USF Foucault Argument Sexuality is a Modern Creation Essay Humanities Assignment Help. USF Foucault Argument Sexuality is a Modern Creation Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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I’m posting the reading for the essay as well (you don’t need to read it all just glimpse to get information from it). Also I am a straight male since it requires to make a self-reflection including in the essay. I gotta turn this assignment through turn it in.
Foucault argues that there is no truth to sex, but rather those in power use rituals like the confession to produce a truth in sex. 1. Explain what Foucault means 2.Use his theoretical principles to reflect on or deconstruct your own sense of sex, gender and/or sexuality. A strong essay will be critical/analytical and may require self-reflection of how these theories make you feel related to your sex/gender/sexuality.
Here are the readings (pgs469-500 )…
USF Foucault Argument Sexuality is a Modern Creation Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Oregon Developing Practical Efforts for Local Food Justice Essay Writing Assignment Help
Purpose: For Essay Cycle Two, we are going to focus our efforts on examining food justice efforts at a more localized level. For this essay cycle, your task will be to identify a real-world inequity or problem to write about. It could be a problem that you’ve identified in our local food system here in Eugene or in your home community’s local food system, or you can use one (or more) of the assigned readings from this term to examine a specific food justice effort.
PROMPT: Developing Practical Efforts for Local Food Justice
“If you were to improve food access in the local community of the University of Oregon, what food justice efforts might you implement or plan?” (Food Justice Casebook p. 73).
Identify a specific problem or inequity in a local community that you are a part of, whether it’s at the University of Oregon, in your home-town/country, or some other place that you are familiar with.
Develop a plan of action that describes what efforts you would implement or plan to address the food justice problem you have identified.
Write an argumentative essay in which you outline the problem and then develop and defend your plan of action by analyzing the potential effects and efficacy (effectiveness) of your food justice efforts.
The Purpose of The Essay:
The focus of this essay option will be on explaining and defending your plan of action in an argumentative essay; the argumentative aspect of your essay will focus on explaining why you believe your plan of action will be effective in accomplishing your intended goals.
Your essay should be written to a specific audience, meaning that your essay should consider what your audience needs and how they might be best persuaded by your argument.
*Note: You do not have to solve the problem you identify, but as a part of your defense, you should explain why your plan of action will help to address the problem in a meaningful way.
Introduce your essay with a paragraph that hooks your reader, establishes the context for your argument, and states your Enthymeme (Claim because Reason). Logical Development Requirements (Argumentative Essay Option)
Respond to a significant question at issue of your choosing that is related to and/or contextualized within the conversations we’ve had thus far this term
Effectively incorporate at least two (2) of the assigned readings into the “conversation” through the use of direct quotes, paraphrase, and summary
Make an original argument about some problem, disagreement, or gap in knowledge that’s based in the conversations we have developed on the weekly discussion boards
To clarify: When I say I want you to write an original argument, I mean that I want you to focus on developing your ideas and your own line of reasoning instead of simply summarizing one of the source’s arguments back at me.
Additionally, you and your peers may use similar questions at issue or make similar claims, but the way you argue the point will be different from theirs. In other words, it is just fine to use the same Q@I as your peers and to make a similar argument. The originality will come through in the way you write the argument.
Include a properly-formatted enthymeme (includes a claim, a reason, and a shared term) that identifies the argument you’re developing
Develop the line of reasoning clearly and logically by providing evidence, analysis, and explanation to support the reason and, if need be, the warrant of your essay.
For our purposes, evidence includes:
Quotes or paraphrases from the assigned readings
Personal anecdotes or observations
Logical reasoning
Analysis of evidence and explanation of your reasoning
Earn the claim/conclusion of the argument by clearly explaining and supporting the logic of your premises (the reason and the warrant) and their connection to the claim
Source Use
You must contextualize both versions of this essay in response to at least two of the assigned readings. You may also use the Oxford English Dictionary. If you consult but do not cite or otherwise use information from other materials, you must include a Works Consulted page.**
**A Works Consulted page is basically a Works Cited page for sources that you do not cite in your essay but which you consulted to develop your argument.**
*Note: A counterargument is not required for the rough draft, though you may include one if you wish. We will discuss and workshop counterarguments in Week 9 instead, and the final version of this essay (the Essay 2.2) will require a strong counterargument and rebuttal.
Analytical Development Requirements (Analytical Essay Option)
Explores a significant Research Question on a specific aspect of your research topic that you feel has not received enough attention or has been misinterpreted
Analyzes and interprets examples from primary sources as related to the Research Question
Develops logical and/or well-explained interpretations of the examples
Examines and engages in conversation with other interpretations from researched secondary sources
Anticipates and responds to potential counterarguments
Mechanical, Formatting, and Submission Requirements
Meets the 1,500-2,000 word minimum (this minimum requirement does not include the Works Cited page; the text of your argument must meet this 1,500-2,000 word minimum)
Uses formal academic prose
Adheres to the requirements of Standard Edited American English, MLA documentation style, and formatting guidelines stated in the syllabus
Includes parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page that lists the texts you cite in your essay
Sources u can use but also u can find your own:
PSY 340 Mental Disorder Post Traumatic Disorder Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
Research Portfolio: Introduction
In their portfolio introduction, students will identify their selected topic and provide a concise review of the relevant historical context for their topic. The goal of the introduction is to:
- Explain the relevance or significance of their topic and address the question, “How would the field of psychology benefit from further research into this topic?”
- Students should provide enough background information on their topic to help the reader assess the relevance and significance of their topic.
- Describe their goals for their research.
- What would you hope to accomplish with additional research into this topic?
- Some things to consider include both basic research (improved theoretical understanding of the variables associated with your topic) and applied research (how this understanding might translate into practical application or usage by psychologists).
- What would you hope to accomplish with additional research into this topic?
- The introduction should be concise, with a 2-page maximum.
*I have done all work for oral presentation just need it pieced togehter into a powerpoint.
Please review the portfolio assignment details via the attached document. As a reminder, your completed portfolio should include the following:
- Introduction
- Survey Mini-Study
- Experimental Mini-Study
- Observational Mini-Study
- Reflections on the Research Process
- Via oral presentation
The oral presentation should:
- Introduce your topic, its relevance and significance to your educational or career goals
- Discuss the research questions presented in your mini-studies:
- Key design decisions for your research (including participants, procedures, data collection, etc.)
- Review the strengths and limitations of your mini-studies
- Discuss the conclusions and implications of your mini-studies
San Diego State University Perceptions and Satisfaction in Tourism Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Q1) Why and how do tourists develop and/or resort to stereotypes while traveling away from their home environment? Why are stereotypes often inaccurate? Why are stereotypes helpful? Why are stereotypes dangerous? How can we modify and/or eliminate stereotypes? Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.
Q2) If you were the President of the San Diego Tourism Authority, how would you go about evaluating satisfaction levels of tourists visiting the region? Which technique of satisfaction measurement would be the most adequate? Describe this technique? Why should international tourist complaints not always be used in assessing their vacation satisfaction? NOTE: This question is not asking you to discuss any type of surveys; while answering this question/subquestions, youwill need to apply the specific course concepts covered under the topic of Satisfaction. Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.
IFSM 310 Software and hardware Infrastructure Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Mark does not want to continue to increase his IT infrastructure at the original location and has decided to move all of his systems and files to a cloud service provider. You have recommended that since he has everything set up the way he wants it and the systems are performing well for him, that he just move what he has to an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud provider. Before Mark agrees to this, he wants to understand more about just how that would work, using his current systems and locations. He also has a lot of questions about how the communications systems work, and he wants to understand the protocols, the architecture and the four layer TCP model.
Montgomery County Community College Opportunity Gap in Education Paper Writing Assignment Help
Research the topic opportunity gap in education in the United States
Introduce and frame the educational issue as harmful to your purpose for education in a democratic society. How does this issue conflict with your thesis? Why does this issue prevent or inhibit your thesis from being achieved?
Here is my thesis to follow: In this paper we will analyze and go in depth the purpose of education using the key values which are cooperation, justice and fairness, and how the opportunity gap in the United states is harmful to these key values.
Montgomery County Community College Opportunity Gap in Education Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ACC 427 SNHU Lithuanian Wire Fraud & Brooklyn Man Cyber Crime Related Case Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Submit copies of two adjudicated cases and write a half-page summary of the relevance and similarities and differences these cases have with your approved case. In
your summary, you will be providing just a short overview of the two
cases and briefly show how they are similar to or differ with your
approved case. The similarities should be more pronounced than the
differences. I recommend one paragraph each for the headings
“Similarities” and “Differences”. Succinctly show how the two cases are
relevant in establishing a precedent for your approved case.
will submit files (or digital copies) of cases that are similar to the
case you selected for your project, in addition to the short summary. The sample cases might have occurred before or after your project case. You may submit your cases in Word or pdf file format. You will submit adjudicated cases only, since they will have the details you need. Do not submit just an article of a case or a commentary.
If you wish to include an article or commentary on a case, make sure
you find and submit the actual adjudicated case as well. See sample
court case in the attached.
original case:
Similar cases:
CNCC Starbucks Business Artificial Intelligence Discussion Engineering Assignment Help
Subject:business intelligence and information systems
Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the
week/course and lecture concepts to one of the following scenarios:
As applied to your current professional career
As applied to enhancing, improving, or advancing your current professional career
As applied to a management, leadership, or any decision-making position
As applied to a current or future entrepreneurial endeavor
Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the
week/course and lecture concepts to a business organization that exhibits and demonstrates these
concepts. You should develop a summary of the organization’s strategy and how they use these
concepts to compete.
