UTAS General Practitioners Perspectives on Patients Adherence Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

UTAS General Practitioners Perspectives on Patients Adherence Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. UTAS General Practitioners Perspectives on Patients Adherence Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Assessment task 3 – Intervention Plan

Description / conditions

Develop a Public Health Intervention Plan that details the:

  • problem being addressed,
  • the community involved,
  • Existing capacity for public health action,
  • Intervention governance
  • Determinants of the problem being addressed
  • Intervention options
  • Intervention action statements (goals and objectives)
  • Implementation Plan
  • Risk analysis and risk management plan
  • Budget and resourcing plan
  • Timelines
  • Evaluation Plan

This task will be cumulatively addressed across weeks 1-12 and guided by an intervention plan template.


Measures Intended Learning Outcome:

Criterion 1

Demonstrates application of public health planning processes


Criterion 2

Develops and justifies a public health Intervention strategy portfolio


Criterion 3

Develops an intervention plan with clear alignment of determinants, intervention design and evaluation methods



2500 words

Due by date

Friday 16th October

UTAS General Practitioners Perspectives on Patients Adherence Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOCW 6205 Walden University Medical Social Work HIV AIDS Epidemic Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment: HIV/AIDS Epidemic

The first cases of HIV/AIDS were reported in
1981 (CDC, 2011). Over the past 30 years, society has witnessed many
advances in the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, leading to
significant control of this epidemic (CDC, 2011). Despite these
successes, HIV/AIDS remains a significant public health issue in the
United States.

To prepare for this Assignment:

the overall burden of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Think about the
contributions that medical social workers have made to the prevention of
the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

In a 3- to 4-page paper:

  • Briefly explain how the HIV/AIDS epidemic has changed since it first emerged in 1981.
  • Explain how the roles of medical social workers have evolved over
    the course of the epidemic. Select one specific milestone and elaborate
    the roles of medical social workers.
  • Explain the profession’s ongoing advocacy and support to the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
  • Explain the challenges the profession has been facing and
    anticipates facing when dealing with HIV/AIDS patients. Provide specific

Support your Assignment with specific
references to resources, using appropriate APA format and style. You are
asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in
the resources for this course.

Required Readings

McCoyd, J. L. M., & Kerson, T. S., (Eds.). (2016). Social work in health settings: Practice in context (4th ed.) New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Chapter 6, “Working With Families With HIV-Positive Children” (pp. 79-89)

Tomaszewski, E. P. (2012). Understanding HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination. Retrieved from https://www.socialworkers.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=Ehw3d_90z30&portalid=0

Gehlert, S., & Browne, T. (Eds.). (2019). Handbook of health social work (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

  • Chapter 20, “Chronic Disease and Social Work: Diabetes, Heart Disease, and HIV/AIDS” (pp. 463-488)

Land, H., & Linsk, N. (2013). HIV stigma and discrimination: Enduring issues. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 12(1), 3–8.
HIV stigma and discrimination: Enduring issues by Land, H., & Linsk, N., in HIV/AIDS & Social Services, Vol. 12, Issue 1. Copyright 2013 by Taylor & Francis Informa UK LTD. Reprinted by permission of Taylor & Francis Informa UK LTD. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Linsk, N. L. (2011). Thirty years into the HIV epidemic: Social work perspectives and prospects. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 10(3). 218–229.
Social work perspectives and prospects by Land, H., & Linsk, N., in HIV/AIDS & Social Services, Vol. 10, Issue 3. Copyright 2013 by Taylor & Francis Informa UK LTD. Reprinted by permission of Taylor & Francis Informa UK LTD. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Lichtenstein, B., Sturdevant, M., & Mujumdar, A. (2010). Psychosocial stressors of fami

