‘We are morally obligated to obey the laws of our state.’ Is this state defensible? Humanities Assignment Help

‘We are morally obligated to obey the laws of our state.’ Is this state defensible? Humanities Assignment Help. ‘We are morally obligated to obey the laws of our state.’ Is this state defensible? Humanities Assignment Help.

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Essay requirement is 2000 words, it is based on the module: perspectives on politics. Should include a thesis statement and argument. Should include at least 8 academic sources. Notes on the topic: Political authority and political obligation:

Power and authority

  • Power is the ability to influence, control behaviour of others – persuasion, manipulation, pressure, coercion, violence
  • Authority is based upon a recognised right to rule others – people believe the ought to have a duty to obey rights/moral obligations

Political authority – to basic aspects:

  • Willing compliance – the majority voluntarily obey the state from a sense of duty
  • Compelled compliance (coercion) – those who don’t obey the state are subject to sanctions/punishment
  • Political obligation – if state has legitimate authority, we have a political obligation (obey laws)

The modern state:

  • Modern usage of term ‘state’ derives from machiavelli – terms state is derived from latin status
  • Earlier state forms – the polis, empires, but the the modern state is very different in many ways (functions, organisation)
  • There have been many societies with either no or few state structures – tribal societies, medieval period.
  • The ‘state’ is to be distinguished from ‘ society’ – modern state as an institutional complex that seeks to impose order. (wider society)

Key characteristics:

  • Interlocking set of organised/cohesive institutions enduring through time: Government/bureaucracy/military/courts
  • Government is part of the state, yet a government can change whilst the state endures

The modern state:

  • A compulsory political association :
  • Incorporating a clearly defined territory, jurisdiction, population
  • Enforcing collective decisions on all members of a society (law)
  • Claiming sovereignty – possessing supreme power over all other groups, associations within its territory
  • Monopoly over legitimate use of physical force within its territory
  • State agencies (judiciary, police) Having the sole right to compel obedience to the law – contra vigilante justice
  • State as the only political actor with legitimate right to declare war – all other forms of political violence deemed legitimate
  • Provider of public goods and defender of common interest
  • Public goods – security, tax
  • Imposing burdens – taxation, employment law
  • Regulating social behaviour – health, child rearing, interpersonal relationships

The problem of justifying state:

  • Modern state is an institution with tremendous coercive power claiming the right to govern us in myriad ways
  • This was not always a pressing question:
  • Aristotle presumed that we are ‘political animals’
  • Government considered ‘natural’ and the polis the culmination of human sociability
  • There could be questions about the legitimacy of different systems of government, but not of government or the polis
  • Modern era:
  • Loss of belief in a natural political order (divine right of kings)
  • Focus on the individual as a right-bearing being white rights and liberties are threatened by government
  • Why should human that are free equal to all others, subject to the rule of those claiming political authority

The social contract tradition and Hobbes:

  • There are various ways of to justify the state, but one the famous is the social contract tradition – Hobbes
  • Basic ideas: Justify our basic political principles or arrangements (the state) by appealing to what rational, free, and equal persons would voluntarily agree or consent
  • Hobbes’s context: Writing during the english civil war 1640s, his main concern was to offer a defence of political authority as a bulwark against social disorder and political chaos
  • His approach:
  • Imagine oneself in a situation, defined by total absence of law, rule and authority – hypothetical ‘state of nature’
  • What wold be the consequences be of such a state of nature?
  • What would we do, rationally to escape these consequences

Hobbes, state of nature:

  • Hobbes assumptions about human being:
  • Roughly equal in strength and intelligence
  • Self-interested – reasonable desire to provide for their individual needs
  • Overriding wish to preserve their own lives (the right of nature to do anything necessary for one preservation
  • Consequence – unlimited conflict:
  • Over resources – each trying to secure the most they can
  • Over mistrust – fearing others, planning pre-emptive strikes
  • Over glory – slights to ones reputation, honour

Hobbes, the social contract:

  • State of nature:
  • A perpetual barre of every man against his neighbour
  • Hypothetical yet conceivable with empirical examples approaching it
  • Central imperative – to secure peace so as to avoid death
  • Entails:
  • All equality and freely transferring or surrendering their individual right of nature/power to a sovereign – whether monarch, parliament, aristocracy
  • Mutually covenanting promising to subsequently submit to the authority of that sovereign
  • The sovereigns role – protection of all individuals, thereby binging the commonwealth into being and justifying limitations on our freedom
  • Consent = state legitimacy = political obligations

