View two films and answer specific questions about the music/images you hear/see Humanities Assignment Help

View two films and answer specific questions about the music/images you hear/see Humanities Assignment Help. View two films and answer specific questions about the music/images you hear/see Humanities Assignment Help.

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Choose two of the
following films and complete the three parts of the assignment.

Please compare Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 1 (2014) and The Martian (2015)

The assignment is in three parts:

Part 1: you will complete a scene analysis for the first segment of your two films.

Using the form provided, complete a scene analysis for your two films. Please see the Scene
Analysis breakdown below and the form your chosen films.

Part 2: you will compile a cue list of the first 25 minutes of your two films.

Using the form provided, complete a cue list for your two films. Please see the Cue List

breakdown below and the form your chosen films.

Part 3: In mini-essay format (prose, full sentences), you will compare your two films by answering a
series of questions about the use of music in the two films. For this part, you should watch the two
films in their entirety.

Part 1: Scene analysis

  •  Using the template form provided (MUS 2310B 2019 Assignment Part 1 Scene Analysis
    Template), complete a scene break-down for the first segment of your two films.
  •  The point of the scene analysis is to identify the various elements of the sound track and their
    importance in your films.
  • Part 2: Cue List

Using the template form provided (MUS 2310B 2019 Assignment Part 2 Cue List Template),
complete a cue list for the first 25 minutes of your two films.

Steps to follow:


Identify the individual cues in the first 25 minutes of your two films.

For each scene, note the following:

  1. Cue name (original name or one you make up)
  2. Start and end times.
  3. Types of music

    1. Original underscore can be noted simply as “original underscore”.
    2. Pre-existing music should be identified by name, where possible.

  4. Placement of the music: Diegetic or nondiegetic

MUS 2310B: Assignment Guidelines

Part 3: Mini essay – compare and contrast (approximately 500-1000 words)

Answer the following question in prose format (full paragraphs). You should treat this as a mini-
essay in which you compare your two films. Please be sure to address the elements below, however
you are welcome to add information that interests, you if you wish.

Here is the detailed assignment requirement and all the information you need (include example):…

View two films and answer specific questions about the music/images you hear/see Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

What is similar? What is different? Humanities Assignment Help

3 pages double space size 12

you have three choice pick one topic

For Reflective Project #3, you may choose one of the following three options. Please ensure that your paper is around 3 pages, double-spaced, with a heading (your name, course info, etc.) and a creative title. Remember that you must utilize ideas and concepts from the textbook, class lectures and discussions to illustrate your point, so the prompt that you choose to write about must reference any of those corresponding chapters, lectures, discussions, and/or activities. Lastly, factors such as spelling, punctuation, and grammar certainly count towards your reflection paper grade, so be sure to edit your paper beforehand.

Below are the three prompts that you may choose (one) to write about:

1) Sexual Orientation: Outline both the Kinsey model of sexual orientation and the Klein model of sexual orientation (Chapter 12). What is similar? What is different? If you’ve reviewed these two models to see where you may lie, discuss your results if you are willing. Were you surprised by your results? Why or why not? You may also discuss this in more vague terms–what do you think of these models? For your review, both of these models can be viewed via PDF under this week’s module.

Then, discuss some key points related to the issue of maintaining sex and gender binaries (male/female and masculinity/femininity) in society. Why are they problematic? In what ways do they influence a skewed understanding of the terms “sex” and “gender,” as well as conformity to particular sexual orientation(s)? Be sure to illustrate your answer with explanations from the text, our lectures and/or other cited research.


2) Marriage and Family: Many Americans claim to believe that “love is blind” and that romance can spring up anywhere, as long as two people have chemistry. Chapter 14, however, argues that Cupid’s arrow is largely aimed by society. What social factors play into the mate selection process? Explain.

Then, watch the documentary/biography “Meet the Patels” (it’s currently on Netflix: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.), and be sure to discuss the how what Ravi Patel is going through relates to the concepts presented in the text for this chapter.

Lastly, examine your own relationships (past, present, anticipated future, etc.) and discuss how these social factors influenced your own mate selection. Do you see any patterns in the people you tend to date and/or the circumstances? Describe these phenomena from your life in sociological terms from the text.

