Week 4 Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Week 4 Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. Week 4 Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.

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The individual assignments called for each student to write about a policy change each would like to see come through fruition. Another question in the assignment about role changes for nurses.

In this weeks discussion you are asked to share both your policy change as well as your newly envisioned nursing role.

It is important to share views in efforts to learn from each other and how to support or provide opposition to a view one does not agree with. Please be sure to support with your OWN views your response of another students post.

Week 4 Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Integrated Report Business Finance Assignment Help

You are required to write a report that analyses and evaluates the implications of 1. global change, 2. digital change and 3. change in the natural environment, for business in a given industry.

The aim of this assessment is for you to think critically about business in relation to multifaceted changes and their implications, by undertaking quality research and by bringing together concepts and insights from across the Paper.

Your report should:

1. Offer a deep understanding of the given industry by undertaking relevant research and by drawing on multiple concepts and issues from all three areas of the BUSS506 paper.

Note: implications for your industry could include both impacts on business and how business is responding, but you should avoid undue focus on areas of business not explored in BUSS506, such as marketing. *You may wish to mention Covid19, but your report should go well beyond a focus on this issue.

2. Draw on at least six different quality sources of information to inform and support your ideas.

Acknowledge all your sources of information by using intext references through your report and provide a reference list at the end of your report. All resource should be academic,and they can’t be older than ten years source.

3. Draw conclusions about how the three areas are shaping the future of business in your industry, including a welljustified explanation of which of the three you believe will have the most significant impact.

4.*Provide a recommendation to promote significant positive change on an issue that relates to at least one of the ideas raised in your report.

Industry List

Choose an industry from this list to research and write your report on:

1. Aviation – airline and airport operations

2. Banking – supply of banking services

3. Consumer retail – sale of finished products to end-user consumers

4. Farming – agriculture (animal farming) or horticulture (crop growing)

5. Food services – preparing and serving food and beverages

6. Healthcare – provision of medical services to patients

7. Logistics – transportation and storage of goods

8. Manufacturing – vehicles or apparel or textiles

9. Media – production and publication of print, broadcast and digital media

10. Professional services – accounting or legal services

11. Telecommunications – voice and data communications provision

12. Tourism – provision of tourism products and services


Need Music Theory I Assignments completed by in about 1 hour $150 Humanities Assignment Help

Hello. These are very basic Theory Assignments for a Music Theory I class. If you’ve taken theory before then you should be able to complete them in a half hour tops. My professor is very easy going and he doesn’t give difficult assignments.

My price is a firm $150 for the work to be completed in 2 hours tops. Please don’t offer hundreds or even thousands of dollars for this work. I rather a tutor with experience not someone who is going to research how to doit and charge me for them learing Theory

I’ve completed many of them. I would just like cross check my work with an expert before submitting them


one page each for the two questions Writing Assignment Help

Write short essays for each of the following:

Number one

1. Think back over the major concepts we have discussed this semester, from theories of

political ideologies to political participation to international politics. Write a critical essay

evaluating the one concept you have found the most interesting and/or useful in

understanding political science this semester, or, conversely, the one concept you found

least valid/interesting/useful. Use explicit information and examples drawn from current

events within the last six months to support your analysis.

Concept: Political participation

Use these lectures to help


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Number two

2. Which System of Administration – Unitary, Federal or Confederal – will work best for

national governments in the 21 st Century?


Research Report Programming Assignment Help


Research on the various design patterns described in Smith (2015) and Gamma et al (1999). Describe how software development productivity can be accomplished by the application of various Creational Design Patterns.

Describe each of them


Refer to the Software Solution Scenario described in Appendix A and also OO Software Design Patterns described in Gamma et al (1995) / Smith (2015 to answer the questions below:

You have been tasked to carry out the development of an online shopping system for iChipKart store. You are currently working on two use cases of the system: Checkout and Compute Price. An extract of the current analysis and design of these use cases are given in Appendix A.

Consider the two software design problems described below.

Design Problem 1 (Compute Price):

During the transition from Analysis to Design phase, you are designing the price computation for ease of incorporating different shipping and handling fees for different locations in the pricing policies. In your design, you also want to ensure that various policies in pricing computation are encapsulated appropriately for ease of maintenance.

