UofM Effect of Industrialization on Economic Development Strategies Pursued by States Paper Writing Assignment Help

UofM Effect of Industrialization on Economic Development Strategies Pursued by States Paper Writing Assignment Help. UofM Effect of Industrialization on Economic Development Strategies Pursued by States Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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Write an essay of no more than 1500 words (roughly 5 double spaced pages with 1” margins) that addresses the following questions:

How does the timing of industrialization affect the economic development strategies pursued by states? In your answer, compare at least two case studies from the assigned readings (e.g., UK, Germany, Russia, Japan, Brazil, or Nigeria) and describe how the timing of industrialization impacted the economic and political regimes established in each case (make sure to identify the ideology and economic development strategy in each case). What policy lessons do these cases suggest for states that are currently less-developed and seeking to develop economically?

Due Date: The paper is due by 11:59pm, July 14, 2019 and must be submitted electronically on Canvas.

Grading Rubric: The papers will be graded based on the following criteria:

Grading Criteria


Does the paper accurately identify arguments regarding the impacts of the timing of industrialization?

A – Excellent B – overall good, with some weak areas C – majority poor D – inadequate


Does the paper provide accurate evidence from two case studies?

A – Excellent B – overall good, with some weak areas C – majority poor D – inadequate


Does the paper accurately describe the political-economic ideology and economic development strategies of at least two cases?

A – Excellent B – overall good, with some weak areas C – majority poor D – inadequate


Does the paper make a clear argument regarding the policy implications for current less-developed states?

A – Excellent B – overall good, with some weak areas C – majority poor D – inadequate


Is the paper logically organized and well written (i.e., writing is clear and grammatically correct)?

A – Excellent B – overall good, with some weak areas C – majority poor D – inadequate


UofM Effect of Industrialization on Economic Development Strategies Pursued by States Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

4 Paragraph Intentional Learning Paper Humanities Assignment Help


In a 4-paragraph essay that is two to three pages in length, address the following:

  • Paragraph 1 (Introduction): Your book defines learning as, “Taking in the world around you through your senses, making sense of it, and responding appropriately.” In your own words, explain what this means. Then, because the goal of this course is to help you become more intentional, describe what it means to be an intentional learner. Consider what you’ve read in Chapters 1 and 2 (both chapters uploaded below for you) as you formulate your response.
  • Paragraph 2: Now that you’ve explained what it means to be an intentional learner, identify two examples from your life (personal, professional, or academic) and describe how you approached them with intention. (my examples below)
  • 1st example from my academic life: pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Social and Criminal Justice
  • 2nd example from my personal life: working on my body while pursuing bodybuilding
  • Paragraph 3: Share your LCI (Learning Connections Inventory) scores (my scores listed below) and level of use for each Learning Pattern (also below next to scores). Do you feel the results accurately reflect your thoughts, feelings, and actions for each Pattern? Explain why or why not. Review the tables 2.1-2.4 in Chapter 2 for descriptions of each Pattern.
  • Sequence-29 (USE-FIRST level)
  • Precision-20 (USE-AS NEEDED level)
  • Technical Reasoning-22 (USE-AS NEEDED level)
  • Confluence-19 (USE-AS NEEDED level)
  • Paragraph 4 (Conclusion): We use our Learning Patterns in all areas of our life. Describe how having an awareness of your Learning Patterns can help you in each of the following areas: at home, in school, and at work.

Academic assignments typically have formatting requirements. For this assignment, it is suggested that your work is double spaced and written using Times New Roman 12-point font. Plagiarism will NOT be accepted. Please write in your OWN words.

Carefully review your essay before you submit and consider these questions:

  • Did you write four paragraphs, as specified in the assignment instructions? Paragraphs are typically a minimum of four sentences.
  • Was each paragraph organized to effectively cover what was asked for in the instructions?
  • Did you double check spelling, grammar, punctuation, and organization?


ANTH270 University of Michigan Carbon Dating Paper Writing Assignment Help

Total word count for this assignment 550-650

For this week, answer ONE !!! of the following questions.

1) Select one analytical method discussed in the readings and find additional references and sources on the web. Write 1-2 pages discussing the selected technique including what the data tells us about past diet, subsistence, or the environment.

