Walt Disney Service Encounters for Talking Animations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Walt Disney Service Encounters for Talking Animations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Walt Disney Service Encounters for Talking Animations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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When Walt Disney created the Disney empire in the 1950s, he forbid its star characters, such as Mickey Mouse and Pluto to talk. Mr. Disney thought it would be too difficult to control the service encounters between customers and Disney characters, and it would ruin the magic of Disney. Therefore, Disney characters were trained to gesture and use only their body language to interact and entertain guests. Today, Disney is experimenting with talking characters. What are some advantages and disadvantages of talking Disney characters from a service design perspective? Research the current status of this Disney design decision, and include a brief summary (at least 3 paragraphs of well researched information) in your write-up. You must make your initial post before you can view other posts. Once you have made your initial post, reply to at least one peer and add value to their posting.

It is recommended that you cite all resources in APA format with inline citations and a reference section at the bottom.

Grading Guideline for Discussion Board

Total possible points = 25

  • 25 point deduction for no original post
  • 3 point deduction for not posting original post at least 48 hours before discussion board due date
  • 5 point deduction for no reply to a peer post
  • 5 point deduction for an “I agree” type reply that adds no value to the discussion
  • 1 point deduction for one or two spelling/ grammatical errors
  • 2 point deduction for multiple spelling/ grammatical errors
  • 1 or 2 extra points possible for outstanding posts and participation in the discussion board

Walt Disney Service Encounters for Talking Animations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Azusa Pacific University Air Cargo Revenue and Aviation Law Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Provide a brief paragraph discussing the status of getting the Boeing 737 Max back into service again.

(Research online)


1. Watch the clips that is linked to Module 2 and write a summary of at least four sentences video clip describing what you have learned from the clip (15pts) (You should list your sentences for each clip with numbers, such as 1.1-1, 1.2-2, …)

2. Describe the costs and benefits of shipping in the more expensive bellies of passenger aircraft . (15pts)

3. Post a comment to one student’s answer to question 2 above (20 pts, minimum 30 words). Make sure to follow the discussion post instructions stated on the syllabus and contribute something in your comment besides expressing your agreement or disagreement. You should start with the name of the student you are replying to. If the student’s name is “Grace”, then you should state “Hi Grace…”. If you don’t mention the student’s name, you will get zero credit for the comment you posted!).

After the assignment is done, I will let you know the other peoples comment



Rasmussen College Social Media and Health Education Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

This week you will submit your final project. You can also refer to Module 1 for full description and technical requirements.


Write an argumentative research paper on a managed
care-related topic, assumption or myth; thoroughly explaining what it
is, why it’s important, and how it fundamentally impacts the managed
care system today. You will gather evidence on present a well-reasoned
argument or debatable issue. The goal of an argumentative paper is to
show that your perspective is valid. You are to form reasons, draw
conclusions and apply them to your findings. The purpose is not to
completely prove your point, but to convince readers, with your
evidence, that your argument or position has merit.

You will be evaluated according to your topic selection, thesis and
outline, annotated bibliography, peer review, and final paper delivered
in proper format as follows:

Final Paper

    • Follows all Project assignment details and technical
      requirements, presenting “a managed care-related topic, thoroughly
      explaining what it is, why it’s important, and how it fundamentally
      impacts the managed care system today.”
    • Presents an argumentative paper with reasoning and evidence of debatable issue.
    • Incorporates suggestions as needed from peer review.
    • Incorporates key elements of a quality research paper:
      • Strong thesis statement that states the main point of your project and suggests the path that your project will follow.
      • Attention-getting introduction moving into quick transition that leads into thesis. Captures readers’ attention.
      • Topic sentences relate back to thesis statement. All information is relevant to thesis.
      • Logical transitions between paragraphs and ideas provide unity and coherence to the whole. Clear organization.
      • Concluding paragraph sums up information and reiterates thesis.
    • Mechanics follow required standards. (Spelling, grammar, sentences written according to Standard English.)

    Technical Requirements

    An original research paper with a body of 6-8 pages. In general, your paper should consist of the following pages:

    Title Page – captivating title, your name, title of the course, date

    Body – 6-8 pages of introduction, background on
    your topic, research support, personal evaluation, strong conclusion.
    Body should be organized with a minimum of the following titles

    • Introduction
    • Thesis or Position
    • Reasons
    • Objections
    • Support of Responses
    • Conclusion

    References Cited page – in APA format.

    Research and Writing Requirements include:

    1. Proper mechanics: clear, concise, complete sentences and
      paragraphs, proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. (See style
      handbooks recommended by your college’s Online Library, which you can access through the Resources tab.)
    2. Five or six sources for the paper from your research. Your
      textbook is a good resource. Internet resources should be reliable as at
      a university or government website. Please use one or two sources as
      available from your college’s Online Library. Use
      statements and ideas that you have come up with on your own and blend
      these in with your research. Do not plagiarize. If you want to use
      actual words from a source, put them in quotation marks with the source.

