Walden University Logic Model of Substance Abuse Treatment Responses Writing Assignment Help

Walden University Logic Model of Substance Abuse Treatment Responses Writing Assignment Help. Walden University Logic Model of Substance Abuse Treatment Responses Writing Assignment Help.

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Respond to at least two colleagues by doing all of the following:

  • Offer critiques of their logic model as if you were a member of their work groups.
    • Identify strengths of the logic models.
    • Identify potential weaknesses in the assumptions or areas that may require additional information or clarification.
  • Offer substantial information to assist your colleagues’ efforts such as:
    • Information to support their understanding of the problems and needs in this population
    • Suggestions related to intervention activities, and potential outcomes

    Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.Use colleagues resources to support your response.

Walden University Logic Model of Substance Abuse Treatment Responses Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Division of Labor Wilson Football Factory Video Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Please answer these questions to the best of your ability using the information that you gathered
from reading the chapter, along with information from your own work experience. Please do not
copy and paste.

1. Please watch the video entitled “Division of Labor; Wilson Football Factory.” What advantages of
job specialization (as explained in Chapter 9) can be seen in the video. Please be specific.

2. The book also lists several disadvantages of job specialization. These disadvantages have been
known to increase absenteeism and turnover. What disadvantages of job specialization did you
recognize in the video?

3. If the disadvantages of job specialization increase employee turnover, then why have these same
employees been performing the same jobs for such a long time? Please give a few reasons.

Asks you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of job specialization, based on your reading of 9-3a, and why companies still use this method of job assignment. This argument hearkens back to Frederick Taylor, who advocated giving employees the right tool and then training them after delineating a job into its smallest components possible.


Santa Monica College Standard Basic C Program of Online Orders Programming Assignment Help


In the space provided below write a C program that computes the total cost of items you want to order online. It does so by first asking how many items are in your shopping cart and then based on that number, it repeatedly asks you to enter the cost of each item.

It then adds a 5% delivery charge for standard delivery if the total is BELOW $1000, and an additional 10% charge if you want expedited shipping.


include screenshots demoing the execution of the program

use proper c language

re-write code when applicable

point out errors

So I’ve wrote my code here but I keep getting a syntax error message. Can you please clarify in your answer what I did wrong.

the error message I get is:

main.c: In function ‘main’:

main.c:45:1: error: ‘else’ without a previous ‘if’
else if( yes == 1 )


int main()


int items, i, yes = 1, no = 0;

double standardShip = 0.05, fastship = 0.1, totalCost, cost;

printf(“How many items are in your cart?n”);

scanf(“%d”, &items);

for (i=1; i <=items; i++)


printf(“Enter total cost of itemsn”);

scanf(“%lf” , &cost);

totalCost = totalCost + cost;


if (totalCost<=1000)


printf(“You will be charged regular shippingn”);


printf(“Your new total is:%lfn” , totalCost);


else if( yes == 1 )


printf(“Please enter 1 for fast shippingn”);

scanf(“%d” , &yes);

printf(“You will be charged extra for expedited shipping”);

totalCost= totalCost+cost*fastship;

printf(“Your new total is: %lfn”, totalCost);





printf(“Your total is: %lf” , totalCost);


return 0;



HLTH 505 Liberty University Genetic Modification of Crops Research Paper Science Assignment Help

HLTH 505 Environmental Health

Research Paper Instructions

The goal of this project is to evaluate a current environmental health issue, discuss the control and/or mitigation measures currently employed and advocate for a systems approach in public health policy or practice to address that issue.This required research paper project is a 15-pages document that should be double-spaced.Every student must choose a different topic. Topics are selected on a first come first served basis. You may wish to talk among yourselves about your selections prior to submission to avoid submitting a topic that has already been chosen by a classmate. Here’s what you will do for this assignment:

  • Select the topic for your research.
  • Submit the topic. You should submit your topic to the topic discussion board area to avoid duplicates. The topic selection must not duplicate any other in the class. If it does, it is your responsibility to change it, the earlier submission taking precedence. Once a student posts on the discussion board, their topic will be considered ‘selected.’
  • Read the supporting article on how to advocate for environmental justice in your area of interest: http://www.pastoralplanning.com/Creation-Care/WHWS232_Advocating_for_Environmental_Justice.pdf
  • Submit at least ten sources for your References list.

