USF Service Learning Experience the Environment & Wildlife Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

USF Service Learning Experience the Environment & Wildlife Research Paper Writing Assignment Help. USF Service Learning Experience the Environment & Wildlife Research Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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Service Learning Experience Research Paper.

Many business leaders “give back” to their communities by charitably donating their time and talents. Most will tell you that they receive more than they give, and grow from the exposure to new ideas and experiences. The majority of non-profit organizations rely on the generous support and expertise from the business community.

For your service learning experience in this course, you will research a local non-profit organization of your choice that supports families, children, disadvantaged, animals, and the environment, etc. Hopefully you’ll want to apply your business skills to the volunteer organization after graduation. As future business leaders you have something to offer and something to gain from getting involved.

Your report should be double-spaced, 5 pages in length.

• Pick a non-profit organization of your choice

• Provide an overview on the organization
o Mission
o Vision
o Strategic Objectives
o Events/Initiatives they host
o Ways to get involved/volunteer
o Local contact and telephone number to volunteer at the organization

• Create a SWOT Analysis for your chosen organization (this should show strength and weaknesses of the organization as well as opportunities and threats in the environment that they are operating in)

• Find an organization similar to your chosen non-profit and create a Points of Parity and Points of Difference analysis.
o POP – Points of Parity (how are the 2 organizations similar)
o POD – Points of Difference (how are the 2 organizations different)
o This analysis may help you see how your organization differs and what they may want to capitalize on. It may also show you what they need to work on and develop to grow. Use this POP/POD analysis as a way to learn about the organization itself and a competing non-profit.

• Provide 5 Action Items/Recommendations on how the organization of your choice can grow (reach more people). This may include enhancing their internet presence.
o Provide details for each action item, follow this template:
 – Action Item Title
 – Description on what the organization should do and how
 – Timing involved to implement
 – Potential projected costs involved for implementation

USF Service Learning Experience the Environment & Wildlife Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

West Virginia University Artist Date Essay Writing Assignment Help

An artist date is a block of time that you use to foster your creative self. The idea comes from Julia Cameron’s beloved book on creativity, The Artist’s Way. Cameron’s voice is so strong when she describes the artist date, it’s worth quoting in full:

But what exactly is an artist date? An artist date is a block of time, perhaps two hours weekly, especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist. In its most primary form, the artist date is an excursion, a play date that you preplan and defend against all interlopers. You do not take anyone on an artist date but you and your inner artist, a.k.a. your creative child. That means no lovers, friends, spouses, children–no taggers-on of any strip. (Cameron, 2007, p. 33).

Cameron’s approach might feel a bit wacky. Inner artist? Creative child? Come on—you’re just a college student looking to pass English 102. You’re not an artist. Right?

Wrong! (Now I’m having fun with my voice.) You are creative. You are a writer. You are embarking on a semester-long journey to create new knowledge about a topic that is important enough to make national news, important enough that scores of inquisitive scholars are reaching for knowledge alongside you, important enough that you’ve spent hours pouring over academic journals and generating a project proposal.

Research writing is cognitively and creatively demanding. You need to take care of yourself, or you’ll burn out. As such, your inner writer requires an artist date.

The assignment:

Schedule and commit to 1 hour of time (or more) this week to take yourself (your inner artist, your inner creative, your muse…whatever you want to call it) on a date. You should heed these suggestions:

Do not bring anyone with you.

Consider bringing a journal in case of ideas.

Open your senses. Cooking with new spices? Allow yourself to be filled by the sound of spitting oil, the smell of home or a distant land.

Relax and enjoy.

The purpose of the artist date is for you to refuel/recharge (pick your car/cell phone metaphor) so that you approach your writing work with a fresh perspective. An artist date also allows you to engage in what creativity researchers call “mind wandering,” or inattention to the writing problem; thinking that is unrelated to your goal (Baird et al., 2012). Mind wandering, time when you’re not writing, is just as important to the writing process as time spent writing. Mind wandering allows you to incubate ideas, and creativity research suggests that incubation is key to work through problems.

