UOTP Maintaining Effectiveness Ensuring Accountability Presentation Writing Assignment Help. UOTP Maintaining Effectiveness Ensuring Accountability Presentation Writing Assignment Help.
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Consider the following scenario:
Your team is a group of consultants chartered with evaluating a criminal justice organization and making recommendations for maintaining and improving effectiveness. Your team must present a summary of your findings to the management of the organization.
Select a criminal justice organization with which you are familiar.
Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you include the following:
- A description of the organization and its products or services, including the mission statement.
- An analysis of the organization’s culture as it relates to being a high performance organization.
- A critique of the organization’s overall effectiveness and whether its change and innovation processes support effectiveness. Include examples of processes to support your position.
- Suggestions for how to maintain effectiveness if the organization is effective. If the organization is ineffective, make recommendations for how to improve it.
- An explanation of whether you think the organization will survive.
This is a team assignment the only bullet point I have to do is the fourth one. My team will take care of the rest. 2-3 slides should be good enough with proper citations and references. Please provide detailed speaker notes for each slide with no plagiarism. Thank you!
UOTP Maintaining Effectiveness Ensuring Accountability Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Email to Phoebe Buffay Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Content Scenario:
You are the manager of the packing department. A memo from headquarters announces that the maximum merit salary increase (i.e., a raise when no promotion is involved), is 6%.
You have a subordinate who, you feel, deserves a bigger raise. A year ago, Sheila Whitfield was promoted into the pre-label division of your packing department. She quickly became proficient in her duties – so much so that now others ask her for advice. You especially like her positive approach to solving problems. She sees obstacles as challenges and more often than not figures out ways to do what needs to be done within the constraints provided. On her own initiative, she started a program to make others in the company aware of the expense of labels and shipping to better control costs. The program has been very successful, and the company has saved money while still using clear, informative labels with adequate packaging. She has excellent working relationships with label suppliers and her counterparts in other companies.
In her most recent performance appraisal, Sheila had 14 out of 21 boxes checked “Exceptional” (the other seven were “Commendable”, the next highest category). Her overall ranking was “Exceptional.” Indeed, the only two suggestions for improvement were minor ones:
- Continue to be aggressive, but temper the aggressiveness with diplomacy;
- Continue to expand responsibility in current position.
Write an email to Phoebe Buffay, the Salary Compensation Committee chairperson, recommending that an exception to the rules be made so that Sheila can be given an 8% raise.
Addtional information:
-Correct email formatting
–Add/include any details necessary that make your message more effective (information the manager would have in this type of situation”
-Include the subject line and date before beginning your message.
The Morning Star Lattice Structure Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the case study “The Morning Star’s Lattice Structure” in Chapter 14 of our text. In a 2 page analysis, respond to all of the questions provided. Support your ideas with sources in addition to the text. Cite all sources, including your textbook, using the standard APA format. Include a title page, case summary, headings and conclusion in APA 7 format.
- How would working for Morning Star be different from working at a traditional, bureaucratic company? What would be the most positive and negative aspects of the experience?
- Do you think the lattice structure is best for Morning Star? Can you identify another structure that might be more appropriate for the company’s culture of empowerment and self-management?
- Where do you think this type of lattice structure would be ineffective? What would make this type of structure inappropriate or difficult to implement? Attached Case study week6.PNG for reference.
Your second article review is due this week. Select one of the articles you intend to use as a reference for the final project. Write a 2 page paper that describes the article’s main point and its value – or lack thereof – to your research. Describe what you learned from the article and how it relates to your case study.
Attached Reference list.docx for your reference.
You can refer to any article about the case study from outside
For 2nd paper you can refer the attached reference bibliography
Statistics Question Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a statistics question and need a sample draft to help me study.
