Vacation Homes Writing Assignment Help

Vacation Homes Writing Assignment Help. Vacation Homes Writing Assignment Help.

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Mr. Z owns three homes. He lives in the San Francisco home full time. The other two he and his wife vacation in each year. He is considering replacing the house he has in Palm Springs, California , with another house in the same area. The new home is a little bigger and has a floor plan he prefers. The two Palm Springs properties have almost the same market value. Mr. Z would like to know if he can exchange the properties instead of selling the one he has now and then buying the new one. He has a lot of built-up appreciation in the current Palm Springs home and he doesn’t want to have to pay taxes on it. Someone told him at a cocktail party that he can avoid paying taxes if he does an exchange.

Mr. Z and his wife own the home outright. There is no mortgage on the property. They use the property occasionally. This last year they vacationed at the home for about two or three weeks – they aren’t sure of the exact days. They have never rented the property and refuse to rent either the old or new property. They don’t need the money and don’t like strangers in their house.

Mr. Z explains that he holds each of his vacation homes for two reasons. One reason is for vacations for him and his wife. Another key reason for owning the homes is for their investment value. He chooses homes only in areas where he believes there are high appreciation possibilities.

Can Mr. Z take advantage of the tax-free exchange rules in the IRC? How will you advise him?

a. Write a memo to your supervisor communicating your research results.

b. Write a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Z communicating your research results.

c. Assume that Mr. and Mrs. Z exchange properties in accordance with the nonrecognition provisions. They file a tax return not reflecting any income form this transaction. The Z’s receive a letter from the IRS indicating that it is treating the transaction as taxable. Write a letter to the IRS protesting this finding.

Vacation Homes Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

revising argument essay, juviniles tried Humanities Assignment Help

these are the teachers notes, please follow all of them and stick bu them. Make revisions per her request and please wstick to the guidelines

You have a good start here! As you revise, pay close attention to the following points:

1. Your supporting body paragraphs need to begin with subclaims. Subclaims are mini-arguments of your own that support your thesis; they’re the reasons you’re arguing the way you are on the topic. Try not to begin body paragraphs with summaries of authors’ points

2. It’s really important to fully introduce your sources in your paragraphs. So, after you have a subclaim, if you are introducing a new article, you need to have the following: 1) author’s full name, 2) title of the article, 3) overview of what the article is about and the author’s main argument. Then maybe incorporate a quote from the text so that you can analyze it in support of your claim? By the way, when you introduce a text, you don’t just list the title and author in a weird string of info–you have to write it into a regular sentence. Here’s an example: In the article “Juvenile Justice,” author Kay Smith argues that since teenagers’ brains are not fully developed, they do not possess full, rational control over their behavior. Smith writes, “blah blah blah some important quote” (3). Smith’s point here is that this difference in juvenile’s brains makes them fundamentally different from adults, and therefore not subject to the same . . . you get the point. Please follow a model like that to fully introduce your texts!!

3. I noticed that you need to set up your counterargument and refutation with signaling language. Take a look at the lesson on counterarguments (or the handout) for examples of this. Language like “Some people argue” or, “In opposition, critics suggest that . . ” will help your reader understand that it’s the counter. Then, in that paragraph, when you’re ready to refute that claim, using language like “However, this position fails to account for . . ” or “One problem with the logic of this argument is XX.” That will signal to your readers that you’re refuting, or offering a rebuttal to the counter that you just laid out.


what is the future of china economy Writing Assignment Help

China’s economy has enjoyed 30 years of explosive growth, making it the world’s largest. Its success was based on a command economy that drove growth through government spending.

China’s economy is measured by its gross domestic product. In 2017, growth was $23.12 trillion, the largest in the world. That’s 6.8 percent more than in 2016. The target for 2018 is 6.5 percent.

China’s growth rate has slowed since the double-digit rates before 2013. Its economy grew 7.7 percent in 2013, 7.3 percent in 2014, 6.9 percent in 2015, and 6.7 percent in 2016.


