Week 6 SPHE323 Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Week 6 SPHE323 Assignment Writing Assignment Help. Week 6 SPHE323 Assignment Writing Assignment Help.

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For Week 6 you will be developing the off-season and preparatory plans/phases, filling in the details, based on the phase and cycle lengths from Assignment 2 in regards to the

  • specific training variables,
  • workouts, and competitions.
  • These should include the specific cycles involved and the
  • specific training variables within each cycle.
  • Include the specific details on the exercises performed,
    • volume,
    • intensity, and
    • energy systems emphasized, progression, and tests performed.

For this Assignment also present your plan as a chart that can be easily followed by another coach or trainer.

Please use at least 5 outside sources (these can be the same as in Assignment 2) to help you develop this program and the paper will be submitted as one combined single WORD document in APA format.

Be creative and have fun with this project.

Please be sure to include all rules of APA formatting and appropriate scholarly, peer-reviewed references. Your paper should contain at the least:

  1. Title page
  2. APA references/citations
  3. Headers
  4. Pg. #s
  5. A scholarly tone
  6. 2-4 pages (not including title page)
  7. Minimum 5 peer-reviewed references
  8. Charts/Graphs

Week 6 SPHE323 Assignment Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Wk 5 – A Day in Your Brain 12-15 slide powerpoint Writing Assignment Help


Assignment Content

  1. Resource: A Day in Your Brain Signature Assignment RubricAs people go about their day and encounter different situations and experiences, they use various cognitive processes. People often do not recognize that they are using cognitive skills, and do not understand how their brain functioning contributes to their daily life experience. This assignment provides insight into the cognitive processes that your brain goes through on a daily basis.
    Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to showcase “A Day in Your Brain.” Include the following:

    • Outline your typical day, from the time you wake up, until you go to sleep.
    • Identify 8 to 10 situations throughout the day when the following cognitive processes occur:
    • Perception
    • Attention
    • Memory
    • Language
    • Reasoning
    • Decision making
    • Problem solving
    • Explain how the cognitive processes are used in the situation, and how they help you to adapt in your environment.

    Include detailed speaker notes on each slide to use as a transcript of what you would say while presenting.
    Include a minimum of two sources to support your ideas.
    Format any citations within your presentation according to APA guidelines.


week 1 assignment Writing Assignment Help

W1 Assignment

Principles of Finance II

Complete the Business Analysis problems on page 22 of your textbook.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Use at least three references from outside the course material; one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.

Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost or on Google Scholar, government websites and publications, reputable news media (e.g. CNN , The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times) websites and publications, etc. Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.


Scientific Writing Science Assignment Help

No more than 350 words.

Observe physics somewhere in your life outside of the physics classroom. After you have observed physics, you should write two paragraphs.

  • What did you observe? Provide a brief description of the event. What did you see or do? Be specific and clear. Do not ramble.
  • What is the physics? Provide a description of the physics principle that you are observing in action. It is possible that you observed something that demonstrates a physics principle that you are unsure about or do not know how to explain. Make your best effort. It is acceptable to state what you think the principle is and to identify why (specifically) you are unsure. The goal here is to demonstrate thinking.


Constructing a Computer System Programming Assignment Help

In this activity, you will design a computer system for a specific user with a specified budget. To create the computer system, you will need to determine the hardware, software, and peripherals that meet the needs of the specific user. You will make a list of the components and provide an explanation of the function of each. You must support your decision for including each component in the system by describing how it will effectively meet the needs of the user profile you selected.


Use the System Specifications Template (SEE ATTACHMENTS) to complete this assignment. Remember to include links or appropriate citations for the resources you use to support your selections.

Sites such as NewEgg, Micro Center, and Fry’s Electronics provide numerous options to consider when building a computer system. You may find it beneficial to use one of these sites, or you may choose to use other resources.

As you begin to build your computer system, consider the following basic questions and make decisions about items such as the system unit, CD/DVD drive, printer, monitor, speakers, microphone, keyboard, mouse, flash memory card reader, and storage (e.g., hard drive or solid state drive):

  • What input devices will the user need for the system?
  • What output devices will the user need for the system?
  • How important is processing speed?
  • How much memory and storage does the user need?