Suggested candidate design patterns (Proxy, Strategy, Template Method)

Use UML diagram to design ComputePrice class. Then write the complete Java class

Design Problem 2 (Checkout):

During the transition from Analysis to Design phase, you are designing the functionality of free gifts for ease of offering and withdrawing the various gifts dynamically and for ease of modifying the price ranges of free gifts.

Suggested candidate design patterns (Chain of Responsibility, Composite, Iterator)

Use UML diagram to design Checkout class. Then write the complete Java class

NOTE: Don’t forget to include relationships (use appropriate symbols, dotted arrow, diamond shape …etc)

For each of these design problems, answer the following:

a.Choose one of the suggested candidate design patterns that you think best solves the problem. Justify the applicability of your choice. You need to research on various patterns and come up with your choices and justifications.

b.Applying scientific principles identify the participants for incorporating the chosen design pattern and modify the class diagram of the use case to show their relationships.

c.Critically analyze the patterns and list two benefits of incorporating the design pattern, with respect to the problem.

3.What to submit:

Questions 1 and 2 in a written essay format. You must use the project template given on Moodle to present your answers.

4.Research References:

  • Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison Wesley, 1995.
  • Smith, Ben. Object-Oriented Programming. Advanced ActionScript 3. Apress, pp63-69, 2015 .

5.APPENDIX A (Sample of flow charts)

Analysis and Design for Object Oriented Software
Online Shopping System for iChipKart

6.1 Use Case Model Global View (Partial)

6.2 Checkout Use Case

6.2.1Brief Description

After a buyer adds items to the shopping cart, he/she will check out the purchased items. Items can be Books, Media (CD, hard disks, memory card etc.), TV, computing items and accessories like tablets, thumb drives etc. In order to make their business competitive, iChipKart has decided to give its buyers one of the following memorabilia items as a free gift during the period 1 October to 15 January. The following describes the policy for these gifts:

  • If the buyer purchases goods worth ≥$25 and <$50, he/she will receive a iChipKart T-Shirt.
  • If the buyer purchases goods worth ≥$50 and <$100, he/she will receive a iChipKart backpack.
  • If the buyer purchases goods worth ≥$100, he/she will receive a iChipKart portable hard disk of 1Tb.

Note that iChipKart memorabilia items are not for sale.

6.2.2Flow of Events

This use case is invoked when the buyer chooses the Checkout option from the Purchase Screen.

  • The system invokes the Compute Price use case to compute the subtotal of items price of all purchased items (excluding the shipping, handling and other charges).
  • The system determines the free gift that the buyer is eligible for this transaction and adds (if eligible) the memorabilia to the shopping cart (this item is priced at $0.00).
  • The system invokes Compute Price use case to compute the total price of this transaction, including the shipping, handling and other charges.
  • The system presents the total price and prompts the buyer for payment details in Payment Screen.
  • Upon verification of the payment details, the system invokes the Print Receipt use case to print the receipt for this transaction.
  • The system displays completion message.
  • The buyer acknowledges the completion message and the system returns to the Purchase Screen.
  • The use case terminates.

6.2.3Class Diagram

6.2.4Sequence Diagram

6.3 Compute Price Use Case

Brief Description

This is an abstract use case which will be included in use cases such as Checkout. In this use case, the subtotal of items and total price of the items in the shopping cart will be computed and other charges such as shipping, and handling charges will be included as appropriate. The total price will constitute the following:

  • Base price of the items.
  • Shipping charges.
  • Handling charges (eg: fragile items will need to be specially packed, surcharge for oversized items, duties for dutiable items depending on country-specific policies, etc).

6.4 Flow of Events

This abstract use case is invoked when other use cases want to compute the subtotal of items price of items in the shopping cart or compute the total price of the items in the shopping cart including the shipping, handling and other charges.

  • The system traverses through the shopping cart items, determines the product price and computes the subtotal of items price of all the items.
  • If shipping, handling and other charges are not required, the system returns the subtotal of items price to the calling use case. Otherwise the system continues.
  • Based on the shipping destination, the system computes the shipping charges and adds it to the total price.
  • Based on the fragility of the items, the system computes the handling charges and adds it to the total price.
  • The system returns the total price to the calling use case.
  • The use case terminates.

