University of Wyoming Cultural Diversity Interview Process Discussion Writing Assignment Help. University of Wyoming Cultural Diversity Interview Process Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a writing project and need guidance to help me understand better.
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(10 points for each question 100 points)
In order to complete this paper assignment, students will interview a person of another culture or ethnicity. Ideally the person should be from a cultural or ethnic experience that differs from yours, but in some cases, interviewing an older family member can be illuminating as well. The interview should include the following information on the person interviewed. The idea is to learn new things, and expose yourself to information that you previously did not have experience with. There are two sections to this assignment, your interview and your interpretation of the interview in terms of your experience, in other words data on the person you interviewed, and data on you are the interviewer. Not only should your paper have an Introduction and Conclusion, the Body of your paper should be divided into various subheadings that cover the specific information being discussed for both Section 1 and 2 of your paper.
You may change the name of the person you are interviewing and use an alias if you wish. Please be sure to explain to the person you are interviewing that this is an exercise in learning more about other peoples cultures and experiences as part of the fulfillment of your Cultural Diversity course.
Section 1: On the person being Interviewed
1) Description of ethnic background – Eritrean, Ethiopian, Peruvian, or it may be a mixture, such as African and Spanish, Norwegian and Swedish, German and English.
2) History of coming to the USA. Historic background of how the people your interviewee has ties with came to be in the United States; when and why they came (were they immigrants or refugees, motivated by dreams of a better life, or running from oppression or poverty); the journey to this country, including any circumstances you consider significant. You may focus on a particular circumstance / event or you may choose to cover and discuss the more general circumstances of others of the ethnic group that the person you are interviewing belongs to. This section of your paper is substantial and should contain citations and sources because you are doing background research on history.
3) Reception of the members of the ethnicity by other Americans. To what degree were there immigration policies, restrictive or exclusionary policies which affected the opportunities of the newcomers? To what degree did they encounter discrimination or encouragement in their new communities?
4) Aspects or characteristics of the person’s ethnic background that are salient or important to them and their family; what features, such as the humor, the food, family relations, patterns of communication and childrearing, etc. contribute to the person’s way of thinking and being and those of others of their ethnic background?
5) Strengths. What strengths can the person trace to their ethnic background? (In some cases, these may be best observed through family values).
Section 2: Questions for the Interviewer (you the student)
In addition to the above questions regarding the person you interviewed, please answer the following in regards to your interviewing experience:
1) What were your feelings/emotions as you put yourself in the situation of interviewing the person for this assignment?
2) Reflect on how your group membership, race, and/or other factors influenced the ways you interpreted the experience.
3) Did any common themes about race /ethnicity appear during the course of your completing the assignment? Discuss what you think were the meanings of these themes.
4) If applicable, what were the aspects of white privilege that you did or did not observe or experience during the interview (this could be anything from a story told by the person who you were interviewing, to how you may have been viewed by the person etc.)? If anything came up, in your opinion, what were reasons why these occurred in those situations?
5) What did you learn about society/race/minority status, etc. AND yourself as a result of doing this paper?
Grading Criteria
This is a formal essay. Since you are writing about another person and your experiences, you will not be graded so much on the substance as you will on whether you followed the directions for the assignment. So be sure to do these things:
1. Submit your paper on-time, and meet the formatting requirements for the paper. The Interview paper should be 7 – 8 pages. Please follow the listed formatting: 12-point font, 1inch margins, 1.5 (between 1.0 and 2.0) spaced and essay-format. See my policy on late assignments.
2. The paper must have at least 4 citation sources for the background and history section (Questions 1 and 2). Be sure to construct both your interview and the questions to yourself as a formal paper.
3. Proofread your paper flawlessly, and write a grammatically correct paper.
4. Your paper should have a specific title relevant to the content of your paper – i.e., not just “Paper #1.” The paper must be uploaded in .doc, .docx, or .pdf to CANVAS.
5. Show me that you gave this some careful thought, in the context of topics presented and discussed in this class.
University of Wyoming Cultural Diversity Interview Process Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Blue Mountain College My Dream to Be Part of Intellectuals of World Application Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
- Application essay – general introduction and purposes
- Essay instructions
- Annotated sample essay
- Another annotated sample essay
- Tips for choosing a creative work
- Discussion board to help you get/share ideas
- Instructions/place for uploading final version of essay
Application Essay General introduction and Purposes
Application Essay General introduction and Purposes
General introduction: In this unit, you will write an essay that fits the prompt for a scholarship or admission to a university. The essay will show the scholarship or application committee your critical thinking skills and let them get to know you better.Purpose:
- Even if you never apply to a university or a scholarship, being able to showcase a good quality about yourself in a specific, memorable way is a crucial skill in job interviews and in cover letters. You will also need this skill when applying for promotions.