China fueled its former spectacular growth with massive government spending. The government owned strategically-important companies that dominated their industries. It owns the big three energy companies, PetroChina, Sinopec, and CNOOC. They are less profitable than private firms. They return only 4.9 percent on assets compared to 13.2 percent for private companies. But they allowed China to direct them to high-priority projects.

China requires several things of foreign companies who want to sell to the Chinese population. They must open factories to employ Chinese workers. They must share their technology. Chinese companies use this knowledge to make the products themselves.

The People’s Bank of China, the nation’s central bank, tightly controls the yuan to dollar value. It does this to manage the prices of exports to the United States. It wants them to be a little cheaper than those produced in America. It can achieve this because China’s cost of living is lower. By managing its exchange rate, it can take advantage of this disparity.


China’s growth has reduced poverty. Only 3.3 percent of the population lives below the poverty line, set at 2,300 yuan. China has 20 percent of the world’s population. As its people get richer, they will become bigger consumers. More companies will try to sell to this market, the largest in the world. They will tailor their products to Chinese tastes.

Growth is making China a world economic leader. China is now the world’s biggest producer of aluminum and steel. Exports rose 25 percent in 2015.

Chinese tech companies quickly became market leaders. Huawei is the world’s top cellular-equipment maker. It is quickly becoming a world leader in developing 5G technology. Lenovo is a world-class maker of personal computers. Xiami is China’s No.1 smartphone brand.


Government spending created a total debt-to-GDP ratio of 260 percent. This include government, corporate, and consumer debt. Since the state owns many corporations, it must be included. The consumer debt may have also created an asset bubble. Housing prices have skyrocketed as low interest rates fueled speculation. High growth levels have come at the cost of consumer safety. The public has protested pollution, food safety scandals, and inflation.

It also created a class of ultra-rich professionals who want more individual liberties. They primarily live in urban areas, since that’s where most of the jobs are. In 2017, almost 60 percent of the population lived in urban areas. In the 1980s, it was just 20 percent.

Local governments are charged with providing social services, but aren’t allowed to tax locally to fund them. As a result, families are forced to save because China doesn’t provide benefits for people who’ve moved from the farms to the cities to work. Interest rates have been low, so families don’t receive much return on their savings. As a result, they don’t spend much, keeping domestic demand low.

Future Growth

To move forward, China needs more innovative companies. These only come from entrepreneurship. State-owned companies make up 25 percent of total industrial output, down from 75 percent in 1970. However, China must do even better.

The “Made in China 2025” plan recommends advances in technology, specifically big data, aircraft engines, and clean cars. China has become a world leader in solar technology. It is cutting back on steel and coal production.

The worst risk is the ticking time bomb within the nation’s financial system. Banks are state-funded and owned. This means the government sets interest rates and approves loans. They pay low interest rates on deposits so they can lend cheaply to state-owned businesses. As a result, banks have channeled government funds into an unknown number of projects that may not be profitable.

Bank loans are nearly 30 percent of the economy. One-third of these may be the “off-balance sheet” loans that aren’t regulated. They are above the lending limits set by the central government. If interest rates rise, if growth slows too fast, if the government cuts back on stimulus, these loans will probably default. That could set off a collapse in China similar to the 2008 financial crisis in the United States.

China’s leaders now walk a fine line. They must reform to remove asset bubbles. On the other hand, as growth slows, the standard of living may fall. This could cause another revolution. People have been willing to turn over personal power to the state only in return for rapid increases in personal wealth. China’s leaders must reform the economy or it will ultimately collapse.

Leaders must take steps to boost domestic demand from its 1.37 billion people, so it can rely less on exports. It must diversify into a more market-based economy. This means relying less on state-owned, and more on privately-owned, companies to reap the rewards of a competitive environment.

One way it is doing this is by boosting investment in China’s stock market. That allows companies to rely less on debt, and more on selling stocks, to fund growth. It also helps the tech companies that are listed on the Shenzhen exchanges. China recently installed the Connect program between the mainland exchanges and the Hong Kong stock market.


