Week 5 – TR Methodology Computer Science Assignment Help. Week 5 – TR Methodology Computer Science Assignment Help.
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My assignment
Your paper should be 5 pages maximum and include:
- Research Design: Describe and define the anticipated research approach or strategy to be used and how this approach is appropriate for this research.
- Participants: Describe the anticipated sample population (number, gender, age, socio-economics, etc.) including how you will obtain permission and consent.
- Instrumentation: Describe any instruments you anticipate using to collect data.
- Procedure: Provide detail about how you anticipate conducting the research.
- Data Processing and Analysis: Explain, in detail, how you anticipate processing and analyzing collected data.
- Summary
The paper must follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain scholarly references. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool.
Week 5 – TR Methodology Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
You are to read the excerpt from either Why Nations Fail or The Narrow Corridor (both written by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu) and respond to the following questions: Humanities Assignment Help
POSC 124 Comparative Politics
Homework Assignment
Due: Thursday February 20, 2020
Assignment: You are to read the excerpt from either Why Nations Fail or The Narrow Corridor
(both written by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu) and respond to the following questions:
First, what is the research puzzle (or question) that the authors identify? Second, what is their
answer to their question and what variables are they analyzing to prove or disprove their
hypothesis? Finally, do you agree with their argument, yes or no?
Your response should be roughly three double-space pages. Remember to put your name, course
name, and date on the upper left hand corner (this should not be double spaced). AND staple
your papers. Assignment will be coll
reflection Writing Assignment Help
The reading reflection covers Guha’s 63-124 and the Martinez Alier article. It is due Thursday prior to lecture.
You must discuss these two questions in your reflection:
1. Put Guha (Page 63-124) in dialogue with Martinez Alier to discuss what environmental justice is and how it differs from other kinds of environmentalism.
2. Why, according to Martinez Alier, is it important to consider environmental justice and economic degrowth together?
Before you start doing this assignment I hope you can read the entire assignment requirement and the required text I posted below and follow it to make sure we would not need to revise basic issue later.
The article has an PDF attachment and MAKE SURE to list the exact page number when you reference his words AND try NOT copy but rewrite it in your own words and understanding.
Use one or more of the tips from the “Response paper tips” file under our weekly modules to critically engage with this article. Feel free to bring in your own knowledge base, including what you have learned so far in class, or draw comparisons with the previous readings and lectures.
Critical Commentary for International Political Economy Humanities Assignment Help
For this essay you will compare and contrast International Economic History in the interwar period as well as the postwar period. Please use at these three sources including all the attached readings as well as personal opinions to compare and contrast these topics. This paper should be written formally and provide a critical analysis not just repeat what you read. Please standard APA Style. For this course, students are required to write three critical commentaries. Commentary #2 is due online by 9:10 am on March 3rd. This commentary should explore topics in the readings assigned through March 3rd.
The aim of each paper is comparative inquiry and analysis, not mere description. The emphasis is on reasoning and critical thinking. It is not enough simply to recapitulate what each reading has to say about a given theme. You must compare and contrast what they have to say about a topic of your own choosing. To do this, you must evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the types of analysis and theories presented, and offer some conclusion of your own. Thus, each paper should include the following:
•A clear, persuasive introduction with an explicit thesis statement and a roadmap to tell me where and what you will try to demonstrate in the paper.
•A very brief summary or literature review of the selected readings for the paper, with an emphasis on key arguments, type of analysis and conclusions found in each work. Avoid summarizing details. Stick to the main points.
•A brief summary of the theme to be discussed in your paper. What are the issues involved and why are they important? What do we learn from each paper?
•A comparative inquiry and analysis of what the readings have to say about the theme. What do we learn from these discussions? How does the chosen analysis advance or weaken the key arguments? Which cultural or political perspectives are at play? What remains to be learned?
Important Notes:
•Papers are due online on before the start of class (9:10 am). Late papers will be accepted by email for up to 48 hours, but will receive a deduction for tardiness.
•Each of the three papers should be 5 pages double-spaced with normal 1” margins and 12 pt., Times New Roman font.
•All papers must be in APA style and include in-text citations and a full bibliography.
•In grading your commentaries, I will evaluate the ideas you present, how you link your ideas to course materials and how well the paper is organized and executed. A rubric is available on Canvas for further information.
Strategic Management – 1 Business Finance Assignment Help
No Plagiarism
No Plagiarism
No Plagiarism
Strategic Management of the company ‘X’
Structure of the project
This project aims to study the strategic management of your selected company ‘X’. It includes three main parts:
- Part 1: Assignment 1= Environmental scanning & strategy formulation.
- Part 2: Assignment 2= Strategy implementation.
- Part 3: Assignment 3= Evaluation and control.
- It is a company from your choice;
- From real national or international market;
- It is publicly traded company;
- Produces and commercializes more than one product;
- Sufficient information about the strategies of the company, its functions, structures and product lines are available;
- This company should have at least one partnership with other company (es) (alliances, joint venture, arrangement…).
Description of the company ‘X’
If you face any ambiguity regarding the choice of the corporation, kindly feel free to ask more clarification from your instructor.