3) Marriage and Family – alternate, if you can’t find the documentary above: Many Americans claim to believe that “love is blind” and that romance can spring up anywhere, as long as two people have chemistry. Chapter 14, however, argues that Cupid’s arrow is largely aimed by society. What social factors play into the mate selection process? Explain.

Then, do some research on how other societies view and practice love and marriage, particularly within bi-cultural families, such as those who immigrated to the US in recent generations and are attempting to juggle a fine balance between customs in the US, and those of their native countries. Be sure to relate how some of these phenomena relate to the concepts presented in the text for this chapter, and remember to include citations to your sources within your paper, and at the end via a Works Cited or Bibliography.

Lastly, examine your own relationships (past, present, anticipated future, etc.) and discuss how these social factors influenced your own mate selection. Do you see any patterns in the people you tend to date and/or the circumstances? Describe these phenomena from your life in sociological terms from the text.


Discussion: BANKSY DOES NEW YORK Humanities Assignment Help–Z_wcAz3IU

Before beginning the Discussion Board, be sure to view the supplemental Web Link Banksy Does New York. You may have to log on to youtube as according to youtube rules, it is intended for mature audiences.

Be sure to remember the Discussion Board deadline. The link will no longer be available when the Discussion Board is due.

Discussion Questions:

Which piece of Banksy art in New York struck you the strongest? Tell us why.

Do you think many of the viewers understood the topic that Banksy put forth for us to ponder in the artwork that you chose? What does this display and others in New York reveal about America?

What are some of your thoughts with regards to the Banksy Art Chasers?


Your Discussion Board experience will come in two parts:

Part 1: Post your thoughts to the specific questions that have been provided in a short essay format.

Part 2: Respond to a minimum of two other student Posts.

Points will be distributed in this manner: Your initial Post can earn you up to 10 points, and each response is worth 5 points max. Maximum points is 20. Extraordinary posts and responses will be rewarded with extra points, making totals larger than 20, but no more than 24 points. Poor spelling and grammar will result in the loss of points.

*The purpose of this exercise is to promote critical thinking. Be sure to provide detailed and supportive answers. One word answers like “cool, awesome, lol” are not sufficient.You will be graded on the quality of your posts and responses. Failure to respond to at least 2 posts will cost you points. Be mindful and polite to one another, and more importantly, be creative and have fun.

(I will send you the two student post and you will reply for them and I will post it after you finish this)


Business Ethics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I need a post for each learning activity. APA format. Attached is the diagram for Learning Activity #2 and Chapter 1 to use for references. I will also include this link that can be used for resources as well. ( I am pretty sure this is the citation for the CHAPTER 1 DOC, (The Business Ethics Workshop (2012) Washington, DC: The Saylor Foundation). I need each post to be roughly 3 paragraphs or more.

Learning Activity #1

Ethics: A Personal Perspective

How we perceive ethical issues and how we expect others to act is in many respects a reflection of our personal views. Considering the importance of our internal views of ethics, think about the following scenario:

You have been recently hired in the human resources department at the company you have always dreamed of working for. At the end of your first day, your manager, I. M. DeBoss, on her way out of the office says to you: “So Mr./Ms. Jones, what things come to mind when you think of the word “ethics”? Before you can answer, she asks you if you believe ethics are important for a company, and if so, why do you feel that way? Not letting up, because she is DeBoss, she then tells you that she once had a conversation with someone who mentioned that ethics might be a reflection of the culture of a business, but she has no idea what this means. She asks if you could help her understand the connection between ethics and a company’s culture.

Just as you are about to respond to her, she says “I am sorry Mr./Ms. Jones I really have to run, but I want to continue our conversation tomorrow.” You are relieved because you will have a night to ponder her questions and wow her with your responses tomorrow. How would you respond to your manager? Be certain to include in your response for Ms. DeBoss a definition of business ethics.

Learning Activity #2

Stakeholders: Neglect At Your Peril

Using the diagram from “The Firm’s Stakeholders” resource for the week, choose and discuss the three stakeholders you consider the most important for a business. In your response, discuss why you believe the chosen three are the most important, how does the business cultivate its relationship with the stakeholders selected, and to what extent is a business’s ethical culture reflected in its relationship with the stakeholders selected. Be sure to include a definition of stakeholders in your response.