I have already selected the topic and sources are also attached


TAMIU Transport Systems Analyze Challenges & Suggest Actions to Solve Problem Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Select a topic and sources related to the module learning objectives (numbered below). Excellent topics this week might include one based on the text underlined in the objective list.
  2. Research and analyze using scholarly resources. Include at least one peer-reviewed study and note it in your reference list with the initials (PR) at the beginning of the reference.
  3. Length/format: 1-2 pages (including references), APA format.
  4. Use the template attached to this message.
  5. Include a Summary, Problem, Significance of the problem, two Alternative Actions, Recommendation(s), and References.
  1. Discuss the first legal issues and legislative responses to the expansion of the railroad industry.
  2. Summarize the impact of regulation and then deregulation on the railroads and the reasons for that change in philosophies.
  3. Describe the role of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) in the regulation of the railroads.
  4. Discuss and explain the reasons for the Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970 and the ramifications that act had for the industry.
  5. Explore the function and history of the Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) in the development of a comprehensive system for the construction of modern highways.
  6. Explain and discuss the current issues facing the railroad industry today and how the industry may reinvent itself.
  7. Describe and discuss the history and development of the interstate highway system in the United States.
  8. Summarize the issues concerning the construction of Interstate 94 in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota.
  9. Describe the history, development, and problems related to the “Big Dig.”
  10. Describe and explain the possibilities and background of a Personal Rapid Transit System.
  11. Discuss the advantages and use of High Occupancy Toll Lanes.
  12. Describe and explain the problems that cause current transportation systems to fail for disadvantaged people in our society.
  13. Clarify and discuss the concept of “Universal Design” and how such a system would be advantageous to any transportation system.
  14. Explain the development of Dockland’s Light Rail System.



USC Unspecialized Fungal Endophytes Article Analysis Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Biology writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system and write a comprehensive summary of the study that answers the following questions:

Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system.

NOTE: Many free articles may be obtained from http://www.pubmed.gov

Write a summary of the study that includes:

  • Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., description of background)?
  • What was the hypothesis (or hypotheses) under investigation?
  • What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis? Which key techniques were used to achieve these results?
  • Why are the results significant and do they point to further/future studies? In other words, why does this article matter and what should or could be done next?
  • Why did you choose this particular article to review? Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or none of the above?

Compose your review in current APA Style and include:

  • A title page
  • Answers to the questions above in paragraph format (2 or more pages)
  • A reference page with the reference for your article and any other sources used in your review.

USC Unspecialized Fungal Endophytes Article Analysis Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ashford University Wildfires and Public Health Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

Topic is how do the california wildfires affect peoples health.

This week you will all begin reviewing scholarly literature that discusses concepts, themes, or methods related to your individual research topic. For this you must:

    • Find 5 sources (journal articles or books or chapters in a book) related to your research topic.
    • Organize each source as you would a works cited page or bibliography.
    • All sources must be formatted according to APA, Chicago, or Turabian bibliographic style.
    • Please take the following into consideration when searching for sources:
  • What kinds of research have been done on your topic already?
  • How do different researchers/professionals interpret this data? (Or, what issues have been raised doing this research?)
  • How is the existing work on the topic similar or different from what you want to do?
  • Submit the 5 citations to the Bibliography Lab Assignment on Canvas by Friday October 9th


UC Server Virtualization Datatrack Company IT Services Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Complete a case study on an organization that will address the following prompts:

  • Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.
  • Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.
  • Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.
  • Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities
  • Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


In Search of the Real Wright Flyer Air and Space Magazine Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

The article that you will use for this bibliography is available from the link below.

In Search of the Real Wright Flyer – Air & Space Magazine, Jan 01, 2003


Annotated Bibliographies Guidelines


Title: Include your name and the title of the article top of each paper.

Margins: 1” top, bottom, right, and left

Font: Times New Roman size 12 pt

Line Spacing: Double Spaced

Minimum Length: Five complete lines of text for both the Abstract and Comment sections

Annotated bibliographies that do not meet all of the format criteria will receive 0 points.


List the title of the article at the top of each annotated bibliography along with your name.


The annotated bibliographies must be completed and submitted to the by 11:59 PM Central time on the due date.