Assignment 1: Part 1 of project
Environmental scanning & strategy formulation
Learning outcomes:
1.Understand the basic concepts and terminology used in Strategic Management. (Lo 1.2)
- Identify opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weakness in the operating environment of hypothetical and real-world organizations (Lo 2.9)
- Understand issues related to strategic competitive advantage in organizations (Lo 2.2)
- Identify appropriate strategies for different situations (Lo 3.1).
Assignment Questions (5 Marks)
- Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words).(0.5 mark)
- Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix below. (1 mark)
- Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
- Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)
- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.(0.5 mark)
Assignment Answers:
- Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words).(0.5 mark)
- Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix in the answer sheet. (1 mark)
- Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
- Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)
- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.(0.5 mark)
- Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
- Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)
- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.(0.5 mark)
Option #1: Program Corrections, Lessons Learned, and Vehicle Inventory Program Computer Science Assignment Help
Option #1: Program Corrections, Lessons Learned, and Vehicle Inventory Program
Your portfolio project consists of three components:
- Program corrections
- Lessons learned reflection
- Final program
Assignment Instructions
Program corrections:
- Make appropriate corrections to all the programming assignments submitted as Critical Thinking Assignments from Modules 1-6.
- Submit the programs along with a carefully outlined description of corrections made in order for programs to run correctly.
Lessons learned reflection:
- Create a 2-3 page summary that outlines the lessons learned in this Basic Programming course.
Final program:
Create a final program that meets the requirements outlined below.
- Create an automobile class that will be used by a dealership as a vehicle inventory program. The following attributes should be present in your automobile class:
- private string make
- private string model
- private string color
- private int year
- private int mileage
Your program should have appropriate methods such as:
- constructor
- add a new vehicle
- remove a vehicle
- update vehicle attributes
At the end of your program, it should allow the user to output all vehicle inventory to a text file.
- Your final program submission materials must include your source code and screenshots of the application executing the application and the results.
Assignment Submission Instructions
Zip up the following files and submit in one file:
- Compiled Module 1-6 programs with corrections
- Lessons learned reflection
- Final program course code and application screenshots
Option #1: Program Corrections, Lessons Learned, and Vehicle Inventory Program Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Project Lab Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Make all revisions as suggested when I reviewed your previous lab submission. Do not re-submit your file with the same mistakes as this will affect your score. (See comment)
2. Set the start date of your project to coincide with the start date of the class and switch all your project activities to Auto Schedule (1point).
3. Estimate and enter durations for all your project activities. As you are estimating activity duration, keep in mind the skill level required to perform the task and resource availability. (2points)
4. Add task notes to at least 2 of your project activities to document your estimating techniques. For example, did you use PERT estimate, learning curve, expert judgment, or historical data? Why? (Hint: you can enter and review task notes on the Notes tab in the Task Information dialog box). (4points).
5. Add at least 3 milestones to your project wherever you feel they are most appropriate. (Hint: a milestone is an activity with zero cost and zero duration used in the schedule to indicate significant events reached within the plan or imposed on the plan – e.g., phase 3 complete or Permit received. (4points).
6. Add task relationships to all of your project activities and milestones. If you did not add milestones to your schedule, it is now time to do so. Do not link summary task or work packages – only activities and milestones. However, if a work package has not been decomposed into activities, then it should have a predecessor and a successor. Make sure that all activities have a predecessor, except the first one; and make sure that all activities have a successor, except the last one. (2 points)
7. Add a start-to-start relationship between any 2 pairs of project activities that you think should be planned with a start-to-start relationship (e.g., activities 6 and 7; and activities 15 and 16). Add a Task note to explain why you believe these activities should be done in parallel instead of in sequence. Add a finish-to-finish relationship to two project activities. Add a Task note to explain why you believe these activities should be planned this way. (1point)
8. Add lead time to at least one task relationship. (Hint: in MS Project, a lead time is entered as a negative lag). (1point).
9. Add lag time to at least one task relationship. (1point)
10. Add a constraint to one activity – for any task that has been constrained, add a comment to explain why it is constrained. (1point)
11. Add a deadline reminder to at least one task or milestone. (1point)
12. Display the critical path of your project schedule and make sure that some of your activities have slack time – that is, not all your activities are in the critical path. (1points)
13. Display your project in a Network Diagram view and save it so that it automatically opens in that view (1point)
Write working Outline, Thesis Statement, and 3 Research Questions for a research paper, which is about the existence of different versions of oneself in parallel universe or multiverses Science Assignment Help
The thesis statement should attempt to clearly define your research project’s objective or argument for the reader: what are you examining in your research, and what do you aim to show (or prove to) your reader? The statement length can be that of a short paragraph (about 3-4 sentences). List 3 research questions below the statement.
Your working outline should help to define a clear topic and list potential subtopics, questions, and sources for your research investigation. It can be a detailed outline that includes ideas as bullet points and/or in list-form.
Brief description of the topic:
Different versions of myself may exist in a multiverse. Every choice I make and every step I take in the present universe are opposite to that in a parallel universe. In other words, these countless choices and decisions converge into a great variety of versions of my life in the multiverse. if an individual makes a different decision what he or she will be in another parallel universe. What this person gives up and regrets in this world might become the most important part that motivates other versions of himself or herself living variously.
