University of Wisconsin Madison Re Setting Education Priorities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

University of Wisconsin Madison Re Setting Education Priorities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. University of Wisconsin Madison Re Setting Education Priorities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a english report and need support to help me understand better.
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PROMPT: Find a current event (from a legitimate source such as reputable newspaper, or report from a foundation or university) related to the course subject (Exploration of learning and development through a cultural lens, drawing from a range of research traditions and disciplines to broaden understandings of theories that inform teaching and learning in formal and informal settings.) Explain how the current event is relevant for our course.

For example, perhaps there is a news article on the role of family for students learning from home in an online setting. For this article, I might draw from Rogoff’s chapter 1 to talk about how children’s role in the home may be shaped by culture and then dive deeper into the article findings.

*If you have a hard time starting papers, here are some example opening sentences to help you get started- you are not required to use these:

Example 1: In the article “Article title” published in April 2021 in “Publication name” (NY Times, website name, or other source) a journalist explores the roles parents take on to support children learning remotely during the current pandemic.

Example 2: The current pandemic has shifted family roles, for families with children learning at home this means parents have to help their students during school hours. In “Article name,” “Author’s Name” explores the challenges of raising children during schooling online hours…

To receive full credit make sure to:

1.Complete assignment on time

2.Answer the prompts

3.2pages double spaced

4.In text citations and reference (if using noncourse articles/readings)

5.Organized, with little spelling and grammar issues

**I included the two chapters you can choose from. I have also included my notes I took on them if needed.

University of Wisconsin Madison Re Setting Education Priorities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PUB 650 Grand Canyon University Public Health Professionals Question Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me understand better.

Public health professionals are increasingly needed and expected to have a role in advocacy efforts. Imagine you have received an action alert from your local public health association asking you to contact your state senator and urge the lawmaker to support a bill that would raise the legal age to purchase tobacco to 21 years of age. How would you respond to the action alert? Refer to tips and suggestions provided by the American Public Health Association (APHA) Advocacy for Public Health webpage. What strategy or approaches would you implement to ensure effective communication with your state senator on this issue?


CHFD 220 American Military University Wk 1 Human Sexuality Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy question and need support to help me study.

Assignment 1: Human Sexuality Throughout History Time-line

Our readings describe the various historical-cultural influences that have affected human sexuality. These historical-cultural influences include such events as the sexual revolution, the control of conception, the emergence of contraception, as well as the redefining of gender roles throughout history. Many of these events changed the way sexuality is viewed today. Using Prezi (, PowerPoint, or Word create a time-line and identify at least 7 important historical events that you believe influence sexuality today. Evaluate each of these events according to its significance in history and culture. Place the date, a brief description, or even a video clip of the historical-cultural influence. Please read the grading rubric below for additional guidance with this assignment.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Week 1: Timeline


The Art Institute of Tampa Body Measurements and Engineering PPT Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a engineering case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


Objective: In this assignment, you will compare measurements for the human body to common standard measurements for interior and architectural features.

Measure the following parts of your body using a tape measure or soft tailor tape. Record the measurement to the nearest inch. Your measurements should be expressed in total inches (i.e., 36″ and not 3′-0″).

Part I Self-Measurement:

  • Floor to your knee
  • Floor to your hip
  • Your knee to your hip
  • Floor to your waist
  • Length of your arm from elbow to fingertip
  • Your height
  • Your height with arm fully extended overhead—measure from tip of the longest finger to the floor
  • Floor to your shoulder
  • Length of your foot

In your surroundings, measure the following furniture pieces and architectural items, and record the measurements to the nearest inch. Your measurements should be within an acceptable range and expressed in total inches (i.e., 36″ and not 3′-0″).

Part II Environment Measurement:

  • Height of the kitchen counter
  • Height to the top of the upper kitchen cabinets
  • Height of the dining table
  • Height of the desk
  • Depth of the kitchen counter
  • Height of the ceiling
  • Height of the front door opening
  • Stair tread depth
  • Height of the mattress and box spring from the floor to the top of the mattress
  • Height of the sofa seat
  • Depth of the sofa seat (front of the sofa to the start of the back cushion)

Part III Analysis and Synthesis

  • Compare the first set of measurements to the second set of measurements and record a minimum of four correlations that you see between your body and your built environment.
  • Sketch the four correlations to illustrate your conclusions. For example, if you make a connection between your foot size and the depth of the stair tread, sketch your foot on the stair tread and explain. The four sketches can be completed on one sheet of paper.***

Final Submission to include:

  1. Self-Measurements
  2. Environment Measurements
  3. Four Correlation Illustration sketches that show your conclusions.


Broward Community College Law Enforcement and American Policing Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Analyze the video based on ONE of the theoretical perspectives Structural functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, or Conflict. The choice is yours. Choose the perspective you are most comfortable with, and along with your notes and textbook analyze the video. Make sure your examples are clear and that your explanations are thorough. Your explanation could seal the deal for you! You must clearly justify why your example is in line with the chosen perspective. DO NOT provide examples about different perspectives. You must choose only one.