Linsk, N. L. (2011). Thirty years into the HIV epidemic: Social work perspectives and prospects. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 10(3). 218–229.
work perspectives and prospects by Land, H., & Linsk, N., in
HIV/AIDS & Social Services, Vol. 10, Issue 3. Copyright 2013 by
Taylor & Francis Informa UK LTD. Reprinted by permission of Taylor
& Francis Informa UK LTD. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

lies affected by HIV/AIDS: Implications for social work practice. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 9(2), 130–152.
Psychosocial stressors of families affected by HIV/AIDS: Implications for social work practice by Land, H., & Linsk, N., in HIV/AIDS & Social Services, Vol. 9, Issue 2. Copyright 2013 by Taylor & Francis Informa UK LTD. Reprinted by permission of Taylor & Francis Informa UK LTD. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Mutchler, M. G., Wagner, G., Cowgill, B. O., McKay, T., Risley, B., & Bogart, L. M. (2011). Improving HIV/AIDS care through treatment advocacy: Going beyond client education to empowerment by facilitating client–provider relationships. AIDS Care, 23(1), 79–90.

Hampton, G., Buggy, M., Graves, J., McCann, L. & Irwin, J. (2017). Grappling with realities: Policy and practice in HIV social work. Australian Social Work, 70(1), 92-103.

Edmonds, A., Moore, E., Valdez, A. & Tomlinson, C. (2015). Social work and the HIV care continuum: Assisting HIV patients diagnosed in an emergency department. Social Work, 60(3), 238-246.

National Association of Social Workers. (n.d.). NASW HIV/AIDS spectrum: Mental health training and education of social workers project. Retrieved from https://www.socialworkers.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=yzpg-m3BD3U&portalid=0

Optional Resources

AIDSinfo. (2012). Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-1-infected adults and adolescents. Retrieved from http://aidsinfo.nih.gov/contentfiles/lvguidelines/adultandadolescentgl.pdf

Newman, P. A. (2009). Social and behavioral challenges of HIV vaccines: Implications for social work and social science. Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 8(4), 313–330.

Sanford, E., & Gaylord, S. E. (2013, June 17). Social work and HIV/AIDS. Retrieved from http://blog.aids.gov/2013/06/social-work-and-hivaids.html


Dominican University Negotiation at Whole Health Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please read the case “Name Your Price” before you answer the discussion questions. After you understand the case material, please respond to the following questions, respectively:

  1. If you had to give Monroe one piece of advice as he sits down to draft his proposal to Jim, what would you say?
  2. If you were Monroe, what offer would you propose to Jim? Please specify the terms:

    1. Base Salary
    2. Performance based bonus
    3. Stock Options
    4. Other terms

  3. If you would want to append a note to Jim when you send him your compensation proposal, please provide the text of your message below. It can be as long or as short as you would like it to be.
  4. Why would you bother to send Jim a message along with your offer proposal?
  5. Please watch the following video clip from TV episode “Taxi” and answer the following questions:

    1. What is similar to these situations?
    2. How could Louie have gotten a better deal?
    3. What is different between the situation faced by Louie and Monroe?
    4. What happens if you treat your negotiation with Jim Hummer the way Louie treated his negotiation in the video?



Walden University Challenges in Group Supervision Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

As you continue to prepare for the in-residence component of this course, be aware of how the Learning Resources contribute to your understanding of the supervision models, including group supervision.

Conducting effective group supervision sessions requires organization and planning. In the group format of supervision, there are typically one or two supervisors, depending on the size of the group. A group with 6 to 12 supervisees, for example, would typically have two supervisors. A small group with 4 to 6 supervisees may have one supervisor. Each supervisee is best limited to 15 to 20 minutes for presenting cases. It is best to avoid exceeding 6 presentations in a 90-minute session. Supervisees may present their cases by using various methods, including oral case presentations, modeling and demonstration, audio and video recordings, or experiential techniques such as role-playing, family sculpting, psychodrama, and gestalt. Weekly supervision groups provide the most consistent and intense learning, whereas monthly supervision meetings are more typical of training seminars.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Select at least one topic from the required readings on group supervision that you found challenging and explain why. Also consider other topics that have been challenging this term. Finally, think about which topics you hope will be covered in depth during the in-residence component of the course.

By Day 4

Post a description of at least one topic from the required readings on group supervision that you found challenging and explain why. Then, explain any other issues or topics that have been challenging in this course. Finally, explain which topics you hope are covered in depth during the in-residence component and explain why.