Revision of the Critical summary of A Party Down at the Square Writing Assignment Help
make revisions to the document “A1667”
Follow the requirements on the document “critical summary”
Only required source:
Ellison, Ralph. “A Party Down at the Square.” ESQUIRE-NEW YORK- 127 (1997): 90-94.
Ramsey, Paul J. “GOD BLESS YOU, MR. VONNEGUT.” Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue 11 (2009).
Use the second source while critiquing to better elaborate a point.
Summary: Your summary should identify what key points or themes the author is attempting to convey in the article. Some of this should be concentrated in the introduction, but should also be spread out through the remainder of the paper. The summary portion should be a brief explanation of a key point or theme using evidence from the article to better explain what the author is attempting to state.
Critique: The critique should be a balanced discussion and evaluation of the strengths, weakness and notable features of the text. Remember to base your discussion on specific criteria. Good reviews also include other sources to support your evaluation (remember to reference). The critical analysis portion of this assignment will be to critique in a negative or positive manner what you believe the author is attempting to state. Remember to stay objective and in third person.
Case Study Descriptions/Questions (MLA style) Writing Assignment Help
You must select one of the following four case studies, each of which is identified with one of four key chapters in the textbook. You will need to create a formal Word document answering the questions thoroughly, in narrative form, and you must use, at a minimum, the textbook and at least one other source (Internet sites are acceptable). The Word document will need to be submitted in Canvas. Although this is not a formal research paper, please include all references and citations within the Word document. Please note that you WILL be graded on proper use of grammar and sentence structure!
NOTE: ALL papers submitted will be evaluated using “TurnItIn.com”. Any papers that are duplicates of other papers in either this or any previous class will receive an automatic zero. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! This should be your own original work and every paper must be unique.
Case 1 – Chapter 8 (FedEx)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- How is FedEx’ operations improved by its location?
- How does FedEx’ location strategy differ from its competitors?
- How has FedEx affected the Memphis, TN area (include positive and negative aspects)?
Case 2 – Chapter 11 (Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- How does this supply chain differ from that in a manufacturing firm?
- What are the constraints on making decisions based on economics alone at the hospital?
- What role do doctors and nurses play in supply chain decisions in a hospital? How is this participation handled at Arnold Palmer Hospital?
- Doctor Smith just returned from the Annual Physician’s Orthopedic Conference, where she saw a new hip joint replacement demonstrated. She decides she wants to start using the replacement joint at Arnold Palmer Hospital. What process will Dr. Smith have to go through at the hospital to introduce this new product into the supply chain for future surgical use?
Case 3 – Chapter 12 (Amazon.com)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- What differentiates Amazon from other large box retailers (e.g., Wal-Mart, Best Buy)?
- What changes is Amazon planning in the future to improve inventory management and distribution?
- Describe Amazon’s global strategy for managing inventory between countries.
Case 4 – Chapter 16 (Toyota Motor Corporation)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- Compare and Contrast the two Lean techniques leveraged by Toyota.
- How does Toyota’s San Antonio plant differ from other manufacturing facilities?
- How has lean manufacturing affected Toyota’s ability to compete in the automotive industry?
- Describe the three components of TPS and their importance.
Choose one or more of the three recommended research methodologies and write a methodology paper on your selected topic.
- The paper must include the reasons and justification for your selected approach using a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed references.
Your paper should be 5 pages maximum and include:
- Research Design: Describe and define the anticipated research approach or strategy to be used and how this approach is appropriate for this research.
- Participants: Describe the anticipated sample population (number, gender, age, socio-economics, etc.) including how you will obtain permission and consent.
- Instrumentation: Describe any instruments you anticipate using to collect data.
- Procedure: Provide detail about how you anticipate conducting the research.
- Data Processing and Analysis: Explain, in detail, how you anticipate processing and analyzing collected data.
- Summary
The paper must follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain scholarly references. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool.
Week 5 – TR Methodology Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
You are to read the excerpt from either Why Nations Fail or The Narrow Corridor (both written by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu) and respond to the following questions: Humanities Assignment Help
POSC 124 Comparative Politics
Homework Assignment
Due: Thursday February 20, 2020
Assignment: You are to read the excerpt from either Why Nations Fail or The Narrow Corridor
(both written by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu) and respond to the following questions:
First, what is the research puzzle (or question) that the authors identify? Second, what is their
answer to their question and what variables are they analyzing to prove or disprove their
hypothesis? Finally, do you agree with their argument, yes or no?
Your response should be roughly three double-space pages. Remember to put your name, course
name, and date on the upper left hand corner (this should not be double spaced). AND staple
your papers. Assignment will be coll
reflection Writing Assignment Help
The reading reflection covers Guha’s 63-124 and the Martinez Alier article. It is due Thursday prior to lecture.
You must discuss these two questions in your reflection:
1. Put Guha (Page 63-124) in dialogue with Martinez Alier to discuss what environmental justice is and how it differs from other kinds of environmentalism.
2. Why, according to Martinez Alier, is it important to consider environmental justice and economic degrowth together?
Before you start doing this assignment I hope you can read the entire assignment requirement and the required text I posted below and follow it to make sure we would not need to revise basic issue later.