Analyzing an interpersonal relationship and relational conflict using interpersonal communication theories Writing Assignment Help

Copying and pasting all of the instructions I was given:

For this paper, please think about an interpersonal relationship you are currently in (such as a friendship, romantic relationship, work relationship, family relationship, etc.). You will analyze your relationship using the interpersonal communication theories, concepts, and skills we have learned about throughout the semester. In your paper, you will discuss a relational conflict or challenge (such as an argument, transgression, break-up, etc.). Please analyze your relationship and the conflict by applying at least two theories, two concepts, and two skills using any of the chapters from our textbook. When applying the skills, think about what skill you used or could have used to effectively manage the conflict (for example: perception-checking statements, assertive “I” statements, self-monitoring, etc.).

You will also need to cite one library source for this paper. Your book should be used for the majority of the paper, but at least one library source is also required (such as a book or journal article). Make sure you cite your library source at the end of your paper (bibliography) and within the paper (in-text or parenthetical citation) in MLA or APA format.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Brief description of the relationship you chose to write about
  • Brief description of the relational conflict/challenge you faced in this relationship
  • Application of 2 theories from any chapters in the book
  • Application of 2 concepts from any chapters in the book
  • Application of 2 skills from any chapters in the book
  • Application and citation of 1 library source (book or journal article)

Your final paper should be 4 pages, typed, double-spaced, size 12 font, with one inch margins all around, and in essay format. DO NOT just list answers (it should be in essay format).

Below are some theories you can use in your Final Project Paper. Some of them are not labeled as theories in your textbook, which is why this list is being provided for you. This list is definitely not exhaustive, so you can use any other communication studies theories that you find in our textbook or in your library research. Hope this helps!

  • Standpoint theory
  • Social comparison theory
  • Social penetration theory
  • Relational dialectics theory
  • Reflected appraisal theory
  • Social exchange theory
  • Uncertainty reduction theory
  • Coordinated management of meaning theory
  • Communication privacy management theory
  • Attribution theory
  • Expectancy violations theory
  • Triangular theory of love

Hint: Skills are anything that you can use/practice to make communication more effective. Some examples include: self-monitoring, perception-checking statements, assertive “I” statements, conflict management, empathy, etc.

Everything else in your textbook that is not a theory and not a skill is a Concept. Examples include: nonverbal communication (proxemics, eye contact, touch, etc.), high vs low context communication, poor listening habits, common tendencies in perception, emotive language, emotional contagion, conflict styles, etc.

Lastly, I’m an 18 year old male student so please keep that in mind and do not write about a relationship with a child/spouse or anything that would not be normal for an 18 year old to have. I have two older brothers and an older sister so discussing a sibling could work.



Peer Review Workshop: Essay 4 Humanities Assignment Help

Essay 4: Prompt and Sample Essays

This week we are starting work on Essay 4. Below is both the prompt and student sample essays for Essay 4. If you have questions, please ask.

Choice A:

First, here is a video that you may find helpful or illuminating for this topic. Please watch. You may decide to use this video as one of your outside sources for the project. This is Charlamagne Tha God with Trevor Noah on The Daily Show.

If you have chosen the mental health and masculinity option, the first thing you will want to do is focus on one topic within the readings that interested you to develop you research question(s). If you need help crafting a research question, please refer to the following documents: Develop_a_Research_Question.pdf. and Strategies for Narrowing a Research Question.pdf

Essay 4: Outside Sources

The following are outside sources that I have put together if you are having trouble finding appropriate sources to use for Essay 4.

Remember if you do use one or more of these outside sources, you must complete an academic summary for it.

Choice A (Mental Health/Masculinity):

Once you have decided on a research question, then you need to pick your anchor text. Your anchor text can be one of the three readings, you had for this assignment, or it can be one you have found in your research.

After you have selected your anchor text, please read through the Essay prompt.