Essay thoroughly and effectively answers the question(s). Demonstrates an understanding of the topic. Provided a one page reflection/summary. Analyzed the video based on ONE of the theoretical perspectives Structural functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, or Conflict. Demonstrated use of notes and textbook analyze the video. Provided 3 clear examples from the video PLUS 3 thourough explanations. Response is at least 3-4 pages long.



Future University in Egypt Berlin Blockade Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history discussion question and need support to help me study.

You are to open a discussion with one other classmate on a report of a conflict from any that we have researched and reported on in the assignment section of this weeks work load. You can agree or disagree with them, but it must be a discussion.

This is the post and i want reply for it

This happens to be one of my favorite topics in the Cold War and it’s probably one of the most well known. If you agree with what I said in my report or even if you disagree, tell me why. I enjoy this topic because it leans more into the subject of Berlin’s wall and it talks about the separation in Germany. After World War 2, Europe was a huge mess and they had to fight off communism while trying to restore their home. You get to see the destruction, struggle, and then hope of rebirth for Europe. Berlin was a prime example.

The Berlin Blockade was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. The Soviet Union had blocked Berlin’s railway, cutting off their way of transportation for supplies and food. And during this period, Berlin was divided into four zones of occupation. The Soviet Union agreed to lift the blockade but only if the Western allies agreed to withdraw the newly introduced Deutsche Mark from West Berlin. The Deutsche Mark or ” D-Mark”, was the official currency of West Germany from 1948-1990. The blockade was set by the Soviet Union in hopes of the Western Allies abandoning their post. Although, the allies stayed In West Berlin to show the world that they wouldn’t be intimidated by Russia and to show that they could stand up to communism. The Allies resolve for this conflict was the Berlin Airlift. This meant that food and supplies were transported by aircraft to feed the whole city of West Berlin, including all of the soldiers that were station there, which was rather difficult. The soldiers that were stationed in Berlin during this time were French, British and American soldiers. Its exhausting to even imagine how much supplies and food were transported during the whole period of the blockade. On May 12, 1949, after a long 11 months, Berlin’s Blockade that was set by the Soviet Union came to an end. Be sure to not confuse this with fall of Berlin’s walls or the end of the Cold War. I myself made the mistake of thinking they were the same. However, Berlin’s walls didn’t collapse until November 9th 1989. And the end of separation in Germany (or in Europe) hasn’t come to a complete halt either, due to the infamous Iron Curtain. Which, was the political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War 2 until the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Future University in Egypt Berlin Blockade Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Taibah University Cold War and Reasons for The Conflict Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Attached you will find a list of conflicts that occurred after WWII. Your assignment is to select one conflict from each decade (40s, 50s, 60s and 70s), research that conflict and report on the reasons for those conflicts and your solution as to how it could have been prevented. Make sure that your answers are inclusive of all pertinent information. One to two pages for each report will do. Attached is a list of those conflicts for your research.


Grand Canyon University Social Justice Equity and Community Reinvestment Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me study.

A letter to the editor can be a powerful outlet for voicing opinion on health issues. The length of your letter should be 200-400 words in length. The objective of a letter to the editor is to increase understanding of an urgent public health problem, foster a dialogue around a specific issue involving the author and the community, and provide direction for future action on the issue. For this assignment, select a recent public health policy action at the local, state, or federal level. Prepare a response to the policy action in the form of a letter to the editor. Use the “Guidelines for Preparing a Letter to the Editor” resource and the following criteria to prepare your letter to the editor.

  1. Clearly state your position. Articulate whether you agree or disagree with the chosen policy action (or inaction). Highlight the uniqueness of your opinion so that it is not simply restating the position or opinion in the chosen policy action (or inaction).
  2. Critique the merits of the action. Describe the impact the action will have on health outcomes. Comment on what you would do differently (if you disagree with the action) or highlight why the course of action was appropriate (if you agree with the action). Critique whether the authors have used compelling data to support the action or challenge the action if you disagree. Describe whether the authors have identified criteria to measure the policy action or recommend what you would use as criteria.
  3. Provide recommendations. Propose specific steps that should be taken to strengthen efforts. Offer one or two suggestions, maximum. Avoid statements such as “more funding needed” or “more research needed.”
  4. Use appropriate tone. Use professional language that focuses on the merits of the positions. Do not include language that is disparaging or condescending or include content that is irrelevant to the argument.
  5. Cite references. Include a minimum of one reference and no more than five references.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented


ENGL 1000 The University of Winnipeg The Concept of Community Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

Compare how two of the stories covered on the course develop one of the following themes.

Your essay need not be in essay format but should be written in full sentences. Your answer should be at least 1000 words long and not exceed 1500 words.