Locke and limited government:

  • The sovereign has absolute authority – undivided into (no separation of powers and unlimited (can judge on any issue)
  • Absolute authority necessary to prevent factional disagreement and return to state of nature
  • No rights to rebel – expect when the sovereign threatens your life
  • Locke a fully liberal social contract theorist:
  • The justification of government is the protection of life liberty, and estate
  • The sovereign cannot be absolute – must respect these basic rights
  • Hence limited government and a right to rebel – replacing tyrant with a different government (no-taxation without representation, American revolution)

‘We are morally obligated to obey the laws of our state.’ Is this state defensible? Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Doing 2-3 infographic based on research paper 🙂 Programming Assignment Help

The Part II of this final project involves creating a visual story or infographics of your
project. Treat this infographic presentation as a visual storyboard that you will use to
brief the CEO of the target organization in terms of assessing the organization’s
strategic public relations/communication practices.

You are in charge of how to
present your research as a compelling story through infographics.

First, decide the purpose(s) of this infographic.

As a communication consultant for the
target organization, what would you like to focus on in your “story” (i.e., infographic)?

Do you plan to focus on the assessment of the target organization’s strategic
public relations programs?

Do you want to focus on the recommendation suggested by the findings of your

Do you want to highlight the effective public relations/communication practices
of the target organization?

Or anything else?
Second, think about what/how you can put together other parts of this “story” in
order to lead to the “story’s” climax or peak, namely the primary focus that you decide
in previous step.

What would be an interesting beginning of this story?

What can you do to pave
the way to naturally lead your target audience (i.e., CEO & other decision makers)
to the crest of your story?

How would your compelling story end?

Next, create your story visually through an infographic platform. Choose an
infographic site from the options below or another one of your own preference:
§ http://www.easel.ly/
§ https://infoactive.co/
§ https://infogr.am/
§ http://piktochart.com/
§ http://www.dipity.com/


Applying Programming Tools Health Medical Assignment Help

As a public health professional developing public health programs, you will need to use various programming tools. It is essential that you not only become familiar with the types of tools available but also become efficient in using them in program planning and implementation. For your SPP, you will use three programming tools: a logic model, timeline, and budget. Each has its own usefulness, and you might find that each has its own challenges.

As you begin working on your project this week, review the media titled Programming Tools. Consider the specific steps Water Missions Belize co-founder Jennifer Harsta describes in her timeline and how she uses the tools of timelines and budgets to elicit support for her program. Also consider how Mary Open Door’s executive Ana Silva’s assessment of a gap in funding led her to seek help in the form of a local food drive. Think of the ramifications for your own SPP program and how these insights will help you utilize programming tools.

For this Assignment, imagine that you have a hypothetical annual budget of $300,000. Because your SPP is based on a hypothetical program, with the exception of this predetermined budget, you may use imaginary numbers of your own creation (e.g., dollars, dates) to use for the tools provided. For the timeline, imagine what steps need to take place over time and how you think the work will progress.

By Day 7

Submit a 5- to 7-page paper. In each section, you should do the following:

Logic Model

  • Describe your goals for your SPP.
  • Using the example of the logic model provided in your Learning Resources as a guide, create a logic model for your SPP.
  • Explain the value of a logic model as a programming tool.


  • Assume that you have $300,000 for your public health program.
  • Using the example of the budget provided in your Learning Resources as a guide, create a budget for your SPP.
  • Explain the value of using a budget as a programming tool.


  • Using the example of the timeline provided in your Learning Resources as a guide, create a timeline for your SPP.
  • Explain the value of using a timeline as a programming tool.


Wrote a stategy proposal on job discrimination (instructions below) Humanities Assignment Help

trategy Proposal Section

1. Needs. What is the issue you have chosen? Why is your group passionate about this issue, and how specifically does it impact the lives of real people? What are the obstacles that have kept positive change from happening so far? How does our reading so far – and your own research – help us understand how the issue works? Most importantly, you and your peers have talked to real people: directly cite observations from interviews and surveys (bonus for qualitative and quantitative) to support your points.*

2. Strengths. Describe in detail a community you are hoping to serve, using quotes from a Needs & Strengths Assessment to create a rich description. How can the identity and experience of this community be a strength? What other resources and insights can they bring to bear on this issue? What do readings and research tell us about how this issue should be addressed? Name at least two institutions working on this issue or a similar one. What is their approach, and what flaws or gaps do you see?