Choose one user profile from the following list and create a computer system that meets the needs of that specific user.

Family (Budget: $800.00)

The family computer must meet the needs of a variety of users. Family members plan to use it to search the internet, stream videos, create a family budget, and support basic word processing tasks. They expect easy usability, the ability to connect to fast internet, a clear picture, and the ability to print documents they create. In addition to the basic questions listed above, when building the computer system for this user, consider the following:

  • How much RAM would be sufficient?
  • What size hard drive would they need?
  • What type of monitor do they need, and what resolution would you recommend?
  • Connection to the internet is important, so what would you recommend to support the family’s needs?
  • Which peripherals, such as keyboard, mouse, and printer, would you recommend?
  • What email program would you suggest and why?
  • What budgeting programs should they use?
  • What internet browser would you recommend and why?

Remember to explain the function of each component you choose, and support your decision for including it in the system.



Student Reply Post Writing Assignment Help

I need a student reply post for the student’s post attached. The post needs to be a minimum of 100 words but it CAN be more. The reply needs to answer all the questions in full.

Response Post – Minimum 100 words Reply directly to your classmate with a critique of their media relations plans. Answer the following:

• Does the message make sense? Why or why not?

• Is the audience clearly defined and measurable? What other unmentioned audiences may also be interested in the campaign?

• Are the stated goals of the campaign defined, measurable, and realistically attainable? Why or why not? How can they be best measured?

• Does the plan of attack contain effective action items? How achievable are each of these items?


• All questions must be answered in full.

•• Any multimedia elements must be embedded using the embed functions on FSO. Simply pasting the embed code from a video or other element into the Discussion Board will not work.

Do not copy and paste the questions from this document into the Discussion Board. This will be considered an attempt to subvert the word count requirements.

• All information must be properly attributed to the original sources. Hyperlinks must be included where appropriate.

• All posts must be free of any spelling, grammar or style errors.

Student Reply Post Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Discussion/ Assignment wk 1-3 Writing Assignment Help


During the Reconstruction Era, the Southern states created many laws and policies of their own. These “Black Codes” either tried to minimize federal laws and policies or were in retaliation to them.

Suppose you were a former slave during this era, which one of the following restrictions would you find the most offensive?

  1. Restrictions or prohibitions on voting
  2. Restrictions such as those on job, land purchase, and mobility
  3. Inability to serve on juries or accuse a white person in court

Then, in a full paragraph or two:

  • Discuss the immediate and long-term consequences from your chosen restriction.
  • Identify any lessons we can learn today from this restriction and its impact.
  • Identify the source(s) where you read about the restriction.


Black Codes in Mississippi: http://web.mit.edu/21h.102/www/Primarysourcecollections/Reconstruction/Blackcodes.htm

WK 2

America’s Industrial Revolution transformed all sectors of the
economy and changed society. In the text (Chapter 17 p. 310-317), some
of the business practices of the late 1800s and early 1900s are
described. There are pros and cons to these developments. On one hand,
they streamlined costs and made goods and new products available to many
more consumers. But, there were also consequences—some unintended.

Choose one of these two new problems introduced by the American Industrial Revolution.

  1. The development of monopolies instead of a competitive business market.
  2. Unsafe and oppressive work conditions.

Then, in a full paragraph or two:

  • Identify your chosen problem.
  • Discuss a specific example from that period that clearly
    illustrates the chosen problem and a negative consequence of it. What
    did the government do about this—and what should it have done?
  • Identify a similar problem or example that exists in the USA today.
  • Identify the source(s) where you read about the problem.






Each region (North, South, West) of the United States experienced the
era of Industrialization (1865–1920) differently, with different issues
and groups at the forefront.