1. Slowness

2. Community

3. Borders

4. Loneliness

Part C: Essay

(40 marks, suggested time: 1 hour, 15 minutes)

Answer one of the following essay questions in essay format, ensuring that you have an introduction, a paragraph for each main point, and a conclusion. Your answer should be at least 1500 words long but not exceed 2000 words.

1. All the literary works we have studied this term are self-reflexive in that they draw attention to genre, character, or narrative in a way that suggests they are exploring what it means to tell a story in addition to developing a particular theme. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course reflect on the very process of storytelling.

2. We began this course with a discussion of the importance of literature. Now that you have almost completed the course, you should have a much better sense of why literature is important. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course demonstrate the importance (social, cultural, or otherwise) of literature.

3. As the stories in the last unit of the course demonstrate, genre is neither rigid nor static. Rather, it adheres to some conventions and rejects or revises others, and it changes over time. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course bear the marks of a genre while also challenging some of its conventions.

4. Character study involves examination of a character’s dress and deportment as well as their psychology and encounters with other characters. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories on the course give away important information about character through descriptions of clothing and behaviour.


5. We studied several examples of narration, but we did not study a story written in the second person. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories on the course would take on radically different meanings if written in the second person.


Grand Canyon University Consider the Principle of Social Justice Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me learn.

Consider the following scenario: Your city council has approved the placement of a toxic waste dump in a small, low-income community. The company building the dump has hosted informational meetings, but residents rarely attend and are unaware of the proposal. The approval will bring very little economic benefit to the community. The CEO of the company feels that, since no one attended the meetings, the approval is valid. Do you agree with the CEO’s claim? Why or why not? Consider the principal of social justice and include recommendations for what should have been done prior to the council meeting to ensure that the decision was ethical, fair, and valid. Describe two strategies you would implement to engage this community in advocacy for health equity. 300 words minimum.

[supanova_question] (, PowerPoint, or Word create a time-line and identify at least 7 important historical events that you believe influence sexuality today. Evaluate each of these events according to its significance in history and culture. Place the date, a brief description, or even a video clip of the historical-cultural influence. Please read the grading rubric below for additional guidance with this assignment.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Week 1: Timeline


The Art Institute of Tampa Body Measurements and Engineering PPT Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a engineering case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


Objective: In this assignment, you will compare measurements for the human body to common standard measurements for interior and architectural features.

Measure the following parts of your body using a tape measure or soft tailor tape. Record the measurement to the nearest inch. Your measurements should be expressed in total inches (i.e., 36″ and not 3′-0″).

Part I Self-Measurement:

  • Floor to your knee
  • Floor to your hip
  • Your knee to your hip
  • Floor to your waist
  • Length of your arm from elbow to fingertip
  • Your height
  • Your height with arm fully extended overhead—measure from tip of the longest finger to the floor
  • Floor to your shoulder
  • Length of your foot

In your surroundings, measure the following furniture pieces and architectural items, and record the measurements to the nearest inch. Your measurements should be within an acceptable range and expressed in total inches (i.e., 36″ and not 3′-0″).

Part II Environment Measurement:

  • Height of the kitchen counter
  • Height to the top of the upper kitchen cabinets
  • Height of the dining table
  • Height of the desk
  • Depth of the kitchen counter
  • Height of the ceiling
  • Height of the front door opening
  • Stair tread depth
  • Height of the mattress and box spring from the floor to the top of the mattress
  • Height of the sofa seat
  • Depth of the sofa seat (front of the sofa to the start of the back cushion)

Part III Analysis and Synthesis

  • Compare the first set of measurements to the second set of measurements and record a minimum of four correlations that you see between your body and your built environment.
  • Sketch the four correlations to illustrate your conclusions. For example, if you make a connection between your foot size and the depth of the stair tread, sketch your foot on the stair tread and explain. The four sketches can be completed on one sheet of paper.***

Final Submission to include:

  1. Self-Measurements
  2. Environment Measurements
  3. Four Correlation Illustration sketches that show your conclusions.


Broward Community College Law Enforcement and American Policing Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Analyze the video based on ONE of the theoretical perspectives Structural functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, or Conflict. The choice is yours. Choose the perspective you are most comfortable with, and along with your notes and textbook analyze the video. Make sure your examples are clear and that your explanations are thorough. Your explanation could seal the deal for you! You must clearly justify why your example is in line with the chosen perspective. DO NOT provide examples about different perspectives. You must choose only one.

Essay thoroughly and effectively answers the question(s). Demonstrates an understanding of the topic. Provided a one page reflection/summary. Analyzed the video based on ONE of the theoretical perspectives Structural functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, or Conflict. Demonstrated use of notes and textbook analyze the video. Provided 3 clear examples from the video PLUS 3 thourough explanations. Response is at least 3-4 pages long.



Future University in Egypt Berlin Blockade Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history discussion question and need support to help me study.

