Week 5 Professional Long Term Goals and Short Term Goals Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Week 5 Professional Long Term Goals and Short Term Goals Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. Week 5 Professional Long Term Goals and Short Term Goals Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Week 5 Assignment: Professional Long-Term and Short-Term Goals

Formulate at least five “SMART” goals for your nursing education. We recommend starting with two long-term and three short-term goals, however, these need not be how your final submission is organized. Keep in mind, you will be revising or updating these throughout your career.

SMART is an acronym that stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time

Develop at least five professional goals and evaluate progress toward achievement near the time of graduation.

  • The goals need to have a date of completion and must be measurable; you must state briefly how you will attain those goals.
  • Provide at least five SMART professional goals.
  • Detail how you plan to achieve each goal.
  • Include a completion date for each (at minimum the month and year).
  • Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.
  • Upload as an attachment in the assignment area.

Week 5 Professional Long Term Goals and Short Term Goals Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SNHU The Definition of Ethnorelativism Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help

I have finished a draft of my paper, and my professor gave me some feedback to revise, I just need revise my original paper and add some new parts, do not write a new one, thank you.

Feedback from my Professor,

Your reflections are great and you are showing good insight and analysis. I love love your subheadings. They make the paper readable and easy.

The definition of ethnorelativism should have been from an academic source, even our own assigned book. After that you put your own definition. But stating the ‘is used to define’ – is inaccurate. Used to define by whom? you need a citation. Also, you in the Jandt reference, the book title needs to be italicized. Not sure why you italicized a part of it but not all of it.

Reflection: Ethnorelativism and Cultural Competency: While you have defined it according to your understanding of it, ethnorelativism should have been defined with a credible source.
Reflection: Sensitivity Issues: You are showing great cultural sensitivity. Good job.
Sources/Citations: Minor error in citations.
Articulation of Response: Well-written paper with good organization and flow. Good job.


SNHU Perspectives: A Tale of Two Historians Historical Bias Humanities Assignment Help

Perspectives: A Tale of Two Historians

In history, bias is defined as the incorporation of personal assumptions, beliefs, and values into historical writing. Sometimes this bias is conscious, and other times it is unconscious. Reading a bit more about a historian can help you understand their personal assumptions, beliefs, and values. In turn, this can help you understand what biases they might potentially introduce in their writing.

Two major historians, Howard Zinn and Larry Schweikart, have written popular books on American history containing very different historical interpretations of the same events. Explore this interactive resource on Zinn and Schweikart to learn about their different personal assumptions, beliefs, and values that might influence how each historian interprets historical events and might introduce bias into their writing.


A text only version is available: HIS 100 Module One A Tale of Two Historians Text Only Transcript

Perspectives: A Tale of Two Historical Biases

Now that you have learned a bit about Zinn’s and Schweikart’s personal assumptions, beliefs, and values, take a look at how they have written about the same historical events: Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas in 1492. As you read through each excerpt, be sure to consider what biases may be present in their work.

Howard Zinn

Zinn, H. (2010). A people’s history of the United States. New York, NY: Harper Perennial. “To emphasize the heroism of Columbus and his successors as navigators and discoverers, and to de-emphasize their genocide, is not a technical necessity but an ideological choice. It serves—unwittingly—to justify what was done.

My point is not that we must, in telling history, accuse, judge, condemn Columbus in absentia. It is too late for that; it would be a useless scholarly exercise in morality. But the easy acceptance of atrocities as a deplorable but necessary price to pay for progress (Hiroshima and Vietnam, to save Western civilization; Kronstadt and Hungary, to save socialism; nuclear proliferation, to save us all)—that is still with us. One reason these atrocities are still with us is that we have learned to bury them in a mass of other facts, as radioactive wastes are buried in containers in the earth. We have learned to give them exactly the same proportion of attention that teachers and writers often give them in the most respectable of classrooms and textbooks. This learned sense of moral proportion, coming from the apparent objectivity of the scholar, is accepted more easily than when it comes from politicians at press conferences. It is therefore more deadly.” (p. 9)

Larry Schweikart

Schweikart, L., & Allen, M. (2004). A patriot’s history of the United States: From Columbus’s Great Discovery to the war on terror. New York, NY: Sentinel. “The five‐hundred‐year anniversary of Columbus’s discovery was marked by unusual and strident controversy. Rising up to challenge the intrepid voyager’s courage and vision—as well as the establishment of European civilization in the New World—was a crescendo of damnation, which posited that the Genoese navigator was a mass murderer akin to Adolf Hitler.

