Use Information to Manage Risk Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Use Information to Manage Risk Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Use Information to Manage Risk Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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The collection and need for data continues to grow exponentially in universities. Increasingly, data itself (outside of

applications) has value that supports our mission and activities. Data has even more value if readily available, easily

found, well understood, and re-usable for new applications.

The Vision: Data can enable innovation across the university, and facilitate a strategic competitive advantage

You have just landed a new job as Manager, IT and have been made primarily responsible for operationalizing that vision.

In essence, managing data as an asset means improving links between silo-ed departments, databases and processes;

making information easier to find, making it easier for analysts and policy makers to quickly access and transform data

into new formats and knowledge. It means lowering the cost of consuming and using data because we keep having more

data to manage.

Your role is part data strategist and advisor, part steward for improving data quality & processes, and part evangelist for

data sharing, part technologist, and part developer of new data products.

The senior leadership team has asked you to present a one-year strategy for the current budget cycle, and identify anything

you need to accomplish your goal.

Use Information to Manage Risk Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Truman State University Position Recruitment Plan American Riviana Program Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Choose a program, fictitious or real, that you would like to lead.

The following elements of the plan must be present in your submission:

  • Title and a brief description of the position.
  • Duties of the position in relationship to the mission of the program.
  • Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities necessary to complete the duties of the position.
  • Discuss strategy for advertising and recruiting for the successful candidate.
  • Develop at least 5 interview questions that are specific to the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities of this specific position.

Using the resources, develop a recruitment plan for a key position in your selected program (Americas Red Cross, Care, etc)……………


The University of Texas at Arlington The Shot Heard Around the World Summary Paper Humanities Assignment Help

As you watch the video linked to the graded discussion you should respond/react to information in the video by making a comment on the timeline. This comment should bring in the history being discussed. You may also reply to the comments of other students, coaches, or the instructor.

The is no required number of comments/replies, rather we will grade your discussion on the quality of its content and how well your comments/replies move the discussion forward. Thoughtful responses pulling in historical facts and inferences are of a higher quality than “me too” or “I agree” type comments.


American College of California Transposons Questions Science Assignment Help

Lecture 19:

1. Assume you have two cell-free transposition systems for a yeast Ty element (retrotransposon) and a vertebrate Tc1/mariner element (DNA transposon), respectively. What effect would the following inhibitors have on these two systems, and why?

(a) Inhibitors of translation.

(b) Inhibitors of transcription.

(c) Inhibitors of double-stranded DNA replication.

(d) Inhibitors of reverse transcription.

2. How can the fact that some genes contain introns be exploited to test whether or not a transposon moves through an RNA intermediate?

3. Explain the statement: The presence of transposons can lead to mutation either by transposition or through homologous recombination.

4. About 40% of the human genome is represented by transposable elements. How is genome stability maintained?

5. How can transposable elements be used to identify enhancers? Design an experiment to identify enhancers in the mouse model system.


Peirce College the Behavior of Len Case Ethical Considerations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Case 13-64 Ethical Considerations Student posts

Will provide all posts

1. Len’s behavior is completely unethical. He decreased inspections that are vital to customers to ensure quality service to focus on achieving goals that will bonus him and his employees. Furthermore, he has an obligation to his customers to replace/repair defective products as not doing so can potentially pose a safety issue and deteriorate the quality as well. Last, the morale of employees and customers will surely go down by removing the visits to customers’ plants as this program was set up to ensure a commitment to quality and service. He has compromised his position, employees and customer safety and satisfaction for financial gain.

2. The company can change the structure of the ambitious quality program to discourage behavior that could compromise the safety of stakeholders and customers of the organization. Also, they should absolutely address the lack of integrity displayed by Len, a leader in the organization. Disciplinary action is warranted in this case.

