US Refugee Policy Nation of Immigrants Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

US Refugee Policy Nation of Immigrants Presentation Humanities Assignment Help. US Refugee Policy Nation of Immigrants Presentation Humanities Assignment Help.

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General instructions:

1-We are team presentation. My part is to present about the Refugee Policy in the USA. YOU MUST APPLY the attached textbook-chapter 13  concepts and the professor slide concepts in the presentation.

2-Go to chapter 13 which related to “Refugee Policy” then apply the concepts there in the slide show.

3-Prepare one slide presentation for Refugee Policy in the united states AND one slide about what makes some countries more open to refugees and generous to them and why some countries less open and less generous to refugees.

4- Use bullet points for the main concepts and footnote for  each slide in the explanation. 

5-Attached is the textbook- CHAPTER 13– used in this course, and the professor slides about immigration. (5 pdf files for the textbook and 1 for the professor slides are attached).

6-My part of the presentation should not take more than 2 minuets..

7-Please cover all the important points from a political point of view.

8-You must follow exactly the professor instructions below:

Professor instructions:

In this presentation, each team will describe a different political economy issue, and explain how and why different advanced democracies organize that issue differently. Compare at least 4 advanced democracies, explain how each country organizes and regulates the activity, and give a possible explanation for why different countries do it differently. For the how, use newspapers or websites to help you find descriptions of the different systems; for the why, use chapter 12 of the textbook or my lecture from April 1. For example, if your team has “higher education funding,” you might explain how college educations are financed in Australia, Belgium, Germany, and the United States, and explain that maybe the reason why different countries do it differently might have to do with the differences in the power of labor unions in the different countries. (Note that there is no one right answer for the “why” part of any of these; I am simply looking to see if you can apply a concept from the course to the issue.)

US Refugee Policy Nation of Immigrants Presentation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Purdue University Physiologic and Biochemical Mechanisms Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.

topic: excersise atleast 3 days a week

a.Background information on the behavior– keep this simple. Say what the behavior is and define and describe it.

For example: The behavior I wanted to change was my exercise habits. excercising is defined as…..

b.Your perspective on why you selected the behavior for your behavior change goal,

For example: I wanted to change this behavior because I think it will help with my overall weight and…….

c.A comparative perspective using scholarly evidence of why you should change the behavior,

For example: Studies show that from a psychological perspective while procrastination may be a normal and universal phenomenon (Doe, John 2018) it is more than just avoiding or delaying tasks (Smith, Captain 2013). There may be many underlying reasons for this behavior (Midas, King 2014) ………..

d.A comparison of your behavior compared to the US population, For example: I am a chronic procrastinator and do this behavior every day. According to one researcher between 80 and 95 percent of college students procrastinate on their school work (Einstein, Homer 2016). Compared to my own behavior………………

1)The paper should include 3-4 pages of text, 11 or 12 point font (Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman), be double spaced, with 1 inch margins.

a.You should have FOUR reputable sources with in-text citations in APA format. These sources should help you describe the behavior and provide the data used in the comparison calculations. You should also have a reference list for those sources. The reference list and any title page are not counted toward the 3-4 page required content.



California Miramar University Types of Plot and Dramatic Structure Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a art test / quiz prep and need an explanation to help me study.

Hello, please help me answer these practice questions for my assignment. Please do some researches and provide short answers ONLY.

Purpose for writing plays? (the “Big E’s”) Parts of the Dramatic structure.
Two types of plot structures.
Different character types.
What is Verse? Prose? Tragic hero?
What is comedy? Characteristics? Farce? Satire? Comedy of Manner?
Who was Dionysus? What is catharsis?
The Greek/Roman performance facility? Skene? Mechane? Kothorni?
Aeschylus? His great work
Sophocles? His great work
What are the Poetics and what are it’s parts?
Plautus? Terence? Seneca? What/when is the Council of Carthage?
What is the Kathakali? What is the Beijing Opera? What is the Pear Garden? What are three types of Japanese theatre? Characteristics of them? Hanamichi? Hashagakari?
What is Liturgical Drama? Vernacular drama? Mystery/Cycle plays? An example
Who are the Commedia del’Arte characters? Lazzi?
What are the 3 unities? Verisimilitude?
Renaissance playhouse? Different seating areas? Pit? Box? Galleries? Cazuela?
Marlowe? Name a few plays
Shakespeare? Name a few plays
Moliere? Name a few plays
De la Barca? Name a few plays
Different Theatres in France? England? Italy?


Strayer University Securities of The Transferee Corporation Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

No gain or loss is recognized on the transfer of assets from one corporation to another for stock or securities of the transferee corporation as long as the transferor owns 80% of the transferee’s stock after the transaction.

  • Create a scenario where the transfer of property to a controlled corporation under Section 351 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) results in taxation to the transferor.
  • Speculate as to the reasons that gain treatment in the current year may be preferred to the deferral of gain.
  • Provide a tax-planning strategy


American Indian OIC Web Attack Detection Techniques Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science writing question and need support to help me study.

