Verifiable Computation- Need help on below topic (Note: Due Time can be extend) Computer Science Assignment Help. Verifiable Computation- Need help on below topic (Note: Due Time can be extend) Computer Science Assignment Help.
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Verifiable Computation
Modern consumer devices like tablets or even laptops are connected to the internet but do not have much computational power. Therefore, it is becoming a common practice to delegate the computation to third parties (like a cloud provide), who perform the computation
— for a small fee — and then return the answer. The goal of verifiable computation is to enable the client to check quickly (much quicker than the computation, since otherwise delegation has no point) the correctness of the answer. Some recent papers have shown that
this can be done efficiently for many practical problems, and not in theory, describing relevant implementations.
- APA format
- Min number of pages are 30 pages
- Must have
- Contents with page numbers
- Abstract
- Introduction
- The problem
- Are there any sub-problems?
- Is there any issue need to be present in relation to the problem?
- The solutions
- Steps of the solutions
- Compare the solution to other solution
- Any suggestion to improve the solution
- Conclusion
- References
Verifiable Computation- Need help on below topic (Note: Due Time can be extend) Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
GEN103: All source annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help
All Sources Annotated Bibliography
[WLOs: 1, 2, 4, 5 [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
GEN103 All Sources Annotated Bibliography Assignment (Links to an external site.) Video
Prior to working on this assignment,
- Read Modules 3 and 4 in your course textbook.
- Review the Better Searches. Better Results handout.
- Review the GEN103 Determining Authority (Links to an external site.) and GEN103 Determining Currency (Links to an external site.)
- Review the Ashford Writing Center’s Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.) tutorial.
- Download and review the All Sources Annotated Bibliography template that you will complete and turn in for this assignment.
To prepare for this week’s assignment, apply the feedback your instructor gave you to revise your Week 3 assignment. To learn how to view the comments on your papers watch the Waypoint: Accessing Assignment Feedback (Links to an external site.) video
This week, you will complete your annotated bibliography
- Find two appropriate non-scholarly sources using a search engine such as Google or Bing.
- Create APA references for the non-scholarly sources.
- Write annotations for the two non-scholarly sources.
- Include references and annotations for the sources from Week 3.
- Develop a thesis statement based on your research question.
Find Two Appropriate Non-Scholarly Sources Using a Search Engine such as Google or Bing
Locate the search terms you developed in Week 3. Use them and a search engine (like Google or Bing) to find two non-scholarly sources that address your research question. In order to be appropriate, these sources must pass the CRAAP test.
The non-scholarly source may be any of these types of sources:
- A newspaper or magazine article (not an editorial).
- An article from a professional organization website or trade journal (e.g., science, medical, etc.).
- An article or report from a .gov website.
- A blog post written by an expert on the topic.
The non-scholarly source may not be
- A book or book chapter.
- A scholarly article.
- A reference source (e.g., encyclopedia, almanac, dictionary).
Be sure to copy and record the URL (web address) of the non-scholarly sources that you choose so you can include it in your reference.
Create APA References for the Two Non-Scholarly Sources
Remember what you learned about how to format references in the APA Skill Check (Links to an external site.) on creating references. Then, create the APA references for both sources in the All Sources Annotated Bibliography template. Check your references using the Ashford Writing Center’s Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) to ensure they are correct. Also, you may view the Week 5 Annotated Bibliography Example to review correct format.
Write Annotations for the Two Non-Scholarly Sources
Now, you will write annotation for the two sources. The annotations must be in your own words, two paragraphs long, and address the points below. Provide brief descriptions, explanations or examples to support your answers.
Paragraph 1:
- What kind of source is this?
- What is the thesis or main claim of the source?
- What evidence or claims does the source present in support of the thesis? Present at least two examples of support the source uses.
- What other important claims does the source make?
Paragraph 2: Evaluate
- How adequately does the source support its thesis?
- How current is the information in the source relative to your research question?
- How credible and authoritative is the source for your research question?
- What limitations, if any, did you note in the source?