The annotated bibliography should not be more than 1 page and must consist of three parts; the title, an abstract, and your comments. You may not directly quote any material in your analysis. Each part will begin with the appropriate heading.

1. Title: The first line of the document must include the title of the article you are reviewing.

2. Abstract: The first paragraph will consist of a descriptive abstract of the article. In other words, summarize the content of the article. This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

3. Comment: After the abstract, provide an evaluative comment on the article’s content. Explain your thoughts about the article. How does it apply to what we have learned in class? Do you see any future potential for the material or process you read about, other than that discussed by the author? This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

An article review that does not have each of the three headings and/or does not cover all three areas will receive 0 points. You must have a minimum of five lines for the abstract section and five lines for the comment section.

Plagiarism Detection

Papers submitted to the Dropbox are automatically analyzed using the Turnitin plagiarism detection software. The software generates an originality report showing the percentage of copied material in each paper submitted. Typically, the percentage of plagiarized material detected is between 0% to 5%. If it is over 20% you can not earn credit for the assignment. I suggest that you always check the report after your paper is submitted. It takes a little time for the software to analyze the paper so the report will not be available for about 15 minutes after the paper is uploaded.

Due Date

Annotated bibliographies are due no later than 11:59 pm on the scheduled test day. They must be submitted to this course’s D2L Dropbox before the deadline. You can submit them early but they will not be accepted after the due date under any circumstances. An excused absence for a test or a rescheduling of a test time does not extend to the annotated bibliographies. The D2L Dropbox and I will not accept late submissions.

Grade Rubric

Failure to follow the criteria in the Format section will receive 0 credit

Bibliographies that score 20% or higher on the Turnitin originality report will receive 0 credit. This applies to the final version submitted. You are allowed unlimited submission before the deadline.

Each error (spelling or grammatical) more than 2 per bibliography will result in a 5% reduction in the score on the assignment.

If the abstract section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

If the comment section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

Directly quoting material from the article is not allowed. Any directly quoted material will not count towards the minimum text required for either the comment or abstract section.


Arrow Sport Flight Today Air and Space Magazine Annotated Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

The article that you will use for this bibliography is available from the link below:

Restoration: Arrow Sport | Flight Today | Air & Space Magazine

Annotated Bibliographies Guidelines


Title: Include your name and the title of the article top of each paper.

Margins: 1” top, bottom, right, and left

Font: Times New Roman size 12 pt

Line Spacing: Double Spaced

Minimum Length: Five complete lines of text for both the Abstract and Comment sections

Annotated bibliographies that do not meet all of the format criteria will receive 0 points.


List the title of the article at the top of each annotated bibliography along with your name.


The annotated bibliographies must be completed and submitted to the dropbox by 11:59 PM Central time on the due date.


The annotated bibliography should not be more than 1 page and must consist of three parts; the title, an abstract, and your comments. You may not directly quote any material in your analysis. Each part will begin with the appropriate heading.

1. Title: The first line of the document must include the title of the article you are reviewing.

2. Abstract: The first paragraph will consist of a descriptive abstract of the article. In other words, summarize the content of the article. This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

3. Comment: After the abstract, provide an evaluative comment on the article’s content. Explain your thoughts about the article. How does it apply to what we have learned in class? Do you see any future potential for the material or process you read about, other than that discussed by the author? This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

An article review that does not have each of the three headings and/or does not cover all three areas will receive 0 points. You must have a minimum of five lines for the abstract section and five lines for the comment section.

Plagiarism Detection

Papers submitted to the D2L Dropbox are automatically analyzed using the Turnitin plagiarism detection software. The software generates an originality report showing the percentage of copied material in each paper submitted. Typically, the percentage of plagiarized material detected is between 0% to 5%. If it is over 20% you can not earn credit for the assignment. I suggest that you always check the report after your paper is submitted. It takes a little time for the software to analyze the paper so the report will not be available for about 15 minutes after the paper is uploaded.

Due Date

Annotated bibliographies are due no later than 11:59 pm on the scheduled test day. They must be submitted to this course’s D2L Dropbox before the deadline. You can submit them early but they will not be accepted after the due date under any circumstances. An excused absence for a test or a rescheduling of a test time does not extend to the annotated bibliographies. The D2L Dropbox and I will not accept late submissions.

