Vietnam War Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Vietnam War Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Vietnam War Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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  1. Begin by reading Gorn 14. Take critical notes as you peruse the material about the Vietnam War.
  2. Also, read Hollitz chapter 11 – Causation and the Lessons of History: Explaining America’s Longest War. “This chapter presents two secondary courses and several primary sources dealing with America’s involvement in the Vietnam War.”
  3. Essay assignment – Using both chapters answer the following questions:
    1. Are the historians arguments in the essays supported by the evidence in the primary sources? The historians’ arguments are from the Hollitz book – Fighting in Cold Blood: LBJ’s Conduct of Limited War in Vietnam (1994) by George Herring (pg.285) and God’s Country and American Know-How (1986) by Loren Baritz. Make sure to articulate the authors’ argument and support with details from the text.
    2. Do the primary sources suggest that the main reason for the US failure in Vietnam was the inherent difficulty of fighting a limited war, false assumptions rooted in US culture or some other factor? Use the primary sources from the Gorn book and Hollitz book.
    3. How did the film impact your perspective of the The Vietnam War and US involvement?
    4. Essay should be 2 to 3 pages long. Make sure to develop an introduction, body, and conclusion to your paper.

Vietnam War Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Comparative politics Writing Assignment Help

Please read carefully, do not just place a bid.

Please see attached files for full information. I need a powerpoint too explaining the major points of the paper in 2 days and 12 hrs from now so April the 30th noon. Please let me know if you have any question.

I want to talk about politics in Egypt and The Research question that I want to use is:

Why was there a revolution in Hussni’s era but there was not in El Sisi’s?

The hypotheses are:

1- Repression “fearing from the government” is keeping people from starting other revaluation.

2- People are satisfied with the government now and they do not see the need to start a revaluation.

You should find evidence that supports or not support these hypothese

Theories to use “I will attach them”

Ted Gurr theory

and you can find other political theories from any other place to explain the paper.

Please see the guidelines and follow them exactly.

For the powerpoint, I have attached 2 samples to follow


answer the five economic questions Economics Assignment Help

  1. Consider Texas’s MBA program:
    a) What is the relationship between the program’s average costs and the number of students in the program? Graph it out, supposing the current average cost is $10K per student/year with 30 full-time students. Do you think average cost will increase or decrease with more enrollment? Why?
    b) Is it potentially efficient to offer different concentrations to MBA students? Explain.
    c) Does the university price-discriminate? How?
  1. Draw graphs for both a pure monopolist who sets output where MR=MC and for a monopolist who is able to perfectly price discriminate. You may, for the sake of simplicity, assume that MC is constant (flat) in both cases. Label the deadweight losses (if any) for both graphs, and answer the following questions:
    a) Which is more efficient, in the economic sense?
    b) Which is better for consumers?
    c) Which results in higher monopoly profits?
    d) Normative question – is price discrimination a bad thing?
  1. Suppose Fred wants to open a pizza delivery service to compete with the current monopolist, Domino’s Pizza, in Springfield, Alabama. If Fred’s costs are higher than Domino’s, is it possible that he can still profit by setting a price above his marginal cost? How will Domino’s respond if Fred enters the market? Draw a graph to support your answer. Suppose Fred gives up and decides he can no longer compete with Domino’s at the current market price. Does Domino’s revert to monopoly pricing and output (MR=MC)? Why or why not? Is there any situation in which pure monopoly pricing could persist? Explain.
  1. Consider a home seller and buyer in terms of a game in form. Suppose the buyer either makes an offer or not, then the seller can respond by rejecting the offer, accepting it, or asking for a higher price. Draw it out, and create your own set of payoffs (it can be in dollars). Is there a stable equilibrium?
  1. Which market structure is the most efficient in a static sense? Which is most efficient in a dynamic sense? Explain your reasoning.


Advocacy Through Legislation Writing Assignment Help

Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience. As such, many nurses take on an advocacy role to influence a change in regulations, policies, and laws that govern the larger health care system.

Assuming that you are an RN working in the state of Maryland, identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization (Long-term care facility) that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation. Research the issue and use the “Advocacy Through Legislation” template to complete this assignment.

You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.


19 section need done, each is half page single spaced Business Finance Assignment Help

19 section need done, each is half page single spaced around……………………………….