The article has an PDF attachment and MAKE SURE to list the exact page number when you reference his words AND try NOT copy but rewrite it in your own words and understanding.
Use one or more of the tips from the “Response paper tips” file under our weekly modules to critically engage with this article. Feel free to bring in your own knowledge base, including what you have learned so far in class, or draw comparisons with the previous readings and lectures.
Critical Commentary for International Political Economy Humanities Assignment Help
For this essay you will compare and contrast International Economic History in the interwar period as well as the postwar period. Please use at these three sources including all the attached readings as well as personal opinions to compare and contrast these topics. This paper should be written formally and provide a critical analysis not just repeat what you read. Please standard APA Style. For this course, students are required to write three critical commentaries. Commentary #2 is due online by 9:10 am on March 3rd. This commentary should explore topics in the readings assigned through March 3rd.
The aim of each paper is comparative inquiry and analysis, not mere description. The emphasis is on reasoning and critical thinking. It is not enough simply to recapitulate what each reading has to say about a given theme. You must compare and contrast what they have to say about a topic of your own choosing. To do this, you must evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the types of analysis and theories presented, and offer some conclusion of your own. Thus, each paper should include the following:
•A clear, persuasive introduction with an explicit thesis statement and a roadmap to tell me where and what you will try to demonstrate in the paper.
•A very brief summary or literature review of the selected readings for the paper, with an emphasis on key arguments, type of analysis and conclusions found in each work. Avoid summarizing details. Stick to the main points.
•A brief summary of the theme to be discussed in your paper. What are the issues involved and why are they important? What do we learn from each paper?
•A comparative inquiry and analysis of what the readings have to say about the theme. What do we learn from these discussions? How does the chosen analysis advance or weaken the key arguments? Which cultural or political perspectives are at play? What remains to be learned?
Important Notes:
•Papers are due online on before the start of class (9:10 am). Late papers will be accepted by email for up to 48 hours, but will receive a deduction for tardiness.
•Each of the three papers should be 5 pages double-spaced with normal 1” margins and 12 pt., Times New Roman font.
•All papers must be in APA style and include in-text citations and a full bibliography.
•In grading your commentaries, I will evaluate the ideas you present, how you link your ideas to course materials and how well the paper is organized and executed. A rubric is available on Canvas for further information.
Strategic Management – 1 Business Finance Assignment Help
No Plagiarism
No Plagiarism
No Plagiarism
Strategic Management of the company ‘X’
Structure of the project
This project aims to study the strategic management of your selected company ‘X’. It includes three main parts:
- Part 1: Assignment 1= Environmental scanning & strategy formulation.
- Part 2: Assignment 2= Strategy implementation.
- Part 3: Assignment 3= Evaluation and control.
- It is a company from your choice;
- From real national or international market;
- It is publicly traded company;
- Produces and commercializes more than one product;
- Sufficient information about the strategies of the company, its functions, structures and product lines are available;
- This company should have at least one partnership with other company (es) (alliances, joint venture, arrangement…).
Description of the company ‘X’
If you face any ambiguity regarding the choice of the corporation, kindly feel free to ask more clarification from your instructor.
Assignment 1: Part 1 of project
Environmental scanning & strategy formulation
Learning outcomes:
1.Understand the basic concepts and terminology used in Strategic Management. (Lo 1.2)
- Identify opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weakness in the operating environment of hypothetical and real-world organizations (Lo 2.9)
- Understand issues related to strategic competitive advantage in organizations (Lo 2.2)
- Identify appropriate strategies for different situations (Lo 3.1).
Assignment Questions (5 Marks)
- Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words).(0.5 mark)
- Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix below. (1 mark)
- Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
- Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)
- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.(0.5 mark)
Assignment Answers:
- Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words).(0.5 mark)
- Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix in the answer sheet. (1 mark)
- Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
- Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)
- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.(0.5 mark)
- Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
- Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)
- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.(0.5 mark)
Option #1: Program Corrections, Lessons Learned, and Vehicle Inventory Program Computer Science Assignment Help
Option #1: Program Corrections, Lessons Learned, and Vehicle Inventory Program
Your portfolio project consists of three components:
- Program corrections
- Lessons learned reflection
- Final program
Assignment Instructions
Program corrections:
- Make appropriate corrections to all the programming assignments submitted as Critical Thinking Assignments from Modules 1-6.
- Submit the programs along with a carefully outlined description of corrections made in order for programs to run correctly.
Lessons learned reflection:
- Create a 2-3 page summary that outlines the lessons learned in this Basic Programming course.
Final program:
Create a final program that meets the requirements outlined below.
- Create an automobile class that will be used by a dealership as a vehicle inventory program. The following attributes should be present in your automobile class:
- private string make
- private string model
- private string color
- private int year
- private int mileage
Your program should have appropriate methods such as:
- constructor
- add a new vehicle
- remove a vehicle
- update vehicle attributes
At the end of your program, it should allow the user to output all vehicle inventory to a text file.
- Your final program submission materials must include your source code and screenshots of the application executing the application and the results.