3. If Len were bound by the ethical principles in the “Statement of Ethical Professional Practice” he would be in clear violation of the following standards:

  • Perform professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and technical standards – safety is a regulation for every business. The ignorance of defective and damaged equipment can pose a safety issue.
  • Mitigate conflicts of interest – His ability to make a decision to ensure a bonus in this case is a conflict of interest.
  • Refrain from engaging in any conduct that would prejudice carrying out duties ethically – he clearly is violating this principle.
  • Abstain from engaging in or supporting activity that might discredit the profession – in violation.
  • Communication of information fairly and objectively.

As a leader, Len should demonstrate the character and integrity that one would expect from a representative of the organization. This is the case regardless of whether or not he is an accounting professional.



Discourse Community Purpose and Audience Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

My discourse community is International students studying in U.S

First exercise.

This exercise asks you to analyze your purpose and audience for Project 3. After reading the M3.1 Project Description and M3.1 Reading (chapters on Purpose and Audience), address the following questions:

  1. Explicitly state the purpose of your Project 3 multimedia guide.
  2. Identify your primary audience:
    1. Who is your primary audience? (You may initially think of something like “Anybody interested in the topic,” but try to narrow that down. For example, do you mean “Adults in Tampa–or whatever area–who are interested in this topic”? or “Adults who often watch x or play x or do x” or something similar?)
    2. Identify all relevant audience characteristics and categories for your primary and secondary audiences (i.e., knowledge level, personality, biases, etc.). (A note about the word “biases”: Since that word usually has a negative connotation, you may want to think of the word “perspectives” instead. That is, we all have perspectives based on our identities, backgrounds, and experiences, and those perspectives may give us a bias toward or against something. The point of knowing your audience’s perspectives is to help you provide the information that all members of your audience will need in a form they can access and, also, to avoid offending anyone.)
    3. Explain your reasons for characterizing the audience the way you do. (That is, why do you think people with these characteristics would be the ones who might want to enter your discourse community?)
  3. Based on your characterization of the audience and your stated purpose, what resources, media, or methods would be most appropriate for educating your audience?
    1. Why do you think these resources, media, or methods would be effective?

    Second exercise.Watch the videos and answer these two questions 1. Using the concepts presented in the chapter you read on Purpose, identify the video author’s purpose as you interpret it. What elements of the video suggest this purpose?2. Using the concepts presented in the chapter you read on Audience, identify the video author’s expected audience. What elements of the video suggest this audience?

Discourse Community Purpose and Audience Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Protest Songs Influence and Political Meaning Questions Paper Humanities Assignment Help

This week we’re thinking about protest songs. More specifically, we’re thinking about how songs of different types serve as forms of protest, even when they weren’t originally created toward that purpose. To get into this idea, we’re going to spend time exploring how the context (physical or discursive framing) of a song influences its political meaning, as well as who is hearing a given piece. Finally, we’re going to consider the unique utility of music as protest by also considering how a different medium–theater–was used to similar ends.

1. Choose “Universal Soldier” or “Ohio” and consider it in relation to audience. In 1-2 sentences each, answer:

a.What were two possible audiences for the song when it first circulated?

b.What political work might this song have done specifically for each audience?Specifically, how the song might have impacted their view of the Vietnam War or related issues?

We are going to work on developing skills for reading, analyzing, and evaluating scholarly articles. In one sentence, answer the following in relation to the Lee article:

2.What is the main issue Lee is concerned with?

3.What is Lee’s main question about this issue?

4.What is Lee’s proposed answer?

5.Identify an exact quote from the text in which Lee states this proposed answer.

This proposed answer is Lee’s argumentor thesisfor the article. It is also a hypothesis, that is, he is making an educated guess that this is the case and examining the various song texts to prove or disprove this idea.

Now let’s dig into Lee’s analysis of historical accounts and song texts. Choose one anti-war song (“Talking Vietnam Blues,” “Talking Vietnam Potluck Blues,” “The Big Muddy,” or “I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-To-Die Rag”) and answer the following questions about it in 1-2 sentences each:

6.How does the song portray the Vietnam War or elements of it?