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn more about yourself as a member of an organization. By completing this assignment, you will be able to assess yourself on 12 different OB topics, understand your strengths and weaknesses and help you function more effectively in workplace.

3.Step 3: Self-reflection and OB theory application: (a) summarize the OB theories related to the given topic in the corresponding chapter reading (one should gain a concise, yet comprehensive understanding of the said OB theories after reading your paragraphs); (b) recall and document a real-life encounter (i.e., personal experience or observation of others in organizations) related to the said OB topic; (c) based on the scores/results you receive from the questionnaire, explain what you learnt about your strengths and weaknesses; and (d) lay out how you plan to address your weaknesses (i.e., action plan) and explain “why” behind the plan based on the corresponding chapter reading. This self-reflection and theory application part (step 3) should be two full pages (typed, single-spaced) for each OB topic. You are required to fill in the paper template posted on the Blackboard when compiling your papers.

Criteria: For Step 3 (the self-assessment paper itself), you will be graded based on (a) how well you summarize the OB theories in each corresponding chapter, (b) how well you apply the OB theories in your own real-life experience based on the knowledge you have gained from the corresponding chapter reading, and (c) how well you recognize your strengths and weaknesses in the context of the chapter readings. This is an individual paper. Each student should work independently. Please submit the papers on the Blackboard on its due date listed on the course schedule section of this syllabus. Late submission will receive 0 credits.



MKTG 4800 Marketing strategy final exam Writing Assignment Help


THIS IS TO BE COMPLETED ON YOUR OWN. DO NOT DISCUSS WITH YOUR TEAM OR CLASSMATES. If your answers are similar or look too similar you both get an F. Simple to avoid…do your own work.

As this is the capstone course for marketing majors, and you have been learning marketing for a few years now, I have an assignment for your final exam in which your objective is to demonstrate your marketing knowledge and ability to apply the information strategically.

You have two questions.

Exam Question 1: What do you know about marketing and what do you know how to do?

Assume I am looking to hire someone full time to market the HCoB summer abroad Business Minor program . Your assignment is to convince me that you know enough marketing and can apply that knowledge strategically to fill this position. In effect, your assignment is to demonstrate what you know and what you know how to do. In 2 pages or less (no I don’t care about single spaced, double spaced, font size, paragraph or bullet points…whatever…anything goes for 2 pages so be strategic) you are to use your class project as examples to demonstrate your marketing content knowledge and your ability to apply it in context. In other words, you have 2 pages to show me what you know about marketing and what you can do with that knowledge. Note…this is not an exercise where you can just cut and paste your deliverables since you need to demonstrate all your marketing knowledge, not just a piece such as promotion or an event or whatever.

Here are some basic questions for you to think about that might help you with the assignment for Question 1 (note assignment is not to answer all these questions per se. The questions are to help you think about what you know and how to present it).

What are the most important concepts/topics in marketing and why are they important?

What did you actually learn how to do in marketing?

What is the hardest/most difficult thing about marketing?

What do you think you will actually be doing in your first job?

What was different about marketing than you expected in terms of the content or activities?

Which classes were the most difficult or the most useful?

Which specific activities did you find helpful that you could use to show someone your marketing skill set?

What recommendations would you make to someone just starting their marketing degree?

What do you wish you had more info/coverage about or what do you wish you had more practice doing?

Exam Question 2: What is one recommendation for the HCoB summer abroad Business Minor program that you would make that was not included in your group report? Describe your recommendation and justify your answer. Note: This is not a cut and paste option either. You have to suggest something that was not developed in your group report.

MKTG 4800 Marketing strategy final exam Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Public Relations**jj Writing Assignment Help

When it comes to news, if it isn’t “breaking news” that is being reported you can fairly sure the coverage began with some kind of press release. Public relations (PR) firms or specialists are often behind these press releases. A well written press release will catch the eye of an Assignment Editor or News Producer and they in turn decide whether or not to “cover” the event, product, etc…

This week I would like you to either watch a local newscast or read a local news paper and look for stories that you think may have originated from a public relations source.

1. Share the name of the story and tell us what it was about.

2. Share the news source you used.

3. Share why you think the story originated from a public relations firm or press release. Details please.

It is important to read this week’s assigned chapter before answering the DB. It will help tremendously.

