USF Effects of the Federal Quality and Safety Improvement Initiatives Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. USF Effects of the Federal Quality and Safety Improvement Initiatives Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Discuss the impact that
federal quality and safety improvement initiatives will have on healthcare
delivery in the state in which you reside. What federal legislative initiatives
are controversial in your state or have a high degree of support? Why?
1- No more than 350 words. APA Style.
2- Minimum 3 references.
3- Must related to the textbook. Must provide
reference from the book.
4- Personal example. (I work as an
administrative manager in a Hospital)
-Materials: (Textbook is
Chapter 14
Textbook: Nash, D.B., Joshi, M.S., Ransom, E.R., and Ransom, S. B. (Eds.) (2019) The healthcare quality book (4th ed.
USF Effects of the Federal Quality and Safety Improvement Initiatives Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Fortune 1000 Companies Big Data Analytics Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
A case study approach which highlights how businesses have integrated Big Data Analytics with their Business Intelligence to gain dominance within their respective industry. Search Google Scholar for a “Fortune 1000” company that has been successful in this integration. Discuss the company, its approach to big data analytics with business intelligence, what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong, and how they can improve to be more successful in the implementation and maintenance of big data analytics with business intelligence.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
- Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations.
- Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
University of St Francis Health Care Quality Management Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
What role can or should accreditation and quality measurement/reporting play in the future, as the public availability of performance data increases and payment is linked to performance?
((Please support your answer with references from the academic and professional literature))
Health Care Quality Management
- 2-3-page written essay on the question (APA) Style. It should be supported with references from the academic and/or professional literature.
- References, ((Minimum of 4 references)). Reference from textbook must be included.
- Writing is focused. Clear and concise response to topic. Excellent word choice.
- Personal examples if possible (((I work as an administration manager at a Hospital))
Chapter 15 (Textbook is attached)
Textbook: Nash, D.B., Joshi, M.S., Ransom, E.R., and Ransom, S. B. (Eds.) (2019) The healthcare quality book (4th ed.)
SOC SCI 172AW UC irvine Influence of Hip Hop Music on African American Culture Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Basically, your term paper is about an aspect of American culture that you want to know more about including some aspects of how it came to be and a clear articulation of how/why it matters.
Make sure it is Times New Roman, size 12, with 1-inch margins, double-spaced. I’m not entirely concerned about specific length (aim for about a page, but you can go longer) but you should take as much space as necessary to address each required element in a sufficient manner (i.e. I should understand fully your thinking and reasoning behind each).
Acceptable file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf (I have set Canvas to only accept these types so if you can’t upload, make sure that you’ve saved it as a correct file type).
Your proposal must contain the following elements
- Topic:
- The broad topic in which you’re interested. Also, why are you interested in this topic/area of study?
- Research Question:
- Make this the actual question you want to answer, such as “In what ways is American popular culture still influenced by minstrels?,” “How have changes in American culture influenced religious participation?,” or “How has American cuisine been influenced by changes in immigration patterns?
- Discuss your thoughts behind this question, why this research question exactly?
- Give some pre-emptive insight into your thoughts: what do you think the answer to this question is (and why)?
- Population:
- It’s always good to make sure your particular population of interest is discussed. So, while we are discussing American culture writ large, there are various groups/populations you may want to focus on. In my own research on the cultural bases of pricing, I focus specifically on self-employed craftspeople. This section is to make sure you’re articulating your topic proposal in a manner that lets us know you’ve considered begun considering the important facets of your topic.
- Who does your topic and research question apply to? Why this population? Who does it not apply to? Does this create any difficulties in understanding it, or is it a strength?
- 3 academic, peer-reviewed sources that help to explain and address your paper’s topic with two to three sentences explaining how each connects to your topic.