Be sure to support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources.


De Anza Comparison Test with Integral Test to Show Converges Questions Mathematics Assignment Help


Mark the following true or false. If a statement is false, alter it to make it true. In other words,state a theorem we have studied similar to the false statement.(a) Iflimk→∞ak= 0, thenk=1akconverges.(b) Ifk=1|ak|converges, thenk=1akconverges.(c) Ifk=1akis a convergent series with remainderRn, then|Rn|≤|ak+1|.(d) If0akbkfor allkandk=1bkdiverges, thenk=1akdiverges.



HSA3110 Rasmussen College Introduction to Healthcare Administration Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

Write an Executive Summary Identifying the Risks and Benefits of Organizational Change


Identify concepts in organizational decisions, strategic alliances, and managing efficiency and effectiveness.


As an outside healthcare consultant, you have been hired by Gotham City Hospital to conduct and write a risk analysis report about upcoming organizational changes at the hospital. The most important change being proposed by hospital leadership is allowing non-medically-trained staff greater decision-making powers and responsibilities in regards to management of medical staff, facility resources, and at times, treatments provided by the hospital.

Your role as an outside healthcare consultant is to develop a three-page executive summary to identify the risks and benefits of the organizational change at the hospital.

Write a three-page executive summary that will be sent to executive staff at the healthcare facility in order to make organizational changes and processes at the hospital.

Topics should include:

  • The pros and cons of having non-medical staff making medical decisions.
  • The importance of the management of resources, including staff, money, and inventory.
  • Getting the buy-in of facility staff and administrators with suggested changes.

HSA3110 Rasmussen College Introduction to Healthcare Administration Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Cedar Crest College Effect of Smoking on Pregnant Woman Cause & Effect Essay Humanities Assignment Help

first, choose 3 articles about the topic from scholar google and use them in the reference and while you are writing the essay, Also, choose from these articles quotes and write one quote in each body (each quote has write with author name and page) ( *articles should not be from book)

second, essay should be in APA style

finally, follow these steps :

Rubric for Cause and Effect

Times New Roman (12 point font) 1 3 5

Third Person Point of View 1 3 5

*Smooth Transition Words 1 3 5

*Adjective Clauses 1 3 5

Background Information 1 3 5

*Comparative Form 1 3 5

*Parallel Form 1 3 5

*3 sources (all scholarly) 1 3 5

5-7 pages 1 3 5

Reference Page 1 3 5

Cover Page 1 3 5

Verb Tense 135

Used the Writing Center

*Please highlight transition words in yellow , adjective clauses in red , comparative form in blue , parallel form in purple , and scholarly sources in pink.

*for the cover page you will need my name is Maha Mohammed Alfaraidi and name of my school is Cedar Crest college

*send me the outline plesse


EDU 7130 Ashford University Psychology Educational Organization Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Prior to completing this discussion read Chapter 5 in Bush (2011) and Chapter 1 in Pennington (2009).

Initial Post: Create an initial response that addresses the following:

  • Identify an educational organization with whom you are associated or look for an educational organization to be studied using the ProQuest Newsstand. This organization will be the educational environment you’ll use for your final paper.
  • Please share generic information about the setting including:
    • Grade levels (early childhood, elementary, middle grades, secondary, post-secondary, graduate, etc.),
    • Who works there (faculty, administration, staff),
    • Faculty and staff demographics,
    • Student demographics,
    • Socio-economic status,
    • Extra-curricular activities,
    • Any other relevant details you feel are needed to help fully describe the environment.
  • Once you have defined your environment, describe three theories that will help you to better address problems that you have experienced or have addressed within the environment. Use the Makolandra et al (2009) article and Bess, J.L., & Dee, J.R. (2012) book for examples of how theories have been used in practice.

Your initial post should be at least 350 words.

Guided Response: Post responses to at least two classmates. In your response, reflect on your classmate’s responses. Questions you might consider in your response include:

  • Have your classmates created a clear and detailed picture of their selected educational organization?
  • How well do the selected theories address the problems within the environment?

For deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions to you to further the conversation while giving you opportunities to develop a sense of community with class peers and the instructor.


Employee Retention Statistics Question Mathematics Assignment Help

Please finish the assignment that described in the assignment 5G.

Please read Harvard Case No. 9-602-096 “Store24(A): Managing Employee Retention”.
Please use the companion dataset (Store24Data.xlsx) to answer the following questions:
In the Store24 dataset, you will find the store performance and employee characteristics for the
chain of “Store24” convenience stores. In particular, you have information on Sales (fiscal year
sales), Profit (fiscal year profit), MTenure (average manager tenure in months, that is, how long they
have been with the store), and CTenure (average crew tenure in months). The file also contains data
on Store24’s most important site location factors: Comp (number of competitors per 10,000 people
in a ½ mile radius), Pop (population within a ½ mile radius), Visiblity (5-point rating on visibility, 5
is highest), PedCount (5-point rating on pedestrian foot traffic, 5 is highest), Hours24 (dummy for
being open 24 hours a day), and Res (dummy for being in a residential area rather than industrial).
The focus of the problem set is on understanding the role of manager and crew tenure (experience)
on store level financial performance.


CFD 370 SDSU Method Section Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Hi I have already chosen the 5 peer reviewed articles for this part of the paper. I have already done the first part. This part of the essay will require the method section to be completed in APA formatting. No plagiarism!

videos below are what my teacher has provided for instructions:


Method: In previous semesters, I have required students to conduct a naturalistic observation to collect their data. This semester, however, I am adjusting the observation to include the use of media instead of going out into the community (it’s a pandemic thing).

To collect your data, you will use a naturalistic observation approach utilizing two (2) different full length movies. Television sitcoms will not work for this assignment. You can choose two movies from the same genre (action, horror, mystery) or from two different genres. You must observe each video for a minimum of one hour and you must observe both movies for the same exact amount of time to collect your data. Please review Chapters 6 for the correct format.

In the Methods section you will go into specific detail on how you ran your quasi-experimental design. Include specific details on who your participants were in the movie, how you collected your data, and the materials you used for documentation of that information. You must give very specific details for any technology used (i.e. iPhone 10, 2019 or MacBook Air, 2019).

You will need at least two (2) variables for comparison. You can choose two different genders (male/female), you can choose two different age groups (adolescents/elderly), or you can choose two different genres of movies (action/love story; or comedy/drama, etc). Be specific when you describe your variables. Aim for approximately 100 individual hits (for example: approximately 4 different behaviors with about 25 observations each or 5 different behaviors with 20 observations each). This will help you to graph your results more easily.

The Methods section is due on 10/17 and will include a cover page and reference page with the addition of the movie citations. Please see Citing Electronic Sources posted in Course Documents to help you with your citations

I can also post my first part of the essay if it is needed for you to familiarize yourself with the topic.

She has also posted an example of the method section which I can provide if you need it!

This research paper has multiple sections….. I need someone who is willing to pick back up in 2 weeks to do the next section.

Thank you!!!!!



Method: In previous semesters, I have required students to conduct a naturalistic observation to collect their data. This semester, however, I am adjusting the observation to include the use of media instead of going out into the community (it’s a pandemic thing).

To collect your data, you will use a naturalistic observation approach utilizing two (2) different full length movies. Television sitcoms will not work for this assignment. You can choose two movies from the same genre (action, horror, mystery) or from two different genres. You must observe each video for a minimum of one hour and you must observe both movies for the same exact amount of time to collect your data. Please review Chapters 6 for the correct format.

In the Methods section you will go into specific detail on how you ran your quasi-experimental design. Include specific details on who your participants were in the movie, how you collected your data, and the materials you used for documentation of that information. You must give very specific details for any technology used (i.e. iPhone 10, 2019 or MacBook Air, 2019).