This is to write a literature review 6 pages
or more of the attached 7 articles on cybersecurity web attacks detection. The
review should including the following as minimum baseline:

1) Describe the Focus of the article

Briefly describe the limitation if any

3) describe the methods of
research used in the article

4 ) Describe the experiments done in the
article and the used dataset …

5) discuss any conclusions the author(s) may have made in the

6) describe your reaction to the article (what do you think of
the paper)

7) describe the relationships to other used references


6 pages
or more



OSCM 3660 UT Supply Chain Risk & Cash Conversion Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Table of Contents


Cash Conversion Competitiveness

Focus Company

Competitor A

Competitor B

Cash Conversion Competitiveness Discussion

Supply Chain Risk Comparative

Focus Company

Competitor A

Competitor B

Focus Company Supply Chain Critical Risk Discussion

Strategies to manage each of the top three supply chain risks

Risk #1

Risk #2

Risk #3

Competitor Supply Chain risk comparative and discussion




Part 1 In this first part of the term project, you are to complete the following:

1) The introduction section of the term project.

2)The CCC analysis taken from the CCC excel template.

3)Discussion on the CCC


2-page narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

Introduction on the company (publicly traded company)

  • Its Business or Businesses
  • The industry
  • Its Market Capitalization
  • Its Employment Size
  • Its Global footprint
  • Provide other interesting facts about the focal company, history, etc.

Its two major competitors (also publicly traded)

  • Identify the same items as listed above for the focus company.



Cash Conversion Competitiveness

Focus Company

Cash Conversion Items







Days sales outstanding

Days payable outstanding

Days inventory outstanding

Cash Conversion Cycle

Cite the 10K report & page #

Competitor A

Cash Conversion Items







Days sales outstanding

Days payable outstanding

Days inventory outstanding

Cash Conversion Cycle

Cite the 10K report & page #

Competitor B

Cash Conversion Items







Days sales outstanding

Days payable outstanding

Days inventory outstanding

Cash Conversion Cycle

Cite the 10K report & page #

Cash Conversion Competitiveness Discussion

2-page narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

Describe the general importance of the CCC to understanding competitive advantage?

Discuss the trend in each of the categories: DIO, DSO, DPO for the focus company and the two competitors.

How well does the focus company perform against the two competitors in regard to:

  • Inventory management
  • Customer relationship management
  • Supplier management

In your opinion, which of the three companies is the better performer according to the CCC metric and why according to the three management effects listed above.

What supplier strategies would you recommend to management that would improve on these measures? For example, speeding inventory cash conversion, better management of AR (remember the company is a supplier to its customers, no different than the suppliers’ relationship to the company), or working to improve supplier terms that could result in more favorable discount terms, or extended terms beneficial to the focus company.



Part 2 In this first part of the term project, you are to complete the following:

1) Identify the top supply chain risks of each company.

2)Follow the instructions noted in each section.

Supply Chain Risk Comparative

Focus Company

Supply Chain Risk Item


Page #











Competitor A

Supply Chain Risk Item


Page #











Competitor B

Supply Chain Risk Item


Page #











Focus Company Supply Chain Critical Risk Discussion

Single space 11 point Times Roman font

  • Select the three (3) Supply Chain Risks you believe are the most critical to the company’s operation.
  • Propose one (1) question on each critical risk, i.e. why these are critical?
  • Answer each question through the lens of the impact on company operations. i.e. what would be the outcome if the risks materialize.

Strategies to manage each of the top three supply chain risks.

What strategies would you employ to manage the focus company’s 3 critical supply chain risks.


Risk #1

Narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

Risk #2

Narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

Risk #3

Narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font


Competitor Supply Chain risk comparative and discussion

2-page narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

How do these compare with the competitor companies supply chain Risks?

Knowing this risk comparison, how would this affect the focus company strategies in competitively managing supplier risk?


Competitor 1

Risk #1

Narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

Risk #2

Narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

Risk #3

Narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font


Competitor 2

Risk #1

Narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

Risk #2

Narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

Risk #3

Narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font



1 page narrative – single space 11 point Times Roman font

  • Summarize the report. Findings on the focal company in comparison to competitors.
  • Summarize your take-aways, learning experiences from this study.



Use the example below as a format for entering your references:

Author name, (year). Name of article. Article source, volume (issue – where applicable), pages

Baesens, B., Bapna, R., Mardsen, J.R., Vanthienen, J., Zhao, J.L. (2016). Transformational Issues of Big Data and Analytics in Networked Business. MIS Quarterly, 40 (4), pp 807-818

10Ks would be as follows:

XYZ company, Annual Report 10K (year).

OSCM 3660 UT Supply Chain Risk & Cash Conversion Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Purdue University Dyslipidemia Disease Management Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

Topic: Pain Management, Palliative Care, Metabolic, Endocrine, Genetic, and Chronic Conditions Management Plans

This week, we will be discussing pain management, palliative care, metabolic, endocrine, genetic, and management plans with a focus on pharmacological treatment. Select one of the topics below (please choose one that has not already been posted by another student) and discuss current evidence-based recommendations by leading pediatric experts and professional organizations. Focus your discussion on how recommended pharmacotherapy improves pediatric health outcomes in primary care.