Grade Rubric

Failure to follow the criteria in the Format section will receive 0 credit

Bibliographies that score 20% or higher on the Turnitin originality report will receive 0 credit. This applies to the final version submitted. You are allowed unlimited submission before the deadline.

Each error (spelling or grammatical) more than 2 per bibliography will result in a 5% reduction in the score on the assignment.

If the abstract section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

If the comment section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

Directly quoting material from the article is not allowed. Any directly quoted material will not count towards the minimum text required for either the comment or abstract section.

Late submissions are not accepted.



Annotated Bibliographies Guidelines


Title: Include your name and the title of the article top of each paper.

Margins: 1” top, bottom, right, and left

Font: Times New Roman size 12 pt

Line Spacing: Double Spaced

Minimum Length: Five complete lines of text for both the Abstract and Comment sections

Annotated bibliographies that do not meet all of the format criteria will receive 0 points.


List the title of the article at the top of each annotated bibliography along with your name.


The annotated bibliographies must be completed and submitted to the dropbox by 11:59 PM Central time on the due date.


The annotated bibliography should not be more than 1 page and must consist of three parts; the title, an abstract, and your comments. You may not directly quote any material in your analysis. Each part will begin with the appropriate heading.

1. Title: The first line of the document must include the title of the article you are reviewing.

2. Abstract: The first paragraph will consist of a descriptive abstract of the article. In other words, summarize the content of the article. This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

3. Comment: After the abstract, provide an evaluative comment on the article’s content. Explain your thoughts about the article. How does it apply to what we have learned in class? Do you see any future potential for the material or process you read about, other than that discussed by the author? This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

An article review that does not have each of the three headings and/or does not cover all three areas will receive 0 points. You must have a minimum of five lines for the abstract section and five lines for the comment section.

Plagiarism Detection

Papers submitted to the D2L Dropbox are automatically analyzed using the Turnitin plagiarism detection software. The software generates an originality report showing the percentage of copied material in each paper submitted. Typically, the percentage of plagiarized material detected is between 0% to 5%. If it is over 20% you can not earn credit for the assignment. I suggest that you always check the report after your paper is submitted. It takes a little time for the software to analyze the paper so the report will not be available for about 15 minutes after the paper is uploaded.

Due Date

Annotated bibliographies are due no later than 11:59 pm on the scheduled test day. They must be submitted to this course’s D2L Dropbox before the deadline. You can submit them early but they will not be accepted after the due date under any circumstances. An excused absence for a test or a rescheduling of a test time does not extend to the annotated bibliographies. The D2L Dropbox and I will not accept late submissions.

Grade Rubric

Failure to follow the criteria in the Format section will receive 0 credit

Bibliographies that score 20% or higher on the Turnitin originality report will receive 0 credit. This applies to the final version submitted. You are allowed unlimited submission before the deadline.

Each error (spelling or grammatical) more than 2 per bibliography will result in a 5% reduction in the score on the assignment.

If the abstract section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

If the comment section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

Directly quoting material from the article is not allowed. Any directly quoted material will not count towards the minimum text required for either the comment or abstract section.

Late submissions are not accepted.



Annotated Bibliographies Guidelines


Title: Include your name and the title of the article top of each paper.

Margins: 1” top, bottom, right, and left

Font: Times New Roman size 12 pt

Line Spacing: Double Spaced

Minimum Length: Five complete lines of text for both the Abstract and Comment sections

Annotated bibliographies that do not meet all of the format criteria will receive 0 points.


List the title of the article at the top of each annotated bibliography along with your name.


The annotated bibliographies must be completed and submitted to the dropbox by 11:59 PM Central time on the due date.


The annotated bibliography should not be more than 1 page and must consist of three parts; the title, an abstract, and your comments. You may not directly quote any material in your analysis. Each part will begin with the appropriate heading.

1. Title: The first line of the document must include the title of the article you are reviewing.

2. Abstract: The first paragraph will consist of a descriptive abstract of the article. In other words, summarize the content of the article. This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

3. Comment: After the abstract, provide an evaluative comment on the article’s content. Explain your thoughts about the article. How does it apply to what we have learned in class? Do you see any future potential for the material or process you read about, other than that discussed by the author? This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

An article review that does not have each of the three headings and/or does not cover all three areas will receive 0 points. You must have a minimum of five lines for the abstract section and five lines for the comment section.