You will need at least two (2) variables for comparison. You can choose two different genders (male/female), you can choose two different age groups (adolescents/elderly), or you can choose two different genres of movies (action/love story; or comedy/drama, etc). Be specific when you describe your variables. Aim for approximately 100 individual hits (for example: approximately 4 different behaviors with about 25 observations each or 5 different behaviors with 20 observations each). This will help you to graph your results more easily.

The Methods section is due on 10/17 and will include a cover page and reference page with the addition of the movie citations. Please see Citing Electronic Sources posted in Course Documents to help you with your citations

I can also post my first part of the essay if it is needed for you to familiarize yourself with the topic.

She has also posted an example of the method section which I can provide if you need it!

This research paper has multiple sections….. I need someone who is willing to pick back up in 2 weeks to do the next section.

Thank you!!!!!



Method: In previous semesters, I have required students to conduct a naturalistic observation to collect their data. This semester, however, I am adjusting the observation to include the use of media instead of going out into the community (it’s a pandemic thing).

To collect your data, you will use a naturalistic observation approach utilizing two (2) different full length movies. Television sitcoms will not work for this assignment. You can choose two movies from the same genre (action, horror, mystery) or from two different genres. You must observe each video for a minimum of one hour and you must observe both movies for the same exact amount of time to collect your data. Please review Chapters 6 for the correct format.

In the Methods section you will go into specific detail on how you ran your quasi-experimental design. Include specific details on who your participants were in the movie, how you collected your data, and the materials you used for documentation of that information. You must give very specific details for any technology used (i.e. iPhone 10, 2019 or MacBook Air, 2019).

You will need at least two (2) variables for comparison. You can choose two different genders (male/female), you can choose two different age groups (adolescents/elderly), or you can choose two different genres of movies (action/love story; or comedy/drama, etc). Be specific when you describe your variables. Aim for approximately 100 individual hits (for example: approximately 4 different behaviors with about 25 observations each or 5 different behaviors with 20 observations each). This will help you to graph your results more easily.

The Methods section is due on 10/17 and will include a cover page and reference page with the addition of the movie citations. Please see Citing Electronic Sources posted in Course Documents to help you with your citations

I can also post my first part of the essay if it is needed for you to familiarize yourself with the topic.

She has also posted an example of the method section which I can provide if you need it!

This research paper has multiple sections….. I need someone who is willing to pick back up in 2 weeks to do the next section.

Thank you!!!!!



Method: In previous semesters, I have required students to conduct a naturalistic observation to collect their data. This semester, however, I am adjusting the observation to include the use of media instead of going out into the community (it’s a pandemic thing).

To collect your data, you will use a naturalistic observation approach utilizing two (2) different full length movies. Television sitcoms will not work for this assignment. You can choose two movies from the same genre (action, horror, mystery) or from two different genres. You must observe each video for a minimum of one hour and you must observe both movies for the same exact amount of time to collect your data. Please review Chapters 6 for the correct format.

In the Methods section you will go into specific detail on how you ran your quasi-experimental design. Include specific details on who your participants were in the movie, how you collected your data, and the materials you used for documentation of that information. You must give very specific details for any technology used (i.e. iPhone 10, 2019 or MacBook Air, 2019).

You will need at least two (2) variables for comparison. You can choose two different genders (male/female), you can choose two different age groups (adolescents/elderly), or you can choose two different genres of movies (action/love story; or comedy/drama, etc). Be specific when you describe your variables. Aim for approximately 100 individual hits (for example: approximately 4 different behaviors with about 25 observations each or 5 different behaviors with 20 observations each). This will help you to graph your results more easily.

The Methods section is due on 10/17 and will include a cover page and reference page with the addition of the movie citations. Please see Citing Electronic Sources posted in Course Documents to help you with your citations

I can also post my first part of the essay if it is needed for you to familiarize yourself with the topic.

She has also posted an example of the method section which I can provide if you need it!

This research paper has multiple sections….. I need someone who is willing to pick back up in 2 weeks to do the next section.

Thank you!!!!!


UTAS General Practitioners Perspectives on Patients Adherence Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

UTAS General Practitioners Perspectives on Patients Adherence Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

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