Assignment Submission Instructions
Zip up the following files and submit in one file:
- Compiled Module 1-6 programs with corrections
- Lessons learned reflection
- Final program course code and application screenshots
Option #1: Program Corrections, Lessons Learned, and Vehicle Inventory Program Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Project Lab Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Make all revisions as suggested when I reviewed your previous lab submission. Do not re-submit your file with the same mistakes as this will affect your score. (See comment)
2. Set the start date of your project to coincide with the start date of the class and switch all your project activities to Auto Schedule (1point).
3. Estimate and enter durations for all your project activities. As you are estimating activity duration, keep in mind the skill level required to perform the task and resource availability. (2points)
4. Add task notes to at least 2 of your project activities to document your estimating techniques. For example, did you use PERT estimate, learning curve, expert judgment, or historical data? Why? (Hint: you can enter and review task notes on the Notes tab in the Task Information dialog box). (4points).
5. Add at least 3 milestones to your project wherever you feel they are most appropriate. (Hint: a milestone is an activity with zero cost and zero duration used in the schedule to indicate significant events reached within the plan or imposed on the plan – e.g., phase 3 complete or Permit received. (4points).
6. Add task relationships to all of your project activities and milestones. If you did not add milestones to your schedule, it is now time to do so. Do not link summary task or work packages – only activities and milestones. However, if a work package has not been decomposed into activities, then it should have a predecessor and a successor. Make sure that all activities have a predecessor, except the first one; and make sure that all activities have a successor, except the last one. (2 points)
7. Add a start-to-start relationship between any 2 pairs of project activities that you think should be planned with a start-to-start relationship (e.g., activities 6 and 7; and activities 15 and 16). Add a Task note to explain why you believe these activities should be done in parallel instead of in sequence. Add a finish-to-finish relationship to two project activities. Add a Task note to explain why you believe these activities should be planned this way. (1point)
8. Add lead time to at least one task relationship. (Hint: in MS Project, a lead time is entered as a negative lag). (1point).
9. Add lag time to at least one task relationship. (1point)
10. Add a constraint to one activity – for any task that has been constrained, add a comment to explain why it is constrained. (1point)
11. Add a deadline reminder to at least one task or milestone. (1point)
12. Display the critical path of your project schedule and make sure that some of your activities have slack time – that is, not all your activities are in the critical path. (1points)
13. Display your project in a Network Diagram view and save it so that it automatically opens in that view (1point)
Write working Outline, Thesis Statement, and 3 Research Questions for a research paper, which is about the existence of different versions of oneself in parallel universe or multiverses Science Assignment Help
The thesis statement should attempt to clearly define your research project’s objective or argument for the reader: what are you examining in your research, and what do you aim to show (or prove to) your reader? The statement length can be that of a short paragraph (about 3-4 sentences). List 3 research questions below the statement.
Your working outline should help to define a clear topic and list potential subtopics, questions, and sources for your research investigation. It can be a detailed outline that includes ideas as bullet points and/or in list-form.
Brief description of the topic:
Different versions of myself may exist in a multiverse. Every choice I make and every step I take in the present universe are opposite to that in a parallel universe. In other words, these countless choices and decisions converge into a great variety of versions of my life in the multiverse. if an individual makes a different decision what he or she will be in another parallel universe. What this person gives up and regrets in this world might become the most important part that motivates other versions of himself or herself living variously.
Revision of the Critical summary of A Party Down at the Square Writing Assignment Help
make revisions to the document “A1667”
Follow the requirements on the document “critical summary”
Only required source:
Ellison, Ralph. “A Party Down at the Square.” ESQUIRE-NEW YORK- 127 (1997): 90-94.
Ramsey, Paul J. “GOD BLESS YOU, MR. VONNEGUT.” Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue 11 (2009).
Use the second source while critiquing to better elaborate a point.
Summary: Your summary should identify what key points or themes the author is attempting to convey in the article. Some of this should be concentrated in the introduction, but should also be spread out through the remainder of the paper. The summary portion should be a brief explanation of a key point or theme using evidence from the article to better explain what the author is attempting to state.
Critique: The critique should be a balanced discussion and evaluation of the strengths, weakness and notable features of the text. Remember to base your discussion on specific criteria. Good reviews also include other sources to support your evaluation (remember to reference). The critical analysis portion of this assignment will be to critique in a negative or positive manner what you believe the author is attempting to state. Remember to stay objective and in third person.
Case Study Descriptions/Questions (MLA style) Writing Assignment Help
You must select one of the following four case studies, each of which is identified with one of four key chapters in the textbook. You will need to create a formal Word document answering the questions thoroughly, in narrative form, and you must use, at a minimum, the textbook and at least one other source (Internet sites are acceptable). The Word document will need to be submitted in Canvas. Although this is not a formal research paper, please include all references and citations within the Word document. Please note that you WILL be graded on proper use of grammar and sentence structure!
NOTE: ALL papers submitted will be evaluated using “TurnItIn.com”. Any papers that are duplicates of other papers in either this or any previous class will receive an automatic zero. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! This should be your own original work and every paper must be unique.
Case 1 – Chapter 8 (FedEx)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- How is FedEx’ operations improved by its location?
- How does FedEx’ location strategy differ from its competitors?