You are to open a discussion with one other classmate on a report of a conflict from any that we have researched and reported on in the assignment section of this weeks work load. You can agree or disagree with them, but it must be a discussion.

This is the post and i want reply for it

This happens to be one of my favorite topics in the Cold War and it’s probably one of the most well known. If you agree with what I said in my report or even if you disagree, tell me why. I enjoy this topic because it leans more into the subject of Berlin’s wall and it talks about the separation in Germany. After World War 2, Europe was a huge mess and they had to fight off communism while trying to restore their home. You get to see the destruction, struggle, and then hope of rebirth for Europe. Berlin was a prime example.

The Berlin Blockade was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. The Soviet Union had blocked Berlin’s railway, cutting off their way of transportation for supplies and food. And during this period, Berlin was divided into four zones of occupation. The Soviet Union agreed to lift the blockade but only if the Western allies agreed to withdraw the newly introduced Deutsche Mark from West Berlin. The Deutsche Mark or ” D-Mark”, was the official currency of West Germany from 1948-1990. The blockade was set by the Soviet Union in hopes of the Western Allies abandoning their post. Although, the allies stayed In West Berlin to show the world that they wouldn’t be intimidated by Russia and to show that they could stand up to communism. The Allies resolve for this conflict was the Berlin Airlift. This meant that food and supplies were transported by aircraft to feed the whole city of West Berlin, including all of the soldiers that were station there, which was rather difficult. The soldiers that were stationed in Berlin during this time were French, British and American soldiers. Its exhausting to even imagine how much supplies and food were transported during the whole period of the blockade. On May 12, 1949, after a long 11 months, Berlin’s Blockade that was set by the Soviet Union came to an end. Be sure to not confuse this with fall of Berlin’s walls or the end of the Cold War. I myself made the mistake of thinking they were the same. However, Berlin’s walls didn’t collapse until November 9th 1989. And the end of separation in Germany (or in Europe) hasn’t come to a complete halt either, due to the infamous Iron Curtain. Which, was the political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War 2 until the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Future University in Egypt Berlin Blockade Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Taibah University Cold War and Reasons for The Conflict Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Attached you will find a list of conflicts that occurred after WWII. Your assignment is to select one conflict from each decade (40s, 50s, 60s and 70s), research that conflict and report on the reasons for those conflicts and your solution as to how it could have been prevented. Make sure that your answers are inclusive of all pertinent information. One to two pages for each report will do. Attached is a list of those conflicts for your research.


Grand Canyon University Social Justice Equity and Community Reinvestment Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me study.

A letter to the editor can be a powerful outlet for voicing opinion on health issues. The length of your letter should be 200-400 words in length. The objective of a letter to the editor is to increase understanding of an urgent public health problem, foster a dialogue around a specific issue involving the author and the community, and provide direction for future action on the issue. For this assignment, select a recent public health policy action at the local, state, or federal level. Prepare a response to the policy action in the form of a letter to the editor. Use the “Guidelines for Preparing a Letter to the Editor” resource and the following criteria to prepare your letter to the editor.

  1. Clearly state your position. Articulate whether you agree or disagree with the chosen policy action (or inaction). Highlight the uniqueness of your opinion so that it is not simply restating the position or opinion in the chosen policy action (or inaction).
  2. Critique the merits of the action. Describe the impact the action will have on health outcomes. Comment on what you would do differently (if you disagree with the action) or highlight why the course of action was appropriate (if you agree with the action). Critique whether the authors have used compelling data to support the action or challenge the action if you disagree. Describe whether the authors have identified criteria to measure the policy action or recommend what you would use as criteria.
  3. Provide recommendations. Propose specific steps that should be taken to strengthen efforts. Offer one or two suggestions, maximum. Avoid statements such as “more funding needed” or “more research needed.”
  4. Use appropriate tone. Use professional language that focuses on the merits of the positions. Do not include language that is disparaging or condescending or include content that is irrelevant to the argument.
  5. Cite references. Include a minimum of one reference and no more than five references.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented


ENGL 1000 The University of Winnipeg The Concept of Community Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

Compare how two of the stories covered on the course develop one of the following themes.

Your essay need not be in essay format but should be written in full sentences. Your answer should be at least 1000 words long and not exceed 1500 words.

1. Slowness

2. Community

3. Borders

4. Loneliness

Part C: Essay

(40 marks, suggested time: 1 hour, 15 minutes)

Answer one of the following essay questions in essay format, ensuring that you have an introduction, a paragraph for each main point, and a conclusion. Your answer should be at least 1500 words long but not exceed 2000 words.

1. All the literary works we have studied this term are self-reflexive in that they draw attention to genre, character, or narrative in a way that suggests they are exploring what it means to tell a story in addition to developing a particular theme. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course reflect on the very process of storytelling.

2. We began this course with a discussion of the importance of literature. Now that you have almost completed the course, you should have a much better sense of why literature is important. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course demonstrate the importance (social, cultural, or otherwise) of literature.

