Week 4 Recent Controversy Over Teen Sexting Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Week 4 Recent Controversy Over Teen Sexting Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Answer two of the following questions, and respond to at least one other student’s post afterward for a total of at least 400 words.
1. According to Sternheimer, in what ways has sex been a controversial issue in American popular culture for nearly 100 years? When did politicians first begin calling for government censorship of Hollywood, and for what reasons, including those having nothing to do with sex? Do you believe that Hollywood films still represent sexuality in distorted ways, especially when compared to films from other countries? How so?
2. Discuss the recent controversy over teen “sexting.” What are some of the key underlying fears, and what actual evidence supports or undermines these concerns? How does present teen sexual activity compare to decades past, and what demographic patterns seem to exist?
3. What arguments are presented linking popular culture to obesity, particularly advertising and television, and why does Sternheimer find this connections more complicated than they appear? What other socioeconomic factors may play a greater role?
4. What are some of the possible links between the fashion industry and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia? What other factors does the author propose as greater indicators in girls’ lives? In your own experience, to what degree do you believe media and popular culture influence our perceptions of our bodies and beauty as a whole? Do you think that advertisers and the fashion industry bear a responsibility to promote a greater diversity of each?
Note: In order to encourage earlier rather than later in the week postings to the discussion board, students who post at least 100 words (either as one or multiple postings) to the discussion board by midnight Wednesday each week will receive 5 points of extra credit added to their weekly point total. No partial credit will be given for early postings totaling less than 100 words.
Week 4 Recent Controversy Over Teen Sexting Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CSS 160 Academy of Careers and Technology Job Interview Preparation Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help
The goal of this capstone is to help you build key professional communication skills and experience that will help you find your next job and/or advance your career. For each part, you will be preparing materials you can use to develop and showcase your business communication and customer service skills and strengths. Then, in the capstone presentation, you will share highlights of your Capstones 1- 3 and present your Capstone Parts 4 & 5.
Capstone Project Part 2 Description:
When you are preparing for a job interview, it’s a good idea to prepare answers to common interview questions, including standard questions for your profession and behavioral questions. For this capstone, you will continue preparing answers to common interview questions using the job description you chose and materials you prepared for Capstone Project Part 1. You can open the file.
For each interview question below, watch at least one of the videos, and use the strategies described to prepare your own response to the question, as if you were interviewing for the position you selected in your Capstone Project 1. Write an appropriate response or submit an effective video response for each question.
- Written answers should be at least a paragraph, but may need to be longer to be complete.
- Video question responses should be 2 – 3 minutes in length.
- “Tell me about yourself.”
https://tinyurl.com/y995f5ky(go to question number 1 and click on the video link)
- “How would you deal with a difficult customer?” or “Tell me about a time you handled a difficult situation.”
- “Tell me about a time that you made a mistake.” or “Tell me about a time you failed.”
- Choose one more question that you think this particular employer might ask you based on the job description and/or your experience. Write the question and your response to it.
Submit your written or video responses to the 4 questions above to Capstone Project Part 2 in Moodle.
Rivier University Organization Leader And Decision Making Discussion Writing Assignment Help
After completing the reading this week, please review table 1.2 in the text and review the distinction between leadership and management. Then think about this in regard to how senior leaders versus senior managers lead change in an organization (especially when it comes to technical change in an organization).
This week please reflect on these concepts and answer the following questions:
- When implementing change in an organization, there are always culture issues that are faced, such as not accepting change, determine how differently this would be handled thinking about the management versus leadership constructs?
- When dealing with performing work, how is this implemented differently within the management versus leadership constructs?
Please be sure to answer all of the questions above in the initial post.
Please ensure the initial post and two response posts are substantive. Substantive posts will do at least TWO of the following:
- Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
- Expand on the topic, by adding additional thoughtful information
- Answer a question posted by another student in detail
- Share an applicable personal experience
- Provide an outside source
- Make an argument
At least one scholarly (peer-reviewed) resource should be used in the initial discussion thread. . Use APA references and in-text citations.
Failures Me Against the World Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Writing Assignment
This week’s assignment will focus on writing a Personal Essay—story about yourself. You can expand on the story you started in Week 1 or you can write about one particular event in your life. A personal essay is usually based on personal experience through which you have grown or changed; a conflict you overcame, for example. This type of story has a main point or idea that the narrative supports.
This is the main point or idea behind the narrative. The narrative may be about a unique event, but the
theme is a universal truth to which anyone can relate that informs the narrative.