- How does the source help answer your research question?
Include references and annotations for sources from Week 3
Review the feedback from your instructor on your Week 3 Assignment. Make any revisions or corrections you think will improve your submission. Insert the revised references and annotations into the appropriate sections of your All Sources Annotated Bibliography template.
Develop a Thesis Statement Based on Your Research Question
Use the Turning Your Research Question into a Thesis Statement worksheet to help create your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should summarize the conclusions you came to after researching your topic and be no more than two sentences long. Note: you will not submit this worksheet for grading but will paste the thesis you develop at the beginning of your bibliography.
To make sure your submission is as strong as it can be it is recommended you:
- Use Grammarly (Links to an external site.) to assist in locating and correcting grammar and punctuation errors
- Submit your bibliography to Turnitin to make sure you did not accidently copy another’s work.
- You may review the resource Understanding Turnitin (Links to an external site.) for more information.
- Submit your work to the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.) for feedback. The Ashford Writing Center staff can help you identify formatting, grammar, and other common writing issues in your work and give you ideas for ways to fix them. The Ashford Writing Center staff is available by email or by chat.
The Final Annotated Bibliography
- Must be double-spaced, include a title page and be formatted according to APA style as outlined on the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.) APA Formatting page. It should not include a References page.
- Must use the All Sources Annotated Bibliography template provided in the assignment instructions.
- Must use two scholarly articles, one e-book, and two non-scholarly sources.
- The Source Types handout offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Please be sure to look at all the supporting documents I attached, be sure to read my teacher’s feedback and revise. For one of the scholarly source she says it was incorrect or incomplete i will send you additional scholarlysource that you may use to replace if you cannot fix that error.
English Short Story essay Humanities Assignment Help
Story: A Rose for Emily- Short story by William Faulkner
1. Four sentence ( One Thesis and three topic sentence. )
2. least 60 line essay, 12pt / double spaced / time new roman
more detail below.,
ALL QUOTES WILL ADD THAT NUMBER OF LINES TO THE ESSAY. Students will analyze the story according to Character OR Setting OR Theme.
Underline the thesis.The thesis will contain THREE POINTS. Example: In “Araby” the boy has an initiation into adulthood by which he realizes the parallel between his own self-delusion and the hypocrisy and vanity of the adult world”(Ratinov). THE THREE POINTS ARE: SELF-DELUSION, HYPOCRISY, VANITY.The first topic sentence would support the boy’s own self-delusion.The second topic sentence would support the hypocrisy.The third topic sentence would support the vanity.Start with the thesis, which is one sentence containing 3 points and then create the topic sentences to support the three points. Topic sentence 1 will support point 1 of the thesis. Topic sentence 2 will support point 2 of the thesis, and topic sentence 3 will support point 3 of the thesis.
CHARACTER—What are the character’s motivations, inner conflicts, doubt?
Does the character change or learn anything?
How does the character relate to others as to intimacy, commitment or responsibility?
What is the character’s morality?
How does the character fit into and is defined by society –in terms of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation , age or gender?
Who has the power and does the balance of power change?
Compare and contrast characters in a story.
SETTING—How does the setting impact the story?
Could this have happened in any other setting?
How does the setting affect the mood of the story?
How does the historical period or cultural context affect what happens or does not happen and why?
How does the setting symbolize the social relation among characters?
THEME—What is the underlying lesson or message that the story teaches?
I have really hard time to this assignment.
I submitted my work but keep denied from teacher.
my work below with teacher comment.
Thesis: In “A Rose for Emily” the main character, Emily Grierson lives in Jefferson and attempts to maintain tradition through privacy, desolation and holding onto the past by refusing change.
Topic Sentence: As a young woman, Emily resided in a desolate state. She only lived her father and never appeared to participate in relationships with the community due to preference for privacy.
Topic Sentence: Emily is desolate after the townspeople disown her after the death of her father and has no one to help.
Topic Sentence: Emily fails to change with time and dwells in her past even after her father dies.