- So, if I was writing about how fashions in computer brands is connected to issues of e-waste, I’d want to start looking for articles talking about changing dynamics of computer consumption as well as articles that address the topic of e-waste and its changing dynamics
- 1 non-academic (but trustworthy!) source that gives descriptive information to motivate the project with two to three sentences explaining how each connects to your topic.
- So, keeping with the prior topic, I’d want to get find a trustworthy source that tells me something like how many computers are produced each year, how many computers are recycled each year, how many computers are thrown away each year, or even (as a recent news report found) how certain companies contractually require all recycling centers to destroy everything so it’s melted down in its constituent parts for reuse rather than allow for parts to be salvaged and used while repairing peoples computers.
- Finally, a list of the search terms you used and which databases you used to find these articles.
What is below are the final project parameters so you know what you’ll be working toward:
Your final paper serves as a culmination of what we’ve been covering throughout this course. It is aimed at pushing you to position yourself as a social scientist, conceptualizing, approaching, and analyzing a topic of interest to you. You get to become someone who knows a large amount of information about a very specific topic.
To that end, the Research Paper contains the following, required items:
- Introduction
- Literature Review
- Conclusion
- References (this is not included in the 12 page minimum)
Each of these components break down as follows:
- Cover Page
- On the cover page you need to have the following items: title, your name, course number, and date submitted
- Introduction
- The introduction will serve to introduce the topic and idea to your audience (i.e. me). In this case, you need to construct an introduction that motivates an interest in the topic as well as introduces the basic necessities of understanding to your reader. To that end, your introduction should focus primarily on your issue of interest (the pay gap, for example).
- Make sure there is a clear thesis of what your overall paper is as well as the research question you’re attempting to answer.
- It should give some insight into the components that underlie that issue (define it, give a bit of history on it, and also present basic statistics for it, which you can obtain through places like newspaper articles or research organizations like Pew).
- Remember: the introduction motivates the reader to want to know more, so it needs to stay focused on the issue that you want to address. If you have an annual review article, it can give you some great basic details for your introduction.
- Literature Review
- The literature review serves to fine tune your point further and helps you to focus on where you are most specifically interested, namely the key concepts, factors, and variables that you think influence the problem you are trying to understand.
- You need to work through your idea here about what you identify as happening. This works to take what you’re interested in and give insight into how it’s complex. So, make sure your literature review discusses what influences you’re interested.
- For example, say you were interested in the voting behaviors of people. Your literature review would note what influences people to vote and why. So, you’d most likely have some discussion of how and why race influences voter preference, as well as some discussion of some things like gender, income, etc. That way your reader understands the complexity of the issue, but keep in mind your major focus.
- For this section, you’re welcome to break it down into subsections. For example, if you’re doing a study of food consumption patterns and the changing nature of diets being influenced by pop culture, you could have subsections regarding vegetarianism/veganism, gluten-free, paleo, etc. (Or, if you’re more interested in how food trends are mediated by demographics, you could use subsections like Racial Variation in Food Consumption, Gendered Nature of Food Consumption, etc.)
- Conclusion
- The conclusion reiterates your main research question and really offers the moment that you can fully make sure that everything brought home, as it were. You’re not merely reiterating exactly what you just said. Rather, you’re using it to make sure your reader understands the full ideas and implications. You should also articulate what it doesn’t address and that future papers can integrate to understand the topic more fully.
- References
- In addition to using in-text citations, you must also have a references list. Use whichever citation method you want but it must be uniform!
And I have my paper proposal attached below.
De Anza College Climate Change in Different Communication Contexts Paper Writing Assignment Help
You will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of discussing or presenting Climate Change in different communication contexts. First, look at the situation as if you were having a conversation with someone one-on-one (interpersonal comm), next, think about how it might play out within a group of 3-8 people (group comm), then from one person as the sender to a whole crowd (public), and lastly, an organization to a wide audience (mass comm). In this paper, you should be analyzing each part and talk about how you would handle the situation similarly or differently given the form of communication. Identify which one would be easiest for you and explain why, then which one would be the hardest. You could also find real-world examples where different forms are being played out and practice identifying and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of their communication.