Assignment Objectives
- identify topics to create personal essay
- develop a plan for a strong personal essay
- identify and define the characteristics of a personal essay
- develop a first draft of a personal essay
Your first graded assignment will be to write a personal essay. You can expand the essay you have started in class or choose a new topic. Personal essays are a mainstay of blogging and feature story telling. So, for this assignment, you will write a story about yourself. It can be an adventure, an experience you had growing up, a life lesson you learned, a struggle you had to overcome – it doesn’t have to be serious, it can be comical, a slice of life, something that happened to you that relates to current events (the Coronavirus, Protests, Black Lives Matter, the Presidential campaign). You can even write about nature, travel, college life, family situations, relationships.
You will be judged on quality, not quantity. To get an idea of what excellent A-work looks like, you’ve been assigned to read, Red, to this module. A former student in this class wrote it, and you should read it.
Keep in mind…
- You should complete the readings before answering completing this assignment.
- Your essay should be at least 500 words but no more than 2000 words
- Be sure to save and submit as either MS Word (.doc/.docx) format or Adobe PDF (.pdf).
Week 4 Obesity and Popular Culture Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Answer two of the following questions, and respond to at least one other student’s post afterward for a total of at least 400 words.
1. According to Sternheimer, in what ways has sex been a controversial issue in American popular culture for nearly 100 years? When did politicians first begin calling for government censorship of Hollywood, and for what reasons, including those having nothing to do with sex? Do you believe that Hollywood films still represent sexuality in distorted ways, especially when compared to films from other countries? How so?
2. Discuss the recent controversy over teen “sexting.” What are some of the key underlying fears, and what actual evidence supports or undermines these concerns? How does present teen sexual activity compare to decades past, and what demographic patterns seem to exist?
3. What arguments are presented linking popular culture to obesity, particularly advertising and television, and why does Sternheimer find this connections more complicated than they appear? What other socioeconomic factors may play a greater role?
4. What are some of the possible links between the fashion industry and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia? What other factors does the author propose as greater indicators in girls’ lives? In your own experience, to what degree do you believe media and popular culture influence our perceptions of our bodies and beauty as a whole? Do you think that advertisers and the fashion industry bear a responsibility to promote a greater diversity of each?
Note: In order to encourage earlier rather than later in the week postings to the discussion board, students who post at least 100 words (either as one or multiple postings) to the discussion board by midnight Wednesday each week will receive 5 points of extra credit added to their weekly point total. No partial credit will be given for early postings totaling less than 100 words.
UCSD Purpose and Importance of Education Discussion Writing Assignment Help
After you read the two articles and the transcript that I attached, answer the following questions.
- In your own words, what is the purpose of education? Why is it important to get an education?
- What is at least one thing from each of the sources that stood out to you? (This answer should include a list of at least three points and should cover Pierson, King & Gaiman.)
- How does Dr. King Jr.’s text or Pierson’s video relate to your experience in education so far?
- What is at least one quote from each source that you connected with? Why do you feel it is significant? Why did you choose it? (This answer should include a list of at least three quotes and should cover Pierson, King & Gaiman.)
- What was your biggest A-HA moment or takeaway? (This can be from any of the three sources or involve all three.)
- How did you feel reading through Week 1’s articles and watching the TED Talk? Were they easy or hard to read/watch? What did you like/dislike about them? What, if any, connections can you make between the experiences of the authors and speakers and your own experiences? (This answer should cover all sources.)
- This question is optional, and thus you do not have to answer it to receive full points. Do you have any questions for me or your fellow classmates about any of the materials we have covered last week? (If you have questions from your Annotation Worksheets, you can post them here.)
- Your initial response should be 150-300 words per question.
UCSD Purpose and Importance of Education Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Our Lady of the Lake University Week 2 Ethnic Identity Essay Humanities Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to help you identify aspects of your own ethnic identity and to articulate how your own personal culture may impact social work practice with Hispanic and Latino clients.
Ethnic identity, an aspect of our self-concept, may be viewed as how we classify ourselves in terms of the group(s) we belong to and who we see ourselves similar to in terms of cultural groups. This involves an internalization of the understanding of “Who Am I” in terms of ethnicity.
Identify and explore a pivotal incident in your own life that contributed to your own ethnic identity development.
Part A – Ideas Brainstorm
For this part of the assignment, you will identify and clarify your ideas about an incident that would be appropriate to discuss in the paper.
Share your initial ideas about a critical incident in your own ethnic identity development via a VoiceThread video post. Only share details of the incident you are comfortable sharing. The paper will explore the incident in more detail. The sharing of ideas will stimulate new ideas and help refine ideas.
Respond to your peers (via VoiceThread video comment) with constructive feedback, new ideas, and suggestions that may come from your experience and/or background.