Teacher : Privacy and desolation are too general and vague. What are you really trying to say? Try again.
1.Thesis: In “A Rose for Emily” the main character, Emily is isolation from her family and townspeople. she is miserable and eventually wistful.
2.As a young woman, Emily resides in isolation with her father. She only lived with her father and never appeared to participate in relationships with other community members.
3 Emily is disowned by the townspeople, and she lives within a society that does not recognize her as part of their identity.
4.Emily’s lifestyle becomes a clash of civilities; she fails to change with time and dwells in her past, even in her death.
Teacher : You are still just telling me the plot. Why is she lonely? Why doesn’t she have girlfriends? Why doesn’t she get a job? Why does she kill Homer?
You only tell me what happens–that is plot. Why deals with theme or character or setting. try again.
Assignment Programming Assignment Help
answer the following questions:
1. Why did Helen Hunt Jackson write her story “Ramona”? (
(Links to an external site.)
Why was the story “Ramona” embraced by people and what were the results of this “embrace”?
2. What is the “Spanish Revival Narrative”?
3. What is the “Aztec Empire Narrative”?
4. Was San Diego ever part of the Aztec Empire?
5. In what order were the missions built in California? (hint: he does NOT tell you the answer in the first minutes of the video)
6. How did the El Camino Real come into existence?
7. Why were the missions built 30-40 miles inland from the coast?
8. How are mission records sometimes used to determine tribal membership? 9. What was the Secularization Act? What happened when the act passed?
10. The Kumeyaay negotiated a treaty in 1850 that would give them about 20% of what is now San Diego county; what happened to the treaty? Why?
11. What happened to Indians who could not prove they had a job?
12. What is his explanation for why there aren’t statues made to some of the tribal leaders and so forth?
Michael Connolly Miskwish, M.A., is a resource economist, Kumeyaay historian, and educator. He has authored many papers on tribal economics, Kumeyaay history, and resource management, has three published books on Kumeyaay history and cosmology and works as a consultant in economics, traditional environmental knowledge and Kumeyaay history. He is an Adjunct Lecturer at San Diego State University.
The attachment file has links for websites to help answering the questions.
Solve the questions Programming Assignment Help
Solve the question with simple english and clear explanation because it is included in the quiz
- Explain how the OSI stack works
- Can you explain how the wireshark shows the OSI stack
- Explain the concept of firewalls and the role they play in security
- Explain the concept of NAT and why is it important
- What are the tables that are used in ipTables?
- What is the difference between private and Public IP?
- Explain the concept of VLAN? How do you accomplish it in VirtualBox?
- What is the use of the FILTER table?
- What is the use of NAT table?
- Why would you want to convert a linux box into a router?
- What feature of Linux box allows to convert a linux box into a router?
- Explain how the concept of OSI layers as it came into play in your assignments
Digital Forensics project Computer Science Assignment Help
As part of the Digital Forensics, each student is expected to carry out a study on a selected forensics tool. The study includes installing the tool, trying it with several use cases and then report the findings in a report and a presentation.
The study should cover the major features of the software tool by using it on benchmark forensics data such as Computer Forensic Reference Data Sets (CFReDS), etc.
The deliverables of the project should include:
Please submit the two files
- A report detailing the student’s work including all installation and application steps. These should be illustrated using text, diagrams, and snapshots.
- A presentation to be presented in the end of the semester
Each student should choose one of the following open source digital forensics tools:
(Note: all these tools are already installed on Kali Linux)
Please use the following
File Carving for the forensics topic
And the tool is
Foremost: Foremost is a console program to recover files based on their headers, footers, and internal data structures. This process is commonly referred to as data carving. Foremost can work on image files, such as those generated by dd, Safeback, Encase, etc, or directly on a drive.
Digital Forensics project Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Write 4 pages ABA answering the following questions Writing Assignment Help
The company is Boeing and the three articles you can look any articles online about Boeing
Corporate Profile Module IV:
You are to include three independent articles in this section.