The activity should inspire you, and it should be different from your daily routine. It should not be rote (meaning out of habit, or something you normally do). If you chose a beloved hiking trail or hobby, try approaching it with new eyes. What can you find in this experience today? Another approach is to reach into the archives of things that inspired you as a child. An old game (that you can play solo). A trip to a dollar store with only a five dollar bill to spend (I love this one). A climb up a tree.

Keep in mind that you’re dating your inner artist during a global pandemic. If you leave your house, wear your mask, bring and use hand sanitizer, and stay 6 feet away from other people. If you are sick, you do not need to leave your bed. Try watching a movie in a genre that’s unfamiliar to you (think: an Audrey Hepburn film if you usually go for action). Read an online poetry magazine while sipping tea. Close your eyes and listen to a new album in full, without skipping tracks (I recommend Sigur Ros’ Takk).

What you’ll turn in

A 200-300 words description of your artist date. What did you do? What was your experience like? How did you feel before the date? After? I’m your audience, but write to me as a fellow writer, not a teacher. In other words, gush about your experience. I welcome a narrative, descriptive tone/style if that’s your cup of tea. If it’s not, don’t pressure yourself. Just write in a conversational or school voice. I want you to spend more time on your artist date than on your write up.

At the end of the day, the 200-300 word description is still a school assignment. Use Times New Roman 12 point font, double spaced. Save your file as yourlastname-exercise3-date. Use Word or a PDF with one of the following extensions: .doc, .docx, or .pdf. Write in complete sentences. You know the drill.


Airplane History Annotated Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

The article that you will use for this bibliography is available from the link below.

Above it All, Air & Space Magazine, September 01, 2009

Annotated Bibliographies Guidelines


Title: Include your name and the title of the article top of each paper.

Margins: 1” top, bottom, right, and left

Font: Times New Roman size 12 pt

Line Spacing: Double Spaced

Minimum Length: Five complete lines of text for both the Abstract and Comment sections

Annotated bibliographies that do not meet all of the format criteria will receive 0 points.


List the title of the article at the top of each annotated bibliography along with your name.


The annotated bibliographies must be completed and submitted to the dropbox by 11:59 PM Central time on the due date.


The annotated bibliography should not be more than 1 page and must consist of three parts; the title, an abstract, and your comments. You may not directly quote any material in your analysis. Each part will begin with the appropriate heading.

1. Title: The first line of the document must include the title of the article you are reviewing.

2. Abstract: The first paragraph will consist of a descriptive abstract of the article. In other words, summarize the content of the article. This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

3. Comment: After the abstract, provide an evaluative comment on the article’s content. Explain your thoughts about the article. How does it apply to what we have learned in class? Do you see any future potential for the material or process you read about, other than that discussed by the author? This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

An article review that does not have each of the three headings and/or does not cover all three areas will receive 0 points. You must have a minimum of five lines for the abstract section and five lines for the comment section.

Grade Rubric

Failure to follow the criteria in the Format section will receive 0 credit

Bibliographies that score 20% or higher on the Turnitin originality report will receive 0 credit. This applies to the final version submitted. You are allowed unlimited submission before the deadline.

Each error (spelling or grammatical) more than 2 per bibliography will result in a 5% reduction in the score on the assignment.

If the abstract section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

If the comment section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

Directly quoting material from the article is not allowed. Any directly quoted material will not count towards the minimum text required for either the comment or abstract section.


MTSU The Birthplaces of Aviation Air & Space Airplane History Annotated Bibliographies Essay Writing Assignment Help

The article that you will use for this bibliography is available from the link below.

The Birthplaces of Aviation, Air & Space Magazine, July 15, 2009

Annotated Bibliographies Guidelines


Title: Include your name and the title of the article top of each paper.

Margins: 1” top, bottom, right, and left

Font: Times New Roman size 12 pt

Line Spacing: Double Spaced

Minimum Length: Five complete lines of text for both the Abstract and Comment sections

Annotated bibliographies that do not meet all of the format criteria will receive 0 points.