Essay 4 Prompt Mental Health Synthesis S2019 WEB.pdf

If you are stuck about what sort of things you should go over with a tutor about your draft, here are some options of what to discuss. Remember that your session with a tutor is only 30 minutes, so you might not be able to get through this entire list. My suggestion would be to focus on three or four to take with you to your tutoring session.

  1. What is the writer’s thesis? (For Choice B: Is the thesis an argument on whether they agree or don’t agree with Cohen that his theses are a valid way to look at society?)
  2. Choice B: Does the writer have three monsters (the same three or three different)?
  3. Choice B: Is it evident that they have chosen at least one of Cohen’s theses? Is the second paragraph a lit review of the theses they are using from Cohen?
  4. Does the writer catch your attention in the introduction? Does he or she provide enough background information to give you a sense topic and their attitude on the topic they will talk about?
  5. Does every body paragraph have a topic sentence naming a specific point about their topic?
  6. Does the author include a literature review of their anchor text (either Cohen or focus text on mental health/masculinity)?
  7. Does each body paragraph have evidence from the text? Does each piece of evidence from the text have explanation of how that text supports their main point of the paragraph?
  8. Does the author use three outside sources? Are they apparent? Does the author include an academic summary the first time they mention an outside source?
  9. Does the writer restate the thesis in the concluding paragraph? Is there a final thought? Does it give a feeling of completion to the essay?
  10. Does the writer use transitions between paragraphs and between pieces of evidence? What transitions can be improved?
  11. Does the writer demonstrate strong sentence style? Are all of the sentence elements we have learned so far incorporated into the writing? Please underline the sentences that you especially like. Why do you like those sentences
  12. Do they have a creative title?

Peer Review Workshop: Essay 4 Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

herpes simplex Writing Assignment Help

1.- Introduction that includes a general description of lesion/condition and frequency of occurrence (and whether any one sector of the population is more likely to have this lesion)

2.- The body of the report should include the following diagnostic information:

-Common location.

-Histological appearance

-Radiographic appearance

-Special diagnostic test.

-Clinical Presentation

-Differential diagnose


3.- Review latest research, drug therapies or treatment.

4.- End the report of the role of the dental hygienist.

-Dental treatment modifications and additional associated dental or medical complications.

The written report should be 3 pages (paragraph form, double spaced, 12pt. font, times new roman, 1″ margins, A cover sheet must be attached which lists the title, students name, course tittle and the date. At least 3 references are required, with at least 1 reference originating from a peer-reviewed journal (the reference is not included in your page count).

Use APA format


Introduction to SAS®-Based Data Analysis Other Assignment Help

Assignment Content

  1. This assignment will introduce the student to data analysis using SAS® Visual Analytics. The SAS® Visual Analytics environment includes many resources that will help the student understand data analysis methodologies. SAS® Visual Analytics is the leading data analysis software used by businesses today, and skills learned here will be used in later course assignments.Resources: SAS® Visual Analytics softwareReview the instructions and examples provided for accessing the SAS® Visual Analytics software and uploading your data. Upload your data from the Week 2 assignment and save it in the system. Perform a basic analysis in SAS® Visual Analytics using the PROC MEANS command appropriate for your data set. Verify from the results if the data is loaded correctly and the data is usable, and create a simple summary report. Create a basic graph or bar chart (i.e. PROC can create a table, basic statistical analysis, and also a graphic representation) using SAS® Visual Analytics to display the results of your analysis. Describe your analysis and the process of loading and executing the commands in the SAS® Visual Analytics environment in a maximum of 700 words. Include a screenshot of the results of your PROC MEANS analysis.Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.Submit your assignment.


    Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Translate a C program to pep9 language. Programming Assignment Help

I already translate the program but its the non function one (please see the pdf attachment). However this assignment ask to use functions which I dont know how.

I need someone who knows pep9 language and able to translate a C program into pep9 language.