NURS 4220 Walden University Healthcare Quality Management Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Kimberly Skinner
RE: Discussion – Week 1
According to Spath (2018), quality is a characteristic of a product or service. I would say quality to me means that when I buy a good or service, I feel that I received my money’s worth. Quality of a product or a service can be subjective. One person can report a good experience and while they received the same service, another person may feel they have not received good quality care or a quality product.
In health care, we provide a service. Hospitals, hospice and home health companies, skilled facilities all want you to use their service. They will advertise their quality of care and are always striving to be better with the constantly evolving health care system. I am a hospice case manager and my job is to provide end of life care to patients and support the families and the facilities where they reside. When I do my job well, and families and patients feel their needs are being met, we receive good scores. On the later side, when families or patients feel they did not receive good care, we receive bad scores. This is where reliability comes into play. People want good quality that is reliable (Spath 2018). These scores are listed for anyone looking for a reputable hospice service to assist in determining what service they will use.
W. Edwards Deming was always striving to provide quality. He viewed quality as a responsibility of everyone (Guru Guide, 2010). This is very truthful for health care. Patients need quality of care by all members of the team including the doctor, therapy, aides and even housekeeping. A common practice problem I come across is education with families. Frequently we have unlicensed staff at assisted living facilities give medical advice and assessments to hospice patient’s families. This can cause an issue because families can feel that they are getting conflicting opinions. Education is imperative to facility staff to always practice within their scope and allow hospice to educate the families on their loved ones decline towards end of life. Good communication is crucial from all members of our hospice team to ensure patients and families feel they are getting quality of care. This is indicative of what Deming stated that good quality comes from everyone.
QP staff (2010). Guru Guide: Six thought leaders who changed to quality world forever. Quality Progress 43 (11), 14-21.
Spath, P. (2018). Introduction to healthcare quality management (3rd ed). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Kendra Pauley
RE: Discussion – Week 1
Week 1 Initial Discussion Post:
To me, quality means doing things the best you can, doing things right the first time, having pride in what you do, and continually improving. According to the text, quality is attributed to a product or service (Spath, 2018). Quality is influenced by a person using a product or service, there is no one definition of quality, but there are common elements (Spath, 2018). Quality products or services meet or exceed expectations; expectations change, so we need to improve continually (Spath, 2018).
I am a nurse at a family practice office. We are continually striving to meet quality measures for healthcare to improve our patients’ health. I work in a small town that has few resources for patients. Getting patients to follow-up and do tests ordered was a problem that our facility noticed. To eliminate wasteful practices, our facility expanded by offering additional services. The facility added a lab, radiology services that offer ultrasounds, computerized tomography scans, magnetic resonance imaging, an infusion center, cancer center, and a specialty suite with cardiology, neurology, rheumatology, and general surgery services. Having services available in one location provides quality service to patients, so patients do not have to go to multiple facilities to have tests done or struggle to get to different places to get quality healthcare. The services offered at my facility allow patients to go to their doctor’s appointment, have labs, or radiology services done at one place and the same day.
Philip B. Crosby stated, “You as a manager have an obligation to demand continual quality improvement from your operation, whether you are in the accounting business or machine shop. You have an obligation to provide thoughtful and imaginative leadership. What you put out is what you get back” (Guru Guide, 2010). This applies to my definition of quality by always striving for improvement, doing things right the first time, and the best you can. Doing this will help improve patients experiences and satisfaction with the services they receive. When you put your best into your work or services, you will get back better satisfaction scores and comments from the patients receiving those services.
QP staff. (2010). Guru guide: Six thought leaders who changed the quality world forever.
Quality Progress, 43(11), 14–21.
Spath, P. (2018). Introduction to healthcare quality management (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health
Administration Press.
