Week 2 DNA Structure Lab Questions Science Assignment Help. Week 2 DNA Structure Lab Questions Science Assignment Help.
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Please answer the questions attached.
12.1 DNA Structure and Replication
DNA Structure
Observation: DNA Structure
1. Label phosphate, base pair, and deoxyribose in your drawing. See Figure 12.1
Base Colors
In Figure 12.1
Red Purple-blue Gold
Table 12.1
- What type of molecules make up the backbone (uprights of ladder) of DNA (Fig. 12.1)? _____ and __________.
- Label a hydrogen bond in Figure 12.1. The label goes on the only write-on line available. Dashes are used to represent hydrogen bonds in Figure 12.1 because hydrogen bonds are_____________.
- Notice in Figure 12.1 and in your model that the base A is always paired with the base T, and the base C is always paired with the base G.
Cytosine |
Thymine |
Adenine |
Guanine |
Fig. 12.1
- In Figure 12.1, what molecules make up the rungs of the ladder?____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _
- Why is DNA also called a double helix (Fig. 12.1)? – ___________________________________________________________________________ .
DNA Replication
Observation: DNA Replication
- What bonds are broken in order to unzip the DNA strands?
- Are your molecules identical?
- Because of complementary base pairing, each new double helix is composed of an ____strand and a ___strand.
Why is DNA replication called semiconservative?___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ - How does replication provide a means for passing DNA from cell to cell and organism to organism?
Table 11. DNA Replication
12.2 RNA Structure
12. Describe the backbone of an RNA molecule.
13. Where are the bases located in an RNA molecule? ______________________________ Table 14.5 DNA and RNA Bases
15.3 DNA and Protein Synthesis
What is the role of each of these participants in protein synthesis? DNA: _________________________________________________ mRNA: _______________________________________________ tRNA: ________________________________________________
16. Transcription
What molecules does the cell require for
tanscription ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
Old strand |
New strand
RNA Bases |
C |
U |
A |
G |
DNA Bases |
Observation: Transcription
17. The end (______) of the strand that will move to the ___________ in the cytoplasm. Table 18.6 Transcription
Observation: Translation
19. Why are the codons and anticodons in groups of three?___________________________. Table 20.7 Translation
21.4 Isolation of DNA and Biotechnology
Experimental Procedure: Gel Electrophoresis
- 22. What is biotechnology?
- 23. What is genetic engineering?
- 24. Speculate how the ability to isolate DNA and run gel electrophoresis of DNA relates to biotechnology.__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
- 25. Name a biotechnology product someone you know is now using or taking as a medicine. InterferonGamma_________________________________________
mRNA |
mRNA codons |
tRNA anticodons |
Amino acid |
12.5 Detecting Genetic Disorders Genetic Sequence for Sickle Cell Disease
- In what one base does HbA differ from HbS?
- What are the codons for this base?
- What is the amino acid difference?
Detection of Sickle-Cell Disease by Gel Electrophoresis
26. In Figure 12.12, which lane contains only HbS, signifying that the individual is HbSHbS.
lane ___
27. Which lane contains only HbA, signifying that the individual is HbAHbA. lane ____
Fig. 12.2
Detection by Genomic Sequencing
28.What are the chances that this couple will have a child with sickle-cell disease?
Conclusion: Detecting Genetic Disorders
- 29. What two methods of detecting sickle-cell disease were described in this section?____________________________________________________________________
- 30. Which method is more direct and probably requires more expensive equipmentto do? ____________________________________________________
- 31. Which method probably preceded the other method as a means to detect sickle-cell disease? ____________________________________________________LABORATORY REVIEW
32. What biomolecule is composed of deoxyribose sugars, phosphates, and the nitrogen-containing bases adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine? _______
33.. What holds the nitrogen bases together in DNA? _______________
What process makes a copy of DNA so that daughter cells that result from mitosis and cytokinesis each have a copy of DNA? ___________________
- Which five-carbon sugar is characteristic of RNA? ___________
- What nitrogen base is associated with RNA but not with DNA? ____________
- What kind of RNA is made when transcription occurs? ___________________
- Which strand of DNA is used to make mRNA? _____________________
- Where in a cell does protein synthesis occur? _______________________
- What molecule transports amino acids to the ribosomes? _________________
- How many nitrogen bases make up a codon, and what does each codon represent?