Even the establishment of European outposts was, according to the revisionist critique, a regrettable development. Although this division of interpretations no doubt confused and dampened many a Columbian festival in 1992, it also elicited a most intriguing historical debate: did the esteemed Admiral of the Ocean Sea kill almost all the Indians? A number of recent scholarly studies have dispelled or at least substantially modified many of the numbers generated by the anti‐Columbus groups, although other new research has actually increased them.” (pp. 7–8)


After reviewing Zinn’s and Schweikart’s personal assumptions, beliefs, and values as well as excerpts from their historical writing, respond to the following questions:

  • What do you believe to be the major distinctions in their personal assumptions, beliefs, and values?
  • What do you believe to be the major distinctions in their interpretations of history?
  • Do you notice any biases? If so, what are they?

Respond to all three questions. Each response should be two to three sentences in length. APA format. At least 2 references.


Development of International Accounting Standards Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


  • Evaluate the reasons business combinations occur and the accounting implications of such transactions.
  • Critique the development of International Accounting Standards and the implications for US corporations.
  • Measure the accounting for foreign currency and its translation.
  • Assess the proper accounting for transactions with respect to deferred taxes and leases using the accounting codification and other accounting research tools.
  • Justify the proper accounting for transactions with respect to accounting changes and error corrections using the accounting codification and other accounting research tools
  • Evaluate the proper accounting for transactions with respect to interim and segment reporting using the accounting codification and other accounting research tools.


Swift Cycles is a publicly held, mid-sized manufacturer, with $40 million dollars in annual revenue. Swift has been producing high-end custom cycles currently in the US for the past ten years. Swift has decided to start operations in various locations in Europe in the next five years. In a recent board meeting, the CEO and CFO faced difficult questioning from outside members of the board regarding the impact that adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards might have on the company. Both officers lack a depth of knowledge on the subject and their preparedness for the changes that may be presented.

The CFO has asked you as the Controller to do some preliminary research about the possible transition from US GAAP principles to IFRS standards. The company is publicly held; therefore, it must follow all reporting requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Prepare an analysis and presentation of the impact that adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards would have on the company’s financial statements and its investors. Also, prepare an analysis and operational plan of how this adoption may be accomplished by the company.


Analysis of Adopting IFRS:

Create an executive summary that analyzes the impact that adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards would have on Swift’s financial statements and its investors. For your analysis, consider that IFRS will be adopted in their current form. Consider the effects on each of the account groupings (such as foreign currency transactions, deferred taxes, and leases in different countries) for each of the financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, change in equity statement, and statement of cash flows). Explain the implications of consolidating reporting to the parent company versus segment reporting over major areas of the company.

Operational Plan:

Within the executive summary, write a proposal that provides an operational plan of how this adoption may be accomplished in the company. Consider the following in your Operational Plan:

  • Resources.
  • What policies and procedures should be modified in order meet IFRS requirements?
  • How the project should be managed.
  • What organizational structures, policies, or procedures should be in place to ensure that the implementation is ethical and compliant with all IFRS requirements?

Presentation to the Executive Board:

For the executive leadership team, create a PowerPoint presentation, 5-10 slides, including slide notes to summarize the essential information regarding the impact of the adoption of IFRS on financial statements and investors of the company, which includes the information from the operational plan. At the end of your executive summary, give your strongest recommendation on the convergence to IFRS.

Use the FASB Codification and IFRS to address all technical accounting issues presented in the questions, being certain to reference the applicable sections of the Codification and IFRS in your report.

Any other sources used to support your responses should similarly be properly documented. You should have other credible sources in addition to the Codification and IFRS.


WK10 Finding and Linking your LinkedIn URL Health Medical Assignment Help

Week 10 Assignment: Final Portfolio Submission

Click here to submit your final Professional Portfolio.