I need help on Monday for 1 hour to solve statisitic problems.
sample question
irlines sometimes overbook flights. Suppose that for a plane with 50 seats, 55 passengers have tickets. Define the random variable Y as the number of ticketed passengers who actually show up for the flight. The probability mass function of Y appears in the accompanying table.
y | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 |
p(y) | 0.05 | 0.10 | 0.13 | 0.14 | 0.26 | 0.15 | 0.06 | 0.05 | 0.03 | 0.02 | 0.01 |
(a) What is the probability that the flight will accommodate all ticketed passengers who show up?
(b) What is the probability that not all ticketed passengers who show up can be accommodated?
(c) If you are the first person on the standby list (which means you will be the first one to get on the plane if there are any seats available after all ticketed passengers have been accommodated), what is the probability that you will be able to take the flight?
What is this probability if you are the third person on the standby list?
University of the Cumberland Ethical Leadership Impact on Job Satisfaction Response Computer Science Assignment Help
Ethical Leadership
Ethic leadership its impacts on the organizational culture
Today’s organizations are operating in a highly competitive and changing environment that continuously pushes them to adapt their organizational structures to such an environment. However, the success of change initiatives may face a barrier in employees’ response, especially when they lack the readiness to change (Bratton, 2020). In this sense, ethical leaders have distinctive characteristics that can have an extraordinary influence on shaping an organizational culture of effectiveness, conceptualized as the shared assumptions, beliefs, and values that affect employees’ attitudes and behaviors in a way that drives point.
dimensions of ethical leadership
Business leaders and decision-makers often have to balance various demands and ethical imperatives. Sometimes there is no way to make a decision that is entirely agreeable to all parties involved (Agashae & Bratton, 2015). However, by being aware of your leadership role’s ethical impact, you can make the best decisions possible — not only for your business but also for your well-being and the well-being of those around you.
Failures in ethical leadership
We show that ethical leadership positively influences employees’ ethical behavior, and this relationship is shaped by organizational justice. The findings reflect the positive impact of organizational justice on ethical behavior, and this relationship is more pronounced in employees with high rather than low (Agashae & Bratton, 2015). A positive culture enriches the experience of a firm, and a negative one diminishes it. Organizations with positive, virtuous ethical cultures enjoy bottom-line and top-line benefits, including Higher employee job satisfaction—increased legal compliance and rule-following. Ethical leadership can promote employee engagement, increase productivity and enhance brand reputation.
Organizations that engage in ethical behavior can attract customer loyalty by staying true to their mission statements and organizational values. Culture delineates how the function is going on, and the general populations are dealt with inside the association (Bratton, 2020). “. A set creates hierarchical culture, pretty much sound or enunciated, of qualities, implications, practices, and authoritative works on speaking to the fundamental filter in deciphering the 174 association’s world fulfill the capacity of conduct introduction in the organization. It is growing, fundamentally, in a typical arrangement.
UNB Conserving Impure Public Goods and Its Incentives Essay Writing Assignment Help
4-page paper (typed, double spaced, 12 Arial font, 1” margins) discussing incentives to conserve marine biodiversity conservation within the framework of impure public goods. The intent of the assignment to ensure that you understand the conceptual framework for the rest of the class. Discuss what an impure public good is, the types of externalities associated with impure public goods, the technology of public good supply (best shot, weakest link, etc.), and the types of economic incentives (positive and negative) that are created for impure public goods with different technologies of public good supply.
UNB Conserving Impure Public Goods and Its Incentives Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UOM Communication Deficit and Lack of a Team Approach Discussion Writing Assignment Help
High-quality, thoughtful, and appropriate responses to the discussion question prompts are expected. For complete, high-quality analysis, each of these written work products should approximate 5 pages using 1-inch margins, double-spacing, and 12-point font, and APA formatting. The paper must include a cover and a reference page. You should properly cite any material sourced from research.
Read The Healthcare Quality Book, Chapter 1. Page 33, Case Study 1: Mr. Roberts and the US Healthcare System. It turns out the Mr. Roberts is your Dad and you are the CEO of the health system where he receives his “less than ideal’ care! You are embarrassed that any patient would experience any of the five examples of sub-par quality recounted in the case study. As the CEO, you are resolved to quickly get to the bottom of the problems so you can lead your system in delivering consistent high-quality care. Where to start?
- Pick any three of the five case study examples of quality gaps (i.e., problem effects). The paper will separately analyze each of your three selections, as follows.
- From the facts given in the case study, for each of your three quality gap selections:
- Sketch a simple cause-and-effect/fishbone diagram (See Exhibit 1.4) summarizing categories of various potential causes, including any subcomponents, that are driving the problem effects. Develop at least two logical “cause branches” in your diagram.
- For each category/subcomponent “cause branch” of your diagram, provide a complete, concise analysis of your thinking about how such causes might impact the selected quality gap experienced by your Dad.
- Then, in line with your preceding analysis, for each category/subcomponent “cause branch” of your diagram, frame an initial set of Five Why questions you would like your health system personnel to answer. Your goal in developing the thoughtful Five Why questions is to prompt a deeper drill down by your team into the proximal conditions of each “cause branch” contributing to the selected quality gap.
Be creative. Feel free to express and explain clever assumptions if helpful where factual details in the case study are limited.
ELM 250 Clayton Wk4 Classroom Procedures Rules Rewards and Consequences Template Humanities Assignment Help
Classroom Procedures, Rules, Consequences, and Rewards |
Students and teachers need to have procedures for everything based on the needs of the particular class. Establishing classroom procedures, rules, consequences, and reward systems help to optimize time for instruction and allows the learning environment to operate efficiently.
In this assignment, you will create Section 3 “Classroom Procedures” and the Section 4 “Rules, Consequences, and Reward Systems.”
Part 1: Classroom Procedures
Use the “Class Profile” as a sample class of students for your selected grade level and complete the “Procedures , Rules, Consequences, and Rewards” template.
- Five procedures, including one procedure addressing students’ safe and responsible use of technology
- The purpose of each procedure
- Procedure steps and activities
- When each procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced
- Assessment and feedback
Below your procedures write a 100-150 word rationale explaining how procedures minimize distractions and maximize instructional time.
Part 2: Rules, Consequences, and Rewards
List five rules and five consequences for your future classroom that include:
- Classroom behavior rules that create a safe and productive learning environment
- Explanation of your consequences in action,
- Description of where and how you will document the consequences.
- Explanation of your personal reward system.
Support your writing with a minimum of 2-3 scholarly resources.
While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Review Chapter 6 and read Chapter 11.
Review the ISTE Standards·E.
Read “Cool Tools for School” Twenty-First Century Tools for Student Engagement” located in the GCU library.
Read “Your Beginning of the Year Checklist” located in the GCU library.
Arizona State University Importance Of Stakeholder Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
***This is my current project right below this. Questions are followed right after***
Just a couple of weeks ago I was paired with a learning manager to help with a training project. We are brainstorming and designing new ways to make training for new managers at my job more effective and an all around more enjoyable and more enjoyable. My current company is Amazon working as an Area Manager.
- Have you identified all the stakeholders? Who else could this project impact?
The stakeholders are the learning team, new and current managers, warehouse associates and the customers.
2.What are some strength-based mechanisms for getting input from stakeholders?
At my company we rely heavily on surveys because they are really fast, convenient, and they can be submitted anonymously if the person who is taking the test wants their identity to be complete. All new managers go through something called AD1 currently which is a week of new hire training that consists of a lot of seminars and chime meetings that allow for space to voice any concerns or any questions that someone would like to be addressed.
3.What about the under-represented voices? How will you engage them?
Another thing that we do at my company is something called “Round Tables” which is essentially is a Virtual(for time-being) meeting between multiple individuals with the General Manager and HR BPs included. They are kind of as a safety net. They allow for transparent conversations in order to get raw and true feedback about how the company is doing all around. I have participated in quite a few of them and they have been really helpful. Any concern that I have expressed, has been addressed immediately.