3. Intervention model. What strategies do you propose to address this issue, and why did you choose them? Limit this to 1-2 strategies – this should be a deep exploration rather than a list. How specifically does each strategy work, and how do they work together? How do they use knowledge from our course readings to increase their impact? What are other models, and why are yours more efficient and impactful? What resources will you need and how will you get them?

4. Impacts. What vision is your strategy building toward – i.e., if all goes well, how will inequality look different 50-100 years from now? What are short term benchmarks that you would need to accomplish in the next year to put this in place? What are measurable changes in the medium-term (5 years) that will tell you if it’s working or not? Name 2-3 challenges you think will stand in the way of your vision: how will you learn from these challenges and use them to make your model better?


Research Paper plus more Humanities Assignment Help

Score for Question 1: ___ of 15 points)

Write the thesis statement of your research paper. Be sure to write it in one or two complete sentences.


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 70 points)

Write a formal outline for your research paper. Include topics, subtopics, and details so that the reader gains a clear idea of the contents of your paper. Use your organized notes as a basis for your outline. Remember to begin with a title and to follow all the formatting rules. You may refer to the Making Formal Outlines page to help with the format.



social impact of technology if you don’t know anything about this don’t pick it. Assignment Help

Question 1 (2.5 points)

Ecologists who study the way species interact with each other in a specified area are focused on

Question 1 options:









Question 2 (2.5 points)

The foremost emitters of methane are

Question 2 options:


oceans and rivers.


oil and gas industries.




sheep ranches.

Question 3 (2.5 points)

When carbon dioxide is dissolved in water, it produces _______ acid.

Question 3 options:









Question 4 (2.5 points)

Disruption of the _______ cycle will have an unpredictable impact on humans due to this cycle’s vital role in regulating global climate patterns.

Question 4 options:









Question 5 (2.5 points)

Which atmospheric layer enables radio transmissions?

Question 5 options:









Question 6 (2.5 points)

Where would you find a cold desert biome?

Question 6 options:









Question 7 (2.5 points)

About _______ percent of current carbon dioxide emissions are being absorbed into the planet’s oceans.

Question 7 options:









Question 8 (2.5 points)

According to the EPA, the second most significant factor in human-caused global warming and climate change is

Question 8 options:




burning of fossil fuels.




species extinction.

Question 9 (2.5 points)

The current rate of species extinction is conservatively estimated at _______ times greater than the background rate.

Question 9 options:


20 to 200


50 to 5,000


100 to 1,000


300 to 3,000

Question 10 (2.5 points)

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) have largely replaced chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in an effort to reduce ozone layer depletion. What is a drawback to this strategy?

Question 10 options:


HFCs have an unpleasant odor.


HFCs are also greenhouse gases.


HFCs are more expensive to produce.


HFCs are toxic to wildlife.

Question 11 (2.5 points)

_______ is/are our planet’s thermostat and the world’s chief greenhouse gas.

Question 11 options:


Water vapor


Atmospheric pollutants


Carbon dioxide



Question 12 (2.5 points)

Two students are discussing causes of desertification in semi-arid locales. Allen maintains that overcultivation depletes soil of vital nutrients. Audrey argues that overgrazing strips vegetation and leads to soil erosion and deforestation. Which student is correct?

Question 12 options:


Both Allen and Audrey are incorrect.


Both Allen and Audrey are correct.


Only Allen is correct.


Only Audrey is correct.

Question 13 (2.5 points)

Plankton and phytoplankton represent the base of the oceanic food chain and produce about _______ percent of our planet’s atmospheric oxygen.

Question 13 options:









Question 14 (2.5 points)

The ozone layer contains about _______ percent of atmospheric ozone.

Question 14 options:









Question 15 (2.5 points)

Which statement best characterizes the temperate grassland biome?

Question 15 options:


The rainy season lasts for six to eight months.


During the parched dry season, fires turn vegetation to ash.


This biome features perennial grasses as well as flowering plants called forbs.


This biome includes strands of trees separated by grasses.

Question 16 (2.5 points)

Taiga includes the largest contiguous forests on the planet and make up about _______ percent of all of Earth’s forests.

Question 16 options:









Question 17 (2.5 points)

When ecologists study the way energy is distributed over a food chain or the rate at which nutrients are recycled, they’re engaged in _______ in an effort to understand how the whole system works.

Question 17 options:


habitat ecology


systemic analysis


ecosystem ecology


biosphere studies

Question 18 (2.5 points)

Which planet is in the so-called “Goldilocks zone”?