- How has FedEx affected the Memphis, TN area (include positive and negative aspects)?
Case 2 – Chapter 11 (Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- How does this supply chain differ from that in a manufacturing firm?
- What are the constraints on making decisions based on economics alone at the hospital?
- What role do doctors and nurses play in supply chain decisions in a hospital? How is this participation handled at Arnold Palmer Hospital?
- Doctor Smith just returned from the Annual Physician’s Orthopedic Conference, where she saw a new hip joint replacement demonstrated. She decides she wants to start using the replacement joint at Arnold Palmer Hospital. What process will Dr. Smith have to go through at the hospital to introduce this new product into the supply chain for future surgical use?
Case 3 – Chapter 12 (Amazon.com)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- What differentiates Amazon from other large box retailers (e.g., Wal-Mart, Best Buy)?
- What changes is Amazon planning in the future to improve inventory management and distribution?
- Describe Amazon’s global strategy for managing inventory between countries.
Case 4 – Chapter 16 (Toyota Motor Corporation)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- Compare and Contrast the two Lean techniques leveraged by Toyota.
- How does Toyota’s San Antonio plant differ from other manufacturing facilities?
- How has lean manufacturing affected Toyota’s ability to compete in the automotive industry?
- Describe the three components of TPS and their importance.
Choose one or more of the three recommended research methodologies and write a methodology paper on your selected topic.
- The paper must include the reasons and justification for your selected approach using a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed references.
Your paper should be 5 pages maximum and include:
- Research Design: Describe and define the anticipated research approach or strategy to be used and how this approach is appropriate for this research.
- Participants: Describe the anticipated sample population (number, gender, age, socio-economics, etc.) including how you will obtain permission and consent.
- Instrumentation: Describe any instruments you anticipate using to collect data.
- Procedure: Provide detail about how you anticipate conducting the research.
- Data Processing and Analysis: Explain, in detail, how you anticipate processing and analyzing collected data.
- Summary
The paper must follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain scholarly references. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool.
Week 5 – TR Methodology Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
You are to read the excerpt from either Why Nations Fail or The Narrow Corridor (both written by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu) and respond to the following questions: Humanities Assignment Help
POSC 124 Comparative Politics
Homework Assignment
Due: Thursday February 20, 2020
Assignment: You are to read the excerpt from either Why Nations Fail or The Narrow Corridor
(both written by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu) and respond to the following questions:
First, what is the research puzzle (or question) that the authors identify? Second, what is their
answer to their question and what variables are they analyzing to prove or disprove their
hypothesis? Finally, do you agree with their argument, yes or no?
Your response should be roughly three double-space pages. Remember to put your name, course
name, and date on the upper left hand corner (this should not be double spaced). AND staple
your papers. Assignment will be coll
reflection Writing Assignment Help
The reading reflection covers Guha’s 63-124 and the Martinez Alier article. It is due Thursday prior to lecture.
You must discuss these two questions in your reflection:
1. Put Guha (Page 63-124) in dialogue with Martinez Alier to discuss what environmental justice is and how it differs from other kinds of environmentalism.
2. Why, according to Martinez Alier, is it important to consider environmental justice and economic degrowth together?
Before you start doing this assignment I hope you can read the entire assignment requirement and the required text I posted below and follow it to make sure we would not need to revise basic issue later.
The article has an PDF attachment and MAKE SURE to list the exact page number when you reference his words AND try NOT copy but rewrite it in your own words and understanding.
Use one or more of the tips from the “Response paper tips” file under our weekly modules to critically engage with this article. Feel free to bring in your own knowledge base, including what you have learned so far in class, or draw comparisons with the previous readings and lectures.
Critical Commentary for International Political Economy Humanities Assignment Help
For this essay you will compare and contrast International Economic History in the interwar period as well as the postwar period. Please use at these three sources including all the attached readings as well as personal opinions to compare and contrast these topics. This paper should be written formally and provide a critical analysis not just repeat what you read. Please standard APA Style. For this course, students are required to write three critical commentaries. Commentary #2 is due online by 9:10 am on March 3rd. This commentary should explore topics in the readings assigned through March 3rd.
The aim of each paper is comparative inquiry and analysis, not mere description. The emphasis is on reasoning and critical thinking. It is not enough simply to recapitulate what each reading has to say about a given theme. You must compare and contrast what they have to say about a topic of your own choosing. To do this, you must evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the types of analysis and theories presented, and offer some conclusion of your own. Thus, each paper should include the following:
•A clear, persuasive introduction with an explicit thesis statement and a roadmap to tell me where and what you will try to demonstrate in the paper.
•A very brief summary or literature review of the selected readings for the paper, with an emphasis on key arguments, type of analysis and conclusions found in each work. Avoid summarizing details. Stick to the main points.
•A brief summary of the theme to be discussed in your paper. What are the issues involved and why are they important? What do we learn from each paper?
•A comparative inquiry and analysis of what the readings have to say about the theme. What do we learn from these discussions? How does the chosen analysis advance or weaken the key arguments? Which cultural or political perspectives are at play? What remains to be learned?
Important Notes:
•Papers are due online on before the start of class (9:10 am). Late papers will be accepted by email for up to 48 hours, but will receive a deduction for tardiness.