List the title of the article at the top of each annotated bibliography along with your name.


The annotated bibliographies must be completed and submitted to the dropbox by 11:59 PM Central time on the due date.


The annotated bibliography should not be more than 1 page and must consist of three parts; the title, an abstract, and your comments. You may not directly quote any material in your analysis. Each part will begin with the appropriate heading.

1. Title: The first line of the document must include the title of the article you are reviewing.

2. Abstract: The first paragraph will consist of a descriptive abstract of the article. In other words, summarize the content of the article. This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

3. Comment: After the abstract, provide an evaluative comment on the article’s content. Explain your thoughts about the article. How does it apply to what we have learned in class? Do you see any future potential for the material or process you read about, other than that discussed by the author? This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

An article review that does not have each of the three headings and/or does not cover all three areas will receive 0 points. You must have a minimum of five lines for the abstract section and five lines for the comment section.

Grade Rubric

Failure to follow the criteria in the Format section will receive 0 credit

Bibliographies that score 20% or higher on the Turnitin originality report will receive 0 credit. This applies to the final version submitted. You are allowed unlimited submission before the deadline.

Each error (spelling or grammatical) more than 2 per bibliography will result in a 5% reduction in the score on the assignment.

If the abstract section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

If the comment section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

Directly quoting material from the article is not allowed. Any directly quoted material will not count towards the minimum text required for either the comment or abstract section.


Abdill Career College Conscious Capitalism Is on The Rise Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Conscious capitalism is on the rise!

In essay format, and using no more than 750 words MAX, please comment on the following:

  • What is conscious capitalism? How does it work? How does it differ from regular old capitalism?
  • What are some of the main factors that have motivated this move toward conscious capitalism?
  • Why, and in what ways, has conscious capitalism been criticized? Are these criticisms valid?
  • In your opinion, can conscious capitalism successfully be achieved? Explain your position.
  • Please draw on course resources and on your own research for this ‘mini’ essay.
  • Your assignment must be typed (12 font size), double spaced and must follow APA format.
  • In addition to the text, and the video links in the course, you must include at least 5 references on conscious capitalism.
  • You must include both in-body and end of document references- in APA format.
  • You do not need a cover page for your assignment but you must include your name (first and last) and student number, in the Heading.

Be sure to check your document for writing/grammar/punctuation errors before submitting your assignment.



SOCW 6204 WU Week 4 Major Components and Application of Motivational Interviewing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

An emergent school of thought dictates that the most stimulating component for disease prevention and wellness promotion may reside within the individual patient. Eliciting patient behavior change, however, is a paramount challenge for today’s health professional teams, including medical social workers.

Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, client-centered, goal-oriented method of communication. It helps to resolve ambivalence and identify and strengthen an individual’s motivation for change. Motivational interviewing is an evidenced-based practice that has been employed with diverse patient populations and across a variety of settings.

Rollnick, Miller, and Butler (2008) argue that motivational interviewing has a place in informing communication between patients and health care providers that can influence how patients feel, how they behave, and their overall health outcomes. Within the context of health and illness, motivational interviewing can be used on micro levels (i.e., during consultations between patients and providers) and on macro levels (i.e., throughout population-centered health education programs).

To prepare for this Discussion, consider the major components of motivational interviewing. Think about clinical and public health issues to which you can apply motivational interviewing.

Post a description of the major components of a motivational interview. Explain the goals of motivational interviewing. Describe direct applications of motivational interviewing to a clinical situation in a health care setting. Be specific and use examples or scenarios such as patient population or disease condition to illustrate your response. Then, explain the direct applications of motivational interviewing to a public health issue or situation. Finally, discuss the disciplines of medical social work in which a social worker would be most likely to use motivational interviewing.

