Using a smoothing method, provide an estimate for the missing values using GDP as your predictor. Programming Assignment Help. Using a smoothing method, provide an estimate for the missing values using GDP as your predictor. Programming Assignment Help.
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Topic II: Data analysis task: Living conditions
This topic is to demonstrate your ability to conduct and explain a real-world analysis. Questions are left vague on purpose;
there is no one right answer.
Data was collected to investigate aspects of living conditions for several countries. (Vasilescu and Wainer, 2005). The
dataset is provided in crowdedness.csv. It contains the following columns:
1. Country: The country name
2. Crowdedness: The average number of persons per room living in homes
3. fertility: The fertility rate (live births born per woman of a certain age per year)
4. GDP: Gross domestic product, indicating the wealth of the nation
Please perform the following tasks in your report:
- We note that there are missing values in Crowdedness. Using a smoothing method, provide an estimate for the missing
values using GDP as your predictor. - Analyze fertility and the relationship between GDP and fertility. Do not use a smoothing method for this task. You
may remove the observations where fertility is missing.
Suggestions: Consider the effect of smoothing parameters. Consider the implications and limitations of your analysis.
Using a smoothing method, provide an estimate for the missing values using GDP as your predictor. Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
What is the Health Legislation/ Current Events Writing Assignment Help
Visit the Website for the U.S. House of Representatives. List any health care legislation currently pending before the House that you believe is relevant to the health care profession you will practice.
List two additional Websites where information about health care legislation can be found.
Search the Website of the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA). Use the site to find out if your states passed civil justice reform acts that pertain specifically to health care practitioners. If so, briefly describe the acts and how they might affect health care practitioners.
On the second sheet of paper
Include a link of your news article along with the name of the news website, title of article, author, and date article was published. If you do not include a copy of your article with the required information on it, your assignment will not be accepted.
Summary of article: Using your own words summarize the key points (address the five W’s: what, where, when, who and why) of the article so that the reader has a clear understanding as to the scope of the article. Do not just copy word for word from your article, this is plagiarism! What Law & Ethic topic does this article reference? The article that you have chosen should correspond with a topic that we are currently covering. Clearly state how your article is related to the topic. How does this article affect you personally? All events affect us in some way. Be creative and open your thoughts to how current events are related to you (e.g. socially, ethically, emotionally, economically, etc.) How will this current news affect future generations? Make a prediction about how lives will be affected 20 – 30 years from now by this current event.
Articles should be chosen from reputable sites and articles should not be published earlier than the year 2020.
Organizational Chart Health Medical Assignment Help
As a recent hire, you’d like to become familiar with the current organizational structure in your organization. This org chart has not yet been created, so you decide to make your own.
Part 1:
Create an organizational chart (org chart) of your company based on the initiatives discussed in Week 3. This high-level information is typically found on the company’s website or other websites about the organization. The org chart should include key leadership and level of responsibility. If the information is not public, base your decisions on a similar organization and research. You may use any Microsoft® program or web-based program.
Part 2:
Explain in 350- words the structure of your org chart. Discuss the type of hierarchy and related details of each role. Assess how each role in the organizational chart is related to the other areas within the organization.
Cite all sources.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Utilize the Center for Writing Excellence and the Reference and Citation Generator for assistance with APA style formatting.
Gonna write a liitle essay about this topic Humanities Assignment Help
Gonna write a liitle essay about this topic
Need help to make some outline to make me have a idea.
All you need is write one and half page outline for each essay topic. (which mean will be about 4- 4.5 pages total)
1. Consider and analyze the reforms of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. What issues did they
address, and how? Why were other members of the senate so hostile to the political programs
of the Gracchi? In your response, be sure to discuss the evolution of the social issues that the
Gracchi sought to ameliorate.
2. Was Julius Caesar a good ruler, in Roman terms? What did he accomplish, and who
benefited? Was it justifiable or unforgivable for him to bypass the Senate? What precedents
did Caesar honor or violate in his accumulation of powers?
3. Consider and analyze the persecution of the early Christians in the Roman Empire. Why and
to what extent did the Romans persecute the early Christians? What were their justifications,
and how and to what effect did Christians respond?
Research based Argument Writing Assignment Help
Using this link
Research-Based Argument
For this essay, you’ll have the opportunity to incorporate all of the skills we’ve learned throughout the course. You will
- pick a topic to write about. I would encourage you to pick a topic that is potentially controversial and somewhat broad in its appeal. You’ll have a much easier time finding credible information about “immigration” than you would “provolone cheese.” Likewise, you’ll have an easier time developing an argument for your thesis statement with a controversial topic than you would something mundane. Use this link if you need help choosing something.