This is a learning and application exercise designed to give you an opportunity to apply concepts learned in a pragmatic and meaningful way that will enable you to gain valuable and relevant knowledge in an effort to augment your skill set and enhance your professional careers
ENG 102 PCP Literal Analysis of the Novel The Haunting of Hill House Critical Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Choose one of the works from the syllabus and write an 8-10 page essay, TLE, 1147-1168, 1464-1469; Stoker, “Dracula’s Guest”; Arnold, “Dover Beach”; Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown” supported by research, that presents an interpretation of the work from one of the critical perspectives discussed in this class. Your paper should use literary terms to isolate specific aspects of the form that you wish to examine, and you should offer plenty of evidence from the text to support your interpretation. Design your paper as a contribution to the various other readings of the text to be found in your research. Be sure to have a clear, focused thesis, which you develop through a series of paragraphs that advance your supporting ideas.
Research is required. Visit the Pierce library’s website to find the collection of databases devoted to literature, and search for essays about the work you choose. You will be completing an annotated bibliography of sources that you consult (see the assignment page for the bibliography in Canvas). Your final paper does not need to refer to every source in your bibliography but should contain enough references to demonstrate your familiarity with other readings of the text.
The paper should be typed in a 12pt. font, double-spaced throughout, with a one-inch margin. Follow the MLA guidelines for formatting a research paper. The Pierce library also offers many online resources for MLA format and bibliographies. Submit the paper through Canvas on the designated due date.
The essay will be graded on content (unity, clarity, originality, and accuracy), support (use of evidence, use of research, development with commentary), organization (order of ideas, logic, structure), and style (sentence skills). If necessary, be sure to review the basic structure of both paragraphs and essays.
Rubric for an Essay w/Research (1)
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentThe essay is unified around a single purpose. The argument is laid out in a focused, limited thesis, and each supporting idea is articulated and developed in a paragraph or section of its own. There is a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. |
4.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupportThe essay contains adequate, specific evidence to support the argument. Sources are clearly introduced in the text, and quotations or paraphrases are smoothly integrated into the sentences. Connections between the evidence and the supporting ideas or the larger argument are made explicit through commentary and analysis. |
4.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationThe essay displays a principle of organization that determines the order of ideas. The paragraphs and the essay as a whole are made coherent through the use of transitions, signal phrases, and key words. The sequence of paragraphs is logical. |
4.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyleThe essay is free of errors in grammar, punctuation , and spelling. Sentences are written to suit the purpose and communicate ideas efficiently. The style is interesting and original. |
4.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations and ResearchThe in-text citations and works cited page conform to the standards of MLA format. The research conveys familiarity with the scholarship available on the topic, and the research situates the paper within a wider discussion of the topic. |
4.0 pts |
FIU Regulating Free Speech on College Campuses to Insure Inclusivity Proposal Essay Humanities Assignment Help
In an essay of approximately 750 words (2.5-3pages/12 point font/double spaced) write a proposal argument in response to one of the issues addressed in your Everything’s an Argument textbook.Your essay must include an introduction providing some context on the issue (in a proposal essay your introduction should define the particular problem or issue which your paper will address) leading into a focused thesis statement (claim + reason) that takes the form of a claim offering a specific solution addressing the problem at issue, and explaining in brief why/how that solution will be effective in solving the problem (reason). As well as presenting an effective and viable solution to an issue and explaining how that solution will operate, your argument must utilize logic and provide effective examples and reasoning as to how and why your proposal will be beneficial. Moreover, your proposal must also be feasible and capable of being enacted with the means and funds presently available or explain how such means/funds might be acquired, while also addressing any potential opposition/counterarguments to your proposal – your main audience, those you are trying to convince, and whose values you must be attune to/respectful of – showing how your proposal will benefit not only the population to which it is directed but also the audience toward which it is being pitched. Your essay mayutilize support from the textbook, and if you wish you may include references from onesecondary source (i.e. a reputable internet source such as websites ending in .gov, .edu, .org, or a reputable .com, i.e. the, etc. – check with your professor if you are unsure if an online source is reputable) supporting your proposal/argument.Remember, your proposal will act as the initial step into formulating your final research paper, so make sure the topic you select is one in which you have an interest and you feel you can adequately and sufficiently support and expand into a full-fledged research argument. Be sure your essay is structured effectively in adherence to the guidelines of scholarly writing as covered in the textbooks and discussed in class (formal diction, effective essay and argument structure, grammatically correct, consistent use of the Third Person – no I, we, us, our (First Person) or you, your, you’re (Second Person), etc.). Your essay must be properly cited in MLA format (See The Little Seagulls Handbook) and include a one page works-cited as the last page of your paper (the essay or essays you are citing are those that got you interested in that topic which you are basing your proposal on – you do not necessarily have to have quoted those essays in the your paper).
What should, if anything, be done to regulate free speech on college campuses (or society in general) to insure inclusivity?
What can, or should, be done to resolve the issues surrounding internet privacy?