University of West Georgia The State of Georgia Public Finance Dilemma Writing Assignment Help

University of West Georgia The State of Georgia Public Finance Dilemma Writing Assignment Help. University of West Georgia The State of Georgia Public Finance Dilemma Writing Assignment Help.

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Students are to utilize the same local or state government from short papers #1 and #2( attached below ) to research a public finance dilemma in their chosen local or state government. Students should prepare an 8-10 page public finance recommendation addressed to the head of that government (i.e., mayor, commission chair, or governor) with the following components:

  • Executive Summary
  • Background: Organizational Structure, Economic Conditions/Outlook, and Fiscal Policies, major revenue sources and major expenditures.
  • Problem Statement: Identification of high cost/major expenditure
  • Analysis of Expenditure:

    • What are expenditures? What programs are covered under this expenditure?
    • What is public good and choice? How does this expenditure reflect both?
    • How does political equilibrium affect public finance? What is the political equilibrium of your chosen expenditure?
    • What is cost-benefit analysis? What are the findings of a cost-benefit of your expenditure’s programs?
    • What are different revenue strategies? What taxation strategies are used to fund your expenditure’s programs?

  • Recommendations:

    • Is the current funding level appropriate for this public good?
    • What changes should be made to the revenue streams and expenditure level?
    • How will these changes impact the local or state government’s service to constituents?

See Executive Summary Guidelines for expectations. When you are discussing the above areas, you must provide context for each category to ensure understanding about the issue (using historical information, data, current status, options for moving forward and explaining the challenges and opportunities/benefits for each option). Just because you are writing the summary to an executive, it does not mean the executive is fully aware of all the details as you are. So … fully explain.

When you choose your level of government, you can go to that government’s website and seek information regarding the structure, budget, goals, strategic plan, and other information that will benefit this assignment. For example, if a student chooses Lee County, GA. You can go to Lee County’s government website and see some of this information. The information may not be on one or two webpages, so you should be diligent and seek this information out.

Ensure to use in-text citations and have a reference page.

There is no need for a title page or abstract. See the APA Style Guide if necessary.

University of West Georgia The State of Georgia Public Finance Dilemma Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GMU Wk4 EB Metabolic Syndrome Prevention & Treatment Program Article Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

Implementing an Evidence-Based Metabolic Syndrome Prevention and Treatment Program Utilizing Group Visits

In this study, the researchers looked at changes in patients understanding of risk factors associated with metabolic disease and changes in habits to decrease those risks. Through a model curriculum, participants were provided information about how their decisions were influencing the development and progression of metabolic disease. .

  1. This is an interesting study because here we see the use of both repeated measures t-tests as well as independent t-tests. How did the researchers use both types of t-tests in light of the fact that we discussed you should choose one or the other?
  2. Discuss the sample size in the Sumter County sample. Using a a source, discuss the validity of the design with just 5 participants?
  3. In the article, the authors indicate that some data are positively-skewed. Discuss the meaning of that, and why would the skew of data interfere with using it in the t-tests? (In your response, consider the distribution of the test statistic).

Hospital Rates of People Living with HIV in the United States, 2009

  1. The authors use confidence intervals (CI) throughout their results.
    1. Using an example from the article, explain the meaning of the CI for the specific case you selected.
    2. How could you decrease the range of a confidence interval?
  2. Review Figure 1 carefully. Notice that the CI is given as whiskers on the plot. Using the data in the text about this figure and the overlapping nature of the confidence intervals and the means, explain why there is a significant difference between Black and White but not White and Hispanic.
  3. In Table 2 the authors present data surrounding the hospitalization rates based on sex both by OIs (preventable and non-preventable).
    1. Research the rate ratio and discuss it for the preventable OIs data.
    2. Construct an appropriate graphical representation of the data in Table 2


NUR 4636 Miami Dade College Daily Journal Virtual Activities Computer Science Assignment Help

Daily Journal format:

Write 4 page paper answering the below questions about theses 4 virtual activities:

1. Disaster Assessment and Response: Rural Train-Bus Accident

2. Public Health Nursing and Post-Disaster Recovery: Rural Flood Zone

3. Family as Client: Public Health Clinic

4. Home Safety and the Aging Adult: Elderly Client’s Home

Headings as follows should be boldfaced!!

What did I do? (Brief description of the activity)

What did I learn from this activity? (Personal reflection)

What were the positives about the experience?

What were the negatives about the experience?

What recommendations can you offer to enhance this learning experience?

