Using an organisation of your choice on which to base your assignment, critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives. Business Finance Assignment Help

Using an organisation of your choice on which to base your assignment, critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives. Business Finance Assignment Help. Using an organisation of your choice on which to base your assignment, critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives. Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Assessment Task

Using an organisation of your choice on which to base your assignment, critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives.

Specific Criteria/Guidance Areas that should be included in your discussion are as follows:

• You may select any organisation, but one in consumer markets may be easier to help illustrate your points. This also depends on your own work experience and access to a business.

• You may refer to other organisations or industry cases for comparison, to support your analysis. • The importance of planning and the use marketing activities should be a theme through your assessment.

• You are not expected to provide detailed information about the organisation’s actual marketing strategies or marketing objectives, but you should be able to make sensible inferences based on your reading, knowledge and context of the organisation. In some cases this information may be available, and you should look to use it in supporting your analysis.

• You should provide a critical evaluation of how your organisation uses marketing techniques to achieve its marketing objectives and fulfill consumer requirements. Ensure that your work has not even the smallest element of plagiarism. You are advised to refer to the links to the rules and regulations on Academic Integrity on the module space and in the module handbook.

Submission Guidance

• Assessments should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx. .pps and .ppsx), Excel (.xls and .xlsx) or PDF format (generated from the word-processing or presentation software you are using, not a scanned document. Do not upload Open Office documents (.odt, .odp). • Do not upload documents directly from Google Drive and One Drive.

• The file must be no larger than 40MB.

Assessment Type, Word Count & Weighting

Written Assessment – 3,000 words only (75% )

Academic Integrity and Penalties

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with all of the information contained in this brief as failure to do this may impact on your achievement. Please refer to the various Assessment Guidance below for detailed information on:

• Academic Integrity

• APA Reference Guide

• Excess Word Count Penalties

. No plagarism please

Using an organisation of your choice on which to base your assignment, critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives. Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SPSS Application: Repairing a Data Set Programming Assignment Help

For this assignment, you are to import a data set provided as an Excel file into SPSS. Although some of the problems may be evident in the Excel file, be sure to import the file as is into SPSS. Do not begin repairing the data until you have imported it into SPSS.

Once the import is complete, you identify each of the 28 errors in the data set and fix them, briefly describing the errors you found and how you fixed them.


Import the given Data Set into SPSS (attached), and then identify all of the errors in the imported SPSS file. For each error that you identify, explain why it is an error and how you fixed it.

The assignment should therefore be a single word document containing two major content areas:

(1) A numbered/bulleted documentation of all errors you found in the Application dataset (not the discussion dataset), and

(2) a screenshot of your corrected data. In order to submit a table of corrected data that shows you did your corrections in SPSS, you must submit one of two work products

(a) An SPSS data table using File->Print function,

(b) Taking a screenshot in dataview. All other tables generated in SPSS or other programs do not demonstrate the competencies required for full credit of the assignment.


Prewriting: Classification and Division (OUTLINE ONLY) Writing Assignment Help


For this exam, you’ll choose one of the assigned topics and
write an outline or graphic organizer to plan and develop
your information before you begin to draft your essay.
The information you use to prepare your graphic organizer
should be based on your own knowledge and experience of
your subject. If you do research or incorporate information
that’s not considered common knowledge into your prewriting,
you must cite it according to MLA format. Refer to Chapters
22–23 in Successful College Writing or Chapters 39–40 in The
Little, Brown Essential Handbook.

For this exam, you’ll do the following:

* Identify the steps in the writing process

* Use prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing to write
formal, college-level essays

* Distinguish among different patterns of development

* Apply an appropriate pattern of development to a specific
purpose and audience

* Write effective thesis statements

* Develop paragraphs using topic sentences, adequate
detail, supporting evidence, and transitions

* Apply the conventions of standard written American
English to produce correct, well-written essays


You will choose one of the following topic areas. Review the
graphic organizer on page 416 in your textbook. The graphic
organizer that you create doesn’t need to have boxed outlines
or arrows, but it should show your organization.
Choose one of the following topics, and divide it into classes.
n Sports—general, types of fans, or influence on culture
n Genres of movies, television shows, or video games
n Social media or networking sites and applications
n Places you’ve lived, visited, or vacationed
As an example, the following is a graphic organizer for the
topic “Types of Food.”



Assignment #4 – Helping Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

a). For the experience in which you provided help, I want you to write down six things (3 points each):

1). Describe the event in which you helped (What was the emergency or situation? Where was it? When was it? Who was involved?).

2). Describe Step One of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Noticing (How did you come to notice that help was needed?).

3). Describe Step Two of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Interpreting (How did you interpret this as a situation that needed help?).

4). Describe Step Three of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Responsibility (How did you decide that YOU were the one responsible for providing help?).

5). Describe Step Four of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Skills (Describe the skills needed to provide help, and why you think you had those skills or that ability, especially if someone else might have been in a better position to help?).