2) Select one material type (bone, shell, wood, stone, etc..) and discuss the types of artifacts that are made. Be sure to use several examples of artifacts types and discuss the functions they would have served.

3) Review the weblink and short documentary related to Kennewick Man. Write 1-2 pages discussing why Kennewickman is significant and the controversy surrounding the discovery of his remains.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to watch:


Student Reply Posts Writing Assignment Help

I need two separate reply posts for the students post I have attached. I have also attached the instructions for the original initial posts for reference. The reply posts should be in a discussion format so as to create a conversation of sorts between me and the student that is being responded to. The two posts should not have a reference to the other students posts. I had this assignment done by another tutor, and they did not understand that. The responses do not need to be analysis of how the student exactly wrote. PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me for ANY clarification. The instructions for the reply posts are within those as well. I highlighted those though. I have attached a PDF of what the RISE model is if you don’t know

Week One Discussion: Intrusion Case Analysis

Discussion Board Overview

  • Read the case Deteresa v. ABC (9th Cir. 1997)
  • Examine the questions below, and craft one initial post and at least two response posts

Discussion Board Goals

  • Recognize trespass and limitations in regard to ac­cessing private property
  • Determine methods to avoid being accused of intrusion offenses
  • Recognize when to prepare video, photo, and audio re­lease forms


Initial post (at least 400 words of thoughtful analysis):

Read the case, , and answer the following questions. Upload your post to the Week One Discussion Board on FSO.

  • Did Anthony Radziwill show his press credentials when he approached the front door of Beverly Deteresa?
  • What did Deteresa tell Radziwill?
  • Where was the camera crew when they taped the conversation?
  • What did Deteresa do when she found out she was recorded without her approval and that ABC did not need her permission to air the footage?
  • Why was Radziwill/ABC not held liable for the following: (1) unlawful eavesdropping on or recording of confidential communications; (2) physical intrusion on solitude or into private affairs; (3) violation of federal eavesdropping statute; (4) fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud?
  • Do you think it made a difference in the outcome that ABC only aired 5 seconds of the videotape but never broadcast the audiotape?
  • What would you have done differently to avoid the lawsuit?

Response post (at least 100 words per response):

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts, using the RISE model as your guide – Reflect, Inquire, Suggest, and Elevate. (I have attached a PDF of what the RISE model is if you don’t know.)

Discussion due Dates and Guidelines

  • Response post must be at least 100 words per response
  • Any outside sources must be properly cited
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors before uploading your posts


watch video and answer the question Writing Assignment Help

To earn those extra-credit points, each student should write at least a one page, single-spaced paper (minimum of 1 page report, Times New Roman font, size 12,) about the speaker’s presentation provided in the video and about how the company or experiences described by the speaker illustrate or relate to class concepts. In other words, your assignment has to describe how the speaker and his/her company are using the concepts we have learned in class. It is not a summary of the presentation.

In order to earn the most points, please make sure to use at least 4 concepts, (not just broad subjects like for instance: management, planning, organization, or leadership; by now you should know a lot more of each subject, so be more specific. For instance, describe the main managerial skills you think the speaker had used. Describe and argue the type of behavioral leadership you think she is using at her company or the characteristics of a leader that she has shown. Make sure you clearly underline and bold the concepts used in your analysis. Do not underline a whole paragraph, that shows you don’t differentiate concepts or vocabulary from the explanation, example, or analysis that you are providing.



anthropology writing paper -04 Writing Assignment Help

Total word count for this assignment 550-650

For this week, answer ONE !!! of the following questions.

1) Select one analytical method discussed in the readings and find additional references and sources on the web. Write 1-2 pages discussing the selected technique including what the data tells us about past diet, subsistence, or the environment.

2) Select one material type (bone, shell, wood, stone, etc..) and discuss the types of artifacts that are made. Be sure to use several examples of artifacts types and discuss the functions they would have served.