Question 18 options:









Question 19 (2.5 points)

Where can the largest tropical forest on the planet be found?

Question 19 options:


Amazon Basin


Indian subcontinent


Congo Basin


Indonesian archipelago

Question 20 (2.5 points)

Which of these is a biotic factor in an ecological system?

Question 20 options:


Local climate


Chemical properties of an environment





Question 21 (2.5 points)

In transition theory, the main factor in the reduction of death rates is

Question 21 options:


rising access to education.


availability of preventive health care.


accessibility of pediatric care.


improving food technologies and production.

Question 22 (2.5 points)

Thomas Malthus proposed a list of preventive and positive measures to control population growth. Which of these would Malthus call a positive check?

Question 22 options:


Refraining from sexual intercourse on a regular basis


Postponing marriage until later on in life


Planning to create a smaller family


Being prepared to cope with extreme poverty and malnutrition

Question 23 (2.5 points)

In the modern world, how many countries are believed to be in Stage 1 of demographic transition?

Question 23 options:









Question 24 (2.5 points)

Paul Ehrlich updated his early projections because his original ideas underestimated

Question 24 options:


immigration figures.


capitalist gains.


human resilience.


political instability.

Question 25 (2.5 points)

Malthus was incorrect on a key assumption. It turns out that as a population’s standard of living increases, birth rates

Question 25 options:









Question 26 (2.5 points)

According to the course, all of the following factors are likely to be sources of social problems related to population density except

Question 26 options:






cultural factors.



Question 27 (2.5 points)

The proportion of males to females in a given population is referred to as the _______ ratio.

Question 27 options:









Question 28 (2.5 points)

In the four-stage model of transition theory, declining death rates and continuing high birth rates are characteristic of Stage

Question 28 options:









Question 29 (2.5 points)

_______ is the global area with the highest rate of population growth.

Question 29 options:









Question 30 (2.5 points)

_______ decimated the population of Europe in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

Question 30 options:




Armed conflict





Question 31 (2.5 points)

Which statement is true regarding global population growth trends?

Question 31 options:


Over the last 10,000 years, the human population has climbed slowly but steadily.


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by the year 2010, the total human population was just short of 9 billion people.


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by the year 2010, the growth rate percentage was just over 1 percent.


By the year 1,000 CE, Earth’s total human population had nearly doubled.

Question 32 (2.5 points)

From the perspective of Marx and Engels, the political and economic theories of
Adam Smith, John Locke, and others are mainly a(n) _______ of the capitalist system.

Question 32 options:


ideological critique




criminal indictment



Question 33 (2.5 points)

Which stage of transition theory is usually quite brief?

Question 33 options:


Stage 2


Stage 3


Stage 4


Stage 5

Question 34 (2.5 points)

In the decades following World War II, the United States experienced an enormous increase in the birth rate. This is an example of _______ effects, which impact population growth.

Question 34 options:









Question 35 (2.5 points)

Infant mortality is defined as the percentage of infants who die within _______ months after birth in a given population per 1,000 live births per year.

Question 35 options:









Question 36 (2.5 points)

In developed countries, a fertility rate of 2.1 live births per 1000 births per year is called _______ fertility.

Question 36 options:









Question 37 (2.5 points)

Ehrlich’s dire projections differed from those of Malthus in that he applied the principle of geometric progression to

Question 37 options:


vital resources like oil, copper, and top soils.


significant climate change variables.


escalating species die-off.


birth and death rates by social class.

Question 38 (2.5 points)

In _______, death rates have declined markedly even as infant mortality rates continue as the highest in the world.

Question 38 options:









Question 39 (2.5 points)

_______ death rate equals total deaths per year divided by the midyear population. This figure is normally expressed as the number of deaths per 1,000 people per year.

Question 39 options:









Question 40 (2.5 points)

The discussion in the course regarding the experience of China during Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward from 1959 to 1960 was meant to illustrate that

Question 40 options:


population growth doesn’t necessarily proceed at a steady rate.


economic policies are critical to sustain population growth.


political and economic factors are irrelevant to population growth.


unrestrained population growth leads to political instability.

social impact of technology if you don’t know anything about this don’t pick it. Assignment Help[supanova_question]

risk managemnet and project communication Business Finance Assignment Help

Company Biography

Amazing Coffee Houses (ACHs) is a small but established company in the coffee industry. It is based in northern Chicago, IL and employs over 100 workers locally in its 10 stores. Its current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairman of the Board, Sam Ryder, founded the company back in 1994 with his wife, Gloria Ryder. Gloria has served as the company’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since it was founded. Both Sam and Gloria graduated from the #1 ranked MBA program in the country and bring a lot of corporate experience to the business. Sam was a Senior Vice President (SVP) in Marketing and Sales at another company for many years before deciding to venture off to start ACHs with his wife. Gloria also worked for that same company and held the position of Finance Director.

