University of Wisconsin Privilege and Populism with Drugs Substances Paper Humanities Assignment Help. University of Wisconsin Privilege and Populism with Drugs Substances Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need support to help me understand better.
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For this activity, read the article, “Prohibition, Privilege and the Drug Apartheid: The Failure of Drug Policy Reform to Address the Underlying Fallacies of Drug Prohibition” and type answers to the following five essay questions in the available spaces. Due Sunday April 18th before 11pm
The questions to prepare your answers for are as follows:
1) What does the author mean by the term “drug apartheid” (do not simply copy/past the definition – explain fully in your own words)?
2) In general, how does this article relate to or demonstrate evaluation research?
3) In general, how does this article relate to or demonstrate comparative research?
4) In your own words, summarize the authors’ main argument(s).
5) How do you personally feel about the authors’ main argument(s), and how do they compare to what you have previously learned/believe about drugs and drug prohibition?
University of Wisconsin Privilege and Populism with Drugs Substances Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
San Diego State University Philosophy Fallacies & Inductive Reasoning Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need guidance to help me study.
Watch the film Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter (1999) (Links to an external site.), then follow the directions below.
Part I (5 points):
- What two instances of inductive reasoning can you identify in the film? Are they weak or strong? If strong, are they cogent? Explain fully.
- What fallacies can you identify throughout the film? If you had to pick one, what blatant fallacy do you think the film thoroughly explores and in what way(s) is it committed?
- Summarize your thoughts on the documentary: What is the significance of Leuchter’s story? What is the documentary meant to demonstrate?
Part II (3 points):
Review what your fellow students posted in this forum, then respond to a discussion post of your choosing for Part I #3 in 250 (words or more). What are you in agreement with and why? Make sure you cite specific claims or examples from the post you choose to respond to as well as from the film.
Grand Canyon University Nursing Flow Charts & Administrative staff Chart Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing report and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Needs assessment and gap analysis to decrease the length of stay of patients in Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) in the hospital.
Download the Gap Analysis Tool.
Complete the Gap Analysis tool for your project by following the instructions that accompany it.
Create a workflow diagram depicting the current state of the process that you are conducting your needs assessment on. Show every step leading up to the gap in the flow. (See pp. 40–41 of Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse.) You can reference the IHI Flowchart tool to assist you with this assignment.
Create a second workflow diagram depicting the future state (the ideal state that follows best practices) of the process.
Summarize the differences between current practices (current state) and best practices (ideal state) and provide an assessment of the barriers that need to be addressed before successful implementation of best practices can occur. Utilize the workflow diagrams to enhance the relevance of your summary. The gaps are Doctor’s late discharge orders, the pharmacy’s slow and poor Rx processing, and Family/ride not coming on time to pick up a patient. I would like the flow chart something like this.
New England College Difference between the IoT and Regular Internet Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Chapter 13
1. Compare the IoT with regular Internet.
2. Discuss the potential impact of autonomous vehicles on our lives. 3. Why must a truly smart home have a bot?
4. Why is the IoT considered a disruptive technology?
3. AT&T is active in smart city projects. Investigate their activities (solutions). Write a summary. 4. It is said that the IoT will enable new customer service and B2B interactions. Explain how.
List possible training requirements for an SaaS solution integration, a PaaS application migration, and an IaaS application migration.
List and describe budget considerations one should evaluate before moving an application to the cloud.
task 2 need 600 words
MGT 2210 Unit 5 Information Management Within the Enterprise Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Part 1
Based on the last class lessons learned…..what strengths do you have personality-wise to diffuse situations where a project stakeholder with considerable interest is angry with you? How can you use those strengths to turn things around? How can you work directly with the stakeholder and through others to change direction? Think of an example in life where someone was mad at you and how you dealt with in such a way as both parties left the interaction feeling like understanding occurred. Write a post describing the scenario and how you worked through it
Part 2
It’s Friday….
Its month #2 of the CRM implementation project and things are going pretty well. The toughest customer you have…Whit is slowly starting to engage with you and ask questions. Just last week he inquired about the cost and time impacts of expanding the project to include some more mobile app functionality. You spoke-gave him a rough estimate (3 months and 30,000 dollars) and said you’d sure it up later. He asked you to keep it quiet as he was not sure he wanted to add the scope.
As part of the regular update you also disclosed this information to your micro manager boss. You told him the confidential nature.
It’s now Monday….next week
You come into the office still confident in progress. Your in a great mood actually and the weather is good. You even found 20 dollars on the subway.