You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following item:

  • Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications, follow-up plans, and referrals if needed.

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least two of your classmates.


  1. Precocious puberty
  2. Pediatric obesity
  3. Hypothyroidism
  4. Hyperthyroidism
  5. Growth hormone deficiency
  6. Constitutional growth delay
  7. Adrenal Insufficiency
  8. Type 1 diabetes
  9. Type 2 diabetes
  10. Inborn errors of metabolism
  11. Phenylketonuria
  12. Dyslipidemia
  13. Trisomy 21
  14. Trisomy 18
  15. Turner syndrome
  16. Fragile X syndrome
  17. Klinefelter syndrome
  18. Neurofibromatosis
  19. Fever in children
  20. Pain in children


CQU Computer Science Program Sun Group Cybersecurity Report Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Title page: unit code and name, assessment number, report title, assessment due date, word count (actual), student name, student number, CQUniversity email address, campus lecturer/tutor, and unit coordinator. If applicable, add extension request ID and the new due date. Must be formatted to a standard required for a professional/business report. Check week 7 materials for example of a professionally formatted title page. Not included in the word count.

2. Executive summary: should include the purpose of the report, the problem including key issues considered and how they were investigated, your findings, and overview of your recommendations. This part should be approximately three quarters of an A4 page but must not be longer than one (1) A4 page. Not included in the word count.

3. Table of Contents (ToC): should list the report topics using decimal notation. Need to include the main headings and subheadings with corresponding page numbers, using a format that makes the hierarchy of topics clear. Because you are including a ToC the report pages should be numbered in the footer as follows: title page has no page number; and main text to have Arabic numerals commencing at 1. Create the ToC using MS Word’s ToC auto-generator rather than manually typing out the ToC. Not included in the word count.

4. Introduction: provide a brief description of the organisation as given in the case scenario including any assumptions, a concise overview of the problem you have been asked to research, the main aims/purpose of the report, the objectives to be achieved by writing the report (include the tasks outlined in the case scenario), and how you investigated the problem. Provide an outline of the sections of the report. Should be approximately 250 words.

5. Body of the report (use appropriate headings in the body of the report): Define key terms you will use in your report that are directly related to the problem and the technology considered. Then present your ideas on the topic and discuss the information you found in your research that was relevant to the report’s objectives. Provide an analysis of the information that you gathered. Ensure that you explore the tasks listed in the case scenario.

Do NOT use generic words such as ‘Body, Body of the Report, Tasks’ as section headings. Create meaningful headings and subheadings that reflect the topic and content of your report. Should be approximately 1850 words.

6. Conclusion: restate the purpose of the report, and summarise the key issues investigated and the related findings based on your research and analysis. Explain the significance of your findings for addressing the problem stated in the case scenario and any limitations. State how your report has achieved its objectives and any future work to be considered. Should be approximately 250 words.

7. Recommendations: 3 to 5 recommendations required. Format according to the Report Writing Guidelines discussed in the Unit. Should be approximately 150 words.

8. Reference list: a correctly cited list of references ordered alphabetically by surname of first author, in accordance with the CQU APA referencing style. You must have more than ten (but not more than 15) current references in your reference list. Your report must use in-text referencing of all references listed. Not included in the word count.

9. Appendices if necessary. Not included in the word count.


Goethe University Frankfurt Dining Dollars System & Software Engineering Thesis Paper Engineering Assignment Help


1. Who are the users of that systems?

2. What information does each category of identified users expect from the system?

3. What data is processed to generate that information?

4. How is the data processed into information? (Hint: think about data processing methods)

Use the input-process-output approach discussed in class to analyze the information requirements above

Below is the rubric on how the report will be graded


Structure of the report with cover page, table of contents, etc.


Properly written coherent report or with no misspellings


System users identified


Types of data input into the system correctly identified


Types of Information generated data correctly identified


input-process-output approach is correctly applied to functional requirements


Total Points


The report should have a cover page, table of contents. In the introduction describe the system you have selected with respect to what it does, who uses it and why they use it and well as the analysis of information requirements from each system user using input-process-output model.

The project reports must be at least 1000 words


I want you to rewrite this assignment attached below completely and meet the needs for the requirements above. I also want you to add additional info about the input-output appr


STU Training Skills A Quantitative Study of Nursing Students Article Critique Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Quantitative Research Article Critique


Conduct a critical appraisal of literature that demonstrates an understanding of quantitative research.

Using Chapter 18 Table 18-1 Summary of Major Content Sections of a Research Report and Related Critical Appraisal Guidelines (pp. 317-319), write a critique of a quantitative research article that you have read related to your clinical practice.

Submission Instructions:

  • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • The paper should be formatted per current APA and 2-3 pages in length, excluding the title page, abstract, and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.


US Refugee Policy Nation of Immigrants Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

US Refugee Policy Nation of Immigrants Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

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