The company is known for its own brand of gourmet coffee and low fat donuts, as well as for their own line of stainless steel coffee mugs that are able to keep drinks hot for 12 hours straight. The workforce is comprised mostly of bakers, managers, baristas, greeters, clerks, and cashiers. They also work closely with several large suppliers and distributors in the United States.


The company has a loyal customer base throughout Chicago and is known for its personalized service and quality food and drinks. Because the economic conditions have greatly improved throughout the United States and the company now has a well-established name and brands, ACHs is looking to expand in markets beyond Chicago. The first market it has made a decision to expand into is 81 miles away, Milwaukee, WI. The company has worked through a local real estate agent and was able to strike a great deal on a 10-year lease in a great location. Management thinks Milwaukee is where the next 10 stores will be opened. However, Sam and Gloria have never operated a multi-state business before and are worried they will fail to accomplish their expansion goal timely. Sam has made it clear to Gloria that one day, his vision is to take ACHs to every city in America.


Sam has no project management experience and has decided to hire a project manager to manage the expansion project in Milwaukee, WI. After thorough evaluation and dozens of interviews, they have asked Jim Young, a rising star at the company, to take on the role of project manager to lead a team of five people from different departments to create a project plan for the new site.

Jim Young currently serves as a store manager for the biggest two coffee shops. Prior to this role, he worked as a store supervisor for the company. During his time with the company, he has worked on many of the new shop development projects as a team leader and helped to renovate some of the company’s existing shops. People in his business units speak highly of his leadership and coaching style. Though Jim has worked on project teams and supervised functional departments, he has never acted as the project manager before. He knows there are a lot of moving parts in managing a project. He is worried about his ability to lead a new team of people with whom he has never worked before. He is concerned about his lack of experience and knowledge to manage the entire life cycle of a project from start to finish within budget, quality, time, and scope. In previous projects, he remembers Sam and Gloria having differences in budget, scope, and resource allocation, which caused a lot of confusion among the project team members and vendors. Jim is also concerned that their personal relationship will interfere in this project.

You will be working with Jim Young as a project team member with four other professionals in the company. You have only worked at ACHs for 4 years. Prior to your tenure at ACHs, you worked as an associate project manager for a construction company on the West Coast. You have worked on many different projects and are familiar with project management terms, methodologies, tools, and techniques. You earned several certifications relating to project management including a PMP and have an MBA in logistics. Although, you have never worked with Jim Young or anyone else on the new team, you are very excited about the opportunity to make a difference.

Project Background Details

Amazing Coffee Houses (ACHs) is a coffee shop that will be located in Milwaukee, WI. We have been able to purchase our own building within the city near Milwaukee’s top tourist attraction site near the Gold Rock Museum. The building is not renovated. Our market analysis of Milwaukee, WI indicated the city is the top city for coffee drinking in WI. Because we’re close to the city’s museum, we plan to become the top destination for local and American and foreign customers who visit Milwaukee each year.

Our customers will have a wide range of coffee flavors to choose from including dark roast to light roast as well as specialty flavors throughout the year. They will also enjoy freshly baked low-fat donuts that aren’t available anywhere in the state. ACHs will hold true to its vision and mission of providing customers with a premier café experience. By creating a new twist for the café experience, ACHs will increase sales by more than $125,000 over the next three years and maintain a gross margin of 70%. The shop is 5,500 square foot of open space. Our plan is to have 2 bathrooms, a coffee bar, and enough tables to seat at least 50 customers. This is a coffee shop that also makes and sells donuts. The renovation must account for all that is needed to get the shop ready for both coffee and donuts. The project has an initial budget of $650,000. It is now January and Sam and Gloria would like the new location to be up and running no later on July 4th.

Note: The example companies, organizations, products, people, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person, or event is intended or should be inferred.

Additional Information

Jim asked you to join him to present the team’s leadership discussion to Sam and Gloria. The meeting got a little heated, but nothing went beyond your control. Overall, the meeting went very well. You addressed your concerns, highlighted some key problem areas that were shared by the rest of the team, and connected everything back to how their actions are impacting the success of the project. They now realize that their behaviors and actions are putting the project at risk along with many project risks you and the team have identified.