I also provide the code I wrote for the same outcome without functions. (Attachment pdf)

Translate the following C program to Pep/9 assembly language:

please look at the sample input and output at the bottom of this code. basically you enter 5 meaning the list is 5 double integers, then you enter 5 numbers such as 11 22 33 44 55 and the output should rotate the numbers and print 22 33 44 55 11

void getList(int ls[], int *n) {
int j;
scanf(“%d”, n);
for (j = 0; j < *n; j++) {
scanf(“%d”, &ls[j]);
void putList(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
printf(“%d “, ls[j]);
void rotate(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
int temp;
temp = ls[0];
for (j = 0; j < n – 1; j++) {
ls[j] = ls[j + 1];
ls[n – 1] = temp;
int main() {
int list[16];
int numItems;
getList(list, &numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
rotate(list, numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
return 0;
Sample Input

11 22 33 44 55

Sample Output
11 22 33 44 55
22 33 44 55 11


Literally Analysis 2 Humanities Assignment Help

A research paper is a formal paper(THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH PAPER ITS AN LITERALLY ANALYSIS OF SOMETHING THE AUTHOR WROTE) that requires reading, selecting, evaluating, and organizing material for written presentation. Because of the type of paper it is, the writer must observe certain guidelines. Some basic requirements for this research paper assignment are given below. Your paper will contain the following: MLA FORMAT


1. After you select your Author (John Steinbeck) in short answer form, complete the following: (Do not write an essay paragraph. Do not copy the questions.)

1). Why did you choose the work(s) that you selected. What interested you?
2). How are you going to introduce your subject matter, and why are you going to

introduce the material in the manner you have chosen? (organization)
3). What is the exact thesis you intend to state in your paper? (Underline the thesis on

your proposal only.) Why did you choose this thesis?
4). List the points (at least 3) you will use to support your thesis. 5). Why did you choose the 3 points you have listed?

2. Type your proposal in MLA format.
3. Your proposal needs to be a minimum of 100-150 words. Include a word count at the end. 4. For your proposal (not in the research paper), you may use either first or third person.

On a separate paper, in short answer form complete the following: Questions 1, 2, and 3 (Do not write an essay paragraph. Do not copy the questions.)


1. How successful do feel your overall efforts were in writing this assignment? 2. What do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of your paper?

3. What is your overall level of satisfaction with this assignment?
4. Write your reflections in MLA format.

5. Your reflections need to be a minimum of 100-150 words. Include a word count at the end. 6. You may use first or third person for this assignment but not in the research paper.

Research paper (3-4) pages) Note: The research part of the paper must be 3 to 4 PAGES

pages. The Proposal, Reflections, and Works Cited do NOT count as research paper pages. Each page of the research paper must go the bottom line of the page to count as a full page. Partial pages do NOT count for full pages.

Works Cited (does NOT count as a research paper page but must be included)

Topic: This is a literary analysis paper of a work or works by your chosen author. It is NOT a biography. You must analyze a work or works of literature written by the author (John Steinbeck) Length: (3 to 4) typed text pages. To count as a full page, the type must go the the bottom margin.

Note: The Works Cited page does not count as a text page, but it does count as a necessary part

of your paper.
Sources: –minimum of five (5) separate quoted or paraphrased sources NOTE: You must

quote or paraphrase from five (5) different sources. You must have five (5) in- text citations from five (5) different sources. Using one (1) source five (5) times counts as one (1) source. ).

–minimum of two (2) types of sources
–no encyclopedias, Brainy Quotes, Spark Notes or such like, class notes, textbooks, or .com (If in doubt about a source, ask the instructor for approval.)

–Use of more than five sources is acceptable. All sources must be published. –Use Textshare.


1. Your paper must include a Works Cited page (see MLA
2. Your paper must contain appropriate parenthetical (in-text) citations that coordinate with the Works Cited page.

Point of View: third person only for research paper
Note: Do not use any form of first or second person unless in a direct quote from the source. Example: NO I, me, my, we, us, our, you, your
Purpose: to inform, explain, or persuade


Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Translate a C program to pep9 language. Programming Assignment Help

I already translate the program but its the non function one (please see the pdf attachment). However this assignment ask to use functions which I dont know how.

I need someone who knows pep9 language and able to translate a C program into pep9 language.