6.5 Class Diagram



Explain the function(s) of the nutrient within the body. Describe how the nutrient is metabolized (where primarily digested, absorbed, and transported) within the body. Identify the current Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for the nutrient for an average adul Health Medical Assignment Help

As you may recall, nutrients are divided into the following six (6) categories:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Lipids (Fats)
  • Proteins
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Water

For this assignment, you will need to develop an informative PowerPoint presentation that could be used to teach your classmates about a variety of nutrients from the nutrient categories (above).

  1. Your PowerPoint presentation should:
    1. Have a title slide.
    2. Contain at least 6 content slides.
    3. Reflect proper spelling and grammar.
    4. Cite at least 2 credible references and present the sources in APA format on a References slide.
  2. Choose five (5) specific nutrients from within the nutrient categories listed above. You may choose either:
    1. a mixture of five (5) macro and micro nutrients
      • For example, you can use 2 macronutrients (such as lipids and carbohydrates) and 3 micronutrients (such as specific vitamins and minerals)
    2. five (5) different vitamins or minerals
      • For example, 2 vitamins (such as A and D), 2 major minerals (such as sodium, calcium, and potassium), and 1 trace mineral (such as zinc).
  3. For each of the nutrients you selected, create content slides that address the following:
    1. Explain the function(s) of the nutrient within the body.
    2. Describe how the nutrient is metabolized (where primarily digested, absorbed, and transported) within the body.
    3. Identify the current Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for the nutrient for an average adult.

Explain the function(s) of the nutrient within the body. Describe how the nutrient is metabolized (where primarily digested, absorbed, and transported) within the body. Identify the current Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for the nutrient for an average adul Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Policy brief Humanities Assignment Help

This policy paper relates to a practical problem in the international system. You are expected to write a concise 1,000-word policy brief with your analysis and policy recommendations.

See the attachment (POLB80 – Policy brief instructions.pdf) for all relevant details.

Policy brief

You’ve been invited to advise the Canadian prime minister on a recent international crisis. Choose ONE of the below topics and write a max 1,000-word policy brief for the prime minister and his team.
Note: These people are very busy with Covid-19 matters and other things, so write in a clear and straightforward way. This isn’t an academic essay, but full sentences should be use. Use the three-part structure below.
Remember: you are writing with Canada’s national interest in mind. No outside reading for this is needed (a few links are included below). Use the lecture slides and readings from the syllabus as well (especially for theoretical framing and IR concepts). If you wish, you can use some newspaper articles to get more background.
Upload your paper in Word or pdf format to Quercus (under the ‘Policy brief’ tab) by June 1st, 4pm Toronto time.

Topic 1:

Canada-China relations have been stuck in its lowest point since diplomatic recognition in the early 1970s. It all started when Canada, on a request from the US Department of Justice (and the Trump administration), detained Meng Wanzhou, a high-level executive of the China telecommunications giant Huawei. She has been accused of various charges, including wire fraud and violating US-imposed sanctions. She has been held under house arrest in Vancouver since early December 2018, awaiting her extradition hearing (note: she will not be tried in Canada, but a Canadian judge will determine if the US extradition order is lawful). In response, China has detained two Canadians, altered the prison sentences (to death) for two other Canadians, and stopped importing various Canadian products like soy and pork. Chinese officials have openly said that relations will go back to normal if Mrs Meng is released. Furthermore, China is also insisting that the Canadian government allow Huawei to participate in building Canada’s 5G infrastructure. This has provoked fears within parts of Canada’s security establishment and from several key allies of Canada that Huawei could use this position for espionage and other nefarious purposes. The Prime Minister is tired of this stalemate and wants to make a move: Should we double-down on this approach? Or should we make concessions (including releasing Mrs Meng)? Should we allow Huawei to help build 5G?