Econ of Developing Countries homework assignment Economics Assignment Help

Read the notes on the GINI coefficient. The homework is re-creating those notes on a piece of paper. Then, finishing all the match by calculating all the areas and finally the GINI coefficient. You may have to go back and forth between different sources provided on the response sheet to succeed in doing so. Please box your answers and take VERY CLEAR pictures of all your work. I want you to consolidate all the pictures in a word document or a PDF (if you use some phone app).

This source will give you more information on what is the GINI coefficient and how to calculate it. Watch until 31:13 only.


Solve the 10 Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Question 1 – Learning Outcome 1:

You are the Risk Manager for a well established budget airline that specialises in seasonal leisure travel. One of the airline’s aircraft was involved in a near miss incident with another aircraft. This incident was filmed and the recording was subsequently released on social media.

You have been asked by the Board to investigate the effect of this incident on the public’s perception of the airline. As part of this investigation, you need to understand the influences on risk perception.

Explain, with justification, two significant issues influencing the public’s risk perception of the budget airline

following this near miss incident.

Question 2 – Learning Outcome 2:

You are the Risk Manager for KC plc, a small online direct insurer. KC plc has built its business from start-up to profitability by focusing on technology, customer data and complex information technology (IT) systems.

One of KC plc’s competitors recently experienced a data breach. Subsequently, you have been asked by the Board to review the potential impact on KC plc’s business should technology/cyber risks occur.

(a) Explain, with justification, four significant technology/cyber risks that KC plc may experience.

(b) Explain briefly one risk management action KC plc could take to mitigate each of the four risks you have

explained in (a) above.

Question 3 – Learning Outcome 3:

You are the Risk Manager for JH plc, a small financial company based in the UK. JH plc has recently been fined by the financial regulator for mis-selling products and taking unnecessary risks with client money.

JH plc’s lack of formal risk management procedures has been criticised by the regulator. The regulator has also criticised JH plc for inadequately documenting their risk appetite and risk tolerance.

The Board have instructed you to carry out a risk review. Following your review, the Board will determine a reduced level of acceptable risk appetite and risk tolerance to satisfy the regulator.

(a) Explain, with justification, two actions you could take to assist in managing the risks, that would support a

reduced level of risk appetite and risk tolerance.

(b) Explain, with justification, one recognised mechanism JH plc could adopt that will demonstrate effective risk management to the regulator.

Question 4 – Learning Outcome 4:

You are a risk manager for EN plc, a newly formed insurer. EN plc was created by the merger of two competing insurers.

You are combining the two former insurers’ risk registers into a single risk register. You are also preparing for a visit by the regulator.

The risks on the register for EN plc have yet to be categorised. The risk categories will be on the agenda for the regulator’s visit.

Explain, with justification, two significant risk categories that will be of interest to EN plc’s regulator.

Question 5 – Learning Outcome 5:

You are the Risk Manager for AL Ltd, a privately owned logistics company. AL Ltd operate a fleet of vehicles and own two purpose built warehouses (A and B) that are located in close proximity to each other.

The vehicles in the fleet, when not on the road, are garaged in warehouse A. Warehouse B includes an office that contains the information technology (IT) system for stock control.

The table below shows AL Ltd’s key assets and their values.


Warehouse A building 3.1

Warehouse A stock & contents 2.2

Warehouse B building 2.9

Warehouse B stock & contents 1.4

IT systems and office contents 1.0

An individual fleet vehicle 0.1

Total vehicle fleet 2.0

When reviewing the risk management plan, you have identified a number of catastrophic risk events. This information will form the basis of your forthcoming discussions with AL Ltd’s insurance broker.

(a) Explain, with justification, how you will determine the asset values whilst considering potential catastrophic

risk events.

(b) Calculate, showing all your workings, the maximum possible loss should a catastrophic fire start in

warehouse A. Include in your answer the assumptions you have made.

(c) Calculate, showing all your workings, the maximum probable loss should a catastrophic fire start in

warehouse A. Include in your answer the assumptions you have made.

Question 6 – Learning Outcome 6:

You are an insurance broker. One of your clients, a food processing company, has requested an annual review meeting.

At the annual review meeting, your client informs you that they intend to put their insurance programme out to tender with other brokers, unless the cost of the insurance programme is reduced.

