University of Washington Seattle Campus Analysis Of The Remittance Industry Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. University of Washington Seattle Campus Analysis Of The Remittance Industry Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Give me a powerpoint that will me everything and also graphs predictions and where you got the information.
What i need is someone who is willing to break down the remittance industry, how it a startup will be able to break through into that specific industry and which ways will it need help which ways it could be better the competitors. if the money transfer business is something that is a big enough industry and how it would look like in the future and if it is possible to make a big enough impact. Also i need you to maybe use some data science to understand the markets to see the benefits and how it could be possible to make profits. use the link i will provide. paint a good picture of the money transfer industry also digital money transfer industry. and how to beat the market and what types of strategies to use to get ahead
University of Washington Seattle Campus Analysis Of The Remittance Industry Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Walden University the Organizational and The Structure International Monetary Fund Writing Assignment Help
Cooperation, Coordination, and Inter-organizational Interaction
In a complex, networked world, organizations operate in a constant churn of interactions. International organizations frequently work with a wide range of actors in order to achieve their goals. Governments, non-government organizations (NGOs), corporations, and other organizations may all have overlapping interests and operations in given regions. This might mean that cooperation between many organizations may be needed to achieve goals.
The Fair Labor Association (FLA) works with companies, workers, universities, and governments to promote workers’ rights and improve working conditions. This sounds very much like the mission of the ILO from Week 6, but in this case, the FLA is the creation of companies seeking to demonstrate their commitment to fair labor practices. Following painful revelations about sweatshop labor in the 1990s, a group of global companies formed the FLA by cooperating with other stakeholders. Activists, academics, and workers were given commitments to improved working conditions and a transparent monitoring system to ensure companies complied with the rules. Companies got a system that could certify them as sweatshop free. The result is an organization that is mutually beneficial to all parties but that is supported by several different kinds of organizations with very different missions.
This week, you explore how your selected organization operates in today’s global network. You also examine how the organization is managed, the institutional structure used to operate the organization, and any challenges associated with these structures. Finally, you explore how your organization fits into the global network.
This week’s Assignment represents the culmination of the work done this week and last and should reflect effort across both weeks.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Analyze institutional and leadership structures of international organizations
- Evaluate accomplishments of organizational missions
- Evaluate challenges to organizational success in global organizations
- Analyze potential areas of transformation in organizations
Final Project, Part 3: Organizational Analysis
This paper builds on the Background Paper to outline the state of the organization today. This paper must be 750–1,000 words in length. It should analyze how the organization operates in the present time and the major challenges facing the organization.
The Organizational Analysis paper must include the following components:
- An analysis of the present-day organizational structure, including key leadership positions
- An explanation of the organization’s current mission and an assessment of how well the organization is (or is perceived to be) accomplishing its mission
- An explanation of the three most important challenges facing the organization and what factors are contributing to those challenges
The organization I was writing is IMF(international monetary fund)
please wrtie well and follow step by step the instructions.
you do not need to wrtite an introduction of IMF because I wrote it before twice so just start the requiremnets of this assignment.
- Wright, B. E., & Pandey, S. K. (2010). Transformational leadership in the public sector: Does structure matter? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 20(1), 75–89.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. - Wright, B. E., Moynihan, D. P., & Pandey, S. K. (2012). Pulling the levers: Transformational leadership, public service motivation, and mission valence. Public Administration Review, 72(2), 206–215.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases
lanation of the potential areas of transformation change in the organization
- Wright, B. E., & Pandey, S. K. (2010). Transformational leadership in the public sector: Does structure matter? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 20(1), 75–89.
Rutgers University of New Jersey The United States To 1877 Humanities Assignment Help
America is a land of diverse people, thoughts, and backgrounds. For this PSA, please give me your thoughts about this class so far. Was there anything you liked, didn’t like, or have suggestions for? Each semester I try out new things and want to hear feedback. I especially try to tailor the class to every type of learner (readers, visual, auditory, etc.). Using the same rubric, write a paragraph (or more) letting me know what you think. Thanks!
We used in the online class:
weekly quizzes, weekly Inquizitive. Also, 2 topics we discussed between each other, with the other students. ( I liked)
the e-book, ( I dislike) Im not able to order the written one.
It is a good classes that allowed me to learn more about USA.
The course name : The United States to 1877.