I also provide the code I wrote for the same outcome without functions. (Attachment pdf)

Translate the following C program to Pep/9 assembly language:

please look at the sample input and output at the bottom of this code. basically you enter 5 meaning the list is 5 double integers, then you enter 5 numbers such as 11 22 33 44 55 and the output should rotate the numbers and print 22 33 44 55 11

void getList(int ls[], int *n) {
int j;
scanf(“%d”, n);
for (j = 0; j < *n; j++) {
scanf(“%d”, &ls[j]);
void putList(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
printf(“%d “, ls[j]);
void rotate(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
int temp;
temp = ls[0];
for (j = 0; j < n – 1; j++) {
ls[j] = ls[j + 1];
ls[n – 1] = temp;
int main() {
int list[16];
int numItems;
getList(list, &numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
rotate(list, numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
return 0;
Sample Input

11 22 33 44 55

Sample Output
11 22 33 44 55
22 33 44 55 11


Literally Analysis 2 Humanities Assignment Help

A research paper is a formal paper(THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH PAPER ITS AN LITERALLY ANALYSIS OF SOMETHING THE AUTHOR WROTE) that requires reading, selecting, evaluating, and organizing material for written presentation. Because of the type of paper it is, the writer must observe certain guidelines. Some basic requirements for this research paper assignment are given below. Your paper will contain the following: MLA FORMAT


1. After you select your Author (John Steinbeck) in short answer form, complete the following: (Do not write an essay paragraph. Do not copy the questions.)

1). Why did you choose the work(s) that you selected. What interested you?
2). How are you going to introduce your subject matter, and why are you going to

introduce the material in the manner you have chosen? (organization)
3). What is the exact thesis you intend to state in your paper? (Underline the thesis on

your proposal only.) Why did you choose this thesis?
4). List the points (at least 3) you will use to support your thesis. 5). Why did you choose the 3 points you have listed?

2. Type your proposal in MLA format.
3. Your proposal needs to be a minimum of 100-150 words. Include a word count at the end. 4. For your proposal (not in the research paper), you may use either first or third person.

On a separate paper, in short answer form complete the following: Questions 1, 2, and 3 (Do not write an essay paragraph. Do not copy the questions.)


1. How successful do feel your overall efforts were in writing this assignment? 2. What do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of your paper?

3. What is your overall level of satisfaction with this assignment?
4. Write your reflections in MLA format.

5. Your reflections need to be a minimum of 100-150 words. Include a word count at the end. 6. You may use first or third person for this assignment but not in the research paper.

Research paper (3-4) pages) Note: The research part of the paper must be 3 to 4 PAGES

pages. The Proposal, Reflections, and Works Cited do NOT count as research paper pages. Each page of the research paper must go the bottom line of the page to count as a full page. Partial pages do NOT count for full pages.

Works Cited (does NOT count as a research paper page but must be included)

Topic: This is a literary analysis paper of a work or works by your chosen author. It is NOT a biography. You must analyze a work or works of literature written by the author (John Steinbeck) Length: (3 to 4) typed text pages. To count as a full page, the type must go the the bottom margin.

Note: The Works Cited page does not count as a text page, but it does count as a necessary part

of your paper.
Sources: –minimum of five (5) separate quoted or paraphrased sources NOTE: You must

quote or paraphrase from five (5) different sources. You must have five (5) in- text citations from five (5) different sources. Using one (1) source five (5) times counts as one (1) source. ).

–minimum of two (2) types of sources
–no encyclopedias, Brainy Quotes, Spark Notes or such like, class notes, textbooks, or .com (If in doubt about a source, ask the instructor for approval.)

–Use of more than five sources is acceptable. All sources must be published. –Use Textshare.


1. Your paper must include a Works Cited page (see MLA
2. Your paper must contain appropriate parenthetical (in-text) citations that coordinate with the Works Cited page.

Point of View: third person only for research paper
Note: Do not use any form of first or second person unless in a direct quote from the source. Example: NO I, me, my, we, us, our, you, your
Purpose: to inform, explain, or persuade


Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Translate a C program to pep9 language. Programming Assignment Help

I already translate the program but its the non function one (please see the pdf attachment). However this assignment ask to use functions which I dont know how.

I need someone who knows pep9 language and able to translate a C program into pep9 language.