5. Write a 1 page journal entry on how your view of the role of the community nurse has changed since the pandemic and new way of virtual clinical experience vs the physical clinical experience. Is it all you expected, explain your answer in details?


Waldorf Impact of Personality Traits on Academic Performance of Management Students Articles Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

write 500 words based on the attached instructions

make sure you do everything as being asked there


To satisfy the requirements of this paper, you will write at least three paragraphs. Write a 1-2 paragraph summary describing the format—the parts or sections—of the popular article. Observe, review and analyze the structure and style of the popular article. For each section of the popular article, write a sentence or two that describes the kind of information you found in that section. Then follow the same steps for the journal article. All the time ask yourself: How is this journal article different from the popular article’s format, content and style? Are there any ways in which it is similar to the popular article? For your third paragraph, describe two specific similarities and two specific differences in the form, content and style of the popular and journal articles. That is, you must compare the format and content of the two articles. Don’t be vague or general in your stated similarities and differences, but be specific. The more specific comparisons, the more points your paper gets.

I attchacthed the task sheet below


ANTH 250 Western Governors University Human Origins Essay Humanities Assignment Help

The Unessay

Goal: Allow you to engage with the material from this course in any way you are interested in or that will help you connect class concepts to things that are going on in the world. Topics must relate to biological anthropology.

There are multiple components of this project, aimed at structuring the experience in such a way to maximize your success. If you are putting in the work at the earlier stages, we should be able to catch any potential problems and enable you to create an end project that you can be proud of.

Format: Anything that speaks to you- be creative! Things to hand in:

• July 18th- Topic Selection
o At this point you will tell me what topic you wish to base your final project on.

You should have done a small amount of research into the topic at this point and should be able to tell me what your topic is, how it relates to biological anthropology, and what format you think your end product may take. I do not expect you to have the entire assignment figured out at this point so I understand if your end product changes before the next stage.

• August 1st- Unessay Source Assignment
o At this stage, you will have completed some research into your myth. The goal

here is to summarize this research and then organize it into an outline. At this stage, you will also propose *what* your end product will actually be. I will give you feedback on your idea and make sure it’s an idea that works for both of us. You should incorporate this feedback into your final product. If your end product changes after this date you will need to contact me for approval of the new product.

• Unessay Source: For this assignment you will provide me a list of 5 annotated sources you will use to inform your unessay.

• August 7th- Unessay and Project statement
o You will turn in your final product and project statement. As noted above, the

project must be approved in the previous portion of the assignment. If you wish to change your topic or the format of your project you must get my approval.

Why: Creativity is at the heart of what makes us human (See The Human Spark by Agustin Fuentes). Imagination and creativity allow us find answers to problems in unique ways. Even if 1,000 people looked at the same issue, you bring a unique and distinctive view to the question based on your personal lived experiences.

Anth250 Human Origins

However, and quite sadly, creativity has been mostly “educated out” of us (see Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative by Ken Robinson for more on this). This allows you to explore class materials and topics in a way that is salient to your own goals and interests.

Some Possible Unessay Ideas

  • A PSA video
  • A piece of artwork
  • A comic strip
  • A Buzzfeed style listicle
  • Book review of a book you have read outside of class that relates to human variation
  • Make a board game
  • Choreograph a dance routine
  • Create an infographic to share
  • Interview an expert
  • Present data on bioanthropology in a unique way
  • A podcast episode
  • Avlog



Purdue University Global Management Policy and Strategy Overview Business Finance Assignment Help

Strategic Planning

The concept of strategic planning can be as complex as we want to make it, but it is better to keep it simple, which is not so easy to do. Moving away from single business strategy into the world of multi-business strategy, you will need to consider many factors at the corporate level of strategy. In preparation for developing a strategic framework to increase competitive advantage for a multi-business company in the international marketplace.

Conduct research using your textbook and Library resources (Internet resources are unacceptable) as necessary to develop an understanding for strategic planning. Based on all of the strategy concepts you have learned in Chapters 1–8 in your textbook, share your understanding of developing a strategic framework for a business by meeting the following criteria:

  • Explain what strategic planning is, and why it is important to a company by giving practical examples and using research.
  • List the components of a strategic plan and explain the importance of each component in a strategic plan by giving practical examples and using research.
  • Explain the differences in strategic planning for a single-business and a multi-business company.
  • Explain the intricacies of strategic planning for businesses in the international marketplace by providing examples and using research.
  • Explain why developing a strategic plan is easier than executing it.
  • Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic research resources (including your textbook) to substantiate your critical thinking, and to provide viable reasoning for your perspectives.
  • Use APA style referencing format in your writing.
  • Write in third person to communicate in this Discussion.
  • Use a minimum of 500 words in your primary answer post.
  • Use headings to segment the topics in your writing in order to create a flow of ideas for your reader.