Choose one of the following groups in the American Industrial Era (1865-1920):

  1. New European immigrants in the east
  2. African Americans in the “new south”
  3. Asian immigrants in the west

Then, in a full paragraph or two:

  • Identify the main challenges facing this group during these industrial years.
  • Describe at least one specific example that illustrates such challenge(s) and how the group dealt with it.
  • Suggest lessons for our own time, such as positive or effective
    ways for some group today to deal with society’s barriers as well as the
    inevitable challenges of economic change.
  • Identify the source(s) where you read about the group and its challenges.







n Assignment 1, we ask you to choose one of

three topic choices listed below on the subject of diversity then use

the Writing Guide located in Blackboard to write a brief paper on the

subject. Each topic explores two different approaches to diversity

during the 60-year period after the Civil War (1865 to 1925). The

dynamic between the two approaches will have a profound impact on our

history then and now.

As you prepare and brainstorm ideas for your paper, first read and
review what our Schultz textbook covers on the subject. Then, consider
the other sources listed with each topic below. It is important that you
review these sources carefully because your paper should use a minimum
of three sources from the list below.

Be sure to review the all help (documents or video)
provided by your instructor. For information on the SWS format, see the
“Strayer Writing Standards” tab on the course menu.

TOPIC CHOICE ONE: Empowering African Americans – Two Strategies

Here you will focus on the approaches of Booker T. Washington and W.
E. B. Du Bois. Other noted names and certainly different organizations
will become part of your inquiry. Washington’s famous 1895 “Atlanta
Compromise” speech (labeled such later by critics) sets the tone. One
might find virtues, problems and successes associated with both
strategies. You might see elements of each in strategies of later
leaders and related issues even today.

Sources: Schultz, p. 340-2, 400-1, 404-5. See http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/39/; and see http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/40.


WK 1

Think about a time when you were part of a staffing process. Describe
the situation using as many details as possible. Then, recommend three
(3) areas in which the staffing process could have been improved.
Justify your answer.

WK 2

  • Name four (4) staffing models or strategies from week 1 reading assignment.
  • Select the two you think would be the most widely used and explain why.

1. Staffing Models- Staffing Quality: Levels

2. Staffing Models- Staffing Quality: Person/Job Match

3. Staffing Models- Staffing Quality: Person/Organization Match

4. Staffing System Components

WK 3

  • Go to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website and select one (1) case from the list. Then, identify the major federal provision that was violated.
  • Recommend at least three (3) actions to avoid making a similar
    violation as hiring manager and provide an explanation as to why those
    actions will work best.


Need Help With Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Week 2 – Assignment

Bright Futures Early Learning Center Monthly Menu

[WLO: 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Standard # 5 in the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards (Links to an external site.) document and the Nutrition standards for CACFP meals and snacks (Links to an external site.).

have received several letters from the parents in your classroom
stating that their children suffer from various food allergies.
Additionally, parents have been sending requests to accommodate cultural
preferences and even children’s likes and dislikes. In the PDF titled
“Parent’s Letter”, you will find letters that parents have written to
you as the teacher requesting dietary accommodations. Read each of the parents’ letters
and create a list of children and their food issues that you can record
in your notes to refer to each month. You will create a monthly menu
(two snacks each day and lunch) to accommodate these requests. Each week
will also include a theme that will include three questions as
conversation topics for your children.

In addition, you will also create the following policies that surround common scenarios in the classroom:

  • A
    policy to address food brought in from the outside (remember that some
    children have food allergies and may be allergic to the food that is
    brought in).
  • A policy to address a parent’s request to bring in birthday treats.
  • A policy to address children who refuse to eat.
  • A
    policy to address the types of modification and requests that are
    acceptable for menu modification (for example; parents might want you to
    adjust your menu based on their child’s likes/dislikes).

You will find a template titled “Bright Futures Early Learning Center Monthly Menu.” Please complete this attached calendar and include your responses to the above questions. You may repeat three complete meals within the month. Use the Nutrition Standards for Children and Adult Care Food Programs (Links to an external site.) to view resources that will help give you ideas for snacks and meals.

In your paper,

  • Include an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Create a classroom roster that incorporates children’s food situation.
  • Develop four policies that address the common food scenarios in the classroom.
  • Complete and include the menu calendar template based on the roster with a theme and three questions for each week.

