Walden Internship Programs Business Students Professional & Personal DEV Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Walden Internship Programs Business Students Professional & Personal DEV Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Walden Internship Programs Business Students Professional & Personal DEV Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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This discussion must be based on Reading: Sweitzer & King – CHAPTER 2

In order to answer those questions, you have to read chapt 2 attachment I send here. The attachment on the

part 1 introduction I send you only if you want some information because I do not want in part two you out of the subject.

*Please cite past courses in this text for reflections as part of your discussion. A minimum of five citations/sources should be from other books/text citations from previous courses.

TOPIC: The Anticipation Stage – Venturing Forth

Reading: Sweitzer & King – CHAPTER 2

Chapter 2 Questions:

  • Create your own list of anxieties about the internship experience. What are you finding most effective in managing them? Which ones do you think will diminish over time – without you intentionally doing anything about them? Why do you think that will happen?
  • What hopes do you have for this internship, and what has happened so far that informs you of the likelihood of those being realized? What are your next steps now that you have a better sense of your hopes being realized?
  • Think about the changes- personally and professionally- that you are experiencing even this early on in the internship. What did you do to bring about these changes? What did you not do that in turn allowed the changes to occur?


Walden Internship Programs Business Students Professional & Personal DEV Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Central Texas College The Sound of Language & Brief Look at Grammar Summary Paper Writing Assignment Help

A good chapter summary will have the following qualities:

  • Clearly state the primary argument or major themes of the reading
  • Give an overview of each section of the reading and explain how each section contributes to the central topic of the reading
  • Provide at least a couple of specific examples of information the author uses to support their claims
  • A good strategy to take when writing a summary is to stick to the same basic outline as the reading. Readings have numbered sections, so you can try to summarize each section in order and then tie them together with your observations about the central idea of the reading. The author has already outlined and organized the reading in this way, so it is wise to make use of that.
  • The best summaries will also consider and comment on what the author wants the audience to know and think about the subject after reading. For this assignment, we are looking for an accurate summary which demonstrates understanding and comprehension of the reading — we are not looking for opinions on the subject, or whether you agree or disagree with the points made.

600 words minimum


COM 101 Pierce College Capital Punishment Should Be Banned Persuasive Speech Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications multi-part question and need support to help me study.

Persuasive Speech

This 5-7 minute speech should be appropriate for intelligent, college level students. You will need to select a controversial topic, (or at least one where there are clearly two sides) clearly state your position and analyze both sides of the issue. Your task is to inspire, reinforce, or change the beliefs, values or actions of the audience. Since the nature of this speech may discuss “hot topics” it is critical that every speaker displays goodwill, respect and openness toward our audience. Think ethos, logos and pathos!

In this assignment, you are expected to follow the basic principles of organization, establish eye contact with the audience, and maintain a clear central idea throughout. Particular emphasis will be placed on your analysis of the issues and your ability to defend or attack those issues.

You are required to speak extemporaneously. Do not read your speech. You must practice and be able to look at the camera directly into your audience and give your complete speech in one full take without editing the video. In other words, Do Not use any type of editing software to interrupt the flow of the speech. The speech should feel natural as if you are having a conversation directly with us.

Topic Approvals: Please give me your topic choice via email. This is required so that everyone has a unique topic.

Speech Text: It is very important that you post your exact speech text with your video. If you record in YouTube and know how to include Closed Captioning, that would be awesome!

Main Points: You must have a minimum of 2 main points. 3 main points would be the maximum to attempt for this time frame.

Peer Responses: You are required to watch and respond to a minimum of 5 clasmates speeches. Please provide respectful, helpful and constrcutive tips for your classmates. Each peer response is worth 10 points (Total= 50 points) (Lab Assignment Points)

Speech Outline: You will be required to create a full sentence speech outline that you will upload separately to the Informative Speech Outline Assignment Portal.

You will need to conduct research on your topic. References used must be credible and current and should be cited in a works cited list or bibliography using MLA or APA style. Please attach your works cited page or bibliography to your final outline. You are required to choose either one of those styles but must stay consistent with one. Our library website has links to updated versions for these reference style citations. In addition, you are required to verbally cite your sources used in the speech. Ex: According to_______ “………”

Specific Research Requirements: You are required to obtain a minimum of 6 total references to create your speech. You are encouraged to obtain more if you wish. 3 of the sources must be gathered from online databases through Pierce College and the other 3 can be from non-online sources Ex: books, journals, periodicals, documentaries, interviews etc. You may search the web for online sources like credible government websites, or organizational websites Ex: fda.gov or madd.org. However, you may NOT use cites like Wikipedia, blogs, tweets, or unchecked cites that are not constantly fact checked or supervised through scholarly verification. Please don’t hesitate to inquire about a questionable website. However, if you wish to conduct all of your research through the databases that would be fine as well. Please use MLA or APA style to cite your sources in a separate works cited page at the end of your outline.