SOCW 6204 WU Week 4 Major Components and Application of Motivational Interviewing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOCW 6204 Walden Wk 4 St Patrick Healthcare Emergency Room Case Story Mathematics Assignment Help

The Chinese translation of the word “crisis” paradoxically means danger and opportunity. Roberts (2000) defines a crisis as “a period of psychological disequilibrium, experienced as a result of a hazardous event or situation that constitutes a significant problem that cannot be remedied by using familiar coping strategies” (p. 7). Every crisis is different, but each crisis event has three basic elements: a stressful situation, difficulty in coping, and the timing of intervention.

All crises require immediate intervention to interrupt and reduce crisis reactions. Crisis intervention is a brief treatment approach that focuses on an immediate problem and is aimed at returning an individual to his or her prior level of functioning without further deterioration (Regehr, 2011). Education, support, and guidance help individuals mobilize their inherent strengths and resources to alleviate significant distress. Crises often occur in health care settings. Some of the most significant crises seen by medical social workers include the sudden death of a patient, the diagnosis of a terminal or life-altering illness, suicide, and incidents of child abuse. Therefore, medical social workers versed in the theoretical and practical aspects of crisis intervention are an asset to any health care setting.

To Prepare: Create a specific scenario in which a crisis may affect a patient in a particular healthcare setting. Select the type of crisis prior to recording and act as the social worker in the ER, nursing home, hospice, or agency setting trying to complete an assessment of the individual and their immediate needs. You will need to solicit a volunteer to assist you; the volunteer should be an adult. Respond as you would to an actual client who has scattered thoughts, emotional responses, and is unsure how to proceed. Work through at least identifying the first few logical steps for that client to take.

By Day 7

Submit a 5-7 minute video script demonstrates the following skills:

  • Introduce yourself to the client and identify the crisis situation the client is experiencing.
  • Briefly assess the crisis and explain to the client the type of services provided at the health care setting.
  • Explain your role as a medical social worker in addressing the particular crisis.
  • Demonstrate how you would intervene with the client to begin resolving the crisis.


LDR 615 Grand Canyon University The Kotter 8 Step Change Model PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

Research the various change models used by organizations today. After assessing these models, create a change model conducive to your field, and that will work within your organization’s culture. This model should serve to implement a strategic process that can help your organization integrate a change and respond to the internal or external driving forces that affect organizational success.

Create a visual representation of your model using a graphic organizer of your choice (flow chart, concept map, etc.). The design of your model will be unique and relevant to your organization, based on a critical analysis of its culture and behavior. However, your model must demonstrate the necessary steps for realistic implementation. Your model will be assessed on the quality of strategic implementation you design, the support you present for your model, and inclusion of the following concepts:

  1. Methods to evaluate the need for change
  2. Approach and criteria for choosing individuals or teams necessary for a change initiative
  3. Communication strategies
  4. Strategies to gather stakeholder support and overcome resistance
  5. Implementation strategies
  6. Sustainability strategies

Once you have created your model, prepare a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation to present your model and demonstrate how this model is relevant to your organization and why it will work well within your organization’s culture. In conclusion, discuss why this model will lead to sustainable change when most change initiatives fail. You will utilize this change model for your final paper.


QNT 5000 Miami Dade Stock Prices of Major US Banks Hypothetical Data Excel Task Mathematics Assignment Help

*Better version of instructions attached* Sample and Database as well*

Assignment 2 is an individual-based project which requires you to obtain the following statistics
for the hypothetical stock prices for the major US banks based on the data provided for this

1. Average weekly stock prices for all of the banks combined

2. Average weekly standard deviations for all the banks combined

3. 95% Cls for each week for all of the banks combined

Create a column for the average weekly stock prices as well as a column for the standard
deviation for each week.

To report the parameters for the 95% CI, create two columns.

statistics for the first week are the following:
Major US Banks 95% CI
BOA Citibank Chase PNC Wells Fargo
91.45 79.82 91.56 91.48 74.18 85.70 8.19 61.14 110.258

In addition to obtaining the statistics discussed above, create a graph displaying the weekly
average stock prices for all of the banks combined. After graphing the weekly average stock
prices, chose Citibank, Chase, PNC, or Wells Fargo, create a monthly Hi-Low chart based on the
hypothetical stock prices reported for your selected bank.