For more: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-fives-eyes-allies-urged-to-lessen- dependence-on-china/;https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-in-canada-the-tide-of-opinion-is-turning-on- china/

Topic 2:

Last August, the Modi government of India changed the special status of Kashmir, a status that the disputed territory had held for some 70 years. The move decisively binds Kashmir to India and effectively ends any hope of Kashmiri self-determination. Anticipating backlash from locals, the Modi government ordered troops to the territory, put the Kashmiri population under lockdown, arrested some locals and cut off communications with the outside world. The Pakistani government is furious, and tensions between India and Pakistan have again escalated. The Prime Minister is concerned for the people of Kashmir and worried that this unilateral

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move strains not only India-Canada relations, but may also lead to another war between India and Pakistan, two nuclear-armed countries. Should Canada get involved and in which way? Should Canada actively side with one of the countries over the other?
For more on this: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/asia/2019-09-20/winning-kashmir-and- losing-india

Topic 3:

The Chinese government has extended a sweeping national security law to Hong Kong. This same controversial law sparked widespread protests in Hong Kong since the spring of 2019, with locals in Hong Kong fearing the law would end important liberties like a (relatively) free press and independent (meaning not politicized) courts. Although China has had sovereignty over Hong Kong since 1997 (following the handover from the British), Hong Kong’s autonomy was protected under the ‘Basic Law’ (commonly known as ‘One Country, Two Systems’). Hong Kong’s various forms of autonomy will now likely disappear; Hong Kong will come under the same laws and treatment as any other mainland Chinese province. The Prime Minister is worried that this violates many of the important liberties that Hong Kong residents enjoyed, and that it destroys Hong Kong’s limited form of democracy. The Prime Minister is also worried that, if left unchecked, China may pursue similarly aggressive policies in other territories— within China and possibly without. But he is also very aware that the Chinese Communist Party is very sensitive to threats—real and perceived—of its sovereignty. What should Canada’s response be?

For more on this: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/china/2019-12-06/do-no-harm-hong- kong;https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-china-vows-to-remove-hong-kongs-cancer-of- pro-independence-thought/

Structure of your policy brief:
What is the policy problem? (less than 100 words)

What is the best theoretical lens (e.g. realist, liberal or constructivist) framework to be understand the issue? Be sure to make some mention of sovereignty, anarchy, trade, democracy, human rights, among other topics covered in classes 1-5. (600-700 words)

What is your policy recommendation? (also incorporate at least one of these three IR theories) (200-250 words)

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answering questions by watching a video Humanities Assignment Help

Question 1

Who do you believe answers the questions best, overall? Give an example of a specific question and why

your choice answered it best. Explain.

(Sample answer: I believe Bahooey answered the questions best, overall. When the candidates were

asked, “xxxxxxxxxxxxxx . . . ,” Bahooey replied that they were not sure that xxxxxxxxxxx, and that

consequently XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Bahooey did not answer all the questions well, but I think they

answered the majority of them best.)

Question 2

What specific question was not answered well by any candidate or was most ignored? Explain.

Question 3

What question and answer did you find the most relevant to your life? Explain.

Question 4

What is the difference between diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Question 5

Have you voted in this election, or intend to vote Friday, May 21? Why, or why not?


Evaluation Plan Humanities Assignment Help

For this assignment you will create an Evaluation Plan that will address The topic is ” Low academic expectations and poor support for special education students are ‘hurting their future’. Should be 6 pages , include apa style, no plageriasm, include citations.

1.You will create an Evaluation Plan that will include a set of tools to measure progress in implementing the project and its key components, such as goals, objectives, and activities.The Project is on The topic is ” Low academic expectations and poor support for special education students are ‘hurting their future’.

2. You will address why an evaluation Plan is important to the project

3.You will identify the 4 types of evaluation talk about each one and provide research to back it up

4.You will also focus on assessing project effectiveness and efficiency through exploring and analyzing the outcomes and impacts.


COMP 230 Lab 03 Programming Assignment Help

Part 01

Write a vbscript that asks the user for three numbers and displays the sum and the average. Submit your lab as a single word document with screenshots of the code and the output.

Part 02

Write a VBS that asks the user to enter the day of the week. Based on the user’s input, instruct the user to run the following programs:

Sunday: Virus Scan

Monday: Ipconfig

Tuesday: Restart

Wednesday: netstat

Thursday: Tasklist

Friday: Disk Clean up

Saturday: Defrag

If the user enters an incorrect input display an error message. You may use if-else or the select statement. Submit the VBS code and output screenshots.

Part 03

1) Modify Part 01 lab to run 3 times using any looping structure.

2) Modify Part 02 lab to run until the user decides to quit

Submit both scripts and screenshots in a single word document.


Week 4 Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Week 4 Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

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