Walden University Caregiver Quick Reference Guide Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help. Walden University Caregiver Quick Reference Guide Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
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Caregiver Quick Reference Guide
This assignment requires you to pull together the work you did for the assignments in Units 2, 5, 6, and 9. The objective is to fully synthesize the material in layperson’s terms so a caregiver or significant other could grasp it readily and use it as a quick reference guide. Your successful completion of the assignment will reflect your ability to condense all of the material that you have compiled for the course project to 1–2 pages.
Using the literature you have gathered and formative feedback received from your instructor, create your final assignment, in which you:
- Define the target behavior to be prioritized for intervention.
- Identify the social significance of the target behavior.
- Apply measurement, data display (graphing), and data-based decision-making skills to make changes in human behavior.
- Describe assessment results and interventions in language appropriate for caregivers and significant others.
- Evaluate key ABA concepts, principles, and methods to analyze and change target behaviors from research.
- Design function-based interventions that address response effort, practitioner skills, contextual fit, practicality, treatment acceptability, and administrative support.
Use the following subheadings to organize your paper and format them in current APA style:
- Target Behavior.
- Measurement and Visual Display.
- Research.
- Intervention.
Walden University Caregiver Quick Reference Guide Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Northcentral University Offenders with Mental Health Issues Opinion Essay Writing Assignment Help
Warm-Up 5.1: Forced Medication in Forensic Settings Debate
In this brief warm-up activity, you will read about the case of Jared Loughner and the court battle that ensued to force psychotropic medication on him so that he was competent to stand trial. This is just a minor glance into a topic that pervades the legal and mental health worlds in the news today.
Judge says forced medication can continue for Tucson shooter. (2011). Psychiatric News, 46(21), 1.
For this assignment, you will write an opinion piece for a local newspaper advocating for the needs of offenders whom you believe has been unethically treated based on their mental health issues, social, or cultural background, or due to the general nature of treatment and assessment in forensic settings. Based on your readings, pick a topic which has resulted in unethical treatment in forensic settings in one form or another.
Find three articles on the topic and include information from these articles in your piece.
Your piece should include:
- A clear understanding of the ethical issue in question
- Demographics surrounding the ethical issue
- Ways in which those working in the mental health field may protect against future ethical issues in this area which should include recommendations for best practices.
Ashworth College Sunny Law Firm Trial Balance as of November 30 Accounting Ques Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting question and need an explanation to help me study.
Mary Sunny began business as Sunny Law Firm on November 1. Record the following November transactions by making entries directly to the T-accounts provided. Next, prepare a trial balance as of November 30.
Part A
Mary invested $15,000 cash and a law library valued at $6,000.
Part B
Purchased $7,500 of office equipment from John Bronx on credit.
Part C
Completed legal work for a client and received $1,500 cash in full payment.
Part D
Paid John Bronx $3,500 cash in partial payment of the amount owed.
Part E
Completed $4,000 of legal work for a client on credit.
Part F
Mary withdrew $2,000 cash from the business for personal use.
Part G
Received $2,500 cash as partial payment for the legal work completed for the client in (e).
Part H
Paid $2,500 cash for the secretary’s salary.
CU Practical Connection Multiple Workplaces Mobile Applications & IT Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science writing question and need guidance to help me learn.
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (2 pages double spaced) for either part A) or part B) :
A) Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment : Explain how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment.
B) Demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment : Share thoughts on how the theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
1. Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
2. Use of proper APA formatting and citations.
3. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
4. Share only a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
5. Reflect on how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
Saint Josephs University Operability Privacy Security & Content Standards Paper Writing Assignment Help
This is a paper.
Review the he Happtique guidelines (I WILL ATTACHED THIS BELOW) released back in 2013. Going back to the app discussed such as MOBILE MIM, HEADSPACE, and/or MOODFIT at the conduct a formalized assessment of how the app would perform against the Happtique Standards.
You should focus on the four key areas of the Happtique Guidelines (Operability, Privacy, Security, and Content Standards). You paper should be organized as such. Note that some apps may not fit all the requirements laid out in the guidelines. As such, students are provided a range of latitude in interpreting both the standards and applying the framework against the app selected (the goal is to engage in a rigorous evaluation to inform future decision making).
University of Northern Iowa Chapter 4 Investment Strategies Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management report and need an explanation to help me study.
1. Based on the from interview question attachment, please transcribe first. Then use thematic analysis from the interview verbatim and then coding them into the theme and the theme must same with the objective.
2. From the verbatim that been transcribe, split it with the feedback(interview answer) using theme. include them into each theme.
3. example location, so how many person said about location… if there all of them, so 1-key informant 8. Example.
4. then maybe just one key informant, 7 mentioned on sponsored office, so this is another theme.
5. Based on all this explanation, I also attached the chapter 1-4 to you amend the chapter 4 using the thematic analysis plus the interview attachment that been attached. Amend the chapter 4.
u may based on articles qualitative study by Merriem Tisdel, Rober Yin, creswell for reference to use thematic analysis.
University of Northern Iowa Chapter 4 Investment Strategies Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Central Texas College Diversity in The Workplace Article Review Business Finance Assignment Help
You will complete two article reviews throughout this class on a topic involving communication in the workplace. These assignments are designed to expand your knowledge of the field of business communication by exposing you to research in the field.