- What connects one amino acid to another in the polypeptide chain? ____________
- Which size DNA fragments, smaller or larger, move more quickly through a gel duringelectrophoresis? ____________
- How are many genetic disorders now identified? ___________________
45. What protein is affected when an individual has sickle-cell disease? _______________
Thought Questions
- Students sometimes get the impression that DNA must be replicated prior to proteinsynthesis. Explain why DNA is only replicated prior to the start of mitosis and meiosis and what the result would be if DNA was replicated each time a new protein needed to be made.___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
- If the portion of DNA to be transcribed has 66 bases, how many amino acids will the resulting protein have? Explain your reply.___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
- a. What concerns should high school and college athletic coaches have about the potential for their players to have sickle-cell trait?___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
49. How could players be identified as having sickle-cell trait or not?
Week 2 DNA Structure Lab Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
South Florida University Ethical and Societal Concerns of Computer Science Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Exercise #2 – Security and Privacy of Information Belonging to Children in Educational Records
Look up and briefly describe the following laws designed to protect the rights of children and students.
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
- The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Look up the following cases and answer the questions following:
United States of America v. Iconix Brand Group., Inc. http://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/cases-and-proceedings/cases/2009/10/united-states-federal-trade-commission-plaintiff-v
- What was FTC’s (Federal Trade Commission) allegations against Iconix?
- How did Iconix violate COPPA regulations?
- What was the outcome of this case?
Gonzaga University v. Doe: http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/01-679.ZS.html
- What was the complaint of the student (Doe) against Gonzaga?
- What was the outcome of this case?
- Why did the U.S. Supreme Court overturn the original ruling?
Exercise #4 – State Laws Protecting Citizen Information and Breach Notification Laws
- Find out and briefly identify some of the Data Disposal Regulations for two states.
- Find out and briefly identify Breach Notification Laws for two states.
The New School Chinese Art Response Paper Essay Writing Assignment Help
Please write a course reading-based, double-spaced 4-page response paper by addressing all of the following questions. Please do not provide short answers to each question in disconnected paragraphs, rather, you are expected to organize your argument and analysis into a coherent essay.
✔ In your view, what is art and what are the most fascinating aspects of contemporary Chinese art (i.e. avant-garde, politically provocative, cynical realism, bridging Chinese and Western cultures)?
✔ Among the artworks introduced by this course, please name three artists that inspire you the most and analyze the artistic-aesthetic style and philosophical meaning of their respective works (i.e. painting, calligraphy, sculpture, installation, multimedia production, etc.)
Please use Times New Roman font 12.
You are required to cite the course readings properly and include authors, titles of the readings and page numbers in the reference or cited works section. Citation styles may vary and please feel free to follow MLA or Chicago styles.
Hillsborough Community College Designing Coding and Program Testing Project Programming Assignment Help
Design, code, and test a program that includes a function called turbochar() that accepts the following parameters: a character and two integers. The character parameter is the character to be printed by turbochar(). The first integer parameter is the number of times that the character will be printed on a row. The second integer parameter is the number of rows to be printed. Call your function from within your program in order to demonstrate that it works. Submit your program using the following parameters: ‘q’, 7, 4. Comment your code, make sure it looks professional, and use meaningful variable names.
SNHU Standard Object Quality of Te Product Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Define quality in your own words. Considering your definition and the materials you reviewed this module, why is quality so important to an organization?
Find an example of a company that has experienced a quality problem and describe the situation and its ramifications. Was the problem ever fixed?
In response to your peers, discuss an alternate solution that could be employed to resolve the issue.
Peer1: Hello everyone,
When I think of the word “quality” I think of something that is made up of or made with the highest standards. It is a distinctive characteristic that makes a person or thing stand out from others. Quality is important to an organization because it can help increase sales and reduce an organization’s costs, which in turn can increase profitability. An increase in sales often leads to an increase in production, an increase or lowering in selling prices, and an improvement in reputation.