- develop a guiding question about your topic to help your research process
- r—the answer to your question is your thesis statement.
- Compose a 1,250-word essay that attempts to persuade your reader of your position.
Make sure to include:
- A Thesis that directly answers the prompt and includes at least 3 specific details you will unpack in body paragraphs.
- Body Paragraphs that directly relate to your thesis and include topic sentences, lines of evidence, and analyses. For this essay you will be required to use a quote from four separate sources you’ve found in the TCC databases.
- An introduction that captures your reader’s interest.
- A conclusion that wraps up your argument by articulating why your position matters to our culture at large.
- MLA format with a works cited page.
The primary goal of this essay is to persuade your reader that your position is the most reasonable position to take on your topic. Make sure to review all of the materials from Units 1, 2 and 3 for any help you may need. The “Online Learning Resources” will also be a big help if you’re feeling stuck.
Essay Grading Rubric
The “A” Paper –
- The “A” paper goes above and beyond what is expected of the writing prompt. The argument is meaningful and writing style enjoyable. As you would expect, the outstanding paper is well-organized, well-supported, and carefully documented. This paper leaves the reader satisfied with the writer’s argument and eager to re-read the paper. In addition, the outstanding paper leaves the reader with a feeling that he or she has learned something new through the reading of the paper. This paper, because of the enjoyable writing style, has very few grammatical, syntax, and MLA errors that distract the reader.
Programming Assignment Help
When done – there are 3 steps:
- First, submit to the project assignment to THIS assignment: and include your 1) a Word document, 2) a Tableau twbx file (be sure it ends with twbx) and 3) the URL to your YouTube video.
- Next, submit your URL to the “Citizen Data Science Certificate Survey F19 assignment on Canvas”.
- Finally, submit your Word document to the plagiarism check assignment called “TurnItIn for the Tableau 2 Word Document” This is required.
Check your upload: look at the submission information on the right side of your screen and 1) download a copy a copy of your project FROM Canvas to another folder on your computer. 2) Open this copy, be sure it’s the right project, etc. and then 3) close / save this copy. This is your back up copy and the creation and last modified dates will be retained as long as it is unopened.
Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
20 art blogs. write only 5/6 lines. use the artistic terms I give you no other information for the picture. Humanities Assignment Help
5 blogs per unit. I will give you the list of artistic terms. Attach the picture with each blog.
Unit Ten
This week’s lecture packs information from an entire field of human making into one lesson. There are so many areas of human activity that require architectural solutions. For your blogs look at the architecture around you. Is it monumental? is it wlecoming or exclusive? is it designed for today’s needs with an expectation that it will be torn down for other needs in the future? What do you see?
Unit Eleven
How different from photographic detail is human optical recollection? Can you reflect in your posts this week the differences between the look of photographic visual information and human direct observational information? There is also plenty of information about printmaking to think about in your blog posts.
Unit Twelve
This week’s lecture takes us through the world of the camera by showing the still images that have been collected in the last century and a half and some of the newer video work that dates to mid twentieth century. As you collect your images this week, see what you can find that resonates with what you have read in the lecture.
Unit Thirteen
The focus in this unit is on the multiplicity of visual expression that calls itself visual art. The camera liberated the visual artist from the responsibility to record the world around him or her as they see it. Communication of ideas from beauty to politics are replacing the artist’s need to locate humans in the world. Art for Art’s sake is a powerful reason to make art on its own. What do you see as art?
Data structures and Algorithms. Computer Science Assignment Help
Submit your github link
For this Assignment you will write your own HashTable in Python or Java. Do not use any built in Hashing Structures (dictionaries, Maps,Etc). For Simplicity sake make the underlying structure a basic array or list.
You will :
- Read in the file below
- Store each word in your HashTable for easy lookup
- You will have to build a hash() function to give an integer value for your String
- Store the String in that index
- If a Collision, use a collision mitigation strategy
- Calculate and report the percentage of collisions in your structure
- Your HashTable may not be more than 20% larger than the # of total words
Bonus 10/5/2 points to the top 3 hashing functions in the class (lowest collision rate)
Submit the files on Canvas or submit a link to your Github page
For this lab you will implement one sorting algorithm. You can choose from either insertion sort or bubble sort.