University of North Alabama Business Appreciative Question Statement Homework Business Finance Assignment Help
For each of the following questions/statements, replace with an appreciative question/statement.
1. Why are so few students registering for Dr. Wu’s classes?
2. Our downtown stores look dumpy.
3. Why do younger people not want to live in our town?
4. Why can’t our Production and Quality Departments get along?
5. What are our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?
Answer the following items.
6. What is the advantage of using appreciative wording when focusing on an initiative?
7. Discuss how you could apply Appreciative Inquiry and/or Strategic Doing in your job.
8. Discuss how you could apply Appreciative Inquiry and/or Strategic Doing outside of your job.
Florida State University Socialization Experiment Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
This is a class about communication; this is a communication assignment. Go do communication and tell me about why it’s communication. In other words, go live your life in such a way that you are actively applying course concepts to your everyday life in a consequential fashion. Then, reflect on that experience. This reflection should not only be an application of the course concept (though it should be that). Through applying a concept to your own life, your life will then “talk back” to that concept or theory. In other words: you are “testing” the theory with your personal experience. Likely the theory will provide a starting point, but your experience will be messier somehow. Reflect on why that is and what it teaches you about the theory you chose.
Some examples:
- You learn about social construction (theory/concept) and the ways your language creates/maintains/can destroy the social world around you. Use that theory in a way that creates, maintains, or destroys a social world you are participating in.
- You learn about the importance of communication in close relationships (week 3: ch. 10 has many concepts and theories to choose from) and you apply some of the concepts to a relationship that matters to you.
- You learn about organizational rules and rule-breaking and apply expectancy violations theory (concept/theory) to a rule that you find annoying.
After doing communication/applying the theory to real actions in your life, write a two-page (double-spaced) reflection on what you did and why you think that was a useful application of the theoretical concept you chose from class. Dig in and expand in order to explain why this action was important or consequential in some way. The best reflections (the ones that will earn A’s, see ‘oh dang’ factor) will include a brief discussion of how your experience informs the theory you chose, how the messiness of life teaches you about what the theory lacks or ignores.
Strawson and Ultimate Responsibility Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Remember follow all the requirements carefully, don’t forget any aspect of this assignment
PHIL(S13) Essay Topic Two: Jackson’s argument for Property Dualism and Epiphenomenalism
(i) Long quotes do not count, so if a quote takes up a third of a page, that doesn’t count for the length requirement.
(ii) Your essay must have structure
(¡¡¡)Use whatever style manual you prefer best, but 4-7 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font.
One section must be the Introduction….” An introduction must state your conclusion as a thesis statement
Strawson and Ultimate Responsibility Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENG 122 Ashford University Overcoming Unconscious Bias Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
n this discussion, we’ll continue to build an argument that is appropriate for the rhetorical situation. Through this discussion, you will consider the opinions, assumptions, and biases that may impact your objectivity.
Review the discussion grading criteria, read What Lies Beneath the Surface by Joy Meads, and watch the full video Mind Bugs | Mahzarin R. Banaji | TEDxBari (Links to an external site.) from TEDx Talks on YouTube.
Then, log on to Project Implicit (Links to an external site.) and take at least one implicit association test (IAT). There are many tests to choose from. You do not have to register or log in. You can take any test(s) as an unregistered “guest” by clicking the orange “GO!” button. Pay close attention to the instructions for each section of the IAT. The rules change!
After learning about the IAT and taking the test online, think about your results and the explanation provided by the website. Are the results surprising to you? Do you trust the outcome of the IAT? How did you feel while taking the test and how did you feel when you received the results? Were some parts of the IAT easier than others?
Think about the possible biases, assumptions, and opinions that may be influencing your work in this class. Will Mead’s ten strategies for overcoming unconscious bias help you compose a more objective argument?
Share what you learned from your IAT experience and relate it to Meads’ ten strategies for overcoming unconscious bias.
Religious Institutions Tax Exemption Religion and Law Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Wikipedia* provides the following selective list of 1st Amendment religious issues addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court:
- Standing to sue
- Tax exemption to religious institutions
- Legislative chaplains
- Government-sponsored religious displays
- Religion in public education
- Prayer in public schools
- Teaching of creationism in public schools
- Governmental aid to church-related schools
- Blue laws
- Religious institution functioning as a government agency
- Unequal government treatment of religious groups
- Polygamy
- Religion and the right to work
- Religious tests for public service or benefits
- Religion and free speech
- Religion and public education
- Religion and public property
- Solicitation by religious groups
- Religion and eminent domain
- Ritual sacrifice of animals
- Government intervention in church controversies
list provides a quick thumbnail sketch of how many different types of
cases have been litigated as the Court continually refines the meaning
of freedom of religion—and freedom from religion.