One company I know who has failed in the last few years in quality is Johnson & Johnson. As a top baby product company, they have been good for the most part in the past few decades. Recently Johnson & Johnson had been forced to recall majority of their products from Baby Shampoo’s, Baby powder, and even Tylenol. Tylenol was recalled from Johnson & Johnson due to being laced by cyanide. The children’s and toddlers Motrin were recalled due to having small particles of plastic in it. These are just a handful where the quality was poor within the company. J&J wanted to remain on top and to be one of the best in the industry and started cutting corners, due to their cutting corners and mistakes they have had multiple million-dollar lawsuits and lost customers across the globe. “Johnson & Johnson is the world’s largest health care company. It is also the highest paid drug company in the world. J&J remains at the top of the Big Pharma list of powerful corporations. It is well known for consumer products like Band-Aids, Johnson’s Baby Powder and Tylenol. Its drugs, devices and products have led to scandals and lawsuits”. (Compton, 2019) “Last year, J&J recalled around 33,000 bottles of baby powder in the U.S. after the Food and Drug Administration said they found trace amounts of asbestos, a known carcinogen, in a bottle purchased online.” (CNBC) I believe J&J has tried to fix their quality issue, but they have already made enough of a big dent that they have lost customers. Yes, there are many people who still are true believers and continue to purchase products but there are many who refuse to purchase anything with their initials or logo.
Compton, K. (2019, July 24). Johnson & Johnson. Retrieved from: https://www.drugwatch.com/manufacturers/johnson-and-johnson/ Lovelace, B. Jr. 2020 Johnson & Johnson Discontinues talc-based baby powder in US and Canada Retrieved from: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/19/johnson-johnson-discontinues-talc-based-baby powder-in-us-and-canada.htm
DylanTo complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.
Peer 2: Hi all
In my words, Quality is an indicator and measurement of companies performance in any business. Quality creates customer value. A high-quality product or services offered by any company lead to a positive impact on the company.
I am a loyal brand person. I have been using Samsung smartphones for almost seven years, and my favorite phone is the galaxy note. In 2016 I had galaxy note 4 when Samsung Electronic company launched galaxy note 7. a few days later, we saw in the media that galaxy note 7 was having an issue with its battery as it was exploding. Videos of Galaxy note 7 on fire were posted on youtube showing explosions. I was worried about my safety as I had galaxy note 4. I thought it might happen to me.
As for galaxy Note 7, this was a quality problem. Battery malfunction damaged Samsung electronics company’s reputation. The sales went down, and its share fell in stock markets. Samsung electronics were very honesty as they took responsibility for what has happened. They became proactive and took action to fix the problem. When they found the issue and solution, they come out to the public to announce a quality assurance program and other safety issues. In doing so, they brought back our faith and confidence in its product. The following year I bought galaxy note. After Samsung has addressed the issue, They come back to recover all customers they lost. Indeed, quality control plays a big role in business success.
University of Western Australia Whale Mesoplodon Pacificus by Helen Farish Journal Writing Assignment Help
Write 200 words on the following text:
“Mesoplodon Pacificus” by Helen Farish(make sure to use the version in the book).
- In
your journal entry, make sure to clearly distinguish between what is
shown/described in the scene and your response. (In the scene, we
see….. He/she/they say that….. My own view is that…. / This
reminds me of … )
Don’t forget:
Each reading journal entry MUST:
- Be written using the first person (“I”)
- Express an opinion about the text, giving examples
- Explore the meanings evoked by the actions, events, images in the literary work for you personally
In addition, reading journal entries MUST NOT:
- Simply provide a plot summary (e.g. copied from online)
- Be limited to a summary of contextual/historical background
University of Western Australia Whale Mesoplodon Pacificus by Helen Farish Journal Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Dallas College University of Texas Arlington Website Visual Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Visual analysis of a website. My Website is UTA (The University of Texas at Arlington). You will investigate this website using specific criteria to develop an opinion on the site. No personal statement. 4 pages including works cited, MLA format.
Content criteria for analysis:
Authority reveals that the person, institution or agency responsible for a site has the qualifications and knowledge to do so. Evaluating a web site for authority:
Authorship: It should be clear who developed the site.
Contact information should be clearly provided: e-mail address, snail mail address, phone number, and fax number.
Credentials: the author should state qualifications, credentials, or personal background that gives them authority to present information.
Check to see if the site supported by an organization or a commercial body
The purpose of the information presented in the site should be clear. Some sites are meant to inform, persuade, state an opinion, entertain, or parody something or someone. Evaluating a web site for purpose:
Does the content support the purpose of the site?
Is the information geared to a specific audience (students, scholars, general reader)?
Is the site organized and focused?
Are the outside links appropriate for the site?
Does the site evaluate the links?