The food processing company has the following risk features:

  • A large commercial motor fleet.
  • Processing and distribution of frozen and chilled food products.
  • The data on the information technology (IT) system is backed-up off-site.
  • The motor fleet claim experience is poor and includes a number of high value claims.
  • The claims experience is very good on all other insurance classes with no individual loss over £10,000 during the last two years.
  • The current insurance programme has the following features:

  • The premium spend on the motor fleet is very high.
  • The deductible levels, across all insurance classes, are very low.
  • The business interruption insurance spend is very high.
  • The company has been insured by the same insurer for a number of years.
  • Explain, with justification, five significant actions you would advise your client to take to reduce the cost of the

    insurance programme.

    Question 7 – Learning Outcome 7:

    You are the Risk Manager for FY plc, an electronics company that has grown rapidly. FY plc specialises in the production of mobile phones for the highly competitive mobile phone market. FY plc is focussed on profitability and delivering shareholder value in the short-term.

    FY plc is about to launch a new mobile phone that they expect will give them a competitive advantage. FY plc has made a significant investment in the development of this new product with borrowed funds. The production of this new mobile phone is heavily dependent on one specialist component supplier.

    (a) Identify two potential catastrophic failures that FY plc could experience following the launch of the new mobile


    (b)Explain how risk management could contribute to the prevention of each of the two catastrophic failures you

    have identified in (a) above.

    Question 8 – Across more than one Learning Outcome:

    You are the newly appointed Group Risk Manager for MC plc, a successful UK-based pharmaceutical company. MC plc has decided to expand its pharmaceutical production capability by building a new factory in an overseas country – a country that has an emerging economy.

    You have been asked by the Board to recommend how an effective risk management process could manage the risks associated with the expansion into the overseas location.

    (a) Identify three internal and two external key stakeholders you would engage with, in order to establish an

    effective risk management process.

    (b) Explain, for each of the three internal and two external stakeholders you have identified in (a) above, how these stakeholders could contribute to the risk management process of the risks involving the overseas location.

    Question 9 – Across more than one Learning Outcome:

    You are a risk manager for an insurer that underwrites risks in several countries, including the USA. The insurer is considering the introduction of a new global information technology (IT) system. This system will incorporate all the insurer’s data relating to its entire operation.

    Whilst the new IT system is being developed, you have been asked by the IT Project Manager to identify the key sources of data from a risk management perspective that should be incorporated into the new IT system.

    (a) Explain, with justification, three significant sources of information that should be considered when developing

    the new IT system for the insurer.

    (b) Explain the potential impact on the insurer for each of the three sources of information, you have identified in (a) above, if they are inadequately incorporated into the new IT system.

    Question 10 – Across more than one Learning Outcome:

    You are a newly appointed risk manager of an insurance broker that has recently merged with a competitor.

    Prior to the merger, the insurance broker had an inadequate risk management process. Its competitor did not have a formal risk management process.

    At a forthcoming risk management strategy planning day with the risk management team, ideas on how to improve the risk management process will be discussed.

    (a) Explain, with justification, four significant actions that you could take to progress the risk maturity of the risk management process of the merged insurance broker.

    (b) Describe two benefits of achieving risk maturity in the risk management process in the merged insurance


    *** Word count = 7500 Words at least.

    *** In-Text citations and references using Harvard style.

    *** Do not group question parts together in your answer. If there are parts (a) and (b), answer them separately.

    *** Address all the issues raised in each question.



    CEGR 338 – ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING I Homework #1 Science Assignment Help


    Be mindful of course rules. Properly cite and provide references of any websites you may have used for answering questions.

    For Exercises 1 through 4, use the textbook or internet to perform a Google search for help in answering the questions. If necessary, seek out a professor or environmental engineer to discuss the topics presented. Then, prepare at least a written paragraph for each topic. Discuss the role each topic plays in environmental engineering. For these answers, you may include comments on the types of problems that an engineer may confront and how to solve these problems for each topic.