They were also pretty embarrassed with the type of behaviors they displayed in the meeting as the company leaders. Both Sam and Gloria were very receptive to the ideas that you presented to them. In fact, so receptive that they both said they see a lot of leadership potential in you.

“We are both sorry about the whole ordeal. We will both work together to control our emotions and not let it take over us again,” says Sam.

“Yes I agree. I will approve the project budget, but to ensure everyone is on the same page and that project risks are managed properly, we need to see a simple project communication plan and a risk register. We need to understand your approach better going forward,” says Gloria.

Jim turns to you, handing you a template for both the risk register and the communications plan. “You have done such an excellent job throughout this entire project. Would you be willing to complete these plans?”

“Of course.” you say.

“Because of this incident and the leadership that you have displayed over the past few months, we would like you to take over Jim’s position as the new project manager,” says Sam to you.


Back at your desk, you start filling out the risk register template. For your risk register, you will need to define 5 negative risks and 5 positive risks and fill out the rest of the information in the template. For your communications management plan, you need to account for all communication types with your stakeholder. Please follow the instructions in the template for both deliverables.



can someone complete the assignment for me? Business Finance Assignment Help

Level 3 – Determining Inventory Levels for CKG Auto

Another profitable facet of CKG Auto’s business is supplying parts for auto repairs. The most critical component of the parts supply business is having enough of the right parts on hand so that repair shops can receive same-day delivery. The key to profits is minimizing the number of parts that need to be warehoused while also ensuring that sufficient parts are on hand to meet orders. Because each warehouse distribution center serves a different set of customers with different needs, each center must be considered separately. Distribution centers have a five-day lead time for ordering parts. The lead time must be taken into consideration when determining target inventory levels.

The costs involved in warehousing the parts include the working capital tied up in the inventory (the cost of each part) as well as the space to store the part. These costs can be substantial. On the other hand, alternative “generic” parts are often available from rival suppliers, and keeping the auto repair centers supplied and customers satisfied is critical.

One of the most problematic items to supply and store are bearings. This part is both high volume and relatively large, taking up considerable warehousing space. A bearing is also relatively expensive. Analyzing bearing needs is a good place for CKG to start, specifically in one of its largest distribution centers such as Central New Jersey, which serves 10 major customers. You have been asked to analyze the bearing inventory level requirements for this center, including simulating demand based on 30-day historical extremes, calculating a target inventory level based on this simulation, and then comparing simulated values to actual values from the past five days from the targeted warehouse.

Complete the following:

1. Open the workbook named Parts.xlsx located in the Chapter 2 folder, and then save it as CKG Parts Analysis.xlsx.

2. Modify the format of the data on the BearingData worksheet so that zero values are displayed with a 0 instead of the default dash, aligned on the right side of the column.

3. On the BearingData worksheet, take the existing 30-day data for these bearings for each customer to calculate the high and low limits of the bearing demand by customer.

4. On a new worksheet named Simulation, use the high and low limits you just calculated to simulate daily requirements for each customer to obtain a combined daily requirement. Assume that the daily requirements will vary for each customer randomly between the high and low limits you have calculated from the existing 30-day data for that customer. Generate the data for approximately 100 instances (days), and then copy the results as values to another new worksheet in the workbook. Keep the original analysis intact on the Simulation worksheet so you can use it again later. Name the new worksheet Simulation Data 1. Be sure that your worksheets have titles and cell formatting.

5. On the Simulation Data 1 worksheet, in an adjacent column, calculate the total demand by day for all 10 customers. Then, use this daily demand total data to calculate the daily mean, mode, median, and standard deviation for the combined requirements of all 10 customers. Use cell shading to clearly identify your calculation area.

6. Extend your analysis (on the same worksheet) to include a ranking of the data (1 to 100) so that the day with the least total demand has a rank of 1. Again, use cell shading to clearly identify columns with your calculations.

7. To the right of the data, create a listing of the top and bottom five daily combined demands from the 100 simulated instances. Clearly identify this listing using borders and shading.

8. Recommend a target inventory level needed for a five-day period based on the following; to be on the cautious side, assume each day’s supply will be equal to the average daily demand for all locations combined, plus three standard deviations: • Because the mean and standard deviations might not already be integers, round the daily demand up to the nearest whole number. • Then, use this calculated daily demand (average plus 3 standard deviations) to calculate demand over a five-day period. Place this recommendation just below the top/bottom analysis, again clearly identifying it. Add the label Bearing Recommended to identify the cell containing the actual value.

9. The warehouse manager has tracked a total of five different parts over the past five days, recording for each shipment the value of the part and the number of days it was in storage. One of these tracked parts is the bearing you have just analyzed. The data has been compiled in a workbook named Demand.xlsx. Each line item represents a single shipment of one item. Copy the data from the Demand.xlsx workbook, located in the Chapter 2 folder, to your workbook and place it on a worksheet named Actual Demand.

10. On the same worksheet, summarize the data to determine the number shipped by part, the total values of those shipments by part, and the average number of days that part was stored, using the format shown in Table 2.16.

(attached is table 2.16)

In the # Items Shipped column, write a formula to determine the number of bearings shipped. Write the formula so that it can be copied down the column to automatically determine the number of timing belts shipped, the number of air filters shipped, and so on. In the Total Dollar Value of Items Shipped column, write a formula to determine the value of all bearings shipped. Again, write the formula so that it can be copied down the column to automatically determine the value of timing belts, air filters, and so on. In the Average #Days Held in Inventory column, write a formula to determine the average number of days bearings shipped were held in inventory; again, write the formula so that it can be copied down the column. Be sure that these formulas will work even if the data is updated in the future.

11. Based on the recommended inventory level you previously calculated for bearings, would you have had enough bearings in the warehouse to cover these orders? Place your answer in a cell below your analysis on the Actual Demand worksheet. Clearly identify this answer and highlight it in yellow.

12. Double-check all values and formulas for correct implementation. Include sufficient formatting and titles to clearly identify the worksheet elements.

13. Save and close the CKG Parts Analysis.xlsx workbook.

Gross, Debra; Akaiwa, Frank; Nordquist, Karleen. Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Excel 2013: A Problem-Solving Approach (New Perspectives) (Page 153). Cengage Textbook. Kindle Edition.


Can someone complete this assignment for me? Business Finance Assignment Help

Level 3 – Determining Inventory Levels for CKG Auto

Another profitable facet of CKG Auto’s business is supplying parts for auto repairs. The most critical component of the parts supply business is having enough of the right parts on hand so that repair shops can receive same-day delivery. The key to profits is minimizing the number of parts that need to be warehoused while also ensuring that sufficient parts are on hand to meet orders. Because each warehouse distribution center serves a different set of customers with different needs, each center must be considered separately. Distribution centers have a five-day lead time for ordering parts. The lead time must be taken into consideration when determining target inventory levels.

The costs involved in warehousing the parts include the working capital tied up in the inventory (the cost of each part) as well as the space to store the part. These costs can be substantial. On the other hand, alternative “generic” parts are often available from rival suppliers, and keeping the auto repair centers supplied and customers satisfied is critical.

One of the most problematic items to supply and store are bearings. This part is both high volume and relatively large, taking up considerable warehousing space. A bearing is also relatively expensive. Analyzing bearing needs is a good place for CKG to start, specifically in one of its largest distribution centers such as Central New Jersey, which serves 10 major customers. You have been asked to analyze the bearing inventory level requirements for this center, including simulating demand based on 30-day historical extremes, calculating a target inventory level based on this simulation, and then comparing simulated values to actual values from the past five days from the targeted warehouse.

Complete the following:

1. Open the workbook named Parts.xlsx located in the Chapter 2 folder, and then save it as CKG Parts Analysis.xlsx.

2. Modify the format of the data on the BearingData worksheet so that zero values are displayed with a 0 instead of the default dash, aligned on the right side of the column.

3. On the BearingData worksheet, take the existing 30-day data for these bearings for each customer to calculate the high and low limits of the bearing demand by customer.

4. On a new worksheet named Simulation, use the high and low limits you just calculated to simulate daily requirements for each customer to obtain a combined daily requirement. Assume that the daily requirements will vary for each customer randomly between the high and low limits you have calculated from the existing 30-day data for that customer. Generate the data for approximately 100 instances (days), and then copy the results as values to another new worksheet in the workbook. Keep the original analysis intact on the Simulation worksheet so you can use it again later. Name the new worksheet Simulation Data 1. Be sure that your worksheets have titles and cell formatting.

5. On the Simulation Data 1 worksheet, in an adjacent column, calculate the total demand by day for all 10 customers. Then, use this daily demand total data to calculate the daily mean, mode, median, and standard deviation for the combined requirements of all 10 customers. Use cell shading to clearly identify your calculation area.