Check the domain of the site. The URL may indicate its purpose.
It is difficult to assess the extent of coverage since depth in a site, through the use of links, can be infinite. One author may claim comprehensive coverage of a topic while another may cover just one aspect of a topic. Evaluating a web site for coverage:
Does the site claim to be selective or comprehensive?
Are the topics explored in depth?
Compare the value of the site’s information compared to other similar sites.
Do the links go to outside sites rather than its own?
Does the site provide information with no relevant outside links?
Currency of the site refers to: 1) how current the information presented is, and 2) how often the site is updated or maintained. It is important to know when a site was created, when it was last updated, and if all of the links are current. Evaluating a web site for currency involves finding the date information was:
first written
placed on the web
last revised
Then ask if:
Links are up-to-date
Links provided should be reliable. Dead links or references to sites that have moved are not useful.
Information provided so trend related that its usefulness is limited to a certain time period?
the site been under construction for some time?
Objectivity of the site should be clear. Beware of sites that contain bias or do not admit its bias freely. Objective sites present information with a minimum of bias. Evaluating a web site for objectivity:
Is the information presented with a particular bias?
Does the information try to sway the audience?
Does site advertising conflict with the content?
Is the site trying to explain, inform, persuade, or sell something?
There are few standards to verify the accuracy of information on the web. It is the responsibility of the reader to assess the information presented. Evaluating a web site for accuracy:
Reliability: Is the author affiliated with a known, respectable institution?
References: do statistics and other factual information receive proper references as to their origin?
Does the reading you have already done on the subject make the information seem accurate?
Is the information comparable to other sites on the same topic?
Does the text follow basic rules of grammar, spelling and composition?
Is a bibliography or reference list included?
Visual criteria for analysis:
#1: Purpose
As simple as it sounds, the most important thing a website needs to communicate is what the website does. There should be clear indications (through text, images, etc.) about what the site is. Is it a news site? A blog? An e-commerce site? Some combination? What industry is it? Mortgages? Pharmaceutics? If a viewer can’t tell within three seconds what the site is, they will probably leave.
#2: Possibilities
Your visitors will want to know what they can do with the site. Can they buy stuff or just read news? Can they comment and post reviews? Can they play games or just learn about them? Visitors also want to know how large the site is. When you walk in a department store, you can get a sense of scale. When you “walk into” a website, it’s sometimes difficult to tell how large it is. Help viewers know if there is a lot to offer by giving them clearly marked sections of the site.
#3: Starting Point
Strangely enough, some websites are hard to figure out where to start. Give your visitors a focal point (or a couple focal points). Don’t let them guess where they need to click first. Visitors have a specific reason for going to your site, so make sure they know where to begin. If they start down the wrong path, you may lose them forever.
#4: Visual Appeal
Aesthetics matter! As much as we would all like to believe that all visitors care about is is the content, it’s not true. The visual appeal of a website has been repeatedly proven to make websites seem more credible. People also believe that the website works better (even if it doesn’t!) if the website looks nice.
#5: Personality
You have total control over your website’s personality. How do you want it to present itself? Informal? Serious? Fun? Excited? Professional? Funny? Every word, image, and color you choose will impact the personality. Keep the personality consistent in your headings, colors, and word choice throughout the entire site. This is an important branding consideration.
#6: Color Scheme
Run your color scheme by a professional designer. Or, at least ask several people what they think (and you can’t ask your spouse or mother!) You shouldn’t have more than 3 or 4 colors dominating your design and all the colors should match. Also, recognize that about 9% of all men have some form of colorblindness, so you may need to accommodate for that, depending on your content.
#7: Welcome Blurb
Similar to a tagline, a welcome blurb quickly (in a sentence or two, or even simple phrases) should elaborate on the tagline. “We don’t just sell baby furniture. We well sell the cutest stuff out there.” DO NOT let your welcome blurb turn into “Happy Talk” (See #29). Welcome blurbs are not always necessary, but they can help clarify the purpose of a website. And they should be very short.
#1: A Way Home
I always tell my students: don’t let your website feel like IKEA (or a hospital)! When we walk into most buildings, we know where we are in relation to the front door–IKEA and hospitals are the exception. There is nothing more frustrating than feeling lost. If visitors don’t know how to get back to the homepage, they’ll probably just leave. (If only that were a luxury we could have in IKEA–you can’t just leave until you find the door!