NURS 4220 Walden University Healthcare Quality Management Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ILS 4170 Johnson And Wales University Greatness and Justice Essay Writing Assignment Help
Answer ONEof the following questions as thoroughly as possible in a minimum of 5 well developed and supported paragraphs. You must have a MINIMUM of 2 quotes from the texts.
- Shakespeare often writes about the tyranny of man. What characteristics make up a Shakespearean tyrant? Pick from Julius Caesarand Richard II.
- Summarize Kant’s philosophy and apply his theories to Julius Caesarand Richard II. Pick 1 character from each play to analyze. Explain how they conform to Kant’s philosophy. Include quotes from the text for support.
- Summarize Aristotle’s philosophy of greatness and justice. Apply his ideas to 1 character in both Julius Caesarand Richard II. Pick 1 character from each play to analyze. Explain how they conform to Aristotle’s philosophy. Include quotes from the text for support.
Corning Community College Figurative Language in Polysyllabic Words Paper Writing Assignment Help
Exquisite disaster. Decorous doldrums. These are phrases that play with sound. How does this work in a poem? Here are the first two lines of an Emily Dickinson Poem:
“After Pain, a Formal Feeling Comes.”
This line uses metaphor and word play to create meaning through imagery and sound. In “Formal Feeling,” there is the double “f” sound which causes a person reading this out loud to bite their lip in order to get the sound right. It’s related to pain and is achieved through conscious word choice.
The metaphor? What is a Formal Feeling, anyway?
For this discussion board, I have another word exercise for you. While these discussion boards may seem silly, they are really asking you to play with the language in a way you may not have done so before. Also, playing around in dictionaries is a really good way to overcome writer’s block.
I know it seems crazy. But playing around with words, writing in shapes, writing backwards, rummaging through dictionaries looking for your grandmother’s slang, all of these relax a person. A relaxed person writes better.
Here’s your exercise: Give me your favorite polysyllabic (more than one syllable, in this case, more than three syllables) and apply any one figurative language device you read about in chapter 5.
Be sure to respond to two other people.
Delta State University Units 5&6 Differences Between Teams and Groups Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
APA format, Times New Roman , Cover and Reference Page, Cite if needed
** Unit 5 Discussions ALL DISCUSSIONS ARE 300 WORDS
Reading Assignments
Discussion Questions:
o Prompt: Teams and groups in the workplace have both similarities and
differences. Discuss the similarities and differences between teams and groups.
Support your answer with cited material from the text and from another source
that you find (provide the reference for this source at the end of your discussion
post). The non-text course does not have to be peer-reviewed. Be sure to address
how your approach as a manager may differ, if you are in charge of a group or a
o Prompt: Perform the OB Matters exercise on page 313 of the Ivancevich et al.
text. After taking the exercise and analyzing your results, discuss how your
findings may influence how you will lead or manage others, especially in conflict
situations. Are there areas in which you will need to learn new conflict
management skills or behaviors?
**Unit 6 Discussion ALL DISCUSSIONS ARE 300 WORDS
Reading Assignments
o Prompt: Referring to the Zenger article, to the text, and to Scriptures, what steps
can a leader take to prevent the unethical or abusive use of power, especially
legitimate power?
o Prompt: Assume you have to deliver a very difficult message to your
organization (or subunit). Specify and describe the steps and measures that you
will use to help ensure the communication of this message will get the results that
you want to get.
Long Island University Brooklyn Starbucks Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Franchising is widely used in the casual dining and fast food industry, yet Starbucks is quite successful with a large number of company-owned stores. In 2019 Starbucks had more than 8,500 company-owned stores in the United States. How do you explain this difference? Is Starbucks bucking the trend of other food-service stores, or is something else going on?
The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to organizational behavior. This does not mean blogs or websites. This source should be a published article in a scholarly journal. This source should provide substance and not just be mentioned briefly to fulfill this criteria. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not use quotes. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.