You sit down and open your email.
There’s an email from Whit. Its filled with anger and poison comments about how you betrayed his trust. He wants you fired and off the project and moreover he has banned you from his floor. What the hell happened?!?!!!!!!!
Your day is ruined and your thining about updating your resume.
You talk to your boss and find out
- He told his boss the coo. Somehow the confidential part was miscommunicated
- The coo mentioned it to the cfo.
- The cfo called Whit complaining about cost overruns on a project that was just starting.
- Whit knows his conversation with you leaked unintentionally but damage done.
What do you do now?
What strategies can you employ to recover the Whit relationship?
What protocols can be put in place to prevent this in the future?
How can you use the organization to help heal?
How do you keep from being fired-Whit is composing a memo now and it will be sent to the head of HR and the coo.
ACC 565 Strayer University Financial Debt versus Equity Financing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management writing question and need support to help me understand better.
Client Letter
Imagine that you are a certified public accountant (CPA) with a new client who needs an opinion on the most advantageous capital structure of a new corporation. Your client formed the corporation in question to provide technology to the medical profession to facilitate compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Your client is very excited by the ability to secure several significant contracts with enough capital.
Use the Internet and Strayer Library to research the advantages and disadvantages of debt for capital formation versus equity for capital formation of a corporation. Prepare a formal letter to the client using as a guide the six-step tax research process in Chapter 1 that was demonstrated in Appendix A on page 7 of your textbook.Write a 1–2 page letter in which you:
- Compare the tax advantages of debt versus equity capital formation of the corporation for the client.
- Recommend to the client whether he or she should use debt or equity for capital formation of the new corporation, based on your research. Provide a rationale for the response.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Create a recommendation for a capital structure approach using an analysis of debt versus equity capital formation.
- By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the
ACC 565 Strayer University Financial Debt versus Equity Financing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Protagonist as An Epic Hero and His Message on Race Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
- Essay Prompt: is the protagonist a hero? Why or why not? What is the protagonist’s message on race?
- An opinion that can be argued; it is obviously the controlling idea of the paper.
- Demonstrates and develops claim; uses standard rhetorical devices.
All support offered is consistent with paper’s claim and purpose.
Lively and original. Relationship between support and claim/purpose is clear and consistent.
UCSD Skin Irritation Distribution & Determinants Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
ONE problem with background or a reference,
ONE contributing factor aka Determinant aka the WHY
ONE way to map/study the relationship aka the Distribution aka the WHERE
Please don’t do a huge overview of the problem. DO NOT just review someone else’s study. Find a problem YOU find interesting. Think of something YOU think might be a factor that contributes to it. Then link it up. Intervention strategies are not needed.
For an environmental factor example, you could pick smog (environment) and asthma rates of admission.
Problem: asthma Determinant: smog Distribution Map: map out air quality with asthma hospital admissions in different counties
For a community factor, I recall studying mapping the lack of grocery stores in poor neighborhoods contributing to health outcomes due to lack of access to vegetables.
Problem: obesity in lower socioeconomic groups Determinant: lack of fresh fruit/veggies Distribution Map: map out grocery vs convenience stores in areas with high and low home values to see if lack of access to fresh produce may contribute to obesity
You can even pick something positive!
Problem suicide rate Determinant community support Distribution Map: map out the number of worship houses in an area and compare it to the suicide rate reported in those areas..
Don’t think too hard! Use those reasons you are taking a class in public health and pick something that interests you!
George Mason University Software Developer at Unified Infotech Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a management writing question and need support to help me learn.
This is an individual assignment and any form of collaboration . Please submit your paper on or by the due date.
- Do a search on Project Management job requirement and job specifications in at least four companies that are in different industries. (25 points)
- What are the similarities and differences?
- What did you learn from this research?
- What PM skill do you need to develop (25 points)
- How will you go about developing these skills?
- Do you think PM’s skills are transferable from one company to another?
University of South Africa Personal Off Weighting Resistance System Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing Other and need support to help me understand better.
FUNCTION: In technical detail, explain what it is that specifically your design will accomplish. Define any movement, mechanical, energy, or fluid. Is energy being stored? How? This should be direct to the point and no more than a 5 sentence paragraph. Use technical terms and write as if an advanced mechanical engineer will be reading.
CONSTRAINTS: State all constraints in list form. These are quantitative constraints. Weights, movement, energy, electrical power requirements, fluids, material properties, stiffness, deflections, frequencies, springs and anything that can be a measurable quantity.
– I will send you more details about my project later.