6). Describe Step Five of the helping model and how it was applicable to the event in which you helped: Decision (Describe what finally made you decide to help. Also let me know how your help turned out! Did things work out well? Badly? Unknown?).

b). For the experience in which you DID NOT provide help, I want you to complete just one more question (7 points total):

7). Describe the event (though briefly) and tell me at which step (One through Five) you failed to provide help and why you failed to help. You can discuss all five steps, but if you stopped at – for example – Step Three (Responsibility), then you don’t need to go any further! Please note that I will not accept “I always provide help” as an answer. There is always a time when you failed to help, either because it wasn’t your responsibility, you lacked the time or attention, you didn’t have the skills, or you lacked some other ability (Do you really help every homeless person you see, break up an argument among a couple you are not a part of, or fail to donate every last dollar you have to charity? There will be at least one time, right!)


BUS110- Essay ethics and social responsibility Business Finance Assignment Help

Read chapter 2 on Ethics and Social Responsibility.

  1. Go to your company’s website and read what it states about ethics and social responsibility. In a minimum two page double spaced, 12 font, typed report, discuss what you have learned about your company from reading the website. Has your company been ethical and socially responsible? Include why you think a company should be ethical and socially responsible. How can a company benefit from being ethical and socially responsible?
  2. Research one article about your company and social responsibility/ethics. Summarize the article. You can find articles in the databases found on the NCC library’s website: Business Insights: Essentials or Business Source Complete. CITE YOUR SOURCES.




Writing Arguement Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write a 1600–1800-word argument essay that incorporates secondary sources to support your claim about
an assigned topic.


Choose one of the following:

– Persuade your audience that the use of alternative
energy is beneficial and economical, or that the use of
alternative energy is expensive and as detrimental as
traditional energy sources.

– Persuade your audience that social media provides a
valuable outlet for free expression, or that social media
allows users to insult, bully, and threaten others without
any fear of punishment.


The purpose is twofold:

– Persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s position
(primary purpose).

– Express the writer’s feelings about the reader taking
action on the topic (secondary purpose).


Your audience is made up of your fellow Penn Foster classmates. Many will agree with you, while others will disagree.
You must take a position, present evidence to support it, and
try to convince your audience through the strength of your
argument to agree with you and to take action.

Research Requirement

You’re required to use a minimum of four secondary sources
in your essay.

– Use at least two articles from Penn Foster’s digital library
database, Expanded Academic ASAP. You can find directions on how to use the Penn Foster Library and the
database here:

– Use at least one non-profit or government organization
(online or print). You can find non-profit and government
organizations under various Subject Guides in the Penn
Foster Library.

– Choose a source, but one that you’ve evaluated for accuracy and validity. You can find tips on evaluating your
resources in the Penn Foster Library Subject Guides
under Guide Books and Tips. Reviewing your Information
Literacy course can also help you with proper evaluation
of resources. Follow this link:


1. Applying the requirements given, work through pages
558 to the middle of 560 in the section “Generating
Ideas and Writing Your Thesis.” Review Chapter 22 in
Successful College Writing, “Finding Sources and Taking
Notes,” to begin your research and organize the information you find. Narrow your focus appropriately for the
assigned length before attempting to develop the essay.

2. Continue the guided writing assignment with “Developing
Your Thesis and Making a Claim”, on pages 560–565.
Use strategies from the patterns of development you
learned throughout the course to expand your main
points and accomplish your purpose.
Review Successful College Writing, Chapter 23, “Writing a
Paper Using Sources”, as you begin your draft to ensure
that you’re incorporating your sources accurately and
responsibly. Remember to include the sources you use
in your paper on your list of works cited.

3. As part of your revision process, review the purpose and
requirements for this assignment. Make any changes
necessary to ensure that you’ve met the goals for this
essay. You may also find it helpful to review the grading

4. Prepare the final draft of the essay according to the exam
submission format from the Course Information section.
Submit only the final, polished draft for grading.

Essays must be typed, double-spaced, using a standard 12-point font and left justification. Use
1-inch margins at the top and bottom and 1.25-inch margins for the left and right sides of the
document. Each page must have a properly formatted header containing your name, student
number, exam number, page number, mailing address, and email address (see page 6 for an
example). Name each document using your student number first, then the six-digit lesson number, and finally your last name (for example, 23456789_050177 Doe). Save each as “File Type:
Rich Text Format,” regardless of your word-processing program.

Writing Arguement Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Week 8 Assignment Mathematics Assignment Help

Benchmark – Database Query and Reporting Project: Worked Time by Department

The purpose of this assignment is to organize, query, and report data using a database.

The final project consist of two parts and requires you to utilize the skills and knowledge you have learned throughout this course to create and implement a complex set of queries and present the data you have assembled into a PowerPoint presentation. It is essential for you to study the database structure and plan ahead throughout the course to ensure you will have the time to prepare and submit this assignment successfully.

Part One

For this assignment, you will use Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition and the content from the AdventureWorks 2016 and Scripts for SQL Server 2016 CTP3 to complete the assignment.

Please note that when SQL queries are run, results are generated in the form of data. This data should be exported and saved to Excel for a visual check of accuracy.

Create a Word document that includes the SQL queries used to explore the database tables, and address the problem.