I also provide the code I wrote for the same outcome without functions. (Attachment pdf)

Translate the following C program to Pep/9 assembly language:

please look at the sample input and output at the bottom of this code. basically you enter 5 meaning the list is 5 double integers, then you enter 5 numbers such as 11 22 33 44 55 and the output should rotate the numbers and print 22 33 44 55 11

void getList(int ls[], int *n) {
int j;
scanf(“%d”, n);
for (j = 0; j < *n; j++) {
scanf(“%d”, &ls[j]);
void putList(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
printf(“%d “, ls[j]);
void rotate(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
int temp;
temp = ls[0];
for (j = 0; j < n – 1; j++) {
ls[j] = ls[j + 1];
ls[n – 1] = temp;
int main() {
int list[16];
int numItems;
getList(list, &numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
rotate(list, numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
return 0;
Sample Input

11 22 33 44 55

Sample Output
11 22 33 44 55
22 33 44 55 11


Literally Analysis 2 Humanities Assignment Help

A research paper is a formal paper(THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH PAPER ITS AN LITERALLY ANALYSIS OF SOMETHING THE AUTHOR WROTE) that requires reading, selecting, evaluating, and organizing material for written presentation. Because of the type of paper it is, the writer must observe certain guidelines. Some basic requirements for this research paper assignment are given below. Your paper will contain the following: MLA FORMAT


1. After you select your Author (John Steinbeck) in short answer form, complete the following: (Do not write an essay paragraph. Do not copy the questions.)

1). Why did you choose the work(s) that you selected. What interested you?
2). How are you going to introduce your subject matter, and why are you going to

introduce the material in the manner you have chosen? (organization)
3). What is the exact thesis you intend to state in your paper? (Underline the thesis on

your proposal only.) Why did you choose this thesis?
4). List the points (at least 3) you will use to support your thesis. 5). Why did you choose the 3 points you have listed?

2. Type your proposal in MLA format.
3. Your proposal needs to be a minimum of 100-150 words. Include a word count at the end. 4. For your proposal (not in the research paper), you may use either first or third person.

On a separate paper, in short answer form complete the following: Questions 1, 2, and 3 (Do not write an essay paragraph. Do not copy the questions.)


1. How successful do feel your overall efforts were in writing this assignment? 2. What do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of your paper?

3. What is your overall level of satisfaction with this assignment?
4. Write your reflections in MLA format.

5. Your reflections need to be a minimum of 100-150 words. Include a word count at the end. 6. You may use first or third person for this assignment but not in the research paper.

Research paper (3-4) pages) Note: The research part of the paper must be 3 to 4 PAGES

pages. The Proposal, Reflections, and Works Cited do NOT count as research paper pages. Each page of the research paper must go the bottom line of the page to count as a full page. Partial pages do NOT count for full pages.

Works Cited (does NOT count as a research paper page but must be included)

Topic: This is a literary analysis paper of a work or works by your chosen author. It is NOT a biography. You must analyze a work or works of literature written by the author (John Steinbeck) Length: (3 to 4) typed text pages. To count as a full page, the type must go the the bottom margin.

Note: The Works Cited page does not count as a text page, but it does count as a necessary part

of your paper.
Sources: –minimum of five (5) separate quoted or paraphrased sources NOTE: You must

quote or paraphrase from five (5) different sources. You must have five (5) in- text citations from five (5) different sources. Using one (1) source five (5) times counts as one (1) source. ).

–minimum of two (2) types of sources
–no encyclopedias, Brainy Quotes, Spark Notes or such like, class notes, textbooks, or .com (If in doubt about a source, ask the instructor for approval.)

–Use of more than five sources is acceptable. All sources must be published. –Use Textshare.


1. Your paper must include a Works Cited page (see MLA
2. Your paper must contain appropriate parenthetical (in-text) citations that coordinate with the Works Cited page.

Point of View: third person only for research paper
Note: Do not use any form of first or second person unless in a direct quote from the source. Example: NO I, me, my, we, us, our, you, your
Purpose: to inform, explain, or persuade


Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Translate a C program to pep9 language. Programming Assignment Help

I already translate the program but its the non function one (please see the pdf attachment). However this assignment ask to use functions which I dont know how.

I need someone who knows pep9 language and able to translate a C program into pep9 language.