Use the sample memo created for Assignment 2 to report your findings. Address each of the
following questions:

1. What is the decision-making or management issue being addressed?

2. What data are used to answer the decision-making or management issues?

3. What is the analytical method used to analyze the data?

4. What are the findings of the data analyses?
5. What are the decision-making/management implications of the findings


MGMT 3710 Woodbury Univ Darden Restaurants Inc Is the Turnaround Happening Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. PaperAnalysis-Description and analysis of a for-profit, non-profit social entrepreneurial organization or public private partnership project or initiatives discussing the key elements discussed in class. It should be no more than a 8 page double-spaced paper. Instructions:
    1. Provide background on the organization, project or initiative including its mission, stakeholders involved, target impact, value proposition, marketing/outreach strategy and sources of funding, significant achievements, plans for growth and expansion, etc
    2. APA format, 7-8 pages. 3-4 sources.

    I’ve already went ahead and chose an enterprise. I submitted my abstract and will copy & paste It below. For this paper, I will be discussing the company that I found myself gaining the most motivation and interest known as, Darden’s Restaurant Group. My reason for selecting the Darden Restaurants Inc. Foundation was their service of giving back to charitable foundations worldwide. Specifically, what caught my attention was how each day, all their restaurants, the surplus food that isn’t served to guests is safely prepared for donation. This caught my eye because I’ve witnessed numerous restaurants waste excess food instead of donating, so researching and finding out the restaurants under the Darden group give back, caught my attention. So the paper/analysis will be o the Darden Restaurant Group and you must” provide background on the organization, project or initiative including its mission, stakeholders involved, target impact, value proposition, marketing/outreach strategy and sources of funding, significant achievements, plans for growth and expansion.”

[supanova_question], hospice, or agency setting trying to complete an assessment of the individual and their immediate needs. You will need to solicit a volunteer to assist you; the volunteer should be an adult. Respond as you would to an actual client who has scattered thoughts, emotional responses, and is unsure how to proceed. Work through at least identifying the first few logical steps for that client to take.

By Day 7

Submit a 5-7 minute video script demonstrates the following skills:

  • Introduce yourself to the client and identify the crisis situation the client is experiencing.
  • Briefly assess the crisis and explain to the client the type of services provided at the health care setting.
  • Explain your role as a medical social worker in addressing the particular crisis.
  • Demonstrate how you would intervene with the client to begin resolving the crisis.


LDR 615 Grand Canyon University The Kotter 8 Step Change Model PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

Research the various change models used by organizations today. After assessing these models, create a change model conducive to your field, and that will work within your organization’s culture. This model should serve to implement a strategic process that can help your organization integrate a change and respond to the internal or external driving forces that affect organizational success.

Create a visual representation of your model using a graphic organizer of your choice (flow chart, concept map, etc.). The design of your model will be unique and relevant to your organization, based on a critical analysis of its culture and behavior. However, your model must demonstrate the necessary steps for realistic implementation. Your model will be assessed on the quality of strategic implementation you design, the support you present for your model, and inclusion of the following concepts:

  1. Methods to evaluate the need for change
  2. Approach and criteria for choosing individuals or teams necessary for a change initiative
  3. Communication strategies
  4. Strategies to gather stakeholder support and overcome resistance
  5. Implementation strategies
  6. Sustainability strategies

Once you have created your model, prepare a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation to present your model and demonstrate how this model is relevant to your organization and why it will work well within your organization’s culture. In conclusion, discuss why this model will lead to sustainable change when most change initiatives fail. You will utilize this change model for your final paper.


QNT 5000 Miami Dade Stock Prices of Major US Banks Hypothetical Data Excel Task Mathematics Assignment Help

*Better version of instructions attached* Sample and Database as well*

Assignment 2 is an individual-based project which requires you to obtain the following statistics
for the hypothetical stock prices for the major US banks based on the data provided for this

1. Average weekly stock prices for all of the banks combined

2. Average weekly standard deviations for all the banks combined

3. 95% Cls for each week for all of the banks combined

Create a column for the average weekly stock prices as well as a column for the standard
deviation for each week.