Once you have chosen a topic, you will need to find a scholarly article discussing your topic. I recommend using the CTC online databases to find scholarly articles. Go to http://ctcd.edu/academics/library/ to access the databases. You may look outside of the databases, but the credibility of the article and author needs to be heavily considered if using an alternative site.
Criteria for evaluating an article for the review:
- The article needs to be at least 1,000 words in length.
- The author needs to be cited along with a description of her/his credentials.
- The author needs to be an expert in the field he/she is writing.
- The article should be recent and relevant to our course.
I have outlined a list of ideas you may choose from to complete your article reviews. This list is compiled from the overall topics covered in the text, but you may be more specific in your article search. For example, you can research “management listening skills” as a narrowly focused topic for a review.
- Organizational Culture
- Nonverbal Messages
- Teamwork
- Business Ethics
- Listening Skills
- Speaking at Work
- Workplace Conflict
- Interviewing Skills
- Verbal Messages
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Diversity in the Workplace
- Leadership/Management Styles
Select the Article Review link above to submit your completed review. Include your last name and first initial in the file name. For example, this assignment could be saved as Jones, D_AR1.
Submission Instructions:
Complete your assignment as instructed. The following submission options are available:
Complete your assignment using word-processing software such as MS Word 365 (download free software at https://products.office.com/en-us/student?ms.officeurl=getoffice365), LibreOffice (download free software at https://www.libreoffice.org/download), or other per course requirements. Save your file as an .rtf file or .doc to ensure that it can be opened at any computer. Submit your assignment by selecting the title link, browsing to, and attaching your saved file. Make sure to select SUBMIT. You may view your posting both on this page and under My Grade (available under Tools).
Once you have read the article, you will
complete a review of the article. The article review should have these three main parts.
- An APA or MLA formatted citation of the article at the top of the review.
- A one-page summary of the article that briefly outlines the article in your own words. Explain what the article discusses without quoting the author(s) word-for-word.
- A one-page critique of the article which discusses the following four questions:
- How does the information in this article increase your understanding of the field?
- What did you learn that was surprising? Or, what did you learn that you disagree with based on your experience?
- How could this information impact you as a current or future businessperson?
- What is your overall opinion of the usefulness of this article?
Your article reviews should follow this format:
- Double-spaced, 12 point font size, Times New Roman or Calibri.
- Exactly two pages in length: one page for the summary and one page for the critique.
- A link to the article should be included. The link to the article and the APA/MLA citation are not the same thing. I should be able to cut and paste the link in a browser to access the article.
Please use this Article Review Sample as a guide. Below are links to helpful tools that will aid you in your Article Review:
Northcentral University Violence Risk Assessment Forensic Psychology Discussion Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will begin a discussion in the NCU Commons which will examine a social or ethical piece of forensic psychology. To do this, you will seek out and follow twitter or facebook feeds relevant to forensic psychology for 24 hours. For example, the American Psychology-Law Society or the Corrections Committee or the American-Law Society, ATSA, or the Alliance for International Risk Research can all be found on facebook. Some twitter feeds relevant to forensic psychology include: apls41, makesocietysafe, crimepsychblog or clinforensicpsy. Then, in your post, you will post one article you read and begin a discussion in the Commons about the social or ethical question in the article.
Ashworth College Accounting Petty Cash Fund Journal Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment Instructions
Nakashima Gallery had the following petty cash transactions in February of the current year. Nakashima uses the perpetual system to account for merchandise inventory.
Feb 2
Write a $400 check to establish a petty cash fund.
Feb 5
Purchased paper for the copier for $14.15 that is immediately used.
Feb 9
Paid $32.50 shipping charges (transportation in) on merchandise purchased for resale, terms FOB shipping point. These costs are added to merchandise inventory.
Feb 12
Paid $7.95 postage to deliver a contract to a client
Feb 14
Reimbursed Adina Sharon, the manager, $68 for mileage on her car.
Feb 20
Purchased office paper for $67.77 that is immediately used.
Feb 23
Paid a courier $20 to deliver merchandise sold to a customer, terms FOB destination.
Feb 25
Paid $13.10 shipping charges (transportation in) on merchandise purchased for resale, terms FOB shipping point. These cost are added to merchandise inventory.
Feb 27
Paid $54 for postage expenses
Feb 28
The fund had $120.42 remaining in the petty cashbox. Sorted the petty cash receipts by accounts affected and exchanged them for a check to reimburse the fund for expenditures.
Feb 28
The petty cash fund amount is increased by $100 to a total of $500
MSTM 5013 OU Wk 6 Disaster Recovery Plan & Testing BCP/DRP Plan Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Writing Assignment #3
.Review the Opening Case Scenario. What DR activities must be done at this point in order to prevent this disaster from becoming catastrophic, prohibiting the organization from ever conducting business again? Now look around your home. What DR tasks should you perform to prevent a similar disaster from becoming catastrophic? Your submission should be between 800-1000 words with references and following APA writing standards.
Week 6 Discussion
Please enter your response to both questions posed below. Total word count must be 250 to 300 words in your posting. (20 points)Please also respond to at least two of your classmates with a meaningful reply of 150 words or greater each. (5 points each)Do not cut and paste, please post original work. Please provide references for your original postings in APA format.
1. Discuss options for testing a BCP/DRP plan (Describe at least two options). Of your options, which would provide the greatest value?2. How often should a plan be reviewed and be whom?
Walden University Caregiver Quick Reference Guide Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Walden University Caregiver Quick Reference Guide Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help