Choose two of these areas–one dealing with free exercise and one with establishment–and for each of them, do the following:
- Identify: whether this issue involves free exercise or establishment.
- Research: the history of the issue in terms of court cases. Write at least a few substantial paragraphs on questions such as:
- How has it been interpreted over the years?
- Have there been reverses in later decisions?
- What is the currently accepted interpretation?
- Where do we stand today on this issue?
- Analyze:
the pros and cons of the issue, using your own interpretations, backed
with research (properly cited.) This is the meat of your paper, so don’t
skimp. Deal with such questions as
- What are the relevant questions involved?
- What were the positions on either side?
- Is the issue now favoring a more conservative or more liberal interpretation?
- Do
you agree with what the courts have decided, especially the current
interpretation? Why or why not? Give the arguments for both sides, and
analyze the pros and cons, citing cases or other research as relevant. - Do you think public opinion has had an effect on the decisions? Do you think this is good? Why or why not?
- What
do you predict will happen with regard to this issue in the future? Are
there important cases coming up through the lower courts? Is there an
interpretive trend? What factors in the public arena might influence
future decisions?
Do not simply answer these questions one by one.
Use them as a guide to how to shape a thoughtful, informed analysis of
the issues. You will be evaluated in large part on how thoughtfully you
go beyond these questions in your analysis.
Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne Visual Illusions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Choose one visual illusion from the textbook or other source and discuss how this illusion works. Then explain why our visual system processes this illusion the way it does.
- Write at least 100 words in your initial posting
An optical illusion is a mirage originated by visual system and distinguished by a visual perceptual experience that plausibly appears to diverge from reality. Troxler’s effect is one of the best optical illusions that challenges our recognition of reality.
In Toxler’s effect or Toxler fading, one focuses keenly on a specific point for a short time and a consistent stimulus away from the point of fixation vanishes. This fading is accredited to the alteration of neurons vital for comprehending stimuli in the visual system. The reason for that is the adaptation of tactile neurons which begin to ignore the less important stimulus. It takes 10 to 20 seconds for the entire image around the point to focus to fade away.
- Respond to the post above, writing a minimum of four to five sentences
University of Phoenix Week 2 Employee Assessment Case Study Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Employee Assessment Case Study Grading Guide
During a global career succession assessment of leadership talent pipeline, a candidate was asked to complete a personality/behavioral tendency profile. The candidate asked to speak to the program administrator about the validity of the assessment. The assessment is based on first responses to several sets of word values. The instructions were to respond with first instinct to the set of words listed in several different categories. The candidate stated that some of the words could have different interpretations based on values, beliefs, and cultural origin. Therefore, the validity of the assessment could be biased in terms of results/outcomes. The program administrator removed the weighting of the assessment (not part of the overall assessment scoring) to be used for informational and team building purposes only.
Use the above information to answer the following in 700 to 1,050 words:
- Analyze whether the candidate has a valid discrimination concern about the assessment.
- Determine what EEOC laws could potentially be at risk of violation.
- Evaluate how the assessment could be altered so that it could still be used for the program.
Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines.
During a global career succession assessment of leadership talent pipeline, a candidate was asked to complete a personality/behavioral tendency profile. The candidate asked to speak to the program administrator about the validity of the assessment. The assessment is based on first responses to several sets of word values. The instructions were to respond with first instinct to the set of words listed in several different categories. The candidate stated that some of the words could have different interpretations based on values, beliefs, and cultural origin. Therefore, the validity of the assessment could be biased in terms of results/outcomes. The program administrator removed the weighting of the assessment (not part of the overall assessment scoring) to be used for informational and team building purposes only.
Use the above information to answer the following in 700 to 1,050 words:
- Analyze whether the candidate has a valid discrimination concern about the assessment.
- Determine what EEOC laws could potentially be at risk of violation.
- Evaluate how the assessment could be altered so that it could still be used for the program.
Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines.