US Government and Politics Explain, why judges, who are not popularly elected, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help. US Government and Politics Explain, why judges, who are not popularly elected, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help.
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I just need a paragraph answer to each one of these questions: 1. Explain,
why judges, who are not popularly elected, have such wide authority to
strike down popular laws; why do judges have such enormous power with so
little public accountability? Why does the U.S. have such an
undemocratic institution in its democracy? 2. Do you think Justices should act according to the dictums of judicial activism or judicial restraint? You will want to include direct references to Meese and Brennan in your response. 3. Pretend
you are a Supreme Court Justice who must render a decision in either
Lee v. Tam or Gloucester County School Board v. G.G.. Both cases are
currently before the
Supreme Court. I want you to act as a S.C. Justice and, drawing on
what you have already in this assignment, the U.S. Constitution, and
other relevant course materials, render a decision. How would you
rule? Why? On what are you basing your decision? Which parts of the
Constitution or other documents are relevant? Remember you are acting
as a justice, not simply expressing your personal opinions.
US Government and Politics Explain, why judges, who are not popularly elected, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Embedded design project, C language programming, Engineering homework help Engineering Assignment Help
You will be required to design, build and test a microcontroller based project. You will also be required to produce a technical report based on the project design, build and test. The project will be programmed using Assembly or Embedded C languages, whichever you are more confident writing. When choosing a project, you will need to consider the availability of hardware, the time you have available to you and your programming skills. You may search around the internet for some Microcontroller based project ideas.
An example of small scale Project:
Fig.1 represents a very simple application that can be developed using microcontrollers:
Fig. 1 Programmed Calculator
• There are three inputs: Input A, Input B and Select in the figure. There are four functionalities provided to the user i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
• There is one output in the system (i.e. result) which will vary according to the functionality selected by the user.
• The select input decides the function to be executed by the microcontroller on Input A and Input B. The detailed functionality is explained in the table 1
Select Functionality Input A Input B Result
1 Sum x y x + y
2 Subtract x y x – y
3 Multiply x y x * y
4 Division x y x / y
Table 1
In this example we assume, the inputs are taken using push buttons on EB083 Combo Board shown in Fig 2 while the output is validated using seven segment display on EB083 Combo Board. However the students are open to:
• Program any functionality using C language in microcontroller. Do not stick to the same example explained above
• Use any interface for inputs. For example, the slide switches and switch matrix can also be used as a source for taking inputs from the user instead of push buttons
• Use any interface for showing output. For example, LED’s and LCD can also be utilized as a source for displaying output instead of seven segment display
It should work using MPLAB software with pic18f4520 code and EB083 Combo Board (shown in the picture).
HEADERS should be:
#pragma config OSC = HS //set osc mode to HS high speed clock
#pragma config WDT = OFF // set watchdog timer off
#pragma config LVP = OFF // Low Voltage Programming Off
#pragma config DEBUG = OFF // Compile without extra Debug compile Code
/* Include Files */
#include <p18f4520.h> // Device used is the PICF4520
#include <delays.h> // Include the delays routines
A lot of money is going to be changing hands while the fair is running, math homework help Mathematics Assignment Help
A lot of money is going to be changing hands while the fair is running, so knowing how to work with percents is going to be really important. Whether it’s sales tax, discounts or sales, the staff of the fair need to understand what is going on when percents enter into the picture.
In this module, you will be working on how we work through a percent problem as easily as possible. Many of us remember the basics of percents, so we’re just going to springboard off of that and show you some more intuitive ways of working with them.
Activity 1: Team Discussion
Even at a County Fair you still have to collect State sales tax on items sold. So a $1.50 hot dog won’t be just $1.50 but will have tax added to it. Also, near the end of each day vendors often discount items, even ride tickets to sell as much as possible that day. As a member of the committee for the Fair, you will need to determine how much sales tax you will need to collect to send to the State. You will also need to think about discounted tickets to encourage more ticket sales and whether you want to make any other discounts on the final day of the fair.
