Valencia Community College Philosophy Allegory of the Cave Plato Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Valencia Community College Philosophy Allegory of the Cave Plato Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Valencia Community College Philosophy Allegory of the Cave Plato Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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The Reading Assignment contains (usually) two questions pertaining to short sections of (usually) primary sources. Primary sources are the original writings of important philosophers, not textbook accounts, summaries, or expert explanations of original writings. (Expert explanations, textbook accounts, etc. are called ‘secondary sources.’) The primary sources are (usually) provided as links to free online sources. Detailed instructions identify the exact passages to read.

Please note that this is NOT a research assignment. You should NOT search for additional information on the text(s) or its author(s) or try to find ‘the right answers’ to the Reading Assignment Questions. Rather, you should ‘struggle’ with the text(s) and make sure to answer all parts of the questions completely and thoroughly to the best of your understanding.

Your Reading Assignment submission will be checked for plagiarism. See syllabus for plagiarism policy and academic integrity guidelines.

The Reading Assignment is due by the due date specified in the course calendar. Late submissions (as marked by Canvas) will result in ‘0’ points for the Reading Assignment. Please make sure to carefully follow the directions provided and adhere to the deadline specified in the course calendar.


Please read (at least a portion of) Book VII of Plato’s Republic. Click on the link below, select ‘Read this book online: HTML,’ scroll down to the table of contents, click on the link for Book VII, and read to (at least) the end of the paragraph starting with “This entire allegory, I said …” This passage contains the famous Allegory of the Cave.

Plato: Republic (Links to an external site.)

After careful reflection, please answer the following questions:

  1. In Plato’s allegory of the cave, the prisoners mistake the shadows for reality. What is this meant to illustrate? Please be sure to be specific, and carefully explain your reasoning.
  2. What kind of approach to teaching and learning do you see emerging from the allegory of the cave? How does learning take place? What is the role of the teacher? Please be sure to be specific, and carefully explain your reasoning.

Your response to each question should be about 300 – 400 words in length, but please feel free to be as detailed as you wish. Your responses must be written in full sentences, logically structured, using proper grammar and spelling, and appropriate style. It is recommended that you write out your answers using a word processing program and copy and paste the completed response. This will avoid loss of work in case of internet outage, etc. Always keep a backup copy of all written work.

Due Date

The due date for your Reading Assignment is specified in the course calendar.


Your Reading Assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the Reading Assignment Rubric.


This Reading Assignment is worth 20 points toward your total score for this course. Please see syllabus for details.


Reading Assignment Rubric

Reading Assignment Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswer Question 1

8 to >7.0 pts


All aspects of question are answered. Answer is comprehensive, thorough, and fully supported by sound reasoning.

7 to >4.0 pts


Some aspects of question remain unanswered, and/or answer lacks detail and/or is not fully supported by sound reasoning.

4 to >0.0 pts


Most or all aspects of question remain unanswered, and/or answer is extremely brief and/or not supported by sound reasoning.

0 pts

No submission

8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswer Question 1

8 to >7.0 pts


All aspects of question are answered. Answer is comprehensive, thorough, and fully supported by sound reasoning.

7 to >4.0 pts


Some aspects of question remain unanswered, and/or answer lacks detail and/or is not fully supported by sound reasoning.

4 to >0.0 pts


Most or all aspects of question remain unanswered, and/or answer is extremely brief and/or not supported by sound reasoning.

0 pts

No Submission

8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguageUse of Standard, Written English

4 to >3.0 pts


Answers are logically structured and presented in complete sentences in proper written English. No or very few grammar or spelling errors are present.

3 to >2.0 pts


Answers are not completely logically structured or presented in sentence fragments and/or contain some grammar and/or spelling errors.

2 to >0.0 pts


Answers lack logical structure and are presented in sentence fragments and/or contain substantial grammar and/or spelling errors.

0 pts

No Submission

4 pts

Total Points: 20

Valencia Community College Philosophy Allegory of the Cave Plato Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOC 1101 UPR Metodo Cientifico para la Investigacion Social Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing exercise and need guidance to help me learn.