•Each of the three papers should be 5 pages double-spaced with normal 1” margins and 12 pt., Times New Roman font.
•All papers must be in APA style and include in-text citations and a full bibliography.
•In grading your commentaries, I will evaluate the ideas you present, how you link your ideas to course materials and how well the paper is organized and executed. A rubric is available on Canvas for further information.
Strategic Management – 1 Business Finance Assignment Help
No Plagiarism
No Plagiarism
No Plagiarism
Strategic Management of the company ‘X’
Structure of the project
This project aims to study the strategic management of your selected company ‘X’. It includes three main parts:
- Part 1: Assignment 1= Environmental scanning & strategy formulation.
- Part 2: Assignment 2= Strategy implementation.
- Part 3: Assignment 3= Evaluation and control.
- It is a company from your choice;
- From real national or international market;
- It is publicly traded company;
- Produces and commercializes more than one product;
- Sufficient information about the strategies of the company, its functions, structures and product lines are available;
- This company should have at least one partnership with other company (es) (alliances, joint venture, arrangement…).
Description of the company ‘X’
If you face any ambiguity regarding the choice of the corporation, kindly feel free to ask more clarification from your instructor.
Assignment 1: Part 1 of project
Environmental scanning & strategy formulation
Learning outcomes:
1.Understand the basic concepts and terminology used in Strategic Management. (Lo 1.2)
- Identify opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weakness in the operating environment of hypothetical and real-world organizations (Lo 2.9)
- Understand issues related to strategic competitive advantage in organizations (Lo 2.2)
- Identify appropriate strategies for different situations (Lo 3.1).
Assignment Questions (5 Marks)
- Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words).(0.5 mark)
- Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix below. (1 mark)
- Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
- Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)
- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.(0.5 mark)
Assignment Answers:
- Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words).(0.5 mark)
- Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix in the answer sheet. (1 mark)
- Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
- Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)
- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.(0.5 mark)
- Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
- Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)
- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.(0.5 mark)
Option #1: Program Corrections, Lessons Learned, and Vehicle Inventory Program Computer Science Assignment Help
Option #1: Program Corrections, Lessons Learned, and Vehicle Inventory Program
Your portfolio project consists of three components:
- Program corrections
- Lessons learned reflection
- Final program
Assignment Instructions
Program corrections:
- Make appropriate corrections to all the programming assignments submitted as Critical Thinking Assignments from Modules 1-6.
- Submit the programs along with a carefully outlined description of corrections made in order for programs to run correctly.
Lessons learned reflection:
- Create a 2-3 page summary that outlines the lessons learned in this Basic Programming course.
Final program:
Create a final program that meets the requirements outlined below.
- Create an automobile class that will be used by a dealership as a vehicle inventory program. The following attributes should be present in your automobile class:
- private string make
- private string model
- private string color
- private int year
- private int mileage
Your program should have appropriate methods such as:
- constructor
- add a new vehicle
- remove a vehicle
- update vehicle attributes
At the end of your program, it should allow the user to output all vehicle inventory to a text file.
- Your final program submission materials must include your source code and screenshots of the application executing the application and the results.
Assignment Submission Instructions
Zip up the following files and submit in one file:
- Compiled Module 1-6 programs with corrections
- Lessons learned reflection
- Final program course code and application screenshots
Option #1: Program Corrections, Lessons Learned, and Vehicle Inventory Program Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Project Lab Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Make all revisions as suggested when I reviewed your previous lab submission. Do not re-submit your file with the same mistakes as this will affect your score. (See comment)
2. Set the start date of your project to coincide with the start date of the class and switch all your project activities to Auto Schedule (1point).
3. Estimate and enter durations for all your project activities. As you are estimating activity duration, keep in mind the skill level required to perform the task and resource availability. (2points)
4. Add task notes to at least 2 of your project activities to document your estimating techniques. For example, did you use PERT estimate, learning curve, expert judgment, or historical data? Why? (Hint: you can enter and review task notes on the Notes tab in the Task Information dialog box). (4points).
5. Add at least 3 milestones to your project wherever you feel they are most appropriate. (Hint: a milestone is an activity with zero cost and zero duration used in the schedule to indicate significant events reached within the plan or imposed on the plan – e.g., phase 3 complete or Permit received. (4points).
6. Add task relationships to all of your project activities and milestones. If you did not add milestones to your schedule, it is now time to do so. Do not link summary task or work packages – only activities and milestones. However, if a work package has not been decomposed into activities, then it should have a predecessor and a successor. Make sure that all activities have a predecessor, except the first one; and make sure that all activities have a successor, except the last one. (2 points)
7. Add a start-to-start relationship between any 2 pairs of project activities that you think should be planned with a start-to-start relationship (e.g., activities 6 and 7; and activities 15 and 16). Add a Task note to explain why you believe these activities should be done in parallel instead of in sequence. Add a finish-to-finish relationship to two project activities. Add a Task note to explain why you believe these activities should be planned this way. (1point)
8. Add lead time to at least one task relationship. (Hint: in MS Project, a lead time is entered as a negative lag). (1point).