Even at a County Fair you still have to collect State sales tax on items sold. So a $1.50 hot dog won’t be just $1.50 but will have tax added to it. Also, near the end of each day vendors often discount items, even ride tickets to sell as much as possible that day. As a member of the committee for the Fair, you will need to determine costs and income projected for the fair. You will also need to think about discounted tickets to encourage more ticket sales and whether you want to make any other discounts on the final day of the fair.
Discuss how you will solve this problem. What additional resources and information do you need? How will you explain your solution to the committee?
Activity 2: Percents and Decimals
With a partner work through the Module 8 Instructions on What is a percent and percents and decimals.
Then each partner should make up a list of decimals and percents. Then exchange lists and see if you can complete the conversion. Make them challenging. If you have difficulty, go back to your resources for help.
Activity 3: Percents and Fraction
With a partner work through the Module 8 Instructions on percents and fractions.
Then play the games to practice.
Activity 4: Working with Percents and Applications of Percents; Interest
With a partner work through the Module 8 Instructions on working with percents.
Go through each video on specific applications.
Then work with your partner on finding interest. Then each partner should make up a list of problems on finding the cost based on interest. Then exchange lists and see if you can complete the conversion. Make them challenging. If you have difficulty, go back to your resources for help.
Project Assignment:
Even at a County Fair you still have to collect State sales tax on items sold. So a $1.50 hot dog won’t be just $1.50 but will have tax added to it. Also, near the end of each day vendors often discount items, even ride tickets to sell as much as possible that day. As a member of the committee for the Fair, you will need to determine costs and income projected for the fair. You will also need to think about discounted tickets to encourage more ticket sales and whether you want to make any other discounts on the final day of the fair. To complete this task, work through the step-by-step directions on the worksheet.
- Download the Task 8 Worksheet
- Determine how much projected sales tax will be sent to the State.
- How much effect discounting ticket sales could have on the total cash made on the fair.
Leadership Styles, health & medical homework help Health Medical Assignment Help
Study the characteristics that mark each leadership style.
Identify five leaders from the lists given in Appendix A (attached)
You must select one leader’s name from List 7.
You must select one leader’s name from List 4.
Select the remaining three leaders from Lists 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6. Ensure you select only one name from a list.
Share reasons for your selection of leaders.
Using the Online Library or the Internet, research about the following:
- Biographies of the chosen leaders
- Historical events associated with the chosen leaders
Based on your research and readings, compile a 7-to 8-page Microsoft Word that includes answers to the following questions:
- What were the characteristics of your chosen leaders?
- What were the factors that contributed to each individual rising to the role of leader?
- What was each selected leader’s leadership style? Support your position with credible references with respect to the style, and include an accurate biography and depiction of historical events.
- Did the leaders’ leadership style shifted or evolved with time or the acquisition of power? Why?
- What tools did the leaders utilized to promote their influence and vision?
- What were each leader’s contingency and situational leadership capabilities? Explain and support with examples where he or she demonstrated those leadership capabilities.
- What was the power base of the selected leaders? What characteristics or traits allowed each individual to assume the position of leadership power?
- What role did the leaders assumed in resolving conflict? What was each leader’s apparent conflict resolution style?
- What was each leader’s iconic situation that gained him or her recognition as a leader?
- Did the environment and time lend to each leader’s rise or recognition? Why?
- Reflecting on leadership theory and style, would you consider certain traits and characteristics to be timeless? Why or why not?
- Why did others adopt or invest in them as individuals and leaders?
A template is attached that you can use to complete the assignment.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format. Include references
“US Customs and Border Protection” , Research Paper Topic help Business Finance Assignment Help
Research Paper Topic: “US Customs and Border Protection” I would suggest including some of the history of the agency over the years.
Please prepare the paper in APA Format.