3) Review the weblink and short documentary related to Kennewick Man. Write 1-2 pages discussing why Kennewickman is significant and the controversy surrounding the discovery of his remains.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to watch:

anthropology writing paper -04 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

i will mentioned everthing in below requirement Computer Science Assignment Help

we have two projects one is research paper and the other one is project paper

the research paper topic is robotics and applications in education


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 10 points
  • Paper – 20 points
    • Introduction (your proposal content)
    • Literature Review – 10 pages
    • Conclusion- 2 pages
    • Recommendation – 2 pages
    • References
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(apa format)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper
  • References

the other one is project paper challenges in application migration to ms windows at bnsf


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 5 points
  • Paper – 10 points
    • Introduction (your proposal goes inhere)
    • Analysis/Observations/Discovery of Facts – 3/5 pages
    • Business Benefits (ROI) – 1 pages
    • Project Proposal – 5/7 pages
      • Plan
      • Tasks/Activities to be performed
      • Resources (people, types/skills levels)
      • Schedule/Budget
      • Estimated Cost
    • Conclusion/Recommendation – 1/2 pages
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(apa format)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper


project work i will mentioned everything in below requirements Computer Science Assignment Help

we have two people and we want two projects for each one is research paper and the other one is project paper

for first person the research paper topic is robotics and application in education and the other one for project paper topic is challenges in application migration to ms windows at bnsf.

for second person the research paper topic is cloud computing technology and application(a comparison major vendors) and the other one for project paper topic is implementing ethical marketing at walmart for global growth (walmart is a supermarket used as a realtime example)

below mentioned the requirement format and everthing


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 10 points
  • Paper – 20 points
    • Introduction (your proposal content)
    • Literature Review – 10 pages
    • Conclusion- 2 pages
    • Recommendation – 2 pages
    • References
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(format in apa)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper
  • References


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 5 points
  • Paper – 10 points
    • Introduction (your proposal goes inhere)
    • Analysis/Observations/Discovery of Facts – 3/5 pages
    • Business Benefits (ROI) – 1 pages
    • Project Proposal – 5/7 pages
      • Plan
      • Tasks/Activities to be performed
      • Resources (people, types/skills levels)
      • Schedule/Budget
      • Estimated Cost
    • Conclusion/Recommendation – 1/2 pages
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(format in apa)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper


anthropology writing paper -05 Writing Assignment Help

Total word count for this assignment 550-650

For this week, answer ONE !!! of the following questions.

1) Select one analytical method discussed in the readings and find additional references and sources on the web. Write 1-2 pages discussing the selected technique including what the data tells us about past diet, subsistence, or the environment.

2) Select one material type (bone, shell, wood, stone, etc..) and discuss the types of artifacts that are made. Be sure to use several examples of artifacts types and discuss the functions they would have served.

3) Review the weblink and short documentary related to Kennewick Man. Write 1-2 pages discussing why Kennewickman is significant and the controversy surrounding the discovery of his remains.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to watch:


Art history class simple questions Writing Assignment Help

Question 1: Write a historical analysis on the Theotokos from the Hagia Sophia in which you describe the historical time in which this image was created and how that helps us to understand the image better. Again, this might be your only chance to practice writing a historical analysis before the final project so do your absolute best work and I will provide A LOT OF FEEDBACK and there will be an opportunity to re-write after grading.

Question 2: Write a contextual analysis, in which you explain how:

Nizami, The Caliph Harun al-Rashid in the Bath (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Khamsa (Makhzan al-Asrar), 1584, manuscript made of Ink, opaque watercolor and gold on paper, 40.1 x 26.1 cm, Harvard, Boston

represents its particular social, historical, and cultural climate, considering the subject matter, iconography, and the function of the object, using examples to support the response.

Again, this might be your only chance to practice writing a contextual analysis before the final project so do your absolute best work and I will provide A LOT OF FEEDBACK and there will be an opportunity to re-write after grading.

Question 3:

Make a comparison and a contrast between :

Left: Saint Matthew from the Coronation Gospels (Gospel Book of Charlemagne), c. 800-810, ink and tempera on vellum (Schatzkammer, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna); right: Saint Matthew from the Ebbo Gospels(Gospel Book of the Archbishop of Reims), c. 816-35, ink and tempera on vellum (Bibliothèque Municipale, Épernay)


https://anyessayhelp.com/, and answer the following questions. Upload your post to the Week One Discussion Board on FSO.