3. As the stories in the last unit of the course demonstrate, genre is neither rigid nor static. Rather, it adheres to some conventions and rejects or revises others, and it changes over time. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course bear the marks of a genre while also challenging some of its conventions.

4. Character study involves examination of a character’s dress and deportment as well as their psychology and encounters with other characters. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories on the course give away important information about character through descriptions of clothing and behaviour.


5. We studied several examples of narration, but we did not study a story written in the second person. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories on the course would take on radically different meanings if written in the second person.


Grand Canyon University Consider the Principle of Social Justice Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me learn.

Consider the following scenario: Your city council has approved the placement of a toxic waste dump in a small, low-income community. The company building the dump has hosted informational meetings, but residents rarely attend and are unaware of the proposal. The approval will bring very little economic benefit to the community. The CEO of the company feels that, since no one attended the meetings, the approval is valid. Do you agree with the CEO’s claim? Why or why not? Consider the principal of social justice and include recommendations for what should have been done prior to the council meeting to ensure that the decision was ethical, fair, and valid. Describe two strategies you would implement to engage this community in advocacy for health equity. 300 words minimum.

[supanova_question] (, PowerPoint, or Word create a time-line and identify at least 7 important historical events that you believe influence sexuality today. Evaluate each of these events according to its significance in history and culture. Place the date, a brief description, or even a video clip of the historical-cultural influence. Please read the grading rubric below for additional guidance with this assignment.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Week 1: Timeline


The Art Institute of Tampa Body Measurements and Engineering PPT Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a engineering case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


Objective: In this assignment, you will compare measurements for the human body to common standard measurements for interior and architectural features.

Measure the following parts of your body using a tape measure or soft tailor tape. Record the measurement to the nearest inch. Your measurements should be expressed in total inches (i.e., 36″ and not 3′-0″).

Part I Self-Measurement:

  • Floor to your knee
  • Floor to your hip
  • Your knee to your hip
  • Floor to your waist
  • Length of your arm from elbow to fingertip
  • Your height
  • Your height with arm fully extended overhead—measure from tip of the longest finger to the floor
  • Floor to your shoulder
  • Length of your foot

In your surroundings, measure the following furniture pieces and architectural items, and record the measurements to the nearest inch. Your measurements should be within an acceptable range and expressed in total inches (i.e., 36″ and not 3′-0″).

Part II Environment Measurement:

  • Height of the kitchen counter
  • Height to the top of the upper kitchen cabinets
  • Height of the dining table
  • Height of the desk
  • Depth of the kitchen counter
  • Height of the ceiling
  • Height of the front door opening
  • Stair tread depth
  • Height of the mattress and box spring from the floor to the top of the mattress
  • Height of the sofa seat
  • Depth of the sofa seat (front of the sofa to the start of the back cushion)

Part III Analysis and Synthesis

  • Compare the first set of measurements to the second set of measurements and record a minimum of four correlations that you see between your body and your built environment.
  • Sketch the four correlations to illustrate your conclusions. For example, if you make a connection between your foot size and the depth of the stair tread, sketch your foot on the stair tread and explain. The four sketches can be completed on one sheet of paper.***

Final Submission to include:

  1. Self-Measurements
  2. Environment Measurements
  3. Four Correlation Illustration sketches that show your conclusions.


Broward Community College Law Enforcement and American Policing Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Analyze the video based on ONE of the theoretical perspectives Structural functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, or Conflict. The choice is yours. Choose the perspective you are most comfortable with, and along with your notes and textbook analyze the video. Make sure your examples are clear and that your explanations are thorough. Your explanation could seal the deal for you! You must clearly justify why your example is in line with the chosen perspective. DO NOT provide examples about different perspectives. You must choose only one.

Essay thoroughly and effectively answers the question(s). Demonstrates an understanding of the topic. Provided a one page reflection/summary. Analyzed the video based on ONE of the theoretical perspectives Structural functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, or Conflict. Demonstrated use of notes and textbook analyze the video. Provided 3 clear examples from the video PLUS 3 thourough explanations. Response is at least 3-4 pages long.



Future University in Egypt Berlin Blockade Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history discussion question and need support to help me study.

You are to open a discussion with one other classmate on a report of a conflict from any that we have researched and reported on in the assignment section of this weeks work load. You can agree or disagree with them, but it must be a discussion.

This is the post and i want reply for it

This happens to be one of my favorite topics in the Cold War and it’s probably one of the most well known. If you agree with what I said in my report or even if you disagree, tell me why. I enjoy this topic because it leans more into the subject of Berlin’s wall and it talks about the separation in Germany. After World War 2, Europe was a huge mess and they had to fight off communism while trying to restore their home. You get to see the destruction, struggle, and then hope of rebirth for Europe. Berlin was a prime example.