    CEGR 338 – ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING I Homework #1 Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Regulatory Measures Business Finance Assignment Help

    This assignment is a PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes. To prepare for this assignment, access and view the following tutorials: Microsoft PowerPoint Help Also view Speaker’s notes

    Please note your PowerPoint presentation needs to have two separate parts.

    1. First, you will examine the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO), the Sarbanes – Oxley Act (SOX), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the Foreign Corruptions Practices Act (FCPA). In your presentation
      • Explain the events that led to each of these regulatory measures.
      • Describe the impact these laws have had on business ethics.
      • Illustrate your understanding by including examples in your presentation to support your points.
    2. For the second part of the assignment, use the Ashford University Library to choose an article that describes how one of the laws: FSGO, SOX, CFPB, or FCPA affected an organization. Be sure to choose an article that describes how the chosen law has a positive or negative effect on the organization.
      • Summarize the article
      • Describe the effects on the organization.

    The presentation:

    Must be 15 to 20 slides in length (not including the title slide and references slide) and formatted according to APA style.

    • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of presentation


    A homework about Business Info Systems (CIS 3) Business Finance Assignment Help

    1. Read Appendix A and Appendix B.

    2. Use Figure 1.2 (page 9) in the textbook as the business you need to improve.

    3. Create a plan to improve success factors* in a business, using software and hardware.

    4. Produce a minimum one-page improvement plan utilizing word processing tools to show a use of various formattings, such as columns, outline, and numbering.

    * Success factors: time-saving, cost-saving, and/or error-free.

    After you take it, I will give you the materials about the homework. If you don’t know or learn something about this course, please don’t take it.


    sociology writing-1 Writing Assignment Help

    For today’s topic: class inequality, instead of reading from your textbook, I would instead ask you to listen to one of the most prophetic voices on poverty. Please listen to Doctor Martin Luther King Junior’s famous speech, “Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam” at the link below

    Pay attention to the way Doctor King connects foreign war with domestic poverty and consider why he calls war “the enemy of the poor.” This speech was controversial and afterwards King received a great deal of criticism from across the political spectrum for his anti-war position. This speech was delivered approximately one year before his assassination.

    Before he was killed, MLK returned to Memphis to support the sanitation (garbage) workers – as part of his struggle for labor equity and the founding of the Poor People’s Campaign. A campaign to provide housing, a decent standard of living, and good jobs for everyone.

    Now, over 50 years after MLK’s assassination, a new Poor People’s Campaign has been launched by a coalition of secular and faith-based organizations across the country. Listen to Reverend Bishop Barber, Co-Chair of the new Poor People’s Campaign describe the crisis of poverty in the US – before begin arrested last month.

    After you have listened/watched the links above, answer the following questions:

    1. What is the relationship between militarism and poverty – as described by Doctor King?

    2. What, in your opinion, are the similarities, and differences, between the conditions during MLK’s time – and our own time? Note: In your response, you may choose to draw upon the information on the website of the new Poor People’s Campaign:

    3. What are some specific political/social/economic steps for reducing wealth inequality and lifting people out of poverty in the US and around the world?

    4. What do you see as viable ‘exit strategies’ – opportunities for overcoming – what MLK called the Triplets of Evil (Racism, Materialism, and Militarism)? In other words, how are we to build a world of substantive human equity and environmental sustainability given the many challenges that lie before us?

    5. Optional: Do you support or reject Bishop Barber’s arguments for a guaranteed basic income and universal healthcare.


    answer the questins in paragraph. Humanities Assignment Help

    1. Please answer the following questions. Your entire response must be a paragraph of at least five sentences.

    After reading the chapter, what do you think about Anthropology as a discipline?

    Had you ever heard of it before?

    Do you think it is more or less important than other social sciences?


    2. Please answer the following questions in a paragraph of at least five sentences.

    What do you think you could study in your daily social environment using ethnographic fieldwork?
    Explain why you want to study it or feel it is worth studying.
    Explain how you would study it in detail using ethnographic fieldwork as a method.

    3. After reading the different theoretical frameworks of culture (page 44-47):
    1. Determine which perspective you agree with the most, and explain why.
    2. Determine which perspective you agree with the least, and explain why.