Important notes:- As always, work hard on this assignment and get started right away.
- Keep this essay after you leave this class. You might end up using some or most of it in an actual application.
Application Essay Assignment
Attached Files:
application essay instructions.docx application essay instructions.docx – Alternative Formats (23.246 KB)
Follow these guidelines carefully (students who do have much stronger essays):- The essay instruction sheet is the attached Microsoft Word file above.
- You won’t remember all of the essay instructions with one or two read-throughs, so have the instructions in front of you throughout the writing process.
- If you can, print out the instructions, so you don’t have to go back and forth between screens.
- If you don’t have a printer, download the instructions onto your computer. Then copy and paste all the words from the instructions onto a blank sheet in Microsoft Word. Do your prewriting and draft on this page. That way, when you’re working, you don’t have to go back and forth between screens. When you’re ready to turn in your essay, delete the instructions from the document.
- Follow the instructions very closely. To be fair to everyone, I have to grade by them. Students who follow them closely earn higher grades.
- Actually use the instructions as a checklist. (I’m glad my boss doesn’t have to chase me down to redo work because I’m careful the first time. Just like everyone, I occasionally make mistakes, but no one likes having to deal with carelessness in a supervisee.)
- Read the sample essays while comparing them to the instruction sheet. It will help you understand the assignment more deeply.
- Sometimes students rush through writing essays. However, students who take the time first to understand the assignment and then use the reading and writing processes from the Groundwork unit are much better off long term.
Sample student application essay: “Seeing Beyond the Surface”
Sample student application essay: “Seeing Beyond the Surface”Attached Files:
Another strong sample essay
Attached Files:
Tips for choosing a creative work
Tips for choosing a creative work
- Choose one specific creative work. It must be a work that you haven’t already written about for this class.
- Past students have written successfully about songs, books, short stories, poems, movies, a character from any type of story (including a character from a comic), paintings, and photographs.
- Calling a person a “creative work” doesn’t fit the spirit of the assignment.
- Choosing something that you already love and connect with will help you go into depth.
- Don’t search the Internet for inspirational works.
- Instead, brainstorm in writing about things you love.
- Related to #2, avoid choosing an unmemorably worded inspirational quote because you just like the idea the quote is conveying:
For instance, here a quote from Ben Carson: “Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams.” The idea is pretty general, and I don’t find its wording special; therefore, I can’t write well about why this particular quote is special. In the past when students have chosen generic-sounding inspirational quotes, they haven’t written good essays.
- Avoid the cliches of application essays: Some amazing individuals from history have, unfortunately, been written about way too often in application essays. Quotes by them are also overused.
Examples: Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Helen Keller, Gandhi, Rosa Parks. Honestly, I haven’t read a good essay about works by any of these figures yet. I’m not forbidding you from writing about any works by them; I’m just warning you that many, many students have used them as “default” subjects, and that’s a big mistake because their essays tend to be too broad.
- Remember that you are going to focus on one aspect of the creative work, so you can be specific.
- Notice how both sample essays do this.
- Another example: If I were going to write about a book that I love, Flora & Ulysses, I would focus on how the book celebrates the opportunities for unexpected connections throughout our lives. My first body paragraph would be about how the book beautifully develops this theme (I’d describe one great example of how the story conveys this message). My second body paragraph would tell a short story about how I have tried to be open to unexpected connections. I wouldn’t list all the ways I try to do this because that would make for boring reading. (Avoid lists.) Instead, I’d go into depth about one example.
- In your essay, explain what you need to, so someone who isn’t familiar with the creative work can understand your points. At the sample time, leave out what you don’t need. In other words, if you are writing about a movie’s theme, don’t give every plot point of the movie. Focus just on the part(s) you need to make your point.
Discussion Board: Application Essay
Discussion Board: Application Essay
Purpose:This discussion board will help you share and get ideas for your essay.
Here’s how you go to the discussion:
1. Click on the bold heading above “Discussion Board: Application Evaluation.”2. Click on the thread title “Instructions and Sample Responses.”3. Click “Reply” and write your response. 4. You are also welcome to respond to 1-3 of your classmates’ ideas. Above all, be especially polite because tone can be hard to interpret in writing.
Application Essay: Upload Final Version of Your Essay Here
Here's how to upload the final version of your essay:
1. Click on the bold heading above next to the icon of the piece of paper with a pencil and a ruler across it.2. Scroll down to "Assignment Submission" and click "Browse My Computer."