I also provide the code I wrote for the same outcome without functions. (Attachment pdf)

Translate the following C program to Pep/9 assembly language:

please look at the sample input and output at the bottom of this code. basically you enter 5 meaning the list is 5 double integers, then you enter 5 numbers such as 11 22 33 44 55 and the output should rotate the numbers and print 22 33 44 55 11

void getList(int ls[], int *n) {
int j;
scanf(“%d”, n);
for (j = 0; j < *n; j++) {
scanf(“%d”, &ls[j]);
void putList(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
printf(“%d “, ls[j]);
void rotate(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
int temp;
temp = ls[0];
for (j = 0; j < n – 1; j++) {
ls[j] = ls[j + 1];
ls[n – 1] = temp;
int main() {
int list[16];
int numItems;
getList(list, &numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
rotate(list, numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
return 0;
Sample Input

11 22 33 44 55

Sample Output
11 22 33 44 55
22 33 44 55 11


Literally Analysis 2 Humanities Assignment Help

A research paper is a formal paper(THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH PAPER ITS AN LITERALLY ANALYSIS OF SOMETHING THE AUTHOR WROTE) that requires reading, selecting, evaluating, and organizing material for written presentation. Because of the type of paper it is, the writer must observe certain guidelines. Some basic requirements for this research paper assignment are given below. Your paper will contain the following: MLA FORMAT


1. After you select your Author (John Steinbeck) in short answer form, complete the following: (Do not write an essay paragraph. Do not copy the questions.)

1). Why did you choose the work(s) that you selected. What interested you?
2). How are you going to introduce your subject matter, and why are you going to

introduce the material in the manner you have chosen? (organization)
3). What is the exact thesis you intend to state in your paper? (Underline the thesis on

your proposal only.) Why did you choose this thesis?
4). List the points (at least 3) you will use to support your thesis. 5). Why did you choose the 3 points you have listed?

2. Type your proposal in MLA format.
3. Your proposal needs to be a minimum of 100-150 words. Include a word count at the end. 4. For your proposal (not in the research paper), you may use either first or third person.

On a separate paper, in short answer form complete the following: Questions 1, 2, and 3 (Do not write an essay paragraph. Do not copy the questions.)


1. How successful do feel your overall efforts were in writing this assignment? 2. What do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of your paper?

3. What is your overall level of satisfaction with this assignment?
4. Write your reflections in MLA format.

5. Your reflections need to be a minimum of 100-150 words. Include a word count at the end. 6. You may use first or third person for this assignment but not in the research paper.

Research paper (3-4) pages) Note: The research part of the paper must be 3 to 4 PAGES

pages. The Proposal, Reflections, and Works Cited do NOT count as research paper pages. Each page of the research paper must go the bottom line of the page to count as a full page. Partial pages do NOT count for full pages.

Works Cited (does NOT count as a research paper page but must be included)

Topic: This is a literary analysis paper of a work or works by your chosen author. It is NOT a biography. You must analyze a work or works of literature written by the author (John Steinbeck) Length: (3 to 4) typed text pages. To count as a full page, the type must go the the bottom margin.

Note: The Works Cited page does not count as a text page, but it does count as a necessary part

of your paper.
Sources: –minimum of five (5) separate quoted or paraphrased sources NOTE: You must

quote or paraphrase from five (5) different sources. You must have five (5) in- text citations from five (5) different sources. Using one (1) source five (5) times counts as one (1) source. ).

–minimum of two (2) types of sources
–no encyclopedias, Brainy Quotes, Spark Notes or such like, class notes, textbooks, or .com (If in doubt about a source, ask the instructor for approval.)

–Use of more than five sources is acceptable. All sources must be published. –Use Textshare.


1. Your paper must include a Works Cited page (see MLA
2. Your paper must contain appropriate parenthetical (in-text) citations that coordinate with the Works Cited page.

Point of View: third person only for research paper
Note: Do not use any form of first or second person unless in a direct quote from the source. Example: NO I, me, my, we, us, our, you, your
Purpose: to inform, explain, or persuade


View two films and answer specific questions about the music/images you hear/see Humanities Assignment Help

View two films and answer specific questions about the music/images you hear/see Humanities Assignment Help

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