The Berlin Blockade was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. The Soviet Union had blocked Berlin’s railway, cutting off their way of transportation for supplies and food. And during this period, Berlin was divided into four zones of occupation. The Soviet Union agreed to lift the blockade but only if the Western allies agreed to withdraw the newly introduced Deutsche Mark from West Berlin. The Deutsche Mark or ” D-Mark”, was the official currency of West Germany from 1948-1990. The blockade was set by the Soviet Union in hopes of the Western Allies abandoning their post. Although, the allies stayed In West Berlin to show the world that they wouldn’t be intimidated by Russia and to show that they could stand up to communism. The Allies resolve for this conflict was the Berlin Airlift. This meant that food and supplies were transported by aircraft to feed the whole city of West Berlin, including all of the soldiers that were station there, which was rather difficult. The soldiers that were stationed in Berlin during this time were French, British and American soldiers. Its exhausting to even imagine how much supplies and food were transported during the whole period of the blockade. On May 12, 1949, after a long 11 months, Berlin’s Blockade that was set by the Soviet Union came to an end. Be sure to not confuse this with fall of Berlin’s walls or the end of the Cold War. I myself made the mistake of thinking they were the same. However, Berlin’s walls didn’t collapse until November 9th 1989. And the end of separation in Germany (or in Europe) hasn’t come to a complete halt either, due to the infamous Iron Curtain. Which, was the political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War 2 until the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Future University in Egypt Berlin Blockade Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Taibah University Cold War and Reasons for The Conflict Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Attached you will find a list of conflicts that occurred after WWII. Your assignment is to select one conflict from each decade (40s, 50s, 60s and 70s), research that conflict and report on the reasons for those conflicts and your solution as to how it could have been prevented. Make sure that your answers are inclusive of all pertinent information. One to two pages for each report will do. Attached is a list of those conflicts for your research.


Grand Canyon University Social Justice Equity and Community Reinvestment Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me study.

A letter to the editor can be a powerful outlet for voicing opinion on health issues. The length of your letter should be 200-400 words in length. The objective of a letter to the editor is to increase understanding of an urgent public health problem, foster a dialogue around a specific issue involving the author and the community, and provide direction for future action on the issue. For this assignment, select a recent public health policy action at the local, state, or federal level. Prepare a response to the policy action in the form of a letter to the editor. Use the “Guidelines for Preparing a Letter to the Editor” resource and the following criteria to prepare your letter to the editor.

  1. Clearly state your position. Articulate whether you agree or disagree with the chosen policy action (or inaction). Highlight the uniqueness of your opinion so that it is not simply restating the position or opinion in the chosen policy action (or inaction).
  2. Critique the merits of the action. Describe the impact the action will have on health outcomes. Comment on what you would do differently (if you disagree with the action) or highlight why the course of action was appropriate (if you agree with the action). Critique whether the authors have used compelling data to support the action or challenge the action if you disagree. Describe whether the authors have identified criteria to measure the policy action or recommend what you would use as criteria.
  3. Provide recommendations. Propose specific steps that should be taken to strengthen efforts. Offer one or two suggestions, maximum. Avoid statements such as “more funding needed” or “more research needed.”
  4. Use appropriate tone. Use professional language that focuses on the merits of the positions. Do not include language that is disparaging or condescending or include content that is irrelevant to the argument.
  5. Cite references. Include a minimum of one reference and no more than five references.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented


ENGL 1000 The University of Winnipeg The Concept of Community Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

Compare how two of the stories covered on the course develop one of the following themes.

Your essay need not be in essay format but should be written in full sentences. Your answer should be at least 1000 words long and not exceed 1500 words.

1. Slowness

2. Community

3. Borders

4. Loneliness

Part C: Essay

(40 marks, suggested time: 1 hour, 15 minutes)

Answer one of the following essay questions in essay format, ensuring that you have an introduction, a paragraph for each main point, and a conclusion. Your answer should be at least 1500 words long but not exceed 2000 words.

1. All the literary works we have studied this term are self-reflexive in that they draw attention to genre, character, or narrative in a way that suggests they are exploring what it means to tell a story in addition to developing a particular theme. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course reflect on the very process of storytelling.

2. We began this course with a discussion of the importance of literature. Now that you have almost completed the course, you should have a much better sense of why literature is important. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course demonstrate the importance (social, cultural, or otherwise) of literature.

3. As the stories in the last unit of the course demonstrate, genre is neither rigid nor static. Rather, it adheres to some conventions and rejects or revises others, and it changes over time. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course bear the marks of a genre while also challenging some of its conventions.

4. Character study involves examination of a character’s dress and deportment as well as their psychology and encounters with other characters. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories on the course give away important information about character through descriptions of clothing and behaviour.


5. We studied several examples of narration, but we did not study a story written in the second person. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories on the course would take on radically different meanings if written in the second person.


Grand Canyon University Consider the Principle of Social Justice Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me learn.