3. Find your Microsoft Word file of your essay and click "Open" to attach it.
4. Click "Submit."
5. Make sure your essay has truly uploaded before you leave the page.
Note: If you need to upload your essay more than once (for instance, if you uploaded the wrong version the first time) before the deadline, you can. Click on the button “Start New” and follow the instructions above. Unless you tell me otherwise, I’ll grade the last version you uploaded.
NSG 468 University of Phoenix Regulatory Agencies & Accrediting Bodies Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
This assignment is designed to give you a greater understanding of regulatory agencies and accreditation bodies, including their functions, public reporting requirements, and the how they impact quality and safety.
Select and evaluate a regulatory agency or accrediting body.
- Discuss the history of the agency or body.
- Explain the reason for its existence.
- Summarize the agency’s public reporting of quality indicators:
- Frequency
- Where they are reported
- Why public reporting of these metrics is important
- Explain how the agency or body operates:
- Current function
- Organizational structure
- Governance
- Analyze the impact the agency or body has on quality at each level of health care:
- Health care organizations
- Nursing practice
- Patient care
Cite at least two sources in an APA-formatted reference page.
Format your assignment as one of the following:
- 18- to 20-slide presentation
- 875-word paper
DEP 2004 Rasmussen College Mod 5 Treatment Plan in Elderly Depression Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a environmental science report and need support to help me learn.
Module 05 Assignment – Depression in the Elderly
Assignment Content
University of Central Lancashire Spider Man Into the Spider Verse Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
The superhero Spider-Man reflects the values of the era it was created (1962), but the story has also changed to meet society’s current beliefs. In this discussion, we will chat about Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and explore how superheroes reflect the changing values of different time periods in American society.
Step 1 – Discuss Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Now that you have watched Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, I would like you to reflect on the film’s main points and begin analyzing how the characters in the film reflect modern American values. Please number your responses.
- Which Spider-Character is your favorite? Why?
- Miles says that “anyone can wear the mask.” What does this quote mean, and how does it illustrate the theme/message of the film?
- Choose one of the Spider-Characters, and explain how the character illustrates ONE cultural value that is important to American society today. Some examples of cultural values you may want to discuss are: justice, freedom, responsibility/duty, team building, multiculturalism, diversity, feminism, leadership, honor, friendship/family.
- Which film, TV show, or comic book are you planning to use as your primary source in the Unit 4 Essay? Why did you choose this film, TV show, or comic book? Why is this superhero important to you?
Abraham Lincoln Reptile Temperature Dependent Sex Determination Article Summary Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a genetics exercise and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Write a summary of a provided article. The paper should be in a way where non science students/scientists can understand it.
How to write a good layperson translation paper from a peer-reviewed article
Communicating science to a non-scientist can be difficult. The goal of this exercise is to get you to choose a paper from the peer-reviewed literature, on an approved topic in genetics, and translate this paper into an ~2 page paper in the style of a NY Times science times article, which could be read by anyone.
The paper is attached.
Abraham Lincoln Reptile Temperature Dependent Sex Determination Article Summary Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Los Angeles Pierce College Top Layer of the Grand Canyon Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a geology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
please respond to this prompt with the following information:
Paragraph 1:
Pay attention: How much time is represented from the top of the Grand Canyon to the bottom?
Apply your knowledge: What principle of stratigraphy is demonstrated at the Grand Canyon?
Name at least 1 environment that used to characterize Arizona. What evidence do we have for that environment?
Paragraph 2:
Choose another segment from this program (Clips 3-16).
Which segment did you watch?
What did the clip help you understand better?
Would you recommend this clip to your classmates?
after the prompt please reply to the TWO other posts with the following content :
- Fact-check their first paragraph. Do you agree with the information they posted? Is there anything they misunderstood, left out, or could improve upon in their answers?
- Would you be interested in watching the extra segment they watched, regardless of whether they recommend it? Why or why not?
San Diego University San Diego Museum of Arts collection Virtual Visit Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a art writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
- Explore the San Diego Museum of Art’s collection. For this assignment, we’ll visit a local Museum: The San Diego Museum of Art (this is the only choice of Museum for this assignment). You have two options: visit virtually or in-person.
- Option 1 – Virtual Visit. Take a free online tour – check the tour calendar on the San Diego Museum of Art’s web site (Links to an external site.). If you can’t make a tour, you can also browse exhibitions from the Museum’s homepage (Links to an external site.). It’s free, you won’t have to pay a dime to do a virtual visit.