  • Did Anthony Radziwill show his press credentials when he approached the front door of Beverly Deteresa?
  • What did Deteresa tell Radziwill?
  • Where was the camera crew when they taped the conversation?
  • What did Deteresa do when she found out she was recorded without her approval and that ABC did not need her permission to air the footage?
  • Why was Radziwill/ABC not held liable for the following: (1) unlawful eavesdropping on or recording of confidential communications; (2) physical intrusion on solitude or into private affairs; (3) violation of federal eavesdropping statute; (4) fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud?
  • Do you think it made a difference in the outcome that ABC only aired 5 seconds of the videotape but never broadcast the audiotape?
  • What would you have done differently to avoid the lawsuit?

Response post (at least 100 words per response):

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts, using the RISE model as your guide – Reflect, Inquire, Suggest, and Elevate. (I have attached a PDF of what the RISE model is if you don’t know.)

Discussion due Dates and Guidelines

  • Response post must be at least 100 words per response
  • Any outside sources must be properly cited
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors before uploading your posts


watch video and answer the question Writing Assignment Help

To earn those extra-credit points, each student should write at least a one page, single-spaced paper (minimum of 1 page report, Times New Roman font, size 12,) about the speaker’s presentation provided in the video and about how the company or experiences described by the speaker illustrate or relate to class concepts. In other words, your assignment has to describe how the speaker and his/her company are using the concepts we have learned in class. It is not a summary of the presentation.

In order to earn the most points, please make sure to use at least 4 concepts, (not just broad subjects like for instance: management, planning, organization, or leadership; by now you should know a lot more of each subject, so be more specific. For instance, describe the main managerial skills you think the speaker had used. Describe and argue the type of behavioral leadership you think she is using at her company or the characteristics of a leader that she has shown. Make sure you clearly underline and bold the concepts used in your analysis. Do not underline a whole paragraph, that shows you don’t differentiate concepts or vocabulary from the explanation, example, or analysis that you are providing.



anthropology writing paper -04 Writing Assignment Help

Total word count for this assignment 550-650

For this week, answer ONE !!! of the following questions.

1) Select one analytical method discussed in the readings and find additional references and sources on the web. Write 1-2 pages discussing the selected technique including what the data tells us about past diet, subsistence, or the environment.

2) Select one material type (bone, shell, wood, stone, etc..) and discuss the types of artifacts that are made. Be sure to use several examples of artifacts types and discuss the functions they would have served.

3) Review the weblink and short documentary related to Kennewick Man. Write 1-2 pages discussing why Kennewickman is significant and the controversy surrounding the discovery of his remains.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to watch:

anthropology writing paper -04 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

i will mentioned everthing in below requirement Computer Science Assignment Help

we have two projects one is research paper and the other one is project paper

the research paper topic is robotics and applications in education


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 10 points
  • Paper – 20 points
    • Introduction (your proposal content)
    • Literature Review – 10 pages
    • Conclusion- 2 pages
    • Recommendation – 2 pages
    • References
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(apa format)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper
  • References

the other one is project paper challenges in application migration to ms windows at bnsf


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 5 points
  • Paper – 10 points
    • Introduction (your proposal goes inhere)
    • Analysis/Observations/Discovery of Facts – 3/5 pages
    • Business Benefits (ROI) – 1 pages
    • Project Proposal – 5/7 pages
      • Plan
      • Tasks/Activities to be performed
      • Resources (people, types/skills levels)
      • Schedule/Budget
      • Estimated Cost
    • Conclusion/Recommendation – 1/2 pages
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(apa format)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper


project work i will mentioned everything in below requirements Computer Science Assignment Help

we have two people and we want two projects for each one is research paper and the other one is project paper

for first person the research paper topic is robotics and application in education and the other one for project paper topic is challenges in application migration to ms windows at bnsf.

for second person the research paper topic is cloud computing technology and application(a comparison major vendors) and the other one for project paper topic is implementing ethical marketing at walmart for global growth (walmart is a supermarket used as a realtime example)

below mentioned the requirement format and everthing


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 10 points
  • Paper – 20 points
    • Introduction (your proposal content)
    • Literature Review – 10 pages
    • Conclusion- 2 pages
    • Recommendation – 2 pages
    • References
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(format in apa)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper
  • References