You may submit the final portfolio in one of three ways:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. PowerPoint presentation
  3. MS Word document

Important: Incorporate all feedback from your instructor on each portfolio item. Additionally, consider and revise per peer review suggestions in last week’s discussion.

  • For PowerPoint presentations or Word documents, upload as an attachment here in the assignment area.
  • For LinkedIn submissions, provide the link (review the instructions below or review the “Finding and Linking your LinkedIn URL” PDF document (provided in the link below).
    • Submit the URL link to your LinkedIn profile here to the assignment area for evaluation.
    • To get the URL, you must:
  1. Click the arrow under your picture that says “Me” in the top-right corner of LinkedIn.
  2. Click the blue link that says view profile.
  3. Click edit your public profile on the right side of the screen.
  4. This will show your assigned LinkedIn URL. You may edit it if you like.
  5. It is recommended that you also include this URL on your resume/CV once your profile is complete.
  • Review the rubric for more information on how your portfolio will be graded.
  • I want for this a Power point presentation

    I will submit to you all the papers and you put it all together in a power point



    HIM2588 Rasmussen College Informed Consent for Human Research Health Medical Assignment Help

    You are on a committee that wants to perform a study on diabetic patients. The IRB has given the committee permission to perform the study on human subjects. Prior to the study, you will need to get consent from the subjects that will be a part of the study.

    In preparation for requesting consent from the study participants, complete the following:

    1. Create a consent form that outlines the information required by federal regulations.
    2. Fill out your consent form using fictitious information.
    3. Be sure that your form is free of spelling and grammar errors.

    HIM2588 Rasmussen College Informed Consent for Human Research Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Grantham University Carter’s Hardware Store Marketing Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

    Develop a 3-4 page marketing analysis report for an additional business location using publicly available data. You may choose either a small, locally owned business or a publicly traded business for your analysis.


    Completion of this portfolio work project will help your understanding of how to identify an additional location as part of a market analysis report for business stakeholders, using publicly available data.


    For this assessment, choose either Option A or Option B. You do not need to do both. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide.

    Option A: A local private equity group has asked for your assistance in evaluating a small locally owned business in your community. While you will not directly contact the business, you do need to have a general understanding of the company. Appropriate types of businesses for this market analysis include a hair salon, a family-owned restaurant, a boutique retail shop, a local hardware store, or a similar type of business. The business should have only one or two existing locations. Your focus should be on the primary location of the business if it has multiple locations.

    Option B: The Vice President of Marketing at your publicly traded company has asked you to conduct a market analysis for an additional location for the firm. While you will not directly contact the business, you do need to have a general understanding of the company. Appropriate types of businesses for this market analysis include an aerospace manufacturing firm, an automobile manufacturing firm, a “big box” retailer, or a similar type of business. Your focus should be on the corporate location of the business as the primary location.

    Your Role

    Whether you are analyzing an additional location for a small locally owned business in your community, or you are analyzing an additional location for a publicly traded company, your role as the marketing manager is the same. Focus on the primary location or corporate location in your data analysis.


    Whether selecting Option A or Option B, be sure to interpret each figure and table used and summarize the data results. Include the following in your marketing analysis report using these three topical areas:

    1. Company Description

    • Evaluate the nature of the business, including a description of the general nature of the business, its primary location, and the industry in which it operates. The description must include the North American Industry Classification System [PDF] (NAICS) code and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for the business, and specify if this is primarily a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) company.
    • Evaluate the characteristics of the products or service being marketed.

    2. Industry Analysis and Competitive Outlook

    • Evaluate the competitive environment. What does an industry evaluation suggest about the competitive environment?
    • Evaluate sources of data available for estimating market characteristics and making marketing decisions.
      • What is the estimated market size for the business at its current location? What impact does the population size, average household size, percent of high school degrees or higher, and median household income for the zip code, city, county, and state it is located in have on the selected business?
        • Use at least two different types of figures and two tables to present this data. Consider what the figures and tables convey and summarize the data.
      • What does the demographic and sociographic data say about the current location? What are the characteristics of the location that make it a good location or a poor location in terms of access to customers and availability of labor?
      • What segment(s) does (or should) the business be targeting for customers?
    • Evaluate social media marketing strategies. What social media strategies can be used to reach this market segment and what metrics can be used to evaluate their effectiveness? Analyze metrics to measure the effectiveness of your social media strategy.