7.How might the song present a counter-dominant view of the war?

8.Do you agree or disagree with Lee’s assessment of the song’s political function?

While Lee used his argument to spur his analyses and frame the article, completing his study revealed new information. Answer in 1-2 sentences:

9. At the end of the article, how does Lee return to and adjust his proposed answer into a final statement?

10. What questions or places of ambiguity remain for Lee?

Now let’s turn to the Farmworker’s and Chicano Movements…

11. Drawing on Huerta’s account of the roots of Chicano theater, how does this relate to the impetus or politics of the Black Arts Movement?

a. What strategies are similar?

b. What is distinct?

12.Analyze the lyrics of “Yo Soy Chicano” as a reflection of Chicano identity and political concerns.

a.Who is the speaker of the lyrics and what is their point of view?

b.What are a few key lyrical passages that indicate the speaker’s politics?

c.Why might “La Rielera” been selected as the source material on which this song

is based?

13.Compare “We Shall Not Be Moved” by the SNCC Freedom Singers and “No Nos
Moverán” by La Rondalla Amerindia de Atzlán.

a.What musical similarities and differences are there?

b.What differences do you note in the lyrics (or English translation of the lyrics)? c.How do these distinctions speak to the cultural milieu of each movement?

14. Think about “Vietnam Veterano” in relation to all of the materials in this module.

a.How does this song speak specifically to a Chicano experience of the war?

b.What might be the political value of capturing this narrative? For whom?


North Carolina Central University Advanced Information Systems Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Please provide a thoughtful and substantive initial response (minimum of 350 words) to TWO of the discussion questions by Wednesday, November 4, 2020. Remember to support your claims with examples and references to our textbook or other sources. Use APA style.

Discussion Questions

  1. Discuss the difference between tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge and give some examples of each.
  2. Discuss management and organization activities necessary to enable information system activities in a knowledge management system. Refer to Figure 11.1 in the text.
  3. Pick three types of artificial intelligence and describe how they can or already do affect your life and your world.
  4. How is an expert system different from a neural network?
  5. Discuss some potential business uses for augmented reality technology.


PSY 699 The University of Arizona Integrative Literature Review Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Resources for the Integrative Literature Review

Prior to beginning work on this written assignment, be sure to carefully review the instructions for the Final Assignment, which is due at the end of Week Six. In preparation for that assignment, you will list the four required content domains you have chosen for the Integrative Literature Review and provide a minimum list of six resources you intend to use for each domain. For assistance with researching your resources, please view the Psychology Subject Guide in the Ashford University Library.

For the group of resources in each domain, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings and provide a rationale for including the group within the domain. These rationales should include descriptions of how the research findings will function together in the Integrative Literature Review.

Please use the format below for each of the four domains.

Name of the Domain: (e.g., Psychopharmacology)
List the complete references for each of the six resources. Format your reference list in alphabetical order according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

One to two paragraphs including the required information noted above.

The Resources for the Integrative Literature Review

  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least 24 scholarly sources, including a minimum of 20 from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Los Angeles Pierce College Life Cycle of Leaders According Aristotle Paper Humanities Assignment Help


Using concepts from Aristotle’s Poetics, compare/contrast Oedipus’ handling of the plague to President Trump, and answer to what extent can Trump be considered a Tragic Hero?

-Aristotelian terms and questions to consider (in the organization of your own coherent and unified essay; not looking for a list of answers; see note below): consider how the character is not quite good, but not quite evil; what is the recognition and reversal; how is the recognition caused by the reversal; what is the irony of reversal and recognition; what is the character’s fatal flaw; how does the scene of suffering arouse fear and pity and cause catharsis in you the audience member?

-Must support your argument with evidence from Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex AND Aristotle’s Poetics

-Your thesis has to answer the prompt question with a single position that is supported by at least three supporting reasons.