9. Add lag time to at least one task relationship. (1point)
10. Add a constraint to one activity – for any task that has been constrained, add a comment to explain why it is constrained. (1point)
11. Add a deadline reminder to at least one task or milestone. (1point)
12. Display the critical path of your project schedule and make sure that some of your activities have slack time – that is, not all your activities are in the critical path. (1points)
13. Display your project in a Network Diagram view and save it so that it automatically opens in that view (1point)
Write working Outline, Thesis Statement, and 3 Research Questions for a research paper, which is about the existence of different versions of oneself in parallel universe or multiverses Science Assignment Help
The thesis statement should attempt to clearly define your research project’s objective or argument for the reader: what are you examining in your research, and what do you aim to show (or prove to) your reader? The statement length can be that of a short paragraph (about 3-4 sentences). List 3 research questions below the statement.
Your working outline should help to define a clear topic and list potential subtopics, questions, and sources for your research investigation. It can be a detailed outline that includes ideas as bullet points and/or in list-form.
Brief description of the topic:
Different versions of myself may exist in a multiverse. Every choice I make and every step I take in the present universe are opposite to that in a parallel universe. In other words, these countless choices and decisions converge into a great variety of versions of my life in the multiverse. if an individual makes a different decision what he or she will be in another parallel universe. What this person gives up and regrets in this world might become the most important part that motivates other versions of himself or herself living variously.
Revision of the Critical summary of A Party Down at the Square Writing Assignment Help
make revisions to the document “A1667”
Follow the requirements on the document “critical summary”
Only required source:
Ellison, Ralph. “A Party Down at the Square.” ESQUIRE-NEW YORK- 127 (1997): 90-94.
Ramsey, Paul J. “GOD BLESS YOU, MR. VONNEGUT.” Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue 11 (2009).
Use the second source while critiquing to better elaborate a point.
Summary: Your summary should identify what key points or themes the author is attempting to convey in the article. Some of this should be concentrated in the introduction, but should also be spread out through the remainder of the paper. The summary portion should be a brief explanation of a key point or theme using evidence from the article to better explain what the author is attempting to state.
Critique: The critique should be a balanced discussion and evaluation of the strengths, weakness and notable features of the text. Remember to base your discussion on specific criteria. Good reviews also include other sources to support your evaluation (remember to reference). The critical analysis portion of this assignment will be to critique in a negative or positive manner what you believe the author is attempting to state. Remember to stay objective and in third person.
Case Study Descriptions/Questions (MLA style) Writing Assignment Help
You must select one of the following four case studies, each of which is identified with one of four key chapters in the textbook. You will need to create a formal Word document answering the questions thoroughly, in narrative form, and you must use, at a minimum, the textbook and at least one other source (Internet sites are acceptable). The Word document will need to be submitted in Canvas. Although this is not a formal research paper, please include all references and citations within the Word document. Please note that you WILL be graded on proper use of grammar and sentence structure!
NOTE: ALL papers submitted will be evaluated using “TurnItIn.com”. Any papers that are duplicates of other papers in either this or any previous class will receive an automatic zero. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! This should be your own original work and every paper must be unique.
Case 1 – Chapter 8 (FedEx)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- How is FedEx’ operations improved by its location?
- How does FedEx’ location strategy differ from its competitors?
- How has FedEx affected the Memphis, TN area (include positive and negative aspects)?
Case 2 – Chapter 11 (Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- How does this supply chain differ from that in a manufacturing firm?
- What are the constraints on making decisions based on economics alone at the hospital?
- What role do doctors and nurses play in supply chain decisions in a hospital? How is this participation handled at Arnold Palmer Hospital?
- Doctor Smith just returned from the Annual Physician’s Orthopedic Conference, where she saw a new hip joint replacement demonstrated. She decides she wants to start using the replacement joint at Arnold Palmer Hospital. What process will Dr. Smith have to go through at the hospital to introduce this new product into the supply chain for future surgical use?
Case 3 – Chapter 12 (Amazon.com)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- What differentiates Amazon from other large box retailers (e.g., Wal-Mart, Best Buy)?
- What changes is Amazon planning in the future to improve inventory management and distribution?
- Describe Amazon’s global strategy for managing inventory between countries.
Case 4 – Chapter 16 (Toyota Motor Corporation)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- Compare and Contrast the two Lean techniques leveraged by Toyota.
- How does Toyota’s San Antonio plant differ from other manufacturing facilities?
- How has lean manufacturing affected Toyota’s ability to compete in the automotive industry?
- Describe the three components of TPS and their importance.
Choose one or more of the three recommended research methodologies and write a methodology paper on your selected topic.
- The paper must include the reasons and justification for your selected approach using a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed references.
Your paper should be 5 pages maximum and include:
- Research Design: Describe and define the anticipated research approach or strategy to be used and how this approach is appropriate for this research.
- Participants: Describe the anticipated sample population (number, gender, age, socio-economics, etc.) including how you will obtain permission and consent.
- Instrumentation: Describe any instruments you anticipate using to collect data.
- Procedure: Provide detail about how you anticipate conducting the research.
- Data Processing and Analysis: Explain, in detail, how you anticipate processing and analyzing collected data.
- Summary
The paper must follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain scholarly references. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool.