USF Generational Impact of Class and Incarceration on Families Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. USF Generational Impact of Class and Incarceration on Families Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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The first assignment is a PowerPoint:
Assignment 1:
This week I would like you to create an infographic that identifies and describes the main risk factors that impact youth delinquency. Feel free to be creative and find the best ways to communicate the most important information on these risk factors. This should be something you could hand to someone on the street to inform them on youth risk factors and how to prevent youth violence.
Assignment 2:
Don’t worry about using the text since I don’t have it. I’ve never used it for this class
In this week’s discussion board, please discuss how the generational impact of class on families and the impact of incarceration on families are related? In your post, explain both the generational impact of class and the impact of incarceration on families, and use an example to demonstrate a way these two things might be related. What evidence from this week’s readings can you use to support your argument? Please create a specific argument and support it with specific facts and citations from our readings. Your response must be 3-4 paragraphs in length.
USF Generational Impact of Class and Incarceration on Families Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MGMT 1301 Dalhousie Technology Applications in Restraint Industry Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a management project and need support to help me study.
The goal of this project to provide you with the opportunity to build on the work completed for your mini-venture, and grapple with some of the challenges involved in developing a business (or other management) project in the real world. While in your mini-venture, you were given considerable operational flexibility, and the freedom to fail, in real undertaking, you will be confronted with a wide range of factors (regulatory, human, and environmental) that will limit your choice of action, and which will increase your chances of failure if you do not take them into account.
Troy University Biblical Worldview Christian Philosophy of Education Paper Writing Assignment Help
The Biblical Worldview Paper Assignment is course-embedded into every degree program in Liberty University’s School of Education (SOE). Its purpose is to carry out LU’s mission to provide an education with a solid Christian foundation and to ensure that every SOE program completer understands the implications of a biblical worldview for the field of education. While there are other assignments that require candidates to write a personal philosophy of education, that is not necessarily the intent of this particular assignment. The goal of this activity is for candidates to accomplish the following: Convey an understanding of what is meant by a biblical worldview.Support and illustrate this understanding by citing the Bible and other literature on the topic of biblical worldview.Apply principles of a biblical worldview to educational practice.Articulate key components of a Christian philosophy of education, citing from the Bible and other literature on the topic of Christian philosophy of education. Because the SOE embeds this assignment into every degree program—i.e., bachelor, master, education specialist (Ed.S.), and doctorate (Ed.D)—it is likely that candidates who earn multiple degrees from LU’s SOE will be required to complete the assignment multiple times. Especially in the Ed.S. and Ed.D. degrees, the Biblical Worldview Assignment may be required for more than one course. Candidates who are required to complete the assignment more than once may resubmit the initial assignment but are encouraged to revise as needed. For example, expectations for undergraduate and graduate writing levels are different; therefore, the composition of the paper may need to be strengthened with the repeated submission. Also, check the assignment directions and rubric to ensure that you are meeting the present course’s specific requirements.Mission of Liberty University: This assignment advances LU’s mission by promoting “the synthesis of academic knowledge and Christian worldview in order that there might be a maturing of spiritual, intellectual, social and physical value-driven behavior” and by encouraging “a commitment to the Christian life, one of personal integrity, sensitivity to the needs of others, social responsibility and active communication of the Christian faith, and, as it is lived out, a life that leads people to Jesus Christ as the Lord of the universe and their own personal Savior.”
Write a 4-page paper in current APA format that conveys your understanding of what is meant by a biblical worldview and a Christian philosophy of education. Also, discuss the implications of these principles in their application to educational practice. Page length requirement begins with the introductory paragraph and ends with the conclusion; it includes neither the title page nor the reference page. An abstract is not required. In addition to the Bible, cite a minimum of four references that represent the body of literature supporting and explaining biblical worldview and Christian philosophy of education. No more than 10% of the paper is to include direct quotes; therefore, you should do much more summarizing and paraphrasing than quoting. Citations are required both for direct quotes and for summarized ideas drawn from references. The format of the paper is to include the sections below with headings that follow current APA format.