Consider the following scenario: Your city council has approved the placement of a toxic waste dump in a small, low-income community. The company building the dump has hosted informational meetings, but residents rarely attend and are unaware of the proposal. The approval will bring very little economic benefit to the community. The CEO of the company feels that, since no one attended the meetings, the approval is valid. Do you agree with the CEO’s claim? Why or why not? Consider the principal of social justice and include recommendations for what should have been done prior to the council meeting to ensure that the decision was ethical, fair, and valid. Describe two strategies you would implement to engage this community in advocacy for health equity. 300 words minimum.

[supanova_question] (, PowerPoint, or Word create a time-line and identify at least 7 important historical events that you believe influence sexuality today. Evaluate each of these events according to its significance in history and culture. Place the date, a brief description, or even a video clip of the historical-cultural influence. Please read the grading rubric below for additional guidance with this assignment.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Week 1: Timeline


The Art Institute of Tampa Body Measurements and Engineering PPT Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a engineering case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


Objective: In this assignment, you will compare measurements for the human body to common standard measurements for interior and architectural features.

Measure the following parts of your body using a tape measure or soft tailor tape. Record the measurement to the nearest inch. Your measurements should be expressed in total inches (i.e., 36″ and not 3′-0″).

Part I Self-Measurement:

  • Floor to your knee
  • Floor to your hip
  • Your knee to your hip
  • Floor to your waist
  • Length of your arm from elbow to fingertip
  • Your height
  • Your height with arm fully extended overhead—measure from tip of the longest finger to the floor
  • Floor to your shoulder
  • Length of your foot

In your surroundings, measure the following furniture pieces and architectural items, and record the measurements to the nearest inch. Your measurements should be within an acceptable range and expressed in total inches (i.e., 36″ and not 3′-0″).

Part II Environment Measurement:

  • Height of the kitchen counter
  • Height to the top of the upper kitchen cabinets
  • Height of the dining table
  • Height of the desk
  • Depth of the kitchen counter
  • Height of the ceiling
  • Height of the front door opening
  • Stair tread depth
  • Height of the mattress and box spring from the floor to the top of the mattress
  • Height of the sofa seat
  • Depth of the sofa seat (front of the sofa to the start of the back cushion)

Part III Analysis and Synthesis

  • Compare the first set of measurements to the second set of measurements and record a minimum of four correlations that you see between your body and your built environment.
  • Sketch the four correlations to illustrate your conclusions. For example, if you make a connection between your foot size and the depth of the stair tread, sketch your foot on the stair tread and explain. The four sketches can be completed on one sheet of paper.***

Final Submission to include:

  1. Self-Measurements
  2. Environment Measurements
  3. Four Correlation Illustration sketches that show your conclusions.


Broward Community College Law Enforcement and American Policing Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Analyze the video based on ONE of the theoretical perspectives Structural functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, or Conflict. The choice is yours. Choose the perspective you are most comfortable with, and along with your notes and textbook analyze the video. Make sure your examples are clear and that your explanations are thorough. Your explanation could seal the deal for you! You must clearly justify why your example is in line with the chosen perspective. DO NOT provide examples about different perspectives. You must choose only one.

Essay thoroughly and effectively answers the question(s). Demonstrates an understanding of the topic. Provided a one page reflection/summary. Analyzed the video based on ONE of the theoretical perspectives Structural functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, or Conflict. Demonstrated use of notes and textbook analyze the video. Provided 3 clear examples from the video PLUS 3 thourough explanations. Response is at least 3-4 pages long.



Future University in Egypt Berlin Blockade Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history discussion question and need support to help me study.

You are to open a discussion with one other classmate on a report of a conflict from any that we have researched and reported on in the assignment section of this weeks work load. You can agree or disagree with them, but it must be a discussion.

This is the post and i want reply for it

This happens to be one of my favorite topics in the Cold War and it’s probably one of the most well known. If you agree with what I said in my report or even if you disagree, tell me why. I enjoy this topic because it leans more into the subject of Berlin’s wall and it talks about the separation in Germany. After World War 2, Europe was a huge mess and they had to fight off communism while trying to restore their home. You get to see the destruction, struggle, and then hope of rebirth for Europe. Berlin was a prime example.