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 5 points
  • Paper – 10 points
    • Introduction (your proposal goes inhere)
    • Analysis/Observations/Discovery of Facts – 3/5 pages
    • Business Benefits (ROI) – 1 pages
    • Project Proposal – 5/7 pages
      • Plan
      • Tasks/Activities to be performed
      • Resources (people, types/skills levels)
      • Schedule/Budget
      • Estimated Cost
    • Conclusion/Recommendation – 1/2 pages
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(format in apa)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper


anthropology writing paper -05 Writing Assignment Help

Total word count for this assignment 550-650

For this week, answer ONE !!! of the following questions.

1) Select one analytical method discussed in the readings and find additional references and sources on the web. Write 1-2 pages discussing the selected technique including what the data tells us about past diet, subsistence, or the environment.

2) Select one material type (bone, shell, wood, stone, etc..) and discuss the types of artifacts that are made. Be sure to use several examples of artifacts types and discuss the functions they would have served.

3) Review the weblink and short documentary related to Kennewick Man. Write 1-2 pages discussing why Kennewickman is significant and the controversy surrounding the discovery of his remains.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to watch:


Art history class simple questions Writing Assignment Help

Question 1: Write a historical analysis on the Theotokos from the Hagia Sophia in which you describe the historical time in which this image was created and how that helps us to understand the image better. Again, this might be your only chance to practice writing a historical analysis before the final project so do your absolute best work and I will provide A LOT OF FEEDBACK and there will be an opportunity to re-write after grading.

Question 2: Write a contextual analysis, in which you explain how:

Nizami, The Caliph Harun al-Rashid in the Bath (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Khamsa (Makhzan al-Asrar), 1584, manuscript made of Ink, opaque watercolor and gold on paper, 40.1 x 26.1 cm, Harvard, Boston

represents its particular social, historical, and cultural climate, considering the subject matter, iconography, and the function of the object, using examples to support the response.

Again, this might be your only chance to practice writing a contextual analysis before the final project so do your absolute best work and I will provide A LOT OF FEEDBACK and there will be an opportunity to re-write after grading.

Question 3:

Make a comparison and a contrast between :

Left: Saint Matthew from the Coronation Gospels (Gospel Book of Charlemagne), c. 800-810, ink and tempera on vellum (Schatzkammer, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna); right: Saint Matthew from the Ebbo Gospels(Gospel Book of the Archbishop of Reims), c. 816-35, ink and tempera on vellum (Bibliothèque Municipale, Épernay)


https://anyessayhelp.com/, and answer the following questions. Upload your post to the Week One Discussion Board on FSO.

  • Did Anthony Radziwill show his press credentials when he approached the front door of Beverly Deteresa?
  • What did Deteresa tell Radziwill?
  • Where was the camera crew when they taped the conversation?
  • What did Deteresa do when she found out she was recorded without her approval and that ABC did not need her permission to air the footage?
  • Why was Radziwill/ABC not held liable for the following: (1) unlawful eavesdropping on or recording of confidential communications; (2) physical intrusion on solitude or into private affairs; (3) violation of federal eavesdropping statute; (4) fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud?
  • Do you think it made a difference in the outcome that ABC only aired 5 seconds of the videotape but never broadcast the audiotape?
  • What would you have done differently to avoid the lawsuit?

Response post (at least 100 words per response):

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts, using the RISE model as your guide – Reflect, Inquire, Suggest, and Elevate. (I have attached a PDF of what the RISE model is if you don’t know.)

Discussion due Dates and Guidelines

  • Response post must be at least 100 words per response
  • Any outside sources must be properly cited
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors before uploading your posts


watch video and answer the question Writing Assignment Help

To earn those extra-credit points, each student should write at least a one page, single-spaced paper (minimum of 1 page report, Times New Roman font, size 12,) about the speaker’s presentation provided in the video and about how the company or experiences described by the speaker illustrate or relate to class concepts. In other words, your assignment has to describe how the speaker and his/her company are using the concepts we have learned in class. It is not a summary of the presentation.