- Discuss the marketing concept and why it is important to a business. What factors in the external environment affect your company? (Consider economic conditions, the natural environment, social and cultural trends, laws and regulations, and technology)
- Who constitutes your company’s target market?
- Apply the four Ps to your corporation.How is your corporation competing in the current economy?
- How would you improve upon your company’s marketing strategy using what you have learned?
- Conclude with how you think the company is positioned for the future.
In class SQL Programming Assignment Help
Queries Required:
- Employees with salary greater than 10,000 but not including the AD_PRES or AD_VP. Please make sure to provide employee_id, first_name, last_name.
- Department employee counts in descending order.
- Count of employees by JOB_ID and details about their JOB_ID. This should include JOB_TITLE, MIN_SALARY and MAX_SALARY.
- Employees who have had previous roles within the company and the count of them. Please make sure to provide employee_id, first_name, last_name.
- Employee count by location.
- Salary average by location.
- Salary average by Region.
Part 2
1. Create a grades table with Student ID, Section ID and Grade.
2. When a student registers for a class, add a record to the GRADE table. This record should
include the student ID and the section ID with no grade or null.
3. When a student is removed from the student table. All classes in which they were registered
and have not received a grade should be marked as “D” or deletedre)
CS 330 Final project 3d chair using modern OpenGL with Visual Studio in C++ Computer Science Assignment Help
I did my 3d chair code with legacy opengl and was able to display a 3d chair. my final project requires me to do this using modern opengl in C++ with visual studio IDE. I’ve completed the code but i am having trouble getting the vertices to a line to display the 3d chair the same was i had it using legacy. My current code is exactly how i need it for my project submission including orbiting, zooming and rotation. I need help getting the vertices in line to display a 3d chair, also if possible add texture, lighting and color (brown).
please note: i’m having link issues with freeglut.lib, glut.h or any glut #include, this is why i’m using #include GLEW and GLFW.
I’ve attached the final project rubrics for your reference, and my code in pdf;
Other (online engagement; b) social media engagement; c) YouTube) Humanities Assignment Help
You need to to talk about this question bellow:
In thinking about the body of literature that you will be exploring in your research, what are some of factors that constrain or encourage male participation and what are some of the factors that constrain or encourage female participation with a) online engagement; b) social media engagement; c) YouTube? In other words, are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender. I ask about the three categories of use because there may be similarities or differences in the usage rates. Do you think that the usage behaviors are impacted by the social or cultural aspects of the context region or country you are studying? Your response should include relevant literature and share the perspectives of authors who write about these topics.
below are some of my explanations:
o What are some things that hold back or encourage male participation with online engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage male participation with social media engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage male participation with YouTube? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage female participation with online engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage female participation with social media engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage female participation with YouTube? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender? Saudi Arabia
o Do you think that the usage behaviors (meaning how males and females engage online, on social media, and on youtube) are impacted by the social or cultural aspects of the context region or country you are studying?
Note: Online engagement- talk about websites just on the internet. Ex. Google scholar, google doc, zoom, skype, Microsoft team, adobe,
– Make a table of contents at the beginning that allows moving easily from header to header.
– The response should be 20 pages not including references. The response should be double-spaced.
– APA style paper
– I will provide you a brief about my research study subject and my research questions as well. So that you can make a connection between your answer and my study.
– In the end, you are required to send me all the resources that you used ((as pdf documents)). However, academic resources are important to use instead of utilizing sites, etc..