    3. Identification of Additional Location

    • What appropriate zip code recommendation would you make for an additional location for your selected business, based upon the known characteristics of the business in its current location? The recommended location should be consistent with the identified market segments and demographic and sociographic characteristics of the current location.

    Deliverable Format


    • Option A or Option B should be 3–4 pages (in addition to the title, reference, and appendix pages).
    • Use at least two different types of figures and two tables to present the data. At least one figure should present data at a single point-in-time, and at least one figure should present data over time. Be sure to correctly label all elements of your figures and tables in your report and appendix.

    Related company standards:

    • The marketing analysis report is a professional document and should therefore following the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (located in MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs.
    • In addition, include the following:
      • Title page.
      • References page. Use at least three scholarly resources, one of which must come from the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, or MIT Sloan Management Review.
      • APA-formatted references.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Apply marketing theories and models to develop marketing strategies.
      • Evaluate the nature of the selected business.
      • Evaluate the characteristics of the product or service being marketed for the selected business.
      • Evaluate the competitive environment for the selected business.
    • Competency 2: Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies and methods.
      • Evaluate social media marketing strategies for the selected business.
    • Competency 3: Use data to support evidence-based marketing decisions.
      • Evaluate sources of data available for estimating market characteristics and making marketing decisions.
    • Competency 4: Analyze the role of technology and social media in effective marketing strategies.
      • Analyze metrics to measure effectiveness of the social media marketing strategy for the selected business.
    • Competency 5: Communicate marketing needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
      • Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.


    Luna Community Project Management SPSS Data Entry and Data Definition Programming Assignment Help

    Assignment 1: SPSS Data Entry and Data Definition

    (You must have successfully installed SPSS on your computer or have access to SPSS via a UNA computer laboratory to complete this assignment.)

    The link highlighted below provides you with instructions for this assignment.

    When you have finished the assignment, you will return here to upload your three files. This assignment is due by September 2, 2018 before 11:00pm (central time). The late submission period ends at 11:00pm on September 4, 2018.

    Homework 1 – Data entry and data definition.pdf


    HIM2588 Rasmussen College Accuracy Reliability and Timeliness of Data Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    Alice, a data entry specialist, has been entering data from traumatic brain and spinal injuries into a specialized database all week. You, the data analyst, decided to check the data Alice has entered and noticed many errors. When you confronted Alice, she thought it was no big deal.

    In a 1-2 page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, answer the following questions:

    1. How would you explain the importance of accurate, reliable, and timely data to Alice?
    2. What specific examples would you give to show how inaccurate and unreliable data could impact healthcare?
    3. What should Alice do to verify that the data she entered is accurate, reliable, and timely?


    New Hampshire Community Technical Human Rights Voices Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Help with writing a five-paragraph argumentative essay comparing and contrasting two famous speeches.Write a five-paragraph argumentative essay that compares and contrasts two speeches by Elie Wiesel and Susan B. Anthony. First, read through the resources “Thesis Statements,” “Body Paragraphs” and “Conclusions” to learn how to construct your essay. Analyze each speech by considering the following: What are the themes or topics of each speech? How are the speeches similar? How are the speeches different

    Begin your essay with a paragraph that introduces what you plan to show in your essay and includes a thesis statement. Be sure that your thesis statement presents a debatable argument rather than simply restating facts about your chosen texts.

    Use the second, third and fourth paragraphs to explain the similarities and differences between the speeches. Use specific examples from the texts to support your points.

    Use the final paragraph to synthesize the information you presented in the previous paragraphs by restating your thesis and succinctly explaining how you have proven your thesis in your paper.

    Proofread your work to correct for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or mechanics before you submit it.

    Both speeches needed will be in the attached documents also along with information on writing argumentative essays.




    Week 5 Professional Long Term Goals and Short Term Goals Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    Week 5 Professional Long Term Goals and Short Term Goals Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

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