6. Extend your analysis (on the same worksheet) to include a ranking of the data (1 to 100) so that the day with the least total demand has a rank of 1. Again, use cell shading to clearly identify columns with your calculations.

7. To the right of the data, create a listing of the top and bottom five daily combined demands from the 100 simulated instances. Clearly identify this listing using borders and shading.

8. Recommend a target inventory level needed for a five-day period based on the following; to be on the cautious side, assume each day’s supply will be equal to the average daily demand for all locations combined, plus three standard deviations: • Because the mean and standard deviations might not already be integers, round the daily demand up to the nearest whole number. • Then, use this calculated daily demand (average plus 3 standard deviations) to calculate demand over a five-day period. Place this recommendation just below the top/bottom analysis, again clearly identifying it. Add the label Bearing Recommended to identify the cell containing the actual value.

9. The warehouse manager has tracked a total of five different parts over the past five days, recording for each shipment the value of the part and the number of days it was in storage. One of these tracked parts is the bearing you have just analyzed. The data has been compiled in a workbook named Demand.xlsx. Each line item represents a single shipment of one item. Copy the data from the Demand.xlsx workbook, located in the Chapter 2 folder, to your workbook and place it on a worksheet named Actual Demand.

10. On the same worksheet, summarize the data to determine the number shipped by part, the total values of those shipments by part, and the average number of days that part was stored, using the format shown in Table 2.16.

(attached is table 2.16)

In the # Items Shipped column, write a formula to determine the number of bearings shipped. Write the formula so that it can be copied down the column to automatically determine the number of timing belts shipped, the number of air filters shipped, and so on. In the Total Dollar Value of Items Shipped column, write a formula to determine the value of all bearings shipped. Again, write the formula so that it can be copied down the column to automatically determine the value of timing belts, air filters, and so on. In the Average #Days Held in Inventory column, write a formula to determine the average number of days bearings shipped were held in inventory; again, write the formula so that it can be copied down the column. Be sure that these formulas will work even if the data is updated in the future.

11. Based on the recommended inventory level you previously calculated for bearings, would you have had enough bearings in the warehouse to cover these orders? Place your answer in a cell below your analysis on the Actual Demand worksheet. Clearly identify this answer and highlight it in yellow.

12. Double-check all values and formulas for correct implementation. Include sufficient formatting and titles to clearly identify the worksheet elements.

13. Save and close the CKG Parts Analysis.xlsx workbook.

Gross, Debra; Akaiwa, Frank; Nordquist, Karleen. Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Excel 2013: A Problem-Solving Approach (New Perspectives) (Page 153). Cengage Textbook. Kindle Edition.


Einaaaaa?? Writing Assignment Help

How to Prepare for this Assignment

1. Read chapter 4.3 of your textbook

2. Explore the website Google Arts & Culture: https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/

3. Watch the following video for a contemporary example of an artist interested in the theme of life &

death: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/art-history/global-culture/beginners-guide- contemporary-art1/v/hirst-s-shark-interpreting-contemporary-art

Do the Following

1. Google Arts & Culture is a project in which hundreds of museums, cultural institutions, and archives have partnered with Google to host cultural treasures online. Go to the website and familiarize yourself with its capabilities.

2. Choose two (2) artworks from the website that are related to the theme of art and the cycle of life. This may seem like a broad theme, and it is! To help narrow your discussion, you must select a pair of artwork that relates to art and the cycle of life and fits any one of the following criteria:

a. one that depicts a human and one that depicts a mythical being;

b. one personal and one communal; OR

c. one about birth and one about death.

Include links to your two images within your post and clearly describe which criteria you chose.

3. Compare and contrast what the artworks look like and what they are communicating, noting at least three points of comparison and/or contrast. What do the similarities or differences suggest about the beliefs and values of the cultures that produced them?

4. Select one of your peer’s posts. What does their comparison reveal to you about the artworks that you may not have considered before?

Format and Submission Guidelines:

 400 word minimum (main post). Do not bullet point, or otherwise separate, your information. Although you must answer the questions found in the instructions, do not number your paragraphs.

 Remember to cite any sources used. Here is a helpful resource: http://guides.lib.usf.edu/citingsources.

 Proofread before submission. You must use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Utilize the resources provided by the Writing Studio at USF. They offer online resources in addition to in-person appointments. Another good online resource is the Purdue Online Writing Lab.


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