Visual Aids: A minimum of 3 visual aids are required for this speech. However, please note that your speech may require more than 3 visual aids to properly convey all of your information.

Remember, you are required to speak for a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 7 minutes. Please do not go over as you will receive a time deduction.

Lastly and most importantly, have fun with this assignment. Choose a topic that interests you and one that you beleive would interest your audience. Selecting a topic that you want to learn more about makes the assignment worthwhile and enjoyable! Topics choices can range from pollution, rainforest deforestation, capital punishment, gun control, recycling etc. This list goes on. You can also run your topic idea by me to see if it would be appropriate for the assignment.


Purdue University Global Internship Experience Paper Humanities Assignment Help

This discussion must be based on Reading: Sweitzer & King – CHAPTER 2

In order to answer those questions, you have to read chapt 2 attachment I send here. The attachment on the

part 1 introduction I send you only if you want some information because I do not want in part two you out of the subject.

*Please cite past courses in this text for reflections as part of your discussion. A minimum of five citations/sources should be from other books/text citations from previous courses.

TOPIC: The Anticipation Stage – Venturing Forth

Reading: Sweitzer & King – CHAPTER 2

Chapter 2 Questions:

  • Create your own list of anxieties about the internship experience. What are you finding most effective in managing them? Which ones do you think will diminish over time – without you intentionally doing anything about them? Why do you think that will happen?
  • What hopes do you have for this internship, and what has happened so far that informs you of the likelihood of those being realized? What are your next steps now that you have a better sense of your hopes being realized?
  • Think about the changes- personally and professionally- that you are experiencing even this early on in the internship. What did you do to bring about these changes? What did you not do that in turn allowed the changes to occur?



University of California San Diego Intro Audio Vis Media Practice Discussion Other Assignment Help

For this week our discussion topic will be about editing and/or putting a sequence together. You need to choose a 15 sec. clip of your favorite film, show or music video from YouTube and analyze it by discussing the technical aspects of the editing techniques that it employs. Please embed the video into your response so that it can be easily viewed by others. You must use the language learned in the course to discuss your response to at least one of the following two questions. Please indicate which question you are responding to in your discussion which should be between 3-5 sentences.

How does the media maker use editing transitions such as straight cuts, jump cuts, dissolves, wipes, fades, superimpositions, freeze frames or split screens to express time or temporality. Be as specific as possible, use time stamps (ex. at :10 secs in) to indicate the specific section you are discussing.



ESE 0650 University of Phoenix Intervention to Improve Social Skills Paper Writing Assignment Help

ESE 0650 Discussion #2


Describe interventions to improve social
skills. How can these interventions be
incorporated into ongoing activities and
routines in the classroom with PBIS? How can
mastery be measured?


PBIS-Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports


The instructor will discuss with students the importance of social skills training for exceptional education students. Many students with disabilities are rejected by their peers because they lack the social skills needed to function in school and later in life. The instructor will discuss with students the social skills training techniques of modeling, shaping, and coaching. Some schools have implemented a peer buddy system to assist students with disabilities. The instructor will discuss with students the differences between peer assistance and peer tutoring. Information will be provided regarding the benefits of peer tutoring to the tutee and tutor.

ESE 0650 University of Phoenix Intervention to Improve Social Skills Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Auburn Career Center Environmental Injustice Within North Birmingham Article Summary Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Original posts must be 2 paragraphs. Responses must be at least three sentences in length and must address specific content; should be thoughtful, reflect on the readings, contribute meaningfully, and promote discussion within the class.

Discussion Board 1 Question

Based on the story of North Birmingham that you have read, what, in your opinion, could the government and residents of North Birmingham have done differently?

Note: You can use resources outside the article, make sure you cite your references.


MM 255 Purdue University Global Business Math and Statistical Measures Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

Use an internet job board to find a posting for the position you hope to get once you have completed your degree. Find a posting that includes the salary. Include the URL to the position in your post.

Next, open a blank Excel spreadsheet. Take the salary from your job posting and use Excel formulas to calculate your weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, and monthly gross pay. Watch this video to show you how to do this. Include the Excel spreadsheet in your post.

Using several sentences, describe your future job, what salary you found, and the results of your calculations.

(For this discussion use any job in the business field)


Purdue University Global Guns and Violence Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

write minimum 900 words

Research Paper:

Analyze a recent mass shooting which occurred in the US. Research and explain what transpired in detail and the aftermath. Research how the guns were obtained, if there were red flags before the mass shooting, the media coverage surrounding it, and the politics involved (NRA, law enforcement, and legislators).
Examine and compare, using the information acquired throughout this semester, what changes or enhancements (if any) can be made to prevent or make it more difficult for it to reoccur while maintaining the 2nd amendment right to bear arms. What can and should we do to keep safe? Explain what measures can be taken and the most appropriate/effective way to carry them out. Elaborate your thoughts objectively and clearly. Use facts and statistical data to justify your argument.

