a real-world healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
A. Write an executive summary of your prospectus, including the following elements:
the healthcare challenge or area of need
your proposed solution
the feasibility of your solution
B. Analyze the healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
1. Discuss why the healthcare challenge or area of need exists.
2. Discuss factors that may contribute to the existence of the healthcare challenge or area of need.
3. Discuss the potential risks in not addressing this healthcare challenge or area of need.
4. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need impacts health outcomes.
5. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need impacts healthcare costs.
6. Discuss how the healthcare challenge or area of need may impact the delivery of healthcare.
7. Identify three internal and three external stakeholders who are most impacted by this challenge or need.
C. Propose an innovative solution that addresses the identified healthcare challenge or area of need by doing the following:
1. Explain the type of solution (e.g., technology, process, policy, system).
2. Evaluate how your innovative solution addresses one of the following domains:
adoption of innovative technology
care delivery system integration
operational process efficiency
quality and performance improvement
risk prevention and reduction
a strategic business model
3. Discuss why your solution is either a disruptive or sustaining innovation.
4. Describe how your solution addresses the healthcare challenge or area of need.
5. Describe how your solution optimizes patient-centered care, including the following points:
measurable improvement in patient health and well-being
perceptions of care
operational efficiency
patient engagement
6. Describe how your solution optimizes value-based care.
D. Provide an initial feasibility assessment by doing the following:
1. Complete a strategic feasibility assessment of the proposed solution, using either a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis or an Impact Assessment Framework (IAF) that addresses the following points:
2. Provide an initial financial review for implementing the proposed solution that addresses the following points:
resource needs (e.g., human, operations)
technology and equipment needs
possible sources of financial support
3. Summarize three key challenges and three opportunities of the proposed solution.
E. Create an initial project plan for your proposed solution by doing the following:
1. Provide three key deliverables anticipated to result from your proposed solution.
2. Describe your plan for achieving your goal, including a timeline for achieving the goal.
3. Identify three benchmarks or milestones in the development of your proposed solution.
Requirements: write minimum 2500 words
TU The Modification of Behaviors Improving Personal Sleep Habits Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Choose a Behavior to Modify
Identify one behavior you would like to change this semester. Make it a S.M.A.R.T. behavior change goal: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant to you, and Time-Limited. In other words, a good behavior to choose is an observable behavior, habit, or routine that you can reasonably try to change this semester and that is important to you personally.
Here are some examples of common behaviors that students have chosen in recent semesters:
-Reducing or cutting out soda and/or coffee consumption
-Improving sleep habits
-Increasing study time
-Quitting nail biting, lip-biting, hair-pulling (any nervous, mindless, or distracted habit)
-Cutting out chips or other snacking; increasing healthy eating
-Increasing exercise
-Saving money
2. Submit a paragraph (100-200 words) describing:
The specific behavior you would like to change
How you would it to change in a specific and measurable (observable, quantifiable) way this semester
A few reasons why this change is important to you
Example paragraph: “I’d like to reduce my caffeine use. Right now, I drink about three caffeinated beverages per day, sometimes more, and I’d like to reduce that to no more than a coffee in the morning. Right now, I feel like I need caffeine in the afternoon to stay alert, and I don’t like feeling like I’m dependent on it. I also spend too much money on it. Finally, I hear reducing caffeine use can decrease anxiety. I’m already stressed this semester, so I think this is one behavior I can change to better manage stress. This is important to me because I value being a relaxed and focused person. I think it will help me achieve my goals and save money too.”
Paragraphs will be graded for writing quality (complete sentences, spelling, grammar, and clarity), and I will also give feedback that might help you clarify your S.M.A.R.T. behavior modification project goal.
Phoenix University Criminal Justice Policy Making Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, describing your personal perception of policymaking in criminal justice. Identify any assumptions on which your perceptions are based. Be sure to answer the following questions:
How would you describe policy-making?
How would you describe policy analysis?
What role does research play in criminal justice policy making?
How do your perceptions of criminal justice policy making and policy analysis compare to the definitions in the readings?
What are 2 to 3 examples of criminal justice policies?