To report the parameters for the 95% CI, create two columns.

statistics for the first week are the following:
Major US Banks 95% CI
BOA Citibank Chase PNC Wells Fargo
91.45 79.82 91.56 91.48 74.18 85.70 8.19 61.14 110.258

In addition to obtaining the statistics discussed above, create a graph displaying the weekly
average stock prices for all of the banks combined. After graphing the weekly average stock
prices, chose Citibank, Chase, PNC, or Wells Fargo, create a monthly Hi-Low chart based on the
hypothetical stock prices reported for your selected bank.

Use the sample memo created for Assignment 2 to report your findings. Address each of the
following questions:

1. What is the decision-making or management issue being addressed?

2. What data are used to answer the decision-making or management issues?

3. What is the analytical method used to analyze the data?

4. What are the findings of the data analyses?
5. What are the decision-making/management implications of the findings


MGMT 3710 Woodbury Univ Darden Restaurants Inc Is the Turnaround Happening Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. PaperAnalysis-Description and analysis of a for-profit, non-profit social entrepreneurial organization or public private partnership project or initiatives discussing the key elements discussed in class. It should be no more than a 8 page double-spaced paper. Instructions:
    1. Provide background on the organization, project or initiative including its mission, stakeholders involved, target impact, value proposition, marketing/outreach strategy and sources of funding, significant achievements, plans for growth and expansion, etc
    2. APA format, 7-8 pages. 3-4 sources.

    I’ve already went ahead and chose an enterprise. I submitted my abstract and will copy & paste It below. For this paper, I will be discussing the company that I found myself gaining the most motivation and interest known as, Darden’s Restaurant Group. My reason for selecting the Darden Restaurants Inc. Foundation was their service of giving back to charitable foundations worldwide. Specifically, what caught my attention was how each day, all their restaurants, the surplus food that isn’t served to guests is safely prepared for donation. This caught my eye because I’ve witnessed numerous restaurants waste excess food instead of donating, so researching and finding out the restaurants under the Darden group give back, caught my attention. So the paper/analysis will be o the Darden Restaurant Group and you must” provide background on the organization, project or initiative including its mission, stakeholders involved, target impact, value proposition, marketing/outreach strategy and sources of funding, significant achievements, plans for growth and expansion.”

[supanova_question], hospice, or agency setting trying to complete an assessment of the individual and their immediate needs. You will need to solicit a volunteer to assist you; the volunteer should be an adult. Respond as you would to an actual client who has scattered thoughts, emotional responses, and is unsure how to proceed. Work through at least identifying the first few logical steps for that client to take.

By Day 7

Submit a 5-7 minute video script demonstrates the following skills:

  • Introduce yourself to the client and identify the crisis situation the client is experiencing.
  • Briefly assess the crisis and explain to the client the type of services provided at the health care setting.
  • Explain your role as a medical social worker in addressing the particular crisis.
  • Demonstrate how you would intervene with the client to begin resolving the crisis.


LDR 615 Grand Canyon University The Kotter 8 Step Change Model PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

Research the various change models used by organizations today. After assessing these models, create a change model conducive to your field, and that will work within your organization’s culture. This model should serve to implement a strategic process that can help your organization integrate a change and respond to the internal or external driving forces that affect organizational success.

Create a visual representation of your model using a graphic organizer of your choice (flow chart, concept map, etc.). The design of your model will be unique and relevant to your organization, based on a critical analysis of its culture and behavior. However, your model must demonstrate the necessary steps for realistic implementation. Your model will be assessed on the quality of strategic implementation you design, the support you present for your model, and inclusion of the following concepts:

  1. Methods to evaluate the need for change
  2. Approach and criteria for choosing individuals or teams necessary for a change initiative
  3. Communication strategies
  4. Strategies to gather stakeholder support and overcome resistance
  5. Implementation strategies
  6. Sustainability strategies

Once you have created your model, prepare a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation to present your model and demonstrate how this model is relevant to your organization and why it will work well within your organization’s culture. In conclusion, discuss why this model will lead to sustainable change when most change initiatives fail. You will utilize this change model for your final paper.