The Berlin Blockade was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. The Soviet Union had blocked Berlin’s railway, cutting off their way of transportation for supplies and food. And during this period, Berlin was divided into four zones of occupation. The Soviet Union agreed to lift the blockade but only if the Western allies agreed to withdraw the newly introduced Deutsche Mark from West Berlin. The Deutsche Mark or ” D-Mark”, was the official currency of West Germany from 1948-1990. The blockade was set by the Soviet Union in hopes of the Western Allies abandoning their post. Although, the allies stayed In West Berlin to show the world that they wouldn’t be intimidated by Russia and to show that they could stand up to communism. The Allies resolve for this conflict was the Berlin Airlift. This meant that food and supplies were transported by aircraft to feed the whole city of West Berlin, including all of the soldiers that were station there, which was rather difficult. The soldiers that were stationed in Berlin during this time were French, British and American soldiers. Its exhausting to even imagine how much supplies and food were transported during the whole period of the blockade. On May 12, 1949, after a long 11 months, Berlin’s Blockade that was set by the Soviet Union came to an end. Be sure to not confuse this with fall of Berlin’s walls or the end of the Cold War. I myself made the mistake of thinking they were the same. However, Berlin’s walls didn’t collapse until November 9th 1989. And the end of separation in Germany (or in Europe) hasn’t come to a complete halt either, due to the infamous Iron Curtain. Which, was the political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War 2 until the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Future University in Egypt Berlin Blockade Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Taibah University Cold War and Reasons for The Conflict Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Attached you will find a list of conflicts that occurred after WWII. Your assignment is to select one conflict from each decade (40s, 50s, 60s and 70s), research that conflict and report on the reasons for those conflicts and your solution as to how it could have been prevented. Make sure that your answers are inclusive of all pertinent information. One to two pages for each report will do. Attached is a list of those conflicts for your research.


Grand Canyon University Social Justice Equity and Community Reinvestment Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me study.

A letter to the editor can be a powerful outlet for voicing opinion on health issues. The length of your letter should be 200-400 words in length. The objective of a letter to the editor is to increase understanding of an urgent public health problem, foster a dialogue around a specific issue involving the author and the community, and provide direction for future action on the issue. For this assignment, select a recent public health policy action at the local, state, or federal level. Prepare a response to the policy action in the form of a letter to the editor. Use the “Guidelines for Preparing a Letter to the Editor” resource and the following criteria to prepare your letter to the editor.

  1. Clearly state your position. Articulate whether you agree or disagree with the chosen policy action (or inaction). Highlight the uniqueness of your opinion so that it is not simply restating the position or opinion in the chosen policy action (or inaction).
  2. Critique the merits of the action. Describe the impact the action will have on health outcomes. Comment on what you would do differently (if you disagree with the action) or highlight why the course of action was appropriate (if you agree with the action). Critique whether the authors have used compelling data to support the action or challenge the action if you disagree. Describe whether the authors have identified criteria to measure the policy action or recommend what you would use as criteria.
  3. Provide recommendations. Propose specific steps that should be taken to strengthen efforts. Offer one or two suggestions, maximum. Avoid statements such as “more funding needed” or “more research needed.”
  4. Use appropriate tone. Use professional language that focuses on the merits of the positions. Do not include language that is disparaging or condescending or include content that is irrelevant to the argument.
  5. Cite references. Include a minimum of one reference and no more than five references.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented


ENGL 1000 The University of Winnipeg The Concept of Community Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

Compare how two of the stories covered on the course develop one of the following themes.

Your essay need not be in essay format but should be written in full sentences. Your answer should be at least 1000 words long and not exceed 1500 words.

1. Slowness

2. Community

3. Borders

4. Loneliness

Part C: Essay

(40 marks, suggested time: 1 hour, 15 minutes)

Answer one of the following essay questions in essay format, ensuring that you have an introduction, a paragraph for each main point, and a conclusion. Your answer should be at least 1500 words long but not exceed 2000 words.

1. All the literary works we have studied this term are self-reflexive in that they draw attention to genre, character, or narrative in a way that suggests they are exploring what it means to tell a story in addition to developing a particular theme. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course reflect on the very process of storytelling.

2. We began this course with a discussion of the importance of literature. Now that you have almost completed the course, you should have a much better sense of why literature is important. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course demonstrate the importance (social, cultural, or otherwise) of literature.

3. As the stories in the last unit of the course demonstrate, genre is neither rigid nor static. Rather, it adheres to some conventions and rejects or revises others, and it changes over time. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories covered on the course bear the marks of a genre while also challenging some of its conventions.

4. Character study involves examination of a character’s dress and deportment as well as their psychology and encounters with other characters. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories on the course give away important information about character through descriptions of clothing and behaviour.


5. We studied several examples of narration, but we did not study a story written in the second person. Drawing on close readings of key passages, develop an argument about how three stories on the course would take on radically different meanings if written in the second person.


Grand Canyon University Consider the Principle of Social Justice Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me learn.

Consider the following scenario: Your city council has approved the placement of a toxic waste dump in a small, low-income community. The company building the dump has hosted informational meetings, but residents rarely attend and are unaware of the proposal. The approval will bring very little economic benefit to the community. The CEO of the company feels that, since no one attended the meetings, the approval is valid. Do you agree with the CEO’s claim? Why or why not? Consider the principal of social justice and include recommendations for what should have been done prior to the council meeting to ensure that the decision was ethical, fair, and valid. Describe two strategies you would implement to engage this community in advocacy for health equity. 300 words minimum.


University of Wisconsin Madison Re Setting Education Priorities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

University of Wisconsin Madison Re Setting Education Priorities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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