Please assist with the following question and incorporate this into a 1-2 page APA style paper
- Read the article, “Stakeholder Analysis: Winning Support for Your Projects (Links to an external site.)“
- Then identify a project in your current work where you need to identify your stakeholders.
- Next, complete the Stakeholder Analysis using the, Mindtools Stakeholder Analysis App (Links to an external site.).
- Once you have completed steps 1, 2, and 3, write a 1-2 page reflection. Reflections should answer at least 2 of the bulleted items below.
- Have you identified all the stakeholders? Who else could this project impact?
- What are some strength-based mechanisms for getting input from stakeholders?
- What about the under-represented voices? How will you engage them?
SIM PATH 410 ASU Healthcare Delivery and Quality Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help
Activity 4
Healthcare Delivery and Quality Case Study
Landmark studies To Err is Human (1999) and Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001) from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) identified medical errors are causing harm and death to almost 45,000 Americans and costing over $29 billion every year. Other studies have indicated preventable healthcare associated conditions (HACs) such as infections, sepsis, CHF, and pneumonia are main contributors for increasing the length of patient stays, the cost of care, and the likelihood of mortality (death).
Consider the below case study:
Margret Spinner-Ramirez is a 66 y/o female Hispanic-American who speaks both Spanish and English fluently. She is retired, lives alone, and has Medicaid as her primary insurance. Ms. Spinner-Ramirez was scratched by a stray cat that she feeds on her back porch daily. She has been cleaning the wound daily; however, after 2 days she went to her local ER for increased pain, redness, and swelling in her left lower leg wound where she was scratched by the stray cat. Ms. Spinner-Ramirez explained she recently had her left knee replaced about 6 months ago and verbalized new difficulty with baring weight on that extremity to the point that she was having to use her cane again. Her vital signs at the ER visit were stable. Her left leg wound was cleaned and redressed. After 5 hours in the ER, Ms. Spinner-Ramirez was discharged to home on oral Keflex for her left lower leg infection and was instructed to call her primary care physician for a follow-up appointment. Five days later Ms. Spinner-Ramirez was taken back to the same ER via ambulance. Her neighbor found her lethargic, short of breath, and was experiencing difficulty being able to move. A CT scan and blood work revealed that Ms. Spinner-Ramirez’s knee replacement in her left leg was infected secondary to the cat scratch. She was admitted as an inpatient for sepsis. She needed to have a second left knee replacement surgery with wound irrigation and debridement, which extended her inpatient stay to 3 weeks. Once she was discharged to home, she required six weeks of IV antibiotics, extensive rehab, and home health.
If you were in charge of a healthcare insurance company:
- Explain why insurance companies (which are considered payers) should or should not pay (reimburse) for injuries, extended costs, readmissions, or death (mortality) from a hospital-acquired infection or medical error. Support your why or why not?
- Describe two ways (initiatives) healthcare quality can be improved to help reduce errors and improve patient safety.
- Discuss how creating incentives for providers (healthcare organizations) can improve quality and reimbursements (payments) for services/care.
- Understanding Health Insurance
- What’s Behind the Health Insurance Rankings
- Hospitals will have to Pay for their Mistakes
- Medical Errors: Focusing More on What and Why, Less on Who
- National Business Coalition on Health: Health Care Purchaser Toolkit
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Additional Instructions:
- All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
- Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
- Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
- Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
- Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.
Submission Options:
Choose One: |
Instructions: |
Paper |
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation |
Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation |
Video Presentation |
Table |
Graphs or other illustrations |
Poster |
Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements. Baccalaureate Generalist will discuss the impact of universal health insurance coverage and explain the role of healthcare finance and controlling cost of healthcare services. Description: Healthcare Delivery and Quality Case Study Area Gold Silver Bronze Unacceptable Mastery Acceptable Developing
UOTP Maintaining Effectiveness Ensuring Accountability Presentation Writing Assignment Help
UOTP Maintaining Effectiveness Ensuring Accountability Presentation Writing Assignment Help