Objetivo de la actividad

  1. Contextualizar al estudiante sobre los objetivos y contenido del curso.
  2. Interactuar con el Profesor(a) y los compañeros del curso.

En esta actividad el estudiante se presentará al profesor y al grupo para promover una mejor interacción a lo largo del curso. Aumentará su conocimiento en el contenido del curso y su aplicabilidad en su vida personal y profesional.


  • Leer la introducción del curso y la bienvenida de su profesor en Anuncios.
  • En la publicación principal cada estudiante redactará un párrafo donde reflexione sobre el primer objetivo de esta actividad.


Después de haber leído el prontuario y conocer los temas a tratar en el curso, ¿de qué forma cree que este conocimiento va a aportar a que sea un mejor profesional en su campo de estudios? (Aportación principal 250 palabras)


Cloud Service Provider Government Cloud Service Provider Report Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a cyber security report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Scope: A medium sized Cloud Service Provider


Purpose/Description: The purpose of this deliverable is to gain a deeper understanding of the current laws and compliance requirements surrounding the industry or specialization (Government Cloud Service Provider).Companies face different national and state laws and compliance requirements based on industry, location, and company goals.Healthcare is required to comply with HIPAA, government entities have FISMA, financial institutions have PCI-DSS, publicly traded companies have Sarbanes-Oxley, etc.International organizations may need to consider GDPR or China’s Cybersecurity Law (CSL).Also consider that organizations can have multiple compliance regulations.In detail define the scope of your research.For example, a small, regional hospital vs a large, multi-national financial institution.Once your scope is defined research the laws and compliance requirements that affect your organization within the defined scope.Include a section of your report detailing how metrics will help to achieve compliance for organization.


Deliverable:A properly formatted (APA style), doctoral level research paper detailing the laws and compliance requirements of your chosen industry or specialization.1 ½ or double spaced, standard font and font size (for example, Times New Roman 12), including an introduction and conclusion along with the body of the paper.Submit either a pdf or Word document to the Dropbox.


Key compliance laws – FedRAMP, FISMA as well as others that affect the organizations scope.


Utilize appropriate charts and figures that give credence


CMGT 442 UOP Risk Management and Mitigation Planning in IT Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

You are the new IT Project Manager for the organization you chose in Week 1 (Washington Hospital Healthcare System), and the CFO is needing a risk assessment for migrating from SQL Server 2008 r2® database to SQL Server 2016. The migration will lead to the expansion of the cloud data centers worldwide.

The CIO feels the risk is too high and wants you to develop an Information Guide Handout and Risk Information Sheet for upper management to describe the risks and management of the risks for the impending migration.

Part A:

Create a 1- page Information Guide Handout to present to upper management, comparing risk management practices to use in the migration that includes:

  • How risk mitigation strategy planning can reduce the likelihood and/or impact of risks
  • How often risks will be reviewed, the process for review, and who will be involved
  • The roles and responsibilities for risk management
  • Adequate references to support your findings, information, and opinions
  • A recommendation for the best risk management practice for this migration
Part B:

Using the sample shown below, create a 4- to 5- page Microsoft® Excel® Risk Information Sheet for at least five potential risks which might be encountered during the conversion. At least three of the five risks you choose should be project-management related.

Risk Information Sheet

  • Risk Description
  • Probability
  • Impact
  • Rationale
  • Risk Mitigation


Please note the following:

  • The risk description should fully describe the risk.
  • The probability is the likelihood which the risk will occur (i.e., low, medium, or high).
  • The impact is how the organization will be affected if the risk does occur (i.e., low, medium, or high).
  • The rationale should explain the reasons for your probability and impact assessments.
  • The mitigation strategy should explain how each risk will be addressed.
  • There should be one risk information sheet for each risk identified.

Include APA-formatted citations when necessary.

Note: The page assignment length requirement applies to the content of the assignment. Start the assignment with an APA formatted title page and add a reference section with at least two professional references. Use the references in the text of the assignment. Do not include the assignment instructions from the document. This will improve the originality score from Safe Assign. Make sure to check the SafeAssign originality score. Individual assignments can be submitted more than once to correct any content, quality, or originality issues.