    Follow APA format for citing your sources. For APA guidelines, go
    to your college’s online library which you can access through the Resources tab.


    SDSU Technology Playing One of The Vital Roles in The World & Society Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Imagine you are presenting at a technology conference. The organizers of the conference have asked all of the breakout session leaders to write articles for the conference website as a way to help promote the conference. You have decided your article will be about society prior to the technological advances you will discuss in your breakout session at the conference.

    Choose three technological advances to focus on for this assignment as well as the Week 2 Signature Assignment.

    Write a 350- to 700-word article in which you discuss the following for each technological advancement:

    • What was society like prior to each technological advancement?
    • What were the benefits of not having each technological advancement?
    • What were the consequences or issues because each technological advancement was absent?
    • How did people define and present themselves in society prior to each technological advancement?
    • What was the state of social equity prior to each technological advancement?

    Cite a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed sources.

    Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


    Rasmussen College Trends in Managed Care Research Business Finance Assignment Help

    Throughout the course, you have been learning about managed care,
    both past and present. Conduct additional research on trends happening
    in managed care today. The following websites are a great place to

    You can also visit the following videos related to managed care trends:

    Managed Care contracting and Payer Scorecards

    Monitoring Performance: A Dashboard of Medi-Cal Managed Care

    After conducting your research, construct a 3-page report of your findings. At a minimum, your report should

    1. Identify at least two trends that you feel have a great impact on managed health care today.
    2. Discuss the effect these trends have on managed care.
    3. Explain how these trends will continue to influence managed care in the future.
    4. Evaluate the potential impact on government and state sponsored, Medicare and Medicaid programs.
    5. Analyze and provide at least two reasons why implementing Medicaid managed care is so complex.



    St Thomas University Can You Say What Your Strategy Is Article Summary Business Finance Assignment Help

    1. Detailed – Comprehensive Summary for THIS article.


    2. Which are the three most CRITICAL ISSUES of THIS article? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …


    3. Which are the three most relevant LESSONS LEARNED of THIS article? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …


    4. Which are the three most important BEST PRACTICES of THIS article? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …


    5. How can you relate THIS article with the TOPICS COVERED in class? Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail …


    6. Do you see any alignment of the concepts described in THIS article with the class concepts reviewed in class? Which are those alignments and misalignments? Why? Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail …


    I expect high caliber reviews with top analyses and interesting insights for THIS article !!

    If you have any questions, please let me know.

    St Thomas University Can You Say What Your Strategy Is Article Summary Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    George Washington University Gandhi Theory Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help

    Please answer Gandhi questions in one paragraph(250 words) , and answer the
    application in another paragraph( 250 words). Please use only the assigned reading.
    You dont have to cite.

    Gandhi Questions

    First, explain one (1) of the lessons that Gandhi learned from his work with the Indigo Plantations.

    Second, explain two (2) of the reasons according to Gandhi of why satyagraha is a difficult path.

    Third, explain one (1) of the characteristics that Gandhi gives of an “army of nonviolence.”

    Fourth, hypothesize whether you yourself could either a) overcome one of the difficulties of the satygraha path that you have previously explained, or b) embody the characteristic in an “army of nonviolence” that you have previously explained.

    Bottom of Form

    Gandhi Application

    Top of Form

    First, identify a contemporary social or political event that you will apply Gandhi’s theory to. Please choose a different event than the ones you have discussed in Lessons 2 and 3.

    Second, explain the responsibility of one group or individual involved in that event from the point of view of the theory of satyagraha.

    Third, explain how a different group of individuals involved in that event should act if they are to be part of an “army of nonviolence.”

    Fourth, argue either for or against Gandhi’s recommendations for both of these groups. Should they behave in the way that Gandhi recommends, and why or why not?


    Please skim pp. 49-191 in Mohandas Gandhi: Essential Writings edited by John Dear


    CIS 100 University of Phoenix Wk 3 Social Engineering Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

    One of the hardest aspects of being a network administrator is to manage and limit threats to the physical network and the data that it contains.

    Social engineering is one of the trickiest parts of the network security. It involves targeting people with convincing techniques to pry information from unsuspecting persons to compromise the network.

    Whether it was shoulder surfing, phishing, tailgating or impersonation, many techniques have been proven quite successful in compromising data. Pick one social engineering technique (shoulder surfing, phishing, tailgating, impersonation) and explain how you would use that technique to pry information from an unsuspecting person.


    Ballet Idaho Academy Rate of Heat Loss Through Conduction Questions Science Assignment Help

    Question One: An insulated jar containing 200 g of solid candle wax is placed on a hot plate that supplies heat energy to the
    wax at the rate of 220 J/s. The wax temperature is measured every 30 s, yielding the following data:
    Table 1: Time (s) Temperature (◦ C)

    0 20.0

    30 31.7

    60 42.2

    90 55.0

    120 64.7

    150 70.4

    180 70.5

    210 70.5

    240 70.6

    270 70.5

    300 70.4

    330 74.5

    What are the specific heat of the solid wax, the melting point, and the wax’s heat of fusion?