In order to earn the most points, please make sure to use at least 4 concepts, (not just broad subjects like for instance: management, planning, organization, or leadership; by now you should know a lot more of each subject, so be more specific. For instance, describe the main managerial skills you think the speaker had used. Describe and argue the type of behavioral leadership you think she is using at her company or the characteristics of a leader that she has shown. Make sure you clearly underline and bold the concepts used in your analysis. Do not underline a whole paragraph, that shows you don’t differentiate concepts or vocabulary from the explanation, example, or analysis that you are providing.



anthropology writing paper -04 Writing Assignment Help

Total word count for this assignment 550-650

For this week, answer ONE !!! of the following questions.

1) Select one analytical method discussed in the readings and find additional references and sources on the web. Write 1-2 pages discussing the selected technique including what the data tells us about past diet, subsistence, or the environment.

2) Select one material type (bone, shell, wood, stone, etc..) and discuss the types of artifacts that are made. Be sure to use several examples of artifacts types and discuss the functions they would have served.

3) Review the weblink and short documentary related to Kennewick Man. Write 1-2 pages discussing why Kennewickman is significant and the controversy surrounding the discovery of his remains.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to watch:

anthropology writing paper -04 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

i will mentioned everthing in below requirement Computer Science Assignment Help

we have two projects one is research paper and the other one is project paper

the research paper topic is robotics and applications in education


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 10 points
  • Paper – 20 points
    • Introduction (your proposal content)
    • Literature Review – 10 pages
    • Conclusion- 2 pages
    • Recommendation – 2 pages
    • References
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(apa format)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper
  • References

the other one is project paper challenges in application migration to ms windows at bnsf


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 5 points
  • Paper – 10 points
    • Introduction (your proposal goes inhere)
    • Analysis/Observations/Discovery of Facts – 3/5 pages
    • Business Benefits (ROI) – 1 pages
    • Project Proposal – 5/7 pages
      • Plan
      • Tasks/Activities to be performed
      • Resources (people, types/skills levels)
      • Schedule/Budget
      • Estimated Cost
    • Conclusion/Recommendation – 1/2 pages
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(apa format)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper


project work i will mentioned everything in below requirements Computer Science Assignment Help

we have two people and we want two projects for each one is research paper and the other one is project paper

for first person the research paper topic is robotics and application in education and the other one for project paper topic is challenges in application migration to ms windows at bnsf.

for second person the research paper topic is cloud computing technology and application(a comparison major vendors) and the other one for project paper topic is implementing ethical marketing at walmart for global growth (walmart is a supermarket used as a realtime example)

below mentioned the requirement format and everthing


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 10 points
  • Paper – 20 points
    • Introduction (your proposal content)
    • Literature Review – 10 pages
    • Conclusion- 2 pages
    • Recommendation – 2 pages
    • References
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(format in apa)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper
  • References


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 5 points
  • Paper – 10 points
    • Introduction (your proposal goes inhere)
    • Analysis/Observations/Discovery of Facts – 3/5 pages
    • Business Benefits (ROI) – 1 pages
    • Project Proposal – 5/7 pages
      • Plan
      • Tasks/Activities to be performed
      • Resources (people, types/skills levels)
      • Schedule/Budget
      • Estimated Cost
    • Conclusion/Recommendation – 1/2 pages
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(format in apa)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper


anthropology writing paper -05 Writing Assignment Help

Total word count for this assignment 550-650

For this week, answer ONE !!! of the following questions.

1) Select one analytical method discussed in the readings and find additional references and sources on the web. Write 1-2 pages discussing the selected technique including what the data tells us about past diet, subsistence, or the environment.

2) Select one material type (bone, shell, wood, stone, etc..) and discuss the types of artifacts that are made. Be sure to use several examples of artifacts types and discuss the functions they would have served.

3) Review the weblink and short documentary related to Kennewick Man. Write 1-2 pages discussing why Kennewickman is significant and the controversy surrounding the discovery of his remains.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to watch:


Art history class simple questions Writing Assignment Help

Question 1: Write a historical analysis on the Theotokos from the Hagia Sophia in which you describe the historical time in which this image was created and how that helps us to understand the image better. Again, this might be your only chance to practice writing a historical analysis before the final project so do your absolute best work and I will provide A LOT OF FEEDBACK and there will be an opportunity to re-write after grading.