Plagiarism Detection

Papers submitted to the D2L Dropbox are automatically analyzed using the Turnitin plagiarism detection software. The software generates an originality report showing the percentage of copied material in each paper submitted. Typically, the percentage of plagiarized material detected is between 0% to 5%. If it is over 20% you can not earn credit for the assignment. I suggest that you always check the report after your paper is submitted. It takes a little time for the software to analyze the paper so the report will not be available for about 15 minutes after the paper is uploaded.

Due Date

Annotated bibliographies are due no later than 11:59 pm on the scheduled test day. They must be submitted to this course’s D2L Dropbox before the deadline. You can submit them early but they will not be accepted after the due date under any circumstances. An excused absence for a test or a rescheduling of a test time does not extend to the annotated bibliographies. The D2L Dropbox and I will not accept late submissions.

Grade Rubric

Failure to follow the criteria in the Format section will receive 0 credit

Bibliographies that score 20% or higher on the Turnitin originality report will receive 0 credit. This applies to the final version submitted. You are allowed unlimited submission before the deadline.

Each error (spelling or grammatical) more than 2 per bibliography will result in a 5% reduction in the score on the assignment.

If the abstract section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

If the comment section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

Directly quoting material from the article is not allowed. Any directly quoted material will not count towards the minimum text required for either the comment or abstract section.

Late submissions are not accepted.



Annotated Bibliographies Guidelines


Title: Include your name and the title of the article top of each paper.

Margins: 1” top, bottom, right, and left

Font: Times New Roman size 12 pt

Line Spacing: Double Spaced

Minimum Length: Five complete lines of text for both the Abstract and Comment sections

Annotated bibliographies that do not meet all of the format criteria will receive 0 points.


List the title of the article at the top of each annotated bibliography along with your name.


The annotated bibliographies must be completed and submitted to the dropbox by 11:59 PM Central time on the due date.


The annotated bibliography should not be more than 1 page and must consist of three parts; the title, an abstract, and your comments. You may not directly quote any material in your analysis. Each part will begin with the appropriate heading.

1. Title: The first line of the document must include the title of the article you are reviewing.

2. Abstract: The first paragraph will consist of a descriptive abstract of the article. In other words, summarize the content of the article. This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

3. Comment: After the abstract, provide an evaluative comment on the article’s content. Explain your thoughts about the article. How does it apply to what we have learned in class? Do you see any future potential for the material or process you read about, other than that discussed by the author? This section must be a minimum of five complete lines. Not five sentences but five full lines of text.

An article review that does not have each of the three headings and/or does not cover all three areas will receive 0 points. You must have a minimum of five lines for the abstract section and five lines for the comment section.

Plagiarism Detection

Papers submitted to the D2L Dropbox are automatically analyzed using the Turnitin plagiarism detection software. The software generates an originality report showing the percentage of copied material in each paper submitted. Typically, the percentage of plagiarized material detected is between 0% to 5%. If it is over 20% you can not earn credit for the assignment. I suggest that you always check the report after your paper is submitted. It takes a little time for the software to analyze the paper so the report will not be available for about 15 minutes after the paper is uploaded.

Due Date

Annotated bibliographies are due no later than 11:59 pm on the scheduled test day. They must be submitted to this course’s D2L Dropbox before the deadline. You can submit them early but they will not be accepted after the due date under any circumstances. An excused absence for a test or a rescheduling of a test time does not extend to the annotated bibliographies. The D2L Dropbox and I will not accept late submissions.

Grade Rubric

Failure to follow the criteria in the Format section will receive 0 credit

Bibliographies that score 20% or higher on the Turnitin originality report will receive 0 credit. This applies to the final version submitted. You are allowed unlimited submission before the deadline.

Each error (spelling or grammatical) more than 2 per bibliography will result in a 5% reduction in the score on the assignment.

If the abstract section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

If the comment section is less than 5 full lines of text the score on the bibliography will be reduced by 10% for each line less than a full line.

Directly quoting material from the article is not allowed. Any directly quoted material will not count towards the minimum text required for either the comment or abstract section.

Late submissions are not accepted.


Walden University Logic Model of Substance Abuse Treatment Responses Writing Assignment Help

Walden University Logic Model of Substance Abuse Treatment Responses Writing Assignment Help

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