The Bright Futures Early Learning Center Monthly Menu Paper

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Two journals Humanities Assignment Help

1. Please complete an annotated bibliography for at least:

Please submit your entry as a Word Doc and insert them in the in the google doc “Class Annotated Bibliography” found in the Collaborations section. Please insert your source alphabetically.

An annotation is, basically, an evaluative summary. It is a coming to terms with the author’s project. Accordingly, you need to make sure you cover the following points (though you do not need to answer every question specifically). You might want to take a look at the google doc found in the collaborations section. I posted an example of an annotated bibliography entry that covers everything that is needed. Also, if you would like more info and some examples, explore the following link: Purdue Online Writing Lab: Annotated Bibliographies.

  • summarize the source:
    • What is the topic/subject/problem? What is the author’s project? What are some of the main claims and overall argument?
  • assess the source:
    • What kind of evidence/materials/examples are used? How well does the evidence work to support the author’s argument? What kind of methods, or methodology, is used? Especially in the scholarly articles, you should see a methodology explicitly stated.
    • Are there any specific strengths and weaknesses of the argument?
  • reflect on the source:
    • Will this source be useful to your research, why or why not? If you think the source will be useful, how do you see it working to shape your argument (i.e. how will you integrate it into your argument)? Has this source changed how you think about your topic?

    2. Self Assessment
    This reflective assessment gives you the opportunity to look backward, forward, and inward as you think through your personal history with writing and reading, both in school and out of of school. Select from among the prompts you see below to generate this first document for your final ePortfolio. Requirements: 300 words minimum, multimodal
    Guiding Prompts: You do not need to address all of the following prompts and questions, select those you find useful. -Your Writing Process: Describe the central strategies of your writing process. When and how did you learn them? How have they changed over time and what experiences have been most influential to you? How do you expect to use them in WR39C? Explain and use examples.-You and UCI: How have your experiences in your writing classes at UCI influenced your personal history as a writer in academic contexts? Has the WR39 series of courses influenced your ability to make effective choices about how to approach writing assignments in other classes? Assignments such as lab reports, business memos, blue book exams, short response papers, and any other examples of writing you have been assigned in here at UCI? In other words, have you applied what you learned in the WR 39 series to writing assignments in other classes? Have other classes and assignments influenced your writing process; if so, which ones? Please explain using specific examples. -Your Writing Outside of School: Has the WR39 series of courses influenced the strategies you use when you write or communicate outside of school, perhaps in your communities or in your extra-curricular activities? Are you using the same strategies in different contexts as you consider the demands of different situations, both in school and out? If so, please explain why, and give examples.


RSCH 8310: Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

The Research Questions – Through what mechanisms, does
disability discrimination operate in large, bureaucratic organizations
Also, why are there experiences of Ascriptive inequalities in the workplace?


This entire paper needs to be done APA style

Please label all sections appropriately,

Please put APA style citations in all paragraphs

Please do references APA

This Major Assignment 2 is composed of four parts,
each of which will be completed over four weeks. These parts include: (1)
Introduction, (2) Role of the Researcher, (3) Results, (4) Trustworthiness and

Overview of this Assignment

The purpose of the Major Assignment is to immerse you in the
qualitative research process. The process includes hands-on opportunities for
you to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret qualitative data. This
qualitative research process begins with some items that have already been
identified for you:

  1. The
    research topic for this effort is the meaning of social change for Walden
    graduate students. You have been examining videos and reading about social
    change as part of the course study.
  2. The
    knowledge you have gained plus your reflections on the meaning of social
    change will form the beginning of the inquiry. That is, the research
    question you will explore is “What is the meaning of social change for
    Walden graduate students?”
  3. The
    description of your efforts of gathering, organizing, and analyzing data will
    form the basis of your methods section. And, the results of those
    efforts—the analysis and interpretation of those data—will be summarized.