Washington Hospital Healthcare System is the organization that has been chosen.


VIS 121 Ohlone College Patronage Art and Experience in The Middle Ages Essay Writing Assignment Help

1. Length: 3 pages, typewritten, double-spaced

2.What I would like you to do in this paper is to write about the relationship between tradition and innovation with regard to the architecture of one of the three patrons described below. Each of these patrons undertook major initiatives in art and architecture. Constantine
built and decorated the first monumental Christian churches in Rome (St. Peter’s). Justinian is
most famous for the building of St. Sophia (Hagia Sophia). Abbot Suger of St. Denis rebuilt the
church of his monastery in a style that would come to be called Gothic, with lofty vaults and
windows filled with stained glass. Each of these initiatives profoundly altered the visual
landscape of the Middle Ages. They changed the way Christian churches looked. At the same
time, these initiatives were all deeply indebted to the past. They respected and made use of
tradition. Constantine’s churches took over the form of the ancient Roman basilica; Hagia
Sophia followed in the tradition of Roman domed buildings, such as the Pantheon; and Abbot
Suger’s church was modeled on the Early Christian basilica. Select one of these patrons and
discuss these questions: How and why does the work embody something new? How and why
does it make use of traditional forms?



Alabama State University Effective Management Discusion Business Finance Assignment Help

I need my discussion question answer you must read the the Document that I will upload and answer the Questions at the bottom of it. In order to get full credit for participation your contribution must be
substantive. This means that you must provide detailed responses to
the questions posed – not just a sentence or two – but rather thoughtful
and meaningful paragraphs of information. You will be evaluated on both
the quantity and the quality of your responses. Therefore, the more
details you incorporate into your answers, including the application of the
theory and concepts in the chapters, the better your grades will be.

Grammar, sentence structure and spelling will also contribute to your grades
on the Discussion Board. Strong written
communication skills are important in every aspect of Management.
Therefore, please take the time to proofread your work before you post it to
the Discussion Board. While we all make small errors from time to time,
you will lose points if your sentences are not well constructed and you have
significant spelling and/or grammar errors.

There has been a significant amount of research conducted on generational differences in the last several years. Please cite at least two different sources in answering these questions (do not use your textbook for this class or any other class as a source). Your sources should be cited using APA format including correct APA citation of web sites.

Alabama State University Effective Management Discusion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SPE 201 SU Teaching Individuals with Special Educational Needs Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The questions and
instructions can be found in the TMA1 pdf file. All question needs to be
attempted. APA format Instructions on citations, format and guidelines indicated on the question
paper. Need to prepare an excellent report with citations, references,
statistical data, reviews and measures to be implemented in accordance with the
given case scenario for all parts. Attached the study guide, course slides and
notes for additional assistance. The paper should be plagiarism-free. Since I
am looking to score excellent results, A+ for my assignment seek for assistance
in delivering one. Greatly appreciate all your efforts

More files will be
uploaded on subsequent chats. Feel free to enquire on parts where clarity is

E-textbook: SPE201 Pedagogy and Intervention I

This book is compiled from Assessment Procedures for Counselors and Helping Professionals, 9th edition by Carl Sheperis, Robert Drummond and Karyn Jones (Chapter 1). Copyright © 2020, 2016, 2010 by Pearson Education Inc. ISBN: 9780135186022 (21 pages extracted).

Assessment in Special Education by Raymond H. Witte, Jane E. Bogan and Michael F. Woodin (Chapters 3, 8 and 14). Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education Inc. ISBN: 9780132108195 (66 pages extracted).

The Inclusive Classroom, 6th edition by Margo A. Mastropieri and Thomas E. Scruggs (Chapters 2 and 7). Copyright © 2018, 2014, 2010 by Pearson Education Inc. ISBN: 9780134450605 (50 pages extracted).


Ashford University Environmental Science Hetchy Case Study Science Assignment Help

Hetch Hetchy Case Study


1. What were some of your first thoughts about the Hetch Hetchy Valley prior to the beginning of the dam construction? Would it be a place you would have liked to visit and spend time exploring or would you not be interested in something like that? Why or why not?