Purdue University Global Management Policy and Strategy Overview Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 4479 Built to Last Successful Habits of Visionary Companies Book Report Writing Assignment Help

Report: Please read the instruction be carefully.

Note: Submit the executive summary portion of this project in the separate executive summary assignment.

General Instructions:

  • Minimum length of 8 pages double-spaced (not including the reference page)
  • Times New Roman 12-point font and 1-inch margins following APA style.
  • No title page is required.
  • The only resources that are allowed for completing this assignment are (1) the book you chose to base the project on and (2) the course textbook. Evidence of the use of any other resource in completing this assignment will result in zero credit for this assignment.
  • It is strongly recommended you use the provided template to complete this assignment.

Note. Although you will be offering a critique of your chosen book, you should not criticize the book or the author(s). Papers should maintain a professional and unbiased tone like the summaries we have been reading in your course textbook.

Executive summary: Please read the instruction be carefully.


COMM 1002 Rasmussen College Module 3 Suki Kim Speaker Critique Health Medical Assignment Help

Critique of a Speaker

For this assignment, you are going to evaluate the verbal and nonverbal aspects of a speaker’s presentation. An evaluation form is provided below to help guide your assessment of the content (what is being said) and the delivery (how it is said).

You have the option to go out and observe a live event, or you can watch one of the speeches from the Library Video Options provided below. The link will take you to a collection of student speeches. The recordings are classified as informative or persuasive; you are free to choose either type.

Do the following, to complete this assignment:

  1. Print out the Speaker Critique Form (linked above), and familiarize yourself with the elements of the presentation that you will be assessing.
  2. View a presentation, a lecture, a sermon, or some sort of public speaking event. A live event would be great, but one of the Library Video Options (linked above) is acceptable.
  3. During the presentation, complete the Speaker Critique Form; consider including notes to help you remember specific details later.
  4. Write a 2-page paper, using proper spelling and grammar, that addresses the following:
    1. Provide an introduction describing who spoke, what they spoke about, and where you heard the presentation. If you chose to use a library video, be sure to clearly identify its title and provide a link to the specific video within the series.
    2. After the introduction, talk about what parts of the content were done well and what the speaker could have done better. Address at least 2 different elements of content.
    3. Next, talk about what parts of the delivery were done well and what the speaker could have done better. Address at least 2 different elements of delivery.
    4. End with a conclusive paragraph, giving your opinion about whether the speaker was effective or not. Explain your reasoning.


Rasmussen College Verbal and Nonverbal Messages Questions Health Medical Assignment Help

Verbal and Nonverbal Messages

For this discussion, you are going to observe a conversation between two people and comment on both their verbal and nonverbal behaviors during the interaction.

First listen to either a conversation you observed outside of your home, such as at school, a grocery store, an elevator or on a bus. Do not make it obvious you are listening to their conversation, just casually observe. While you are observing, try to answer the following questions and report back about the conversation in your original post.

  1. What do you think the relationship between the two people was?
  2. What do you think they were discussing?
  3. What nonverbal actions occurred in the interaction?
  4. What paralanguage did you pick up on and how did it influence the conversation?

Keep in mind these responses will all be conjecture because you will not know what the true answers are. The point is to see what information you can obtain by simply watching people converse.


Eastern Illinois University Monitoring Employee Performance Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

300–500 words, 2 – 100 word peer posts

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Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central).

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Literature Review of My Topic

Utilizing the Internet, CTU Library, and your textbook to support your research topic, choose 2 peer-reviewed articles in which previous research has been completed on your exact topic or areas closely related to your research topic.

  • Summarize each research study. Compare and contrast the 2 articles’ research studies.
  • Explain how each article supports or refutes your research question and hypothesis.
  • These articles will become part of your literature review for Unit 5.

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What recommendations can you offer?
  • What, if any, clarification do you need regarding your classmate’s research question/ hypothesis?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?


University of West Georgia The State of Georgia Public Finance Dilemma Writing Assignment Help

University of West Georgia The State of Georgia Public Finance Dilemma Writing Assignment Help

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