Problem: The new scheduling manager has asked for a summary of hours worked each week by department. Accounting for NULL values, use the imported “Hours” sheet from the Topic 4 assignment again to SUM by department title for all employees on the table.

Part Two

Using the dataset you have developed, select one of the following groups to present your findings to at the upcoming company meeting: Senior Management, Engineering, Research and Development, or Marketing. In your presentation, model your data into a hypothetical problem that identifies how this information will impact the operations of the specific target audience you have selected.

Create a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation to share your results with your selected group at the upcoming company meeting. Each slide should include speaker notes written in complete sentences.

General Requirements

Compile the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents into a .zip file and submit to your instructor.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the direction in the Student Success Center.


design a web page about loyalty and betrayal in The Kite Runner Humanities Assignment Help

You will design a web page that explores the different levels of loyalty and betrayal throughout the story (The Kite Runner). The design of your web page is up to you. If you do not know how to construct a web page, a quick search will return thousands of sites explaining different ways to go about making a page. There are also many programs available that make creating a web page as easy as double-clicking. You do not have to publish or post your web page on the internet. Simply attaching the files to an email sent to your teacher will suffice.

Your presentation should be 4 pages:

  1. Title Slide / Introduction (25 points)
    This 25 points is for the presentation, overall design and layout, and grammar throughout your webpage. Remember, you do not have to publish or upload your page, but you should be able to include links that would work if the pages were uploaded.
  2. Loyalty – 2 examples with support (25 points)
    10 points for the exploration of the theme. 5 points each for identifying and explaining different levels of loyalty and betrayal. 5 points for each example from the text. Earlier in this unit you learned about sentence variety by using compound and complex sentences. For 5 points, use a compound or complex sentence on the slide.
  3. Betrayal – 2 examples with support (25 points)
    10 points for the exploration of the theme. 5 points each for identifying and explaining different levels of loyalty and betrayal. 5 points for each example from the text. Earlier in this unit you learned about sentence variety by using compound and complex sentences. For 5 points, use a compound or complex sentence on the slide.
  4. Cultural Context with evidence of research (25 points)
    10 points for the exploration of the topic chosen for the cultural context. On this page you will have your choice of topics. You can investigate any of the following:
  • the Taliban
  • the Soviet-Afghan War
  • Kite Running
  • Hazara vs. Pashtun
  • Eid-e-Qorban

15 points for the explanation of how this topic allows for a greater understanding of the novel.


Regression Approach to Data Analytics: Complete Lab 3-2: Regression in Excel. Then answer the following questions: Writing Assignment Help

Regression Approach to Data Analytics

Complete Lab 3-2: Regression in Excel. Then answer the following questions:

Q1. Would you expect SAT average and completion rate to be correlated? If so, would you expect the correlation to be positive or negative?

Q2. When determining relationships between variables, one of the criteria for a potential causal relationship is that the cause must happen before the effect. Regarding SAT average and completion rate, which would you determine to be the potential cause? Which would be the effect?

Q3. Identifying the cause and effect as you did in Q2 can help you determine the explanatory and response variables. Which variable, SAT average or completion rate, is the explanatory variable?

Q4. By looking through the data in the text file, what do you think the delimiter is?

Q5. In the check sums, you validated that the average SAT score for all of the records is 1,059.07. When we work with the data more rigorously, several tests will require us to transform NULL values. If you were to transform the NULL SAT values into 0, what would happen to the average (would it stay the same, decrease, or increase)? How would that change the way you would interpret the data? Do you think it’s a good idea to replace NULL values with 0s in this case?

Required: Submit a well-written 3-4 pages, Word document with all the questions answered and the Excel file.

Add title and reference pages, page paper must include five references.


​ CabWK6rp- 3 Responses each to two different discussion posts – 1. Gender and 2. Multicultural Humanities Assignment Help

Responses to two different discussion posts – 1. Gender and 2. Multicultural (see two docs attached)

APA required when appropitae

This is for replies to two different week 6 discussion posts (Gender and Multicultural). Both require 3 responses to the posts of your choice (so a total of 6 responses). Please see attached doc of the discussion posts. There are not set word or page requirements but APA is required.

Gender: Respond to 3 of your colleagues, preferably those who chose different options than you. Consider offering additional perspectives and insights into the influences, experiences, and challenges related to the different topics this week. (use APA)-

Gender: (see other doc)Respond to 3 of your colleagues, preferably those who chose different options than you. Consider offering additional perspectives and insights into the influences, experiences, and challenges related to the different topics this week. (use APA)

Multicultural Respond three of your peers. Specifically, address the following (use APA when required): •Choose a peer who focused on a different panelist. •Share your reaction to your peer’s response of the panelist they chose. Consider whether or not your reaction was similar or different to your peer’s reaction. •Reflect on the example your peer shared of cultural competence and creating a positive therapeutic alliance. How might you incorporate this in your counseling practice?


Using an organisation of your choice on which to base your assignment, critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives. Business Finance Assignment Help

Using an organisation of your choice on which to base your assignment, critically evaluate how strategic marketing plans are used to attain desired marketing objectives. Business Finance Assignment Help

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