QNT 5000 Miami Dade Stock Prices of Major US Banks Hypothetical Data Excel Task Mathematics Assignment Help

*Better version of instructions attached* Sample and Database as well*

Assignment 2 is an individual-based project which requires you to obtain the following statistics
for the hypothetical stock prices for the major US banks based on the data provided for this

1. Average weekly stock prices for all of the banks combined

2. Average weekly standard deviations for all the banks combined

3. 95% Cls for each week for all of the banks combined

Create a column for the average weekly stock prices as well as a column for the standard
deviation for each week.

To report the parameters for the 95% CI, create two columns.

statistics for the first week are the following:
Major US Banks 95% CI
BOA Citibank Chase PNC Wells Fargo
91.45 79.82 91.56 91.48 74.18 85.70 8.19 61.14 110.258

In addition to obtaining the statistics discussed above, create a graph displaying the weekly
average stock prices for all of the banks combined. After graphing the weekly average stock
prices, chose Citibank, Chase, PNC, or Wells Fargo, create a monthly Hi-Low chart based on the
hypothetical stock prices reported for your selected bank.

Use the sample memo created for Assignment 2 to report your findings. Address each of the
following questions:

1. What is the decision-making or management issue being addressed?

2. What data are used to answer the decision-making or management issues?

3. What is the analytical method used to analyze the data?

4. What are the findings of the data analyses?
5. What are the decision-making/management implications of the findings


MGMT 3710 Woodbury Univ Darden Restaurants Inc Is the Turnaround Happening Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. PaperAnalysis-Description and analysis of a for-profit, non-profit social entrepreneurial organization or public private partnership project or initiatives discussing the key elements discussed in class. It should be no more than a 8 page double-spaced paper. Instructions:
    1. Provide background on the organization, project or initiative including its mission, stakeholders involved, target impact, value proposition, marketing/outreach strategy and sources of funding, significant achievements, plans for growth and expansion, etc
    2. APA format, 7-8 pages. 3-4 sources.

    I’ve already went ahead and chose an enterprise. I submitted my abstract and will copy & paste It below. For this paper, I will be discussing the company that I found myself gaining the most motivation and interest known as, Darden’s Restaurant Group. My reason for selecting the Darden Restaurants Inc. Foundation was their service of giving back to charitable foundations worldwide. Specifically, what caught my attention was how each day, all their restaurants, the surplus food that isn’t served to guests is safely prepared for donation. This caught my eye because I’ve witnessed numerous restaurants waste excess food instead of donating, so researching and finding out the restaurants under the Darden group give back, caught my attention. So the paper/analysis will be o the Darden Restaurant Group and you must” provide background on the organization, project or initiative including its mission, stakeholders involved, target impact, value proposition, marketing/outreach strategy and sources of funding, significant achievements, plans for growth and expansion.”

[supanova_question], hospice, or agency setting trying to complete an assessment of the individual and their immediate needs. You will need to solicit a volunteer to assist you; the volunteer should be an adult. Respond as you would to an actual client who has scattered thoughts, emotional responses, and is unsure how to proceed. Work through at least identifying the first few logical steps for that client to take.

By Day 7

Submit a 5-7 minute video script demonstrates the following skills:

  • Introduce yourself to the client and identify the crisis situation the client is experiencing.
  • Briefly assess the crisis and explain to the client the type of services provided at the health care setting.
  • Explain your role as a medical social worker in addressing the particular crisis.
  • Demonstrate how you would intervene with the client to begin resolving the crisis.