    Please write two paragraphs of at least five sentences each.

    please make a separate file for each question.


    3. What are some specific political/social/economic steps for reducing wealth inequality and lifting people out of poverty in the US and around the world?

    4. What do you see as viable ‘exit strategies’ – opportunities for overcoming – what MLK called the Triplets of Evil (Racism, Materialism, and Militarism)? In other words, how are we to build a world of substantive human equity and environmental sustainability given the many challenges that lie before us?

    5. Optional: Do you support or reject Bishop Barber’s arguments for a guaranteed basic income and universal healthcare.


    answer the questins in paragraph. Humanities Assignment Help

    1. Please answer the following questions. Your entire response must be a paragraph of at least five sentences.

    After reading the chapter, what do you think about Anthropology as a discipline?

    Had you ever heard of it before?

    Do you think it is more or less important than other social sciences?


    2. Please answer the following questions in a paragraph of at least five sentences.

    What do you think you could study in your daily social environment using ethnographic fieldwork?
    Explain why you want to study it or feel it is worth studying.
    Explain how you would study it in detail using ethnographic fieldwork as a method.

    3. After reading the different theoretical frameworks of culture (page 44-47):
    1. Determine which perspective you agree with the most, and explain why.
    2. Determine which perspective you agree with the least, and explain why.

    Please write two paragraphs of at least five sentences each.

    please make a separate file for each question.


    3. What are some specific political/social/economic steps for reducing wealth inequality and lifting people out of poverty in the US and around the world?

    4. What do you see as viable ‘exit strategies’ – opportunities for overcoming – what MLK called the Triplets of Evil (Racism, Materialism, and Militarism)? In other words, how are we to build a world of substantive human equity and environmental sustainability given the many challenges that lie before us?

    5. Optional: Do you support or reject Bishop Barber’s arguments for a guaranteed basic income and universal healthcare.


    answer the questins in paragraph. Humanities Assignment Help

    1. Please answer the following questions. Your entire response must be a paragraph of at least five sentences.

    After reading the chapter, what do you think about Anthropology as a discipline?

    Had you ever heard of it before?

    Do you think it is more or less important than other social sciences?


    2. Please answer the following questions in a paragraph of at least five sentences.

    What do you think you could study in your daily social environment using ethnographic fieldwork?
    Explain why you want to study it or feel it is worth studying.
    Explain how you would study it in detail using ethnographic fieldwork as a method.

    3. After reading the different theoretical frameworks of culture (page 44-47):
    1. Determine which perspective you agree with the most, and explain why.
    2. Determine which perspective you agree with the least, and explain why.

    Please write two paragraphs of at least five sentences each.

    please make a separate file for each question.


    3. What are some specific political/social/economic steps for reducing wealth inequality and lifting people out of poverty in the US and around the world?

    4. What do you see as viable ‘exit strategies’ – opportunities for overcoming – what MLK called the Triplets of Evil (Racism, Materialism, and Militarism)? In other words, how are we to build a world of substantive human equity and environmental sustainability given the many challenges that lie before us?

    5. Optional: Do you support or reject Bishop Barber’s arguments for a guaranteed basic income and universal healthcare.


    answer the questins in paragraph. Humanities Assignment Help

    1. Please answer the following questions. Your entire response must be a paragraph of at least five sentences.

    After reading the chapter, what do you think about Anthropology as a discipline?

    Had you ever heard of it before?

    Do you think it is more or less important than other social sciences?


    2. Please answer the following questions in a paragraph of at least five sentences.

    What do you think you could study in your daily social environment using ethnographic fieldwork?
    Explain why you want to study it or feel it is worth studying.
    Explain how you would study it in detail using ethnographic fieldwork as a method.

    3. After reading the different theoretical frameworks of culture (page 44-47):
    1. Determine which perspective you agree with the most, and explain why.
    2. Determine which perspective you agree with the least, and explain why.

    Please write two paragraphs of at least five sentences each.

    please make a separate file for each question.


    Vacation Homes Writing Assignment Help

    Vacation Homes Writing Assignment Help

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