You are to prepare your paper in a word document (Times New Roman, Font 12-double space) using APA style format (“Resources” and APA info attached below). Your research paper should be 10-12 pages of content excluding your title page and reference list (“Abstract” required). A minimum of 10 outside references required. Additionally, you are to include a Title page and Bibliography page. Your research paper must be an original work and you cannot recycle a paper that you prepared and submitted to any other class (refer to your “student handbook” for the University plagiarism policy).
*****Please Note*****
When you submit your paper it will be automatically sent to Turnitin and checked for plagiarism. It is important that you closely review your Turnitin report and similarity score. No amount of copying is acceptable (allowance for references, footnotes, and quotes). Quotes should not consist of more than 10% of your content. I am looking for your own thoughts in your own words so I do not want to see excessive cited material. However, cited references used to support your work must be properly cited in APA format.
WK 2 Principles of Finance I, business & finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Principles of Finance I
Complete the following textbook questions:
Chapter 4: Questions 4-1 through 4-5 on page 183
Chapter 5: Questions 5-1 through 5-5 on page 231
Business School Assignment Instructions
The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
Include cover page and reference page.
At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
Use at least three references from outside the course material; one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.
WK 2 Principles of Finance I, business & finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Problem Set Week Three determine if the average compa-ratio is equal across 10K salary groups, statistics homework help Mathematics Assignment Help
During this week, we will look at ways of testing multiple (more than two) data samples at the same time.
We will continue to use the data and assignment file that we opened in Week 2, we just move on to the Week 3 tab.
The first question asks us to determine if the average compa-ratio is equal across 10K salary groups (20 – 29K. 30 – 39K, etc.). The second question asks us to identify which of the salary groups have different averages. The final question asks us to interpret the new information presented in the lecture and assignment; how does the new information we analyzed help us answer our equal pay for equal work question.
The data and assignment file can be found in the Course Materials link, at the bottom in the Multi-Media section. If you save the files from last week, you do not need to open them again.
I will download all info that I think you will need.
Managing a Crisis, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Managing a Crisis
Crisis management and crisis communications are specialized business disciplines. In times of crisis, companies can act in a number of ways; from ignoring the situation and hoping it passes in the next news cycle to aggressively defending itself after the fact. Smart companies have plans that can be used in any crisis situation.
Using the company developed in the Unit 4 Individual Project, select a crisis that negatively affects the business from a legal or image standpoint. Develop a series of scenario statements that you write ahead of time that you will present to the management and legal departments so that they may be used swiftly in a time of crisis.
Presentation Script
Create a script to accompany the presentation. It should include background on the crisis, how the situation will be handled, and the rationale for the scenario statements.
This part of the Individual Project should be at least 2–3 pages (single-spaced).
PowerPoint Presentation
Create a professional PowerPoint presentation. You will be assessed on the design of the presentation, including colors, backgrounds, professionalism, font, and graphics. Optional content includes sound, videos, and animation.
This part of the Individual Project should be at least 15 slides. Two files that include the following will need to be uploaded:
- Script: Use the attached template. The template is a .docx file and will need to be uploaded as a self-executing ZIP file. See MKTG340_U5IP Script in the ZIP File.
- PowerPoint presentation
Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA format using the attached TEMPLATE. Notice that the grading criteria components match up with the headings provided in the template. Do not change the font, page breaks, or margins. Using the template without deleting the headings ensures that you cover each segment of the assignment
Contract Analysis, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Contract analysis scenario one—damages determination: Alfred and Barbara own adjoining farms in Dry County, an area
where all agriculture requires irrigation. Alfred bought a well-drilling rig and drilled a 400-foot well from which he drew
drinking water. Barbara needed no additional irrigation water, but in January 1985, she asked Alfred on what terms he
would drill a well near her house to supply better-tasting drinking water than the county water she has been using for
years. Alfred said that because he had never before drilled a well for hire, he would charge Barbara only $10 per foot,
about one dollar more than his expected cost. Alfred said that he would drill to a maximum depth of 600 feet, which is the
deepest his rig could reach. Barbara said, “OK—as long as you can guarantee completion by June 1, we have a deal.”