{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} week’s assigned

* After finish the discussion I will send you two post from my class to make reply for each one ( Post your answers and reply to at least two classmate’s posts )


I would get an essay about The Allegory of the Matrix Humanities Assignment Help

The Allegory of the MatrixIn Plato’s Allegory of the Cave we are introduced to a form of humanity shackled in chains, in a form of perceptual bondage.In The Matrix by the Wachowski sisters we are introduced to a dark future where humanity is imprisoned physically and perceptually by a form of manipulative Artificial Intelligence.And in our daily lives we also experience a limiting of our social perspective as we replace our interpersonal interactions with social media posts.All three of these forms of imprisonment are virtually the same. Explain how this is true.If Neo could rescue humanity from Plato’s cave and the perceptual influence of social media, what would that rescue look like?Are there any modern figures in reality that have acted as a Neo or a Plato, in recent years, liberating humanity from their self-imposed perceptual bondage? Explain your answer using terms used by Plato and the Wachowski sisters.

MLA format

3 outside sources

4 pages

I would have four pargraphs plus intro and conclusion so six pargraphs in total. I need strong thesis and for each par i would have topic sentence.


summarize and synthesize information from our readings Writing Assignment Help

Make a post to a public online platform of your choice (Wakelet, Tumblr, etc.) . You can use video/audio/etc.) to summarize and synthesize information from our readings (Links to an external site). Assume that your readers have not read the core readings, so focus on guiding readers through the material, using key concepts and quotes from the core readings to develop connections.

– every topic should have summary.

– I want just the summary and synthesize.

-summarize and synthesize for all topic in the last.

1- Arguments For and Against Corporate Social Responsibility

2- Poverty and our response to it: Crash Course Philosophy (PBS / Youtube)

3- Karnani – The Case Against Corporate Social Responsibility

4- Singh – The Big CSR Debate: Is Responsible Capitalism a Farce?

5- Corporate America Needs to Get Back To Thinking About More Than Just Profits

6- Why Corporate Responsibility is Important

7- Challenges with CSR – Youtube

8- Corporate Social Responsibility: Marketing Tool or Reality? Youtube

9- Bridges – Stop Blaming the Poor for their poverty

10- Robb – Charitable giving leads to a better world for all

11- Why you should care about poverty youtube

12- Tanner (2018) Government Cannot Solve Every Societal Problem

13- Western Nations with Social Safety Net Happier

14- There is only one way out of poverty – Youtube

15- Individual Social Responsibility youtube

16- Porter – Charity’s Role in America, and It’s Limits – NY Times

17- Poverty Inc. trailer – Does Charity Really Work?

18- Rangel vs Lacy (2013) “Should America Reinstate the Draft”


summarize and synthesize information from our readings Writing Assignment Help

Make a post to a public online platform of your choice (Wakelet, Tumblr, etc.) . You can use video/audio/etc.) to summarize and synthesize information from our readings (Links to an external site). Assume that your readers have not read the core readings, so focus on guiding readers through the material, using key concepts and quotes from the core readings to develop connections.

– every topic should have summary.

– I want just the summary and synthesize.

-summarize and synthesize for all topic in the last.

1- Arguments For and Against Corporate Social Responsibility

2- Poverty and our response to it: Crash Course Philosophy (PBS / Youtube)

3- Karnani – The Case Against Corporate Social Responsibility

4- Singh – The Big CSR Debate: Is Responsible Capitalism a Farce?

5- Corporate America Needs to Get Back To Thinking About More Than Just Profits

6- Why Corporate Responsibility is Important

7- Challenges with CSR – Youtube

8- Corporate Social Responsibility: Marketing Tool or Reality? Youtube

9- Bridges – Stop Blaming the Poor for their poverty

10- Robb – Charitable giving leads to a better world for all

11- Why you should care about poverty youtube

12- Tanner (2018) Government Cannot Solve Every Societal Problem

13- Western Nations with Social Safety Net Happier

14- There is only one way out of poverty – Youtube

15- Individual Social Responsibility youtube

16- Porter – Charity’s Role in America, and It’s Limits – NY Times

17- Poverty Inc. trailer – Does Charity Really Work?

18- Rangel vs Lacy (2013) “Should America Reinstate the Draft”


Vietnam War Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Vietnam War Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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