2. The earthquake and following fires of San Francisco of 1906 were the events that justified the beginning of the Hetch Hetchy Project. The actual project didn’t start until 1914 and water wasn’t delivered to the Bay Area for the first time until 1934. Based on this timeline information from the case study, how justifiable was the project for the purpose of helping out San Francisco after the earthquake? Do you think other factors were involved in this process? Why and what could those have been? Describe at least 2 factors.

3. The Hetch Hetchy environmental drama has been an issue now for a century. The same reasons it was originally debated are essentially the same reasons it is still debated today. Where do you stand on this environmental argument? Are you for the restoration of the Hetch Hetchy Valley by demolition to some extent of the O’Shaughnessy Dam or are you opposed to the restoration of the Hetch Hetchy Valley? Provide at least three reasons to demonstrate your support or opposition to the restoration of the valley.

4. Regardless of if you are in favor of the restoration of the valley or not, if it were restored then it could become part of Yosemite National Park. A common complaint guests have after visiting Yosemite is that it is too crowded with other tourists. Some suggestions for controlling the number of visitors to Yosemite each year is to raise the price of entering the park so not everyone can afford admittance, have a lottery each year to determine who can enter the national park, or have park officials limit the number of guests entering the gate each day. Do these options seem reasonable to you? Why or why not? If Hetch Hetchy was restored and became part of Yosemite, many have wondered if more people would visit there and help reduce the flow of visitors to the more crowded parts of Yosemite. Currently, Hetch Hetchy is not an area that is visited by tourists on a regular basis like Yosemite. Do you think that might help with the congestion of visitors at Yosemite? Why or why not?


FNU Nursing Role & Scope Competencies for Professional Nursing Practice Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

Chapter 4: Competencies for Professional Nursing Practice

1. You are assigned to care for Ms. C., an 81-year-old patient who was admitted today with symptoms of increasing shortness of breath over the last week. She is currently receiving oxygen through a nasal cannula at 3 L/min. You go into the room to assess her. You find that she is sitting up in bed at a 60-degree angle. She is restless and her respirations appear labored and rapid. Her skin is pale with circumoral cyanosis. You ask if she feels more short of breath. Because she is unable to catch her breath enough to speak, she nods her head yes. Which action should you take first? Why?

  • Listen to her breath sounds.
  • Ask when the shortness of breath started.
  • Increase her oxygen flow rate to 6 L/min.
  • Raise the head of the bed from 75 to 85 degrees
  • [supanova_question]

    SPA 1101 UPR Importancia de la Comunicacion Oral en Enfermeria Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

    I’m working on a nursing exercise and need guidance to help me learn.

    Objetivo de la actividad

    1. Contextualizar al estudiante sobre los objetivos y contenido del curso.
    2. Interactuar con el Profesor(a) y los compañeros del curso.

    En esta actividad el estudiante se presentará al profesor y al grupo para promover una mejor interacción a lo largo del curso. Aumentará su conocimiento en el contenido del curso y su aplicabilidad en su vida personal y profesional.


    • Leer la introducción del curso y la bienvenida de su profesor en Anuncios.
    • En la publicación principal cada estudiante redactará un párrafo donde reflexione sobre el primer objetivo de esta actividad


    Después de haber leído el prontuario y conocer los temas a tratar en el curso, ¿de qué forma cree que este conocimiento va a aportar a que sea un mejor profesional en su campo de estudios? (Aportación principal 250 palabras)

    Cada estudiante realizará su publicación principal y en el último párrafo realizará una breve presentación de sí mismo. Reaccionará al tema de dos compañeros. (Reacción a compañeros de 75 palabras cada una)


    • Capacidad de pensamiento reflexivo y crítico.
    • Habilidad para trabajar en forma autónoma.
    • Iniciativa, motivación de logros y adaptabilidad.
    • Capacidad para tomar decisiones.
    • Capacidad de motivar y conducir hacia metas comunes (liderazgo
    • Gracias no copiar y pegar, esta es de la asignatura de ESPAÑOL.


    Valencia Community College Philosophy Allegory of the Cave Plato Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Valencia Community College Philosophy Allegory of the Cave Plato Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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