Alfred agreed, and he asked for $3,500 in advance, with any further payment or refund to be made on completion.
Barbara said, “OK,” and she paid Alfred $3,500.
Alfred started to drill on May 1. He had reached a depth of 200 feet on May 10 when his drill struck rock and broke,
plugging the hole. The accident was unavoidable. It had cost Alfred $12 per foot to drill this 200 feet. Alfred said he would
not charge Barbara for drilling the useless hole in the ground, but he would have to start a new well close by and could not
promise its completion before July 1.
Barbara, annoyed by Alfred’s failure, refused to let him start another well. On June 1, she contracted with Carl to drill a
well. Carl agreed to drill to a maximum depth of 350 feet for $4,500, which Barbara also paid in advance, but Carl could
not start drilling until October 1. He completed drilling and struck water at 300 feet on October 30.
BBA 3210, Business Law 5
In July, Barbara sued Alfred, seeking to recover her $3,500 paid to Alfred, plus the $4,500 paid to Carl.
On August 1, Dry County’s dam failed, thus reducing the amount of water available for irrigation. Barbara lost her apple
crop worth $15,000. The loss could have been avoided by pumping from Barbara’s well if it had been operational by
August 1. Barbara amended her complaint to add the $15,000 loss.
In a minimum of a 1,000-word contract analysis, discuss Barbara’s suit against Alfred. What are Barbara’s rights, and
what damages, if any, will she recover?
Cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material from outside sources. Use APA format.
Contract analysis scenario two—remedies determination: Mundo manufactures printing presses. Extra, a publisher of a
local newspaper, had decided to purchase new presses. Rep, a representative of Mundo, met with Boss, the president of
Extra, to describe the advantages of Mundo’s new press. Rep also drew rough plans of the alterations that would be
required in Extra’s pressroom to accommodate the new presses, including additional floor space and new electrical
installations, and Rep left the plans with Boss.
On December 1, Boss received a letter signed by Seller, a member of Mundo’s sales staff, offering to sell the required
number of presses at a cost of $2.4 million. The offer contained provisions relating to the delivery schedule, warranties,
and payment terms but did not specify a particular mode of acceptance of the offer. Boss immediately decided to accept
the offer and telephoned Seller’s office. Seller was out of town, and Boss left the following message: “Looks good. I’m
sold. Call me when you get back so we can discuss details.”
Using the rough plans drawn by Rep, Boss also directed that work begin on the necessary pressroom renovations. By
December 4, a wall had been demolished in the pressroom, and a contract had been signed for the new electrical
On December 5, the President of the United States announced a ban on foreign imports of computerized heavy
equipment. The ban removed—from the American market—a foreign manufacturer that had been the only competitor of
Mundo. That afternoon, Boss received an email from Mundo stating, “All outstanding offers are withdrawn.” In a
subsequent telephone conversation, Seller told Boss that Mundo would not deliver the presses for less than $2.9 million.
In a minimum of a 1,000-word contract analysis, discuss the following questions: Was Mundo obligated to sell the presses
to Extra for $2.4 million? Assume Mundo was so obligated. What are Extra’s rights and remedies against Mundo?
Cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material from outside sources. Use APA format.
Communication skills and styles Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, again consider what you have been learning about communication skills and styles. Then record an episode of a television show you do not normally watch. Watch the show with the sound turned off.
- What do you think the characters’ relationships are based on the ways in which they are communicating?
- What are they feeling and expressing based on the nonverbal behavior you are observing?
Now, watch the show with the sound turned on.
- What assumptions did you make about the characters and plot based on the ways in which you interpreted the communication you observed?
- Would your assumptions have been more correct if you had been watching a show you know well?
Write about your experience in your blog, including what you learned about communication from this experience and insights or “aha” moments you believe would be helpful to your colleagues.
[supanova_question] Notice that the grading criteria components match up with the headings provided in the template. Do not change the font, page breaks, or margins. Using the template without deleting the headings ensures that you cover each segment of the assignment