Research Paper Expectations:

  • There is one paper assignment throughout this course. Dates for submission are available on the calendar below. Students will be required to submit responses to the prompt using citations, APA formatting, and high-level arguments to receive a good score. All papers must be a MINIMUM of 3 pages and MAXIMUM of 5 pages of body text NOT including the cover page or references.
  • Papers must be written with 12 font Times New Roman, double spaced, and require a MINIMUM of 5 references.
  • At least 3 of these references must be from scholarly articles; the additional 2 can reference your textbooks.


UCSD Popular Cultures of the Korean Peninsula Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Length: (no less than) 500 words ~ (no more than) 600 words, double-spaced, for all 4 questions.

  1. weet Dream and Rappaport (200 words)

Write an analysis of two scenes out of the following 3 scenes, by paying attention to the following: dialogue, music and other sound effects, mis-en-scène, visual composition, flow of the scene within the narrative, etc. In your analysis, please apply one of the following concepts, commodity fetishism or “modern girl” as a product of masculinist imagination. First, analyze them separately and then connect your interpretation of each scene to one another.

  • The first scene where Aesun tells her husband that she is going to a department store and there is an ensuing exchange between her and her husband.
  • The scene at the department store where she is shopping and talking with a clerk
  • Aesun at the dance concert where is watching the male dance
  • 2.Choose one of the passages from “Dawn” and explore the relations between popular culture and the imperialist propaganda. (125words)

“…’When we go to a picture theater and watch the newsreel scenes of the Imperial Army marching to the sound of great cheers and the audience erupts in clapping, he turns to me and asks why I am quiet. ‘Why aren’t you cheering? Aren’t you happy for them?’ He scolds me endlessly. This is what boys are like today, filled to the brim with passion. ….”

“They settled on playing a round of Garuda and the mothers and boys sat down together. ‘Japan’s Navy Best in the World!’….’Pray to the Gods!’…. ‘I’ll cry or scream if I get a Japanese Empire card…’ said the boy, squaring his shoulders. … ‘Me too, I get furious when I keep losing like this. Let’s concentrate now and have another round.’ …. ‘Heartfelt comfort packages’…”

‘No, they gloried in their nimble boys who reached for the Garuda cards so swiftly no one could stop them. An atmosphere of warmth and pleasure suffused them. Kyongja took up the Garuda pack and began to read from the cards again while Hyebong, Unyong and the boys gathered round. Outside the chill wind blew. But none of them felt the cold.

3.Choose one of the passages from “Dawn” and explore how the Japanese imperial ideology combines Anti-American/Anti-white/Anti-Western Ideology, combined with Pan-Asianism (125words).

“…’These Westerners have bewitched you. With their cross in the left hand and sword in the right, clasping opium and the sacrament to their chests, they went up every hill and into every crevice to seek us Asians out. Deceiving and plundering us along the way. And we, bewitched by their artfulness and sorcery, their talk of the sovereign self and individual rights, we could not see that we were being robbed!…. And it is the blood of Asians that is winning us back our countries and our pride…’…”

“….’As we walked on, my child protested. “Mummy, why did you give directions to our enemy?” So I told him that not all Westerners are bad people…. He replied, “Believing in Jesus doesn’t mean they are on our side. When they go sketching landscapes or taking photographs, how do we know they are tourists and not spies sending it all back to their country?” As he was saying this, I kept thinking how much the white lady had reminded me of our school principal and Miss Winn—do you remember our English teacher Miss Winn?’ “

  1. Hall (50 words)

Analyze the following passage from Stuart Hall’s essay where he defines his notion of the popular. In your interpretation of Hall’s definition, please relate one of the following concepts: 1) Frankfurt School’s notion of “culture industry” and Hall’s critique of it; 2) Gramscian notion of hegemony.

“I settle for a third definition of ‘popular’…. This looks in any particular period at those forms and activities which have their roots in the social and material conditions of particular classes; which have been embodied in popular traditions and practices. In this sense, it retains what is valuable in the descriptive definition. But it goes on to insist that what is essential to the definition of popular culture is the relations which define ‘popular culture’ in a continuing tension (relationship, influence and antagonism) to the dominant culture. It is a conception of culture which is polarized around this cultural dialectic. It treats the domain of cultural forms and activities as a constantly changing field. Then it looks at the relations which constantly structure this field into dominant and subordinate formations. It looks at the process by which these relations of domination and subordination are articulated. It treats them as a process.”


Walden Internship Programs Business Students Professional & Personal DEV Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Walden Internship Programs Business Students Professional & Personal DEV Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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