For this Major Assignment 2:

  • Review
    the “What Kind of Social Change Agent Are You?” webpage and take the
    social change quiz. Consider how this quiz will inform your Assignment.
  • Review
    the expectations of The Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data
    Overview and Guidelines for this Major Assignment 2.
  • Review
    the Yob and Brewer (2015) article related to social change found in this
    week’s Learning Resources and consider how you can prepare yourself for
    social change through your research.
  • Consider
    the research topic of the meaning of social change for Walden graduate
    students as well as the research question for this Major Assignment, “What
    is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate students?”

Part 1: Introduction – for this area must have 2 pages;

You will begin to examine social change from a Walden
graduate student perspective, explore positive social change as a research
problem, and explore the gap in research.

Part 1: Introduction (must have)

  1. Write
    a background statement of approximately 1–2 pages that includes:

    1. What
      you have learned about social change as a social issue.
    2. What
      you have learned about social change as a research problem. Support your
      insights with academic citations from the Learning Resources.
    3. Describe
      the gap that your study will address.
  2. From
    the gap, create a brief purpose statement that is aligned with the
    following research question:

Part 2: Role of the Researcher – Overview

What is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Complete
    the coding for your first Scholars of Change video. You began coding this
    video in previous discussions. Be sure to incorporate feedback and ideas
    from the Discussion 1.
  • Complete
    the coding for your second Scholars of Change video. You will use the same
    process as the first Scholars of Change video you coded. Be sure to
    incorporate feedback and ideas from this week’s Discussion 2.
  • Consider
    your role as a qualitative researcher and begin writing Part 2 of this
    Major Assignment.

This part of the Assignment Requirements

  • Review
    your analytic memos, field notes, etc., written during each aspect of the
    data collection process, and examine your role and experience and how that
    is shaping your experience (reflexivity).
  • Describe
    the roles you are portraying in this research effort (i.e., a graduate
    student, classmate, interviewer, etc.).
  • Identify
    any ethical issues that could or did arise during the data collection
    processes (i.e., these could include doing a study within one’s own work
    environment, conflict of interest, or power differentials).

Role of the Researcher Instructions – (must have)

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Complete
    the coding for your first Scholars of Change video. You began coding this
    video in Week 5. Be sure to incorporate feedback and ideas from the
    Discussion 1.
  • Complete
    the coding for your second Scholars of Change video. You will use the same
    process as the first Scholars of Change video you coded. Be sure to
    incorporate feedback and ideas from this week’s Discussion 2.
  • Consider
    your role as a qualitative researcher and begin writing Part 2 of this
    Major Assignment.

  • Review
    your analytic memos, field notes, etc., written during each aspect of the
    data collection process, and examine your role and experience and how that
    is shaping your experience (reflexivity).
  • Describe
    the roles you are portraying in this research effort (i.e., a graduate
    student, classmate, interviewer, etc.).
  • Identify
    any ethical issues that could or did arise during the data collection
    processes (i.e., these could include doing a study within one’s own work
    environment, conflict of interest, or power differentials).

Part 3: Results – Overview

During this course, you have coded your two Scholars of
Change videos, you have conducted and coded your phone interview, and you have
gathered data from the Walden social change website and any other documents or
websites you might have included.

Part 3 Instructions: Results – (must have)

You will write up the results of your findings. You will
include the following in your write-up:

  1. Data
    Sources—briefly describe each data source including location, duration of
    data collection, how data were recorded, and unusual circumstances.

    • Two
      Scholars of Change videos
    • One
      phone interview
    • Resources
      from the Walden social change website
  2. Instrumentation—briefly
    describe the type of instrumentation you used for your data collection.

  1. Data
    Analysis—based on the data sources in “A.”, provide a detailed analysis to
    include the following:

  • Report
    the process used to move inductively from coded units to larger
    representations including categories and themes.
  • Describe
    the specific codes, categories, and themes that emerged from the data
    using quotations as needed to emphasize their importance.

    1. 1st
      cycle—describe, give examples.
    2. 2nd
      cycle—describe, give examples/moving from codes to categories.
    3. Identify
      themes—provide examples and illustrate your results with a figure or a

Part 4: Trustworthiness and Summary – Overview

The Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data

For this Part finalize your analysis in your Part 3, Results
section, and finalize your presentation of results from the different data
sources. Trustworthiness and Summary section will finalize the last part of
this Assignment 2.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review
    the social change articles found in this week’s Learning Resources.

Part 4 Instructions: Trustworthiness – (must have)

  1. Trustworthiness—summarize
    across the different data sources and respond to the following:

    • What
      themes are in common?
    • What
      sources have different themes?
    • Explain
      the trustworthiness of your findings, in terms of:

      • Credibility
      • Transferability
      • Dependability
      • Confirmability

Part 4 Instructions for Summary – (must have)

  • Based
    on the results of your analyses, how would you answer the question: “What
    is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate students?”
  • Self-Reflection—Has
    your own understanding of you as a positive social change agent changed?
    Explain your reasoning.
  • Based
    on your review of the three articles on social change, which one is
    aligned with your interests regarding social change and why?

Required Media

Note: The approximate length of this media
piece is 10 minutes.

In this media program, Dr. Susan Marcus, Core Research
Faculty with the School of Psychology at Walden University, introduces you to
the world of coding using Word or Excel documents. In this first video, you
will learn how to organize your data.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is
12 minutes.

In this media program, Dr. Susan Marcus, Core Research
Faculty with the School of Psychology at Walden University, introduces coding
and how to move from content to codes. This video focuses on what Saldaña
(2016) calls “first cycle” coding. Three different approaches are presented.
Analytic memos will also be discussed.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is
15 minutes. In this media program, observe the focus group taking place. Think
about how you might plan and conduct a focus group for your research topic.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is
14 minutes.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 8


Yob, I., & Brewer,
P. (n.d.). Working toward the common good: An online university’s perspectives
on social change, 1-25.

Ravitch, S. M., & Carl, N. M. (2016). Qualitative
research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. https://doc-04-2g-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.co…

Chapter 5, “Methods of Data Collection” (pp. 145–183)

Saldaña, J. (2016). The coding manual for qualitative
(3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. http://stevescollection.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/6…

  • Chapter
    1, “An Introduction to Codes and Coding” (pp. 1–42)
  • Chapter
    2, “Writing Analytic Memos About Narrative and Visual Data” (pp. 43–65)

Ravitch, S. M., & Carl, N. M. (2016). Qualitative
research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. https://doc-08-2g-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.co…

  • Chapter
    7, “An Integrative Approach to Data Analysis” (pp. 215–236)
  • Chapter
    8, “Methods and Processes of Data Analysis” (pp. 237–270)

Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative
interviewing: The art of hearing data
(3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Publications. https://doc-00-2g-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.co…

  • Chapter
    12, “Data Analysis in the Responsive Interviewing Model” (pp. 189–211)

The following articles are examples of literature reviews on
the aspects of social change. Choose one of the articles for this week’s
Discussion 2.

Thomas, E. F., McGarty, C., & Mavor, K. I. (2009).
Transforming “apathy into movement”: The role of prosocial emotions in
motivation action for social change. Personality & Social Psychology
Review, 13
(4), 310–333.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Kezar, A. (2014). Higher education change and social
networks: A review of the research. Journal of Higher Education, 85(1),


Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. (2012). What we know and don’t
know about corporate social responsibility: A review and research agenda. Journal
of Management, 38
(4), 932–968.

Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Dickinson, W. B., Leech, N. L., & Zoran, A. G. (2009).
A qualitative framework for collecting and analyzing data in focus group
research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 8(3), 1–21.

Walden University. (2015). Social change. Retrieved from

As you review this website, think about
Walden’s meaning of social change and how this website will guide you as you
consider positive social change for your Major Assignment 2.

Document: Excel Video Coding
Document Template (Excel spreadsheet)

Review this Excel template as you view this week’s media programs. Also, you
will use this template for organizing your transcripts and preparing them for


Week 6 SPHE323 Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Week 6 SPHE323 Assignment Writing Assignment Help

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