Question 2: Write a contextual analysis, in which you explain how:

Nizami, The Caliph Harun al-Rashid in the Bath (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Khamsa (Makhzan al-Asrar), 1584, manuscript made of Ink, opaque watercolor and gold on paper, 40.1 x 26.1 cm, Harvard, Boston

represents its particular social, historical, and cultural climate, considering the subject matter, iconography, and the function of the object, using examples to support the response.

Again, this might be your only chance to practice writing a contextual analysis before the final project so do your absolute best work and I will provide A LOT OF FEEDBACK and there will be an opportunity to re-write after grading.

Question 3:

Make a comparison and a contrast between :

Left: Saint Matthew from the Coronation Gospels (Gospel Book of Charlemagne), c. 800-810, ink and tempera on vellum (Schatzkammer, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna); right: Saint Matthew from the Ebbo Gospels(Gospel Book of the Archbishop of Reims), c. 816-35, ink and tempera on vellum (Bibliothèque Municipale, Épernay)


https://anyessayhelp.com/, and answer the following questions. Upload your post to the Week One Discussion Board on FSO.

  • Did Anthony Radziwill show his press credentials when he approached the front door of Beverly Deteresa?
  • What did Deteresa tell Radziwill?
  • Where was the camera crew when they taped the conversation?
  • What did Deteresa do when she found out she was recorded without her approval and that ABC did not need her permission to air the footage?
  • Why was Radziwill/ABC not held liable for the following: (1) unlawful eavesdropping on or recording of confidential communications; (2) physical intrusion on solitude or into private affairs; (3) violation of federal eavesdropping statute; (4) fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud?
  • Do you think it made a difference in the outcome that ABC only aired 5 seconds of the videotape but never broadcast the audiotape?
  • What would you have done differently to avoid the lawsuit?

Response post (at least 100 words per response):

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts, using the RISE model as your guide – Reflect, Inquire, Suggest, and Elevate. (I have attached a PDF of what the RISE model is if you don’t know.)

Discussion due Dates and Guidelines

  • Response post must be at least 100 words per response
  • Any outside sources must be properly cited
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors before uploading your posts


watch video and answer the question Writing Assignment Help

To earn those extra-credit points, each student should write at least a one page, single-spaced paper (minimum of 1 page report, Times New Roman font, size 12,) about the speaker’s presentation provided in the video and about how the company or experiences described by the speaker illustrate or relate to class concepts. In other words, your assignment has to describe how the speaker and his/her company are using the concepts we have learned in class. It is not a summary of the presentation.

In order to earn the most points, please make sure to use at least 4 concepts, (not just broad subjects like for instance: management, planning, organization, or leadership; by now you should know a lot more of each subject, so be more specific. For instance, describe the main managerial skills you think the speaker had used. Describe and argue the type of behavioral leadership you think she is using at her company or the characteristics of a leader that she has shown. Make sure you clearly underline and bold the concepts used in your analysis. Do not underline a whole paragraph, that shows you don’t differentiate concepts or vocabulary from the explanation, example, or analysis that you are providing.



anthropology writing paper -04 Writing Assignment Help

Total word count for this assignment 550-650

For this week, answer ONE !!! of the following questions.

1) Select one analytical method discussed in the readings and find additional references and sources on the web. Write 1-2 pages discussing the selected technique including what the data tells us about past diet, subsistence, or the environment.

2) Select one material type (bone, shell, wood, stone, etc..) and discuss the types of artifacts that are made. Be sure to use several examples of artifacts types and discuss the functions they would have served.