#2: Search
If your website is larger than 15 – 20 pages, you really should have a search bar. Research has shown that about 50% of all web users expect a search bar, and go to it almost immediately on any new site they visit. Don’t count out half of your visitors because you don’t have a search bar. Simple, small sites can get away with not having one.
#3: Page Grouping
The way you group your pages is important. If you sell leather gloves, will you put them under “lawn and garden” or “automotive”? Or both? Make sure the way you group your information is consistent with industry norms and customer expectations.
#4: Organization/Visual Hierarchy
Websites should be organized by importance. Is the most important thing the most obvious? Largest? Highest on the page? Is anything important “below the fold”? (Meaning, is it below the bottom of the monitor, where visitors will have to scroll to see it?)
STATS 382 Alabama A & M University Data Analysis Programming Paper Programming Assignment Help
The goal of this assignment is to create a Data Analysis Report that analyze the data of the houses that were given in the houses_prices.xls file.
Include detailed comments on the entire program.
- Create an R script file and set it up to create and html file
- Read the csv file and create a data frame “data”, use any name you want for the variable that will hold the data Frame
- Run the summary command for data and based on the results that you get give an overview of what is the most important information, anomalies, or interesting facts that you observe.
- Create a Boxplot for the Taxes of the houses. Beautify the boxplot as much as you can ( Titles, colors etc…)
- Run the quantile() command for quantitative data only to find the 10th percentile for each of those.
- Calculate the standard deviation for each of the variables that are quantitative. Discuss what the standard deviation means for each of the variables.
- Create a table using the table() command that enumerates the houses based on features, corner.
- Repeat the process for features, Baths
- Explain what are your observations.
- Now, create a new data frame that includes only the columns PRICE and TAX, name this IRS and save it in a new CSV file locally in your computer ( use the write.csv command)
- Also, create a new dataframe that includes only the houses that are located NOT in a corner. Save this in NOTCornerHouses and in a new CSV file locally in your computer ( use the write.csv command)
- Consider only the NOTCornerHouses that have prices smaller than 2500
- Using the NOTCornerHouses, create a histogram on the Prices and one on Taxes, ( Beautify) and explain your observations by reviewing the two histograms.
Submit, your R script and the two produced files IRS.csv and CornerHouses.csv
Miami Dade College The future of IFRS in Japan Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read “New IASB Leader Embraces Challenges” which can be accessed through the online library. Choose a country that has already adopted IFRS. In 2-3 pages (12-pt type, double-spaced) answer the following questions:
- Describe the process that your selected country went through to adopt IFRS, such as how long it took for the country to fully adopt IFRS.
- Did the country adopt IFRS or did they make changes to IFRS to adapt to their country’s culture or regulations?
- Has IFRS adoption made it easier for companies in that country to access the capital markets?
- Based on your research regarding your selected country, should the US SEC mandate adoption of IFRS? Why or why not?
- What is your personal opinion regarding whether the US SEC should mandate the adoption of IFRS?
Lamoreaux, M. G. (2011). New IASB Leader Embraces Challenges. Journal of Accountancy, 212(3), 30–33. Available from: Business Source Complete, Ipswich, MA. AN – 65110779
HC 466 HUO Week 1 Importance of Strategic Planning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Unit 1 Assignment – Importance of Strategic Planning
- Due Sunday by 11:59pm
- Points 40
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
Strategic planning often occurs at high managerial levels in an organization (to which you may not have experience with at this time). To gain perspective on the importance of strategic planning, recall a professional experience from the employee perspective on the planning and implementation of a change in the workplace.
- Recall a professional experience wherein a change was occurring and planning was required prior to implementing the change.
- Examples could include implementation of an electronic medical record software, new processes between departments, new ownership of the clinic/hospital, change in the strategic plan due to failures, etc.).
- This professional experience will be utilized in the completion of assessments in Units 1-7.
- Summarize the planning phase of the experience from the employee perspective.
- Include personal experience as well as descriptions of other employees involved in the experience.
- Summarize aspects of the planning process that went well as well as challenges experienced.
- Describe how a strategic plan could have helped mitigate the challenges that arose from the planning phase of the change.
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours, 30 minutes
HC466 – Unit 1 Assignment – Importance of Strategic Planning
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisPRICE-P |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPAPRICE-I |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 40.0 |