LDR 615 Grand Canyon University The Kotter 8 Step Change Model PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

Research the various change models used by organizations today. After assessing these models, create a change model conducive to your field, and that will work within your organization’s culture. This model should serve to implement a strategic process that can help your organization integrate a change and respond to the internal or external driving forces that affect organizational success.

Create a visual representation of your model using a graphic organizer of your choice (flow chart, concept map, etc.). The design of your model will be unique and relevant to your organization, based on a critical analysis of its culture and behavior. However, your model must demonstrate the necessary steps for realistic implementation. Your model will be assessed on the quality of strategic implementation you design, the support you present for your model, and inclusion of the following concepts:

  1. Methods to evaluate the need for change
  2. Approach and criteria for choosing individuals or teams necessary for a change initiative
  3. Communication strategies
  4. Strategies to gather stakeholder support and overcome resistance
  5. Implementation strategies
  6. Sustainability strategies

Once you have created your model, prepare a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation to present your model and demonstrate how this model is relevant to your organization and why it will work well within your organization’s culture. In conclusion, discuss why this model will lead to sustainable change when most change initiatives fail. You will utilize this change model for your final paper.


QNT 5000 Miami Dade Stock Prices of Major US Banks Hypothetical Data Excel Task Mathematics Assignment Help

*Better version of instructions attached* Sample and Database as well*

Assignment 2 is an individual-based project which requires you to obtain the following statistics
for the hypothetical stock prices for the major US banks based on the data provided for this

1. Average weekly stock prices for all of the banks combined

2. Average weekly standard deviations for all the banks combined

3. 95% Cls for each week for all of the banks combined

Create a column for the average weekly stock prices as well as a column for the standard
deviation for each week.

To report the parameters for the 95% CI, create two columns.

statistics for the first week are the following:
Major US Banks 95% CI
BOA Citibank Chase PNC Wells Fargo
91.45 79.82 91.56 91.48 74.18 85.70 8.19 61.14 110.258

In addition to obtaining the statistics discussed above, create a graph displaying the weekly
average stock prices for all of the banks combined. After graphing the weekly average stock
prices, chose Citibank, Chase, PNC, or Wells Fargo, create a monthly Hi-Low chart based on the
hypothetical stock prices reported for your selected bank.

Use the sample memo created for Assignment 2 to report your findings. Address each of the
following questions:

1. What is the decision-making or management issue being addressed?

2. What data are used to answer the decision-making or management issues?

3. What is the analytical method used to analyze the data?

4. What are the findings of the data analyses?
5. What are the decision-making/management implications of the findings


MGMT 3710 Woodbury Univ Darden Restaurants Inc Is the Turnaround Happening Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. PaperAnalysis-Description and analysis of a for-profit, non-profit social entrepreneurial organization or public private partnership project or initiatives discussing the key elements discussed in class. It should be no more than a 8 page double-spaced paper. Instructions:
    1. Provide background on the organization, project or initiative including its mission, stakeholders involved, target impact, value proposition, marketing/outreach strategy and sources of funding, significant achievements, plans for growth and expansion, etc
    2. APA format, 7-8 pages. 3-4 sources.

    I’ve already went ahead and chose an enterprise. I submitted my abstract and will copy & paste It below. For this paper, I will be discussing the company that I found myself gaining the most motivation and interest known as, Darden’s Restaurant Group. My reason for selecting the Darden Restaurants Inc. Foundation was their service of giving back to charitable foundations worldwide. Specifically, what caught my attention was how each day, all their restaurants, the surplus food that isn’t served to guests is safely prepared for donation. This caught my eye because I’ve witnessed numerous restaurants waste excess food instead of donating, so researching and finding out the restaurants under the Darden group give back, caught my attention. So the paper/analysis will be o the Darden Restaurant Group and you must” provide background on the organization, project or initiative including its mission, stakeholders involved, target impact, value proposition, marketing/outreach strategy and sources of funding, significant achievements, plans for growth and expansion.”


USF Service Learning Experience the Environment & Wildlife Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

USF Service Learning Experience the Environment & Wildlife Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

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