    Question Two

    (a) A square steel plate, with sides 10 cm long and thickness 3 mm, is placed on a stand in a freezer, ambient
    temperature -12◦C. The initial temperature of the plate is 50◦C. At what rate is it losing energy to begin with? If
    it continued to lose heat at that rate, how long would it take to reach the ambient temperature? You may neglect
    conduction through the stand. Will it actually take more or less time than this, and why?
    (b) The same steel plate is again heated to 50◦C. One side is placed in contact with the end of a copper rod (length
    15 cm, cross sectional area 9 mm2
    ), the other end of which is connected to a reservoir at -12◦C. At what rate will
    heat initially be transferred out of the plate (you may neglect the heat lost as the copper rod comes to equilibrium)?
    If you again assume the rate of heat loss is constant, will it take more or less time for the plate to reach -12◦C than
    in part (a)?


    Cuyahoga Community College The Graphic Novel Watchmen Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    The link for Watchmen graphic novel https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jvX3WQhrf78keV2GWyxfEanMMUve1LzX?usp=sharing

    Now that you have read the first three chapters of Watchmen along with the supplemental materials that follow each chapter (pages 1-109 in our edition for this class), come up 2-3 examples where a rhetorical appeal or strategy is being used by the author, illustrator, or colorist. Be sure to indicate the chapter/section and page number, and also explain which strategy is being used, and why. Include at least one image from the graphic novel to help illustrate what you are discussing. (This can be a screenshot, Google Searched Image, or Cell Phone Image). Please make sure you are embedding the images, not attaching them, since you don’t want students to have to download anything. Check out the tutorial here (Links to an external site.) if you need help embedding an image in a discussion post. Below are some sample questions to take into consideration for your talking points in this discussion. Feel free to choose whichever ones you want to focus on:

    • Which rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos) are used to build characters within the story?
    • Are there any fallacies used intentionally by the writer to demonstrate that a character has faulty logic? (In this case, the use of fallacies could be strategic, not an error.)
    • Are certain colors used to enhance emotions (the appeal to pathos), such as fear, happiness, sadness, nostalgia, outrage, etc.?
    • Are certain objects or the expressions/movements of characters used to enhance or demonstrate the emotions of characters (appeal to pathos)?
    • How is the story organized (which strategies were used), and does it enhance or detract from the plot?
    • Which literary devices are used to enhance the dialogue, the plot, or characterization?


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ if you need help embedding an image in a discussion post. Below are some sample questions to take into consideration for your talking points in this discussion. Feel free to choose whichever ones you want to focus on:

    • Which rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos) are used to build characters within the story?
    • Are there any fallacies used intentionally by the writer to demonstrate that a character has faulty logic? (In this case, the use of fallacies could be strategic, not an error.)
    • Are certain colors used to enhance emotions (the appeal to pathos), such as fear, happiness, sadness, nostalgia, outrage, etc.?
    • Are certain objects or the expressions/movements of characters used to enhance or demonstrate the emotions of characters (appeal to pathos)?
    • How is the story organized (which strategies were used), and does it enhance or detract from the plot?
    • Which literary devices are used to enhance the dialogue, the plot, or characterization?


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ if you need help embedding an image in a discussion post. Below are some sample questions to take into consideration for your talking points in this discussion. Feel free to choose whichever ones you want to focus on:

    • Which rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos) are used to build characters within the story?
    • Are there any fallacies used intentionally by the writer to demonstrate that a character has faulty logic? (In this case, the use of fallacies could be strategic, not an error.)
    • Are certain colors used to enhance emotions (the appeal to pathos), such as fear, happiness, sadness, nostalgia, outrage, etc.?
    • Are certain objects or the expressions/movements of characters used to enhance or demonstrate the emotions of characters (appeal to pathos)?
    • How is the story organized (which strategies were used), and does it enhance or detract from the plot?
    • Which literary devices are used to enhance the dialogue, the plot, or characterization?


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ if you need help embedding an image in a discussion post. Below are some sample questions to take into consideration for your talking points in this discussion. Feel free to choose whichever ones you want to focus on:

    • Which rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, ethos) are used to build characters within the story?
    • Are there any fallacies used intentionally by the writer to demonstrate that a character has faulty logic? (In this case, the use of fallacies could be strategic, not an error.)
    • Are certain colors used to enhance emotions (the appeal to pathos), such as fear, happiness, sadness, nostalgia, outrage, etc.?
    • Are certain objects or the expressions/movements of characters used to enhance or demonstrate the emotions of characters (appeal to pathos)?
    • How is the story organized (which strategies were used), and does it enhance or detract from the plot?
    • Which literary devices are used to enhance the dialogue, the plot, or characterization?


    Walt Disney Service Encounters for Talking Animations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Walt Disney Service Encounters for Talking Animations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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