Title Page
EDUC 504IntroductionPresent a strong, clear thesis statement. The focus of this paragraph is to introduce the reader to the thesis statement. The remainder of the paper should support and illustrate the main point(s) of the thesis statement. Biblical WorldviewBased upon your readings of the Bible and literature on the topic of biblical worldview, convey a basic understanding of the elements of a worldview that is based distinctively on a perspective of life drawn from Judeo-Christian scriptures. Do not focus on the field of education in this section. A common error is for writers to neglect the discussion of a biblical worldview by focusing too much on the field of education, which is to be addressed in subsequent sections of the paper. Christian Philosophy of EducationBased upon your readings of the Bible and literature on the topic of Christian philosophy of education, convey a basic understanding of the elements of an educational philosophy that is based distinctively on a perspective drawn from Judeo-Christian scriptures. Address metaphysical and axiological issues. Metaphysical issues relate to questions of meaning and purpose. Axiological issues relate to questions of values. Minimize the discussion of practical application to the field of education in this section. A common error is for writers to neglect the discussion of a Christian philosophy of education by focusing too much on the implications for educational practice, which will be addressed in the subsequent section. Implications for Educational PracticeDiscuss the implications of a biblical worldview and Christian philosophy for practical application to the overall field of education. Ensure that you discuss these implications for the field in general, but you may also proceed to specify implications for your particular area of interest. For example, if you are preparing to serve as a content area teacher, a special education teacher, an administrator, or a school counselor, you may—after addressing implications for the overall field of education—address implications for your area of service.ConclusionAn effective conclusion affirms the thesis statement and leaves the reader with a clear idea of how thoughts in the paper fit together to make a specific point.Reference Page List here at least 4 references in addition to the Bible. One your references is to be the course textbook.
ENG 225 WU Social Aspects of Substance Use Disorders Annotated Bibliography Writing Assignment Help
Task 7
This week you will write the outline and annotated bibliography for a 700-1,000 word expository essay about a 21st century social issue. Remember from the Lesson – an expository essay requires the writer to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth a clear and concise argument. Expository essays are commonly written as compare/contrast, definition, example, or cause and effect.
Choose a topic and an essay type (compare/contrast, definition, example, cause & effect).
Write an outline and look for sources as you compile ideas.
Write an annotated bibliography for your outline. There should be at least 5 sources, and the annotations should be no less than 100 words each.
Upload your outline and annotated bibliography into Moodle.
Online students – assignment is due by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. EST
SCSU Medieval History Religion Emergence and Evolutions Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I need help with answering the following questions separately with very short answers:
1- Who was the Frankish king who adopted “Catholic” Christianity?
2- What was the Visigothic law Code based on?
3- What did peasants hope for at the tomb of St.Martin?
4- What monastic rule became the norm in the West?
5- What did holy tombs and relics bring to the texture of everyday life?
6- Who were the ascetic heroes of Christianity in the new medieval world?
7- What is the Qur’an?
8- Are there any intermediaries between God and the faithful in Islam (like priests, relics, or the Eucharist)?
9- Did the Islamic conquerors of Byzantine cities attempt to convert the Christian and Jewish inhabitants?
10- If the West, was rural, Islamic culture was…
11- The Shi’ah followed the line of leaders that descended from whom?
12- Where was the capital of the Umayyad dynasty?
13- How does the textbook describe Western Europe in 750?
14- What are the three indications that medieval Europe still had wealth and patterns of exchange?
15- What region was the dominant political player in Western Europe of the eighth century?
16- Where was women’s chief area of independence and freedom of action?
17- How many monasteries were founded in Francia between 600 and 700?
18- In England, what served as the seats of bishoprics and centers of population and settlement?
19- What became the linchpin of the Christian religion in Spain and England?
20- What year began the Islamic conquest of Visigothic Spain?
21- What alliance would change the map of Europe in the decades?
Jeremy Baskes Repartimiento De Mercancias Forced System of Trade Argumentative Essay Humanities Assignment Help
The repartimiento de mercancias was a system of credit, whereby the alcaldes mayores or corregidores either lent money or provided Indigenous people with some kind of tool or animal in exchange for a future payment often in the form of cochineal. While most scholars have suggested that Spanish officials coerced Indigenous people into this form of credit and trade, Jeremy Baskes argues that Indigenous people actually participated willingly in the repartimientos as voluntary, not coerced, actors.
ESSAY PROMPT: For this short writing assignment, you are to examine critically whether Jeremy Baskes’s argument is persuasive. Were the repartimientos coercive or voluntary? Keep in mind that it is perfectly legitimate to change the terms of the debate. In other words, if you deem it appropriate, you can argue that the repartimientos were neither coerced nor voluntary but something else entirely. You may also argue that certain parts were coerced and others voluntary. Whatever your argument, you should focus on explaining your answers with evidence and relevant information. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Baskes’s argument.