Make sure your thesis has these 3 elements:

  1. Topic/Theme (What’s the one word idea that your paper will be about? Not too vague)
  2. Position/Argument (Super Important! Do they answer the prompt? Something someone could disagree in a sentence)
  3. Supporting Reasons/Rationale: Their three supporting reasons for their argument usually after the word “because..” and not plot points.

[supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Los Angeles Pierce College Life Cycle of Leaders According Aristotle Paper Humanities Assignment Help


Using concepts from Aristotle’s Poetics, compare/contrast Oedipus’ handling of the plague to President Trump, and answer to what extent can Trump be considered a Tragic Hero?

-Aristotelian terms and questions to consider (in the organization of your own coherent and unified essay; not looking for a list of answers; see note below): consider how the character is not quite good, but not quite evil; what is the recognition and reversal; how is the recognition caused by the reversal; what is the irony of reversal and recognition; what is the character’s fatal flaw; how does the scene of suffering arouse fear and pity and cause catharsis in you the audience member?

-Must support your argument with evidence from Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex AND Aristotle’s Poetics

-Your thesis has to answer the prompt question with a single position that is supported by at least three supporting reasons.

Make sure your thesis has these 3 elements:

  1. Topic/Theme (What’s the one word idea that your paper will be about? Not too vague)
  2. Position/Argument (Super Important! Do they answer the prompt? Something someone could disagree in a sentence)
  3. Supporting Reasons/Rationale: Their three supporting reasons for their argument usually after the word “because..” and not plot points.

[supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Los Angeles Pierce College Life Cycle of Leaders According Aristotle Paper Humanities Assignment Help


Using concepts from Aristotle’s Poetics, compare/contrast Oedipus’ handling of the plague to President Trump, and answer to what extent can Trump be considered a Tragic Hero?

-Aristotelian terms and questions to consider (in the organization of your own coherent and unified essay; not looking for a list of answers; see note below): consider how the character is not quite good, but not quite evil; what is the recognition and reversal; how is the recognition caused by the reversal; what is the irony of reversal and recognition; what is the character’s fatal flaw; how does the scene of suffering arouse fear and pity and cause catharsis in you the audience member?

-Must support your argument with evidence from Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex AND Aristotle’s Poetics

-Your thesis has to answer the prompt question with a single position that is supported by at least three supporting reasons.

Make sure your thesis has these 3 elements:

  1. Topic/Theme (What’s the one word idea that your paper will be about? Not too vague)
  2. Position/Argument (Super Important! Do they answer the prompt? Something someone could disagree in a sentence)
  3. Supporting Reasons/Rationale: Their three supporting reasons for their argument usually after the word “because..” and not plot points.

[supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Los Angeles Pierce College Life Cycle of Leaders According Aristotle Paper Humanities Assignment Help


Using concepts from Aristotle’s Poetics, compare/contrast Oedipus’ handling of the plague to President Trump, and answer to what extent can Trump be considered a Tragic Hero?

-Aristotelian terms and questions to consider (in the organization of your own coherent and unified essay; not looking for a list of answers; see note below): consider how the character is not quite good, but not quite evil; what is the recognition and reversal; how is the recognition caused by the reversal; what is the irony of reversal and recognition; what is the character’s fatal flaw; how does the scene of suffering arouse fear and pity and cause catharsis in you the audience member?

-Must support your argument with evidence from Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex AND Aristotle’s Poetics

-Your thesis has to answer the prompt question with a single position that is supported by at least three supporting reasons.

Make sure your thesis has these 3 elements:

  1. Topic/Theme (What’s the one word idea that your paper will be about? Not too vague)
  2. Position/Argument (Super Important! Do they answer the prompt? Something someone could disagree in a sentence)
  3. Supporting Reasons/Rationale: Their three supporting reasons for their argument usually after the word “because..” and not plot points.


Use Information to Manage Risk Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Use Information to Manage Risk Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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