3) Review the weblink and short documentary related to Kennewick Man. Write 1-2 pages discussing why Kennewickman is significant and the controversy surrounding the discovery of his remains.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to watch:

anthropology writing paper -04 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

i will mentioned everthing in below requirement Computer Science Assignment Help

we have two projects one is research paper and the other one is project paper

the research paper topic is robotics and applications in education


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 10 points
  • Paper – 20 points
    • Introduction (your proposal content)
    • Literature Review – 10 pages
    • Conclusion- 2 pages
    • Recommendation – 2 pages
    • References
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(apa format)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper
  • References

the other one is project paper challenges in application migration to ms windows at bnsf


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 5 points
  • Paper – 10 points
    • Introduction (your proposal goes inhere)
    • Analysis/Observations/Discovery of Facts – 3/5 pages
    • Business Benefits (ROI) – 1 pages
    • Project Proposal – 5/7 pages
      • Plan
      • Tasks/Activities to be performed
      • Resources (people, types/skills levels)
      • Schedule/Budget
      • Estimated Cost
    • Conclusion/Recommendation – 1/2 pages
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(apa format)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper


project work i will mentioned everything in below requirements Computer Science Assignment Help

we have two people and we want two projects for each one is research paper and the other one is project paper

for first person the research paper topic is robotics and application in education and the other one for project paper topic is challenges in application migration to ms windows at bnsf.

for second person the research paper topic is cloud computing technology and application(a comparison major vendors) and the other one for project paper topic is implementing ethical marketing at walmart for global growth (walmart is a supermarket used as a realtime example)

below mentioned the requirement format and everthing


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 10 points
  • Paper – 20 points
    • Introduction (your proposal content)
    • Literature Review – 10 pages
    • Conclusion- 2 pages
    • Recommendation – 2 pages
    • References
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(format in apa)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper
  • References


  • Proposal/Idea – 1 page, 5 points
  • Paper – 10 points
    • Introduction (your proposal goes inhere)
    • Analysis/Observations/Discovery of Facts – 3/5 pages
    • Business Benefits (ROI) – 1 pages
    • Project Proposal – 5/7 pages
      • Plan
      • Tasks/Activities to be performed
      • Resources (people, types/skills levels)
      • Schedule/Budget
      • Estimated Cost
    • Conclusion/Recommendation – 1/2 pages
  • PPTs – 7/8 pages(format in apa)


  • Proposal
  • Paper
  • PPTs

All deliverables must follow APA style and Plagiarism rules.

Final paper content:

  • Cover page
  • Table of Contents
  • Paper


anthropology writing paper -05 Writing Assignment Help

Total word count for this assignment 550-650

For this week, answer ONE !!! of the following questions.

1) Select one analytical method discussed in the readings and find additional references and sources on the web. Write 1-2 pages discussing the selected technique including what the data tells us about past diet, subsistence, or the environment.

2) Select one material type (bone, shell, wood, stone, etc..) and discuss the types of artifacts that are made. Be sure to use several examples of artifacts types and discuss the functions they would have served.

3) Review the weblink and short documentary related to Kennewick Man. Write 1-2 pages discussing why Kennewickman is significant and the controversy surrounding the discovery of his remains.

Please copy and paste this link into your browser to watch:


Art history class simple questions Writing Assignment Help

Question 1: Write a historical analysis on the Theotokos from the Hagia Sophia in which you describe the historical time in which this image was created and how that helps us to understand the image better. Again, this might be your only chance to practice writing a historical analysis before the final project so do your absolute best work and I will provide A LOT OF FEEDBACK and there will be an opportunity to re-write after grading.

Question 2: Write a contextual analysis, in which you explain how:

Nizami, The Caliph Harun al-Rashid in the Bath (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Khamsa (Makhzan al-Asrar), 1584, manuscript made of Ink, opaque watercolor and gold on paper, 40.1 x 26.1 cm, Harvard, Boston

represents its particular social, historical, and cultural climate, considering the subject matter, iconography, and the function of the object, using examples to support the response.

Again, this might be your only chance to practice writing a contextual analysis before the final project so do your absolute best work and I will provide A LOT OF FEEDBACK and there will be an opportunity to re-write after grading.

Question 3:

Make a comparison and a contrast between :

Left: Saint Matthew from the Coronation Gospels (Gospel Book of Charlemagne), c. 800-810, ink and tempera on vellum (Schatzkammer, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna); right: Saint Matthew from the Ebbo Gospels(Gospel Book of the Archbishop of Reims), c. 816-35, ink and tempera on vellum (Bibliothèque Municipale, Épernay)


UofM Effect of Industrialization on Economic Development Strategies Pursued by States Paper Writing Assignment Help

UofM Effect of Industrialization on Economic Development Strategies Pursued by States Paper Writing Assignment Help

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