If you choose insertion sort these lines of code must work (define your methods/functions to work accordingly)
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(insertionSort(new int[] {5,2,4,3,10,7,1,9,6,8})));
If you choose bubble sort use the following:
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bubbleSort(new int[] {5,2,4,3,10,7,1,9,6,8})));
Bonus +10
Make your method/function work for an array of Text/String such as:
python : [‘banana’,’apple’,’carrot’,’cardamon’,’donut’,’taco’,’pasta’,’mushrooms’]
java : new String[]{‘banana’,’apple’,’carrot’,’cardamon’,’donut’,’taco’,’pasta’,’mushrooms’}
Complete the code in your chosen language at
Submit your github link
Recode your Palindrome assignment in Lab 1: Algorithm Analysis . Now detect Palindromes using a recursive function.
Turn in your code or push it to github and submit the link
Complete the questions on AVL_LAB.pdf .
Scan/ redraw and submit the file/image to canvas.
Using your code from Lab 5: BST add the following:
-Preorder traversal
-Post order traversal
-Search functionality
Search for java
//decide whether you want int n or Node n
private boolean search(int n){
//return true or false if a node contains the value n
Search for python:
def search(n):
#return true or false if a node contains the value n
Submit github link
Give the input edges in the file graph_input.txt
– The file has 1 edge per line in the format (origin,destination)
– Assume the graph is not directional
– (2,5) means there is a path from 2 to 5 and from 5-2
For the Lab write the following code.
1) Write a function to find all adjacent vertices to a node N ( find_adjacent(n))
2) Write a function that will return true or false that an edge exists ( edge_exists(origin,destination))
3) Print out all Vertices using BFS
Bonus +5
Print out all Vertices using DFS
Bonus +5
Write a function to print out the shortest path between two vertices (shortest_path(origin,destination))
Bonus +5
Find all Cliques in the graph and print them out
Submit your github url
using the database provided, pick a topic to potentially write about from given time period Humanities Assignment Help
PROMPT: This week’s prompt asks you to summarize your thoughts about your topic so far: What is your idea for your topic, and what do you like about it? How do you see it meeting the requirements of the assignment?
pick a topic that focuses on anything from the time period 1250-1750 whose geographical focus is outside of the US
databases used to find a potential topic while looking through journals/ articles:
Cultural and Social History: (Links to an external site.)
Journal of Social History: (Links to an external site.)
then with 140 words explain everything said in the first line (the prompt)
topic requirements
Assignment Instructions, with Resources
The first step to writing an excellent MMW 13 research paper is finding a good topic,
one that does the following:
● Interests and engages you in a deep way,
● Is appropriate for academic research, meaning that your questions can be
answered with empirical, historically-grounded evidence
● Is situated in the time period covered by MMW 13 (1200-1750 CE),
● Raises significant, “level 3” issues that have not become settled fact in
scholarship (levels 1-2) and are not theoretical, hypothetical, “should” or “would”
questions that involved speculation or forecasting (level 4)
● Can be narrowed to a thesis that can be fully, logically, and convincingly
supported by research and analysis of scholarly sources in 8-10 pages.
Sustainable Environment : Write an essay about Sustainable Futures Science Assignment Help
Having been exposed to a variety of information in this and other courses, I want you to tell me, on the basis of the information you have learned in the class, what, in your informed opinion, a sustainable future would look like. In light of issues around food, water, climate change, uneven development, and recently an ongoing global infectious disease pandemic, what do you think we need to do based on understanding scientific thinking around environmental issues?
This assignment is intentionally broad, as the answers we should have in mind are also broad, but clearly tied to the course material. That said, you should be concise and have concrete specific suggestions. Draw on the course lectures and assignments, and other high-quality sources if you like. Please remember to cite your source(s).
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 point font
- Line spacing: Double
- Number of words: 600-800
- Please structure your essay (introduction, body, conclusion)
then with 140 words explain everything said in the first line (the prompt)
topic requirements
Assignment Instructions, with Resources
The first step to writing an excellent MMW 13 research paper is finding a good topic,
one that does the following:
● Interests and engages you in a deep way,
● Is appropriate for academic research, meaning that your questions can be
answered with empirical, historically-grounded evidence
● Is situated in the time period covered by MMW 13 (1200-1750 CE),
● Raises significant, “level 3” issues that have not become settled fact in
scholarship (levels 1-2) and are not theoretical, hypothetical, “should” or “would”
questions that involved speculation or forecasting (level 4)
● Can be narrowed to a thesis that can be fully, logically, and convincingly
supported by research and analysis of scholarly sources in 8-10 pages.