Table of Contents
Introduction (2 paragraphs)
online engagement, social media engagement, YouTube (1-2 paragraphs)
Social media usage behaviors (1-2 paragraphs)
Online, Social Media and Youtube Usage by Gender and Location (1-2 paragraphs)
Factors Constraining Male Participation with Online Engagement (1 paragraphs)
Factors Constraining Female Participation with Online Engagement (1 paragraphs)
Factors Constraining Male Participation with Social Media Engagement (1-2 paragraphs)
Factors Constraining Women Participation from Social Media(1-2 paragraphs)
Factors Constraining Male Participation with YouTube (2 paragraphs)
Factors Constraining Women Participation from YouTube (2 paragraphs)
Factors Encouraging Male Participation with Online Engagement (1 paragraphs)
Factors Encouraging Female Participation with Online Engagement (1 paragraphs)
Factors Encouraging Male Participation with Social Media (2 paragraphs)
Factors Encouraging Women Participation with Social Media (2 paragraphs)
Factors Encouraging Male Participation with YouTube (2 paragraphs)
Factors Encouraging Female Participation with YouTube (2 paragraphs)
Differences in Social Media (A Comparison Between Saudi Arabia and America)(1-2 paragraphs)
Differences in women using Social Media (A Comparison Between Saudi Arabia and America) (1-2paragraphs)
Strong Conclusion
– Elements that constrain or encourage use
– Gender differences
– Location differences
{{Resources that you need to use and you are allowed to use only 3 more from your side }}
Abokhodair, N., Abbar, S., Vieweg, S., & Mejova, Y. (2017). Privacy and social media use in the Arabian Gulf: Saudi Arabian & Qatari traditional values in the digital world. The Journal of Web Science, 3.
Stanger, N., Alnaghaimshi, N., & Pearson, E. (2017). How do Saudi youth engage with social media?. First Monday, 22(5).
Khan, M. L. (2017). Social media engagement: What motivates user participation and consumption on YouTube?. Computers in Human Behavior, 66, 236-247.
Dolan, R., Conduit, J., Fahy, J., & Goodman, S. (2016). Social media engagement behaviour: A uses and gratifications perspective. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24(3-4), 261-277.
Junjun, Z., Chunyan, L., Xiaoliang, S., & Cong, S. (2017). Research on Consumer Engagement in Social Media Based on Theory of Use and Satisfaction Theory: Considering Mediating Role of Problematic Use and Moderating Effect of Gender. Technology Economics, (1), 15.
Di Gangi, P. M., & Wasko, M. M. (2016). Social media engagement theory: Exploring the influence of user engagement on social media usage. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC), 28(2), 53-73.
Clark, M., Fine, M. B., & Scheuer, C. L. (2017). Relationship quality in higher education marketing: the role of social media engagement. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 27(1), 40-58.
Thornthwaite, L., Balnave, N., Barnes, A., & Manning, B. (2016). Gender on the line: social media and the influence of gender on campaign engagement. In Gender Labour and Media Workshop.
Schivinski, B., Christodoulides, G., & Dabrowski, D. (2016). Measuring consumers’ engagement with brand-related social-media content: Development and validation of a scale that identifies levels of social-media engagement with brands. Journal of Advertising Research, 56(1), 64-80.
Hollebeek, L. D. (2019). Developing business customer engagement through social media engagement-platforms: an integrative SD logic/RBV-informed model. Industrial Marketing Management, 81, 89-98.
Pavan, A. (2017). Saudi Arabia Approaching 2030: The Shift from Quantitative to Qualitative Ambitions in Education, Enhancing Human Development. International Research in Higher Education, 2(2), 8-14.
Yusuf, N. (2017). Changes Required in Saudi Universities Curriculum to Meet the Demands of 2030 Vision. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 9(9), 111-116.
Barlett, C. P., Gentile, D. A., & Chew, C. (2016). Predicting cyberbullying from anonymity. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 5(2), 171.
[supanova_question], etc.
The deliverables of the project should include:
Please submit the two files
- A report detailing the student’s work including all installation and application steps. These should be illustrated using text, diagrams, and snapshots.
- A presentation to be presented in the end of the semester
Each student should choose one of the following open source digital forensics tools:
(Note: all these tools are already installed on Kali Linux)
Please use the following
File Carving for the forensics topic
And the tool is
Foremost: Foremost is a console program to recover files based on their headers, footers, and internal data structures. This process is commonly referred to as data carving. Foremost can work on image files, such as those generated by dd, Safeback, Encase, etc, or directly on a drive.