Liberty University Lamar Advertising Industrial and Financial Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Topic: Company Analysis
In your thread, describe the industry conditions, the financial position of the company (relative to the industry and the company as a whole), the economic outlook of the company, and why you as a potential investor would or would not invest in this company. In determining your answer, please be sure to address some of the key financial indicators that helped to determine your decision to invest or not to invest. Please note that while you are giving your opinion, you should avoid using first person.
You are required to submit a thread of at least 300 words in response to the provided prompt for each forum. In addition to the thread, you must reply to at least 2 classmate’s threads. Each reply must be at least 150 words. For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least 2 citations in current APA format. Each reply must cite at least 1 source and include biblical integration. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage may be used for Discussion Board Forum 1 but will only count as 1 source.
Brealey, R. A., Myers, S. C., & Marcus, A. J. (2019). Fundamentals of corporate finance with Connect (10th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill
Ashford University Management Leadership Approaches Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help
Management and Leadership approaches course, Final discussion draft 600-800 words. APA format. Use the sources that I provide. Please elaborate on the answers that I provided and add additional information to help the assignment.
- What has been the most beneficial aspect of this course for you?I enjoyed learning about Human Relation Theories, Contingency Theory of Corporate Planning,the importance of Leadership within an Organization.I also learned how to sharpen up on my writing skills and interact with classmates on discussion board within a timely manner.
- In what ways could this course be modified to make it more effective? I guess more time to do course work and better ways to do research on the material instead of just providing references and articles.
- Which were the three articles that you considered most useful. (These can be from the required readings or articles that you found)·
- Skoko, H. (2013). Systems theory application to risk management in environmental and human health areas. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 14(2), 93-111. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1450019498?accountid=35812
- · Hamann, P. M. (2017). Towards a contingency theory of corporate planning: A systematic literature review. Management Review Quarterly, 67(4), 227-289. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11301-017-0132-4
- .· Harvey, M., Meredith, J. R., Söderlund, J., & Browning, T. (2018). Old theories, new contexts: Extending operations management theories to projects. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(6), 1274-1288. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-06-2018-781
Hillsborough Community College Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
First read short 24 page book (Morton, W. (2012). Everything You Need to Know About Emotional Intelligence & Leadership.) Book is attached in file.
1. Your First Essay Assignment is to write a 5-6 page essay based upon the following questions about the book’s concepts below. You MUST Number each answer to each question before writing the essay response answering it. This helps me to know each question you are answering. :
- What is the author’s definition of emotional intelligence (EI)?Does the author define this concept well?
- Do an internet search for a few articles discussing and defining emotional intelligence.
- Compare Wendy Morton’s E-Book explanation and definition versus your three or more articles’ explanations and definitions of emotional intelligence (EI).
- Explain the author’s description of the relationship between leadership and emotional intelligence (EI).
- Identify and describe at least 3 major points the author makes about the relationship between leadership and emotional intelligence (EI)?
- Read, and reference on your article citation reference page, these articles and compare the similarities and differences, cite each article–at least three—in your essay.
- Specifically write in quotes the definitions each article gives.
- In comparisons, how well does Morton’s definition compare to these other three definitions of emotional intelligence?
- Of the four definitions, which is the best for your understanding of EI?
2. Your Second Essay Assignment is to write a 5-6 page essay based upon the following questions about the book’s concepts below. You MUST Number each answer to each question before writing the essay response answering it. This helps me to know each question you are answering. :
You’ll need to review this book AGAIN to answer the following questions correctly:
- What is the author’s definition of ‘intelligence’?
- Go to Wikipedia and look up ‘Theory of Multiple Intelligences’ by Howard Gardner.
- List and briefly define all of Gardner’s multiple intelligences given to you by Wikipedia.
- Notice that our book’s author only listed a few of Gardner’s intelligences. Which were not listed?
- Which of Gardner’s multiple intelligences apply directly to the concept of emotional intelligence as described in our book’s author?
- There are three theories of EI discussed in this book. Each of these theories and theorists described three approaches to defining and measuring EI: ability-based, trait-based, and mixed-based (mixture of traits and abilities).
- Explain the difference between ability-based, trait-based, and mixed-based approaches to defining and measuring EI?
- Which approach appears to you the make the best approach?
- Which approach appears to you to be most practical in terms of its use in the real world of organization management and the workplace?
- What are the main limitations of emotional intelligence the author describes?
- In terms of author’s description of ‘resonance’ and dissonance’,
- Describe, explain the meaning of these concepts?
- Explain how ‘resonance’ relates to leadership effectiveness.
- Explain how ‘dissonance’ relates to leadership effectiveness..
Week 4 Recent Controversy Over Teen Sexting Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Week 4 Recent Controversy Over Teen Sexting Discussion Writing Assignment Help