- Option 2 – In-Person Visit. The Museum is now open (hooray!), so if you can make the trip to Balboa Park, go for it. This is the preferred method if you can make the time, as there’s nothing like visiting art in-person. Just check the Museum’s web site (Links to an external site.) for hours and Covid-related info. Student discounted admission is $8 with an ID (or free for San Diego residents every third Tuesday of the month but you’ll need to confirm that before you go). Also, museum admission is FREE for first responders!
- Select a work of art for your Museum assignment. After your virtual or in-person tour, explore the Museum’s collection further through viewing current exhibitions on the homepage (Links to an external site.), browsing the collection online, (Links to an external site.)or wandering through the galleries if you go in-person. Then select a work of art that you would like to analyze. You do not need to know a whole lot about the artist or the work of art yet (no need for research yet) but it would be helpful to read any online materials or watch videos about the work of art/artist if offered on the Museum website or on the wall label next to the work of art (bookmark the page so you can return to it later when working on the rest of your Museum Paper assignment).
- Write your discussion prompt according to the following criteria:
- Explain your visit — did you go on a tour? Did you visit online? What was the experience like?
- List the artist, title, date, and medium of the work of art you selected.
- Write a few sentences on WHY you chose that particular work of art. What drew you to it? What do you like/dislike/want to know more about?
- Now begin a formal analysis on the work of art. Identify the elements of art/principles of design that stand out to you the most. Choose at least 2 elements and 2 principles that you’ll discuss. Write a short statement discussing how the artist has employed those elements/principles and to what effect. Make sure this is entirely in your own words, from your own observation (don’t copy any label information word-for-word from the Museum web site as that would be plagiarism and will result in a grade of 0).
- Then, list at least one other mode of analysis (biographical, feminist, gender, race, sexuality, psychological, iconographic, contextual) you think you will most likely use to analyze this work of art further. You do NOT need to go into an in-depth analysis at this point — just identify which mode of analysis you think might apply the work of art based on what you know so far (you can always change your mind when you begin writing your full Museum paper assignment later). For example, if you chose a work by Artemisia Gentileschi, you could select contextual, biographical and/or feminist).
NSG 468 Wk 2 Regulatory Agencies and Accrediting Bodies Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing question and need guidance to help me learn.
This assignment is designed to give you a greater understanding of regulatory agencies and accreditation bodies, including their functions, public reporting requirements, and the how they impact quality and safety.
Select and evaluate a regulatory agency or accrediting body.
- Discuss the history of the agency or body.
- Explain the reason for its existence.
- Summarize the agency’s public reporting of quality indicators:
- Frequency
- Where they are reported
- Why public reporting of these metrics is important
- Explain how the agency or body operates:
- Current function
- Organizational structure
- Governance
- Analyze the impact the agency or body has on quality at each level of health care:
- Health care organizations
- Nursing practice
- Patient care
Cite at least two sources in an APA-formatted reference page.
Format your assignment as one of the following:
- 18- to 20-slide presentation
- 875-word paper
- Rubric attached
DEP 2004 Rasmussen College Mod 5 Managing Symptoms of Menopause Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a environmental science report and need support to help me study.
Module 05 Assignment – Menopause
Assignment Content
[supanova_question] wandering through the galleries if you go in-person. Then select a work of art that you would like to analyze. You do not need to know a whole lot about the artist or the work of art yet (no need for research yet) but it would be helpful to read any online materials or watch videos about the work of art/artist if offered on the Museum website or on the wall label next to the work of art (bookmark the page so you can return to it later when working on the rest of your Museum Paper assignment).
- Explain your visit — did you go on a tour? Did you visit online? What was the experience like?
- List the artist, title, date, and medium of the work of art you selected.
- Write a few sentences on WHY you chose that particular work of art. What drew you to it? What do you like/dislike/want to know more about?
- Now begin a formal analysis on the work of art. Identify the elements of art/principles of design that stand out to you the most. Choose at least 2 elements and 2 principles that you’ll discuss. Write a short statement discussing how the artist has employed those elements/principles and to what effect. Make sure this is entirely in your own words, from your own observation (don’t copy any label information word-for-word from the Museum web site as that would be plagiarism and will result in a grade of 0).
- Then, list at least one other mode of analysis (biographical, feminist, gender, race, sexuality, psychological, iconographic, contextual) you think you will most likely use to analyze this work of art further. You do NOT need to go into an in-depth analysis at this point — just identify which mode of analysis you think might apply the work of art based on what you know so far (you can always change your mind when you begin writing your full Museum paper assignment later). For example, if you chose a work by Artemisia Gentileschi, you could select contextual, biographical and/or feminist).