*NOTE: Remember to make an argument or main point in the first paragraph and weave it throughout the paper. Make only one argument, and support it with evidence from the secondary sources assigned. Additional research is not necessary. Where helpful, provide quotations to prove your point. Because this is a very short paper, make sure to be concise. Re-read and revise your paper until you are absolutely sure that every word is helping you bolster your argument. Use topic sentences in the beginning of each paragraph, and relate the content of each paragraph to your main argument.
Jeremy Baskes Repartimiento De Mercancias Forced System of Trade Argumentative Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CMIT 369 University of Maryland Week 5 Windows Network Infrastructure Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
300-400 words is required for each discussion question, and they must be your own words. Including figures and quotes is value-added, but they will not count toward your word requirement. Be sure to examine the discussion grading rubric.
Discussion Question 1:
Describe a role that WSUS and Windows Defender play in securing a Windows Network Infrastructure. What should the policy be to keep the nodes on your network updated with the latest security updates?
Discussion Question 2:
Describe in detail some of the aspects of DHCP related to Windows Server 2016 including leases, scopes, and commands, etc. Explain how DHCP is installed and configured on Windows Server 2016.
West Coast University My Personal Diet & My Plate Analysis Food Log Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
- Let’s say you kept track of what you ate for 3 days..
- You can write a report or create a 2-page diet plan that aligns with RDA standards. Make suggestions on how you can add or subtract certain foods to or from your diet in order to meet/achieve 90-110 percent of the recommendations of Pearson’s Diet Analysis or MyPlate. If your intake of a particular nutrient falls between 90 and 110 percent of the recommendations, you do not need to include it in your analysis since this is consdidered a strength. However, if it doesn’t, then indicate how you could alter your diet to make it fall within the recommended intake. For example, if the diet analysis program says that you’re under for vitamin C, you could say that including a cup of orange juice with your breakfast would provide 124 mg of vitamin C
- Your final submission should include the report from Pearson’s Diet Analysis or MyPlate with your intakes and the recommended intakes, and it should include suggestions of dietary changes you could make to fall within 90 and 110 percent of the recommendations for any nutrients for which you fall outside of those parameters.
CMIT 321 Maryland Global Campus Penetration Test Proposal Gaining Access Plan Computer Science Assignment Help
After collecting enough information about the target during Deliverable 2 (Reconnaissance and Scanning Plan), you will describe how to use that information to gain access to Haverbrook’s systems. Your one- to two-page plan on gaining access should include:
- details of the gaining access process in regards to the techniques commonly used to exploit low-privileged user accounts by cracking passwords through techniques such as brute-forcing, password guessing, and social engineering, and then escalate the account privileges to administrative levels, to perform a protected operation.
- an implementation outline of any software that will be used in gaining access to the network(s) or system(s) You may include open source and commercial tools available to execute the actual exploit: Burp Suite, Cain and Abel, Core Impact, John the Ripper, Metasploit, and others. You can also use some programming languages, such as Javascript, Perl, Python, Ruby, or C++, if you choose to develop custom exploits.
As you are developing the Gaining Access Plan, keep these questions in mind:
- How would you escalate your privileges?
- How would you establish a command and control communication channel?
Refer to Chapter 6 in the textbook for the different techniques that can be used to gain access to the system.
Use the Gaining Access Plan template to record your work. I have attached the Gaining Access Plan template and my Reconnaissance and Scanning Plans
HIST 4442 Idaho State University Witchcraft and Magic Book Review Humanities Assignment Help
You will have to scan through and read Devil in the Shape of a Woman
and write a 2-3 page review of the book. I as well will send you an
extra $10 to purchase the pdf version of the book The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England by Carol F. Karlsen on Amazon.
Here are the instructions:
You will write a short (2-3 page) book review of Devil in the Shape of a
Woman. This is not a book report. Your review should briefly (in a few
sentences) describe the subject of the book. You must identify the
argument of the author, as well as the evidence and method used in the
book. Critiques are also appropriate for a book review, though you must
provide evidence for your assertions. You should finish your essay with a
discussion of how the book and argument fits within the larger
historiography about witchcraft. Make sure to lean on and cite course
materials in your review.
USF Generational Impact of Class and Incarceration on Families Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
USF Generational Impact of Class and Incarceration on Families Discussion Humanities Assignment Help